If snow fell on the Trinity, omens. Folk signs and divination for the Trinity (Pentecost). Biblical prehistory of the Orthodox church holiday - the Holy Trinity

Signs on the Trinity

Trinity is a very beautiful holiday, and, as you know, one of the main Christian holidays. Trinity in 2018 falls on May 27th.
The Day of the Holy Trinity has rich traditions and signs.
At this holiday Orthodox Church recalls the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles. The Trinity symbolizes the image of God - God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.

This major church holiday brings liberation from everything bad and sinful in human soul. According to the Gospel, it was on the fiftieth day after Pascha that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of sacred fire, which endowed them with the grace of the Holy Spirit, and they began to speak in different languages peace and gave strength to the arrangement of the Holy Church on earth, to bring the Word of God to every person. Therefore, the Trinity is also considered the birthday of the Christian church.

There are different legends about the origin of this holiday. According to one legend, on Trinity God created the earth and sowed it with greenery. Another legend says that on this day Jesus, along with the apostles Peter and Paul, sat down to rest under a green tree, hence the three-day holiday appeared. Another version of the emergence of the Trinity - Christ rejoiced at the way he was met in Jerusalem by the poor with green branches.

However, there is the most important legend, which is considered the main one: the trinity of the holiday is associated with God the Father (Sunday), God the Son (Monday) and God the Holy Spirit (Tuesday).

It was the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles that revealed the perfective activity of a third person Holy Trinity, and the teaching of Jesus Christ about the Triune God reached perfect clarity and completeness. God the Father creates the world, God the Son redeems people from enslavement to the devil, God the Holy Spirit sanctifies the world through the founding of the Church and the worldwide preaching of faith.

Since ancient times, the Slavic peoples have associated the Trinity with the tradition of meeting summer and called this day Earth Day. On Trinity Day, it is customary to decorate houses and temples with green birch branches, fragrant calamus and flowers.

Signs for the Trinity:

If they marry the Trinity, and marry the Intercession, then the life of these spouses will be long, happy, in love and harmony.

If on Trinity Day it's raining, then in the course of the summer there will be a lot.

Rain on Trinity - a lot of mushrooms, to warm weather.

A fine drizzle, after which peeped out bright sun- also to a rich harvest of berries, cereals and mushrooms.

On Trinity the sun - the summer will be dry and very hot.

The heat on Trinity was considered a bad omen. It meant a bad harvest year.

To see a rainbow on a holiday is a great happiness in the house.

If you swim in the rain on the Trinity, then you can get rich.

From the Trinity to the Assumption, they don’t dance round dances.

Swim my wreath to that bank, whoever catches my wreath will be the groom.

The date of the Trinity is floating, since it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter has passed. This is the reason why this day is often called Pentecost.

The importance of this day Christian religion it is difficult to overestimate, since, according to biblical tradition, it is precisely on him that one more appearance to the apostles falls. The Holy Spirit, Father and Son, came to them, saying that it was time to build the first church, which would be the beginning for the spread of religion throughout the world.

Not only because of the importance of the date, folk signs are so revered precisely on. Coincidentally, at that time pagan Slavs celebrating the end of spring and the onset of summer.

But wherever these signs come from, you should not lose sight of them, as history shows, often they come true and can bring both good luck and misfortune.

Folk signs and customs on the Trinity

The first sign that needs to be mentioned is that you cannot work on this day. This applies to almost everything except cooking. If, without special need, you still decide to go to work or do something about the housework, then you need to expect trouble.

It is customary to go to the cemetery on this day to commemorate friends and relatives. It is believed that if you do not go to the cemetery that day to visit the deceased, then he can visit you himself. At the same time, he will take someone away with him, that is, he will bring the death of your relative closer.

It is also supposed to sweep the graves with birch brooms on the Trinity. What, according to legend, should drive away evil spirits from the dead, and they, in turn, will rejoice and someday help in an unfavorable situation for you.

The day after Trinity, you need to go out into the field in search of something, and you will definitely come across some valuable thing you need.

Why can't you swim in the river on Trinity?

According to ancient legends, you can’t swim on the Trinity: on this day, any bathing mermaid can be dragged to the bottom. It is worth noting that there is some sanity in this: on this date, most often, the water is still cold, and bathing can lead to various troubles.

It is important to know that bathing the next day is also undesirable. A direct sign of this warning has been lost in history, but the very fact that it existed is known.

Folk signs on the Trinity about marriage

It is considered a good omen to marry on this day, then the marriage will be strong and happy. Interestingly, it is better not to set a wedding date on this day, as this Bad sign will lead to an early divorce (with a wedding).

There is also a sign that should bring the girl's marriage closer. So, her friends should dress her up and everyone possible ways decorate. Then they take her home with songs, where the owners offer her treats. Such a rite should drive away from her evil spirit and help find your betrothed.

Folk signs on the Trinity about the weather

On this day, it is customary to wear a bundle of grass for consecration, which was then placed at home behind a frame or icon. When the dry season comes, he is mourned. So people beg from God good weather, with abundant rainfall and accompanying weather patterns.

If birch branches are inserted into the window frames, this will also symbolize a fruitful summer. Even on this day, attention must be paid to weather: if even a little rain has gone, then the season will be fruitful.

The Holy Trinity is considered one of the most important Christian holidays. Orthodox believers count 50 days from the celebration of Easter. It is on this day, Sunday, that they begin to celebrate the Holy Trinity. Rain on Trinity is always considered an important sign, which marks pleasant events for each person. In that Holy holiday all Christian churches hold the most solemn services, to which all believers converge. They believe that on this famous day they can be cleansed of sins and bring more bright moments into their lives.

Rain on Trinity

What are all church prayers

On Trinity, certain prayers are sung in temples.

  1. A prayer that sanctifies the divine temple. It is aimed at clearing the church of negativity and bringing more divine energy into it.
  2. Prayer for the consecration of all those present in the temple. It allows believers to feel on themselves all the divine power and in more receive the blessing of the Lord.
  3. A prayer that is read for dead people. With its help, all funeral ceremonies are held. Thus, the spirit could approach God and ask for something for his living relatives.

It is important to note that all prayers are read exclusively on the knees. Thus, all tribute is given to God for all the good things that happen in the life of each person.

Rituals that are held on this bright holiday

Trinity is a special holiday for young girls. They held festivities, funeral processions for deceased relatives. Plants were the main attribute of all rituals. Some girls, with the help of a wreath, carried out fortune-telling for their betrothed, and found out the date of their wedding.

Small children had to break birch branches and decorate their homes with them. Thus, the house was cleansed of negativity and dark forces. On the morning of Trinity Day, parents had to feed their children with egg dishes. This ritual is based on what the egg symbolized sunlight, which, to a greater extent, occurs on the day of the Trinity.

After the ritual of reading a prayer was completed in the church, all the people went home and began to celebrate. First of all, it was required to start the meal. After that, it was necessary to cut off the birch. Our ancestors were sure that if such a ceremony is not carried out, then the plant can hold a grudge. And, if you cut it off and let it into the pond, then it could have a positive effect on the harvest this year.

What to Avoid on Trinity Day

On this bright day, you should behave correctly. Church ministers assure that on this holiday it is forbidden to do housework, bathe, or carry out repairs in the yard.

Swimming is not recommended due to the fact that, according to ancient legends, mermaids actively began to be born on this day. They could take the person to their water world. Repair work around the house was forbidden due to the fact that it could lead to the birth livestock with defects.

Why does it rain on Trinity?

Rain symbolizes the blessing of heaven

Many signs on the Trinity are associated with rain. Moreover, not only rain could indicate previous events. It is important to note that many weather conditions could indicate the development of future events and people actively used folk predictions and superstitions. Special attention was paid to the weather due to the fact that the holiday fell at the beginning of summer. This could indicate to people what kind of harvest awaits them this year. Not only the condition of the villagers depended on this, but also their financial situation. If a person planted cultivated plants for himself, then it was very important for him whether he would have to starve this year or not. After all, weather conditions, in particular rain, had a beneficial effect on the agricultural harvest.

If a person planted plants for sale, then in the case of dry weather, he could suffer losses, because he had to spend a lot of effort and money to buy seedlings, plant them, and spend a lot of money on fertilizer. In the case of a successful and large harvest, he replenished his financial situation, and could again take care of planting crops the next year.

The ancestors were sure that if it rains on the Trinity, then the heavens took pity and let their blessing on humanity. Rain means more than just crops in the fields. This means that harvesting will be actively carried out and a lot of mushrooms will grow. Thus, it was possible not only to feed a large cattle and a bird. People could take care of pickles for the winter and prepare for the cold.

Also, a sign could tell a lot when it rains all day. He pointed out that the cold would come late. Therefore, people could take their time and harvest at a normal pace. They did not have to panic and clean up crops and gardens, think about where to put what was prepared for the winter so that the frost would not destroy food. If there was no rain that day, then this meant that the summer would be dry and the crops would be destroyed. Fortunately, such events are extremely rare.

Is it possible to find an explanation for the rain on Trinity Day

For for long years meteorologists tried to find a truthful explanation of why it rains on Trinity. Unfortunately, all experiments were unsuccessful. But, it is believed that the beginning of summer should be rainy. That's just the ancient peoples were able to find a fascinating explanation for such a phenomenon. They were sure that it was heaven weeping for the dead. Therefore, it is recommended to honor dead relatives on this day.

The Great Trinity is the fiftieth day after such a holiday as Easter. Other names are sometimes used: the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, the Day of the Holy Trinity, or Pentecost, and in church calendar it is called the day of the descent of the apostles and the Holy Spirit. Trinity is one of the three greatest holidays of the Jews.

It was on this day that the descent of the apostles and the Holy Spirit took place. All the disciples of Jesus at that time gathered together. Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the sky, as if from a strong wind. But it wasn't the wind. Tongues came down from heaven and fell on each of Jesus' disciples. After that, they all began to speak different languages. Now each of them could tell and teach Christian doctrine which Jesus taught them at the time.

And so the Jewish holiday passed into christian church, remaining until 2019.

And signs on the Trinity pass with him.

Judging Trinity Day by folk calendar, then it can be called green Christmas time. It was on this holiday that decorations were always exhibited in churches, in which bouquets of meadow flowers or tree branches were always present. They also often decorated not only the table, but also the house, especially birch trees were often used. After the wild flowers were in the church, they were dried and kept behind the icons. They were placed in burrows and in the reaper so that mice would not be found, and also in the attic so that there would never be a fire in the house. But almost everything was decorated with trees: doors, windows, jambs, floors and other parts of their house. And the leaves were often left in order to make wreaths out of them.

On the day of the Trinity holiday, May 31, two cultural traditions are very closely intertwined at once: Christianity and paganism. So it is during this period of time that people should listen to signs and superstitions, both of one culture and another.

What will the weather say?

There are not so many weather signs on Trinity Day, but they still exist. Some people consider this a superstition, but it has been proven more than once that if there is rainy weather on Trinity, then you should expect a lot of mushrooms. Also, this phenomenon is often called the "Trinity with food." Therefore, people have always been happy about the rain at Pentecost. There is still such a superstition that if birch decorations are still fresh after three days, then we should expect wet haymaking. In addition, if it is cold on the day of the holiday, and in the coming days you should not wait high temperature. The same applies to the reverse situation.

If Pentecost turned out to be warm, then such weather will definitely last for at least five days.

« It is forbidden » on this day

Since the essence of the holiday lies in the understanding that God is triune - this is the Son, the Father and the holy spirit himself, many sources mention the Trinity as the trinity of the Father, the Son and the Mother of God. This holiday begins in 2019 on May 31 and lasts for three days. Therefore, at this time you can not swim in open water. Such a ban is not a church, but rather a folk sign. This is due to the fact that in Rus' it was believed that during the Trinity, mermaids were trying to drag any person who wanted to swim in a river or lake to them.

At the same time, the girls were not allowed to go to the forest, to the river or to the field, because any evil spirits that live there can spin with pullets in a round dance. Then these girls can become mermaids or simply drown. It is clear that the church has never supported such folk superstitions, but you should not forget about them either. After all, people believe that it will not be superfluous in Once again shield yourself from misfortune and misfortune.

What holidays should be celebrated in 2019 on the Trinity? Of course, on May 31, 2019, you can celebrate weddings and get married. And also it is not recommended to leave the house without a cross, as it protects a person from the evil spirits that have cleared up that day.

If you characterize everything that has been said, then on this day you cannot do rash acts, you must always be on the alert, if possible, remove all noisy holidays from the schedule and adhere to simple rules security.

People's signs at all times have been given great importance, they tried not to neglect these recommendations in any case.

Trinity, Trinity Day or Pentecost - Orthodox Christian holiday coming on the 50th day after Easter. As a rule, the weather on this day is already warm like in summer, and the blossoming nature pleases with young greenery and flowers.

From time immemorial, the onset of the Trinity has been awaited with great impatience by the common people, since during the time of the church festival it was supposed to rest from all chores, as well as generous feasts and cheerful festivities. In addition, many traditions, customs and signs are associated with Pentecost - most of them have survived to this day.

Today we will find out what can and cannot be done on Trinity and how many days this wonderful spring holiday lasts. Our ancestors believed in numerous signs for the Trinity and the Spirits Day following it - for the weather, for young unmarried girls and for those who want to get pregnant. By adhering to simple rules and rituals, you can attract health, happiness and wealth into your life, the site reports. Merry Trinity to you and only good omens!

What is the Trinity holiday - meaning, traditions, customs

Every year after Easter Sunday, Orthodox Christians prepare to celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity. So, what is this holiday - the Trinity? According to Holy Scripture, it was on this day that the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles of Christ, thereby revealing the mystery of the Trinity of God. As a result, the followers and disciples of Jesus began to understand the languages ​​of different peoples - thanks to this wonderful gift, Christianity soon spread throughout the world. Thus the Holy Trinity is great importance V Christian theology and is considered the "birthday" of the Church. It will be interesting for every believer to learn about the traditions and customs on Orthodox holiday Trinity.

Traditions, customs and signs on Trinity Day

The Trinity holiday falls on the warm season, so many traditions and customs are associated with nature - weather events and plants. So, on the Trinity it is customary to decorate houses and temples with birch branches, which serves as a talisman against adversity and the evil eye. In the old days, a special decoction was prepared from birch leaves - a wonderful drug for many diseases. Young unmarried girls they wove wreaths of branches so that fate would give a long-awaited meeting with the betrothed. The main tradition on the eve of the Holy Trinity is the commemoration of deceased relatives and friends - on parental day they usually order funeral services, as well as clean the graves and decorate them with flowers. It is believed that on Trinity Saturday, the prayer for the dead helps even those souls who are in hell. In addition, Holy Trinity Day is great for matchmaking - there is a sign that meeting a girl's parents and asking for her hand on Pentecost prophesies a long and happy family life.

Signs on the Trinity - what not to do and how many days

Holy Trinity Day is considered the third most important holiday after Christmas and Easter. According to the church calendar, in 2018 the Trinity falls on May 27 - the 50th day after the Resurrection of Christ. As with any other holiday, signs on the Trinity are important and are passed down from ancestors to descendants. So, what can not be done on the Trinity and how many days? Let's take a closer look at the main prohibitions in this Orthodox Christian celebration.

Folk signs and prohibitions on Trinity Day

According to church canons, the main ban on the Trinity is imposed on homework- cleaning, sewing, washing, washing. It is strictly forbidden on Trinity Day to dig the ground, plant plants, mow grass, cut down trees, make birch brooms and engage in other types of physical labor. Any work on this day is not pleasing to God, so it is better to postpone all work for a certain period. Otherwise, such disrespect for the great church holiday may adversely affect the results of labor. In addition, weddings and weddings are prohibited on Trinity, but for wooing have a better day and you can’t imagine - according to popular belief, such a union will be strong and happy. Our ancestors believed in a sign that on Trinity Day and a week after the holiday it is dangerous to swim in ponds, as well as walk in the forest. It was believed that during this period, mermaids could drag the bather into the pool or lure an unlucky traveler into the thicket with their laughter. The list of prohibited activities on the Trinity also includes sinful thoughts in relation to other people, quarrels with relatives and resentment.

Signs on the weather on Trinity and Spirits Day

In the church calendar, after the Trinity, Spirits Day comes - an Orthodox holiday in honor of the Descent of God the Holy Spirit on the apostles-disciples of Christ. Many folk omens for the Trinity and Spirits Day are associated with natural phenomena, according to which our ancestors tried to determine the weather for the whole year, and also judged future harvests.

Folk signs about the weather for the feast of the Trinity and the Day of the Holy Spirit:

  • Rain on Trinity Sunday - in August we expect a great harvest of mushrooms
  • There are no frosts on Spirits day - to warm weather, and a cold holiday portends a drop in temperature in the coming days
  • If trinity decorations from birch branches have not lost their freshness after three days, the hayfield will be wet
  • Hot weather on Trinity Day - summer will be dry and low-yielding

The current signs on the Trinity to get pregnant

Many women dream of having a baby - in order to get pregnant, it is important not only to follow medical recommendations, but also pay attention to the signs Higher Forces. So, some signs on the Trinity will help everyone to conceive and even allow you to determine the sex of the unborn baby.

A selection of signs about pregnancy on Trinity Day

  • Those who want to get pregnant need to drink a decoction of thyme (Bogorodsk grass), collected on the Trinity. Alternatively, a bunch of dry grass can be placed near the bed as a talisman.
  • To conceive a child, a woman must bake a cake, cookies and buns, and distribute them to the poor. For the same purpose, they share clothes with the poor or donate money.
  • Visiting churches, monasteries and other holy places will have a beneficial effect on a woman's ability to conceive.

So, now you know what kind of holiday the Trinity and Spirits day is, as well as what not to do and how many days. Our pages contain the most popular traditions, customs and folk signs for the Trinity - the weather, the harvest, to get pregnant. For Orthodox Christians, it will be interesting to learn about the signs and rituals for the parent's day, which precedes Trinity Sunday. Good luck to you and a cheerful Trinity!

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