Maria Shukshina: biography, personal life, children, photos. Maria Shukshina biography, photo, personal life, her children and husband What is known about Vishnyakov

The daughter of the famous couple from the cinematic environment, Vasily Shukshin and Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, Masha could not choose a path other than acting. But, realizing how unpredictable he could be, the girl first tried to get an education that was far from acting. After school, Maria entered the translation department of the Mores Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages, became a translator and worked in her profession for several years. But the proximity of the bohemian environment and the opportunity to engage in acting still forced her to deviate from her intended path. In the 90s, Maria was invited to the cinema, where she remained. But he never ceases to be passionate about learning languages. The actress’s arsenal today includes English, German, French and Italian.

Wedding story

In films and TV series, Maria Vasilievna plays a variety of roles. In her interviews, talking about the heroines, she admitted more than once: the most interesting thing is to play a type that is completely dissimilar in spirit. It’s great when you need to not only differ in appearance from Masha Shukshina, but also change your plasticity, facial expressions, and get used to the role completely, so that it is impossible to recognize her by the manner of her acting.

But in her personal life, Masha doesn’t like to play. She said that she loves her - that means it is so. She said that she’s had enough of marriages—she won’t get married.

Maria's first serious love happened back in student years. Masha married a classmate Artema Tregubenko. Neither the actress nor her ex-husband talk about that marriage. Only one interesting fact is known: Maria’s future, second husband was a witness at that wedding. They say that already then Alexey Kasatkin was passionately in love with the future star. The bride danced all evening with the witness, and not with the groom.

From her first marriage, Masha will have a charming daughter, Anechka, but after a few years the couple will divorce. Intelligent Artem never admits what happened in their family then?

"I loved her very much"

Almost ten years later, Masha gets married for the second time. A non-random meeting took place in 1995, at a dinosaur exhibition. Alexey later admits that it was enough to meet his former classmate’s eyes for the gears of his internal clock to force him to turn back time. I remembered the sweet student days, and for the young people everything started spinning on its own.

At that exhibition, Alexey was with his second wife, but soon he was forced to admit to her that he had fallen in love with someone else. Masha and I only went to a restaurant a couple of times, and then moved in together. For a year and a half, Kasatkin showered his beloved with diamonds, gave her fur coats, and took her to resorts. They were happy and in love. From such a union, Maria’s second son, Makar, was born. They signed without a grand celebration on the same day when they prepared the documents for the newborn Makarka. Grandma Lida was with the baby at this time. Alexey still admits ex-wife in love.

A child was kidnapped

In total, the newlyweds were married for about four years. This couple suffered many mutual grievances, many serious scandals. The parents of Shukshina’s second husband are still offended by her, allegedly because she deprived them of the opportunity to communicate with their grandson. And Alexei idolizes Mashu, tells how they loved each other and does not even rule out the possibility that something similar could happen again.

According to the husband’s relatives, the discord in the lovers’ relationship began because of Machine’s jealousy. She constantly accused her husband of cheating, and her mother-in-law was sure: her daughter-in-law was causing scandals and provoking a divorce on purpose. Because I found someone richer. But an incident that Shukshina cannot forget to this day became fatal in the relationship of the already divorced spouses.

Living with a movie star is difficult, and when Kasatkin got married, he had to understand that Maria would not be able to pay much attention to her family. And so it happened. A month and a half after the birth of the baby, Masha had to fly to another country. She left Makar with the nanny in Vladimir region, in a house on the lake. Having learned about this, Shukshina’s mother-in-law immediately rushed to “save” the child and took him with her. The worried nanny called Maria Vasilyevna, and she realized: the baby had been kidnapped!

They took Makar away with the police. The horror that Shukshina had to endure, who was in another country and simply did not have the opportunity to understand the situation and influence it, will remain in the mother’s heart forever and will affect her future fate.

There will be no third marriage!

In the mid-2000s, a lawyer began to court Maria Boris Vishnyakov. The man sincerely fell in love with the beauty, asked her to marry, tried to please, but Maria, taught by two unsuccessful relationships, protested. Even when she realized she was pregnant, she refused another stamp in her passport.

Meanwhile fate brought good news: Shukshina and Vishnyakov were born with twins! The names for the boys - Foka and Foma - were suggested by the Shukshins' confessor. The twins were supposed to take their father's surname, but Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina intervened in the registration and insisted that the grandchildren should bear the famous surname of their grandfather.

But the lovers’ quarrels began even before pregnancy. Masha, according to Boris, always remained cool towards him, behaved arrogantly and dryly. She didn’t believe that he truly loved her, she demanded that she fulfill the promises that the lover Vishnyakov gave her while he was courting her. Namely, to throw the whole world at her feet, to make sure that she does not need anything.

But when the boys were just born, their father’s business began to nosedive. He fell apart and could not get himself together. Instead of supporting the mother of many children, Masha, unable to withstand the numerous scandals of the exhausted Shukshina, he left for the Belarusian wilderness. For a whole month Masha didn’t know what to think.

Eternal swing

Then she will make a statement that she is used to relying on herself in everything, that she does not tolerate weak people around, and that she is ready to raise the kids alone. Nevertheless, Boris, having recovered from his failures, returned. He took care of the boys, spent all his money on them, so much so that there was nothing left for anything else. Once he admitted to Masha that he couldn’t even pay the nanny, after which the long-disappointed Shukshina forbade him to communicate with the children.

After a while, Boris finally found the strength to pull himself together, began to lead a long-term project, and made peace with Masha. His sons moved to live with him, and he did not give up trying to return, albeit difficult, but beloved woman.

But as time passed, they quarreled again. The children moved to the Shukshins. Then - a new truce...

Their relationship is still like a swing. Boris can only guess whether he loves or doesn’t love, whether he will forgive or not. Recently they judicial procedure dealt with child custody. And in latest news they talk about how great Shukshina and Vishnyakov spent a week in sunny Turkey...

Maria Vasilievna Shukshina – Russian actress and TV presenter, known to viewers from the films “American Daughter”, “I Love You”, “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard”, “Burnt by the Sun-2”, “A Stranger’s Own”, etc. She hosted the TV show “Wait for Me” on Channel One since 1998 to 2014. Honored Artist of Russia (title awarded in 2008).

Childhood and family

Maria – eldest daughter famous writer and actor Vasily Shukshin and actress Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. The actress also has an older half-sister, Anastasia (born in 1960, her father is actor Vyacheslav Voronin), and a sister, Olga, who is one year younger. The sisters were complete opposites in character. According to Maria, she took after her mother: quiet, collected and shy. Olga had an explosive temperament, so conflicts often broke out between the sisters.

Masha made her screen debut when she was only a year old - in the film anthology “Strange People” (short story “Brother”). At the age of six she starred in the film “Birds over the City” by Sergei Nikonenko.

When she turned 7, her father passed away. Mom continued her career, toured a lot, and therefore her daughters were left to their own devices and became independent early on.

As a child, Maria Shukshina wanted to become an actress, but her mother dissuaded her: “If you are lucky, you will marry a director. Then he will film you. And if not, then you will remain unemployed and will be in limbo all the time.” After such words, the girl decided to choose another, more stable profession, and entered the Institute of Foreign Languages. Maurice Thorez.

First roles

After university, Maria Shukshina worked for several years as a secretary-translator from English and Spanish (later she learned German and French), after which she completed courses where she learned driving, computer work and office work, and got a job as a stock exchange broker. But still, it was not possible to drown out the “call of the ancestors” - in 1990, the girl appeared in Evgeniy Markovsky’s film “The Eternal Husband.”

The role of Annie in the melodrama “American Daughter” by Karen Shakhnazarov in 1995 became noticeable. The actress transformed into a beautiful bitch who left her husband for a rich American and took her daughter to America without informing her husband (Vladimir Mashkov).

There was a similar role in the drama “What wonderful game» Peter Todorovsky. Here she also played an attractive girl who “pawned” her classmates to state security officers. This was followed by work in Vladimir Bortko’s film “The Circus Burnt Down and the Clowns Ran Away” (1998).

"Wait for me"

In 1998, Maria Shukshina became Igor Kvasha’s co-host in the touching program “Looking for You” (later renamed “Wait for Me”). Maria recalls how she got into the “Wait for Me” program. The invitation to work on television fell out of the blue, and simultaneously from four channels. First, the girl auditioned for the talk show “Two”, where she was eventually approved. Then an invitation came from ORT. And the topic of the program was close to the people, and besides, they invited me without auditioning. The trust of representatives of the television industry won over, and Maria made her choice.

The actress was very much loved by the audience: she sincerely empathized with the misfortune of others, could find the necessary consoling words for everyone, thereby arousing sympathy for herself. Shukshina herself claims that this program revealed a simple truth to her: “There is no such thing as someone else’s misfortune.” Sometimes the woman could not stand it and ran out of the studio with tears in her eyes, as in the episode about the grandmother whose relatives died from the explosion of a residential building.

In 2014, the TV presenter left the program. There were rumors in the press about a disagreement between Shukshina and the channel’s management, but the reason lay in banal emotional fatigue. Over the years, hundreds of people have passed through the “Wait for Me” studio, each with their own heart-rending story.

Film career

In 2001, Maria Shukshina returned to cinema after a 3-year break - in the comedy television series “ Perfect couple"directed by Alla Surikova, she got a small, but very funny role - a journalist who interviews Armen Dzhigarkhanyan. Then roles in the TV series “People and Shadows” followed one after another. Secrets of the Puppet Theater" (the beautiful Larisa Streletskaya), "The Adventures of a Magician" (the passionate, fatal witch Katerina), "Dear Masha Berezina" (the punchy Ekaterina Kruglova, director of a modeling agency). But in the series “Brezhnev” Shukshina became nurse Nina Korovyakova - she is Leonid Ilyich’s last romantic interest. A woman who had a certain influence on the Secretary General.

Her heroines turned out to be completely different, with the exception of one thing - they were all independent women With strong character, and almost all of them face a difficult fate. For example, everything was fine with her Alexandra (TV series “I Love You”), until one day she discovered that her husband had been cheating on her for many years, and she was faced with the question of how to live on?

The audience also remembered little Sasha’s mother from the drama based on Pavel Sanaev’s novel “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard” - she gave her son to be raised by his tyrant grandmother (Svetlana Kryuchkova), pursuing her personal happiness. Her heart hurts from the forced separation from her son, but she can’t do anything.

The actress also plays a psychologically complex role in the melodrama “Terrorist Ivanova” by Vlad Furman, which was released in 2009. Her Polina Ivanova’s son becomes disabled because of an influential businessman, her husband dies in a pre-trial detention center, and the woman begins to take revenge.

As an actress, experimenting is very interesting for me because the range expands. Without this, both life and work would seem boring. And each new role is a new character. I want to play in such a way that not only in appearance, but also in the manner of playing, they will not be recognized

In the popular series “Take Me with You,” Shukshina also got the main role. Her heroine, Margarita Karetnikova, is a wealthy woman who cannot find happiness. Luxurious life she no longer needs anything, and she finds herself helping the children from the orphanage.

Maria Shukshina. Visiting Dmitry Gordon

In 2013, viewers saw Maria in the image of a simple woman who managed to be an actress, the wife of a venerable director, and a milkmaid (the series “The Outgoing Nature”). For the role, she even had to learn how to milk a cow.

At the same time, the filming of the multi-part drama “Stanitsa” was underway, in which Shukshina embodied the image of a selfless mother who risked going against a criminal group in order to save her daughter in trouble. Nina Usatova, Pavel Trubiner and Maxim Drozd worked with her on the set.

In 2014, the premiere of the detective series “A Stranger’s Own” took place, where Shukshina’s heroine, police officer Alexandra Marinets, had to not only unravel complex crimes, but also gain authority among her male colleagues.

Personal life of Maria Shukshina

Like the life of Maria’s heroines, the personal life of the actress herself is far from cloudless. Shukshina’s first husband was her classmate Artem Tregubenko. The best man at the wedding was... future husband actress - Alexey Kasatkin, who studied at the same institute. As eyewitnesses recalled, at the celebration the bride danced more with him than with the groom. In 1989, the couple had a daughter, Anya, but the marriage soon broke up.

In 1995, at a dinosaur exhibition, Maria accidentally met Kasatkin, at that time a successful entrepreneur. Former classmates remembered the past, and things started to happen... For more than a year, Alexey courted the girl, and finally she accepted his marriage proposal. On November 20, 1998, their common son Makar was born, and almost on the same day they signed at the registry office.

Maria and Alexey lived for about 4 years. Family life was full of conflicts. The husband did not want to put up with the specifics of the acting profession; his parents received their daughter-in-law coolly. When Makar was about 1.5 months old, Maria had to go to another country for filming and leave her son with a nanny in a cottage by the lake. Having learned about this, the mother-in-law rushed to “rescue” her grandson, but the nanny decided that Makar had been kidnapped - the boy had to be “rescued” by the police. And this is just one of the few scandals that have marred family happiness Shukshina. In the end, Maria decided to file for divorce.

Mashenka Shukshina was born in a very creative and world-famous Soviet Union family. Her father, writer Vasily Shukshin, acted in films, gave concerts and read excerpts from his books from the stage. He was a complex and at the same time very kind person.

Acting dynasty

Masha’s mother, Shukshin’s second wife, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina, was a sociable, bright and colorful woman. Popular Soviet actress, universally recognized beauty and beloved wife famous person. Even as a child, using the example of her parents, Maria learned the entire “cuisine” of theater and cinema, and when choosing the path to the stage, she already knew what hard work lay ahead.

Vasily Shukshin died early, the children were raised by Lidia Nikolaevna and she was against her daughter becoming an actress. Masha entered easily and studied conscientiously for 5 years at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez. Despite the fact that it was not her personal choice, studying was easy. Now Maria knows four foreign languages ​​- English paired with Spanish (mastered at the institute), German, and French (learned independently). Having received her diploma, Maria got a job in a prestigious office, performing the duties of a translator and secretary, then she decided to go “free swimming” and received the profession of a broker.

First roles

In 1990, Masha's life changed dramatically. Young Shukshina was invited to star in the film “Eternal Husband” directed by Evgeny Markovsky. Her appearance turned out to be simply created for the camera - Maria looked organic and attracted glances. After Karen Shakhnazarov’s film about the desire to find oneself in the “land of great opportunities” “American Daughter”, filmed in 1995, the aspiring actress became an idol of the younger generation. Maria was filmed by Pyotr Todorovsky and Vladimir Bortko, and in each film her heroines were femme fatale women, bright, contradictory and captivating.

The television period began for Maria Shukshina in the year the dollar fell - in 1998. She was invited as the second presenter in the “Wait for Me” program. Maria again quickly won the love and appreciation of millions. The program found missing people and helped those who had separated to reunite, which is why it was on prime time and was very popular. The ORT television channel beat all the popularity ratings when the invariably elegant Maria Shukshina appeared on the screens.

By the way, in 1998, the actress simultaneously received invitations to 4 programs on various TV channels, but she intuitively chose “Wait for me” and never regretted it. Her sincerity and ability to empathize captivated both the program participants and the audience. Maria left the program in 2014 due to emotional fatigue. She experienced every story with the characters and more than once left the studio in tears.

Restless noughties

Celebrating the advent of the new century, in 2001, inspired by her first successes, Maria Shukshina played in the dynamic series about family troubles “The Ideal Couple” by Alla Surikova. The role was small, but the actress was actively invited to act and she shone in TV series on everyday and mystical themes “People and Shadows. Secrets of the Puppet Theater", "Adventures of a Magician", about the everyday life of the modeling agency "Dear Masha Berezina" (her role is the director Ekaterina Kruglova). A journalist, a witch, a businesswoman - Shukshina’s images became bright, passionate, and bewitching. In the historical series "Brezhnev" Maria played last love Secretary General, nurse Nina Korovyakova.

Of the films in which Maria Shukshina appeared in the last decade, critics highly praised the drama “Bury Me Behind the Baseboard.” The actress deeply organically conveyed the tossing and turning of a woman with a complex destiny, torn apart by contradictions, desires and aspirations, a sense of duty and a strict internal censor - conscience. Series about love and fidelity “Take Me with You”, “Departing Nature” allowed Shukshina to immerse herself in creative search, create a portrait of a modern Russian woman that is understandable and close to many.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, Maria has participated in the following projects:

  • “People and shadows. Secrets of the puppet theater";
  • "Take me with you";
  • "The Adventures of a Magician";
  • “Dear Masha Berezina”;
  • "Departing nature";
  • "Brezhnev";
  • "Stanitsa".

The personal life of the actress and her four children

It is not for nothing that children are believed to repeat the fate of their parents. In family life and love, Maria Shukshina went through an equally difficult and bumpy path. She married several times.

Maria’s first husband was Artem Tregubenko, a classmate at the Institute of Foreign Languages. The wedding was truly a fateful day, since the groom’s witness was her future second husband, the handsome Alexey Kasatkin. None of them were associated with cinema or theater at that time.

From her first husband in 1989, Maria had a daughter, Anya, but this could not strengthen the marriage, which was very shaky from the very beginning. The actress divorced her husband and in 1995, at an exhibition in the capital, she met Alexei Kasatkin. Kasatkin was able to capture the spirit of the 90s and by that time was already a successful businessman. The romance between them developed rapidly. However, before moving to life together More than a year of courtship has passed.

On November 20, 1998, the happy and still in love couple gave birth to a baby - son Makar. Almost simultaneously they got married, but from that moment on a crack arose in the relationship. The husband's parents received actress Shukshina coolly. She actively filmed, toured, and worked a lot. Almost all 4 years of family life, scandals broke out every now and then. A few years later, Maria was again expecting a divorce.

The actress's next husband was Boris Vishnevsky. She was afraid now marital relations and agreed to go to the registry office only after the birth of her sons, twins Foma and Foka in 2005. This time, the reason for the divorce was the collapse of the husband’s business, who took out his business failures on his wife.

Maria had to for a long time fight with Boris for the right to keep the children. In the end, she won, but the intervening years turned out to be very difficult.

Life is a theater

Having gone through divorce, litigation and ordeals with children, Maria finally lost faith in traditional marriage. Now she plays in the Russian Song Theater. The actress received a role in the play “Kalina Krasnaya”. The same role was played in a movie by her mother, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina, more than 40 years ago. Most recently, Shukshina devoted a lot of time to filming a historical series called “Silver Forest.” Maria Vasilievna appeared before the audience in one of the main roles in this detailed narrative about the choice between the personal and the general, between love and duty, between eternal values ​​and earthly goods.

Boris Vishnyakov recalls his meeting with Maria Shukshina like this: “August 4, 2004 - the day we met - I remember like yesterday. It was raining, and the thought flashed through my mind, good luck. Masha came in company with Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina to see the suburban plot that they were allocated on a preferential basis from the Moscow government. And our company was engaged in the distribution of land. And I was going to help them find the right area."

The businessman claims that Maria was not easy to win. One day he called the actress with the words “I invite you to a restaurant. At the same time, we’ll discuss our affairs,” and she agreed. From that day on, dinners together became a tradition.

According to Boris, Maria came to visit him for the first time, a couple of weeks after their first meeting. Shukshina behaved with restraint, and Vishnyakov explained it this way: “Masha is simply afraid to open up. Bitter experience failed marriages forces you to be careful." The businessman invited her to go on vacation to Germany, and she agreed.

Later there was a trip to Prague, where Masha took Makar, her eldest son, with her. Describing that vacation, Vishnyakov says: “Masha then made me a lightning rod onto which she dumped negative energy.” According to his stories, it was then that misunderstanding and alienation arose between them.

Maria reacted to Boris’s decision to break up casually, without emotion. She just said, “I think I’m pregnant.” Vishnyakov describes his reaction: “I was ready to rush to her, hug her, kiss her... But I stood still. Because I knew Masha didn’t like such impulses.”

Two children were born - Foma and Foka. Boris left the business and took care of the kids. Vishnyakov recalls that time with sadness: “I turned into a governess, a dishwasher and a housekeeper.” I wanted understanding and help, but Maria did not consider it necessary to delve into everyday problems. As a result, Boris packed his things and left home for Belarus, where he stayed for a month.

Returning to Moscow, the first thing he did was call Maria: “It’s me. I went into the wilderness to come to my senses. Forgive me. I miss the kids and I love you." And I heard in response: “Come.” New Year they met together, and after a couple of months they separated again. There were no quarrels or scandals, they just realized that it would be better for the children first of all. Maria hired a nanny for them, and Vishnyakov came to visit the kids on weekends.

Later, Maria herself called Boris and asked him to come to Foma and Foka. They had to be taken to sections and clubs, but Shukshina, due to her busy work schedule, could not cope with this. Vishnyakov again gladly took on the responsibility of caring for children.
Boris is sure that disagreements between him and Maria resumed at the moment when he volunteered to lead the construction of a joint house outside the city. Shukshina allocated money for building materials and gave it to the foreman, who sometimes allowed Vishnyakov to borrow part of these funds until a certain period. If he had returned these 600,000 rubles on time, Boris believes, Masha would not have accused him of theft. He remembers her speech verbatim: “You are a thief! I stole money from children!”

Gradually, relations with Masha improved. Boris apologized and began to pay more attention to the children. Foma and Foka love their parents equally and are very glad that they have finally achieved harmony in their relationship.

Sometimes in life one incident can change its further course forever: you fell in love, did not go to a meeting that had been planned for a long time, but went to a completely different place and, thus, changed the situation radically. Any situation and a person’s movement in a certain direction is a step towards building one’s destiny. It is not without reason that they say that each of us is the architect of our own happiness. Sometimes it happens that non-public, ordinary people, meet a celebrity on their way and find themselves in their environment of communication, hobbies and other things. Many people can’t even imagine what it’s like to be from common man immediately become an object of close attention and discussion. Those who live in a creative or bohemian environment from birth have long adapted to it and have acquired immunity, while others who have seen such a life only on TV or leafing through magazines sometimes find it difficult to plunge into the unknown.

Who are we talking about?

Artem Tregubenko is an ordinary Soviet boy, of whom there are millions, but who became the husband of a young girl born into a family of popular artists of the Russian Federation. The article will talk about everything related to the personal life, studies, relationships of Artem and his famous wife, and we will also try to touch on all family members of the popular Shukshin family, with whom fate so closely connected a simple translator from the capital.

A few words about the famous acting family

Vasily Shukshin and Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina are, without a doubt, legendary figures in the history of Soviet cinema. Shukshin himself was revered both in the theater and in the cinema, considered one of the most talented personalities of the era. The whole country watched the films “Kalina Krasnaya” and “Stoves-Benches” with bated breath, empathizing with the simple village heroes. Their fates were so similar to the lives of millions of Soviet citizens that everyone, without exception, saw themselves, their parents or friends in the heroes. All because Vasily Shukshin is from the people. He conveyed the mood so accurately, charged with his energy that passed through the screen, that any viewer believed the actor as himself.

Girls who knew celebrities and popular people of the elite from childhood

The Shukshin family had two daughters, Masha and Olya, who knew the acting environment from birth, often being either behind the scenes or on the set. By the way, both daughters of the acting couple took part in the filming of the film “Stoves and Benches” when they were very young. Celebrities who visited the family knew the girls from the cradle, so neither Maria nor Olga ever experienced any inconvenience associated with bohemian life or communicating with popular personalities.

Maria Shukshina always had a certain love for the acting profession, but her mother, Lidiya Fedoseeva-Shukshina, always dissuaded her daughter from this, noting that even talent may not help without an influential director who would take the aspiring actress under his protection. Perhaps it was for this reason that Masha chose a completely different profession, which had nothing to do with theater and cinema. However, the ways of the Lord are mysterious, and fate decreed otherwise. Subsequently, Maria began acting with famous directors and quickly abandoned the specialty she received at the institute, devoting her life to television.

Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez - fate or coincidence?

After graduating from school, she entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​named after Maurice Thorez. This is precisely the choice she made for herself in order to protect herself from failure in the profession, considering translators to be in demand, and work in her specialty to be quite prestigious. A smart and cheerful guy from Moscow, Artem Tregubenko, entered the same institute, and the same faculty. He ended up in the same group with the daughter of famous Soviet actors. brought together young people who were completely different in everything. At first, Shukshina and Tregubenko found themselves in a common company, and only after some time did the young people pay attention to each other. According to the recollections of the couple’s close friends, and the young lovers themselves, the institute years were incredibly fun and positive. Frequent fees with a guitar, wine and jokes that never stopped for a second, made the atmosphere lively and unforgettable. There was a lightness then, which is sometimes greatly lacking with age.

Shukshina’s first husband: reliable biography facts

But to continue the story about lovers, it is worth saying a few words about young man. Artem Tregubenko, as mentioned above, is an ordinary guy from Moscow who, by luck, managed to meet a famous girl. Very little is known about him, because after the failed marriage, Shukshina says nothing at all about Artem, and he, in turn, disappeared from the field of view of journalists, trying once again not to be seen. There is very little information, but still something is known about Tregubenko. He was born on November 14, 1966 in the capital. He grew up like many Soviet children, but with early age got carried away foreign languages and had a passion for studying them. That's why choosing him future profession was obvious.

A romantic relationship that led a couple of young people to marriage

So, when Artem Tregubenko turned his attention to the modest and timid girl Masha, the young people were already in their 3rd year at the institute. Their romance was swift, and by the middle of the next course the couple got married. The celebration was purely student-style: cheerful, reckless and long-lasting. The first day of the wedding ended well after midnight, or to be more precise, at 5 o'clock in the morning. At first family life brought young people exclusively positive emotions, but then everything turned sour, although the couple had no reason for disagreement. Shukshina’s husband Artem Tregubenko supported his wife in every possible way and, according to the assurances of the couple’s friends, even overprotected her.

Family life is a fiasco

After graduating from the institute and both spouses receiving diplomas, Maria Shukshina became pregnant, and a daughter, Anna, was born into the family of young people in 1989. However, such a joyful event did not bring the couple closer, but, on the contrary, separated them. A series of omissions and misunderstandings led to the family breaking up. For a long period by that time, Maria Shukshina’s ex-husband Artem Tregubenko was excommunicated from her. However, later the woman softened and, in her own words, allowed the girl to meet with her father. In one of the interviews, Shukshina shared that she is now in great relationship He communicates with his first husband and his daughter Anna constantly.

An ordinary person out of a billion like him, but with a sense of tact and dignity

After breaking up with a famous girl, Artem Tregubenko’s personal life remained sealed. Shukshina refuses to comment not only on the reason for the breakup, but also to tell anything about her ex-husband. They say that Tregubenko himself was always tactful and well-mannered, so he, like Maria, never commented on what was happening, and then completely disappeared from the press. On its pages in in social networks there is not a single photograph together with his daughter, so it remains a big mystery whether he communicates with Anna. Reliable fact, which marks the biography of Artem Tregubenko, is that he, as before, works in his specialty, travels a lot around the world, but has never acquired a wife or children.

Anna - daughter of Tregubenko and Shukshina

The daughter of Tregubenko and Shukshina decided to continue family tradition and followed in the footsteps of her grandfather Vasily, enrolling in directing. Anna, like her mother, got married early. Moreover, in some ways she even repeated her fate: the girl’s chosen one was her peer, whom she met in the company of close friends at a student party. Konstantin immediately managed to win Anna over and already in 2013 the young people got married. Their celebration was quite modest, only close relatives and friends of the newlyweds were present. However, according to the press, the girl’s father was not at the wedding.

The wedding of daughter Shukshina and Tregubenko fell in the middle school year, and the young people at that moment were still students, so they went on their honeymoon some time later. IN the winter vacation the newlyweds visited Punkaharja in Finland, where in the wilderness, away from prying eyes, Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina has property (a small apartment). In 2014, Anna gave birth to a son, who was named Vyacheslav.

Interesting facts about Artem Tregubenko and Maria Shukshina

Although Shukshina herself hides a lot from the public, and her first husband generally leads a secluded life, some Interesting Facts I still managed to find out about them:

  1. Maria Shukshina has three marriages behind her, and none of them can be called successful. Her first husband, Artem Tregubenko, invited his good friend Alexei Kasatkin, who at the party in honor of the newlyweds did nothing but dance with the bride and entertain her in every possible way. Subsequently, it was he who became Mary’s second husband. Perhaps even then the witness was secretly in love with the bride.
  2. Many who were familiar with famous father Maria Shukshina, they prophesied for her husband creative personality, actor. Artem Tregubenko was not one, and the two spouses after him also had nothing to do with the acting profession. Rather, their path is business.
  3. All children who were born by Maria Shukshina from their husbands were protected in every possible way after the divorce from communicating with their fathers. Maria constantly wanted sole custody and strived to ensure that only the children remained with her. Artem Tregubenko also went through this, as mentioned above, at first Shukshina did not want Anna to communicate with her father. Two subsequent husbands constantly sued the famous mother in order to have the right to communicate with their offspring. It is not at all clear what exactly Maria Shukshina is guided by when trying to limit the presence of natural fathers in the lives of her children.

Tregubenko's real life is unknown to anyone. Conclusions can be drawn from what he shares on social networks. His photos indicate that the man travels a lot.

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