A story about the month of June. June. Folk signs of June. But wonderful poets wrote such poems about summer

I yun. The end of the flight is the beginning of summer.

If you lie around in the summer, you will run away with your bag in the winter.
Summer is stormy - winter with snowstorms.
Summer is rainy - winter is snowy and frosty.
Summer is dry and hot – winter is little snow and frosty.
A fruitful summer foreshadows a cold winter.
Khleborod - for a harsh winter.
As is the summer, so is the hay.

Wet summer and warm autumn mean a long winter.
A summer day feeds the year.
Don't pray for a long summer, pray
If there is no dew at night in summer, it will rain during the day.
If, in clear weather in summer, distant objects are not clear, as if in fog, it will rain.
When visible objects from a distance seem unusually large, you can expect north wind and rain (Voronezh region).
If the air above the forest turns blue, it will be warm.
If in the morning the rooster crows before nine o'clock in the evening, it means rain.
The crane (at the well) creaks - signifies a change in weather.
Windmills (windmills) are creaking - there will be a storm.
If the voice rings, it will be clear.
If the ringing of a bell is clearly heard, it will be clear; if it is muffled, it will be raining.
Rooks graze on the grass in summer - it will rain soon.
The first fog of summer is a sure sign of mushrooms.
Clear Milky Way in the summer - to the bucket.
If in the summer there are no spiders at all, it will inevitably rain.
If you see a lot of spiders, you need to wait for good weather.
Crows often cry - signifies rain or stormy weather.
When ants cause large ant heaps in the summer, expect an early and cold winter.
If field mice In the summer they haul a lot of bread into their holes, then you can expect a cold and long winter.

June is the end of migration, the beginning of summer.

May is joy and June is happiness.

May creates bread, and June creates hay. June - oh, the bins in the barns are empty.


Blow into the bins!

Is there any life?

Forgotten in the corners?

June passed through the meadows with a scythe, and July ran through the grain with a sickle.

Spends June at work, discourages singing.

There is no free day in June!

Sultry June - don't care about fishing.

If the nights are warm in June, then you can probably expect an abundance of fruit.
In June, each bush will let itself spend the night.

During sunrise it is stuffy - a sign of bad weather.

Fog spreads across the water in the morning - the weather will be sunny.

In June, the first berry is placed in the mouth, and the second is carried home.

The water is clearer than ever - ready for rain.

In the morning, the grass smells stronger than usual - it means rain.

Honeysuckle smells good - for rain.

In the morning, the woodlouse blossomed and remained open all day - for good weather.

The herd began to roar in the evening - it will be rainy.

If bees swarm on a blooming rowan tree, tomorrow will be a clear day.
Clover bringing its leaves together means bad weather.

Sparrows are cheerful, active, and pugnacious - a sign of good weather.

If there are a lot of ants around the anthill, the weather is good.

In June there is little food and life is fun: flowers bloom, nightingales sing.

IN Ancient Rus' it was called “izok” (grasshopper) and “worm” - in this month our ancestors collected worms to obtain crimson paint.
Multi-colored, Luni. Blush of the year. Kresnik. June - (lat. Junius), named after the goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter, goddess of fertility, mistress of rain and guardian of marriage. According to another version, the name of the month goes back to the word “junior”, which means “young”, “younger”.
June is the month of radiant sun, the longest days and white nights, the brightest month of the year - milking. And June is also a songful and fertile month, grain-growing and hoarding, grain-bearing, it accumulates harvest for the whole year, enriches our home. June and the blush of the year, and the first grass, and the anthill. The time of tall grasses and hayfields, bright flowers was also called multi-colored, retail, strawberry.

Summer comes at that time. When the rye starts to sprout, horseflies and elm winged seeds will fly, rose hips, raspberries, and Tatarian maple will bloom.
In the middle of the month, brooms are prepared for the bath.
At the end of June is the average flowering period for St. John's wort, purple thistle, and meadow cornflower.
June corresponds to a rose.

If the nights are warm in June, there will be an abundance of fruits.
Like June, so is the hay.
Heavy dew is a sign of fertility, and frequent fogs promise a mushroom harvest.

Many are looking forward to the arrival of summer with its bright and warm nights, fragrant aromas of the first berries and June flowers on sultry days. With the opportunity to enjoy socializing at a picnic and relaxing by the sea or by the fire. It is not for nothing that June is associated with pleasure, relaxation, and celebration. But at the same time, June is a time full of field and garden work, collecting forest gifts and field herbs, household and construction chores. It is so different and contradictory - the month of June. It is with its characteristics and traditions that many folk signs for June are associated.

Monthsword: what is the name of the first summer month

Habitual modern name“June” was received back in the days of ancient Rome. The most common version connects his name with the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter.

She was considered the patroness family relations and marriage, femininity and birth. It's not for nothing that June is considered one of them. According to another version, the name of June is associated with the Latin word iuniores, which means “time of young people.”

There is also an opinion that the Romans named June in honor of their consul Lucius Junius Brutus. Exactly Latin name has taken root among many peoples of Europe. No less interesting are the historical and folk names of the beginning of summer.

Izok was the name of the month in ancient Rus', even before the adoption of Christianity.

This unusual name he received it thanks to the irrepressible chirping of grasshoppers at this time. After all, the word “izok” itself means “grasshopper” in ancient Slavic.

In some regions, the month of the beginning of summer was called skopid, svezar, multi-colored, grain-growing.

Kesäkuu or the summer month is called June by the Finns. The word itself comes from the name of a fallow field that was plowed in June.

Cherven among the Little Russians and Ukrainians, cherven among the Belarusians, czerwiec among the Poles, červen among the Czechs. June received this nickname in connection with the collection of worms that gain red pigment.

Croatians call June lipanj – the month of linden blossoms.

Turks and Syrians – Haziran, which means hot, hot.

Signs of June: features of the first summer month

We usually consider June to be the beginning of summer. Indeed, the calendar summer begins on June 1. But according to popular belief, the start of summer is considered the day when the rose hips bloom, which most often falls on June 6th.

Phenologists believe that summer begins from the moment the viburnum blooms - June 13th. Astrologers tie the summer start to the solstice - June 22.

It is with the summer solstice that many folk signs of June, July and August are associated. Until this day, the days become longer and longer, and the shortest night is called the passerine night.

In June dawn meets dawn

In June a day is a year

The nights are short, but quite warm.

In June, every bush will let you spend the night

Precipitation at the beginning of summer is very rare. And if there is rain, it is usually rapid with thunderstorms and even hail.

June is rich in thunderstorms

Signs of June about the harvest

According to folk signs, the month is divided into two parts. Until the 10th - the beginning. This time is devoted to finishing the sowing work. You need to have time to sow zucchini and cucumbers, legumes and corn. After all, very soon dry days will come and the young shoots will simply die, and the seedlings will not produce a good harvest.

June has come - no matter what you do, no matter what you do

Besides, the common people are hungry for the first berries. The reserves have long been exhausted, and the first harvests are still far away. It’s hard to survive on greens and berries, but you have to work.

June – empty bins

In June there is little food, but life is fun: flowers bloom, nightingales sing

But on the 11th the real summer begins. And not a day is left for fun.

Spends June at work, discourages dancing

June has arrived - don't give a damn about fishing

Only the planting of buckwheat was postponed until June 28. On this day it was sown for a good harvest. Weeding, watering, fertilizing - all these works fall precisely in June, and the future harvest largely depends on them.

June 18 was considered a special day. It was always dedicated to weeding beds and flower beds. According to the signs, such work gave excellent results and the weeds no longer grew in these places.

Summer day - for winter week

Summer is a storehouse, providing food for the whole year for livestock and the yard.

The first preparations began. These are, first of all, forest and garden berries.

In June, the first berry is placed in the mouth, and the second is carried home

And by the end of the month, haymaking began.

May creates bread, and June creates hay

As is the summer, so is the hay

And even the weather itself suggested what kind of harvest to expect this year. A good harvest was worth waiting for if the trees were strewn with young cones. Warm June nights and frequent thunderstorms promised the same result from summer labors. We were very afraid of return frosts, which occurred until June 10. They are destructive to plants and crops.

Signs of June for children and adults about the weather

Most June omens are associated with short-term weather forecasts. The immediate plans of the peasants largely depended on them.

We monitored changes in nature to find out whether it would rain.

Dew weighs on the tips of the blades of grass - predicting rain soon

Sticky drops on chestnut leaves - torrential rain

Leaves are falling from the trees on a dry hike - it will rain

When it rains, the sun's rays break through the clouds - tomorrow it will rain again

The duration of rain was determined by the appearance of droplets during rain. The larger the drops, the shorter the rain. But large bubbles in the puddles foreshadowed prolonged precipitation. The sky is overcast, look at the plants.

Buttercup flowers are open - don't wait for rain

Drooping potato flowers promise soon rain

Major bad weather can also be predicted by weather signs.

West wind will bring great bad weather

The water in the river has darkened - expect storms and thunderstorms

Converging peals of thunder promise hail

The rain has passed, notice the rainbow. She has a lot to say.

Green rainbow - soon there will be rain and wind again

Yellow rainbow - for sunny clear weather

Red - for heat and wind

Rainbow in the evening - good weather

In the morning - to precipitation

Folk signs about animals

The behavior of animals, both domestic and wild, can tell us a lot. The main thing is to be able to observe them and know what signs correspond to a particular case.

You should expect good weather soon in June when:

In the evenings, swallows circle high, and midges and mosquitoes rise in a column

Herons scream protractedly in flight

River fish before the evening dawn splashes at the surface of the water surface

Dung beetles fly over the paths

Grasshoppers chirp long and loudly in the evening

Spiders weave long and wide threads

The finches sing loudly

Larks sing loudly and hover in the sky

Bees fly out of the hives early

But some signs clearly promise imminent rain.

Crickets are silent in June - it will rain tomorrow

Sparrows bathe in dust in the morning - it will rain by lunchtime

Swallows fly low - foreseeing rain soon

Pets greedily eat grass in the evening, but don’t drink - it’s guaranteed to rain tomorrow

It is the behavior of domestic animals that tells us about many upcoming weather changes. Observe the horses' behavior.

The mare wheezes - to bad weather

Lies on the ground - to drought

The foal spends time on the ground - be it rain

Even more about weather conditions You can find out if you look closely at the behavior of cows and sheep.

The cow hurries into the stall and shakes her hind leg - it’s getting colder

The oxen roll their tails into rings and throw them on their backs - there will be strong wind

Sheep gather together and bleat - to be bad weather

Pigs are itching - for warmth

The pig squeals - be in bad weather

A pig carries straw - to light rain.

Household signs of June

June is also rich in signs of everyday life. Some of them tell you how to carry out gardening work, while others are directly related to behavior in everyday life.

The most interesting of these June signs:

Bad sign– put away warm winter clothes before June

Folk signs on June 22 - the longest day of the year, all work is associated with the entry of summer into its own:

In June the day never fades

Kirill has strength from the earth

And on the solstice on June 25, folk omens tell of the sun turning to winter, and summer to heat.

Video: signs of June

In strawberry June

Summer will flow like a green sea,

The meadows will be filled with chamomile

And a seven-colored rocker

It will ring in the bottomless sky.

And the sun will look surprised

From an unfathomable height

To the world of June updated

Unique beauty.

T. Melnikova

June opens summer. In Ancient Rus', June was the fourth and then the tenth month of the year. And only in 1700 did it take its usual place. June in Slavic “cherven” is a red month. In the ancient Russian calendar they called it “svetozar”, that is, illuminated by light: for long days and short nights. People say: “In June the sun is high, but from morning to evening it is far away.” They call it “Rose-flower” for the abundance of bright flowers in the meadows and glades. Our ancestors also called June “izok”, which means grasshopper, because it was in this month that they chirped day and night. June was nicknamed “Strawberry” because the berries ripen: “In June they put the first berry in their mouth, and take the second one home.” The word “June” or “Juniy” itself is not Russian. It came to us from Byzantium. This month got its name in Ancient Rome in honor of ancient greek goddess fertility, love, family happiness- Juno. In June there is a lot of work in the fields: “June has arrived in many colors, there is no end to work.” In June, winter rye begins to ear, gardens fade, and mushrooms appear - boletus, aspen, and spikelet (as porcini mushrooms are called at this time). In the first summer month a solstice occurs when the sun wheel reaches greatest height, begins to fall - June 29, day summer solstice when the night is shortest and the day is longest.

Proverbs of June

In June, a day is a year.

June is a hoarding month, the harvest is saved for the whole year.

In June, dawn meets dawn.

In June, each bush will let itself spend the night.

No one got tired of the red summer.

June rains are better than a golden mountain.

June warmth is sweeter than a fur coat.

June is the time of long grass and haymaking.

To weed a field is to prick with your hands, not to weed, and not to grind bread.

Mysteries of June

1. The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming, the rye is ripening, when does this happen? (In summer.)

2. Without windows, without doors, the room is full of people. (Cucumber.)

3. It lies between the beds, green and sweet. (Cucumber.)

4. I grow from the earth - I dress the whole world. (Linen.)

5. The little kid went into the damp ground and found a blue hat. (Linen.)

6. Black in autumn, white in winter, green in spring, yellow in summer. (Niva.)

7. All cast from gold, standing on a straw. (Ear.)

8. He is golden and mustachioed, there are a hundred guys in a hundred pockets. (Ear.)

I’ll go into the warm earth, I’ll rise up to the sun like a spikelet,

Then there will be people like me in it whole family. (Grain.)

10. Yegorka stands in a red Yarmulka, and whoever passes by bows to everyone. (Mushroom.)

11. Tatyana flaunts herself in a forest clearing - a scarlet sundress, white specks. (Strawberries.)

12. The ball is white. The wind blew and the ball flew away. (Dandelion.)

13. Eh, bells, blue color,

With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bells.)

14. There are white bells on the green cord. (Lily of the valley.)

15. You can’t see yourself, but you can hear the song. (Mosquito.)

16. From branch to path, from grass to blade of grass

A spring jumps - a green back. (Grasshopper.)

Signs of June

Many insects fly towards the fire - towards the rain.

If there are a lot of ants around the anthill, the weather is good.


Like rye in the fields, so in the meadows all the grains also bloomed, and when an insect swayed the grain, it was enveloped in pollen, like a golden cloud. All the herbs are blooming, and even the plantain - what a plantain grass - and also covered in white beads. Crayfish necks, lungworts, all sorts of spikelets, buttons, cones on thin stems greet us. How many of them have passed while we lived for so many years, and it’s impossible to know - it seems that all the same necks, spikelets, old friends. Hello, hello again, dears!

M. Prishvin

Summer is buzzing, moving

Antennae and proboscis.

Touching, touching, touching,

They try every flower.

Summer green road

He hurries to the entrance with honey.

N. Ushakov


The sun is shining brightly,

There's warmth in the air

And wherever you look,

Everything around is light.

The meadow is colorful

Bright flowers,

Covered in gold

Dark sheets.

The forest is sleeping: not a sound.

The leaf doesn't rustle

Only a lark

There's a ringing in the air.

I. Surikov


Bees, butterflies, bugs -

We are like music icons.

Our role cannot be narrowed

To the ability to buzz.

Our music is simple

Quiets, flying away,

Flies away, becoming silent,

Returns, fluttering.

I. Brodsky


The float trembled, swayed slightly and suddenly quickly sank to the bottom. I grabbed the rod - the hook bent in an arc, the line stretched like a string. “I got hooked on a snag again,” I thought, but the next moment I felt a jerk, then the line weakened and hung over the water: the fish, escaping, went straight to the shore, into the reeds. I caught a large perch. Red-finned, striped, with a dark green tint on the sides. He seemed to me a rare beauty, the kind that are found only in deep lakes overgrown with reeds and covered with duckweed. I carefully lowered him into the cage and closed the door. In the first minutes it raged desperately in the cage, but then calmed down. The bite has begun. With each cast of the fishing line, as soon as the float was installed, the striped robber immediately grabbed the worm and was hooked. With such a bite, it was possible to fish with only one fishing rod, and I threw the second one near the reeds. But after half an hour, the school of perch apparently passed, or I caught them all, only the fish stopped biting. The float, like a small buoy, loomed calmly above the water. I lay down on the grassy bank and began to watch the cheerful awakening of the inhabitants of the lake. Near the water lily, like speed skaters on mirror ice, the swimming beetles were spinning and gliding. A blue rocker, similar to a small helicopter, smoothly descended onto the tip of the float and, after sitting for two or three minutes, rose into the air again. A snake swam towards the reeds - into the kingdom of large frogs - proudly raising its head, decorated with a yellowish crown. The sun, rising higher and higher, laid out a dazzling path on the lake water, which it was impossible to look at without narrowing your eyes. It was a joyful, sparkling morning. The fish still didn't bite. I remembered about the second fishing rod and, pulling the rod out of the grass, pulled it towards me. But the fishing line got caught on something, and I had to get to my feet. The hook was not visible; the line led into dense thickets of reeds.

“Did I really throw this fishing rod so carelessly?”

I had to climb into the reeds to unhook the hook. Pulling the line a little, I pulled out... a frog! Working with her paw, she tried to free herself from the hook, but she failed. I helped my captive. She seemed beautiful to me: large, bulging eyes, dark lines outlined from head to hind legs, white, tender breast.

Go, stupid, and don't get caught again!..

The bite started again. But no more perches were caught. The float danced and ran a little to the side. It was probably taken by a track - the fish is careful and hasty. It was necessary to seize the moment to strike. It broke several times. While changing worms, I felt someone's gaze on me. I looked around - no one. But the feeling that I was not alone here did not leave me. And suddenly I noticed a frog, the same one that caught my hook. She looked at me, as they say, with all her eyes, and, apparently, was waiting for something. I guessed it, and, taking the worm off the hook, I put it right on her face. After hesitating for a second, she pawed it onto the grass, and then instantly swallowed it. That's the problem! It turns out that she has been picking up old worms that I threw off the hook for a long time. I began to share with her, and soon we became friends. Having had enough of her fill, she became completely bold and climbed into the fish tank. It was funny to watch how, hearing the splashing of fish in the cage, she stuck her muzzle through the cracks and, clinging to the slats with her paws, climbed around the cage like a monkey. Then she got tired of it and sat down on the very door to bask in the sun. The bite was good, and she often had to be disturbed to put the caught fish in the cage. She was not very willing to leave her habitual place. I nudged her with light clicks of my fingers, and sometimes even treated her rudely: there was no time to stand on ceremony. But she didn't leave. Imagine my surprise when the next day I saw her again! I had only just installed the fishing rods when she crawled out of the reeds and stared at me with her bulging eyes.

Hello, Zelenushka! - I greeted her.

How's the bite today?..

For the sake of such a meeting, I had to treat her with a fresh worm. Several dawns in a row, she and I sat together on the shore of the lake and surprisingly: I was lucky all the time. Each time I brought home a full cage of fish.

But somehow I came to the same place, set up my fishing rods, sat down comfortably by the water, and out of habit began to wait for her, looking at the reeds: my partner was about to appear. But time passed, and she still did not appear and, as luck would have it, she did not bite. I got up and parted the reeds. Greenfinch was not there. And the fishing place immediately seemed to me somehow deserted and uncomfortable. While unwinding my fishing rods, I noticed a narrow shiny strip on the lake: a grass snake was swimming. He proudly held his head above the water and fearlessly glided towards the shore. He swam to the reeds and stopped when he saw me. I waited for him to swim closer to avenge Greenfinch. But, sensing danger, I turned to the side and began to hide behind the floating grass... I never came to this place again.

G. Paushkin

June signs

Frequent fogs promise a mushroom harvest.

Frogs purr in response to rain, scream loudly in response to good weather, silent - in front of the cold.

A green rainbow means rain, a yellow rainbow means good weather, a red rainbow means heat and wind.

In the morning, bees do not fly to the fields, but sit in the hives - wait for the rain.

If the nights are warm in June, then you can expect an abundance of fruit.

Sparrows are cheerful, active, pugnacious - for good weather.

Fish jump out of the water - before the rain.

In the morning, the grass smells stronger than usual - it means rain.

The water is clearer than ever - ready for rain.

There are only 4 months in a year, 30 days long. June, the first month of the long-awaited summer, is one of them. The longest day of the year since the longest on a short night, the summer solstice falls on June 21st. Where did the name of the month June come from? And again we plunge into the depths of centuries. It used to be considered lucky to get married in June. And the Roman goddess Juno, after whom the month of June may have been named, patronized marriage and family life.

The Roman poet Ovid suggested that June was named after the first Roman consul, Lucius Junius Brutus.

There is another version of the name of the month, according to which the word “junior” means “young”, “younger”. June was also called isok. Izok is a grasshopper, and there are a lot of them in June.

And among the people, June is called grain growth, multi-colored, hoarding, light, milky, ant.

Signs of June:

If there are warm nights in June, this means an abundance of fruits.
Frequent fogs in June mean there will be a lot of mushrooms.
If the woodlice blooms in the morning and remains open all day, it means the weather will be good.
If bees buzz in a swarm on a blooming rowan tree, tomorrow will be a clear day.
Honeysuckle smells good - for rain.

Sayings about June:

In June, a day is a year.
In June there is little food and life is fun: flowers bloom, nightingales sing.
In June dawn meets dawn.
In June, each bush will let itself spend the night.
In June, the first berry is placed in the mouth, and the second is carried home.
In June there is a holiday in the forest: pine and spruce bloom.
Spends June at work, discourages dancing.
June has come - don't care about fishing.

June holidays: June, however, like any other month, is rich in dates.

June 1st marks one of the oldest international holidays- International Children's Day. It was founded in Geneva, in 1925, at the World Conference, dedicated to issues children's well-being. This holiday is important for all parents. Just wondering, do any of you congratulate your children?

June 5- World Day environment. This day once again reminds all inhabitants of our planet that we must take nature into account. After all, our life depends on the environment. And precisely in last years we began to feel the impact of ecology.

A significant place among the dates is occupied by Pushkin Day, which is celebrated June 6. This holiday became official in 1997, when the president signed a corresponding decree. I am sure there is not a single person who does not know this name, the name of the greatest playwright, poet A.S. Pushkin, whose name has entered the history of Russia in golden letters. Alexander Sergeevich raised a simple Russian word, made the Russian language perfect and brought it global significance. Even during Pushkin’s life, Gogol said about him: “Pushkin is an extraordinary phenomenon and, perhaps, the only manifestation of the Russian spirit: this is the Russian man in his development, in which he may appear in 200 years.”

Was consecrated on June 11 Saint Isaac's Cathedral. The most beautiful building of Auguste Ricard de Montferrand, without which we can no longer imagine the appearance of St. Petersburg. The history of St. Isaac's Cathedral, an outstanding architectural monument, is interesting and unusual. Peter the Great began to build it, and Nicholas 1 finished it. The cathedral took 40 years to build, its height is 101 meters, its weight is 114 tons. 112 monolithic columns surround St. Isaac's Cathedral. The interior decoration includes numerous works of painting, mosaics, sculpture, in total more than 150 works of monumental painting. Among them are works by such recognized and outstanding painters as Vasily Shebuev, Fyodor Bruni, Karl Bryullov.

There is one holiday in June, a red date on the calendar, 12 June- Russia Day. It has been celebrated annually since 1992 and is not a working day. Hooray.

June 13 construction began on the great Siberian route - the Trans-Siberian railway. This is one of the largest railway lines on the entire planet - 9300 kilometers! This highway connects Far East With European part Russia.

22nd of June the saddest date in the history of our country. On this day, or rather morning, on Soviet Union Nazi troops attacked. On June 22, 1941, the bloodiest war began, which lasted 1,418 days. And all these long days and nights, the entire people gave all their strength to defend the very existence of our state. The victory came at a high price. More than 20 million dead, more than a hundred cities destroyed but unconquered. Thousands of villages lying in ruins. Every year, on June 22, we remember those terrible years of war, deprivation and devastation.

A June 24, 1945 The first Victory Parade took place in Moscow. And this is also a memorable and significant date in our history. Despite everything, we were able to win an unconditional victory. And in order to consolidate the Victory, it was decided to hold a Victory Parade on Red Square. On that day, June 24, 1945, the winners of fascism were honored in Moscow. At first Stalin himself wanted to host the parade, but last days refused this because he had poor preparation. And he instructed Marshal Zhukov to host the Victory Parade. And the parade was commanded by Marshal Rokossovsky. Approximately 40,000 people took part in that parade. An interesting fact is that those walking in columns clung to each other with their little fingers in order not to lose step and keep the line. A special platform was built on Red Square, onto which they threw 200 captured German banners. After the parade, they were burned, as well as the gloves in which the standard bearers threw German trophies.

These are the holidays in June.

And here are some wonderful poets who wrote poems about summer:

Alexander Pushkin

Oh, summer is red! I would love you
If only it weren't for the heat, the dust, the mosquitoes, and the flies.
You, ruining all your spiritual abilities,
You torture us; like the fields we suffer from drought;
Just to get something to drink and refresh yourself -
We have no other thought, and it’s a pity for the old woman,
And, having seen her off with pancakes and wine,
We are celebrating her funeral with ice cream and ice.

Nikolay Nekrasov

(From the poem “Peasant Children”)

Wow, it’s hot!.. We were picking mushrooms until noon.
They came out of the forest - just towards
A blue ribbon, winding, long,
Meadow river: they jumped off in a crowd,
And brown heads above the desert river,
What porcini mushrooms in a forest clearing!
The river resounded with both laughter and howling:
Here a fight is not a fight, a game is not a game...
And the sun beats down on them with the midday heat.
Home, kids! it's time for lunch.
We're back. Everyone has a basket full,
And how many stories! Got caught with a scythe
We caught a hedgehog and got a little lost
And they saw a wolf... oh, what a scary one!

Samuel Marshak

June has arrived.
"June! June!" -
Birds are chirping in the garden.
Just blow on a dandelion -
And it will all fly apart.

Boris Zakhoder

It's all winter...
Where is summer?
Animals, birds!
Waiting for an answer!

Summer, -
The swallow thinks -
Arriving very soon.
Summer needs to hurry,
And it flies like a bird!

Is it arriving? -
The Mole snorted. -
It's crawling underground!
You say
Summer is coming soon?
I don't hope so!

Toptygin grumbled:
- Summer
Sleeping in his den

The horse neighed:
-Where is the carriage?
I'm now
I'll deliver summer!

Summer, -
The hares told me, -
He gets on the train at the station,
Because maybe it's summer
Ride like a hare -
Without a ticket!

Fedor Tyutchev

Already a hot ball of the sun
The earth rolled off its head,
And peaceful evening fire
The sea wave swallowed me up.

The bright stars have already risen
And gravitating over us
The vault of heaven has been lifted
With your wet heads.

The river of air is fuller
Flows between heaven and earth,
The chest breathes easier and more freely,
Freed from the heat.

And a sweet thrill, like a stream,
Nature ran through my veins,
How hot are her legs?
The spring waters have touched.

About the month of June for children

Our ancestors called the end of the passage the CHERVEN and HLIBOROST; although he was hand to mouth, he was colorful, with the subtle colors of bright nights.

Signs of June

In June the day never fades.

In June, a day is a year.

In June there is little food, but life is fun: flowers bloom, nightingales sing. In June, dawn meets dawn.

In June the yard is empty, but the field is thick.

The June bucket is earing bread.

June warmth is sweeter than a fur coat.

June is a busy month; the harvest lasts for the whole year.

June passed through the meadows with a scythe, and July ran through the grain with a sickle.

June brings joy to the farmer with sunshine and rainbows.

June corresponds in weather to December, and December to June. Like June, so is the hay.

Thunder in June means a good harvest.

If the nights are warm in June, you can expect an abundance of fruit. Sultry June - spit on boletus mushrooms.

A spider weaves a web - for good weather.

Frogs croak - signifies bad weather.

Ants hide in nests - to a thunderstorm.

Swallows fly low - before the rain.

Proverbs and sayings about June

Summer is bad when there is no sun.

Whoever sits in the cold during the summer will cry in winter.

What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.

Summer gathers and winter eats.

June has arrived and there's no end to work.

Prepare a sleigh in summer and a cart in winter.

In June the sun is high and it is far from morning to evening.

Riddles about June

I am made of heat, I carry warmth with me,

I warm the rivers, swim - I invite you.

And you all love me for this, I... (summer).

The sun is shining, the linden tree is blooming,

When does rye ripen?

Many craftsmen built a hut without corners.


It dies in the fall and comes to life again in the spring.

The green needle will emerge into the light; it grows and blooms all summer long.

Cows without it are in trouble:

She is their main food.

The gates rose

There is beauty all over the world.

The sun ordered: “Stop,

The Seven Color Bridge is cool.”

The cloud has disappeared, there is no sun, the bridge has collapsed, but there are no chips.

The red yoke hung over the river.

As soon as the rain disappeared, a bridge appeared in the sky,

It arched brightly, like a golden belt.

In the blue thicket there is a scarlet ball, it is both light and hot.

Warm long, long day,

At noon there is a tiny shadow.

The ear of corn blooms in the field,

Strawberries are ripening.

What month? Tell me...

Either from the roof, or from the sky -

Either cotton wool or fluff.

Or maybe snow flakes

Appeared suddenly in the summer?

Who is stealing them?

Is it pouring out of a bag?

(Poplar fluff)

Soft, not fluff, green, not grass.

White, round, lay quietly for a long time,

Then it crackled and screamed -

And the inanimate became alive.

(Egg and chick)

If he wants, he can turn into a bird.

The house is round, the house is white,

At first the house was whole,

And how it finally cracked,

So the tenant jumped out.

(Egg and chick)

He hadn’t yet been born, but he found himself in someone else’s nest.

(Cuckoo's egg)

Not a bird, but flying, with a trunk, not an elephant,

Nobody teaches us, but sits on us.

Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, but flying over the flowers.


The squadron sat down on a large colored carpet -

It will open and close its painted wings.


It flies, squeaks, drags its long legs,

He will not miss the opportunity: he will sit down and bite.

He doesn't mind sleeping all day long,

But as soon as night comes,

His bow will sing,

The musician's name is... (cricket).

Winged fashionista, striped dress.

Even though he is small in size, if he bites, it will be bad.

The jumping champion is jumping,

Jumps across the meadows.


The long-armed old man wove a hammock in the corner.

Invites: “Mid flies! Relax, little ones!

A blue airplane landed on a white dandelion.


Although they sting painfully, we are satisfied with the work.

A helicopter landed on a daisy at the gate -

Golden eyes, who is it?


I don't buzz when I sit, I don't buzz when I walk,

If I'm spinning in the air, I'll have a blast.

They turned off the lights in the house, there is still no peace,

Ru-chu-chu and ru-chu-chok, who is it?


Striped, green, she hides in the leaves,

Even though he has many legs, he still cannot run.


Who beats and taps all night,

And mumbles, and sings, lulls you to sleep?

The clouds in the sky will disturb, the rain will drive torrentially,

It will help the sailing boat, it will whistle in the chimney...

Been everywhere in the world Mischievous, cheerful... (wind).

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg.

They weave boxes and baskets for me.

He who loves me is glad to bow,

And the name was given to me by my native land.


A bag of water flew over you and over me,

It flew into a distant forest, lost weight and disappeared.

(Cloud with rain)

White basket - golden bottom,

There is a dewdrop in it and the sun sparkles.


Ermoshka stands in a red shirt,

Whoever comes up will bow.


Not a beast, not a bird, the nose is like a knitting needle,

It flies - it screams, it sits - it’s silent,

Whoever kills him will shed his blood.

Who has eyes on his horns and a house on his back?

It flows, it flows, it won’t flow,

He runs, he runs, but he won’t run out.

I lie above the river, I hold both banks.

The sun is baking, the linden tree is blooming, the rye is heading, the wheat is golden.

Who can say, who knows when this happens?

Snow in summer! Just laughter.

Snow is flying around the city, why doesn’t it melt?

(Fluff from the poplars)

I look so much like a rose, except that I’m not as pretty.

But my fruits are suitable for everyone to eat.

(Rose hip)

A relative of the Christmas tree has non-thorny needles,

But, unlike the Christmas tree, those needles fall off.


What kind of girl is this: not a seamstress, not a craftswoman.

She doesn’t sew anything herself, but uses needles all year round.

The body is wooden, the clothes are torn,

Doesn't eat, doesn't drink, looks after the garden.

(garden scarecrow)

What kind of womb is this that doesn’t see its children?


It’s thin and long, but when it sits you can’t see it in the grass.

The rain came out from under the roof.

Poems about summer for children


Dawn meets dawn,

And in the field the rye sways,

And the grass is all covered in dew -

They dream of a braid.

And the sky is a rainbow ribbon

Rinses in the Volga, Ladoga.

We're jumping over the ground

On a black cloud

And we see under the birches

Father and mother with braids.

We're taking it to father and mother

Sour cream and pancakes.

M. Sukhorukova


June came, June, June.

Birds are chirping in the garden,

Just blow on a dandelion -

And it will all fly apart.

S. Marshak

Beyond the outskirts

Beyond our outskirts

It's warm in the sun.

Green plantain

The road was covered in snow.

And along the edges of the road,

Along the river bank,

Chamomiles with cornflowers

They run in a race.

V. Lisichkin


Work for a small bee

Not at all lazy.

From flower to flower

Flying every day.

For many kilometers

The path goes from home

But a smart little bee

He will always find his home.

Collects bit by bit

Floral scent,

And the honey will become fragrant,

Which I am very happy about!

N. Migunova


Bells, daisies,

Forget-me-nots, cornflowers.

Barefoot and shirtless

We walk around and weave wreaths.

V. Berestov

If I pick a flower,

If you pick a flower,

If everything: both me and you,

If we pick flowers, -

All the clearings will be empty

And there will be no beauty!

T. Sobakina

On the lawn by the stump

We found a beetle in the grass.

The beetle is big and mustachioed,

Sing us a song.

The beetle took flight

Sounded like an airplane:

“Zhu-zhu-zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu,

Goodbye, I'm in a hurry."

E. Trutneva


Morning is a time of cleanliness.

It's important for cats to lick.

Swifts clean their feathers.

Hedgehogs wash their faces.

And only one pig

He won't wash himself when he wakes up.

I woke up a little - I immediately eat,

He will dive into the trough up to his eyebrows -

So the face is washed.

Morning in the early hours

Everywhere in the early hours

Sewed the country morning

To all the blades of grass from the dew

The dress is transparent.

I. Demyanov

Why are watering cans bored?

In the garden by the bench

Watering cans get bored all day long.

The sky is very cloudy

That's why it's boring.

G. Lagzdyn

Summer evening

Everything is visible from my window:

The yard and the garden, and the pine trees beyond the meadow,

The sun is leaving little by little,

Waving an orange handkerchief at me.

Dad will say:

Makes the child sleepy.

What are you talking about, dad, it’s not time for me to sleep.

I just sat on the windowsill in the evening,

And the smell of flowers comes from the yard.

V. Prikhodko


Clouds raced in the sky, staring into the sky.

In one there is thunder, in the other there is hail,

In the third - lightning is burning,

And in the fourth cloud, a mighty rain cloud,

An accordion is folded, a path in seven colors!

G. Lagzdyn

Thunder with a bucket

There is thunder with a bucket cloud.

Brings streams of rain and dewdrops.

Frogs set up

Sounding mugs.

Filled with daisies

Porcelain cups.

The herons drank

The last drops....

And at the very bottom -

N. Maznyak

White swans

White swans live in the sky,

Swans swim smoothly along it.

White feathers curl slightly,

Hello cloud swans!

L. Kudryavskaya


Oh, what a cloud

The cloud is deep

White, distant,

Right above me.

Oh, what a cloud

The cloud is high

The cloud is distant

Can't reach with your hand.

Will swim and hide

In the field outside the outskirts,

He will wash himself in the lake

Fresh water.

V. Stepanov


On a thawed forest patch

Strawberry under a pine tree.

Small strawberry

Bloomed well in spring.

Bees sat on it

The cockchafer flew over her,

Her neighbor is cheerful -

Spring among the stones.

The sun was warm for many days

Lush bush near the stones.

Strawberry was becoming

Everything is nicer and bigger.

She blushed on every side,

Filled with fragrant juice.

E. Trutneva

Multi-colored globe

If they bloomed in the field

Only white flowers

I'd be tired of admiring

They will soon be you and me.

If they bloomed in the field

Only yellow flowers

You and I would get bored

From such beauty.

It's good that there are daisies

Roses, asters, cornflowers,

Dandelions and porridges,

Forget-me-nots and frying!

It's good that they are different

People with eye and skin color.

How beautiful the colorful world is,

Multi-colored globe!

A. Shlygin

Lying, sitting, half-sitting,

Standing and crawling

In crowded but not mad

Friends met:

Moss, nut, whiny bastard,

Acorn, beetle, twig,

Two dewdrops, an aspen leaf,

Scarlet like a badge

And an orange saffron milk cap -

Sign of rainy days -

I've burned a place here

With its redness.

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