The story of aquatic dangerous fish in the world. What are the most dangerous fish in the world? Dangerous fish of the world

In most cases, a person is a danger to fish, because since ancient times, fishing has been one of the main ways to get food. But sometimes fish can pose a real danger to people. As they say, forewarned is forearmed, and while the most dangerous fish live on the planet, you need to know where they live, what they are called and, if possible, avoid meeting with them.

TOP 10 most dangerous fish in the world

When meeting with a person, this fish will not bite or swallow the victim. In a fraction of a second, it will generate a discharge of up to 1300 V, due to which you can lose consciousness underwater. The radius of damage is 3 m. The electric eel is a fairly aggressive fish, most often it attacks itself. It lives in the Amazon and other rivers in the northeastern part of South America. Large individuals can reach 3 m in length and weigh up to 40 kg.

One of the most dangerous freshwater fish lives in Africa: in the Congo River, as well as lakes Upemba and Tanganyika. Like a real tiger, the fish is a dangerous predator that can attack humans and other fish. To do this, she has 32 powerful sharp teeth. And a weight of 50 kg and a height of 180 cm are quite comparable to human ones.

3. Sharks. In total, there are more than 450 species of sharks in the world. Not all of them pose a danger to humans, but some are really better not to approach. The most feared sharks swimming in the ocean are the great white shark, bull shark, gray reef shark, Greenland shark and tiger shark.

The white shark can reach 7 m in length and 3 tons in weight. Every year, several dozen people all over the world become its victims, some of them die. Just one photo of this huge killer fish is terrifying, and after watching the movie "Jaws" fear will not leave you for a long time.

The tiger shark eats everything indiscriminately. In the stomachs of the caught individuals, various household items, fragments of anchors and even tires for wheels were found more than once. It will not be difficult for the "sea tiger" to attack a person. Moreover, the shark does this rapidly, leaving the victim no chance.

The bull shark is one of the most dangerous big fish. It is with her that most cases of attacks on a person are associated. Males are especially aggressive, prone to unexpected fits of rage due to the active production of the male hormone. This species lives in the Mississippi and Amazon rivers, as well as in Lake Nicaragua.

This is one of the most dangerous fish species in North America. The length of the catfish can reach 1.5 m, and weight - 120 kg. For the most part, this predator feeds on other fish, mammals and waterfowl, but attacks on humans are not uncommon. Up to 8-10 fishermen die in the waters of North American rivers per year. Their death is terrible, because, having attacked the victim, the olive catfish with great force begins to tear it apart.

The TOP 10 most dangerous fish will continue the tiny vandellia. Its size is only 2.5-15 cm long and 3.5 mm wide, but why is it considered one of the most dangerous river fish? The fact is that the main sources of its nutrition are blood and urine, so the smallest vandellia easily penetrates the human genitourinary organs and anus. Climbing inside, she begins to feed on human flesh. And the only way to extract this nasty predator is by surgery. You can meet her in the Amazon basin in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It's better, of course, not to do that.

This is a fairly small fish (up to 30 cm in length) that lives in the waters of South America and Brazil. Piranha is dangerous because it is a very voracious predator with a large number of sharp teeth. Piranhas attack the victim in large flocks. Small prey is swallowed whole, and pieces of meat are violently torn off from large prey, swallowed and again dig into the flesh. In a few seconds, a flock of piranhas, even from a disproportionately large prey, will leave only one bone.

Found in the river Kali (Gandak), flowing between Nepal and India. Since ancient times, according to local custom, the bodies of the dead are thrown into this river, which during the funeral rite may not be completely burned. Huge toothy catfish weighing up to 140 kg feed on the remains of human flesh, and they fell in love with this taste so much that they often attack living people who have entered the water.

In another way, it is called "fish with human teeth", only its teeth are much sharper. Pacu likes to chew on nuts and fruits that fall from trees in the Amazon, and also eats other fish and invertebrates. There is a case when in 1994 two fishermen died from severe blood loss due to an aggressive attack by Pacu.

This fish got its name because of the great similarity with the stones of coral reefs. If someone accidentally steps on it, the "stone" comes to life and bites the victim, spewing deadly poison. After that, a person spends several hours in terrible agony and, for lack of an antidote, dies. The most dangerous tropical fish is found in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as in the Red Sea and off the coast of Australia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

10 Sea Dragon. This small fish (25-35 cm) lives in the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. It poses a danger to beach lovers in Greece, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Georgia, and also in Russia. These fish are quite aggressive, moreover, they have poisonous glands located on the dorsal fin.

If a person steps on such a "dragon", his leg will turn blue, a large edema will form. In some cases, paralysis of the limb, heart failure and convulsions were recorded.

There are fish that pose a danger not to the one they bite or eat, but to the one who eats them. The most dangerous fish to eat is fugu. It is prepared only by specially trained Japanese chefs who have received a license, because one awkward movement during the fugu cooking process can be fatal for someone who decides to taste it. By the way, there used to be a tradition in Japan: if a restaurant guest got poisoned by this poisonous fish, then the cook who prepared it had to either eat a piece and get poisoned, or commit ritual suicide.

Not only modern people die and are injured from the attacks of huge predatory fish, but our most distant ancestors were victims of marine life. More than 1.5 million years ago, a giant shark megalodon lived on our planet. Its name translates as "big tooth", and in length, as scientists found out, it reached 18 m.

Even earlier, the 4-ton marine giant Dunkleost lived. In length, it reached 10 m and was the largest carnivorous fish of its time.

Helicoprion is also one of the most dangerous extinct fish. This is a species of shark that lived more than 250 million years ago. It was distinguished by a special spiral row of teeth, and grew up to 4 m in length.

The saying is true: “Not knowing the ford, do not stick your head in the water”, because often the most dangerous inhabitants of the sea can be in the same place where people swim. Of course, not all collisions with dangerous fish end in death for a person, but serious injury and blood loss is quite possible. Therefore, it is better to avoid places where marine predators can live, and if you meet one of them, try to leave the water as soon as possible.

Fish are one of the most beautiful and at the same time dangerous creations of nature. Below is a list with photos of the ten most dangerous fish in the world. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the largest freshwater fish on the planet.

10 Lionfish Zebra

Lionfish zebra - predatory fish that live in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans - off the coast of China, Japan and Australia. They are one of the most beautiful fish in the world. Their body length is about 30 cm, weight reaches 1 kg. The lionfish has long ribbons of dorsal and pectoral fins, in which sharp poisonous needles are hidden. The injection with this needle is very painful. A sharp pain is followed by a deterioration in the condition, which ends with paralysis of the skeletal and respiratory muscles. If the victim is not immediately pulled ashore, he will drown.

9 Electric eel

The electric eel is a fish (despite the name) that inhabits rivers in northeastern South America, as well as tributaries of the Amazon. They are found in countries such as Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. The average length of adults is 1–1.5 m, the largest known specimen reached almost three meters in length. Average weight - up to 20 kg (maximum - 45 kg). An electric eel is capable of generating a discharge of current with a voltage of 300–650 V and a force of 0.1–1 A. Such a voltage is not capable of killing a person, but it will be very painful.

8 Big tiger fish

Big tiger fish - a species of large freshwater predatory fish that live in central and western Africa, in the basin of the Congo and Lualaba rivers, as well as in lakes Upemba and Tanganyika. This fish grows up to 1.5 m in length and reaches a weight of 50 kg. In the Congo, there have been cases of attacks by large tiger fish on humans. According to local residents, this is the only fish that is not afraid of crocodiles.

7 Bagarius yarrelli

Bagarius yarrelli is a species of large fish found in the rivers of South Asia. They are found in countries such as Bangladesh, India, China (Yunnan Province) and Nepal. It grows up to 2 m in length and weighs over 90 kg. In three villages on the banks of the Sarda River in Nepal and India, between 1998 and 2007, cases of attacks on people by these fish were recorded, which often ended in death.

6 Brown snakehead

The sixth place in the list of the most dangerous fish is occupied by the Brown Snakehead - a species of large freshwater predatory fish living in the waters of Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and India. Grow in length up to 1.3 meters and weigh up to 20 kg. They are quite greedy and aggressive. Prey is ambushed.

5 Wart

In fifth place on the list of the most dangerous fish in the world is the wart, a predatory sea fish with poisonous spikes on its back. The average length of the wart is 35–50 cm. It lives in coral reefs at depths of about 30 m in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is considered the most poisonous fish in the world. Its venom causes severe pain, shock, paralysis and leads to tissue death. For humans, a large dose of poison can be fatal.

4 Common vandellia

3 Piranha

Piranha - freshwater predominantly predatory fish (more than 50 species) that live in the rivers and reservoirs of South America. Reach a length of up to 30 cm and a weight of up to a kilogram. Approximately 30–35 species of piranhas feed on aquatic plants and fruits that have fallen into the water, while 28–30 species are typical predators. They have powerful jaws with sharp teeth. They attack fish and other animals, including humans. The structure of the lower jaw and teeth allows piranhas to snatch large pieces of meat from prey. A flock of piranhas in a few minutes is capable of completely destroying an animal weighing about 50 kg.

2 Brown puffer

The brown puffer is a species of marine fish from the pufferfish family. They live in the marine and brackish waters of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Grow up to 80 cm in length. Its insides (especially the liver and ovaries) are extremely poisonous and contain tetrodotoxin, which, even in small doses, is deadly to humans. Despite this, it is from this fish that the traditional Japanese dish Fugu is most often prepared. Between 2004 and 2007, 15 people died and about 115 people were hospitalized after eating the delicacy.

1 Mackerel hydrolic

The most dangerous fish in the world is the mackerel hydrolic or "vampire fish" - a species of predatory fish that lives in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in Venezuela. They can grow up to 117 cm in length and weigh 17.8 kg. The most famous feature of the vampire fish is its aggressiveness and two long fangs protruding from the lower jaw. These fangs can reach a length of 10–15 cm. The mackerel hydrolic feeds on almost any fish that is smaller in size, including piranhas and their own kind.

The most dangerous fish that pose a threat to humans are not found in nature too often, but they exist, and you need to know the enemy in person. Fish are considered to be one of the most beautiful creations of nature, especially if we think of colorful tropical fish that delight the eye of the beholder. Even men often affectionately call their lovers "my fish." But we must not forget that there are some species that pose a mortal danger to all living creatures on earth. Compared to such dangerous fish species, the shark will seem like a “little child”.

What are the terrible aquatic inhabitants, and what is the threat emanating from them?

The most dangerous fish for people review

electric eel

This creature can actively defend itself if it was attacked or if it thought it was being attacked. Such a situation can result in an electric shock of 600 volts, which will be quite enough to kill a person or any other creature. Found in South America and the Amazon.

tiger fish

Tiger fish, or goliath fish, is a ferocious predator. Help her hunt razor-sharp teeth. The weight of the monster can reach fifty kilograms. This is one of the most bloodthirsty and dangerous freshwater fish. It can eat animals that accidentally find themselves in the water, and even attack a person. It is mainly distributed in Africa, especially in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River.

Dangerous Gunch Fish

Fish Goonch (Goonch Fish) or Catfish Bagarii is found in the Kali River (another name is Gandak), which flows between Nepal and India. What makes this type of catfish especially dangerous is that it loves the taste of human flesh. This fish is the main culprit in the disappearance of people in the Kali River area. Individual individuals can weigh up to 140 kilograms. It can attack a person even with a crowd of people. It is believed that the fish began to feed the cannibalistic craving for human meat because of human customs. The Kali River has long been used by the local population to dispose of the bodies of the dead. Partially burned corpses of the dead, after the Hindu funeral rites, are dumped into the river.

The most dangerous fish stone

Stone fish, or wart fish, is one of the most dangerous and strange types of fish. This fish is considered the most poisonous in the world. As a rule, the wart lives among coral reefs, imitating a stone. Its resemblance to stone allows it to remain invisible until you step on it, but this step can be fatal. The stonefish is known for its highly potent venom and its bite can be fatal. The effect of defeat lasts for long hours, a person dies in terrible agony, and there is no antidote for the poison of a stone-fish. There is a dangerous werewolf in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, as well as in the waters of the Red Sea, off the coast of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Fiji and Samoa. Russians have a real chance of encountering dangerous fish on the beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada or Dahab.


Snakehead fish, or snakehead, was first discovered in Russia, China and Korea. This predator is found in the rivers of the Far East, including in the Primorsky Territory. But today this fish can be found in ecosystems in other countries. Usually the snakehead lives in small, overgrown with vegetation, well-heated reservoirs.

The snakehead eats everything living in the water. It reaches one meter in length, weighs up to ten kilograms, but the largest fish caught weighed thirty kg.

The snakehead is interesting because it can go without water for up to five days. In dried-up reservoirs, he burrows deep into the silt and waits there for the next rainy season. It can crawl a considerable distance overland to a nearby body of water. It feeds not only on fish, but also on amphibians.


Vandellia (Vandellia cirrhosa) or candirý. Candiru is a freshwater fish found in the Amazon. This fish is one of the most terrible monsters on the planet, despite its small size. The dimensions of her torso are only 2.5 cm in length and 3.5 mm in thickness. The trouble for a person is that this fish, like a magnet, is attracted to blood and urine. For her, these are sources of food.

Vandellia easily penetrates the anus, vagina or penis of a person and begins to feed on human organs from the inside, causing excruciating pain to the victim. What is really scary is that, in most cases, the only way to get rid of this predator is amputation.

However, it should be noted that cases of human injury are extremely rare. Wandellia catfish usually swims into the gills of other freshwater fish and feeds on the blood vessels of the fish gills. Because of its bloodthirstiness, small freshwater catfish have received the name "Brazilian vampire".


Piranhas - small fish of South America and Brazil, are extremely dangerous because of their voracity. South American Indians call this fish, which reaches only 30 cm in length, "toothed devil." The sharp triangular teeth of the piranha pose a danger to any living creature that finds itself in the water. They attack prey in large flocks, leaving in a short time only bones from their prey.

hedgehog fish

The hedgehog fish is known for its deadly venom. The liver, ovaries, intestines, and skin of this fish are the storage tanks for tetrodotoxin, a substance that affects the brain, causing paralysis or death. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to eat this fish.

Hedgehog fish is one of the most common inhabitants of the oceans and tropical seas. In case of danger, the hedgehog takes the form of a ball, absorbing water into itself and increasing in size.

box jellyfish

Box jellyfish or sea wasp (scientific name - Chironex fleckeri) is considered one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. This poisonous inhabitant of the seas can kill an adult in three minutes. And to be even more precise, the poison of one jellyfish is enough to kill 60 people.

It cannot be said that many people died from the poison of this dangerous inhabitant of the deep sea. According to reports, over the past hundred years, the jellyfish wasp has caused the death of a hundred people.

Since the jellyfish has a pale blue transparent color, it poses a real danger to swimmers, because it is difficult to notice it against the background of sea water.

It is found in the tropical regions of the Pacific Ocean, in the coastal waters of Australia. It is worth clarifying that for humans, they usually live in warm tropical waters, although there are exceptions. There is an effective antidote for the poison of a deadly jellyfish, stung swimmers do not have time to get help, as the heart stops after three or four minutes, and the person does not even have time to get to the boat, and even more so, to the shore.


Payara, or mackerel hydrolic, is known as the vampire fish. It is also called dog fish. This fish is such a bloodthirsty predator that it is considered more dangerous than piranha. The body of this terrible fish can reach a little over a meter in length. Payara lives in the fresh water of the rivers of South America, especially in the rivers of Venezuela.

Eats everything. Interestingly, they pose a real threat not only to humans. For example, a vampire fish is the only fish that can handle, that is, eat, a dangerous piranha.

As a rule, a significant proportion of these swimming vertebrates do not pose a great threat to humans. There are also fish that can attack a person. Unfortunately, there are situations when people, when meeting with certain types of fish, can be seriously injured or even die. What are the deadliest fish?

Tiger fish Goliath

This fish is found in the rivers of Central Africa. The demon fish or giant hydrocine can grow up to 2 meters in length. The fish weighs 50 kg. This representative of the African tetra family has 32 sharp teeth, which can tear the flesh without much effort. This predator has excellent hearing. A goliath is able to attack a person or a crocodile if it gets very hungry.

Despite their inactive lifestyle, these small fish are very aggressive. Stone fish or wartfish can be found in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. On the back of this representative of the scorpion family there are several poisonous spikes. The poison of the stone fish destroys red blood cells, and also affects the human nervous system.

This fish lives in the waters of South America. Freshwater stingray weighs 900 kg. The body length of the fish is 5 meters. The animal has a whip-shaped tail, at the end of which is a poisonous sting. A person can die from the poison of this fish. Despite its intimidating size, the freshwater stingray is a fairly peaceful animal and rarely shows aggression towards people.

This fish lives in the waters of South America. Electric eel weighs 40 kg. The fish grows up to 3 meters. The animal has a very elongated body. This predator uses an electric shock to kill its prey. 600 volts released by a freshwater eel would be enough to kill a human.

These voracious and highly aggressive fish can be found in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Moray eel has a serpentine-shaped body. The animal has a length of up to 1.5 meters. This fish weighs up to 50 kg. Moray eels prefer to hunt at night. There were cases when these fish bit off the fingers and toes of divers.

zebra fish

This beautiful fish is found in the waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Zebra fish or striped lionfish weigh up to 1 kg. The 30-centimeter body of the animal is covered with bright light stripes. This representative of the scorpion family has sharp poisonous needles on its fins. Lionfish venom is quite dangerous for humans.

It is not for nothing that the white shark was called the cannibal. This shark is one of the largest predatory fish that live on Earth. This ferocious predator can be found in almost all waters of the oceans. The fish weighs up to 3200 kg. The length of this shark is 5 meters. The white shark is capable of killing a person. The animal mainly feeds on marine mammals, crustaceans or birds.

These predatory fish live in the waters of South America. Piranhas prefer to hunt in packs. These animals quickly pounce on their prey. Only the bones remain of the victim. Piranhas, although they have a bad reputation among people, but there have not yet been cases of human death from the bites of these small predators.

This fish lives mainly in the waters of Southeast Asia. Snakeheads are quite aggressive and hardy predators. The head of this animal is similar to the head of a snake. The fish has powerful jaws. Snakeheads brought from Asia cause great damage to the local ichthyofauna of North America.

This fish lives in subtropical and tropical waters of all oceans. The blunt-nosed shark can survive in both fresh and sea water. This representative of the gray shark family has a difficult temper and an exorbitant appetite. Scientists have found the most unexpected objects in the stomachs of these animals. For example, household waste or metal products. More people have been bitten by blunt sharks than by white sharks.

Zebra Lionfish

Lionfish zebra - predatory fish that live in the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans - off the coast of China, Japan and Australia. They are one of the most beautiful fish in the world. Their body length is about 30 cm, weight reaches 1 kg. The lionfish has long ribbons of dorsal and pectoral fins, in which sharp poisonous needles are hidden. The injection with this needle is very painful. A sharp pain is followed by a deterioration in the condition, which ends with paralysis of the skeletal and respiratory muscles. If the victim is not immediately pulled ashore, he will drown.

The electric eel is a fish (despite the name) that inhabits rivers in northeastern South America, as well as tributaries of the Amazon. They are found in countries such as Brazil, French Guiana, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela. The average length of adults is 1–1.5 m, the largest known specimen reached almost three meters in length. Average weight - up to 20 kg (maximum - 45 kg). An electric eel is capable of generating a discharge of current with a voltage of 300–650 V and a force of 0.1–1 A. Such a voltage is not capable of killing a person, but it will be very painful.

Big tiger fish - a species of large freshwater predatory fish that live in central and western Africa, in the basin of the Congo and Lualaba rivers, as well as in lakes Upemba and Tanganyika. This fish grows up to 1.5 m in length and reaches a weight of 50 kg. In the Congo, there have been cases of attacks by large tiger fish on humans. According to local residents, this is the only fish that is not afraid of crocodiles.

Bagarius yarrelli is a species of large fish found in the rivers of South Asia. They are found in countries such as Bangladesh, India, China (Yunnan Province) and Nepal. It grows up to 2 m in length and weighs over 90 kg. In three villages on the banks of the Sarda River in Nepal and India, between 1998 and 2007, cases of attacks on people by these fish were recorded, which often ended in death.

The sixth place in the list of the most dangerous fish is occupied by the Brown Snakehead - a species of large freshwater predatory fish living in the waters of Vietnam, Indonesia, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia and India. Grow in length up to 1.3 meters and weigh up to 20 kg. They are quite greedy and aggressive. Prey is ambushed.

In fifth place on the list of the most dangerous fish in the world is the wart, a predatory sea fish with poisonous spikes on its back. The average length of the wart is 35–50 cm. It lives in coral reefs at depths of about 30 m in the Indian and Pacific Oceans. It is considered the most poisonous fish in the world. Its venom causes severe pain, shock, paralysis and leads to tissue death. For humans, a large dose of poison can be fatal.

Piranha - freshwater predominantly predatory fish (more than 50 species) that live in the rivers and reservoirs of South America. Reach a length of up to 30 cm and a weight of up to a kilogram. Approximately 30–35 species of piranhas feed on aquatic plants and fruits that have fallen into the water, while 28–30 species are typical predators. They have powerful jaws with sharp teeth. They attack fish and other animals, including humans. The structure of the lower jaw and teeth allows piranhas to snatch large pieces of meat from prey. A flock of piranhas in a few minutes is capable of completely destroying an animal weighing about 50 kg.

The brown puffer is a species of marine fish from the pufferfish family. They live in the marine and brackish waters of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Grow up to 80 cm in length. Its insides (especially the liver and ovaries) are extremely poisonous and contain tetrodotoxin, which, even in small doses, is deadly to humans. Despite this, it is from this fish that the traditional Japanese dish Fugu is most often prepared. Between 2004 and 2007, 15 people died and about 115 people were hospitalized after eating the delicacy.

The most dangerous fish in the world is the mackerel hydrolic or "vampire fish" - a species of predatory fish that lives in the Amazon and Orinoco river basins in Venezuela. They can grow up to 117 cm in length and weigh 17.8 kg. The most famous feature of the vampire fish is its aggressiveness and two long fangs protruding from the lower jaw. These fangs can reach a length of 10–15 cm. The mackerel hydrolic feeds on almost any fish that is smaller in size, including piranhas and their own kind.

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