Love and sexual horoscope for Leo. Sexual and Erotic horoscope of Leo: behavior in bed of men and women of this sign

Leos are unable to control their feelings and emotions in sex. The initial desire for dominance and power over a partner leads to the fact that representatives of this sign often break hearts.

Leo in sex: general characteristics

Leos are often overcome by various sexual complexes that they hide. To prove to themselves and others their usefulness, they can enter into various love affairs and forbidden relationships. The most important thing in sex for Leos is constant praise and flattery. Passion does not last long: having satisfied their desires, representatives of this sign, as a rule, do not particularly care about the needs of their partner. It is very important that your intimate life is varied and rich: quick sex in public places, role-playing games and exciting clothing are the most common fantasies. One glance or gesture is enough to inflame passion, but sensual desire immediately fades away after physical contact.

Leo in bed: passion at the wrong time

Sex for Leos is an opportunity for self-affirmation and emotional release. Therefore, you should not be surprised when such a partner shows assertiveness and passion at the most inopportune moments (for example, during a work break or after a stormy scandal). The main strategy is to dominate a weak and less experienced partner. It is for this reason that the most a large number of unequal marriages(age difference, social distance) occurs specifically with representatives of this sign. Leos sublimate most of their sexual energy into work, so they achieve greater career success. Intimate relationships with colleagues and business partners are quite common. Leos can only show romanticism and a reverent attitude towards a woman during courtship, before the first sexual contact. Then they prefer not to waste time on useless foreplay, immediately moving on to sexual intimacy. Leos in bed are always the center of attention of the opposite sex. Their innate sexual charisma plays a significant role. But, having been exposed to such magnetism, it will be difficult to appreciate the shortcomings and negative side of Leo. To keep Leos from having love affairs on the side, you need to constantly change your images, adapting to their fleeting desires. Mandatory praise after every sexual encounter will melt your heart and satisfy your ambitions. You should never even try to teach them sexual subtleties or suggest anything during intimate communication.

To win the stable affection of Leo, you will have to constantly work. Leos in sex value their partner’s wisdom and tolerance for their shortcomings. IN family life they always take the position of the dominant leader. Remember that if you encounter betrayal at least once, this situation will only get worse over time. One of the options for a stable marriage is a marriage of convenience, when in case of difficulties in intimate life, You allow Leo to satisfy his non-standard sexual desires on the side. One of the most serious shortcomings of representatives of this sign is causeless jealousy. Leos tend to be jealous of non-existent rivals, for example, their first sexual partner. You should not follow the lead if they try to persuade you to have a confidential conversation, wanting to discuss the details of your first sexual experience. Leos do not tolerate it when their partner pays attention to members of the opposite sex in their presence; such situations always cause conflict and violent drama. Finding out the innermost intimate desires of representatives of this Sign is quite simple: you just have to talk about sexual fantasies and forms of their satisfaction.

View sexual compatibility

Using astro-psychology, I will describe the portrait of your loved one, his sensual desires and fantasies, I will give full description sexual type, which will help you understand his or her emotional characteristics and help you behave correctly in your intimate life.

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Sexual compatibility Leo

The most conflicting and unstable alliances are with Scorpio and Cancer. Such relationships will always be tense and filled with violent conflicts. Sexual compatibility Leo with Aries or with Aquarius - quite high: a stable combination. In such unions, sexual harmony will be complemented by the wisdom and tolerance of partners who can save the marriage. Being a Leo's companion is always a sacrifice; constant improvement and the ability to quickly respond to his sensual desires will be required. In love affairs and relationships on the side, Leos occupy a leading place. You cannot consider casual sexual contact as treason, because for Leo, sex is just physiological need and stress relief.

Being fire sign Leo is an extremely passionate and sensual person. In love, Leo quickly ignites and immediately moves from words to action.


For a woman born under the sign of Leo, there is nothing more important than men who are passionate about her and express their delight. She herself is not necessarily in love. In a sense, she is putting sex up for sale, and her price is the satisfaction she feels from being so highly valued.

She should not only occupy an important place in her partner’s life, but also be the only one for him. However, such restrictions do not apply to her herself. She wants to remain completely free to choose a new victim. Usually this does not take much of her time; the victim herself willingly agrees. Leo women are the most famous “hunters”.

She is devoted to those who love her, but if affection for her disappears, she leaves. She can often find herself involved in " love triangle", pushing the two men's heads together. She is only happy when she is the center of attention.

Her emotions are usually superficial. She often falls in love, but is not always able to truly love. She rarely goes to bad mood if you're in love. She is optimistic, cheerful, and does not like to focus on herself. She does not feel any particular torment regarding her desires. What the Lioness wants, she gets.

If a love affair becomes too comfortable, she begins to become lazy and takes everything that happens in bed for granted. As a result, the fire that she lit in her lover fades away. And without the adoration she needs, her own sexual desires gradually die.

If her lover disappoints her, she does not indulge in ranting. Her silent contempt is a much more powerful weapon. No words are needed to express the queen's displeasure. More than one man has been destroyed by the disdainful attitude of the Lioness, and only a few have dared to resume relationships. Most gathered the remnants of their pride and stepped aside in pain.

She is careless about money. He likes to spend it, and mostly on himself. This woman, who loves luxury, therefore prefers a partner who can provide it. Always indulges his own weaknesses. He often goes to beauty salons, buys bright clothes, and loves jewelry and fur.

Other women are jealous of her because all the attractive men will hang around her. She attracts men, perhaps because she thinks it's fair that they give her credit. If she smiles at a man, it can be deceiving, because it does not always mean that she likes him. She constantly needs admiration and will flirt with anyone to achieve it.

The man accompanying her, however, should not for a second give her the opportunity to doubt that she is the Sun in his sky. And the partner who has feelings for her must learn to live by these rules.


A woman born under the sign of Leo is sexually attractive, voluptuous and lazy. It seems that she instinctively feels how men react emotionally to her. They rush to obey her as soon as she lifts a finger. Moreover, on her part this is an order, not a request; she cannot even imagine that any man would dare to refuse her.

She loves what she imagines to be innocent flirting, an expression of her libido. She carefully chooses her underwear, trying to buy the most seductive. She will not lure any man passionately because she is too complacent to be sexually aggressive. Her goal is simply to be desired.

If a man occupies an important place in her life, he can count on royal treatment. Despite the fact that she tends to dress quite provocatively, she does not try to seduce her lover with this, but only wants to control him, and this makes a big difference. When the moment comes to use her charms, she will not rush, and not in order to please him, but so that she herself has time to enjoy his admiration.

She doesn't need to be original in bed. Just like the Leo man, she is instinctively inclined to traditional and direct expression of feelings. Everything seems extremely simple and clear to her.
Once aroused, she will prove to be a very responsive partner, and there will be many partners with scars to prove it. During intercourse, she tries to dominate, but usually agrees to equality in the relationship. She loves to have sex in the light so that her partner admires her body. She also prefers to be “on top”, so that it is easier for a man to express his admiration.

The admiration and worship of her partner is the most important thing in sex for her.


A man born under the sign of Leo expects to be noticed wherever he is. He attracts women and knows it. At first, you may find his self-confidence a little off-putting. However, if you are observant, you will realize that he is easily vulnerable. He needs others to share his high opinion of himself, and will go to great lengths to win them over.

You can never go wrong by flattering him one more time. No matter what you tell him, he will still have an even higher opinion of himself. This is his Achilles heel; flattery can greatly influence his decisions. By acting in this way, you can lure money, affection, and even marriage from him.

He constantly falls in love. The novel is his style of life. To conquer the woman he is interested in, Leo can be a calculating player, a great actor, alternately playing different roles depending on the circumstances. He knows how to intentionally evoke the most dissimilar feelings in his partner: pity, envy, jealousy, anger, even awaken maternal instinct, if the need arises, just to achieve the goal.

He uses flattery, tact, curiosity - these methods are dictated by the character of the woman he is going to conquer. The ways of playing this delicate game are determined by his innate intuition and intelligence - he knows what exactly to apply in a particular situation. Sexual and spiritual love exist separately for him, and it is difficult for his chosen one to determine what feeling he feels for her.

Only tenderness, which he shows very rarely, can serve as a sign of his affection and even deeper and more serious feelings. If he is not there, the pattern of sexual behavior of a Leo man becomes completely simple: he tries to subjugate a woman in all respects, and having achieved this goal, he gradually loses all interest in her, because the next object of adoration is already on the way.

A woman who comes into close contact with Leo must remember one thing very important rule: Never tease him. What you promise is best kept. Leo doesn't like ambiguity. He believes that a woman should always be full of desires and capable of much, since he is constantly ready for this.

On the other hand, his enormous self-confidence can be deceived by a hint of mystery. He is too sure that any woman dreams of belonging to him. So the one who makes him feel like he has to woo her will probably win.

He is truly happy only when he is connected with a charming creature who adores him. Sooner or later he will find someone whose admiration he cannot do without, and he will marry her. Among men born under this sign, there are not many bachelors, and, alas, their judgments about women are not always the best. Although they feel royal contempt for lung women behavior, they easily become victims. They know how to play on their main weakness - vanity.

Leo is very jealous. If your husband or lover is Leo, do not awaken his jealousy! He is able to fight with a man flirting with his lady, and then, at home, punish her too.

If you want to keep a Leo man, then you will constantly have to stir up his interest by surprising him in bed with your new ideas.


As a lover, he adheres to the axiom that "action dispels anxiety." He is not inclined to doubt himself, and is not a supporter of a cautious approach to a woman. No hesitation or doubt. And his partner will instantly be in his bed.

Sometimes it hurts him. His partner believes that he wants to be the winner of the sexual Olympics, and doubts that she can be worthy of him. It does not benefit the relationship that he pays very little attention to foreplay. Leo is only interested in his own sexual needs. Then, he expects the woman to admire his abilities. He always has a pleasant feeling after having sex.

He is extremely resilient and tireless in making love. Typically, this does not mean that he wants it more than once a day. He does it once, but with great pleasure.

You must satisfy his power demands. Don't be reserved or fake shy. Leo loves a woman to demonstrate her pleasure from sex. When she moans out of control and gasps in delight, she shows him that he knows what he's doing. Never refuse a Leo, otherwise he will simply go hunting in search of new prey.

He wants the woman to submit to him. He prefers traditional forms of sexual relations. The standard “man on woman” pose suits him quite well. He knows his potency and sees no reason to embellish it in any way.

His abilities as a lover may be misdirected if the woman is unable to indulge his self. In this case, he turns to more in unusual ways own satisfaction.

If he is forced to go for a long time without the admiration from women, which is so necessary for him, he becomes too fixated on this problem. He is unable to think about anything else. He can ignore friends, family, business, and finally find peace in some expensive brothel, where the girls know how to rid him of his obsession.


LEO - ARIES: They get along because they are both very interested in sex. Both have eccentric, passionate natures. However, Aries' passion to lead clashes with Leo's desire to command, and thus an irreconcilable conflict arises. However, their physical similarity is too great and it overcomes these problems. A joyful connection, a wonderful marriage.

LEO - TAURUS: A romantic beginning can turn into war. Both are overly stubborn, and the competition can be explosive. They can have a good sexual relationship, but Leo’s exaltation will irritate the quiet, balanced Taurus. The extravagant Leo can be offended by the tight-fisted nature of Taurus. A connection is possible, but a long-term relationship is unlikely.

LEO - GEMINI: Gemini should have enough intelligence to constantly charm Leo. Leo may not like betrayal; it undermines his royal image. Gemini's courtesy will help them maintain relationships. Leo is attached to Gemini, but easily dominates their relationship because he is more strong personality. Nice connection, good marriage.

LEO - CANCER: Leo is set up for a casual connection in to a greater extent than Cancer, who is prone to more serious relationships. Cancer wants more than just sexual relations, he is disposed towards stability and those small signs of attention that are characteristic of love. Leo is ready for this if in return he receives the love of Cancer and some admiration from the outside. If this does not happen, then the prognosis for mutual understanding is unimportant.

LEO - LEO: In the bedroom, as everywhere else. Leo tends to think about himself alone. The question is: can two “I”s become one “we”? Well, kings and queens usually say “we” to themselves, so why not? Both are extremely romantic and sexually compatible. Each must allow the other to “shine,” and, if necessary, share the light of its rays. This is not always possible, of course, but when it works, long live the king! Long live the queen!

LEO - VIRGO: Leo is more sexual than Virgo, and this can cause problems in the bedroom. Leo's royal extravagance also causes a painful reaction in the conservative Virgo. Virgo doesn't like being bossed around, but that's all Leo needs. If Virgo tries to criticize, then Leo “roars.” A very short connection is likely. Marriage is unlikely.

LEO - LIBRA: Leo's approach to sex is more physical and spontaneous than Libra's. However, they can spend quality time together as Libras are also capable of passion. Libra, who has an easy-going attitude to life, should not forget that due admiration for Leo is necessary on their part, especially in the bedroom. There is no need to be overly sincere. Leo is advised to control his moods. In this case, a good and long-lasting connection is possible.

LEO - SCORPIO: Candles, luxury and sparkling wines in the bedroom. It might brighten up possible problems. Scorpio's jealousy offends Leo. Scorpio lacks the respect and admiration Leo needs, which he so badly needs. Scorpio has possessive tendencies, which Leo cannot stand; everyone wants to dominate. The relationship may be pleasant, but marriage is not recommended.

LEO - SAGITTARIUS: Both are adventurous and see love as one of them. They are extroverted, passionate and follow their sexual inclinations without causing feelings of resentment from their partner. Both love to make love often. Sagittarius stimulates and inspires Leo, and Leo evokes in Sagittarius the maximum sense of devotion that this sign is capable of. The connection is wonderful and a happy marriage is guaranteed.

LEO - CAPRICORN: Practical Capricorn puts a rein on Leo's expansive, optimistic nature. They are very different from each other. Leo's brightness can dim from this connection. Capricorn is not as romantic and loving as Leo, but can be too demanding. Leo's extravagance irritates Capricorn. A relationship is possible, but the marriage is unlikely to be successful.

LEO - AQUARIUS: Aquarius enhances Leo's sexual personality and makes lovemaking more fun. Leo is angered by Aquarius' penchant for analysis. This undermines Leo's confidence in his own power as a ruler. In addition, Aquarius' unorthodoxy in the bedroom gets on Leo's nerves. A short relationship is possible, marriage is unrealistic.

LEO - PISCES: Active, expansive Leo does not understand shy, introverted Pisces. Leo doesn't try to figure out Pisces' behavior in the bedroom. Both tend to receive more than they give. The initial magnetic attachment ultimately leads to an explosion. Pisces is a weaker sign; their lack of ambition worries Leo. When Pisces becomes despondent, pride prevents Leo from expressing concern. A complicated relationship and, most likely, an unsuccessful marriage.

The Leo man seems to penetrate into the soul of a girl with his gaze, especially when he likes her. By nature, he loves to watch his girlfriend enjoy his touch. Leo is a great romantic and lover, he can conquer any girl with his charm and sexuality. If he considers himself a king, then you will be his little princess, and in bed he will give you a sea of ​​affection and love, especially if he is a Leo in love.

This is a lover who knows a lot about pleasure. And he knows how to achieve these pleasures with the help different techniques and methods. He is impetuous, quickly catches fire, but will never become lecherous or use vulgar or vulgar methods of seduction and the action itself. Despite his passion, he does not try to collect his women. He will prefer a permanent partner who will completely suit him. He changes his partner if the relationship with her does not give him the necessary emotions and joy.

His behavior in bed

Just as the lion is the king of beasts, the Leo man is the king of girls. To please him, the girl must be ready at any time to retire with him to a secluded place for lovemaking. If you are the girlfriend of a Leo man, then remember that they do not like slaves, you must at least sometime resist and take over in bed matters. He should pursue you; never agree to share a bed with him on the first date, as he may quickly get bored with you.

He is the ruler in all spheres of life and especially in intimate ones. But he will never demonstrate rudeness and vulgarity. He is not aggressive, pleasant and infinitely gentle. He gives his best every time because he wants to be perfect in everything. At the same time, his fear of doing something wrong often leads to the fact that his woman receives maximum pleasure. He will demand attention to his body, his capabilities. And if a woman does not admire him, she will try to end the relationship.

Attitude towards your partner

Leo will not make love just to satisfy his need, because on a subconscious level this person is a king. This means that he must completely trust his partner and want her badly. In bed he is an excellent lover, it’s just a pity that he himself doesn’t always believe it. His partner must convince him that he is irresistible, and he, in turn, will plunge her into a world of bliss. During lovemaking, he is not in a hurry, does his job slowly and sweetly, always eager to please his partner, and only then receive it himself.

He will treat his partner as well as she tries to do so. If she demonstrates submissiveness, gives him confidence and praises his skills, he will in turn consider her the one and only. Her appearance, and especially her well-groomed appearance, is important to him. If she can be that way for him, he will respect her. On his part, he will never demonstrate rudeness towards her. Moreover, if she pleases him, he will think about a serious relationship.

What is your role?

His woman should be sensual and passionate, but at the same time she should not be too domineering or rude. He likes delicate and intelligent women with a well-groomed appearance. If he meets such a woman, he may allow her to play role-playing games. Otherwise, the partner will not occupy his attention longer than their intimacy lasts. Therefore, the ability to present herself will allow her to become indispensable for him. But she is unlikely to be able to compete for the main roles, even with all her irreplaceability.

You should never joke with him in bed, especially if it concerns his love skills; Leos definitely do not forgive this. Both in life and in bed, Leo loves beauty, so he wants to see his lady of his heart well-groomed, sexy and in beautiful erotic lingerie. With such a person you need to be prepared for anything. Don't be surprised if he suggests you visit an adult store.

The most important!

To become his ideal lover, you will need to change a little. The chosen one should be his first admiring fan. Her adoration, her ability to give him the opportunity to realize himself in the intimate sphere, will attract him more than her virtuosity. It’s better to leave him the opportunity to lead the action, and just enjoy it. With the right behavior, she can become the only one for him. Usually he thinks about a serious relationship if the relationship with his partner gives him only positive emotions.

The Leo man does not like monotony; in order to constantly maintain the fire of love, you need to constantly come up with something new. Have a luxurious dinner, dance a striptease, give an erotic massage, buy several toys, put on chic erotic underwear. After all this, rest assured that you will conquer Leo for a long time.

Classic Leos lack control own feelings and emotions in bed. Their desire for power and dominance over their partner makes relationships difficult, and the trail of “broken hearts” becomes incredibly long.

Leo is an adventurer and dreamer

Leos have many complexes that they try to hide from their partners. To confirm their own worth, they resort to a variety of tricks. Some Leos prefer love affairs, others enter into forbidden relationships. The zodiac sign is partial to compliments and flattery, especially in the bedroom. It is distinguished by the immediacy of passion - as soon as Leo satisfies his own sexual needs, he immediately loses interest in his partner.

Saturation is important for Leos sex life. The most common fantasies include revealing underwear, role-playing games, and sex in “forbidden” places. Their passion is easily ignited. For this, a low neckline on a dress, a revealing cutout on a skirt, and a languid look from under lowered eyelashes are enough. But such passion for Leo will instantly disappear after it is satisfied.

Sex as a means of dominance

For representatives of the Leo zodiac sign, sex is not just the satisfaction of physical needs. This is a means for emotional release, an opportunity for self-affirmation. Their partners shouldn't be surprised if Leo demands sex "here and now." The desire can arise at the most inopportune moment - during a lunch break at work, after a family scandal, during a long trip. Classic Leo strives to dominate a weak and inexperienced partner. Majority unequal unions in terms of the difference in age, social status and income, it is Lviv.


They direct a significant part of their sexual energy into work, so most of them move up the ladder quite successfully. career ladder. Leos abuse intimate relationships at work. Sex with management, colleagues and business partners is a common occurrence for them. A tender attitude towards the fair sex and romance is shown only during the candy-bouquet period. In the future, they prefer to move on to sexual intimacy without any foreplay.

Leos are charismatic and love to be the center of attention of the opposite sex. Under the influence of natural charm, it is difficult to see all the shortcomings of Leo.

Keeping a Leo near you is not easy. To do this, you need to constantly change images, surprise and seduce. Adapt to the momentary sexual desires of your loved one. Do not be stingy with compliments and flattery - after sexual contact there cannot be too many of them. Praise will melt your partner's heart and satisfy your ambitions. During sex, don't even try to teach anything. Advice and hints will be received by Leo in the most hostile manner.

For long-term attachment you will have to make a lot of effort. Classic Leos value their partner's wisdom and loyalty to their shortcomings. They always dominate in the family. If you find out about one of your beloved Leo’s betrayals, remember that over the years the situation with marital infidelity will worsen. This is why relationships of convenience will be successful. In such a situation, the partner allows Leo to satisfy his desires and ambitions with impunity, without causing family scandals about this, because betrayal for them is a pleasant way to satisfy natural needs and relieve emotional stress. No more. Another serious drawback is jealousy. At the same time, they can be jealous not only of potential candidates, but also... of the first man they love. So, if your partner tries to persuade you to have a heart-to-heart conversation over a glass of wine, modestly keep silent about sexual contacts.

They are passionate people, striving for pleasure and knowing a lot about it. They are familiar with sudden love impulses and ardor, but they rarely go to great lengths and are not inclined to engage in extreme sex in any of its manifestations. Their behavior and manners are quite stable, and they tend to stick to their established habits.

Compared to the other two representatives of Fire - Aries and Sagittarius - Leos are less aggressive in the pursuit of bodily pleasures. The erotic horoscope of Leo indicates that a person of this zodiac sign can be very, very seductive if desired - if only he is really interested in someone. If he sees that, as a representative of the opposite sex, he is not at all interested in a person with whom he would not mind sleeping, then he will not pursue him.

Sex in its pure form is not as preferable for Leos as a long-term stable relationship. They tend to change partners only when they are no longer satisfied with the attitude of their current lovers.

Erotic horoscope: Leo man

In many cases, Leo men take the position that they do not have to pursue women, because they must come to them themselves. Their desire to rule extends to intimate relationships, but despite this, he never behaves roughly in sex. A Leo man in bed should look the most courageous, the sexiest and the most irresistible in the eyes of his mistress. He is very afraid of making a mistake, a potential misfire seems like a real nightmare to him, and this constantly keeps him in suspense. If doubts about his own capabilities (but not his merits!) become intrusive, the Leo man tries to assert himself through love affairs. However, if a woman behaves wisely and delicately, and under no circumstances allows herself to be ridiculed, then she need not worry about Leo’s fidelity.

The subject of special care and pride for the Leo man is his genitals: he is concerned about their size, does not neglect the available methods of enlargement, and the opportunity to impress. This tendency can, in exceptional cases, develop into a type of exhibitionism, when a man takes pleasure in showing his genitals to an unfamiliar public.

Women with a Leo partner need to remember that his sexual capabilities should also constantly arouse her admiration. If you do not pay enough attention to a man of this sign in this sense, he will begin to focus on sex, forgetting about many much more important things.

Erotic horoscope: Leo woman

Not every representative of the stronger sex can resist the charm and attractiveness of the Lioness woman. However, she is too cold-blooded and reasonable to give herself entirely to sexual passion. In the person with whom she ended up in bed, she sees, first of all, a potential contender for her hand and heart, and even in the heat of passion she remains practical and demanding.

No matter what wonderful human qualities the Leo woman demonstrates in life together, intimate relationships are almost never hers strong point. Difficulties arise, most often, due to the coldness of this woman. It has been noticed that a large number of Lionesses suffer from frigidity. Partners experience unpleasant sensations due to the dissonance between the impression made by the Lioness and her real behavior on the bed of love; they expect something brighter, more sensual, and, not receiving it, are disappointed.

However, a lot here depends on the partner. If he manages to touch the subtle strings of her soul and body, the Leo woman in bed can fall into a real frenzy, as evidenced by the traces of her “claws” on the man’s body. If the Lioness was passionate in bed, she will definitely want to hear a compliment on this score, otherwise her partner may not wait for a repeat of the “performance.”

Like men, Leo women are not prone to ingenuity or experimentation; they are quite satisfied with a simple and clear, and most importantly, love technique that has been proven in practice. From her point of view, her partner should be happy just because she shares a bed with him.

Leo women love to do “this” with the lights on - to give their partner another opportunity to admire her. Even when overcome with passion, she will try to take a position that maximally emphasizes all her advantages.

The desire to dominate in these women can result in an addiction to the use of things from a sex shop, and precisely those that help fulfill the male role. The same need can push her to become interested in young partners, because... those are more predisposed to unconditional obedience in sex.

Erogenous zones of Leo

Since this sign controls the back in Leo’s body, it is this area that is particularly sensitive in them. In particular, Leo's erogenous zones are the area along the entire spine, as well as above the buttocks. It is enough to gently move your hand along the back along the spine, slightly lingering in the lower back - and now Leo is already relaxed and playful. A back massage can have an excellent effect, especially since it helps Leos relieve the tension accumulated during the day. People of this zodiac sign will especially enjoy manipulations in which the thumbs of both hands are placed on the spine, the palms are placed in the upper part of the back and move downwards in a circular motion, repeating this trajectory several times.

Directly during love games The effect on the back area can be intensified, for example, by gently scraping your nails or pricking them. This applies equally to representatives of the Leo sign of both sexes. A particularly sensitive area is the lower back, along the waist and the hollow near the buttocks. Impact on this erogenous zone Leo men and women can cause them sexual desire even in the absence of a moral attitude towards carnal pleasures.

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