Question for a quiz related to the seaport. Sea quiz (senior preschool age). contest. Game "Sea account"

Game - quiz "Sea Voyage"

Educator Pisanova O. V. d / s No. 24 "Space" Surgut

Game - quiz

« Cruise»

Target: repeat and generalize ideas about the professions of people associated with sea ​​element, cause a feeling of joy from a collective game, activate cognitive interest. Create conditions for implementation in creative activity ideas about the world.

Equipment: an exhibition of drawings, the sea, a ship, a pier, costumes for sailors, a giant, Neptune, and other inhabitants of the seas are spatially indicated.

Attributes: binoculars, steering wheel, life buoy, rope.


Leading: Dear guys, we have already been astronauts, firefighters, and today we will become sailors and go travel the seas and oceans. We will take our parents as passengers on our ship. During trips we will test our knowledge, ingenuity, dexterity and try to be kind, courageous, attentive to each other. Now let's check if we are ready to go sailing.

1 task for children: name maritime professions(captain, navigator, boatswain, cook, sailor, diver, hydronaut).

2 task for parents: define ship type (sailboat, steamer, motor ship, nuclear-powered ship).

Leading: Let's choose a ship to sail on and form a team (role distribution).

The leader becomes the captain.

Captain: Ship crew "Brave", get in line!

(The boatswain whistles, the children line up). And now we will determine the route of our navigation. Navigator, what seas can we navigate?

(The navigator unfolds the map and, together with the captain, reads the names seas: Red, Black, White, Yellow.)

Who knows why the sea is called that? (Children and parents answer, choose the sea along which they will travel.)

At the pier they make an announcement about the boarding of passengers - parents:

Attention! Ship from berth 1 "Brave" sets sail on the Black Sea. Be careful when climbing the stairs!

Captain: Let's unmoor, give up, sing a song!

(Children sing a song "Sailors".)

Navigator: In the distance the boat sailed stubbornly.

Behind the stern is a foam trail

There are no shores.

Suddenly the helmsman exclaimed:

A blizzard is growing in front of me!

She rose from the bottom, above the water is already visible!

Captain: where is stranded at such a deep place? Here comes the mountain (Looks through binoculars.) Yes, it's not a mountain, it's fabulous Giant- The giant decided to drink the sea. So indeed, our ship will soon run aground!

Giant: Uff! Now I’ll take a breath - I’ll finish the rest. You're better off! There will be no sea, wake up to walk along the bottom, plant cabbage. What's bad?

Captain: What will happen if the Giant drinks the sea and all the seas disappear?

(Children's answer is drought).

Giant: It's going to rain.

Captain: Where does he get it?

Giant: From clouds.

The captain explains. Clouds over the seas, oceans are born. sun water warms the sea, it evaporates, and the ferry rises into the sky, turns into fog-clouds there. The wind will drive them far, far away, and there they will bring rain, snow, water the earth - streams will run again, rivers will flow.

Giant: To listen to you, the Sun would have evaporated and dried up all the water long ago. And the sea, you see, is not shallow.

Captain: What a dumb giant you are! Rivers flow into the ocean and the sea and give them all the water.

Giant: And who waters the rivers?

Captain: Brooks.

Giant: Ah…now I understand. It turns out like a fairy tale about a white bull. Water from the ocean to the sky, from the sky to land, from land again to the ocean. So without end: the water cycle in nature. Thank you explained. I will not drink the sea. Swim further.

Captain: (looks through binoculars). Look at the waves that are rising! Who knows why there are waves on the sea? (Children's answers - wind from different speed drives water.)

Neptune (appears). But no! It is I who drive them, the king of the seas and oceans Neptune. Well, if you are so smart, guess my riddles.

So that a strong wave cannot move the ship,

We quickly throw the chain overboard, what do we release on it? (Anchor)

They know it's great: it's dangerous to joke with her in the water.

Teeth sharp as a knife, you better not touch it! (Shark)

To see us in the distance, ships, ships.

We will take it in our hands and guide it to the sea. (Binoculars)

Now let's test your ingenuity, solve problems.

What is superfluous? Why?

Fox, seal, lion, wolf...

Jellyfish, seaweed, sea ​​Horse, mintai ...

Shipbuilders, scuba divers, tractor drivers, fishermen...

Navigator, cook, ladder, boatswain ...


There are 5 fish in one tank and none in the other. How many fish are in two aquariums?

The fisherman caught crucian, pike, perch and cuckoo. How many fish did the fisherman catch?

2 dolphins, 3 whales and 4 sharks swim in the sea. How many dolphins swim in the sea.

Who is the smartest?

Children and parents play in"Catch a fish"- they try to put a pencil tied to a thick thread into the bottle.

Who is stronger?

A game for pulling the rope.

Neptune: You guessed the riddles, solved the problems, overcame me. What will surprise you? I will show you the beauty and art of my subjects (clapping hands, Neptune artists appear, they perform dance, songs). Neptune is pleased with them.

Captain: Our guys can also dance, sing, read poetry.

Sailor dance.

Neptune: Well done! I feel good with you, but it's time to get down to business, keep order. There are still people who do not know how to appreciate beauty, kill animals, pollute the seas and oceans. These people do not understand that their life depends on nature. (Children say goodbye to Neptune.)

Captain: And it's time for us to go home. We take the steering wheel right on the course! (Looks through binoculars).

Here is our end trip to the black sea. You and I learned a lot of interesting things, tested our ingenuity, dexterity, knowledge of the sea and maritime professions . We were convinced that without friendship it is impossible to live in the world.

Announcement from the pier:

"Attention attention! Prepare ladders for the first berth. I announce the disembarkation of passengers from the ship "Brave"!


1. The sea has its own laws, the sea has its own habits ...

The sea may be green, with a white crest on a sharp crease,

That without a crest, lead - gray, with small ripples of a goose wave.

That is thoughtful, light blue, just light, and just blue.

Slightly swaying light breeze.

The sea can be blue, and sometimes on daytime watch.

You look overboard - and under you, either the sky, or the sea.

But it also happens to be black, black, rushing about, sloping,

Relentless and rebellious, rising, humpbacked.

2. Have you heard of water? They say it's everywhere!

In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean, and in a faucet.

Like an icicle, it freezes, it crawls into the forest with fog,

It is called a glacier in the mountains, it winds like a silvery ribbon.

Among the tall, slender fir trees, a stream of mudflows collapses.

It boils on your stove, the steam of the kettle hisses,

Dissolves sugar in tea, we do not notice it.

We are used to the fact that water is always our companion!

Without it, we can’t wash, we can’t eat, we can’t drink.

I dare you to report without it we can not live!

Travel always, our companion is water!

3. We are all sailors.

Captains boldly drive, ships across the oceans

It is interesting for them to swim along the blue roads.

Day and night, day and night.

The course is laid accurately, and anchors are dropped

In the oceans and seas, the sea loves the smart, the brave,

If you can prove with deed, mind and courage,

You can become a captain.

We guys love the sea, the seas and the waves.

We are going on patrol, today here, and tomorrow there.

The captain will order strictly, to give the machines full speed.

Hello blue road, our ship is on its way.

Peakless cap and vest, and anchors on ribbons.

There is a large buckle on the belts, the sailor is not given in vain.

Quiz on the marine theme.

1). What ship did Peter 1 call "the little grandfather of the Russian fleet."?
a) ship "Eagle"

b) bot, "Saint Nicholas"
c) archers' boats

d) the boats of Prince Svyatoslav

answer: b) bot, "Saint Nicholas"

2.Which of the ships over for long years Northern war was the king's flagship and favorite ship?
a) "Standard"

b) \"Poltava\"

c) "Ingermanland"



3. Since when did Tsar Peter Alekseevich begin to be called Emperor Peter I?
a) 1696

b) 1703

c) 1709

d) 1721

answer: d) 1721

4. The amusing flotilla of Tsar Peter I made the first voyages along ...

1. White Sea

2. Black Sea

3. Lake Baikal

4. Pleshcheev Lake

Answer: Lake Pleshcheev

5. Which country is the birthplace of submarines?

A) Russia

B) Holland

B) England

D) Sweden

Answer: a) Russia

6. Who owns the idea of ​​the invention of the "secret ship"?

A) Alexander Nevsky

B) Peter 1

IN)peasant Efim Nikonov

D) Admiral F.F. Ushakov

7. Name the first Russian order,established in 1698 by Peter the Great.

answer: a) The first Russian order was the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called,

8. When was the first major naval victory in the history of the Russian fleet won?

A) During the Battle of Chesme (a naval battle on July 5-7, 1770 in the Chesme Bay between the Russian and Turkish fleets).
b) during the Battle of Sinop - the defeat of the Turkish squadron by the Russian Black Sea Fleet on November 18 (30), 1853, under the command of Admiral Nakhimov.
V) In 1714, during the Northern War near Cape Gangut under the command of Peter I

answer:V) In 1714, during the Northern War at Cape Gangut under the command of PeterI

A) Russian writer Goncharov Ivan Aleksandrovich in 1852

B) Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in 1885

C) Anton Pavlovich Chekhov 1895

Answer: A) Russian writer Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich in 1852.

9. Which of the Russian writers participated in the defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean War of 1853-1856?

A) Goncharov Ivan Alexandrovich

B) Leo Tolstoy

B) Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

10. Name the great Russian marine painter, whose museum is located in the city of Feodosia, the author of about 6 thousand paintings, who had an honorary military rank"admiral".

A) Artist Vereshchagin Vasily Vasilyevich.

B) Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich.

C) Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich.

D) Rimsky-Korsakov Nikolai Andreevich.

Answer: B) Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich.

11. Name the great Russian marine painter who graduated from the marine cadet corps who died on the battleship "Petropavlovsk" during Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905

a) Aivazovsky Ivan Konstantinovich.

b) Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov.

c) Artist Vereshchagin Vasily Vasilyevich.

d) Konstantin Mikhailovich Stanyukovich.

Answer: c) The artist Vereshchagin Vasily Vasilyevich.

12. This naval school, founded in 1944, prepares future students of military universities. You can enter it in the fifth grade. It bears the name...

1. Grigory Spiridov

2. Fyodor Ushakov

3. Pavel Nakhimov

Methodical development to the project"Nature is our home - and we are caring residents in it."

"Sea Tale".

Quiz game.


    to form an understanding of ecology and its role in human life,

    to give children an idea that water is very important for all living beings: water is the source of life.

    bring up careful attitude to nature.


Don't wash or drink
Without water,
Leaves won't open
Without water,
Can't live without water
Bird beast and man
And so always
Everyone needs water everywhere!
Where is the most water on earth? (In oceans, rivers, seas, lakes.)
- Not all water is suitable for feeding plants and animals.
(There are two glasses of water on the table: salty and fresh.)
- Guys, this water is from the ocean. Taste it. (Salty.)
- This water is from a spring. (Delicious.)
- Will you drink and wash with water from the ocean? (No.)
“And neither will plants and animals.” To get drunk and wash you need fresh water, not salty, and it must be clean.
- Guys, what kind of water is it talking about:
Water, water,
Wash my face
To make cheeks blush
To make your eyes sparkle
To laugh mouth,
To bite a tooth?
- Of course it's about clean water. You can't wash with dirty water. Fresh water there is not so much on our planet, it must be protected. But as? (Children's answers.)
- Firstly, to use sparingly, not to leave taps open, and secondly, to protect water from pollution. Look at the blue field, the spots on it are pollutants. People often throw various garbage into rivers, streams, lakes, wash cars in them, and a lot of dirt gets into the water from plants and factories. It is necessary to save water, not to throw garbage into the seas, rivers and lakes, not to wash cars in them. We will grow up and learn how to clean the waste of factories and factories. Remove all dirty stains.

Didactic game"FOURTH EXTRA"

What is missing in the picture?

Outdoor game: The sea worries once (children show a pantomime of marine inhabitants)

Performances of marine inhabitants

Uncle Keith - he is the very best:
The most important, the most important
The kindest and greatest
And like the sky is blue.
He floats on the ocean
Surprises everyone with a fountain.

Young Lady Medusa
In lush lace
dancing merrily
On sea waves.
long earrings
They suit her very well.
admire them
The fish are all swimming.

sea ​​urchin

Lives at the bottom of a thorn -
Gloomy Hedgehog-angry.
Clings to pebbles
It feeds on sea grass.


Sea stars
New Year was celebrated.
And coral, like a Christmas tree,
They dressed up together.
Just no toys
In the sea underwater.
And they had branches
Decorate yourself.


Here are the acrobat dolphins
White guys.
They perform in the water circus,
They jump into the hoop, play.
They love to dance waltzes
Sing songs in chorus.

The crab is a famous bully,
It looks a bit like cancer.
Has formidable claws
In noisy fights he is not shy.


Poor Poor Octopus
This morning he was knocked off his feet.
Messed up in a dream
Like threads, all legs.

Sea Horses

red horses
There are also ravens.
Also, guys
There are seahorses.
They don't have horseshoes
No fluffy mane.
Under water, in corals
They swim playfully.

Miracle fish Flounder
It was very flat.
And when I played hide and seek
She pretended to be a candy.

White shark
everyday worries:
Clean your teeth -
hard work.
She has many:
in several rows
A thousand dangerous
sharp teeth,

Riddles about marine life

He is a real circus performer -

Kicks the ball with his nose.

They know both the French and the Finn:

Likes to play... (dolphin)

This fish is an evil predator,

Everyone will be swallowed up.

Showing her teeth, she yawned

And she went to the bottom ... (shark)

A transparent umbrella floats.

"I'll burn it! - threatens. - Do not touch!

She has paws and a belly.

What is her name? (Jellyfish)

He pinches painfully

And he shouts: “I've had enough!

I'm tired. I am not your slave."

Scared the neighbors ... (crab)

Looks so much like a horse

And he lives in the sea too.

That's the fish! Skok yes skok -

Jumping sea ... (horse)

Both on land and in water -

Carries the house with him everywhere.

Traveling without fear

In this house ... (turtle)

Maybe a giant fish

Launch a fountain over the water.

Who is famous for this?

Ocean dweller - ... (whale)

He is huge, thick-skinned,

And it looks like a fish.

A fountain of water flies up -

So welcomes everyone ... (whale)

What kind of cloak tailed, dark

Breaks the waves in the sea?

Carefully! It has a rank.

Electric he ... (slope)

For myself at the bottom of the sea

He builds a house with claws.

Round shell, ten paws.

Guessed? This is ... (crab)

She has such a mouth!

Anyone can fall into it.

Sharp teeth closed

Predatory fish - ... (shark)

What kind of ball floats with spikes,

Quietly flapping its fins?

Just don't take it in your hands.

This ball is ... (hedgehog fish)

Guess what kind of horses

Rushing into the sea from the chase?

I could hide in the algae

Little sea ... (horse)


A fish lived in one very clean river. This fish was not simple, but magical. The tail of the fish shimmered, blue, red, yellow. The fish had many friends: Uncle whale, Jellyfish, Sea urchin, Starfish, Dolphins, Crab, Octopus, Seahorses, Flounder,

Once a ship sailed and spilled oil, and the water became contaminated. All underwater inhabitants thought how and what to do. There were many questions, the fish made an offer, and it was like this: We must sail to another place so that people understand that it is impossible to pollute the seas. Everyone liked this proposal very much and everyone agreed. On the same day, all the inhabitants of the sea decided to swim to another river. All the friends of the fish really missed their home.

One fine morning, people noticed that the fish were disappearing, and then people decided to purify the water. People have installed purification filters in factories. When the fish found out about this, she and her comrades returned to their native sea.


The fish told the fish
She moved her fins:
"To be healthy, smooth,
We will do the exercises.
Clap right, clap left
We are slim like queens!
Let's wag our tail:
One two three four five!
Two jumps, three claps,
Two nods of the head."

The game "Collect the puzzles of the fish"(children collect puzzles from fish).

Craft exhibition.

Summing up the game.





teacher additional education


Smolensk region

Quiz "On the seas and oceans"

Do you know that there are about 27 million tons of gold in the world's oceans? And if you get it, then every person on Earth will receive about 4 kilograms of this metal! I'm sure you can't wait to find out more interesting things. Then the helm in hand and full speed ahead - to explore the expanses of the sea with the help of entertaining quiz in the form of tests. Test your strength!

Questions about the seas

I. On the medieval nautical charts images were often seen big snakes. What do they mean?

Dangerous areas.

Unknown territories.

II. At what degree does it freeze sea ​​water?

0 degrees.

2 degrees.

5 degrees.

III. How many seas are there on the planet?

IV. What kind of sea is actually a lake?

Arabian Sea.

Caspian Sea.

Barencevo sea.

V. What is the dirtiest sea in the world?

Baltic Sea.

Caspian Sea.

Mediterranean Sea.

VI. Which sea has the highest gold content?

In the Baltic Sea.

in the Caspian Sea.

In the North Sea.

VII. Which maximum height sea ​​waves?

About 10 meters.

About 25 meters.

About 40 meters.

VIII. What is the saltiest sea on earth?

Dead Sea.

Red sea.

Black Sea.

IX. What is the name of the coldest sea in the world?

Weddell Sea.

Barencevo sea.

Greenland Sea.

X. Which of these seas has corals?

In red.

in the Caspian.

In the Baltic.

XI. Which sea is considered the deepest?


XII. Which sea is named after the color of the water?


XIII. Which sea has no shores?




XIV. What city was discovered by archaeologists in the Black Sea?


XV. Which sea is the smallest?



Questions about the oceans

I. What is the most water on Earth?

Equal amount of fresh and salty.

II. The oceans - what is it?

All oceans together.

Atlantic and Indian.

Arctic and Pacific.

III. How many oceans are on our planet?

IV. Approximately how many percent of the planet Earth is covered by the surface of the world's oceans?

V. What is the largest ocean in terms of area?



VI. What is the name of the apparatus used to explore the depths of the world's oceans?




VII. Who was the first navigator to study the oceans?

Ferdinand Magellan.

James Cook.

Bernhard Waren.

VIII. What is movement called? large masses ocean water?

IX. What strait connects two seas, two oceans and separates two peninsulas, two continents and two states?



X. What canal connected the two oceans and separated the two continents?



XI. Which ocean is the smallest?




XII. What causes ocean currents?

Storm winds.

Constant winds.

Underwater earthquakes.

XIII. Which of the Europeans first sailed on Indian Ocean?

Vasco da Gama.

Marco Polo.

Christopher Columbus.

XIV. In which ocean is the famous Bermuda Triangle located?

In the Atlantic.

In Indian.

XV. Which ocean is the deepest?



Questions for sailors.

A device that determines the depth of a torpedo or mine is called ...

a) painting;

b) prescription;

c) signature;

d) autograph.

A wooden board that serves as a seat when lifting people to the masts, when cleaning and painting the side of the ship, is ...

a) a gazebo

b) cradle;

c) a bench;

d) lining.

A light, long, high-speed rowboat is called ...

a) a bird

b) a match;

c) gigka;

d) chaise.

The signal calling for a ceasefire (shooting) is ...

c) fraction;

The rolled up part of the sail is called...

a) burden;

b) chilliness;

c) pulp;

d) mud.

An enemy ship or any property captured in a naval battle is ...

a) a trophy

b) surprise;

c) a prize;

d) freebie.

A prearranged meeting of ships in a certain area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sea, ocean is called ...

c) a date

d) rendezvous.

Electrical appliance on lighthouses for filing in foggy weather sound signals called...

a) siren

b) bell ringer;

c) howler;

To row in the opposite direction, to reverse the boat or make a turn, means ...

a) taban;

b) drag;

c) ram;

d) tarzan.

The restructuring of ships from one march formation to another is ...

a) resolution;

b) revolution;

c) the constitution;

d) evolution.


Answers to quiz questions about the seas

I. Unknown territories.

II.-2 degrees.

IV.Caspian Sea.

V. Mediterranean Sea.

VI. In the Baltic Sea.

VII. About 40 meters.

VIII. Red Sea.

IX. Weddell Sea.

X. In Red.

XI. Coral.


XIII. Sargasso.

Oceans Quiz Answers

I. Salty.

II. All oceans together.

III.4 (Atlantic, Indian, Pacific, Arctic, but sometimes also isolated South ocean).

VI. Bathyscaphe.

VII.Fernand Magellan.

VIII. Current.


X. Panama.

XI. Arctic.

XII. Constant winds.



preparatory group

Purpose: To consolidate children's knowledge of the sea and maritime world. Instill an interest in the environment. Bring joy to children.

Expand vocabulary, develop children's speech activity, logical thinking, --- to instill perseverance, the ability to work in a team,

Cultivate friendly relations with adults, each other.

Equipment: large soft cubes, shells, 2 easels, pencils, paper foxes, 2 digital sets, 2 sets split pictures, balloons, 2 scarves.

Event progress:

Educator: Today we have gathered here in order to hold a competition and find out how well you know about the life of the mysterious, extraordinary inhabitants of the sea. Do you want to compete?

I team - Dolphins

II team - Starfish

Quiz tasks:

1. Game: Finish the poem.

When we got off the ladder at the port,

Dad said it well:

“Here you don’t have a puddle in the corridor,

You can’t scoop it out ... ... (Sea)

White cotton wool is floating somewhere ... ... (Foam on the sea)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,

A mustachioed log lies ... .. (Catfish)

Are you not familiar with me?

I live at the bottom of the sea

Head and eight legs - that's all I am ... ... (octopus)

He curled his tail,

His name is ... ... (Seahorse)

Here is the vastness of the ocean

Furrows a mountain with a fountain,

It beats with its tail, the water boils -

It swims important ...... (whale).

2. Draw a clue:

Across the sea-ocean

A living fountain is floating towards us (Kit)

Since the beast has eight legs,

That's right (Octopus).

Mushroom transparent water

Sailed along with the wave (Medusa).

There is a horse that does not plow,

"Igo-go" she will not say,

Silently floating in the water

Hiding in the sea grass, either a fish or an animal.

Who is this? (Sea Horse).

A spider crawls into the sea

Eight legs, a pair of arms.

In the hands of claws, in the eyes of fear (Crab).

3. Relay "Whose team will collect shells faster"

Team players line up one after another. On a signal, a player from each team runs to the shells, takes one, returns to his team, and puts it in the basket. The next player follows him. And so on until all the shells are in the baskets.

4. Which team will say the tongue twister faster and without error:

Wez ship caramel

The ship ran aground

And sailors three weeks

They ate caramel aground.

5. Questions for quiz participants:

What is the name of the largest inhabitant sea ​​depths with a fountain on the back (whale);

That ships are thrown to the bottom so that they are not carried away by the current and waves (anchor);

In which fish do males hatch eggs (U seahorses);

What is the name of marine life with tentacles (Crab);

What structure serves sailors to discover land, brightly illuminating the road with rays of light (Lighthouse);

What is the name of the famous Submarine Captain Nemo;

What kind of cabbage cannot be grown in the garden (Sea);

Name a fish whose nose resembles an ancient weapon (Swordfish);

name main fish seas and oceans (Shark);

Can fish fly (Yes, there are flying fish);

How to find out the age of a fish (By rings and scales);

How the octopus defends itself from enemies (Changes color, releases a liquid that paralyzes the scent of the enemy).

6. Who will quickly collect the whole picture from several parts.

7. The game "Go around the reefs"

The captain is blindfolded and he must lead the team without hitting a single cube (RIF).

8. Problem solving in verse.

The children have cards with numbers and signs on the table, the children solve problems and show the answer.

Five boats were at the pier

The wave shook them merrily.

Three boats were taken by fishermen

To cross the vastness of the river,

How many boats are at the pier

Is the wave still rocking?

The fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats,

Fisherman Roots caught three perches

Rybak Yevsey, four crucians,

How many fish are fishermen

Dragged from the river?

9. Maze "Help the fish get home"

10. Logarithmics: Let's pretend that we are fish.

And now they swam together,

You need to do this by hand:

Together - one, this is breaststroke, (arm circles back and forth)

One, the other is a crawl (jerks with hands)

Swinging on a wave, we float on our backs (turns with inclinations to the right and left)

So twist your hands and,

swim like a dolphin. ("Mill")

Went ashore steep, (walk in place)

Turned their heads

Looked left to right, (turns left and right)

And we went home.

11. Competition "Inflate the balloons"

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