The Year of the Dragon begins with. Eastern horoscope: Year of the Dragon

People born in the year of the Dragon - what years belong to this sign? These are 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. They leave a legacy of a rich and long life for individuals born under this mysterious symbol.

The sign of this animal has an extraordinary astronomical influence on the fate of this year’s representative. However, one should not think that a person born in the year of the Dragon may not make special efforts to achieve success in life. Many representatives of this sign are gifted with high intelligence from birth. The most important thing is not to be lazy and be able to show it in a timely and useful manner.

Positive and negative traits

A person born in the year of the Dragon involuntarily finds himself in the center of attention in any company. He is very original in his judgments, so he feels genuine interest in himself from those around him. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by an inexhaustible supply of vitality and amazing performance. People born in the year of the Dragon are sometimes capable of committing impulsive, rash acts. But this is the exception rather than the norm.

Representatives of this sign have a fairly wide range of hobbies. They give particular preference to sports hobbies. Dragons are known as avid travelers and lovers of novelty. IN production sector they are able to achieve success in many fields: in medicine, acting, in military affairs and pedagogy. This is not the entire list of professions available to a brilliant representative of this sign.

Year of the Dragon - which years are suitable for love relationships?

For people born in the year of the Dragon, chinese horoscope advises you to turn your attention to partners born under the signs of the Rooster, Monkey and Rat. Representatives of these signs will each perfectly complement the Dragon in their own way. It will not be difficult for the Rooster to live in the shadow of his partner’s glory. If necessary, he will easily survive a period of lack of money, which will please the practical Dragon. The Monkey, with its characteristic flexibility, will easily adapt to the difficult character of the Dragon man. The Rat will conquer his partner with his devotion and ability to lead. family budget. Undesirable partners for family relations with the Dragon are the Tiger and the Dog. Tiger people are quite charismatic and tend to create imbalance in the Dragon's life. Such a relationship is more likely to resemble a fight club than a harmonious relationship of a loving couple. For the Dragon, Dog People are overly tense, wary and pessimistic. These qualities can irritate the self-confident Dragon, and he will quickly get tired of supporting the spirit of his dreary partner.

Year of the Dragon: zodiac horoscope

Dragon-Aries is distinguished by great stubbornness and perseverance. This will partly help him achieve his goal. But if he had more flexibility, he would have hit fewer bumps on the path to his success. For such a person, it is especially valuable to have a reliable friend who could help him with advice at a crucial moment. Dragon-Aries is a born specialist in the field of trade, construction and public utilities. The Taurus Dragon has a delicate taste and love for everything elegant. He is more of a poet and romantic at heart. He can perfectly realize himself in art as a designer, fashion designer, artist. These Dragons are excellent family men.

Gemini-Dragon is a rather contradictory nature. His mood can change dramatically from the greatest good nature to terrible anger. These people need to find a middle ground so that their life path is more balanced. gives the Dragon dreaminess. Often the plans of such a person are far from reality. They are encouraged to create solid ground under their feet. The Leo Dragon is known to love to shine. He will feel natural if he is in the center of attention. The constellation Virgo gives its owner ideal practicality and eloquence. Such a Dragon has the gift of persuasion and can safely carry the most original ideas to the people.

The Libra Dragon does not like routine. He may often say that he is tired of everything: the food is tasteless, the opposite sex is uninteresting. It is advisable for him to change his surroundings more often and be enriched with new impressions. Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, is always focused on global affairs. This is a perfectionist person. Either everything or nothing! He is fearless and often likes to get involved in adventurous things. The Sagittarius Dragon is the most reasonable and flexible among his brothers. He does not gravitate towards worldwide fame, but has all the makings of " eminence grise" This is a responsible colleague and reliable friend with a pleasant disposition.

The personal qualities of the Dragon-Capricorn are based on stability. However, the representative of this sign is not without originality. If he chooses entrepreneurial activity, then this will not be the sale of flowers, but the sale of exotic animals. Dragon-Aquarius has a demanding character towards himself and the people around him. He experiences failures acutely and easily becomes depressed. This attitude inevitably affects the activities in which he is engaged. Dragon-Pisces is unusually sensitive. He is a connoisseur of everything beautiful. Unfortunately, for many representatives of this sign, Astrologers advise such Dragons to devote most of their time to meditation and other practices.

Metal Dragon ( 1940, 2000)

Representatives of the Metal Dragon are distinguished by their originality, vividness of thought and unshakable willpower. Such people can be called revolutionaries. They are not afraid of loneliness and are called upon to translate bold ideas into reality. For people of the Dragon sign whose birth years fell on the above, it is important to pacify their excessive temper.

Water Dragon (1952, 2012)

Such a Dragon is unusually lucky. He is dynamic and friendly. The only thing is that he may suffer from a lack of a sense of humor. But his ability to empathize with people and forgive them their weaknesses smooths out this feature.

Wooden Dragon (1904, 1964)

Representatives of this year are characterized by detail of current events and practicality. They often become generators of various interesting ideas and always try to implement them into real life. These Dragons are distinguished by their special generosity, humor and generosity of actions.

(1916, 1976)

What personalities were born in this year of the Dragon? Years of metal have endowed them with a stable inner core. Representatives of this sign are very ambitious and responsible specialists in any field. Despite their emotional closeness, Fire Dragons are popular due to their leadership abilities.

Earth Dragon (1928, 1988)

This is the most balanced Dragon of all its brothers. He has a lively and inquisitive mind. This person always knows what he wants and persistently achieves his goal. Earth Dragon has all the prerequisites to become successful entrepreneur or financier. People born in the year of the Earth Dragon are excellent diplomats and very popular in all circles.

The following birth years correspond to the dragon: 1940, 1952,1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024. In China, the dragon is a revered creature that symbolizes strength and good luck. Therefore, it is not surprising that people born this year are distinguished by their power and intelligence. They are very easy to distinguish from the crowd, as they literally radiate energy and attract attention.

Characteristics of those born in the year of the Dragon

Such people feel great in any environment, as they are confident in themselves and their skills. Dragons have a wonderful sense of humor, so it is not surprising that the expression “life of the party” fully suits them. Another striking character trait is curiosity, which is why a person born this year has many different hobbies and interests. Combining intelligence, talent and self-confidence, the Dragon is an excellent conversationalist, with whom it is always interesting and fun. Many people consider such people to be real lucky people who can get what they want without much effort. Another distinguishing characteristic for the Year of the Dragon is sincerity. Such people will never use someone for their own purposes and weave intrigues behind their back. Despite the breadth of his soul, it is very difficult for the Dragon to find mutual language with others, since many envy him and deceive him. Because of his gullibility, he often falls into difficult situations which he endures courageously and calmly. Because of their straightforwardness, such people often provoke. Possessing enormous potential and energy with the right goal, the Dragon will be able to reach enormous heights and easily realize his cherished dreams.

Career for those born in the year of the Dragon is important, as it is a great opportunity to show their potential. What’s interesting is that such people can find their place in almost any direction. Most of all, they are attracted to responsible positions, since managing people is completely easy and even interesting. Colleagues and subordinates recognize the authority of such a boss and work like a well-coordinated mechanism. For the Dragon at work great importance has freedom of action and constant development, since monotony can force you to change your occupation without much doubt. Top destinations for the realization of personality: law, religion, art, business, medicine and cinema.

When it comes to love relationships, people born in the year of the Dragon often show their inconstancy. Such people are easily carried away, so they tend to change partners frequently. They, like a boa constrictor, fascinate their victim, but when they discover any shortcomings, the relationship quickly ends. In general, love for such people is equated to a game. Ideal partner– this is the person who gives freedom and takes the main position in the relationship.

Chinese compatibility horoscope for the Year of the Dragon

Dragon-Rat. Such a union can be considered ideal, since there is complete mutual understanding between the partners.

Dragon-Ox. Such relationships are characterized by transience, as there is a constant struggle for primacy.

Dragon-Tiger. A fairly promising union, since two strong partners complement each other.

Dragon-Rabbit. Such relationships can be successful if both partners compromise.

Dragon-Dragon. Union of two strong people, between whom mental and spiritual closeness is established.

Dragon-Snake. The union may be ideal, but everything depends on the wisdom of the Snake. The dragon admires and is proud of his partner.

Dragon-Horse. Due to the significant difference in characters, the union is considered unpromising.

Dragon-Goat. Such relationships are fleeting, since the Goat will never be able to make your partner happy.

Dragon-Monkey. Due to the fact that people complement each other, the union is considered excellent.

Dragon-Rooster. Such relationships have prospects, but only if the partners can find a common language.

Dragon-Dog. Conflicts will constantly arise between such people, which will lead to separation.

Dragon-Pig. Since partners will be able to highlight important qualities in each other, the union will last a long time.

Wooden Dragon

Fire Dragon

Earth Dragon

Metal Dragon

Water Dragon

Wooden Dragon

Fire Dragon

Earth Dragon

Metal Dragon

Water Dragon

Wooden Dragon

Dragon - male yang principle, 1st triangle (Monkey, Rat and Dragon), element of earth.

An exotic, capricious sign, gravitating towards mysticism. This sign is associated with good luck, gaining power, wealth and freedom. Eastern Dragon- the only mythical animal of the zodiac, does not carry an evil meaning, on the contrary, it represents the harmony of Heaven and Earth.

In life, the Dragon is prone to making quick decisions, impulsive, and often quick-tempered. He likes to take risks, play, and is attracted to the world of pleasures and entertainment. The unpredictability of actions makes it difficult in a long-term partnership. In addition, the Dragon loves to criticize others, sometimes he is too intrusive in communication, harsh in his expressions, and too demanding of others and himself. He loves to be the center of attention, so that his loved ones fully share his interests and do not bother him with everyday trifles. Bright acting skills, as well as talent in other areas, helps the Dragon achieve fame and success in any field. You can rely on him in any matter.

Positive qualities of the sign

Generosity towards all living things pushes the Dragon to noble deeds. Directness and passion compensate for some harshness in communication. He is prone to innovative searches, strives to improve the world, and is demanding of himself. Artistic talent coexists with intellectual baggage. In love he is somewhat eccentric, but loyal and generous. Foresight and insight help achieve goals.

Negative qualities of the sign

The dragon may make excessive demands on a partner and close circle. He is intolerant of other people's shortcomings and weaknesses. The main disadvantage is rudeness and impulsiveness of decisions, selfishness.

In the year of the Dragon Many signs will be able to realize their ambitions, and their ambitious plans will come true. It’s good to show enterprise, ingenuity, and find different points of view on familiar problems. This is a positive period for the Rat, Dragon, Monkey, Tiger and Rooster. Active year for the Dog. Positive period for the Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Pig, Horse and Sheep (Goat).

Celebrities of this sign

Afanasy Fet, Immanuel Kant, Francois Mitterrand, Ernesto Che Guevara, Deng Xiaoping, Alexander Blok, Joan of Arc, Svyatoslav Roerich, Friedrich Engels, Andrei Bely, Salvador Dali, Placido Domingo, Frank Sinatra, John Lennon. Actors: Yuri Yakovlev, Keanu Reeves, Russell Crowe, Monica Bellucci, Nicolas Cage, Clive Owen, Benedict Cumberbatch, Colin Farrell, Reese Witherspoon, Sasha Grey, Agniya Ditkovskite.

Character of the sign by elements

Black (blue) Water Dragon

The Water Dragon will more often show its authority and demandingness in close relationships. Appreciates loyalty and signs of attention and devotion. It will demonstrate superior intellect more subtly than other elements of this sign; it can imperceptibly win the enemy over to its side and reconcile the warring parties. Reliable in marriage and partnership. Successful in society.

Green Wood Dragon

Open in communication, the Wood Dragon generously shares his feelings, which makes him different from Dragons of other elements. Not looking simple solutions, original in thinking, individualist by nature. A passionate lover, the Wood Dragon will not completely subjugate himself to passion; he always has other interests to which he devotes a lot of time.

Yellow Earth Dragon

The least mobile and active among the Dragons, the Earth Dragon is still faster than many signs eastern zodiac. Thoughtful and thorough, the Dragon of the earth element is less impulsive, thinks through the consequences of his actions more carefully, is very reliable in business and family life. The basis of a long-term union will be the love passion and deep affection of the partners for each other. He especially appreciates the coziness and comfort of the family hearth, carefully protects and creates a special homely atmosphere.

White Metal Dragon

Energetic, easy to communicate, the Dragon of the metal element prefers material well-being. A rational, practical mind does not need an intellectual stock of knowledge, is well versed in energy flows, and is rarely poor. He loves it when people obey him unquestioningly, accepting his beliefs and rightness on faith. A true fighter, a skilled competitor, a successful entrepreneur.

Red Fire Dragon

Tends to dominate in his environment, loves to compete, especially in love and intellectual competitions. A good athlete and a brilliant actor, the Fire Dragon easily achieves success and fame. His passion is explosive, his behavior is unpredictable, his decisions are extraordinary. Fire Dragon is a great adventure in life, not for the faint of heart, but for eternal young souls.

>Year of the Dragon

The man, who born in the year of the Dragon, boasts excellent health and a large supply of energy. Representatives of the sign are very capricious and have great willpower, but at the same time they are quite emotional and receptive. As a rule, such people are noble and intelligent. They are often called the life of the party, because they are sociable and open to everything new. Most people of this sign are perfectionists, they always strive to live correctly and set fairly high demands on themselves and others. The dragon has some negative qualities: it can quickly become irritated and succumb to feelings of resentment and anger. This sign is very stubborn, obstinate and suffers from excessive pride. In the heat of the moment, Dragon people can allow themselves to stir things up too much.

Dragons are incredible enthusiasts, true devotees of any business they do. They prefer to see things through to the end, and upon completion they feel pride and a sense of accomplishment. These people have the ability to persuade, inspire and lead. They give good advice, to which others always listen. Their opinion is always important and valuable in any company. Dragons devote themselves entirely to their chosen goal: no one can convince them or stop them. These people often shift easy tasks onto the shoulders of others, preferring to control their implementation. The Dragons diplomatically nullify any dissatisfaction or accusation against them, maintaining their impeccable reputation. Sometimes they behave arrogantly and unrestrainedly with people.

Since childhood, representatives of the sign have vehemently defended freedom and always choose independence. They have frequent disputes with their parents; they often leave the family early, expressing their dissatisfaction with the prevailing moral principles or upbringing.

Dragons have a variety of global goals, for the implementation of which they use their power and authority, cunning and ingenuity, relying on excellent developed intuition. Bureaucracy and conservatives, all those who are characterized by indecision and timidity, become enemies of the Dragons. Protecting themselves from like-minded people, Dragons spend a lot of time and effort. At such moments, these people turn into cruel, merciless despots and strike the enemy one by one. Often completely innocent people fall under the threat. This is their drama, because at such moments the Dragons are not subject to reason and justice - they rely only on intuition. If people - Dragons, who are not accustomed to defeat, do not immediately manage to defeat their enemies, they feel weak and worthless. The same rule applies in love relationships: Dragons approach the object of their attention with complete confidence to conquer him. If this does not work out right away, such a relationship is doomed to failure.

Dragons have the ability to ignite in a matter of seconds and cool down just as quickly, so very often they spend a long time searching for their soul mates. Dragons, as a rule, are desired and loved in marriage, although they themselves rarely truly love their partner. These people are often the objects of personal dramas and experiences, which cannot be said about the Dragons themselves: they almost never experience strong love suffering. Among the representatives of the sign there are many bachelors. Few Dragons marry in their youth, and some of them remain single for their entire lives.

The extroverted dragon is always the favorite of the company. He will instantly captivate everyone present (especially the female half) with his charisma and charm, as well as wit and sparkling humor. Dragons are wonderful psychologists, who like to think about life and give valuable advice.

Introverted Dragons are reserved people who prefer to trust their thoughts to paper. They often become writers, editors, and researchers. These people are equally polite to others, but they choose friends solely intuitively.

Dragons face the greatest difficulties at the beginning. life path, defending independence and their own worldview. Happiness usually comes to them in their declining years, when the Dragons have achieved everything and can calmly reap the benefits. They are admired and followed by example.

Eastern astrologers consider the years of the Dragon to be very successful and powerful. The sign symbolizes the growth of prosperity, wealth and the rise of vitality.

Compatibility of the Dragon with other signs

Dragon and Rat

This is an ideal relationship, a spiritual and emotional idyll and mutual understanding. The Rat is always useful and necessary for the Dragon, for which the Dragon will be forever grateful to it. It is also a strong friendship in which both partners respect and value each other. Significant growth is expected in business relationships if the Dragon is at the helm.

Dragon and Bull

The marriage is very superficial: endless stubbornness and power struggles destroy the union. The Ox is sometimes captivated by the charisma of the Dragon, and he, in turn, is often attracted by the thriftiness and practicality of the Ox. But this is not enough for a strong relationship. Friendship is absolutely impossible, since mutual understanding is completely absent. Business relationship can be successful only with the complete leadership of the Dragon and the unquestioning submission of the Ox.

Dragon and Tiger

A very promising marriage relationship. These are two very strong personalities; in addition, the Tiger sees a reasonable and wise person in his partner. Friendship is also strong and unbreakable. In business relations, this is a strong partner team, although the Dragon still takes the reins into his own hands.

Dragon and Rabbit

Subject to the Rabbit's continued compliance, the union promises to be strong. The Rabbit does not like the overly domineering nature of his partner, but his optimism and kindness defuse the situation. Friendship usually does not work out in such an alliance. Things often go well due to the tandem of the Rabbit's financial and commercial knowledge and the Dragon's entrepreneurial spirit.

Dragon and Dragon

This is a whole emotional storm, an explosive mixture of two outstanding minds. The union is characterized by emotional closeness and a warm atmosphere. It is rare to truly make friends due to constant competition. Joint business is not recommended due to the eternal pursuit of leadership and the inability to give in to each other.

Dragon and Snake

Beautiful marriage. The beauty and charm of the Snake fascinates the Dragon, even if the Snake has several admirers. Happiness in such a marriage is completely in the power of the cunning and wise Snake. Friendship can also be very strong - the signs harmoniously complement each other. Collaboration it will go well if the Snake, in addition valuable advice and instructions will work for the benefit of the common cause.

Dragon and Horse

The union has no prospects. Huge differences in the characters and worldviews of the signs. Friendship will also lead to nothing - the Horse is very selfish and is used to only reaping the benefits. The Dragon also loves to receive, but is also able to invest. Business relationships can develop, but only short-term.

Dragon and Goat

A very fragile relationship. The Goat has difficulty bringing happiness to the Dragon, although she herself can be absolutely happy under his wing. Friendship can be strong. The Goat is able to charm and charm the Dragon. Business relationships will be promising if the Goat becomes the director and personal manager of the Dragon.

Dragon and Monkey

Such a marriage is simply doomed to harmony and happiness. These signs complement each other perfectly. The Monkey will become a real adviser and assistant to the overly trusting Dragon, for which the latter will provide the Monkey with his protection. They really need each other. The friendship will last until they begin to irritate and irritate each other. Things will go uphill: the alliance perfectly combines strength and cunning.

Years: 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988 , 2000, 2012, 2024

Earth Dragon a little more calm and balanced than his brothers, has very diverse interests and is always aware of what is happening around him. He sets clear and precise goals for himself and, as a rule, has no problems achievingmaterial or moral support from the outside. He is an excellent businessman and financier and usually makes a decent fortune for himself. Earth Dragons sometimes make efficient organizers.

The Earth Dragon easily finds a common language with everyone and has many friends.

In the east, the Dragon is considered a symbol of joy and luck, life and growth. This is a sign of heavenly power and the most favorable astronomical influence.

A magnificent animal gives a person wealth, virtue, harmony and longevity, which, however, does not mean a calm, easy, comfortable life. The dragon shimmers and shines, but cannot blind: often its benefits are just an illusion, however, like the strength of personality. This bizarre beast both exists and does not exist at the same time. Born from the imagination of the people, serene and powerful, he will spew out fire, gold and water, but he himself will be burned after the holiday, and from the ashes, like a phoenix, a new Dragon will be reborn...

An unstoppable enthusiast, the Dragon is born under the sign of good luck. This is a bright and extraordinary personality. The representative of the sign has a lively character, he is proud, very self-confident and vain, irritable and stubborn, but at the same time intelligent, generous, incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy and slander. Many Dragons are endowed high intelligence and succeed in almost all endeavors.

In communication, the Dragon is categorical and is not very diplomatic, but is very trusting (not to be confused with naivety!). Despite the manifestations of excessive demands on others, he has many friends, because he gives much more. This person is always in the spotlight, his views and judgments are highly valued, since he always has an original opinion on every specific issue.

The dragon is different good health, big vitality and incredible energy. He is ready to work days and nights to achieve what he wants, although he is quite impulsive and does not always imagine the consequences of his own actions. He prefers to live for today, and nothing irritates him more than waiting.

The Dragon has varied interests. He is interested in sports. He is possessed by the spirit of adventurism and adventure. If he has the means, he will not miss the opportunity to travel, preferring little-known places rather than beaten tourist routes.

In general, representatives of this sign are sensitive and demanding, full of activity and endurance. Dragons are born to win - that is why they will not need anything (for example, billionaire Paul Getty is). Having certain leadership qualities, they achieve good results where they can implement their ideas, and are especially successful in those areas where contact with funds is necessary mass media. However, will the Dragon choose a career as an artist (Gina Lollobrigida, Patrick Swayze), singer (Tom Jones, John Lennon, Placido Domingo), warrior (Joan of Arc), priest, athlete (Arvydas Sabonis, Pele), doctor (Fedor Uglov) or politics (Vladimir Putin, Sergei Stepashin, Eduard Shevardnadze, Josip Broz Tito, Che Guevara) - he will shine everywhere.

Astropsychological characteristics of the Dragon

Dragons are smart, open, intelligentPeople. They are not petty, incapable of hypocrisy andslander. You can always rely on them. INIn most cases, Dragons look respectable.

Since childhood, the Dragon, being a self-sufficient person, has been trying to defend his freedom.and independence. He strives to grow fasterleave the parental nest and start an independent life.

Most Dragons succeed in anyIn fact, they are easy-going and achieve everything they set out to do.dreamed. They are born to winand shine at the ball of life. Possessing stunningability to establish connections, both horizontally,and vertically as well.

Dragons can do great thingsmolding career, amass a decent fortune, inin general - to occupy one of the most warm places under the salt ntsem. . Dragons are naturally endowed with many ways -news. The pursuit of perfection makes themkind to yourself and others. They themselves give tomuch more and are willing to help.Dragons are noble, generous,exactly strong-willed people. They know how to feel subtly, are easily excitable and emotional. Whatever they are for-have been interested, they strive to delve intoessence of the question. As talented leaders, they know how to listen (and hear), persuade and change their minds. They liketo be in sight, they like to “show themselves off”, to show off their intelligence and wit.

Dragons are favorites in any society. TheyThey instantly captivate those around them with their breadth of outlook, charm and ability for psychoanalysis. They are listened to, they are interesting, they are smart and influential. At the same time, they always know how to keep their distance, which only enhances their magical attractiveness.

Dragons have great vitality and activity. If you cut off one head, two grow. They usually accurately assess the situation in their environment (from a bird's eye view), and quickly and clearly solve all problems.

Dragons have a strong Spirit. Many of them are inclined towards philosophy, mysticism and religion. A brilliant mind and natural curiosity makes them think about the structure of the Universe and the great mysteries of existence. They are also attracted to magic.

The Dragon is a purposeful person. Having set a goal, he goes towards it, without deviating from the path and without wasting his time on trifles.

The Dragon achieves everything in life with his talent, versatile abilities, finely thought-out game tactics, good intuition and even cunning, if necessary. But in general, Dragons are honest, sincere people.

In matters of love, the Dragon usually picks up “cruising speed” and flies through life without bright flashes or falls. In his heart, of course, he understands that he sometimes lacks bright love impressions and even worries about this, but his mind keeps him from reckless actions.

By nature, Dragons are cold (most of their energy is in the head, and there is not enough energy in the genitourinary area), so many Dragons experienceproblems in sexual life.

Many Dragon women unsuccessfully take off their “crown of celibacy” in magic salons, complaining about their coldness, which creates many problems for them, not realizing that this is a feature of dragon energy. In general, the Dragon is a good family man and friend. He strives for marriage, prefers constancy and clarity in relationships. He always supports his friends. Takes care of the children.

The dragon, in love and in life, always strives for victory; he loves to impress those around him. And if he doesn’t succeed right away, he gets very upset.

When communicating with Dragons, it should be taken into account that they do not like indecisive, expectant, and always hesitant people. They also dislike conservatives and bureaucrats. Dragons like bright, strong, extraordinary personalities like themselves. Among the Dragons there are many dreamers, romantics and homebodies. They are amazingly able to combine dreams with lying on the couch and doing nothing to realize them.

Most Dragons are gullible (like all strong people) and can be easily deceived. If they find out about betrayal, they first fall into depression, and then pull themselves together and can incinerate the enemy. The dragon strikes mercilessly. Therefore, he practically has no obvious enemies, and if he does find any, they act on the sly. The enemies understand perfectly well that in a fair fight they will lose. You can defeat the Dragon only with sophisticated cunning, luring him into a trap from which he cannot escape, that is, cutting off his path to retreat.

Dragon Men

Individualist and thinker. People always pay attention to him. He himself believes that he was created for higher purposes; prosaic pursuits do not attract him. He is completely absorbed in his work. He usually chooses a job where he has the opportunity to lead others. But in general in life he rarely does just one thing. Such dispersal sometimes backfires on him.

Many people consider the Dragon man to be a bore; his behavior is often shocking. But despite all this, he is not a bad friend. Loves computers, electronics, and is interested in psychology and magic. Both in the family and in the team, he always strives to become a central figure.

In love, the Dragon man is gallant and easily loses his head, but keeping his interest for a long time is an almost impossible task. If you want him to always be by your side, constantly instill in him that he is an exceptional man (there are no others like him). Be gentle, periodically make him jealous.

The Dragon man most often marries and takes mistresses out of convenience. Women quickly begin to understand what’s what, but they still fall for the Dragon’s bait.

For a Dragon man, love is true friendship, so it is impossible to say that he knows how to feel deeply and passionately.

Astromagical capabilities of the Dragon

What a miracle, what a bird, how it flies in the clouds!

But wait, the bird doesn't have scales on its sides?

Three heads, one tail. He is huge!

He flies in the clouds. Who? Of course - Dragon!

In all fairy tales and horoscopes they write about the unprecedented capabilities of the Dragon. Is he really as scary as they say he is? Maybe he has amazing magical abilities and is a sorcerer from birth?

Perhaps we will disappoint you. Yes, indeed, the Dragon is a strong personality. He does everything himself, but at the same time he is not without kindness. If a stranger offends him, the Dragon will be upset, of course, but will forgive him and fly on about his business. The betrayal of a stranger will not affect him. But if the Dragon betrays close person, - The dragon will be mortally offended and will never forgive. However, there are options here too. If the Dragon still loves this person, he will not harm him, but will simply stop communicating with him, erase him from his notebook and from his life.

The dragon has a sober mind, desire and ability to control not only his destiny, but also his environment. The Dragon almost always stands above the situation (it’s better seen from a bird’s eye view), so he soberly assesses the situation and gives practical advice. People who have fallen under the magical charm of the Dragon try to follow all his instructions, because they feel that he is right. If desired, the Dragon is able to come to an agreement with any person, as he is distinguished by calmness, a sense of his own dignity and prudence. Who doesn't like calm people? Despite the importance of his figure, the Dragon does not seek to humiliate or insult the weakest. He builds communication so skillfully that without further ado everyone understands “who’s boss.” Possessing such a set of strong qualities, the Dragon does not need to specifically engage in magic, because he already succeeds in everything.

But life is unpredictable, and even the Dragon has days of bad weather. It is on such critical days that he can resort to the help of magic.

So, what kind of magic is the Dragon capable of and what can you expect from it?

Outwardly, Dragons are very personable and even formidable; many people treat them with caution. But at heart, Dragons are kind, so they will not engage in sacrifice and black magic. Not out of fear, but out of kindness.

Dragons really like any kind of fortune telling, spiritualism, predictions and any kind of mysticism. Some Dragons, possessing high intuition, freely read information even from cards, even from coffee grounds, even from the shape of clouds. It doesn't matter to them.

Dragons are superstitious, they believe in omens, even if they have technical education. They adore magic and subconsciously believe in Divine Providence.

Dragons do not practice ritual magic. At best, they will think, calculate their options, and move on with their lives without doing anything.

Charging talismans and amulets, enchanting objects and products, energetic cleansing of premises and people - Dragons are not inspired. For them these are small things. They need scale, a field for activity, a place where their talents and abilities could develop.

AND love magic could not take root among the Dragons. Most Dragons prefer to achieve love not with the help of love spells, but in honest competition with their opponents.kurentami.

Sex magic is also not a dragon's business. Sex is not their thing strong point. Dragons are strong for their impressive appearance, ability to present themselves and generally balanced energy. This is what they use to achieve their goals.

By the way, Dragons are rarely lucky with sexual partners, although they want not only platonic love, but also the most ordinary sex.

Dragons - energy donors for your entire environment. They consider energy vampirism to be humiliating and never engage in it.

But high magic Dragons master it perfectly. They want to get a “star from the sky” - and they will definitely get it. Moreover, those around them themselves, without prompting, fulfill the demands of the Dragons. Everything works out by itself. If, for example, the Dragon does not like one of his subordinates, then he does not need to say: “You are fired.” In heaven, everything fits together by itself, and the poor guy quits under any pretext. If the Dragon does not like his boss, then the same fate awaits him. The fact is that people who dislike the Dragon cannot withstand his strong negative energy and flee.

In general, Dragons are peace-loving creatures (no matter how they are portrayed as beast-lizards). They can do a lot of good for their loved ones. And out of an abundance of feelings, they can generously give gifts to strangers in need of help.

Dragons have extensive connections and it is better to be friends with them than to be in conflict. Dragon and at the North Pole Dragon. The flames of his anger will melt any ice and incinerate the tormentor. It would be good to remember this before starting any business against the Dragon.

From a magical point of view, the Fire Dragon is considered the most dangerous. He does not accept deception even in small things and always harshly punishes his enemy. He will not hesitate to use even the darkest magic. There are no barriers for him, and in the fight against the enemy he uses all the power of his fiery nature.

Compatibility by year of birth


Harmonious union. Full mutual understanding. Energy-getics compatible.


A completely hopeless relationship. Two strong personalities fighting for power. Dragon will win.


They feel respect and sympathy for each other. Cooperation is possible, but the Dragon tries to use the Tiger, and the Tiger does not like to be used.


Strained relations. A difficult alliance. The Dragon will be able to be the master of the situation and subjugate the Hare.


A magnificent union of two strong people. Energy and psychological compatibility. Full understanding, but a struggle for primacy is possible.


Average, even relationships, but unpromising.


The relationship is hopeless, there is no understanding. Horses with a Dragon are not interesting.


Very tense relationship. There will be a dragonto work hard, and the Goat interferes with him in all his endeavors.


Energy compatible. Opposites complement each other. But many Dragons intuitively avoidcunning Monkeys. But Monkeys are always fascinated by the Dragon.


Smooth, calm relationships. The Dragon will use the Rooster to its advantage.


A hopeless relationship, it is difficult for them to understand each other. But if necessary, the Dragon will force the Dog to serve him.


They like each other and quickly find a common language. But beware, Dragon! The boar will sit on your neck. Worst option for the Dragon.

For Dragon:

Ideal relationships - Dragon, Rat, Monkey.

Comfortable relationships - Ox, Hare, Dog.

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