How to name a cover letter for a resume. What is a cover letter for documents. Short cover letter for resume

The first and main rule that concerns is that it must be written without fail. It doesn’t matter what position you are applying for in the company: CEO or assistant secretary. If you really want this job, get a recruiter interested. In addition to formal digressions about where you found a free vacancy and what interested you in this job, write a text that will give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200byou as a future employee. What exactly can you offer a future employer? How did you excel at your last job? What skills will you use in this job? The answer to at least one of these questions should be in your cover letter.

A good cover letter for a resume

Writing the perfect cover letter for your resume can be tricky. You must take into account the subjective human factor. Some HR manager will find your letter good, but some will not. But still, you need to try to make it universal.

"Hello Maria

My name is Alexandra Rykova. I found an open vacancy in your company for the position of content manager. I am interested in this job because for three years I have been filling websites and communities in in social networks(examples attached in resume). During this time I have mastered the basics of working with Adobe Photoshop, various CMS systems, and also gained knowledge of HTML layout.

If you are interested in my skills, I am ready to immediately start working in the office or remotely. You can contact me by phone (+7 333 11 11 111) or by e-mail ( [email protected]).

Best regards, Alexandra."

Let's take a look at the example above:

  • there is an address appeal;
  • the applicant indicated the position for which he is applying (to avoid confusion);
  • the source from which the vacancy was taken is indicated;
  • mention of required experience;
  • key skills are written, an example of the application of which can be found in the resume;
  • contacts are indicated for quick communication with the applicant;
  • proper farewell at the end of the letter.

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Sending a lot of correspondence during the day, we often wonder how to write a cover letter for documents?

Cover letter for documents- This business letter, which describes the package of documents sent to the addressee. Based on this, the cover letter to the documents confirms the fact of sending the documentation, gives its list and instructions for handling it, and allows you to determine the deadline.

Compose a cover letter documents must be on letterhead, affixing the outgoing registration number of the sender. The text of the document itself is divided into two main blocks: a message about sending documents, a request for a timely response to it (familiarization, response, approval, etc.).

The introductory part of the cover letter begins with the words:“We present to you ...”, “We are sending you ...” or “We are sending you ...” and continues with the words “for signing”, “for review”, “for approval”, “for filling out”, etc. In the second part, the cover letter to the documents contains information on what needs to be done with the attached documents: “Please sign ...”, “Please consider and send ...”, etc.

To write a proper cover letter for documents, the main thing is to draw up applications properly, since this is the main one in such correspondence. To do this, the cover letter to the documents must contain their complete list, indicating the number of copies and sheets in each of them. The name of the application is indicated only if it was not mentioned in the text of the letter. If there are multiple applications, they are listed after the word "Applications:".

If the cover letter to the documents contains a large list of applications, they are drawn up on a separate sheet as an inventory of applications, which is linked from the letter. When there is a need to write a cover letter for documents for several recipients, and the application is sent to only one of them, this should also be mentioned in the letter.

There are a few more rules how to write a cover letter for documents. If the letter has attachments, it should have a corresponding mark on it, and on each attachment, at the top right, it should be indicated to which cover letter it belongs. The letter is signed official which has the right to do so. But so that he is not disturbed later about clarifications, the name and contacts of the performer should also be indicated.

Also not recommended to specify exact date comply with the requirements of the letter, if your organization is not a higher regulatory authority. In practice business communication a month is usually given for consideration of such documents. If you want to get an answer earlier, it is better to issue it in the form of a request.

In order to save time in the future when it becomes necessary to write a cover letter to documents again, it is recommended to develop a form for such a letter and fill it out as necessary. As you can see, the question how to write cover letter for documents, not so complicated.

Cover letter sample:

Today, the Internet is the most popular tool for finding a job. The most elementary way is to leave a response to a vacancy on a recruitment site with just one click. But if it comes down to sending a resume email, here applicants often make mistakes. We will tell you how to properly send a resume to an employer so that it does not go unnoticed.

Subject line when submitting resume

Job seekers often neglect the most important rule- correctly format the subject of the letter when sending a resume by e-mail. In no case do not leave this field empty: without a subject, your letter may end up in spam, or the employer simply will not notice it.

The topic should be short, but contain necessary information. Examples of successful topics: “Response to the vacancy of an assistant designer”, “Resume of the chief accountant”, “Resume of A. N. Ivanova for the position of translator”.

Sometimes the employer asks to indicate something specific in the subject of the letter (for example, the job code). Be sure to pay attention to this so that you are not considered absent-minded.

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What to write to an employer when sending a resume

Do not send an employer a blank letter with an attached resume file. The presence of a cover letter is not only considered a sign good manners, but also shows your sincere interest in the proposed vacancy.

Cover letter for resume is a document in which you can present yourself in a more free form with the best side and interest the employer.

The presence of a cover letter to respond to a vacancy is an additional advantage for a job seeker when applying for a job.

How to write a cover letter for a resume

How to write a response to a vacancy? If the cover letter to the resume is sent purposefully to the head of the personnel department or the head of the company, in the header of the document it is necessary to indicate his full name, position and company name.

Writing a cover letter for a job application begins with an appeal. Cover letter examples:

  • Hello!
  • Good afternoon
  • Dear Sirs!
  • Good afternoon, …(name/Mr or Ms …/full name)
  • Dear ... (name / Mr. or Mrs. ... / full name)

For example:

  • I am interested/interested in the position...
  • Your company is known as a leader in...
  • Recently I saw / but on your site / on the site ... / in the newspaper an open vacancy ...

Then you need to say why you applied to this particular company and want to take this particular position. Here you can focus on your professional achievements, work skills.

For example:

  • I can describe myself as...
  • I have … years of experience in the field of …
  • I am fluent...

In the next part of the cover letter, when responding to a vacancy, you must express for reading the letter and attention to the candidacy.

For example:

  • Thanks for taking the time to read the letter.
  • Thank you for your interest in my candidacy
  • I would be grateful / thankful if you can call me back
  • If necessary, I can come to you for an interview at any time convenient for you.
  • If you have any questions, you can contact me at the phone number below.
  • I would be happy to accept an offer to meet with you and talk in more detail about…

If a resume is sent along with the cover letter, letter of recommendation, you need to say:

  • You can find my CV and references in the attached file.
  • More information about my professional activity You will find it in the attached resume.

In the US and Europe, it is customary to send cover letters along with resumes. In Russia, this trend is only gaining momentum.

The cover letter is intended to convey to the employer some useful information, which is inappropriate to write as part of a resume.

Not writing a cover letter at all is bad form. Imagine yourself in the place of an employer or HR- manager. Would you rather receive blank emails with a resume attached, or personalized emails? In which you are addressed by your first name and patronymic, indicate that your company is interesting ... It seems that any person would choose the second option.

Therefore, those who still write such letters win. But in order to accurately win against the background of other candidates, you need to know how to write a cover letter correctly.

Sometimes a cover letter can play a very positive role. For example, the vacancy indicates the need for work experience of at least 1 year. And you do not have this experience, but you meet the rest of the requirements. A well-written cover letter is likely to make you want to look at your candidacy.

Stick to a specific cover letter outline.

  1. In the subject line of the email, indicate the specific position for which you are applying. For example: "Resume for the position of sales manager."
  2. You should start with a greeting. Moreover, it should be addressed preferably to a specific person. Read the job description carefully - as a rule, the name and patronymic of the HR manager are indicated there. Example: "Good afternoon, Maria Gennadievna!". If it so happens that you cannot find out the name and patronymic of the person to whom you are sending your resume, then write in the subject line of the letter “To the HR manager of the company *** - resume for the position of sales manager”. And in the greeting, write simply "Hello!" or "Good afternoon!".
  3. Write how you heard about the job. This can be done as follows: “I found out about the vacancy for a sales manager in your company on the site ***. I think that you will be interested in my candidacy, so I am sending you my resume.”
  4. Next, briefly describe your experience in a similar position. If not, you should write why you think you are a good fit for the job. Example: “I have no experience as a sales manager, but I have all the necessary qualities which will allow me to quickly learn this work: attentiveness, sociability ... ".
  5. Let me know that you are interested in this particular company and this particular field of activity. For example: “I am very interested in getting a job in sales. Your company is in an excellent position in the market, so I would like to work in it.”
  6. Please include your contact information, in particular your phone number. You can also specify what time you can be called.

Remember the most important thing - the letter should be individual for each company to which you send a resume. Therefore, you should be careful not to confuse the names and patronymics of HR specialists from different companies, job titles and other information. And even more so, it is unacceptable to do mass mailing to several email addresses at once.

Cover letter style

Of course, your cover letter should be written in business style, without colloquial words, and, moreover, profanity. Since you are supposed to be referring to specific person, the word "You" and its derivatives must be written with capital letter. Grammar, spelling and punctuation errors are not allowed. Check everything once again, because few people will like an illiterate letter, and your resume may not even be opened. It is best to let another person read your letter, perhaps he will point out what can or needs to be corrected.

Do not shorten the words: this is an email, not a paper one. But the length of the letter should not be too long, half an A4 page in Word format - this will suffice.

You should not write in a "mandatory" style, such as: "You are obliged to consider my resume, I am an excellent specialist."

Content of the letter: what to write and what not to write

Absolutely, you should not write about the reasons for leaving your previous job and about any conflicts with superiors and colleagues. An example of how not to write: “I was very interested in your company. At my last job, my boss did not appreciate my efforts, I hope I will be able to build a career in your company ... ”.

If you list your personal qualities, you do not need to do it in a stereotyped way. People like you - responsible, motivated young professionals with an active life position, aimed at the result - thousands. Better come up with something more original (within reason), but true. Maybe your forte is the ability to find mutual language with people, good memory, courtesy.

You do not need to write about your hobbies, as well as in the resume itself. It's too much.

Never write that your dream is to fly up career ladder. You need to be humble: write that your skills will be useful to the company.

Before you provide your contact details, you can write about your desire to be interviewed and tell us more about yourself.

Cover letter example

Hello, Ksenia Sergeevna!

From the site *** I learned that your bank has a vacancy for a loan officer. I believe that my candidacy may interest you.

I have no experience as a loan officer, but I have previously worked in the banking sector as a teller. I understand the specifics of working in a bank and my ability to fast learning will allow me to cope with the work of a loan officer.

I would like to develop in the banking sector. Your bank is one of the largest and most successful banks, so I am interested in working in it.

I think that my skills can be useful to your bank. I am enclosing my resume. I am willing to be interviewed to tell more about myself.

My contact number- ***, you can call me from 9 am to 9 pm.


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