Family of viper snakes (Viperidae). Family: Viperidae = Viper snakes, vipers Snake of the viper family

Vipers are the second largest family of venomous snakes (after the slates) with a perfect venom-tooth apparatus. Representatives of this family are common in the Old and New Worlds - they inhabit Europe, Asia, South and North America, Africa (except Madagascar). However, vipers are absent from the Australian zoogeographical subregion, which is dominated by slate snakes, including the most dangerous species to humans. Currently, the Viperidae family includes 35-40 genera and about 270 species and 4 subfamilies. The two largest of them are pit vipers (Crotalinae - 19 genera and 158 species) and true vipers (Viperinae - about 10 genera and more than 60 species). Pit snakes were often considered as a separate family Crotalidae.

Among viper snakes there are both small and medium-sized, and large species— body length varies from 25 cm to 3.65 m. Many of them have a thick and short body (more slender in pitheads), and a relatively short tail. The head is usually wide and clearly demarcated from the neck; the eyes are small, with a vertical pupil. The temporal parts of the head protrude noticeably to the side due to the poisonous glands located there. The top of the viper's head is covered with small, uniform scales or not correct form scutes, or among small ones (as in shield-headed vipers of the genus Pelias) large scutes of regular shape can be distinguished. The body scales usually have sharp longitudinal ribs. The relatively small number of rows of abdominal scutes is a consequence of the shortened and thickened body of viper snakes.

The color of viper snakes is variable - among desert inhabitants it is sandy-brown with a vague pattern; Many terrestrial forms are characterized by bright contrasting colors, often with a geometric pattern. Tree vipers are colored green or some other color that helps them remain invisible among woody vegetation.

On the maxillary bone there are only 1-2 large poisonous teeth with closed canals (tubular, as opposed to grooved in asps) and, in addition, 3-4 smaller replacement teeth. Small non-venomous teeth are located on the palatine, pterygoid and dentary bones. These teeth help the snake push its prey deeper into its mouth when swallowing. The length of the poisonous teeth of the common viper is 0.5 cm; in some species rattlesnakes- 2.5 cm, and for the Gaboon one and a half meter viper - 3-4 cm. All vipers are poisonous. Their poisons have a hemolytic effect (affect the blood and hematopoietic organs). Bitten animals die from blood incoagulability and numerous hemorrhages during internal organs. For humans, these snakes also pose a great danger, especially such large species as the viper and chain viper (in Asia), as well as Asian and American pit snakes. The most effective method Treatment of poisoning by viper snake venoms should recognize the introduction of special serums that are produced in many countries around the world. The venoms of these snakes are used not only for the production of serums, but also special preparations that are widely used for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Most viper snakes are ovoviviparous, but viviparous ones are also found (a primitive placenta is formed in the common
viper - Vipera berus) and oviparous species.

Pit snakes (Crotalinae) are very similar to pit vipers, but they are slimmer. The name of the subfamily Pit-headed snakes is due to the presence of a pit located between the nostril and the eye, with the most sensitive thermoreceptor.

Vipers, especially Asian copperheads, are widely used in oriental medicine along with slate and colubrid snakes for the preparation of a wide variety of elixirs and tinctures with wide range actions. In addition, the meat of pit vipers (dried or fresh) is used to prepare the most variety of dishes. In fauna former USSR There are 17 species from this family, belonging to two subfamilies and four genera, and on the territory of Russia - 13 species from three genera.

Genus Cottonmouth (Gloydius)

Until recently, Asian cottonmouths were combined into one Asian-American Agkistrodon, which is currently divided into 5 independent genera and the former name remained with the large American species.

Cottonmouth snakes are small and medium-sized snakes, reaching a length of 80 cm. The head is large and wide, clearly separated from the body by a neck interception, covered on top with 9 large scutes, forming a kind of shield (their Russian name is connected with this). The tip of the muzzle is slightly upturned, the pupil of the eye is vertical. Between the nostrils and the eye there is a heat-sensitive pit, characteristic of snakes of the subfamily Crotalinae. Body scales with ribs and two apical pores. The subcaudal scutes are arranged in two rows.

Cottonmouths have paired tubular poisonous teeth located on a very mobile maxillary bone. The bones of the skull are thin, lightweight, which contributes to high degree its kineticism.

The composition of the venom of copperhead snakes is dominated by enzymes characteristic of viper snakes - hemotoxins, which act on the hematopoietic system, causing hemorrhages, thrombosis and extensive tissue necrosis. However, the venom of copperheads and American rattlesnakes also contains a proportion of neurotoxins that act on nervous system, causing paralysis of the respiratory center and other nerve nodes.

Cottonmouths live on the plains and in the mountains, in steppe and forest areas. Females give birth to live young (ovoviviparity).

The genus Gloydius includes 10 species and 16 subspecies, inhabiting a vast territory from Western to Eastern Asia.

Russia is home to three species of copperheads, distributed from Southern Siberia to Khabarovsk Territory and Southern Primorye in the east. There is still no consensus among experts on the taxonomic status of individual forms.

Genus of giant vipers (Macrovipera)

Representatives of the genus are large venomous snakes of massive build, sometimes reaching a length of more than 2 m. The large head, well delimited from the body by the neck, is covered with small ribbed scales. There are no enlarged scutes on the head, including large supraorbital scutes, characteristic of other genera of viper snakes. The massive body is slightly flattened in the dorso-ventral direction and covered with keeled scales. The tail is short, the subcaudal scutes are paired (31-66 pairs), the anal scute is solid. Abdominal scutes - 123-187.

Giant vipers live in North Africa, on the eastern islands of the Mediterranean Sea, on the Arabian Peninsula, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, North-West India, Central Asia, Southern Kazakhstan and the Caucasus.

The viper and three other species of large vipers belong to this genus: M. deserti from Algeria, Tunisia and Libya; M. mauritanica from Morocco and neighboring areas of Algeria and M. schweizeri from the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea. One species is found in Russia - Macrovipera lebetina, which until recently included the above-mentioned species of this genus as subspecies. Together with other vipers of the fauna of Russia and the former Soviet Union they united in the Vipera genus.

They live mainly in arid regions - desert, semi-desert and steppe habitats, often near human habitations, and feed on large rodents and birds. Oviparous forms. Giant vipers pose a serious danger to humans because their venom glands produce a lot of poison that has a hemolytic effect.

Genus of shield-headed vipers (Pelias)

Vipers are small and medium in size, the total length of which does not exceed 90 cm. On the surface of the head of shield-headed vipers, along with small scales, large, regular-shaped scutes are distinguished: frontal, paired parietal and supraorbital. The nasal shield is separated from the intermaxillary shield by nasomaxillary shields. The body of vipers is covered with highly ribbed scales. The body and tail are relatively short - there are 128-157 ventral scutes, 21-46 pairs of subcaudal scutes (they are arranged in two rows). Color varies from light gray to bright red. All vipers of the genus are characterized by a dark or black pattern in the form of a zigzag stripe along the ridge. In some species (common viper) in different populations there are completely black individuals (melanists) in greater or lesser numbers, in other species there are single individuals.

All species of this genus are terrestrial forms, living on the plains and in the mountains, while the common viper is found even beyond the Arctic Circle. Females give birth to live young (ovoviviparity). Shield-headed vipers feed mainly on small mammals - rodents and insectivores, as well as birds and lizards. The diet of newborns includes small lizards and Orthoptera

The venom of shield-headed vipers has a hemolytic effect. Shield-headed vipers are common in Europe and Northern Asia, Mediterranean and boreal regions of Asia.

The central genus, Vipera, which includes more than 30 species, constantly causes controversy and discussion. In the genus Vipera, three subgenera are distinguished: Asia Minor vipers (Montivipera), shield-headed vipers (Pelias) and Vipera sensu stricto (in the narrow sense).

In Russia, only shield-headed vipers are found, which are more often given the status of the subgenus Pelias in the genus Vipera, and are less often considered an independent genus. Of the 19 species, 9 are found in Russia. Within the genus, three groups of species are distinguished: the species complex Pelias berus (common viper), Pelias haznakovi () and Pelias ursinii (steppe viper). There is still no consensus on the taxonomic status of the black forest-steppe and Sakhalin viper (the former is sometimes not even recognized as a subspecies of the common viper, the latter, at best, is assigned subspecies status).

Many species of this genus need protection due to their declining numbers.

  • Class: Reptilia = Reptiles (Reptiles)
  • Subclass: Lepidosauria = Lepidosaurs, scaly lizards
  • Order: Squamata Oppel = Scaly
  • Suborder: Serpentes (Ophidia) Linnaeus, 1758 = Snakes
  • Family: Viperidae Bonaparte = Viper snakes, pit vipers
  • Genus: Cerastes Laurenti = Horned vipers
  • Genus: Bitis Gray, 1842 = African vipers

Family: Viperidae = Viper snakes, vipers

The viper family (Viperidae) includes 58 species of snakes distributed throughout Africa, Europe and Asia

The head of viper snakes is rounded-triangular in shape with a blunt nasal end and temporal corners protruding to the side, where the poisonous glands are located. The scutes covering the head are small and almost do not differ from the body ones. The eyes are small with a vertical pupil. A small ridge usually protrudes above the eyes.

The head of vipers is separated from the body by a sharp neck interception. The body is very short and thick. Towards the rear end it sharply narrows and turns into a short blunt tail.

The coloring of vipers is varied. Many steppe and desert species are painted in soft sandy-brown tones, while tropical forest species have variegated contrasting colors. All these types of coloring, including the green color of tree vipers, are different variants of protective coloring, which makes snakes invisible against the surrounding background.

Most vipers do not warn the enemy of their presence by taking demonstrative poses, like many adders, but crawl away or hide, trying to remain unnoticed. If the enemy approaches closely, the viper can bite immediately. During the warm season, vipers are most active at dusk. During the day, most of the time they hide in shelters or bask in the sun. The venom of most vipers is much less dangerous to humans than the venom of adders. Its toxic effect on the body is manifested mainly by a significant local reaction. Usually only bites from large vipers pose a danger to life. With proper and timely treatment, even in these cases, deaths are rare.

The following types of vipers are the most dangerous.

The common viper (Vipera berus) is distributed throughout the forest zone of Europe and Asia from the British Isles to Sakhalin and the Shantar Islands inclusive. Its length does not exceed 75 cm. The color of the upper body ranges from gray-blue to almost black. On the dorsal side there is a dark zigzag stripe, which is not always clearly visible.

To the south, in the forest-steppe and steppe zones, including on the shores of the Black and Caspian Seas, the smaller and light-colored steppe viper (V. ursini) is found. Aspis (V. aspis) and sand viper (V. atmodytes) live on the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

The bites of all these vipers are of little danger to humans. Lethal outcomes are no more than 0.5%, and with timely and correctly provided first aid they are completely absent.

The Armenian viper (Vipera xantina), found in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, is somewhat more dangerous. Its distinctive feature is a clear pattern of round orange or brown spots with a dark edge, often merging into a wide winding stripe along the ridge.

The viper (Vipera lebetina) is a large snake, some of its specimens reach a length of 1.6 m. The color of the viper can be different. The general brownish background of the upper body with darker spots appearing on it predominates. The underside is light gray with small dark spots.

The distribution area of ​​the viper is very extensive. It is found in many areas of the Mediterranean coast of Africa and on a number of islands of the Mediterranean Sea, in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean, in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan and North-West India. On the territory of the USSR it is distributed in the Caucasus and the southern regions of Central Asia. It;) more often lives in dry foothills, among reeds and sparse bushes, along cliffs and in river valleys. It willingly settles near irrigation canals, on cultivated lands, and often penetrates to the outskirts of villages. IN summer time leads night image life, in spring and autumn it is active during the day. Often climbs trees, lying in wait for birds. When a person approaches, it often hides, which increases the risk of a collision with it.

A viper's bite causes severe poisoning. Without proper medical care 10% of those affected die.

Among the desert vipers, the most widespread is the sand epha (Echis carinatus, Fig. 85), which lives in a vast area of ​​deserts and semi-deserts North Africa and South Asia, ranging from Tunisia to India and Sri Lanka inclusive. In our country, it is found in the southern regions of Central Asia, including the southern coast of the Aral Sea and the eastern coast of the Caspian Sea to the Kara-Bogaz-Gol Bay. This small snake, with an average length of 50-60 cm, differs from most vipers in its particular speed and mobility. In the most typical cases, the upper part of its body is painted in a gray-sand color; on the border of the back and sides there are two light zigzag stripes, edged at the bottom with a blurred dark line. There is a row of light transverse spots along the back. There is a light cross-shaped pattern on the head.

Efa is perfectly adapted to life in the desert. It quickly moves along the sand with a special, “sideways” move and can burrow into it, pushing the grains of sand apart with subtle transverse movements of the body. At the same time, it seems that she is literally “drowning” in the sand before our eyes. Like many desert snakes, ephas are active at night during the hot season. With the onset of cold weather, they switch to a diurnal lifestyle. Efa poison has significant toxicity to humans. In the absence of medical care, about 6% of those bitten die.

The most dangerous for humans is the chain viper, or daboya (Vipera russeli, Fig. 86), distributed throughout South and Southeast Asia from India to South China, as well as in Taiwan, Ceylon, East Java and some other islands. This large, thick snake, up to 1.5 m long, has a very beautiful coloring. On the back, on a brownish or gray background, there are three rows of well-defined reddish-brown spots, surrounded by dark rings with white outer rims. Adjacent spots can merge with each other, forming a chain. There is an arrow-shaped pattern on the head. White stripes run from the eyes to the corners of the mouth.

Chain vipers live both on the coasts and in mountainous areas, settling on cultivated lands. They lead a crepuscular lifestyle, and during the day they hide in rodent burrows and other shelters or bask in the sun. They crawl onto roads and paths and enter houses.

When meeting a person they are not aggressive, but when provoked they can make throws almost the entire length of the body, lifting off the ground.

The danger of a collision with a daboya is reduced by the fact that the very loud hiss of the snake can be heard at a distance of several meters. Despite this, the chained viper appears to account for the majority of all reported snakebites in India and Indochina.

Daboyi venom is highly toxic to humans, and the dose administered during a bite is large, so poisoning is severe. Without treatment, more than 15% of those affected die.

On the African continent, except for the northern coast, African vipers (genus Bitis) are common. Of the ten species, the most dangerous is the noisy viper (Bitis arietans), large specimens of which reach 1.5 m in length. Its color is brown or grayish-yellow. Along the back there is a row of light yellow crescent-shaped stripes, directed with sharp ends forward and bordered in front by wide dark brown stripes. From the eyes to the temples there are two wide light stripes connected by a light transverse line.

The noisy viper lives in all landscapes except tropical forests and deserts; found in agricultural lands, penetrates into buildings. Due to its variegated color, it is very difficult to notice against the surrounding background, which increases the danger of contact with it. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle. During the day she is lethargic and phlegmatic. Only in case of severe irritation does it begin to hiss loudly, swelling? body, which gave rise to the name “noisy”.

The venom of the noisy viper is highly toxic to humans.

The largest of the African vipers is the Gaboon viper, reaching a length of 2 m. In terms of color, it is one of the most beautiful snakes. The upper lateral surfaces of the body are covered with a pattern of regular geometric triangular shapes, painted in bright pink, purple, black, white and brown tones. There is a row of white or light yellow rectangular spots along the ridge; the head is light gray with a narrow dark stripe in the middle and two triangular spots on the sides. On the anterior edge of the muzzle there are two large awl-shaped scales, slightly curved backwards. The distinctive coloring makes the snake completely invisible against the variegated background of tropical vegetation. The Gaboon viper is found on both the west and east coasts of Africa.

Prefers wooded and damp habitats. The Gaboon viper has a very peaceful disposition and rarely bites. However, poisoning caused by its bites is very severe and often leads to the death of victims. Tree vipers are common in the tropical forests of Central Africa. These are small, dexterous, agile snakes about 50-60 cm long, adapted to life in trees. They are painted in various tones of green with yellow spots, making them well camouflaged among the foliage. Their bites inflicted on the upper body can cause serious poisoning in victims.

Poisonous snakes from the viper family have perfectly adapted to exist in any climatic conditions and landscapes. Vipers live in Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa, North and South America. Vipers do not live only in Australia, New Zealand and other islands of Oceania.

Basically, vipers lead a sedentary lifestyle, occasionally making forced migrations to their winter habitats, which are several kilometers along the way. Vipers spend most of the summer basking in the sun or hiding in the heat under stones, uprooted tree roots and in rock crevices.

Where and how do viper snakes winter?

Wintering of vipers begins in October-November. For winter “apartments”, various burrows are selected, going into the ground to a depth of 2 m, where the air temperature remains above zero. At high population densities, several hundred individuals often accumulate in one burrow. The duration of wintering depends on the area: northern species of vipers overwinter for up to 9 months a year, inhabitants of temperate latitudes crawl to the surface in March-April and immediately begin breeding.

Viper venom - consequences of a snake bite and symptoms

Viper venom is considered potentially dangerous to humans, and the bite of some members of the viper family can be fatal and lead to fatal outcome.

Nevertheless, viper venom has found its use, because it is a valuable raw material for the manufacture of medicines and even cosmetics. The poison is a cocktail of proteins, lipids, peptides, amino acids, sugar and salt of inorganic origin. Preparations obtained from viper venom are used as a painkiller for neuralgia and rheumatism, for hypertension and skin diseases, to relieve asthma attacks, for inflammatory processes and bleeding.

The viper's venom enters the human or animal body through the lymph nodes and instantly enters the blood. The consequences of a viper bite are manifested by burning pain, redness and swelling form around the wound, which disappear after 2-3 days without any serious consequences. In case of severe intoxication of the body, the following symptoms appear 15-20 minutes after a viper bite: the bitten person feels dizziness, nausea, chills, and rapid heartbeat. With increased concentrations of toxic substances, fainting, convulsions and coma occur.

Viper bite - first aid

What to do if bitten by a viper:

  • First of all, immediately after a viper bite, be sure to provide rest to the bitten organ (usually the limbs), securing it with something like a splint or, for example, simply tying your arm in a bent position with a scarf. Limit any active movements to avoid the rapid spread of viper venom throughout the body.
  • A viper bite is dangerous and can be fatal to humans, so in any case, regardless of the severity of the victim’s condition, you should call an ambulance!
  • By pressing your fingers at the bite site, try to slightly open the wound and suck out the poison. This can be done with your mouth, periodically spitting saliva, but the method is only permissible if there is no damage to the oral mucosa in the form of cracks, scratches or ulcers. You can try to reduce the concentration of poison in the wound using a regular glass glass, using it according to the principle of placing medical cups. The venom is sucked out continuously for 15-20 minutes.
  • Then the viper bite site should be disinfected with any available means: cologne, vodka, alcohol, iodine, and a clean, lightly pressing bandage should be applied.
  • If possible, it is advisable to take an antihistamine tablet to reduce the allergic reaction to the viper venom.
  • Take as much liquid as possible - weak tea, water, but avoid coffee: this drink increases blood pressure and increases excitability.
  • In case of serious injury, as first aid after a viper bite, a person is given artificial respiration and prolonged cardiac massage.

Sometimes vipers are confused with representatives of the colubrid family - snakes and copperheads, which often leads to the killing of innocent animals. You can distinguish a poisonous snake from a harmless one by a number of signs.

How is it different from a viper? Similarities and differences of snakes

Oh - this is non-venomous snake, the viper is poisonous and deadly to humans. The similarity between a snake and a viper is obvious: both snakes can have a similar color and can be encountered by a person in a forest, meadow or near a pond. And yet, these reptiles have certain characteristics by which they can be distinguished:

  • The appearance of the snake and the black viper differs, despite the same skin color. U common snake there are 2 yellow or orange spots on the head, similar to miniature ears, but the viper does not have such markings.

  • You should not focus solely on the color of snakes, since both snakes and vipers can be similar in color. For example, the color of a water snake can be olive, brown or black, with various spots. In addition, the black water snake does not have yellow markings on its head, making it easily confused with a pit viper. The color of the viper can also be olive, black or brown, with a variety of spots scattered throughout the body.

  • And yet, if you look closely at the spots, you can see the following difference between snakes: in snakes the spots on the body are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, many types of vipers have a zigzag stripe on the back, running along the entire body, and there are also spots on the sides of the body.

  • Another difference between a snake and a viper is that the pupil of a viper is vertical, while in snakes it is round.

  • The viper's mouth contains sharp teeth, which are clearly visible when the snake opens its mouth. Snakes have no teeth.

  • Longer than a viper. The body length of the snake is usually 1-1.3 meters. The length of the viper usually varies between 60-75 cm, although there are species reaching 3-4 meters (bushmaster). In addition, vipers look much more well-fed.
  • The tail of the viper is shortened and thick, while that of the snake is thinner and longer. In addition, in vipers the transition from the body to the tail is clearly defined.
  • Vipers differ from snakes in the triangular shape of the skull with clearly defined brow ridges; snakes have an oval-ovoid skull.

  • The anal shield of the viper is solid, while in the grass snake it consists of 2 scales.
  • When meeting people, snakes try to retreat and hide; the viper will most likely show complete indifference or aggression if you step on this poisonous snake or simply brush against it.
  • Snakes love damp habitats, so they can often be found near bodies of water, where they swim and catch frogs. Vipers feed primarily, so they choose other habitats: forests, steppes, dense grass.
  • The viper is a poisonous snake, the copperhead is not poisonous.
  • Many vipers have a dark-colored zigzag stripe running along their backs, while copperheads have a “scattered” pattern of specks or dark spots on their backs. But there are also black vipers that do not have stripes.

  • The viper's head is triangular in shape with pronounced arches above the eyes. Copperheads have a narrow, elongated head.
  • The viper's mouth contains teeth with which the snake bites its prey. Copperheads have no teeth.
  • The pupil of the copperhead is round, while that of the viper is vertically slit-shaped.

  • The anal shield of the copperhead consists of a pair of scales, but in the viper it is solid.
  • Having noticed a person, the copperhead will hasten to hide in a shelter; the viper will either not pay attention to the person, or will begin to attack.
  • The mouth of a viper and snake contains teeth, but the bite of a poisonous viper is dangerous and can be fatal, and the bite of a snake, although painful, does not pose a mortal danger, since the snake does not have poisonous glands.
  • In the viper, the head and body are separated by a shortened bridge that imitates the neck; in the snake, there is no cervical interception.
  • The back of most vipers is either plain, black, or has a dark stripe running in a zigzag along the entire back. The color of the runner can be plain, with transverse dark spots on the back or in a mesh.

  • The snake has a distinctive pattern on the top of its skull - a dark stripe between the eyes; the viper does not have such decoration.
  • The viper is much shorter and looks more plump than the snake. Snakes can grow up to 1.5 meters in length, and the standard size of vipers is 60-70 cm. Only the largest vipers have a body length reaching 2 meters.

Types of vipers - photos and descriptions

Modern classification distinguishes 4 subfamilies of vipers:

  • pit vipers, they are also rattlesnakes or rattlesnakes (Crotalinae): they are distinguished by the presence of 2 infrared pits, which are located in the recess between the eyes and nostrils;
  • toad vipers(Causinae): belong to the oviparous type of snakes, which is rare among all members of the family;
  • Viperidae(Viperinae) - the most numerous subfamily, whose representatives live even in the Arctic (common viper);
  • azemiopinae- a subfamily represented by a single genus and species - the Burmese fairy viper.

To date, science knows 292 species of vipers. Below are several varieties of these snakes:

  • Common viper ( Vipera berus)

a relatively small representative of the family: the body length is usually in the range of 60-70 cm, however, in the northern part of the range there are individuals more than 90 cm in length. The weight of the viper varies from 50 to 180 grams, with females being slightly larger than males. The head is large, slightly flattened, the muzzle is rounded. The color is quite variable and multifaceted: the color of the main background of the back can be black, light gray, yellow-brown, reddish-brown, bright copper. Most specimens have a pronounced pattern along the back in the form of a zigzag stripe. The viper's abdomen is gray, brown-gray or black, sometimes supplemented with whitish spots. The tip of the tail is often colored bright yellow, reddish or orange. This species of viper has a fairly wide habitat. The common viper lives in the forest belt of Eurasia - it is found from the territories of Great Britain and France to the western regions of Italy and eastern Korea. It feels comfortable in hot Greece, Turkey and Albania, while also penetrating the Arctic Circle - found in Lapland and in countries on the coast of the Barents Sea. On the territory of Russia, the common viper lives in Siberia, Transbaikalia and the Far East.

  • Long-nosed viper(Vipera ammodytes)

differs from other species by a soft, sharp, scaly outgrowth at the tip of the snout, reminiscent of a snub nose. The length of the viper is 60-70 cm (sometimes 90 cm). The body color is gray, sandy or red-brown (depending on the species); a zigzag dark stripe or a series of diamond-shaped stripes runs along the back. The long-nosed viper lives on rocky landscapes from Italy, Serbia and Croatia to Turkey, Syria and Georgia.

  • Steppe viper (western steppe viper) ( Vipera ursinii )

a poisonous snake that lives in the plains and mountain steppes, on alpine meadows, in ravines and semi-deserts. Steppe vipers are found in the countries of southern and southeastern Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Albania), Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia (in the Caucasus, southern Siberia, Rostov region, Altai). The length of the viper with a tail reaches 64 cm, females are larger than males. The color of the snake is brown-gray, with a dark brown or black zigzag stripe running along the ridge. Dark spots are scattered on the sides of the body.

  • Horned keffiyeh(Trimeresurus cornutus, Protobothrops cornutus)

stands out among its relatives with small horns located above the eyes. The body of the viper, up to 60-80 cm long, is colored creamy-light green and dotted with dark brown spots. The snake spends almost its entire life in trees and bushes, descending to the ground only to mate. The horned keffiyeh is a typical inhabitant of the south and southeast of Asia, living in China, India and Indonesia.

  • Burmese fairy viper, or Chinese viper(Azemiops feae)

oviparous species, very rare among vipers. I didn't get my name thanks to fairy tale character, and in honor of the zoologist Leonardo Fea. The length of the viper is about 80 cm. Large, snake-like scutes grow on the snake’s head. The top of the body is greenish-brown, the bottom is cream, the head is most often yellow, with yellow stripes on the sides. Found in Central Asia in southeast Tibet, Burma, China and Vietnam.

  • Noisy Viper(Bitis arietans)

one of the most beautiful and most dangerous species of African vipers. The bite of a noisy viper is fatal in 4 out of 5 cases. The snake got its name from the indignant hissing it makes in case of danger. The body of the viper is disproportionately thick with a girth of up to 40 cm and a length of about 2 m. The color of the viper can be golden yellow, dark beige or red-brown. Along the body there is a pattern consisting of 2 dozen brown marks in the shape of the Latin letter U. The noisy viper lives throughout Africa (except for the equator), as well as in the southern part of the Arabian Peninsula.

  • (Bitis nasicornis)

It is distinguished by a special decoration on the face, consisting of 2-3 vertically protruding scales. The body is thick, can reach a length of 1.2 m, and is covered with a beautiful pattern. Along the back there are blue trapezoidal patterns with a yellow border, connected by black diamonds. The sides are covered with black triangles alternating with olive color diamonds with a red border. The viper's head with bright blue “cheeks” is covered with black arrows with a yellow edging. Prefers to settle in the damp, swampy forests of Equatorial Africa.

  • Kaisaka, or labaria (Bothrops atrox)

the largest viper of the spearhead genus, growing up to 2.5 m in length. Distinctive feature The kaisaki has a lemon-yellow chin, which is why the snake is nicknamed “yellow beard.” The slender body is covered with gray or brown skin with a diamond-shaped pattern on the back. The caisaca lives throughout Central America, Argentina and the coastal islands of South America.

  • Diamondback rattlesnake(Crotalus adamanteus)

record holder among rattlesnakes for the amount of “milk yield” of venom (660 mg from one snake). A large viper can grow over 2 m in length and weigh more than 15 kg. Along the back, painted in brown tones, there is a series of 24-35 black diamonds with a brilliant shine and a light yellow border. This viper lives only in the USA: from Florida to New Orleans.

  • Gyurza, or Levant viper(Macrovipera lebetina)

the most dangerous and poisonous viper, the poison of which is second only to poison in toxicity. It belongs to the oviparous type of snakes. The body length of an adult viper can reach 2 meters, the weight of the viper is 3 kg. The body color is gray-brown, with dark spotting, subject to variability within the range. Some individuals have a black body with a purple tint. The viper is widespread in dry foothill areas, as well as on the outskirts of large cities in North-West Africa, Asia, Transcaucasia, Dagestan and Kazakhstan.

  • African pygmy viper ( Bitis peringueyi)

the smallest viper in the world, the body length of an adult does not exceed 20-25 cm. Due to its modest body size, it is a relatively safe species of viper that lives in the deserts of Namibia and Angola.

  • Bushmaster or surukuku ( Lachesis muta)

the biggest viper in the world, rare view, reaching a length of 3-4 meters with a body weight of 3 to 5 kg. Inhabits wet rainforests South and Central America.

Brief description of the family

The viper family includes 10 genera, distributed throughout Africa, Europe and Asia.
In terms of complexity and perfection of structure, the venom-toothed apparatus of vipers (together with pit vipers) reaches the highest stage of evolution. Poisonous teeth are usually located horizontally, as if in a lying position, and their ends are directed back. Before the bite, the transverse bone moves forward; poisonous fangs sitting on the underside of the maxillary bone, describing an arc, move forward and stand vertically. This mechanism allows vipers to have poisonous fangs of considerable length, which can be placed in a closed mouth only in a lying position.
Poisonous fangs equipped with a poison-conducting channel that opens on the front surface of the tooth near the end. This canal lies deep in the thickness of the tooth, and the front surface of the tooth above the canal is smooth.
Each maxillary bone has 1-2 large poisonous fangs and, in addition, 3-4 smaller replacement teeth.
The head of viper snakes is rounded-triangular in shape, with a blunt nasal end and temporal corners strongly protruding to the side (there are paired venom glands). The head is usually separated from the body by a sharp cervical interception; her top surface covered either with numerous small scales or small irregular shape shields. Body very short and thick, especially in the middle part. Towards the posterior section it sharply narrows and turns into a short blunt tail.
The eyes of viper snakes are small, with a vertical pupil. A small ridge formed by supraorbital scales usually protrudes above the eyes.
Coloring Vipers are diverse, but in natural conditions they perfectly hide snakes against the background of the substrate and, thus, are protective.
Food A wide variety of animals serve as vipers, primarily small rodents, as well as

Many readers know that snake viper belongs to the class of reptiles. But not everyone knows that this family of creeping reptiles has more than 58 species.

The habitats of these creatures are very diverse; for example, they can be found in most of the African continent, in Asia, as well as in most of European territory.

Vipers thrive both in the arid steppes and in the humid climate of the forests of the equator. They can settle on rocky mountain slopes and make their home northern forests.

Basically, vipers prefer a terrestrial lifestyle, but among their relatives there are often individuals that lead an underground lifestyle hidden from prying eyes. A striking representative of this species can be called earthen viper from the genus Atractaspis.

Ground viper

The main factors for the life of snakes of this family are the availability of food and a sufficient amount of light. They are not so demanding about everything else. Class of vipers, as previously noted, very diverse, but we will talk about four representatives in more detail. So, get acquainted.

The common viper lives throughout the European part globe, in areas of Asia, even in the north, up to the Arctic Circle. She leads a sedentary lifestyle - she does not like frequent changes of habitat.

The snake overwinters in crevices of the ground, in rodent burrows and other secluded places. It usually leaves its winter habitat in mid-spring, but this depends on the geographic location.

The photo shows a common viper

Geography of habitat steppe viper very extensive. It can be found in the steppes of the European zone, especially in the western part. She settled in Eastern Kazakhstan, the steppe regions of the Caucasus and the coast. About vipers Many interesting facts are known, for example, they are capable of performing forced marches to altitudes of up to 3000 m above sea level.

Snakes often choose a certain territory for their habitat, where there are no other representatives of this class besides them. IN winter period creeping ones take refuge underground, and they bury themselves to a decent depth (1.0 meter or more).

Pictured is a steppe viper

But the fact is that even with a slight minus, the snake can die, so these cautious creatures play it safe and go to spend the winter at a depth that can retain heat. Vipers often hibernate in large groups, but can also hibernate alone.

Having awakened from a long winter sleep, with the onset of spring, vipers crawl out of their shelters and find rocky surfaces, where they enjoy sunbathing.

In our country common and steppe viper can be found everywhere and meeting it does not bode well for a person. After all, the venom of large individuals is fatal to humans, not to mention small animals and birds, for which a small amount of the deadly substance is enough to die when bitten. Full-fledged viper bite causes the death of the victim within a few minutes.

The character and lifestyle of the viper

Vipers cannot be called record holders in running, because they are too slow. They are able to spend the entire day lying down without unnecessary movements. But with the onset of dusk, snakes become more active and begin their favorite pastime - hunting.

It should be noted that large individuals can lie motionless for a long time, waiting for the prey to fall into the affected area, and then the viper will not miss the chance to feast on what itself came to it as lunch.

The main distinguishing feature of vipers is that they are fluent in the art of swimming; wide river or a large enough body of water is no big deal.

This is probably why vipers can most often be found on the banks of reservoirs, but they also do not disdain swamps, and here they are simply teeming. People often use the phrase “a swamp infested with vipers,” and this is not without common sense.

Vipers love to settle in wetlands

Everyone knows that snakes lack limbs, but this does not bother them. After all, they can move freely with the help of their natural plasticity and soft spine. Gracefully wriggling among the stones, the creeping creatures are capable of developing quite a decent speed.

But God did not endow these creatures with good hearing and visual acuity. Snakes completely lack an auditory opening, and their eye sockets are covered with a dense transparent veil. The eyelids of reptiles are fused, and therefore they cannot blink.

It is reliably known that black viper poisonous The only representative of this class does not pose a danger to humans. Signs of a viper: Snakes have two large teeth in which venom accumulates.

Pictured is a black viper

The toxic substance is produced by paired glands located on both sides of the eyes, and they connect to the teeth through ducts. Interestingly, all species have an interesting dental structure. The poisonous fang is located on a bone, which is very mobile.

Therefore, when the snake’s mouth is closed, the tooth takes a horizontal position, but as soon as the creature opens its mouth slightly, the poisonous fang stands up and takes a vertical position.

Common viper. This particular type of snake is considered the most common. This reptile reaches half a meter, but there are also larger specimens, whose length from head to tip of tail is 80 centimeters.

Distinctive feature the viper is its pattern, reminiscent of a zigzag

The structure of her head is triangular, and this part stands out noticeably against her thick body. Nature has endowed vipers with a wide variety of shades - from inconspicuous gray to bright red-brown. There are also black, olive, silver, and bluish vipers.

Characteristic feature coloring is a dark zigzag running along the entire ridge. It is not so often that you can find a viper with dark stripes located across it. On the head of reptiles there is an identifying characteristic mark in the form of the letter V or X.

A clear black stripe runs through the center of the eyes along the entire area of ​​the head. Interesting fact: snake catchers counted the number of scales on the body and found that there were 21 scales around the body in the middle part (rarely 19 or 23).

In principle, the snake will not bite innocent people. Only if an unwary traveler steps on her, then she will give a worthy rebuff. Such snakes are called peace-loving. She will prefer to quickly move away from the place where she can be noticed and hide.

Steppe viper. This species of reptile is much smaller in size than the previous species and an adult, as usual, can rarely reach half a meter. Unlike its relative the common viper, the steppe viper has a pointed, slightly raised snout.

Vipers have poor eyesight, which is compensated by their quick reaction

The nostrils cut through the lower part of the nasal septum. There is a black curving stripe along the entire length of the body and along the ridge. Dark spots appear clearly on the sides. If you turn the reptile onto its back, you can see that its belly is gray with numerous specks of a light shade.

If we compare steppe bite And common viper venom, then the first option will be less dangerous for humans. Gaboon viper. A striking representative of African venomous snakes. This is a truly respectable individual.

The Gaboon viper is found in Africa

Its body is thick - 2.0 meters or more, and the weight of fattened individuals reaches 8-10 kg. The snake is quite remarkable for its bright variegated coloring, which resembles a painted carpet self made.

The drawings are filled with various geometric shapes various bright saturated colors - pink, cherry, lemon, milky, blue-black. This snake is recognized as one of the deadliest, but due to the fact that it is very phlegmatic, many believe that it is not as dangerous as everyone thinks about it.

You can pick her up by the tip of her tail without any danger to her health, put her back, and she won’t even want to make a menacing appearance. But teasing a snake is extremely undesirable, because it remains angry for a long time and it is unlikely that you will be able to “conspire” with it.

Among other things, the Gaboon viper has the longest teeth full of poison. Looking at photo of vipers You can see the distinctive features of reptiles.

Snakes are not poisonous representatives of vipers. Distinguish snake from vipers can be seen by the bright orange spots located on the side of the head. In addition, they have round eye pupils, and in the previously described species, and in all others, the pupil is narrowed and located vertically.

Also, this type of snake does not have the characteristic zigzag on its back. Although the coloring of the water snake is very similar to the coloring of the viper, because many people confuse the checkerboard arrangement of spots with the characteristic meander along the ridge.

The photo shows a water snake, which, due to its similar color, is often confused with poisonous vipers

But up close you can see that the spots are interrupted and do not form a continuous zigzag. From the head to the tip of the tail it narrows evenly and a triangular head is unusual for him.

Viper food

By nature, all types of snakes are predators. They are capable of swallowing prey whole, and not only small rodents and birds, but also fairly large animals, such as others. Sometimes the prey is much thicker than the reptile’s body, which does not prevent the snake from swallowing it whole.

The viper is able to perform such actions thanks to the special joints of its jaws. The structure of the lower jaw allows it to stretch forward and then return to its original position.

In addition, the halves of the jaws are connected at the chin and, if necessary, can easily move apart.

The composition of the viper's diet depends on its habitat. Usually for lunch they prefer mice and. But chicks are their favorite food. Small animals, amphibians and lizards are added to this list. It is very interesting to watch the viper when it hunts.

The main prey of steppe vipers are rodents and insects. Being excellent at climbing trees, it is not difficult for them to check the nests of birds, as well as birdhouses, in order to find their favorite delicacy there - chicks. Bird eggs also bring them pleasure. However, this snake loves to pamper itself with a delicacy in the form of small ungulates.

The Gaboon viper is a hunter by nature. It will take a place in an ambush, wait until dusk, and when the warm-blooded animal approaches the required distance, it will pounce and swallow it whole. She loves to eat hares and other inhabitants of her range. She will not disdain to taste the dwarf, which has strayed from the herd.

Reproduction and lifespan

The mating season for snakes occurs in the spring - usually in May. The pregnancy of a viper, like many other reptiles of the reptile class, depends on the weather and lasts from three months to six months. What is most surprising is that sometimes a pregnant snake can even overwinter.

They usually give birth to 10-20 young of their own kind. When born, they immediately inherit poisonousness from their parents. A few hours after birth, the young individuals molt. You can observe an interesting moment during childbirth.

The photo shows the birth of a viviparous snake

The female wraps herself around the tree, and the born cubs fall straight to the ground. The cubs live on the forest floor or in burrows and feed on insects. A snake can begin to reproduce at a fairly advanced age for reptiles - about 5 years. Males become sexually mature at 4 years of age.

The average lifespan of vipers in nature is 10 years. Steppe vipers begin to reproduce at the age of 3. Life expectancy is shorter than common vipers, only 7-8 years old. The Gaboon viper, like all described species, is viviparous.

Males, like true gentlemen, never bite each other during courtship. The gestation period lasts about 12 months. She is capable of producing from 10 to 40 cubs.

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