Armor and weapons of Russian heroes.docx - Armor and weapons of Russian heroes. Ancient Russian warrior: weapons, armor, equipment and clothing (Photos and pictures) Flashy luxury earned under the blanket

Municipal educational institution
"Secondary school No. 8"
TOPIC: “Armor and weapons of the heroes of the Russian land”
Completed by a 5th grade student
Juraev Arthur

Sirazheva Albina Saitgalievna
Sterlitamak 2017
Chapter I. Who are they, the heroes of the Russian land?.................................5
1 1. Storyteller


1.3.Upbringing and origin
1.4. Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes"
Chapter II. Armor and weapons of the heroes of the Russian land…………..6
2 1. Armor of the Russian hero

3.1. How do classmates and friends imagine the hero?....9

and compared it with the weapons of heroes

A long time ago, in place of cities and villages there were impenetrable forests,
full of animals and birds. Many territories were occupied by marshy swamps.
Since ancient times, Slavs lived on this land. Their neighbors are the Khazars and the Mongols, the Tatars
often attacked the Slavs, devastated the lands, destroyed houses, took them to
captivity of people. Rus' defended itself from enemies. Could live in such conditions
only strong, resilient and brave people. Such people were called
Russians. They were famous for their heroic strength, and stories were written about their exploits.
fairy tales and epics. Heroes, defenders of our Motherland, lived among the Russians
in ancient times. Bogatyrs are people of immeasurable strength, perseverance and courage,

who defended our Motherland from enemies, performed military feats,
stood at the outpost. Military affairs became their main social function. From
various books, literary works and history textbooks I have already
got to know the heroes a little. Bogatyrs are associated in my
consciousness with such concepts as nobility, courage, honor, duty. AND
although the era of heroes has passed, knightly ethics and code of honor have not been lost
its relevance in our age.
For us
still the behavior of the heroes
the standard of patriotism.

research is driven by my
interest in historical
the country's past.
“Bogatyrs” V.M. Vasnetsova, I wanted to know more about the defenders of the Earth
Russian. I began to read fairy tales and epics telling about what it was like
equipment of the heroes, what weapons they fought with. This is how mine happened
complete immersion in the topic.
one day
I want to know with what weapons the heroes defended
Russian lands, what was their equipment
research is as follows:
interest in the question of what kind of weapons and equipment the Russians had
heroes, then we can awaken a sense of belonging to history
of his people.
if you create
I showed scientific interest to the topic “Armor and weapons of Russians
The research paper examines
lies in the fact that the modern generation cannot name, recognize
weapons and equipment of the Russian hero. In one of the exercises
the Russian language was given the task: “The modern artist allowed
errors. What armor and what weapons did the Russian heroes not wear?”
It is difficult for a student to point out a discrepancy without having a theoretical

The novelty of the work lies in the fact that already known information is studied and
is researched at the level of knowledge of students at my school.
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that today the majority
people still don’t know the name of Russian military armor and equipment
hero. Patriotism and citizenship must be cultivated with
himself young age. Sometimes in modern families such questions are not
considered important and deserving of due attention.
The object of the study were fairy tales, epics, documentaries
The subject of the research is the weapons and equipment of heroes
The purpose of my research work is to get acquainted with weapons and
equipment of heroes
Achieving this goal involves solving specific problems:
Get acquainted with samples of military equipment
Present the found examples clearly
Select illustrative material on the topic
Study theoretical information about Russian weapons and equipment
The practical significance of my work is invaluable for teachers and
students. The teacher, having studied my work, will be able to name and recognize weapons
and equipment, talk about the scope of its application. Students,
those who become familiar with my work will be able to learn to recognize weapons,
armor, its purpose. My work will also be useful to those who want to know
history of Russian weapons.
In my work I used the following methods and techniques

the literature on this topic was studied using the method of analysis and synthesis;
comparative and contrastive analysis was applied;

classification and interpretation are given;
search method and comparative analysis method.
by observation, types of weapons were identified and systematized
Russian hero
This work consists of theoretical and practical parts. In
The introduction outlines the goals and objectives of the study. In the theoretical part I
examined the types of weapons and equipment of the Russian hero.
In the practical part, I presented an analysis of information about how
students know the names of the armor and weapons of the Russian hero.
Chapter I. Who are they - the heroes of the Russian land?
The storyteller went from village to village and chanted about
heroic heroes, about their exploits. He talked about how it was: about business
and the victories of the heroes, about how they overcame evil enemies, defended their
land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, kindness.

This is how the epic was composed. Among the Russian people for many centuries word of mouth,
Epic stories about mighty heroes passed from grandfather to grandson. In epics
reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'.
1.2. Epics as a source of knowledge about Russian heroes
My acquaintance with oral folk art started with reading
such epics as “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Finist - Yasny
Falcon", "Nikita Kozhemyaka", "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent".
I became interested in epic works and felt my
involvement in the history of the Russian people. For me a Russian hero
an example to follow.
1.3. Education and origin of heroes.
The limitations of written sources do not allow us to
describe with absolute accuracy the process of educating a Russian hero.
According to legends, heroes heroic outpost were brothers and sisters
stood guard over the borders of Holy Rus'. We read from A.S. Pushkin: “Before
at dawn the brothers go out for a walk in a friendly crowd, gray ducks
shoot. To amuse the right hand, the magpie to rush to the field, or the head with
cut off the broad shoulders of the Tatar, or drive him out of the Pyatigorsk forest
Circassian." The formation of the hero is known mainly from epics and
legends. The main concepts of the code of honor of heroism were Faith,
Word, Deed, Path, Goal, Measure, Faith. This was a kind of code
honor of the Russian hero.
1.4.Picture by V.M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes"
Bogatyrs are powerful, fair, kind, strong,
brave, strong, tall men. In the painting the artist conveyed
features of the historical era in that the heroes had weapons
old type, for example: a sword, a bow with poisonous arrows and a club. Cloth,
for example: chain mail, helmet and boots were also from those times.

When three heroes stick together, they
invincible because everyone has their own
advantages and tricks. Together they are like
an impenetrable and impenetrable wall.
Chapter II. Equipment and weapons of the heroes of the Russian land.
2.1Armor of a Russian hero
According to ancient Russian concepts, combat clothing without a helmet was called
armor. Unlike ordinary person, a warrior needs protective
ammunition that will protect the body from injury on the battlefield. It is not simple
accessory, these are vital items. Reliable armor influenced
also on the enemy’s mood. When the enemy saw good protection, it could
throw him off balance a little.
Shield. Initially shields
made of wood and were very light.
were made
easy to move
With such a shield it was possible
reduced the degree
during the battle, but this
protection, since the tree is far away
was manufactured in full
durable material. Such a shield
growth, and there were holes in it
for eyes. In the 10th century this
the means of defense began to be covered with metal, which made it more
reliable. Such protection could even be used as

Helmet. In the early stages of the formation of Rus', warriors did not use
protective headgear. Later, helmets began to appear that
were made from metal plates and had a cone shape.
Thanks to this shape of the helmet, the head was maximally protected from
blows of the sword, he simply slipped off her. The inside of the helmet was lined with leather,

which softened the blow. Helmet
with chainmail
protected the back of my head
cheeks, neck and shoulders.
Chain mail. Main view
ancient Russian shell of times
The chain mail weighed
Kievan Rus there was chain mail.
about 10 kilograms and consisted
metal rings adjacent to each other. It was invented in IV
V. BC. by the Celts. In Rus', its production was mastered no later than the 10th century.
Making chain mail is a very complex, delicate and long process.
The chain mail was woven from steel rings, sometimes in 2-3 layers. Chainmail
resembled a mesh tunic, hung down to the knees and had slits in the front and
at the back for convenience when riding.

Later, the heroes began to have nagovitsa (iron stockings),
aventail (metal mesh around the neck), bracers (metal gloves).
In Rus', ringed armor and
breast armor made of rings and plates connected together, arranged
like fish scales. Such armor was called bakhterets. Was going to
bahterets from oblong arranged in vertical rows
plates connected by rings on the short sides. Ancient
Russian armor (armor) was made from rectangular convex
metal plates with holes along the edges. In these holes
leather straps were threaded through which the records were tightly pulled together
to each other. From the 11th century, other armor began to appear - scaly.
The plates of such armor were attached to a fabric or leather base with
one side and secured in the center. Lamellar armor, unlike
chain mail, made from metal rings, were called planks,
since their plates resembled convex planks.

2. 2. Weapons of Russian heroes
The sword was the main weapon of warriors - heroes. On
they took an oath with swords, the sword was revered. He was expensive
weapons, they were passed down from father to son.
The sword was worn in a sheath so that it would not rust. Lever
the sword and scabbard were decorated with ornaments and patterns. Is it true
or a fairy tale, but Russian heroes could cut with a sword
in half the enemy along with
Since the 19th century, heroes began
The first sabers of Russian heroes
length, their curvature reached
reached a meter
4.5 cm.
military hunting.
The spear is a universal weapon,
The spear was a steel or steel shaft mounted on a strong shaft.
iron tip. The length of the spear reached 3 meters. Sometimes part
the shaft was forged in metal so that the enemy could not cut the spear.
the tip could reach a length

half a meter
cases and applications of the whole
"sword" on a stick, with
whose help not only
they stabbed, but also chopped.

the weapon of the heroes is the bow and
The most
made from animal horns
or wood. Most often, birch was used for this. There were arrows
wooden, with metal tips. They were kept in a leather quiver,
who hung himself behind his back.
Wielding a bow required special virtuosity. The chronicles describe
the amazing speed with which the archers fired their arrows.
There was even such a saying: “Shoot like making a strand” -
the arrows flew with such frequency that they formed a continuous line. Bow and
arrows were an integral part of allegorical speech: “Like an arrow with
hid the onion."

The most
legendary mace.
from the end

for close combat
big club, end
metal, for
thorns or
blade -
ax handle,
impact weapon it could be considered
The mace looks like wood
from which the chain departs, and on
metal ball with spikes. So
the club served as a distance. This
which was wrapped in a plate of
effect enhancements were added there
common slashing weapon
A large wide ax was called a berdysh. His
iron - it was long and
impaled on a long
which at the lower end had
in Rus' in the 10th century and firmly

positions until the 17th century.
More often

was a short
belt whip with
attached to the end with a ball.
“decorated” with thorns. Flail at
its weight of 250
gram was great light
turned out to be very useful in the most

A deft and sudden blow to the helmet
enemy, and the road is clear. This is where the verb comes from

Chapter III. Practical part.

3.1. How do my classmates and friends imagine the hero?
Warriors in Ancient Rus' were highly revered and respected. What did he look like?
ancient Russian warrior in epics? Bogatyrs are described as large,
stately and broad-shouldered men with a loud voice. Such
warriors have heavy hands with short fingers and slanting fathoms in the shoulders.
The hair of Russian heroes reached to their shoulders, and their eyebrows were very
bushy. The epic warriors were indifferent to food, but loved
sleep. It was believed that it was in their sleep that they gained strength. But in epics and
In legends, the image of the hero was often exaggerated. Pictures in which
the heroes are depicted, showing us simply enormous in size
men. They hold theirs with ease heavy armor and weapons like
as if they were fluff. In reality there are very few such people, but this is not
the fact that in Ancient Rus'
truly brave and strong

armor and
see the heroes.
looked like a Slavic warrior
What clothes did he wear?
life? What were his
I have asked
classmates and friends
image of a hero, display
biographies. In the pictures you

Conclusion: students draw weapons and armor correctly, but there are drawings
which are not true.
3.2.Results of the survey of respondents
I invited students of 56 classes to learn and name weapons and
armor of the heroes depicted in the pictures.
98 students from 56 classes took part in the survey. They were offered



The survey results are as follows:
1. What types of weapons and armor of Russian heroes do you see on
Respondents named 19 types of weapons.
Types of weapons and equipment
Number of those who named
1. Sword
2. Shield
3. Dagger
4. Blade
5. Armor
6. Throwing knives
7. Mace
8. Spear
9. Bulat
10. Club
11. Staff
12. Saber
13. Sledgehammer
14. Hammer
15. Armor
16. Helmet
17. Chainmail
18. Scepter
19. Ax

They call it correctly.
called incorrectly.

1. Whip
2. Staff
3. Spear
4. Whip
5. Bag
6. Flask
7. Crosses
8. Hunting knife
9. Chain mail
Number of respondents %
Conclusions: Students know everything, know the shield and sword and do not name everything correctly
armor and weapons of the hero.
2. What is unnecessary in the pictures?
Respondents named 17 species.
Types of weapons and equipment
Bow and arrows
called correctly.
called incorrectly.

Conclusions: respondents showed ignorance of the armor and weapons of heroes,
the numbers show this
3.3. I researched the catalog of modern Russian weapons
and compared it with the weapons of heroes
I researched a catalog of modern Russian weapons in order to study
kinds modern weapons, which have the names of old Russian
weapons that served as a prototype modern weapons Russian
My results:
3. Rocket R300 “Bulava”
6. SAM "Strela10M"
Conclusion: B Russian army there are samples of weapons and weapons,
which are named after old Russian weapons. Although it is not
performs the functions that it performed previously, however, it does not
forgotten and is the pride of the Russian army today.

The pants of the ancient Russian warrior, which were worn on the battlefield, were called trousers and protected the skin from hard armor. This word is now obsolete. Boots made from a single piece of leather were put on the feet. It happened that the legs were wrapped in scraps of fabric, and a piece of leather was sewn to them as a sole. In fact, there was very little choice of what the ancient Russian warrior wore.

Helmet .

The helmet was made of metal plates and had a cone shape. Thanks to this shape, the head was maximally protected from the blows of the sword; it simply slipped off it. The inside of the helmet was lined with leather, which softened the blow.

Chain mail.

The chain mail weighed about 10 kilograms and consisted of metal rings tightly adjacent to each other. Making chain mail is a very complex, delicate and long process. Leather shirts were also used, onto which metal plates were sewn, this type of protection was called "kuyak".

The shields were made of wood and were very light. With such a shield it was possible to easily move during the battle, but this reduced the degree of protection, since wood is far from the most durable material.

Mace looks like a wooden club, from the end of which there is a chain, and on the chain there is a metal ball with spikes. Also served for close range combat club. This is a large club made of wood, the end of which was wrapped in a metal plate, with spikes or nails added to enhance the effect.

A spear, it was made of wood with an iron, sharpened tip.

Sword was the main weapon of the hero. This is a piercing and chopping weapon in the form of a sharp straight blade with a handle.

The most famous weapon is of course onion And arrows. Bows were made from animal horns or wood. Most often, birch was used for this. The arrows were wooden, with metal tips. They were kept in a leather quiver, which was hung on the back.

1. V. Vasnetsov. "Bogatyrs"

It has long become commonplace that distinctive feature Any professional army has uniform protective equipment and uniforms.

But it was not always so. The warriors of ancient Rus' united military uniform didn't exist. Even in relatively small princely squads, the protective equipment and weapons of warriors were different and were selected based on the capabilities or tastes of specific warriors and the prevailing methods of combat.
Traditionally, Russian warriors used a variety of protective equipment, which was constantly improved, incorporating the best of what was created in both Europe and Asia.


According to ancient Russian concepts, protective equipment without a helmet was called armor. Later, this term began to refer to all the protective equipment of a warrior. The main element of Russian armor for a long time was chain mail. It was used from the 10th to the 17th century.

Chainmail made of metal rings that were riveted or welded together. In the 10th-11th centuries it took the form of a long-skirted shirt with short sleeves. Since the 12th century, the appearance of chain mail has changed; it has long sleeves, and to protect the neck and shoulders - a chain mail mesh aventail. The chain mail weighed 6-12 kilograms. It is curious that when modern craftsmen began to make chain mail, it turned out that they were made quite quickly.

In the XIV-XV centuries, a type of chain mail appeared - canoe, distinguished by the shape of the rings, which were larger than chain mail and flatter. Usually the rings were attached with an overlay. But tenon fastening was also used; in this case, greater strength of the joints was achieved, but their mobility was less. The baidana, which weighed up to 6 kg, reliably protected the warrior from blows from cutting weapons, but could not save him from arrows, darts and other piercing weapons.


Known in Rus' since the 10th century " plate armor", it was made of metal plates fastened together and pushed over each other, which could be of various sizes and shapes, but most often rectangular. The thickness of the plates could reach 3 mm. This type of armor was worn on a thick quilted or leather jacket, or less often on chain mail. From the 11th-12th centuries, plates began to be attached with straps to a leather or fabric base, which made the armor more elastic.

4. Chainmail and plate armor of the 10th-11th centuries

4a. Chain mail. XII-XIII centuries / Artist Vladimir Semenov/

Since the 11th century, Russian warriors began to use “scaly armor.” Scale armor consisted of steel plates with a rounded bottom edge, which were attached to a fabric or leather base and resembled fish scales. During manufacture, the plates were pushed one on top of the other, after which each one was riveted to the base in the center. The hem and sleeves were usually made from larger plates. Compared to plate armor, this type of armor was more elastic and beautiful. Since the 14th century in Russian the term “armor” has been replaced by the term “armor”, and since the 15th century - “ shell».

5. The shell is scaly. XI century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

5a. The shell is lamellar. XIII century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

Since the 13th century, types of protective equipment have appeared in Rus', combining elements of chain mail and armor. The most widespread are kolontar, yushman and kuyak.

Kolontar- armor from the neck to the waist without sleeves, consisting of two halves, fastened on the sides and shoulders of the warrior. Each half consisted of large metal plates, which were held together by small rings or chain mail. A chain mail hem could be attached to it from the belt, going down to the knees.


Yushman- a chainmail shirt with horizontal metal plates woven onto the chest and back, which were usually attached with an allowance to each other. Weighed up to 15 kg, combined the strength of plate armor and the elasticity of chain mail. Its production could take up to 100 plates.

7. Warrior in yushman, on right hand bracers, aventail attached to the helmet.
/ Artist Vladimir Semenov /

Kuyak was made of metal plates, round or rectangular, each individually assembled onto a cloth or leather base.
They were made with or without sleeves and had hems like a caftan. Kuyak could be reinforced on the back and chest with large metal plates. Usually it was worn over chain mail, using it as additional protection.

8. Kuyak. 16th century

Rich warriors wore additional armor - mirror, consisting of large metal plates connected by belts. It was usually made of gilded, polished plates that glittered in the sun, which gave it its name.

9. Warrior in armor with a mirror, 17th century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

The armor of Russian soldiers was supplemented with other elements of equipment. The most important among them was the helmet (shelom) - a metal bell-shaped or sphero-conical headdress with a long top (spire). The top of the helmet was sometimes decorated with a flag - a yalovets. To enhance the protective properties of helmets, they were supplemented with a half mask or nosepiece, which descended from the helmet, covering the nose and upper part of the face.
Often a chain mail mesh was attached to the helmet - aventail, protecting the warrior’s neck and shoulders. From the end of the 12th century, helmets with face masks (a kind of visor) appeared that completely covered the warrior’s face. They were called faces because they usually had the shape of the face of a person or a mythical creature.

10. Helmet with aventail. X century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

11. Helmet with half mask and aventail. XII-XIII centuries

/ Artist Vladimir Semenov /

12. Sheloms. XI-XIII centuries / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

13. Shields / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

The hands of the warriors, dressed in armor with short sleeves, were protected from the elbows to the wrist with bracers. At the hands, the bracers were connected by rectangular plates - wombs, and were attached to the hand with special straps. The warriors' legs were protected with greaves - buturlyks. They were of three main types: of three wide metal plates, connected by rings in such a way that they covered the entire leg from the knee to the heel; of two narrow and one wide plates; from one concave plate that covered only the front part of the leg.

Since the 13th century, chain mail stockings began to be used to protect the legs. At the same time, metal knee pads appeared, but they did not become widespread, as they made it difficult for soldiers to act on foot.

In the 16th-17th centuries, a quilted shell borrowed from nomads appeared in Rus' - Tegiliai. It was a long caftan with short sleeves and a stand-up collar, lined with a thick layer of cotton wool or hemp. It was made of thick paper material, often with metal plates sewn onto it along the chest. Often plates or pieces of metal were sewn between layers of material. Tegilai reliably protected against slashing blows, and was most often used by poor warriors. But tegilyai are also known, covered with brocade, velvet or silk, which made them expensive and very elegant. Even great princes and kings wore such tegilyai.

14. Warrior in tegilai, quilted hat on his head, 16th century

/ Artist Vladimir Semenov /

15. Armor. XIII-XIV centuries / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

16. Chaldar (horse headdress). 16th century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

17. Bakhterets and tarch. 16th century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

18. Archer. XIII century. / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

19. Archer. 16th century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

20. Ceremonial armor. XVII century / Artist Vladimir Semenov /

Developing and improving, these types of military protective equipment existed until the end of the 17th century. In such armor, our ancestors crushed the dog knights on the ice of Lake Peipsi, liberated the Russian land from the Horde yoke, and defended the freedom and independence of the Fatherland.

21. N.S. Prisekin. "Battle of Kulikovo"

What could be more charming than good old England, its neo-Gothic architecture, strict etiquette, maritime grandeur and the inner vicissitudes of passions that Shakespeare described to us? But what do we know about the true way of life of the British?


During the Victorian era, drug use, mainly opiates and cocaine, was very common. Due to strict anti-alcohol laws, alcohol was expensive, and most people preferred to buy opium. It was a universal remedy: a way to relax or escape reality; girls used it to beauty their hair; doctors prescribed drugs to sick adults and even children due to a lack of understanding of the danger.

All segments of the English population suffered from opium addiction. The poor preferred opium due to its easy availability and low cost, while the upper class used it to calm their nerves. Most often these were society ladies who were prescribed opium tinctures for nervousness, hysteria, painful menstruation and any ailments.

In London one could often find so-called “clubs” where aristocrats loved to smoke opium pipes. These were dens where stoned socialite bohemians could lie on the floor with street prostitutes. A similar picture is vividly described in Oscar Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. These were also respectable establishments, enveloped in chic, where they took the design of the opium pipe seriously; it was a little longer than usual and was always painted with some interesting ornament, so that it was pleasant to hold in your hands, as this enhanced the sensations.

The government did not seek to solve this problem, because alcohol was considered a great evil at that time. In addition, during the prosperity of the East India Company, tons of opium were sent to China. The country became very addicted to this type of drug, which led to the famous Opium Wars. Emperor Daoguang ordered the entrance to trade with foreigners to be completely closed. The reason for this was that up to 60% of the people around the emperor used opium.

Only at the beginning of the 20th century did the authorities pay attention to drug addiction and subsequently the International Opium Convention was signed, uniting thirteen countries in the fight against this problem.


Let's remember Patrick Suskand's novel “Perfume. The story of a murderer." Approximately the same epithets can be used to recreate the atmosphere of the 19th century that reigned in England: provincials came to London and complained that the stables smelled even more pleasant. Problems with cemeteries, or “lit cesspools” as they were called, seemed trivial compared to the lack of sewerage. If citizens did not store the contents of the pots in the basement, they poured it out the windows onto the streets. Although the enterprising English managed to find a benefit in this: they sold the waste to farmers for manure, but there was so much of it that they did not have time to buy it. Prayers were answered, and flush toilets appeared by the mid-19th century. True, this also caused a lot of trouble: people in the Victorian era were so shy that they could for a long time sit in the restrooms until the voices outside the door did not stop, because the sound of the flush was very loud, and the bathroom was located next to the living room.


They fought prostitution in England in an interesting way. For a long time the government did not pay attention to courtesans and only problems with venereal diseases became the impetus for action.

The newly introduced Contagious Diseases Act stated that prostitutes could be subject to medical examination in all ports, at any time. If the doctor found syphilis in them, then they could be sent to a venereal hospital for 9 months, and if the woman refused, she would appear in court and pay a fine. And everything seems to be fine, after such a law everything should have gotten better, but retorts in the Chamber led to new questions: why not improve the standard of living of girls and provide them with jobs; officers who did not dare to be examined were considered carriers of disease, and why not allow soldiers to get married and allocate funds for their provision? It would be much more effective.

It got to the point where they would take a girl down the street for an examination, and some feminist activist would shove a leaflet at her and ask if the procedure would be carried out with her consent. And she might not even know where she was being taken, and might not be a prostitute at all.

But the most serious problem was the issue of child prostitution. Back then they didn’t know who to consider a child. By law, minors had the right to sell their bodies from the age of 12. Pimps got many of these girls into their employ through deception, and the little girl could no longer do anything. Most often, girls were taken from poor families, and their parents were told that she would work as a maid in the house. And many did not think that there was anything suspicious about this, because many did just that.

Brothel keepers drugged new arrivals with opium, and they woke up the next morning in blood, pain and tears. But in such situations there will always be the right words, such as, for example, the fact that if a girl wants to be a lady and live in abundance, then staying is the only way out, because now she is fallen and no one needs her. They were not particularly concerned about their well-being, except that they were sent to an obstetrician, and even there the girls could be injured during the examination.

It took a lot of time and scandals in the press for the government to start seriously thinking about the problem. There were a lot of protests across London due to the inaction of the authorities. Naturally, no one in Parliament wanted to be seen as a child molester, and in 1885 the age of consent was raised from 12 to 16. And the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Act was a triumph.


In the 19th century, smuggling in England was especially developed due to the outbreak of war with France. The stubborn Napoleon could not capture the sea power thanks to its strong fleet. Then he decided to ban all of Europe he had captured from trading relations with the British. This greatly affected European countries, since they were left without English wool, tea, sugar, and their own production without English markets. The smugglers did not miss the opportunity to lend a helping hand and transported goods secretly. This was not difficult: when the goods were delivered to the shore, they were hidden in caves or tunnels and then handed over to the customer. If smugglers ever encountered trouble, it was only in the face of customs officers. But even here they managed to come up with a mechanism for preserving the cargo: they sank the boxes and barrels with contraband and fished them out later. The goods were hidden in barrels for fresh water with a double bottom, under a false deck or under a false ceiling in the cabins. It is interesting that Napoleon himself resorted to the services of smugglers to transport gold from England to pay for his own troops.

Most smuggling was related to wars. Despite the English colonies, from which to the capital British Empire exotic fruits such as pineapples and bananas were imported, and smuggling continued unabated. Bright to that an example is the charismatic Tom Johnston from Lymington. Quite dexterous and resourceful, he quickly agreed to spy on England and convey all the information to Bonaparte. Before he could escape and become an honest smuggler, he was caught by the British and hired to privateer against the French. The insatiable Johnston got into debt and fled back to the French. He became famous for rejecting Napoleon's offer to help him bring the French fleet to the shores of his native England. His bright life, broke off in the 67th year.

But in the 1920s, the government decided to get serious about smugglers. The trick with boxes underwater was no longer so effective. Customs officers learned to tap the cargo, and if the box turned out to contain a “secret,” they mercilessly opened it. By the middle of the 19th century, maritime smuggling in the English Channel was over. Such stubbornness on the part of the authorities was caused by the famously brutal Hawkhurst gang, which successfully operated at the end of the 18th century, and the unpatriotic actions of Tom Johnston.


If we talk about prisons of the 19th century, they said goodbye to dilapidated walls and cramped life. This was a new, completely different example of prison life and, at first glance, even pleasant.

At the same time, debate began about how exactly the prison should be organized, and it was decided that it would be good to turn it into a “monastery” where prisoners would take a “vow of silence.” Otherwise it would be disgraceful if inveterate criminals were to teach young people what not to do. For complete isolation, Pentonville Prison had 520 solitary cells with decent conditions: a window, a hammock and winter heating.

True, the situation was so oppressive that people often went crazy there. How can you not go crazy when they put a mask on you while walking? Hard labor was no better: people spent 8 hours a day doing it simply to wear out their body and moral strength.

The fate of the criminals was no better. The famous women's prison Brixton had its own characteristics: the prisoner went there and for the first four months lived in solitary confinement. Afterwards she went out to the other female prisoners, but still could not talk to them. Behind good behavior women were allowed visits, correspondence with relatives and a small weekly payment for a prosperous life after serving their sentence.

Juvenile offenders were sent to Tothill Fields prison, where they served sentences ranging from a few days to six months. Among them there were many repeat offenders. One could often see a picture of children breaking shop windows or windows, and waiting for the “bobbies” to send them to prison to warm up and have a meager meal...

Department of Education Administration

Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district

Taimyr municipal government educational institution "Dudinskaya high school №7"

Municipal scientific-practical conference research and design work schoolchildren "Golden Feather"


Social and humanitarian section

TOPIC: “Armor and weapons of the heroes of the Russian land”

Completed by a 5th grade student

Shagiakhmetov Timofey


teacher of Russian language and literature

Kozitsyna Tatyana Petrovna

Dudinka 2016


Chapter I. Who are they - the heroes of the Russian land?............................................5

1 1. Storyteller

1.3.Upbringing and origin

1.4. Painting by V.M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes"

Chapter II. Armor and weapons of the heroes of the Russian land…………..6

2 1. Armor of the Russian hero

3.1. How do classmates and friends imagine the hero?....9






A long time ago, in the place of cities and villages there were impenetrable forests full of animals and birds. Many territories were occupied by marshy swamps. Since ancient times, Slavs lived on this land. Their neighbors - the Khazars and the Mongols - the Tatars - often attacked the Slavs, devastated lands, destroyed houses, and took people captive. Rus' defended itself from enemies. Only strong, hardy and brave people could live in such conditions. Such people were called Russians. They were famous for their heroic strength; fairy tales and epics were written about their exploits. Heroes lived among the Russians - defenders of our Motherland in ancient times.. Bogatyrs are people of immeasurable strength, perseverance and courage who defended our Motherland from enemies, performed military feats, and stood at the outpost. Military affairs became their main social function. From various books, literary works and history textbooks, I have already become a little acquainted with the heroes. Bogatyrs are associated in my mind with such concepts as nobility, courage, honor, and duty. And although the era of heroes has passed, knightly ethics and code of honor have not lost their relevance in our century. For us, the behavior of heroes still remains the standard of patriotism.

Choosing a theme my research is driven by my personal interestTo historical past of the country. Having once seen a reproduction of the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov, I wanted to know more about the defenders of the Russian Land. I began to read fairy tales and epics telling about what equipment the heroes had and what weapons they used to fight. This is how I completely immersed myself in the topic.

I want to know What weapons did the heroes use to defend Russian lands, what was their equipment?

Hypothesis The research is as follows: if we create an atmosphere of interest in the question of what the weapons and equipment of the Russian heroes were, then we can awaken a sense of belonging to the history of our people.

I have shown scientific interest in topic "Armor and weapons of Russian heroes."

The research paper examinesproblem, which lies in the fact that the modern generation cannot name or recognize the weapons and equipment of the Russian hero. In one of the exercises in the Russian language, the task was given: “A modern artist has made mistakes. What armor and what weapons did the Russian heroes not wear?” It is difficult for a student to point out a discrepancy without theoretical training.

Novelty The work consists in the fact that already known information is studied and researched at the level of knowledge of the students of my school.

Relevance The research is due to the fact that today most people still do not know the name of the military armor and equipment of the Russian hero.Patriotism and citizenship must be instilled from a very young age. Sometimes in modern families such issues are not considered important and deserve due attention.

Object The research was based on fairy tales, epics, and documentary materials.

Subject of research are the weapons and equipment of heroes

Target my research work - get acquainted with the weapons and equipment of heroes

Achieving a goal involves making a decisionprivate tasks:

Get acquainted with samples of military equipment

Present the found examples clearly

Select illustrative material on the topic

Study theoretical information about the weapons and equipment of Russian heroism

Practical significance my work is invaluable to teachers and students. The teacher, having studied my work, will be able to name and recognize weapons and equipment, and talk about the scope of their application. Students who become familiar with my work will be able to learn to recognize weapons, armor, and their purpose. My work will also be useful to those who want to know the history of Russian weapons.

In my work I used the followingresearch methods and techniques:

The literature on this topic was studied using the method of analysis and synthesis;

Comparative and contrastive analysis was used;

Classification and interpretation are given;

Search method and comparative analysis method.

The types of weapons of the Russian hero were identified and systematized using the observation method

This work consists of theoretical and practical parts. The introduction outlines the goals and objectives of the study. In the theoretical part, I looked at the types of weapons and equipment of the Russian hero.

In the practical part, I presented an analysis of information about how students know the names of the armor and weapons of the Russian hero.

Chapter I. Who are they - the heroes of the Russian land?


The storyteller walked from village to village and chanted about heroic heroes and their exploits. He talked about how it was: about the deeds and victories of the heroes, about how they defeated evil enemies, defended their land, showed their bravery, courage, ingenuity, and kindness.

This is how the epic was composed. Among the Russian people, epic stories about mighty heroes have been passed down from mouth to mouth for many centuries, from grandfather to grandson. The epics reflected the life of the Russian people, which was very difficult in Rus'.

1.2. Epics as a source of knowledge about Russian heroes

My acquaintance with oral folk art began with reading such epics as “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, “Finist - Yasny Falcon”, “Nikita Kozhemyaka”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent”.

I became interested in epic works and felt involved in the history of the Russian people. For me, the Russian hero is an example to follow.

1.3. Education and origin of heroes.

The limitations of written sources do not allow us to describe with absolute accuracy the process of educating a Russian hero. According to legends, the heroes of the heroic outpost were sworn brothers and stood guard over the borders of Holy Rus'. We read from A.S. Pushkin: “Before dawn, the brothers go out in a friendly crowd for a walk, to shoot gray ducks. Amuse your right hand, rush the magpie to the field, or cut off the head from the broad shoulders of a Tatar, or drive the Pyatigorsk Circassian out of the forest.” The formation of the hero is known mainly from epics and legends. The main concepts of the code of honor of heroism were Faith, Word, Deed, Path, Purpose, Measure, Belief. This was a kind of code of honor for the Russian hero.

1.4.Picture by V.M. Vasnetsov "Three heroes"

Bogatyrs are powerful, fair, kind, strong, brave, strong, tall men. In the painting, the artist conveyed the features of the historical era by the fact that the heroes had weapons of the old type, for example: a sword, a bow with poisonous arrows and a club. Clothes, for example: chain mail, helmet and boots, were also from those times.

When three heroes stick together, they are invincible, because each has its own advantages and tricks. Together they are like an impenetrable and impenetrable wall.

Chapter II. Equipment and weapons of the heroes of the Russian land.

2.1Armor of a Russian hero

According to ancient Russian concepts, combat clothing without a helmet was calledarmor. Unlike an ordinary person, a warrior needs protective ammunition that will protect his body from injury on the battlefield. This is not just an accessory, these are vital items. Reliable armor also influenced the enemy’s mood. When the enemy saw a good defense, it could throw him off balance a little.

Shield . Initially, shields were made of wood and were very light.

With such a shield it was possible to easily move during the battle, but this reduced the degree of protection, since wood is far from the most durable material. Such a shield was made in full height, and it had holes for the eyes. In the 10th century, this means of defense began to be covered with metal, which made it more reliable. Such protection could even be used as a weapon.

Helmet. In the early stages of the formation of Rus', warriors did not use protective headdresses. Later, helmets began to appear that were made of metal plates and had a cone shape. Thanks to this shape of the helmet, the head was maximally protected from the blows of the sword; it simply slipped off it. The inside of the helmet was lined with leather, which softened the blow. Metal helmet with chain mailaventail protected the back of the head, cheeks, neck and shoulders.

Chain mail. The main type of ancient Russian armor from the times of Kievan Rus was chain mail.The chain mail weighed about 10 kilograms and consisted of metal rings tightly adjacent to each other.It was invented in the 4th century. BC. by the Celts. In Rus', its production was mastered no later than the 10th century.. Making chain mail is a very complex, delicate and long process. The chain mail was woven from steel rings, sometimes in 2-3 layers. The chain mail resembled a mesh tunic, hung down to the knees and had slits in the front and back for ease of riding.

Later, the heroes began to havenagovitsa (iron stockings) ), aventail (metal mesh around the neck),bracers (metal gloves).

They are becoming widespread in Rus'ringed shell and breast armor made of rings and plates joined together, arranged like fish scales. Such armor was called bakhterets. Bakhterets was assembled from oblong plates arranged in vertical rows, connected by rings on the short sides. Ancient Russiansarmor (armor) made from rectangular convex metal plates with holes along the edges. Leather straps were threaded through these holes, with which the plates were tightly pulled together. From the 11th century, other armor began to appear - scaly. The plates of such armor were attached to a fabric or leather base on one side and secured in the center. Lamellar armor, in contrast to chain mail armor made of metal rings, was called plank armor because its plates resembled convex planks.

2. 2. Weapons of Russian heroes

Sword was the main weapon of warriors - heroes. An oath was taken on swords, the sword was revered. It was an expensive weapon and was passed down from father to son. The sword was worn in a sheath so that it would not rust. The sword handle and scabbard were decorated with ornaments and patterns. True or fairy tale, but Russian heroes could cut an enemy in half along with a horse with a sword.

From the 9th-10th centuries, heroes began to usesaber The first sabers of Russian heroes reached a meter in length, their curvature reached 4.5 cm.

A spear - universal, military-hunting weapon. The spear was a steel or iron tip mounted on a strong shaft. The length of the spear reached 3 meters. Sometimes part of the shaft was forged in metal so that the enemy could not cut the spear. It is interesting that the tip could reach half a meter in length; there were cases of the use of an entire “sword” on a stick, with the help of which they not only stabbed, but also chopped.

The most famous weapon of the warriors is the bow and arrow. Bows were made from animal horns or wood. Most often, birch was used for this. The arrows were wooden, with metal tips. They were kept in a leather quiver, which was hung on the back.

Wielding a bow required special virtuosity. The chronicles describe the amazing speed with which the archers fired their arrows. There was even a saying “Shoot like making a strand” - the arrows flew with such frequency that they formed a solid line. The bow and arrows were an integral part of the allegory of speech: “Like an arrow dropped from a bow.”

The most famous impact weapon can be considered the legendary mace.Mace looks like a wooden club, from the end of which there is a chain, and on the chain there is a metal ball with spikes. The club was also used for close-range combat. This is a large club, the end of which was wrapped in a metal plate, with spikes or nails added to enhance the effect.

A very common cutting weapon was the axe. A large wide ax was called a berdysh. Its blade - iron - was long and mounted on a long axe, which had an iron frame at the lower end.

Flail appeared in Rus' in the 10th century and firmly held its position until the 17th century. More often the weapon was a short belt whip with a ball attached to the end. Sometimes the ball was “decorated” with spikes. The flail, with its mass of 250 grams, was excellent light weapons, which turned out to be very useful in the thick of the battle. A deft and sudden blow to the enemy’s helmet, and the road is clear. This is where the verb “to stun” takes its origins.

Chapter III. Practical part.

3.1. How do my classmates and friends imagine the hero?

Warriors in Ancient Rus' were highly revered and respected. What did the ancient Russian warrior look like in epics? Bogatyrs are described as large, stately and broad-shouldered men with a loud voice. Such warriors have heavy hands with short fingers and slanting fathoms in the shoulders. The hair of Russian heroes reached to their shoulders, and their eyebrows were very bushy. The epic warriors were indifferent to food, but loved to sleep. It was believed that it was in their sleep that they gained strength. But in epics and legends the image of the hero was often exaggerated. The pictures depicting heroes show us simply enormous men. They easily hold their heavy armor and weapons as if they were feathers. In reality, there are very few such people, but this does not exclude the fact that in Ancient Rus' there were for real brave and strong warriors.

What did the Slavic warrior really look like? What clothes did you wear in everyday life? What were his armor and weapons? I asked my classmates and friends to draw an image of a hero and display the facts of their biography. In the pictures you see heroes.

Conclusion: Students draw weapons and armor correctly, but there are drawings that do not correspond to the truth.

3.2.Results of the survey of respondents

I invited students in grades 5-6 to recognize and name the weapons and armor of the heroes depicted in the pictures.

98 students in grades 5-6 took part in the survey. They were offered


1. What types of weapons and armor of Russian heroes do you see in the pictures?

2. What is unnecessary in the pictures?

The survey results are as follows:

    What types of weapons and armor of Russian heroes do you see in the pictures?

Respondents named 19 types of weapons.

Types of weapons and equipment

Number of those who named

    Throwing knives


called correctly.

called incorrectly.

Conclusions: Students know everything, know the shield and sword and do not correctly name all the armor and weapons of the hero.

    What is unnecessary in the pictures?

Respondents named 17 species.

Types of weapons and equipment

Number of those who named



    A spear





    Hunting knife





    Bow and arrows





called correctly.

called incorrectly.

Conclusions: respondents showed ignorance of the armor and weapons of heroes, this is evidenced by the figures

3.3. I researched a catalog of modern Russian weapons

and compared it with the weapons of heroes

I researched the catalog of modern Russian weapons in order to study the types of modern weapons that have the names of old Russian weapons, which served as the prototype of the modern weapons of the Russian army.

My results:



    ROCKET R-300 "MACE"



    SAM "STRELA-10M"



Conclusion: In the Russian army there are samples of weapons and weapons that are named after old Russian weapons. Although it does not perform the functions that it performed previously, it is nevertheless not forgotten and is the pride of the Russian army today.


No one doubts how valiant and brave the warriors of Rus' were. IN historical museums, where war reconstructions are exhibited, we can take a photo of an ancient Russian warrior. Knowledge of history makes us an educated and erudite person, which is very attractive to others. And every patriot is obliged to know the history of his country. In the process of researching the topic “Armor and weapons of Russian heroes,” I felt a sense of involvement in the history of the country. My hypothesis that if we create an atmosphere of interest in the question of what the weapons and equipment of the Russian heroes were, if we evoke a positive emotional attitude towards it, then we can awaken a sense of belonging to the history of our people, was confirmed. My classmates, teachers, and parents joined in my interest in the history of the equipment and weapons of the Russian hero. This way you can maintain ownership. modern man to the history of the country.

List of used literature

1. Epics. Tales of the heroes of the Russian land, Samovar, M., 2010.

2. Danilevsky I.N. Ancient Rus' through the eyes of contemporaries and descendants (XI-XII centuries). Aspect-press, M., 2008

3. Pushkin A.S., The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Heroes, Yabloko, M., 2010.

4. Rua J.J., History of chivalry, Eksmo, M., 2007



7. Eliseev Alexander, Order of Holy Russian Bogatyrs http//

8. Filin N.V. About the historical prototype of Ilya Muromets //

9.Anikin, V.P. /Russian heroic epic - “Enlightenment” M., 2004.

10. Bazanova, V. /Epics volume 1 - “Goslitizdat” Leningrad 2008

11. Tolstoy, L.N. /Epics - “Children’s Literature” M., 2004.

12. “Three heroes” / - NB, “ Fiction", M., 2009.

13. Ryzhova, S., Ryzhov, V. “Historical prototypes of Russian heroes

Bylin" History 2010, No. 5.


V.M. Vasnetsov “Three heroes”

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