How Alan Chumak became a live healer. Allan Chumak - biography, photo, personal life of a healer Free healing sessions from Alan Chumak

Alan (Allan) Vladimirovich Chumak is a very interesting person. In the 90s of the twentieth century, he enjoyed wide popularity, was considered an outstanding ex...

Chumak Alan Vladimirovich: biography, family, books, cause of death

By Masterweb

22.09.2018 16:00

Alan (Allan) Vladimirovich Chumak is a very interesting person. In the 90s of the twentieth century, he enjoyed wide popularity, was considered an outstanding psychic healer. For his sessions, this healer gathered huge halls, the audience under his influence often fell into states similar to hypnotic sleep, sometimes experienced euphoria. In a special way, he "charged" water, creams and even newspaper circulation.

At that time, only Anatoly Kashpirovsky was considered his only competitor. By the way, today's means mass media they even picked up a special term to designate such personalities - they are called bioenergy-informational freaks.

The beginning of the biography

Alan Vladimirovich Chumak was born on May 26, 1935. Little is known about his parents, except that the father of the future healer worked as a translator, which is why he gave his son such an unusual name. In addition, he was Ukrainian, so by nationality Alan Chumak, apparently, should be considered Ukrainian.

There is evidence that in childhood the future healer was distinguished by mobility and did not receive the highest grades at school. Because of what he sometimes had to "run across" from school to school.

However, in his youth, Alan becomes a student at the Moscow Institute of Physical Culture, and upon graduation, even a cycling coach. His career was going well, the more surprising it was when the 29-year-old Alan unexpectedly completed it and entered the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, the most famous and one of the most prestigious educational institutions countries.

Having received a diploma in journalism, he worked as a correspondent for such newspapers as Vechernyaya Moskva, Trud, Moskovsky Komsomolets, and then as a sports commentator on television.

In the late 1970s, he took up the preparation of a series of articles aimed at exposing charlatan healers, as a result of which, according to him, he felt the presence of some special abilities and energy. These feelings led him initially (in 1983) to the Research Institute of General Pedagogical Psychology at the Academy pedagogical sciences, where he worked for some time, and then, at the age of 42, on the path of healing.


Chumak's popularity as a soothsayer and healer was in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It was at this time that the famous television healing sessions of Alan Chumak began, in which he, with the help of "special" passes and the impact of a special energy field, allegedly emanating from him, "charged" water, creams, ointments and various substances, and without uttering a single word, only moving his lips.

The peculiarity of these sessions was that the energy of the healer, in his own words, "charged" not only the objects and substances that were in close proximity to him, but also that which stood in front of the screen of the television receiver from which the transmission was conducted. According to the same principle - "I heal everyone who looks" - Alan Chumak was also treated.

But this is not enough: Chumak healed both by phone and even standing outside the door of the resuscitation ward, where he was brought by desperate relatives of dying and seriously ill people. Why miracles of healing in such apparently inexplicable cases did happen, remains a mystery to this day.

This "healing" activity continued until the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Health to limit non-traditional methods of treatment in Russia, since it fell under this ban.

screen treatment

Therapeutic sessions of Alan Chumak in the form of TV programs caused a real sensation among the audience: holding their breath and spreading tubes of creams and ointments in front of the TV screen, placing containers with water, people listened to the healer and hoped for a miracle.

Miracles, I must say, sometimes happened. And it was akin to the effect of well-known financial pyramids - the more such cases occurred, the more there were those who wanted to try out his methods. Especially since it cost almost nothing. To drink water charged at the screen and recover - well, isn't it a dream? No visits to doctors, no endless tests, no long courses of treatment, no exhausting diets, no procedures, no exercises ... Solid positive.

Entire families sat at the screen after work and, with bated breath, listened to the psychic. "Alan Chumak charges the water" - there was a time when this phrase drove most of the country's population to television screens. All this was very reminiscent of mass psychosis.

Edges of popularity

At one of his sessions, Chumak, at the request of the spectator, promised her to simply "think" about her sick relative. And from this "treatment at a distance", according to the healer, relief was also bound to come.

Newspapers charged with unknown energy (sometimes entire circulations), books, posters, in general, any object placed in front of the TV screen, where Chumak was speaking at that time, became healing. The belief of the audience (even very educated ones) in such nonsense reached the point that they not only stuck to the screen with a sore spot, drank, washed themselves with “living” water and rubbed themselves with charged ointments, but also wrapped themselves in newspaper sheets, constantly carried portraits of the healer with them. Some even ate them...

Some Muscovites still remember the excitement that was caused by rumors that the next day the entire circulation of one of the Moscow newspapers will be loaded with Alan Chumak. Already early in the morning, at five or six o'clock, in anticipation of a fresh issue, people queued up at the then still functioning Soyuzpechat kiosks. The strings of those wishing to receive a loaded newspaper were very impressive. Yes, it was a fun time...

Attempts to refute

Naturally, there were attempts not only to investigate this phenomenon, but also to refute its very existence. Many scientists called Alan Chumak a charlatan, mentioning in their speeches to everyone known facts existence of the effect of suggestion and placebo. For example, by offering viewers to try and feel the difference between "simple" and "charged" cream in front of the TV screen, Alan Chumak, according to scientists, created a psychological setting for a response that was predictable and understandable.

Another thing, they believed, is that this reaction is potentially harmful to the diseased organism itself: the dulling of pain or the temporary disappearance of other symptoms of malaise does not mean a cure at all: consciousness only ignores the signs of the disease, does not notice them for some time.

The "Chumak effect" was mentioned, for example, by Academician E. P. Kruglyakov, representing the Commission Russian Academy sciences to combat pseudoscience and falsification scientific research. Chumak's attitudes lead, he noted, that patients, instead of being treated, only start the disease. This is due to a completely unconfirmed belief in miraculous healing, especially when spoken from the TV screen.


Alan Vladimirovich Chumak tried his hand at political activity- in 2000 he ran for the State Duma in the Samara region. However, he did not get the required minimum of votes.

In addition, Chumak was the president of the regional public Foundation for the Promotion of Research on Social and Abnormal Phenomena.


Alan Chumak tried his hand at the writer's path. In one of the radio programs, he stated that certain voices helped him become a healer, which "dictated to him in shifts", teaching extrasensory perception. Writing down this information, Chumak transferred to paper a "course of lectures", which he shared with readers.

His first book was called "To Those Who Believe in a Miracle" (the "Path to Yourself" series), it was published in 2007 (Eksmo Publishing House) and contains the healer's stories about himself and his method, about his view of the secrets of the universe and human destinies, about the means of self-improvement, as well as about the secrets of healing the soul and body. This edition, by the way, had title page"charged" portrait of the author.

The same publishing house subsequently published two more books by Alan Chumak. It contains a number of practical techniques that anyone can use to heal themselves and their loved ones, "Psychic Book" (2008), as well as an edition entitled "The Healing Power Within You" (2009).


The cause of death of Alan Chumak has not yet been announced. It remains to be assumed that it came into force old age and related diseases. The famous psychic lived for 82 years, he passed away in 2017.

This man managed a lot: he studied, worked as a journalist, won the fame and love of the audience, became not only a well-known healer, but also the first of the well-known television psychics of the USSR. Many of those involved in PR campaigns today claim that Chumak was the first to create a brand from his own name with his own hands. "I am the medicine," he said of himself. However, this is not enough, because Chumak's activities still raise many questions, and his personality remains mysterious.

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Alan Chumak is a man of mystery, a man of legend. Someone calls him a charlatan, and someone considers him a real magician. One way or another, Alan Chumak was the first person to reveal to the unenlightened Soviet public the true wonders of extrasensory perception and healing. In the mid-80s, his name was known to everyone

The Soviet Union, however, at some point, the recognized master suddenly simply went into the shadows. So who is he - Alan Chumak? To find the answer to this exciting question, we will try today.

Alan Chumak's early years

Information about Alan Chumak's childhood and adolescence is rather fragmentary and contradictory. As some say, he grew up the most an ordinary child who did not even think about something that went beyond the boundaries of the traditional idea of ​​​​the world around us. However, at a certain period of time, completely opposite messages began to appear in the media, telling that the supernatural abilities of a young guy began to manifest themselves even in deep childhood. So, according to one of the legends, back in early age Alan impressed his younger brother with accurate stories about India, its culture and religion.

This fact might seem the most common, if not for the fact that there were no books, magazines or publications about the mysterious subcontinent in his house. And India itself, as well as the famous Vedas, the wheel of Samsara and other attributes of Eastern civilization were little studied in post-war Moscow.

According to the same data, "with the knowledge of facts that he could not know in any way," Alan Chumak amazed people even after. So, in particular, he could accurately tell about certain historical events without any preparation. And also provide detailed information about the fate of famous personalities that no one knew. One way or another, such facts were not perceived in the 40s as some kind of miracles, but were often taken for the most common eccentricity. Alan Chumak grew up as an ordinary child and did not even think about healing and extrasensory perception.

Alan Chumak, treatment session on TV. Fragment

At school, he studied quite poorly, and therefore he was always known as a loafer and slob. He was transferred from one class to another, from one school to another ...

The only hobby of his childhood was sports. And therefore, having somehow finished school, Alan Chumak, without hesitation, submitted documents to the prestigious Moscow Institute of Physical Education. Here he received the necessary education and began working as a cycling coach. In this field, he achieved some success. Once they were even going to send him with a report to international conference to Minsk. However, the trip was canceled due to the facts presented in scientific work Alln Chumak, which seemed very dubious to the competent commission.

Thus, already at the age of 29, the budding coach was forced to leave the sport. Trying to find a new path in life, Alan went to Moscow State University and, to the surprise of many, successfully passed the most difficult exams at the faculty of journalism.

However, this was only the beginning. Easily and almost playfully a few years later, Chumak took new height and went to work for the popular newspaper Vechernyaya Moskva. After that, in the career of the former loser there were publications Trud and Moskovsky Komsomolets. It was here that during his journalistic career he first became interested in psychic issues. But Chumak perceived future "colleagues in the shop" exclusively as charlatans. At some point, he even began to prepare a major revealing report on this topic. However, the more Alan delved into this topic, the more clearly he understood the infinity of the possibilities of the universe. At some point, he began to discover wonderful abilities in himself.

Activity as a psychic, sessions of Alan Chumak

Over the next few years, Alan Chumak comprehended the intricacies of his gift and developed his innate abilities. In 1989, he first appeared before a wide audience as part of mass wellness sessions. In the same year, his programs on central television began, which very soon became regular.

In a short time, Alan Chumak became known throughout the Soviet Union. During his speeches and TV shows, the streets of cities were literally empty, because no one wanted to miss the coveted session. People stocked up on water, candles, ointments, creams and other substances that could "absorb" and "charge" the energy of a recognized master.

Alan Chumak. "Monologue" on the Vremya channel

In the late 80s and early 90s, Alan Vladimirovich became one of the most popular people in the USSR. Critics and researchers began to take a closer look at the "Chumak phenomenon", putting forward one after another a variety of versions. So, academician E. Kruglyakov called the method of a psychic pseudoscientific, emphasizing that at present there is not a single real confirmation of the healing effect of such sessions. Other scientists have correlated the "Chumak phenomenon" with the placebo effect.

Alan Chumak himself said that his gift is a blessing from above. According to the psychic healer, all that he knows, some voices told him, for a long time resounding in his head. Alan Chumak's further career

Alan Chumak's speeches disappeared from television after the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation adopted a number of documents restricting non-traditional methods of treatment. After that, the psychic began to perform in the framework of "live" sessions, but soon curtailed this activity.

In the period from 2007 to 2009, three books of the healer saw the light, in which he spoke in detail about the features of various healing practices.

In 2008, Alan Chumak appeared as the chairman of the jury on the sensational television show "Battle of Psychics" (Ukraine), but spent only one season on the project. In 2009, in new series the programs of the Soviet healer were replaced by the Israeli mentalist Uri Geller.

Alan Chumak's personal life

IN family life Alana Chumak everything is calm and quiet. For almost forty years he has been married to a woman named Lyudmila. But this is his second marriage. In the first, daughter Elena was born (born in 1967), and from the second wife, son Dmitry (born in 1984).


On October 10, 2017, journalist Dmitry Gordon, a longtime friend of Alan, reported on Facebook about his death at the age of 83. This information was confirmed by the wife of the psychic Lyudmila. She did not advertise the cause of death: "A person has passed away - that's enough."

Alan Chumak is one of the most famous psychics. He received a professional journalistic and sports education. He began his career on Soviet television, commenting on various sports competitions.

The psychic in the late 80s began to invariably appear in the morning, charging water, which then became healing. Numerous residents throughout the post-Soviet space were treated according to his method.

Alan was married twice. Each union gave him a child.

Height, weight, age. Alan Chumak's life years

Many residents of the Soviet Union began to learn about our hero back in the late 80s of the last century. They were interested in finding information about the height and age of the psychic. The years of Alan Chumak's life are known. The man died at the age of 83. What caused the death, relatives and friends do not disclose.

Alan Chumak, photos in his youth and now which are presented in various sources I have been involved in sports all my life. He played football, towns.
The psychic was of average height. According to some sources, it was equal to 176 centimeters, according to others - 179 cm. Alan's weight ranged from 78 to 79 kg.

Biography and personal life of Alan Chumak

The biography and personal life of Alan Chumak are filled with the most contradictory information. According to official sources, the baby appeared in the middle of 1935, although shortly before his death, the man said that the date of his birth was different, but what exactly remained unknown.

Father and mother were the most ordinary workers of one of the capital's enterprises. Our hero in the family did not grow up alone. He had younger brother, who was born a few years later than him.
The guy struck from a young age with his unconventional thinking. For example, at the age of 7 he told about the Indian culture and traditions of this eastern country, although he had never been to it.

The boy went to first grade in the Urals, where he was evacuated from the Soviet military capital. Our hero returned to his hometown only in 1944.
The psychic talked about himself as an incredible bully. He broke glass with his friends. In the class, the boy was one of the worst students. Alan came to class with unlearned lessons, brought teachers to white heat.

Chumak gave a lot of time to sports. In winter, the psychic went skiing and skating, and in the summer he swam in the Moscow River and played football.
In high school, the future famous person got into journalism. He began to write for one of the capital's newspapers. Having received a school certificate, yesterday's graduate becomes a student of the Moscow state university named after Lomonosov, where he received a journalistic education. In parallel, the young man received a sports education.

Since the mid-60s, a man has been working on Soviet television. He commented on sports competitions. In the late 70s, he was engaged in writing articles in which he exposed healers. At this time, according to his confession, he felt a gift in himself. In 1983, he got a job at a research institute, where he studied psychology.

Since the late 80s, the star of extrasensory perception often begins to appear on television. He charged water, treated with unconventional methods.
In the 90s, unexpectedly for many, Alan disappeared from television screens. Only many years later, Chumak said that his activities were banned as a result of a special decree of the State Duma.

At the beginning of the 2000s, Anatoly tried to become a deputy of the State Duma of the second convocation, but unsuccessfully.
Chumak wrote several books. Became bestsellers "Those who believe in miracles", "Psychic Book", "Healing power within you." They are regularly reprinted.

The psychic was married twice. Each marriage gave him a child.

Family and children of Alan Chumak

The family and children of Alan Chumak were hidden from the attention of others for a long time. Only on the slope of life did the psychic tell that he was a happy husband and father. Daughter and son appeared with a difference of 17 years. Despite this, he found time for each of them.
The second wife of the psychic provided a reliable rear for her husband. She closely monitored his health. It was thanks to his wife that our hero lived a long life.

The psychic star told a little about his parents. They were employees of one of the metropolitan enterprises. Mom was in charge of education. In honor of his mother, our hero named his daughter. The father was a veteran. He during the Great Patriotic War participated in various battles, received many orders and medals.

The parents of our hero were buried on one of capital cemeteries. According to the will of Alan Chumak himself, he was buried next to the graves of his father and mother.

The man had a younger brother. There is no information about him, even his name cannot be found in various sources.

The son of Alan Chumak - Dmitry Chumak

In the mid-80s of the last century, a journalist and psychic became a dad for the second time. His wife gave him a little son, whom it was decided to call Dima. The boy went in for sports and music. He learned to play guitar and synthesizer.
Dima was an excellent student at school. He received a silver medal at the end of the school. The guy had a B only in physics. But, according to our hero himself, the assessment was made as a result of a bad relationship between the student and the teacher.
The son of Alan Chumak - Dmitry Chumak was engaged in entrepreneurship. In 2011, he was kidnapped by an FSB officer who demanded a large amount money.

Daughter of Alan Chumak - Elena Chumak

In the late 60s, a man became the father of a charming baby. She was named after Alan's beloved mother. The girl spent a lot of time with her mother. She drew well, attended the capital's art school. At school, Lena took part in amateur performances. She was the constant leader of school concerts.
Alan Chumak's daughter, Elena Chumak, even after her parents divorced, often talked with her father. She came to visit him, played with pleasure with her younger brother.
The girl followed in the footsteps of her father. She connected her life with journalism. A woman works on one of Russian TV channels. She is married and raised two sons.

Alan Chumak's ex-wife

Shortly before his death, the psychic spoke about his life. He shared with numerous Russians everything that concerns his wives. For the first time he became a spouse in the mid-60s. The psychic just started working on television. But who was the ex-wife of Alan Chumak, the man hid.

The man did not live together with his first wife for long. What caused the breakup was also never revealed. After divorce from ex-wife saved Alan a good relationship. He paid alimony for his daughter, congratulated on the holidays. The woman passed away in the late 90s as a result of cancer.

Alan Chumak's wife - Lyudmila Chumak

In the early 80s, our hero met with a girl named Lyudmila. The relationship of lovers developed rapidly, despite the almost ten-year difference in age. In 1983, a man invited his beloved to become his wife. She happily agreed.

Alan Chumak's wife, Lyudmila Chumak, made our husband a father in 1984. She gave him a little son.

lasted almost 40 years happy life married couple. The woman became a real guardian angel for the famous psychic. She provided him with a reliable rear.

Cause of death of Alan Chumak and his funeral

The cause of death of Alan Chumak and his funeral were covered in the media.

The psychic made an impression healthy person. He never went to the doctors. In September 2017, unexpectedly for many, the man passed away. The reason for this remains unknown. The son of a psychic on his Instagram page said that his father had passed away. He predicted his departure in advance. But Chumak did not disclose the cause of death.

Relatives and friends came to the funeral of the psychic. Some admirers of the man also saw him off last way. Fans still sometimes visit Chumak's grave, bringing him flowers.

Wikipedia Alan Chumak

Wikipedia Alan Chumak is the most reliable source about the life of a psychic. Here you can read what he did in his youth and in his mature years. But there is no information about childhood years. On Wikipedia, you can read about the man's wife and his children.

IN in social networks our hero did not work. He did not have his own Instagram accounts. About the star in Odnoklassniki, a page of his name is open. It is led by a man who, with a high degree of certainty, tells about his life. He spoke about the parents of the psychic, his two wives, and also uploads photos from different years.

Allan Chumak, psychic of the Soviet period, died at the age of 82 on October 9, 2017. The cause of his death remains a mystery, although it may be normal age-related changes in the body. Allan Vladimirovich began his career as a journalist and cycling coach, but gradually gained fame as a clairvoyant and healer.

Allan Chumak is known as one of the earliest public Soviet psychics. He collected millions from television screens thanks not to journalistic talent, but to the gift of healing - he charged creams, water and allegedly cured people from terrible diseases.

The finest hour of the magician was short-lived - soon he was forbidden to appear on television, and in 2017 the healer died. The causes of Allan Chumak's death, as well as some facts from his biography, are shrouded in mystery. Who was the Moscow psychic and how real was his gift?


The death of the television doctor became known on October 9, 2017. Many official sources referred to receiving information about the sad date from Chumak's wife. Since the woman did not want to advertise her husband's diagnosis, the death of the psychic remained a mystery.

On one of the programs dedicated to the activities of Chumak, Andrei Malakhov suggested that the cause of the showman's death could be alcohol addiction- during the filming of his conversation with Dmitry Gordon, several open bottles of alcoholic beverages got into the frame.

Despite a lot of speculation surrounding the death of Chumak, the most plausible version is death due to natural age-related changes: he was 82 years old.

Grave of Allan Chumak

The TV presenter was buried at the Donskoy cemetery in Moscow next to his relatives. According to some reports, the body was cremated.

short biography

There are several options for the biography of a psychic at once - some believe that from childhood he surprised adults with his abilities: historical information about which he could not know. Others believe that there was no gift at all, and Chumak is an adventurer who took advantage of the boundless trust of the Soviet people in television.

The beginning of the way

Allan Chumak was born in Moscow in 1935. Unusual name, which gave rise to many questions about the nationality of a celebrity, the boy was given by his father, who worked as a translator. The growing up of the child fell on a difficult post-war period.

At school, he studied poorly, was a bully. According to personal confessions, the only hobby of the young man was sports. After graduation high school he entered the Institute of Physical Education, where he trained as a cycling coach. Journalism has become a second calling young man- soon he received a profile diploma from Moscow State University.

Before the discovery of paranormal abilities, Chumak worked as a physical education teacher, a sports commentator on television, and an editor in one of the Moscow publications. In parallel, he conducted scientific activities.


In his interviews, the TV presenter admitted that he discovered a "gift" in himself only after he was forty-two years old. He often came across information about psychics in newspapers, but he did not believe in the existence of such forces - he considered healers to be deceivers.

Chumak described his strength as a stream of colossal energy, which he brought out through his palms.

Another “surge of strength” could even worsen the seer’s health: he said that at such moments his pressure rises, and the veins in his arms swell - the body has to deal with such a load.

Soon after the appearance of such "tides", the newly-minted psychic began to hear the voice of the Teacher. The teacher said that the gift should be used for the benefit of people, namely, to begin to heal. The man began to receive people in need of help at home, and his fame began to grow - people told each other about an unusual "healer". The queue of those waiting to meet Chumak began to grow - visitors now came not only from Moscow, but from the region and neighboring cities.

TV out

Soon the famous doctor received an offer with a request to conduct several sessions in live from Central Television. One of the central channels showed programs with Chumak, during which he suggested that viewers bring containers of water to the TV screen, as well as various medicinal ointments and potions in order to charge them with healing energy. During the sessions, the sorcerer said practically nothing, only made passes with his hands and moved his lips.

Surprisingly, the strange format of the programs caused a real sensation among viewers, and the doctor himself received unheard of popularity. According to him, he received several million letters of thanks from fans, in which they described their miraculous cure with the help of television programs.

Chumak even organized something like a "tour" - on huge venues, sometimes even stadiums, group healing sessions were held. Every now and then there were reports in the press that a psychic helped bring a child out of a coma or restore mobility to the paralyzed limbs of some unfortunate person.

Everything is documented: Allan Chumak in his last interview declared that he had a patent for ... charging water. According to him, such a process is called "the transfer of bioenergetic information to moisture-containing substances."

Being a professional journalist, Chumak has written three books about his superpowers.

Soon, the telemagician had a competitor - Anatoly Kashpirovsky, who, with the help of special teleconferences, could hypnotize a curious viewer. Unlike the journalist Chumak, Kashpirovsky had a diploma in psychotherapy and many years of practice in his specialty. Allan Chumak himself answered questions about the imitator that he did not consider Kashpirovsky a competitor, since they work in different directions.

In 2014, the series "Wonderworker" was filmed, the plot of which resembles a confrontation famous psychics 90s.

The activity of the healer has been criticized many times by the scientific world. At the same time, when Chumak called for applying his photo to sore spots, Eduard Kruglyakov, chairman of the RAS commission for combating pseudoscience, denied the existence of the “Chumak effect”, which allegedly brought relief to patients.

According to him, the possibility of reducing pain after the sessions may be due to blind faith in television - the so-called "placebo effect". Confirmed evidence of a cure for serious diseases also does not exist.

Activity ban and further career

Soon the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation resolved disagreements between competitors and a number of adopted documents introduced restrictions on the provision of such services. Shortly after that, programs about hypnosis and healing people through television screens disappeared from the air.

The psychic himself continued to receive, but on a much more modest scale. In 2000, he tried to get involved in politics - he ran for the State Duma of the Samara Region, but received too few votes. In the political field, Kashpirovsky bypassed his rival - for about two years he was a deputy State Duma FS RF.

In 2008, Allan Vladimirovich appeared on the Ukrainian TV show about psychics as one of the jury members.

Personal life

Was married twice. He almost never commented on his personal life, so nothing is known about Allan Chumak's first marriage, except that a daughter, Elena, was born in the family.

For about forty years he was married to a woman named Lyudmila, who gave him a son, Dmitry. Apparently it was happy marriage. Here, perhaps, is all that is known about the personal life of a psychic.

The famous psychic Allan Chumak, Chumak's biography, healing sessions and water exercises. What do people remember about a healer born in the USSR?

It's no secret that Soviet Union was an extremely materialistic state, the ideology of which was based on the principles of scientific atheism. It is all the more surprising that in the "Land of the Soviets" such unusual people, as healer Alan Chumak and . We present to your attention the biography of Chumak and Interesting Facts from the life of an extraordinary person.

This article is dedicated to the memory of Allan Chumak - one of the few people who stood at the origins of extrasensory perception and healing in the USSR and the post-Soviet space.

How Allan Chumak Became a Magician

The future TV psychic was born in Moscow in 1935, when the Country of Soviets was still very young, and the metropolitan metro was just launching the first test train. Allan grew up as an ordinary child who did not show any extraordinary abilities. Healing, extrasensory perception - these words hardly meant anything to the future favorite of a multi-million television audience.

At the age of 30, Alan got on television, he was offered a job as a sports commentator. In the 1970s Chumak, who was a journalist by training, worked on the preparation of a number of devastating publications dedicated to pseudo-healers. During this time, a dramatic change took place in his life.

According to Allan Chumak himself, he felt a certain energy in himself and discovered new abilities. Of course, such an event was a real shock for the healer.

It took Chumak several years to comprehend all the subtleties of his gift and learn how to use it. Allan's famous mass healing sessions began in 1989. The psychic spoke on central television, thanks to which he quickly became a very popular person.

Sessions of Allan Chumak were banned after the release of the directive of the Ministry of Health, ordering to limit non-traditional methods of treatment. However, the healer did not leave forever with " big screen". In 2008, he participated in the TV show "Battle of Psychics" (Ukraine) as chairman of the jury. In addition, Alan has written several books and created his own official website.

The famous healer passed away on October 9, 2017 - in the same city in which he was born, but in a completely different country.

Treatment sessions Chumak

In the course of mass television sessions, the healer "charged" various substances with his energy - water, ointments, creams, etc. Alan did not say anything, he only made simple passes, through which, in fact, the water was charged. According to the healer, humanity has entered an era of spiritual cataclysms, and the cause of most diseases was such vices as anger, hatred and greed.

Accordingly, in order to get rid of physical illnesses, it is necessary to restore the destroyed energy structures. In this regard, the healing healing sessions of Allan Chumak are consistent with. It should be noted that Alan dealt not only with physical illnesses, but also with psychological problems.

Criticism of the healer

Of course, the popular mystery man could not help but become an object of criticism. Academician E. Kruglyakov called Chumak's activity "pseudo-scientific", and many other scientists explained the healing of physical diseases by the "placebo effect" (i.e. self-hypnosis). But, it must be assumed that Allan's healed patients did not care much about the opinion of reputable scientists - after all, one way or another, they got rid of their problems!

There is an opinion that the healer had a conflict with some representatives of the church, who believed that he received his talent from the devil. But Chumak himself always believed that his healing abilities were a gift from above.

The public has repeatedly wondered - who is more talented: Chumak or Kashpirovsky? Allan himself has always stated that Kashpirovsky is not a competitor to him, since he is not a psychic, but a "pop hypnotist."

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