Whose weather forecast is more accurate? What weather

Let's talk about the most important thing for cyclists - the weather forecast. It’s clear that for real bike fanatics, no weather is an obstacle for PVD, but still, I want to ride at least without rain.

Many weather sites use the same forecast models, at best, especially important regions and cities are processed by a weather forecaster. The result is not always pleasing.

Therefore, I propose to discuss who uses what weather service. Initially, I, like most Internet users, watched the weather on gismeteo.ru, but it seems to me that its services are relevant only within one day, then there is fantasy.

I was looking for other options, but everywhere the same is the low accuracy of the forecast for the next five days, and the trends for two weeks are completely past.

Then, from someone, I accidentally found out about the Norwegian weather site yr.no, and that's it - nothing else is needed. "Hooked" on him already a bunch of friends, only positive reviews.

This service is a project of the Norwegian Institute of Meteorology, and is funded by the state, launched in 2007.

In my opinion, there is the most accurate long-term forecast. What I also like is that the Norwegians do not overestimate the temperatures. Almost all forecast sites sin with this - they write, for example, that it will be +25, but in fact, at best, it reaches 21.

yr.no, on the other hand, always writes exactly - the air temperature is in the shade, and this helps a lot not to overestimate the weather in a ride or a bike trip, you take a windbreaker and do not regret it.

The accuracy of their model in the regions is also pleasing, which, again, is a problem for many Internet forecast services. yr.no shows very clearly even in the wilderness, that is, in fully automatic mode. I was here for a couple of weeks on Lake Peipsi, so I tracked weather changes with an accuracy of two to three hours.

TO long-term forecasts should be treated with some skepticism, but the trends are clearly visible, even after ten days. Now here in Tallinn, the Norwegians are predicting rain starting from Monday, we'll see. 🙂

In addition to the Norwegian site, I sometimes also use windguru, although this service is intended for those who care about the wind. For us cyclists, the wind is also not the last thing, and the change in direction and strength is monitored very clearly there.

What weather services do you use? Do you believe the forecast, make plans in accordance with them?

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Hi all! There are things without which modern man just can't get by. One of them is the weather forecast. The day is filled with dozens of small and large cases. Everything must be done, everything must be done. And if the state on the street suddenly breaks your plans, it's not just unpleasant. This can also result in a number of undesirable problems. Therefore, I suggest you look at the best weather forecasts in Russia and around the world in general, in order to be ready for all the bad weather, or vice versa, so as not to take a heavy umbrella on a hot day.

Our assistants - weather sites

Any modern person, having resorted to the Internet, can get a forecast for the next hours, days, weeks, even months. But everyone has their own preferences: one weather site - complete trust; others, in your opinion, are unreliable: their forecasts have failed you more than once. We offer to find out who they are, these our assistants.

Hydrometeorological Center: in service for 185 years

Of course you've heard of hydrometeorological center, but not everyone knows that it functions as a World Meteorological Center. How many such centers are there in the world? There are three of them. These are Washington, Melbourne, Moscow. Seventeen departments and various laboratories monitor the processes that form the weather. Their focus is on the atmosphere, land and ocean. In order to provide reliable information not only to the inhabitants of the country, but also to economic structures, as well as state organizations, it is necessary to constantly update information for each federal district on its official website meteoinfo.ru, because this way the data will be available to users faster than it is yet time will pass and they will be shown in the media.

Yandex.Weather - your guide

At the service Yandex.Weather has its advantages: the forecast can be not only global, but also local. You are not interested in the weather in the region, your microdistrict, the nearest streets are much more important. Meteum technology helps to create scrupulously accurate forecast in your area of ​​residence. Where does Yandex get its data from? Foreka, a Finnish service, provides the necessary data for 228 countries around the world. The information received is trusted not only by many organizations around the world, but also by a number of airlines, for which accurate weather forecast- a guarantee of security.

Many users mobile phones also chose this service. The number of downloads of the official application for smartphones on Android has already exceeded 10 million.

Gismeteo.ru - simple and affordable

If you a common person, and you do not care about the security problems of hundreds of thousands of people, your own comfort is important to you, then you to this site. You can easily cope with navigation and in a matter of seconds get all necessary information. Users will especially appreciate the hourly weather forecast.

There is also a "Feels" column for your comfort. It will not be superfluous to also know the speed and direction of the wind, as well as the humidity of the air. The information received will allow you to fully orient yourself in the weather conditions and be ready for any vagaries of the weather.

In Russia, this site is very popular. And the Gismeteo lite app for Android has already been installed by more than 10 million people.

Weather.com: A World of Reliable Information

You have more trust in foreign sites, then heed the following recommendation: weather.com supplies the necessary information not for individual regions, but for hundreds of thousands of cities scattered throughout the globe. Why is this information so trustworthy?

Probably not last role plays the fact that the site was formed on the platform of the channel "The Weather Channel", which has been providing reliable information about weather conditions for 36 years. If you do not fully own English language, where the site provides all the necessary information, you will have the opportunity to find the Russian version of "ru.weater.com". Although, all the same, learn English and look at the information on the Internet in the original. And if you don’t know where to start, then I recommend you, where I made a selection of the best sites for learning English for free.

In addition to the usual components, you will also learn about air humidity, likely visibility on the roads, phases of the moon, the exact time of sunrise and sunset.

Many users consider weather.com to be the best site for getting weather forecasts, and for good reason. It's really very comfortable.

Accuweather.com breaks new ground

Perhaps you trust American meteorologists more. Why not? weather service accuweather, created on a commercial basis, shares its information with 3 million communities scattered around the world. You can choose a Russian-language menu and get not only a reliable weather report, but, for example, very useful information about the degree of danger of ultraviolet rays.

Air Force Weather Service

Going to British Meteorological Service website, you will receive verified information from one of the world's oldest services. Thanks to him, already in 1861, readers of English newspapers received reliable information about weather conditions. According to user reviews, short-term forecasts are incredibly accurate, they are trusted by residents of 5,000 cities scattered around the world. Whether you join their ranks can only be determined by checking the accuracy of the data.


Type the word Meteotrend in the search engine, and in a second you will be studying very useful information on the organization's website ( en.meteotrend.com). So, the list of countries with instantly highlighted current on this moment temperature. One click of the mouse and you will see the weather in all settlements selected country.

Choose a city and get a full wardrobe recommendation for today right in the information column on the site. And it's not a joke. Here is an example: warm boots, woolen hat, scarf, gloves… Doesn't that look very nice, doesn't it? And for a person going on a trip, such information will be a real find.

Nepogoda.ru - it's time to go to the resort

You are going to rest, so you do not want to go to site called "Nepogoda", but in vain. First, you will find all the information you need, just like on other weather websites. But there is also a nice bonus called "Weather at the resorts." The list of resort towns, Russian and foreign, will allow you to instantly find the information you are interested in. Wind, precipitation, cloudiness, humidity, pressure. You can instantly evaluate the whole picture and accept the right decision at the place of intended rest.

Weather news: about the weather and not only

There is nothing to surprise the Internet user, but there is still weather news. One typed word is enough and along with the weather forecast you will receive information about weather news and environment on the meteovesti.ru portal. For example, you will learn how dangerous drip tornadoes are, where snow fell with insects, and whether Niagara Falls can collapse. There is so much information that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away. Heat records, rat infestation, volcano awakening. Take a look at the archive or see a photo of how almonds bloom. This site makes me want to stay longer.

Ventusky.com - your own weather forecaster

And here this site I was especially surprised. You can feel like leading the weather forecast. Comment on everything you see on the map. There is so much information here that it is difficult to cover it at a glance. It has everything: thunderstorms, waves, snow cover, wind animation. Learn how to use the map and get real pleasure from the fact that you own unique information. Why trust someone if you can use the information obtained on the basis of your own analysis.

Summarize. Do you want to be aware weather conditions, then it remains only to choose experimentally the correct way to obtain a reliable and useful information. In addition, do not forget that most of the above companies, worrying not only about the reliability of weather data, but also more global problems such as global warming or the extinction of rare animals due to climate change processes are presented in mobile versions for your smartphones and tablets. Thanks to this abundance of resources, you will always be on guard for weather conditions and their future changes.

What is the best website for weather forecasts? Write your opinion in the comments. To me it's just really what users choose.

Well, this concludes my article. I hope that it was useful and interesting for you. So be sure to subscribe to our public in VK so as not to miss the release of new articles. Also, I recommend that you subscribe to my channel on youtube. There I talk about how not to get caught by scammers and scammers on the Internet. I'm sure you'll like it. And of course I always look forward to seeing you again on my blog. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Many from time to time think - how accurate are weather forecasts? Whose weather forecast is more accurate? In which direction are forecasts most often wrong for my city?

Time for math adventures!

Over the past few years, Yandex has been actively developing its weather service. A couple of years ago, Metium technology was introduced and precipitation forecast accurate to the minute.

Fantast8 comments were highlighted in the discussion for these posts. "Amateur Meteorologist" in Pretty aggressive form rushed to criticize Yandex technologies and if you do not pay attention to the style of communication, then the essence of the claims was reduced to the lack of texture and closeness of statistics.

And then I thought: does anyone even consider the accuracy of forecasts?

fire kingdom

A quick google turned up the ForecastAdvisor project, however, forecasts were evaluated only for US cities, and, of course, there were no Russian-speaking providers (Yandex, Hydromet, etc.).

For some time there was a MyCli.me project in RuNet, which is now closed. However, he had constant problems with data collection and the rating system (choosing the best forecast) was not based on the scientific method.

In addition, I found many initiatives, for example, from OLS and lucius, but they were all limited either by time, or by city, or by provider. For example, one of the most amazing projects from slimyhorror has been analyzing the feasibility of forecasts for more than 5000 days in a row! But only forecasts from the BBC are evaluated and only for cities in the UK.

Thus, it was decided to do their own project. The trick is to collect forecasts, collect actual weather and evaluate sales based on a scientifically based formula. Let's start with her.

banana guard

In 2009, the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia issued "Instructions on short-term forecasts". According to this manual, the forecast is considered to have come true if it differs from the actual observed temperature by no more than 3 °C in any direction. If the forecast differs from the actual weather by more than 3°, then such a forecast is considered to have failed (paragraph of the manual).

More about gradation.

Theoretically, the provider could predict the weather from -60 to +60 every day and thus get one hundred percent sales. However, the correct gradation of the forecast is considered to be a deviation of no more than 1 degree, for example, "Daytime temperature from 2° to 4°". Thus, a deviation of 2 degrees from the interval or 3 degrees from the value is allowed.

Weather forecasts should be evaluated separately for day and night (7.2.3). The accuracy of the daily forecast is defined as the average of the accuracy values ​​of the forecasts for the night and for the day. Evaluation of the success of weather forecasts for a calendar period (month, season, year, etc.) consists in calculating their average skill for the corresponding period (9.1.1).

Okay, it seems not difficult - we take the forecast for tomorrow (for the day after tomorrow, etc.), collect data on the actual weather, compare separately for the day and night. If

Math.abs(predict - actual) > 3
then the forecast did not come true (Pt=0%) if<= 3 то Pt=100%. Считаем среднюю оправдываемость за соответствующий период и получаем нужные данные.

dark cloud

From the parsing of sites with the weather immediately refused, because. HTML parsing is not stable and this would inevitably increase the number of errors in the final statistics. Fortunately, many providers provide an API to access their forecasts. In the first step, I added forecasts from accuweather.com, darksky.net, openweathermap.org and wunderground.com. All of them provide JSON-API. At the second stage, the Norwegian yr.no with XML-API, the Russian Hydrometeorological Center (RSS had to be parsed) and Yandex.Weather were added.

To date, there is an agreement with foreca.com and negotiations are underway with gismeteo.ru, intellicast.com and the English metoffice. If you have friends in these projects who are ready to help with the API - write!

Increased weirdness

In theory, collecting the actual weather should have been no problem. Every major city has a weather observation station, usually in the center of the city, for example in Moscow it is VDNKh. National Hydrometeorological Services transmit data from these stations to the World Weather Watch, where it is processed and stored. Observations are transmitted as a SYNOP code every 3 or 6 hours.

In addition, every major airport has a weather station that broadcasts an aviation weather report every hour (or half an hour) in METAR format.

Raw SYNOP and METAR data can be found on the NOAA website; processed data on ogimet.com. It is convenient to search for the stations themselves on weatherobs.com.

However, there are several problems here. Firstly, the quality of the transmitted data - there are often typos in the reports (for example, the letter O instead of the number 0). Second, data stability. In 2017, Aviametelecom stopped transmitting weather reports from more than fifty airfields in Russia for an entire month. Thirdly, there are cities in which I simply could not find a working station. For example, in Rostov-on-Don there is no data for either station 34730 (URRR) or station 34731.

In situations like this, I use information from The Weather Company's (now owned by IBM) private network of stations to collect actual weather.

Science rules

As a result, the site Meteotrust.com turned out.
At the moment, data is collected for 10 Russian cities from 7 providers. In the near future I plan to add more cities, more providers and more periods (long-term forecasts from hydrometcenter and accuweather, forecasts for 10 days). In addition, the collection of precipitation statistics is being prepared. Assessing the accuracy of precipitation forecasts is slightly more difficult than assessing the accuracy of temperature forecasts. This will be a separate post.

What are the conclusions?

Openweathermap - bottom.
Accuweather, yr.no, darksky are strong midranges.
Yandex and Wunderground have excellent forecasts.
The hydrometeorological center often competes with Yandex for first place in terms of the quality of short-term forecasts. However, there is an assumption that with an increase in the number of cities, especially foreign ones, the overall success of the forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Center will fall.

The morning of an ordinary citizen begins with three things - a shower, coffee, weather forecast. Alas, recently weather forecasters are increasingly mistaken, and it is difficult to find the most accurate site with the most reliable information. The issue of trust is everyone's business, but many listen to forecasts.

Many users are looking for an accurate weather forecast site, because it is the first place a person comes to when he is going on a trip or a long trip, a business trip. There are a lot of similar sites, but the data on them differ.

Which weather forecast websites can you trust?

In order to find out what the weather will be like in the near future, we first of all open the Internet in search of reliable data. The most accurate forecast is the one that is compiled for a maximum of 5 days. It's important that the site also lists other information besides the temperature, as well as highlighting how the temperature "feels" like. It is better to watch the weather not by region, but by city. For large cities, some sites indicate the forecast for the districts, and often the weather in them differs significantly.

The most accurate site is the one that "works" with military airfields and airports. You can also trust those who have an application for a smartphone. There can be a mistake on any site, because it is difficult to make a 100% forecast. Meteoinfo.ru ranks first in the ranking of the most accurate sources. Information from the Hydrometeorological Center is “poured” onto it every day.

Also a popular "weather" site in Russia is Gismeteo.ru. The forecast on it is indicated for 3 - 10 days. Moreover, the site indicates the dates of church holidays and signs.

The next most visited site is rp5.ru. The data is shown in the table, there is detailed information, it is indicated how much the temperature is “felt”.

Often users go to Yandex. Weather”, but there are errors on the site.

A fairly popular site is Intellicast.com. It is owned by the meteorological corporation from the USA. Airlines contact him. The site Windytv.com belongs to the UK - it has good animation. But no matter how rated the site would be, you need to understand that even modern scientists cannot make a 100% weather forecast.

Reading time: 10 min.

The weather forecast is sometimes one of the most important information a person needs, and it does not matter for an hour, a day or a whole week. The network has a huge amount of resources that provide it, but only a few have reliable weather data. We bring to your attention the most accurate weather forecast sites reporting the latest and most reliable weather data.

Sinoptik.ua is one of the most accurate Ukrainian meteorological resources providing weather information online. The coverage of the territory of the site, however, is small - all the settlements of Ukraine and just over 100,000 major world cities. Information about long-term weather forecasts is provided by the Finnish weather service Foreca, and data on real-time changes is provided by the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center.

The resource displays the weather report for the current moment, for 7 and 10 days. This is information about temperature, humidity, pressure, wind speed and precipitation. According to the given routes on Sinoptik.ua, you can find convenient weather maps, as well as data on the water temperature of the Black, Mediterranean and other European seas.

The undisputed leader of the Runet in terms of attendance, Gismeteo.ru compares favorably with its fellow Gismeteo.ua, which often sins with unreliable data. Site navigation is simple, concise and intuitive. The resource contains a detailed and fairly accurate weather forecast for any point on the globe. The site information is always up-to-date, since the data is updated four times a day.

Gismeteo.ru detailed forecast includes temperature, wind speed, precipitation, sunrise and sunset, moon phases, geomagnetic data. Information about upcoming weather changes can be viewed for an hour, a day, several days or a month. On the information geographic maps fixed on the site, you can view changes in temperature, wind direction, precipitation and cloudiness for three days ahead in dynamics.

BBC.co.uk is one of the world's leading informers with the most accurate and objective weather reports. The resource was transferred to online mode in 1997. The work of BBC.co.uk is based on the Ukmet predictive model. The portal has information about temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure, wind strength and speed, as well as visibility on the roads. The time frame of the forecast is from 1 and 10 days.

The BBC.co.uk weather forecast is licensed by MetOficce, a British weather service founded in 1854 and one of the world's oldest and most respected weather resources. Starting with providing weather reports for British newspapers back in 1861, today MetOficce produces weather reports for 5,000 major world cities. And the BBC's short-term forecasts have long earned the reputation of being the most accurate in the world.

One of the most reliable weather forecast services. We are very fond of users for the simplicity and conciseness of the interface, the lack of excess information and a detailed weather forecast. The output of accurate data for a day, 10 days or a month is possible for absolutely any city in the world.

Information for the site Pogoda.yandex.ru was provided by the Finnish service Foreca, which makes weather forecasts using the ECMWF model. The resource base consists of about 12 thousand cities in 228 countries.

From the site data, you can get information about air temperature and humidity, atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, the presence or absence of precipitation, wind speed and direction, sunrise and sunset. Information about the weather and microclimate of seaside towns is supplemented with data on the temperature of sea water in the coastal zone.

An American metrological resource that provides accurate weather forecasts for 3 million locations around the world. The commercial weather service originated in 1995 based on the GFS model founded by Joel Myres in 1965. Initially, the data collected by Accuweather was intended for publication in the media and television forecasts. Now the company is a paid service for meteorologists, sells forecast data and creates weather software for PCs and mobile devices.

On Accuweather.com you can find an hourly weather forecast and a lot of useful weather information. For example, not only information about the probability of precipitation is submitted here, but also a map of cloudiness changes, as well as data on the degree of danger of ultraviolet radiation. The resource provides a weather forecast for a month, but all data is updated regularly. In the upper right corner of the site menu, you can select the Russian language and the Celsius temperature scale.

Intellicast.com is America's most popular site, rightfully considered one of the most accurate and reliable in the world. The meteorological resource is owned by Weather Services International (WSI), which owns one of the world's largest commercial meteorological databases. Based on the GFS model, the resource gives clear information about the state of weather conditions anywhere in the world.

WSI provides weather reports to most of the world's airlines. It also actively cooperates with the UK, Japan, Canada and the USA, providing unique information content for more than 60,000 media companies and enterprises in the energy sector.

At Intellicast.com, you can view weather data in Fahrenheit or Celsius to choose from, learn first-hand about the threat of an impending hurricane or tornado. It is this meteorological resource that is the main source of warning about the approach of a natural disaster for the entire US population.

One of the most accurate foreign weather forecast sites that provides information on weather conditions for hundreds of thousands of cities on the planet. The Weather.com resource was formed by the American television channel The Weather Channel and is in English. There is also a Russian version of it - ru.weather.com.

The site has a nice interface and a lot of news reports. By setting the region, the user receives detailed data on air temperature and humidity, cloudiness, wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, sunrise and sunset, moon phases, road visibility. Time frames - 1 hour, 1, 5 or 10 days. Weather.com forecasts are broadcast by the Yahoo search engine.

The site has various specialized services such as forecasts and recommendations for gardeners. Despite the accuracy of forecasts and a pleasant interface, Weather.com is not particularly popular in the CIS countries due to the provision of temperature data on the Fahrenheit scale.

An independent resource with interesting and easy navigation was created more than 20 years ago by Russian meteorologists and astronomers. The site provides reliable weather forecasts for 5, 7, 10, 14 days and a month. The resource also has forecasts of the state of the geomagnetic field and recommendations for weather-dependent people.

A special program "WeatherObs" helps with the determination of temperature, wind speed, humidity and air pressure, road visibility, etc.

Meteoweb.ru is a kind of Internet magazine, on the portal of which you can find not only an accurate forecast for any part of the world, but also get acquainted with various news reports on climatic and astronomical facts. And for members of the meteorological club and fans of astronomical observations, there is an opportunity to share interesting data and photographs of weather anomalies.

There is no doubt about the weather news of this resource, since the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, which has been responsible for climate and environmental monitoring since 1930, acts as its information source. Thanks to this fact, Meteoinfo.ru fully justifies its motto - "About the weather first hand", because the weather data is received daily on the site's information portal directly from the Hydrometeorological Center.

A detailed weather forecast by Meteoinfo.ru covers not only Russia, but also most cities in the world. The user is provided with information about temperature changes, the presence and intensity of precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind speed and direction. Meteoinfo.ru also has an animated 48-hour weather forecast for European countries, an archive of forecasts and climate statistics. The main page of the resource has a map of meteorological hazards with regions marked on it that are under the threat of adverse climatic phenomena. For holidaymakers, a pleasant bonus is provided in the form of information about the temperature of the water at different points in the oceans.

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