The best season to visit Mexico. The best time to travel to Mexico. Beach season in Mexico

Tourist season in Mexico

Every year, the cradle of the most mysterious culture in the world is visited by about 21 million tourists from all over the world. The year 2012 turned out to be especially “tense”, “warmed up” by the theme of the end of the world, “thrown” by the Mayan tribe. Holidays in Mexico are not cheap enough, however, this fact does not stop even travelers with an average budget. The secret of the enormous success lies in the uniqueness of this tourist destination: in one trip you can see the maximum of natural diversity - from snow-white sandy beaches on the shore of the major ocean in the world to the snow-capped cones of majestic volcanoes, from immersed in lush greenery tropical jungle to sparse desert vegetation, from ultra-modern skyscrapers in megacities to original villages, to which civilization has not yet reached. IN last years this country is being discovered by an increasing number of Russians, whose number has already reached 40,000 people. The holiday season is here all year round, but the most favorable time is the "dry" period from November to April.

High season

The largest number of tourists come to Mexico after the end of the rainy season, i.e. from the first days of November, when the most optimal for beach holiday the weather is not very hot and stuffy, and swimming is very comfortable. However, if you look at the price lists of tour operators or hotels, you can find the highest prices for the entire annual period. At this time, tourists from Canada and the United States come to Mexico, who are fleeing the cold and dank winter in search of warmth and sun. Guests from Western Europe arrive here for the New Year and Christmas holidays and the traditional February carnival. In winter, there are also a lot of our Russians in Mexico. The high season lasts until the end of Easter.

low season

It is quite difficult to give exact dates for the low season in Mexico. From May to October, during the season of tropical rains and storms, they also rest here. It is most correct from this period of time, in addition to the low season, to single out the middle season. It falls during summer vacations and vacations, which is very popular among the Mexicans themselves and among tourists who could not come here in winter, or who pursue the goal of an economical vacation. The low season period begins in mid-September, when the risk of hurricanes is high. At this time, air tickets are 40% cheaper than in the high season. It comes to an end in early November. During the off season, many travel agencies offer hot tours to Mexico. This a great opportunity save money, especially since the simplified procedure for obtaining a visa contributes to the purchase of such vouchers. By the way, its design is completely free.

beach season in Mexico

The swimming season in Mexican resorts lasts all year round.

On the east coast of Mexico the waters lap caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico, and its western part is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Bathe in the resorts, when your heart desires. You can break loose and go to the Pacific Ocean in a fierce February or wave in a rainy November in Russia to the Caribbean coast. At any time of the year, Mexican beaches will meet you with a humming crowd of tourists and gentle warm waters. The minimum water temperature in the coldest month of the year, January, is between +24 °C and +25 °C. In winter, during the "dry season", it is warmest in the south of the country. On average, the water in the ocean will be a couple of degrees cooler than in the Caribbean. For example, in February in Acapulco they bathe at +24 °C, and in Cancun at +25 °C. This is the most comfortable time for a beach holiday, as there is no intense heat, which exacerbates in Mexico high level relative humidity. In summer, those who are eager to experience all the delights of a tropical climate go to the beaches. Swimming under a heavy downpour in water that is about to boil (+29 °C .. +30 °C), visiting a sauna (and free of charge) and getting an instant tan (which, by the way, is not entirely safe) - there are very many people who want to a lot of.

diving season

Winter is the right season for diving

Undersea world The Caribbean Sea fascinates with its beauties. Hundreds of diving centers are concentrated in the resorts of mainland Mexico, but it is believed that the most unforgettable dives can only be made from the islands of the Caribbean. Also, the kingdom will give a wonderful fairy tale Pacific Ocean. Most popular spots: Soccoro Island (Pacific Ocean), Cozumel Island with the second largest barrier reef on the planet, the resort of Cancun with an exotic Black Coral Reef (Caribbean Sea) and the Yucatan Peninsula with bizarre cenotes (Gulf of Mexico). The high diving season lasts from December to the last days of March, when the most “quiet” weather is. But if you go into details, then there are many sub-seasons. For example, bull shark feeding season, sailfish season, swordfish season, etc.

Best time for excursions

It is most convenient to explore the cultural and historical heritage of the country in the dry season

First of all, people come to Mexico for cultural and educational purposes, because this is a real treasure trove of mysterious civilizations. Just think about it, the reckoning of Mexico has been going on for 3,000 years! Lost cities shrouded in mystery, intricate archeological artifacts and structures like cultural center Maya Chichen Itza, unearthly pyramids, including the largest in the world, hundreds of ancient temples and breathtaking volcanic landscapes. Also in Mexico, you can go to a desert island, climb caves, enjoy the views of powerful waterfalls or raft mountain river. In general, the excursion program in Mexico is very rich, so if possible, book tours for maximum amount days, and even better - come here on your own for 3-4 weeks. Seeing the sights, you will have to travel a lot around the country, or at least the surroundings of the resort where the hotel was rented. Good weather - required condition if you want to get only the best impressions from your trip. December, January, February, March and April - mark these months in your calendar as the most suitable for educational tourism.

cruise season

Feeling like a passenger of the legendary "Titanic" is as easy as shelling pears, just go on a Pacific cruise to the coast of Mexico

Mexico receives up to 7 million tourists a year, arriving in the country for cruise ships. The cruise season in the Pacific Ocean lasts for a whole year. Also, passenger ships surf the azure expanse of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. There are no strict deadlines limiting the navigation season for these routes, except for the period bad weather it closes.

religious season

Religious holidays in Mexico are a real mecca for pilgrims, be prepared for the fact that some public institutions will be closed

Most Mexicans are Catholics. The main religious holiday in this country is Easter, which is preceded by Holy Week. In addition to solemn processions, various events take place during this period, the most colorful of which can be observed in villages remote from cities. These include the Easter game, a kind of theatrical production staging the last earth days Christ. No less than 1 million people are going to look at it! This period falls during spring school holidays and vacations for Mexicans, so there are a lot of people. Increasing tourist interest is shown in pilgrimages to the shrines of the country and the "places of power" of ancient civilizations. The ruins of ancient churches, miraculous springs, a meeting with real healers and shamans - this is how the plan of a standard pilgrimage trip for tourists who want to get at least one iota closer to the origins of the universe looks like. As such, there is no clearly defined season, but most often such tours are booked from November to April.

wedding season

It is better to plan a wedding ceremony in this country from December to April

For the first time, residents of the CIS learned about Mexico back in the days of the USSR thanks to the “soap” series Slave Izaura. Today, hundreds of thousands of tourists fly to this country to tie the knot, both symbolic and official. This pleasure is quite expensive, but most importantly, it's really worth it! Unrealistically beautiful scenery in the form of tropical landscapes at the very edge of the Caribbean Sea or on the Pacific coast at first seem like mirages. But this is the most beautiful reality. The peak of weddings falls on the winter period, but ceremonies are also scheduled for summer months. In general, this is not the best solution, since from July to October, in addition to the ongoing tropical rains, there is a high probability of tornadoes.

carnival season

Incendiary rhythms of music, passionate dances, colorful costumes, many-sided masks and bright street processions. Every February, at least 300,000 tourists come to the Mexican carnival - both as spectators and as direct participants. This is the third largest carnival in the world after the carnival in Brazil and on the island of Tenerife, which opens a week before Lent. Prices for hotels and all kinds of services in these few days soar to the limit, so the larger the budget for vacation, the better. After all, there are a lot of temptations at this time.

Time for holidays and festivals

All year round the event calendar of Mexico is replete with various festivals and large-scale festivities.

In Mexico, they know how to arrange grandiose festivals. Or rather, if the Mexicans celebrate something, then on a grand scale and throughout the country. To the most interesting festivals you can count the enchanting tequila festival "Tequila Fest Riviera Maya", held in the resort of Playa del Carmen in the last days of January; one of the world's largest folklore festivals "Gelahertz" in Oaxaca de Juarez, held in mid-July; Jazz festival on the Riviera Maya, for which several days of November are allotted; At the end of the same month, Guanajuata hosts the impressive International Aeronautics Festival, where you can see giant butterflies and bees soaring in the air. There is also a place in the event calendar of Mexico for religious holidays, such as the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (December 12), the Day of the Holy Innocent Infants of Bethlehem (December 28), Christmas, Easter, Catholic Epiphany (January 6) and the feast of honoring the dead "Día de los Muertos" (November 2). Public holidays are official holidays. These include the following events: Mexico's Independence Day, celebrated on September 16 on the anniversary of the start of the insurgency against the Spanish colonizers; The day when Columbus discovered America on October 12; celebrating the Day of the Revolution on November 20, organized against the regime of General Diaz; Constitution Day, falling on the first Monday of February and Flag Day - a symbol national pride Mexicans, hosted annually on February 24; March 21 is commemorated throughout the country national hero Benito Juarez; May 5 is the anniversary of the victory of the Mexican troops "Cinco de Mayo" at Pueblo in 1862.

Climate in Mexico

The climate of Mexico is very diverse due to its vast territory, claiming the 15th place in the ranking of the largest countries in the world. The north is dominated by a subtropical climate, while the Caribbean and Pacific coasts are dominated by a tropical climate. In the central regions, the weather is cooler; in the high regions of the northern part, it can even snow in winter. On the latter one feels rarefied air. For example, in Mexico City, which is located at an altitude of 2240 m above sea level. From May to October in the country - the season of heavy rains, leading to serious floods. The southeastern part of the country (especially the state of Tabasco) takes the greatest blow, while in the northwest precipitation falls 4-5 times less. Accordingly, the level of relative humidity there is much lower. From June to October - the season of hurricanes, "attacking" from the Caribbean Sea. Pacific hurricanes, if they happen, are of small destructive force. The period from November to April is the most favorable in terms of weather conditions.

Mexico in spring

The most favorable time for a holiday this season is its first half

The first month of spring is an excellent time for a beach holiday. The resorts are very warm, and in some places moderately hot weather. A huge number of holidaymakers come to warm their bones at this time. Going to explore the sights of various cities, you should be aware that as you move inland, it will gradually get colder. It is quite warm in Mexico City in March, but it will be chilly in the evenings. There is still snow in the mountains. Saved in April favorable weather, the water becomes a degree warmer. By the end of the month, a tropical cyclone begins to move in, so last days April can be marked by 15-minute showers. In May, the water in both the ocean and the sea becomes excessively warm. The tropical rainy season has begun. The north and the resort of Playa del Carmen on the Riviera Maya will suffer the least from them. Vacationers on the Pacific coast in Puerto Vallarta will be disturbed by showers mainly at night.


March weather

April weather

May weather

mexico city


30 +26

32 +27

32 +28

Riviera Maya

30 +26

32 +27

32 +28


30 +26

32 +27

32 +28


31 +28

32 +29

32 +29

Puerto Vallarta

30 +24

32 +24

33 +26

Mexico in summer

In summer, almost throughout Mexico are high temperatures, the sun is very active, and it is very difficult to move around the city during the day

Summer is a very hot season with very high temperatures. During the day, the thermometer reaches +32 °C..34 °C. These indicators will be slightly less in the center and in the north of the country. For example, in the capital, the average daily air temperature per season is no more than +24 °C..+25 °C. So this hot time for the country can be devoted to exploring the cities of this part of Mexico. Swimming in the Caribbean Sea in the summer does not bring much pleasure, since the difference between temperature conditions water and air are practically absent. Water off the coast of the Caribbean Sea warms up to +29 °C, and in the resorts of the Pacific Ocean - up to +27 °C. However, waves are often observed here, gathering hundreds of thousands of surfers. After sunset, the air cools down to +23°C..+24°C. This time can be used for leisurely walks. It is better to walk along the most popular tourist routes, avoiding the local quarters. Talking about the high amount of rainfall in summer period, should not be taken as the fact that the rains are pouring hopelessly. Sometimes they last half an hour, and sometimes two, and at the same time they are fine. sunny days enough during the season. It also happens that most of the precipitation falls in one week or another, and the rest of the time is characterized by dry weather. In July and August - the height of hurricanes in the Caribbean, it is from this month until mid-October that the eastern part of Mexico is under the threat of severe storms. Of course, the probability that it is your region that is attacked by the elements is small, but it is still a small percentage, so you should think carefully before going to Mexico in the summer.


June weather

July weather

August weather

mexico city


32 +28

32 +29

33 +29

Riviera Maya

32 +28

32 +29

33 +29


32 +28

32 +29

33 +29


32 +30

33 +30

32 +27

Puerto Vallarta

33 +28

34 +29

33 +30

Mexico in autumn

Autumn holidays in Mexico are most favorable from the second half of October, when the rains weaken a little.

A notable feature of the Mexican climate is the absence of pronounced seasonality of temperatures. The climatic picture of autumn in terms of temperature indicators is almost similar to the weather prevailing in the country in summer. From the middle of the season, the water in the ocean and in the sea becomes a little cooler. And in some regions of the country it may be less hot, but this, to be honest, is not noticeable. The only difference in autumn is that by the end of October the tropical rainy season is coming to an end, and the risk of a riot of elements in the form of tornadoes is significantly reduced. Therefore, tourists should not worry about a sudden evacuation or even worse - about meeting this frenzied force of nature face to face. In November, the air temperature drops slightly in some states of Mexico, but Acapulco is still hot. This is the opening of the tourist season, as the "dry" tropical period begins. On average, this month there are no more than 3-5 rainy days, which, as always, are showery in nature.


September weather

October weather

November weather

mexico city


32 +29

30 +29

29 +28

Riviera Maya

32 +29

30 +29

29 +28


32 +29

31 +29

29 +28


32 +26

32 +26

32 +25

Puerto Vallarta

33 +29

33 +29

32 +28

Mexico in winter

In winter, the ratio of air temperature to water temperature in Mexico is the most ideal

Winter in Mexico is the most beautiful time of the year: the heat subsides, water and air temperatures create ideal climatic proportions for comfortable rest and the amount of precipitation is reduced to a minimum. On the coast at this time - from +27 ° C to 32 ° C, and in the capital - from 20 ° C to 21 ° C. It can be cold in the mountains - about +2 °C, their peaks are covered with snow-white caps throughout the season. When going there on an excursion, get warm clothes. In winter, the majority of tourists prefer to swim on southern resorts Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, as the water here is much warmer - +25 °C..+27 °C. For those who like cooler temperatures, the resorts of the Pacific Ocean are at your service. January is the peak of the migration of a million royal butterflies to Central Mexico. Admire this mesmerizing spectacle biosphere reserve"Monarch" attracts thousands of tourists.


December weather

January weather

Weather in February

mexico city


28 +27

28 +25

28 +26

Riviera Maya

28 +27

28 +26

28 +26


28 +27

28 +27

29 +26


31 +24

31 +24

31 +28

Puerto Vallarta

30 +26

30 +25

30 +24

The explosive temperament of Mexico has not left anyone indifferent. Despite the assurances of many tour operators that you can relax in this country almost all year round, the Tour Calendar still advises you not to put yourself at risk and go to Mexico only during a safe period - from November to April.

The northernmost and most populated Latin American state, the birthplace of tequila, as well as the ancient civilizations of the Aztecs and Maya Mexico is a country of contrasts and unimaginable natural diversity, shrouded in a magical plume, which is located in the southern part North America. Find out in the Tour Calendar why the November to April part of the year is the best time to hit the best beaches and explore the lost cities of the United Mexican States.

Tourist season in Mexico

Every year, the cradle of the most mysterious culture in the world is visited by about 21 million tourists from all over the world. The year 2012 turned out to be especially “tense”, “warmed up” by the theme of the end of the world, “thrown” by the Mayan tribe. Holidays in Mexico are not cheap enough, however, this fact does not stop even travelers with an average budget. The secret of tremendous success lies in the uniqueness of this tourist destination: in one trip you can see the maximum of natural diversity - from snow-white sandy beaches on the shores of the largest ocean in the world to snow-covered cones of majestic volcanoes, from tropical jungles immersed in lush greenery to sparse desert vegetation, from ultramodern skyscrapers in megacities to original villages, to which civilization has not yet reached. In recent years, this country has been discovered by an increasing number of Russians, whose number has already reached 40,000 people. The holiday season here lasts all year round, but the most favorable time is the “dry” period from November to April.

High season

The largest number of tourists come to Mexico after the end of the rainy season, i.e. from the first days of November, when the weather here is the most optimal for a beach holiday, it is not very hot and stuffy, and swimming is very comfortable. However, if you look at the price lists of tour operators or hotels, you can find the highest prices for the entire annual period. At this time, tourists from Canada and the United States come to Mexico, who are fleeing the cold and dank winter in search of warmth and sun. Guests from Western Europe arrive here for the New Year and Christmas holidays and the traditional February carnival. In winter, there are also a lot of our Russians in Mexico. The high season lasts until the end of Easter.

low season

It is quite difficult to give exact dates for the low season in Mexico. From May to October, during the season of tropical rains and storms, they also rest here. It is most correct from this period of time, in addition to the low season, to single out the middle season. It falls during summer vacations and vacations, which is very popular among the Mexicans themselves and among tourists who could not come here in winter, or who pursue the goal of an economical vacation. The low season period begins in mid-September, when the risk of hurricanes is high. At this time, air tickets are 40% cheaper than in the high season. It comes to an end in early November. In the off-season, many travel agencies offer hot tours to Mexico. This is a great opportunity to save money, especially since the simplified procedure for obtaining a visa contributes to the purchase of such vouchers. By the way, its design is completely free.

Beach season in Mexico

On the eastern coast of Mexico, the waters of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico splash, and its western part is washed by the Pacific Ocean. Bathe in the resorts, when your heart desires. You can break loose and go to the Pacific Ocean in a fierce February or wave in a rainy November in Russia to the Caribbean coast. At any time of the year, Mexican beaches will meet you with a humming crowd of tourists and gentle warm waters. The minimum water temperature in the coldest month of the year, January, is between +24 °C and +25 °C. In winter, during the "dry season", it is warmest in the south of the country. On average, the water in the ocean will be a couple of degrees cooler than in the Caribbean. For example, in February in Acapulco they bathe at +24 °C, and in Cancun at +25 °C. This is the most comfortable time for a beach holiday, as there is no intense heat, which in Mexico is exacerbated by high levels of relative humidity. In summer, those who are eager to experience all the delights of a tropical climate go to the beaches. Swimming under a heavy downpour in water that is about to boil (+29 °C .. +30 °C), visiting a sauna (and free of charge) and getting an instant tan (which, by the way, is not entirely safe) - there are very many people who want to a lot of.

diving season

The underwater world of the Caribbean Sea fascinates with its beauties. Hundreds of diving centers are concentrated in the resorts of mainland Mexico, but it is believed that the most unforgettable dives can only be made from the islands of the Caribbean. Also, the kingdom of the Pacific Ocean will give a marvelous fairy tale. The most popular spots are: Soccoro Island (Pacific Ocean), Cozumel Island with the second largest barrier reef on the planet, Cancun with an exotic Black Coral Reef (Caribbean Sea) and the Yucatan Peninsula with bizarre cenotes (Gulf of Mexico). The high diving season lasts from December to the last days of March, when the most “quiet” weather is. But if you go into details, then there are many sub-seasons. For example, bull shark feeding season, sailfish season, swordfish season, etc.

The best time for excursions

First of all, people come to Mexico for cultural and educational purposes, because this is a real treasure trove of mysterious civilizations. Just think about it, the reckoning of Mexico has been going on for 3,000 years! Lost cities shrouded in mystery, intricate archeological artifacts and structures like the Mayan cultural center of Chichen Itza, unearthly pyramids, including the largest in the world, hundreds of ancient temples and breathtaking volcanic landscapes. Also in Mexico, you can go to a desert island, climb caves, enjoy the views of powerful waterfalls or raft down a stormy mountain river. In general, the excursion program in Mexico is very rich, so if possible, book tours for the maximum number of days, and even better - come here on your own for 3-4 weeks. Seeing the sights, you will have to travel a lot around the country, or at least the surroundings of the resort where the hotel was rented. Good weather is a must if you want to get only the best impressions from your trip. December, January, February, March and April - mark these months in your calendar as the most suitable for educational tourism.

cruise season

Feeling like a passenger of the legendary "Titanic" is as easy as shelling pears, just go on a Pacific cruise to the coast of Mexico

Mexico receives up to 7 million tourists a year, arriving in the country on cruise ships. The cruise season in the Pacific Ocean lasts for a whole year. Also, passenger ships surf the azure expanse of the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. There are no strict deadlines limiting the navigation season for these routes, except that it is closed for a period of bad weather.

religious season

Most Mexicans are Catholics. The main religious holiday in this country is Easter, which is preceded by Holy Week. In addition to solemn processions, various events take place during this period, the most colorful of which can be observed in villages remote from cities. These include the Easter game, a kind of theatrical performance staging the last earthly days of Christ. No less than 1 million people are going to look at it! This period falls during spring school holidays and vacations for Mexicans, so there are a lot of people. Increasing tourist interest is shown in pilgrimages to the shrines of the country and the "places of power" of ancient civilizations. The ruins of ancient churches, miraculous springs, a meeting with real healers and shamans - this is how the plan of a standard pilgrimage trip for tourists who want to get at least one iota closer to the origins of the universe looks like. As such, there is no clearly defined season, but most often such tours are booked from November to April.

wedding season

For the first time, residents of the CIS learned about Mexico back in the days of the USSR thanks to the “soap” series Slave Izaura. Today, hundreds of thousands of tourists fly to this country to tie the knot, both symbolic and official. This pleasure is quite expensive, but most importantly, it's really worth it! Unrealistically beautiful scenery in the form of tropical landscapes at the very edge of the Caribbean Sea or on the Pacific coast at first seem like mirages. But this is the most beautiful reality. The peak of weddings is in the winter, but ceremonies are also scheduled for the summer months. In general, this is not the best solution, since from July to October, in addition to the ongoing tropical rains, there is a high probability of tornadoes.

carnival season

Incendiary rhythms of music, passionate dances, colorful costumes, many-sided masks and bright street processions. Every February, at least 300,000 tourists come to the Mexican carnival - both as spectators and as direct participants. This is the third largest carnival in the world after the carnival in Brazil and on the island of Tenerife, which opens a week before Lent. Prices for hotels and all kinds of services in these few days soar to the limit, so the larger the budget for vacation, the better. After all, there are a lot of temptations at this time.

Time for holidays and festivals

In Mexico, they know how to arrange grandiose festivals. Or rather, if the Mexicans celebrate something, then on a grand scale and throughout the country. The most interesting festivals include the enchanting Tequila Fest Riviera Maya tequila festival, which takes place in the resort of Playa del Carmen in the last days of January; one of the world's largest folklore festivals "Gelahertz" in Oaxaca de Juarez, held in mid-July; Jazz festival on the Riviera Maya, for which several days of November are allotted; At the end of the same month, Guanajuata hosts the impressive International Aeronautics Festival, where you can see giant butterflies and bees soaring in the air. There is also a place in the event calendar of Mexico for religious holidays, such as the Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe (December 12), the Day of the Holy Innocent Infants of Bethlehem (December 28), Christmas, Easter, Catholic Epiphany (January 6) and the feast of honoring the dead "Día de los Muertos" (November 2). Public holidays are official holidays. These include the following events: Mexico's Independence Day, celebrated on September 16 on the anniversary of the start of the insurgency against the Spanish colonizers; The day when Columbus discovered America on October 12; celebrating the Day of the Revolution on November 20, organized against the regime of General Diaz; Constitution Day, which falls on the first Monday of February and Flag Day - a symbol of Mexican national pride, held annually on February 24; On March 21, the memory of the national hero Benito Juarez is honored by the whole country; May 5 is the anniversary of the victory of the Mexican troops "Cinco de Mayo" at Pueblo in 1862.

Climate in Mexico

The climate of Mexico is very diverse due to its vast territory, claiming the 15th place in the ranking of the largest countries in the world. The north is dominated by a subtropical climate, while the Caribbean and Pacific coasts are dominated by a tropical climate. In the central regions, the weather is cooler; in the high regions of the northern part, it can even snow in winter. On the latter one feels rarefied air. For example, in Mexico City, which is located at an altitude of 2240 m above sea level. From May to October in the country - the season of heavy rains, leading to serious floods. The southeastern part of the country (especially the state of Tabasco) takes the greatest blow, while in the northwest precipitation falls 4-5 times less. Accordingly, the level of relative humidity there is much lower. From June to October - the season of hurricanes, "attacking" from the Caribbean Sea. Pacific hurricanes, if they happen, are of small destructive force. The period from November to April is the most favorable in terms of weather conditions.

Mexico in spring

The first month of spring is an excellent time for a beach holiday. The resorts are very warm, and in some places moderately hot weather. A huge number of holidaymakers come to warm their bones at this time. Going to explore the sights of various cities, you should be aware that as you move inland, it will gradually get colder. It is quite warm in Mexico City in March, but it will be chilly in the evenings. There is still snow in the mountains. In April, favorable weather persists, the water becomes a degree warmer. By the end of the month, a tropical cyclone begins to move, so the last days of April can be marked by 15-minute showers. In May, the water in both the ocean and the sea becomes excessively warm. The tropical rainy season has begun. The north and the resort of Playa del Carmen on the Riviera Maya will suffer the least from them. Vacationers on the Pacific coast in Puerto Vallarta will be disturbed by showers mainly at night.

Temperature and weather in Mexico in spring

March weatherApril weatherMay weather
mexico city +26 +27 +27
Cancun +30 +26 +32 +27 +32 +28
Riviera Maya +30 +26 +32 +27 +32 +28
Cozumel +30 +26 +32 +27 +32 +28
Acapulco +31 +28 +32 +29 +32 +29
Puerto Vallarta +30 +24 +32 +24 +33 +26

Mexico in summer

Summer is a very hot season with very high temperatures. During the day, the thermometer reaches +32 °C..34 °C. These indicators will be slightly less in the center and in the north of the country. For example, in the capital, the average daily air temperature per season is no more than +24 °C..+25 °C. So this hot time for the country can be devoted to exploring the cities of this part of Mexico. Swimming in the Caribbean Sea in the summer does not bring much pleasure, since there is practically no difference between the temperature regimes of water and air. Water off the coast of the Caribbean Sea warms up to +29 °C, and in the resorts of the Pacific Ocean - up to +27 °C. However, waves are often observed here, gathering hundreds of thousands of surfers. After sunset, the air cools down to +23°C..+24°C. This time can be used for leisurely walks. It is better to walk along the most popular tourist routes, avoiding the local quarters. Speaking of a large amount of precipitation in the summer, this should not be taken as the fact that the rains are pouring hopelessly. Sometimes they last half an hour, and sometimes two, and at the same time there are plenty of fine sunny days during the season. It also happens that most of the precipitation falls in one week or another, and the rest of the time is characterized by dry weather. In July and August - the height of hurricanes in the Caribbean, it is from this month until mid-October that the eastern part of Mexico is under the threat of severe storms. Of course, the probability that it is your region that is attacked by the elements is small, but it is still a small percentage, so you should think carefully before going to Mexico in the summer.

Temperature and weather in Mexico in summer

June weatherJuly weatherAugust weather
mexico city +26 +24 +25
Cancun +32 +28 +32 +29 +33 +29
Riviera Maya +32 +28 +32 +29 +33 +29
Cozumel +32 +28 +32 +29 +33 +29
Acapulco +32 +30 +33 +30 +32 +27
Puerto Vallarta +33 +28 +34 +29 +33 +30

Mexico in autumn

A notable feature of the Mexican climate is the absence of pronounced seasonality of temperatures. The climatic picture of autumn in terms of temperature indicators is almost similar to the weather prevailing in the country in summer. From the middle of the season, the water in the ocean and in the sea becomes a little cooler. And in some regions of the country it may be less hot, but this, to be honest, is not noticeable. The only difference in autumn is that by the end of October the tropical rainy season is coming to an end, and the risk of a riot of elements in the form of tornadoes is significantly reduced. Therefore, tourists should not worry about a sudden evacuation or even worse - about meeting this frenzied force of nature face to face. In November, the air temperature drops slightly in some states of Mexico, but Acapulco is still hot. This is the opening of the tourist season, as the "dry" tropical period begins. On average, this month there are no more than 3-5 rainy days, which, as always, are showery in nature.

The ancient Mayan and Aztec civilizations laid the foundation for thousands of years of tradition here - modern Mexico literally grew up on the ruins of hundreds of ancient cities!

The country of juicy burritos and tacos, tequila and mezcal, the finest Caribbean sand and incredibly warm sea - this is Mexico, whose famous sights and magnificent nature attract millions of tourists.

If you are sure that there are continuous tropics here, then we assure you - not everything is so simple! Mexico is a country of simultaneously comfortable, extreme, and sometimes unpredictable climate. Therefore, the key to an excellent trip to this Latin American country is knowledge of the local subtleties of the weather.

So, bienvenido en México ("benvenido en Mexico"), or welcome to Mexico!

Climatic zones of Mexico

The climate of Mexico is formed by mountains, oceans and currents. The Mexican Highlands, the Pacific Ocean, the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico - nature has generously rewarded Mexico.

This country has two climatic zones: dry subtropical in the north, and tropical in the rest of the territory.

Fact! Mexico is a country of climatic paradoxes. A striking example- in state Durango it can be up to -26 ° C, and in the state of Baja California (in particular, its municipality of Mexicali) temperatures up to +50 ° C are recorded!

The so-called "Tropic of Cancer", a conditional zone of division into climatic zones, divides Mexico into regions with temperate zone (north of latitude), and to the regions to the south - with a tropical zone.

A narrower zonality can be drawn by region, depending on the relief:

  • Hot humid and semi-humid climate. Present on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and the Pacific Ocean, their flat territories, the Yucatan Peninsula, the Isthmus of Teuntepec, northern Chiapas.
  • Tropical dry climate. Predominant in the interior plains of Mexico. It is characterized by sudden temperature changes, extremely high temperatures and lack of precipitation.
  • Dry continental climate. Introduced in northwestern Mexico due to strong winds that blow from central North America.

Tourist seasons in Mexico

mexican tourist seasons dependent on the vagaries of the weather. The dry and wet seasons literally govern all tourist flows in Mexico.

Fact! About 20 million tourists visit Mexico every year (about 7 million stay on cruise ships)! Among the tourist regulars are Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Russians.

From May to October in Mexico - the rainy season, at this time powerful tropical cyclones often occur, which bring hurricanes, strong winds and floods to the continent. The rainy season is most pronounced from June to September, and hurricanes reach the most destructive force in the Gulf of Mexico and the state of Tabasco.

On a note! Hurricane belt - distinguishing feature Mexican climate. Geographic location allows strong winds to "roam" in all coastal areas. Combined with heavy rainfall, destructive winds annually strike elements in the eastern regions of Mexico. The typhoon belt captures one of the most popular resorts - Cancun. In addition, Mexico is located in the "Pacific Ring of Fire" - the place where the most powerful earthquakes occur and volcanoes erupt.

High season in Mexico it starts in November and lasts until the first rains in April.

The north of Mexico is considered the driest - no more than 250 mm of precipitation per year. And in southern regions on the contrary, up to 500 mm of precipitation falls per month, especially during the rainy season.

pacific coast in summer it boasts water temperatures up to +27 ° C, but caribbean sea even warmer – up to +29°C!

Seasons in Mexico

  • Winter. November to April is the driest period. The average air temperature in the Yucatan resorts is +30 °C.
  • Spring. The dry season gradually turns into a wet one. The temperature from March to mid-May is +27 °C, the wet season begins in the second half of April - the amount of precipitation gradually increases, the temperature also rises.
  • Summer. The most problematic season in terms of tourism. The air temperature is high, but from June they begin to prevail heavy showers turning into storms and hurricanes. Most of them are on the east coast. At this time, you should plan a trip either to another point in the country, or postpone your vacation to mid-autumn.
  • Autumn. "Golden season" - so consider not only Mexicans, but also numerous tourists. This is a transitional period between rainy summers and dry winters. As part of acclimatization for a European, this is the most suitable time to visit Mexico.

On the example of the main tourist spots, one can clearly see climatic features Mexico.

In Mexico City, located at an altitude of more than 2200 meters, the subtropical highland climate forms a special weather. The most warm weather from April to May (+27 °C during the day), the coldest - at night from December to February (frosts down to -5°C).

On a note! Due to the relief (the capital of Mexico is located in a mountain basin), smog often hangs over the city. There are also small earthquakes here.

Cancun - the most popular Mexican resort, located on the Caribbean coast, is a symbol of the Yucatan Peninsula. A tropical climate prevails here, since the Yucatan Peninsula lies entirely south of the Tropic of Cancer. Tropical maritime climate, almost all year round remains unchanged. And if hot weather prevails in the central regions of Yucatan, then off the coast, where Cancun is located, the heat is smoothed out by the sea breeze. The average annual temperature is +27 °C. Literally 5-7 degrees differ day and night temperatures. The rainy season is May-November and the dry season is December-April. The biggest treasure of Cancun is the waters of the Caribbean Sea. Mind-blowing +27.5°C! This water temperature is kept near Cancun all year round!

On a note! The coastline belonging to the resorts of Cancun and Tulum are the best beaches in the world, they are in the TOP 10!

What clothes to take with you

If your trip involves the capital of Mexico, Mexico City, consider one important feature - the city is located in the highlands, at an altitude of more than 2200 meters. Take with you warm jacket, a jacket or even a jacket - even if the weather is hot during the day, it is quite cool here in the evenings.

Going to Acapulco, to the resorts of the Yucatan Peninsula, your suitcase should mainly consist of beach items - swimsuits, big sombreros from the sun, sunglasses, sunblock and light cotton T-shirts. And the main plus - no matter when you have a vacation - this Mexican region literally welcomes you warmly all year round!

When going on an excursion to the mountains, where snow-covered hats delight the eye in winter, be sure to take warm clothes with you - good boots, gloves, a warm down jacket. Temperatures around zero degrees, and even minus in the evening and at night, will make you dress warmer.

Monthly weather in Mexico


Excellent time for a beach holiday - the rainy season has not yet begun. It is very warm during the day, but cool in the evenings, especially in the capital. Snow-white caps can still be seen on the peaks of the Mexican Highlands.

The daytime temperature is +30°C (in Acapulco +31°C), the water warms up to +26°C (in Acapulco +28°C, in Puerto Vallarta +24°C).


The time of the beach season ends, at the end of the month tropical cyclones begin, forming storms and hurricanes over the territory.

The air temperature in the resorts is +32°C, in Mexico City +27°C. Water +27°C (in Acapulco +28°C, in Puerto Vallarta +24°C).

On a note! Geographically, Mexico can be divided into three parts: northern, central and the Yucatan Peninsula. The northern part is special in terms of security, clan wars are still going on there. Central - here the measured life of ordinary Mexicans goes on as usual, there you can see typical villages and traditional crafts. The Yucatan Peninsula is a tourist mecca with fabulous prices, but the most perfect infrastructure and recreational opportunities.


The water in the coastal zone is extremely warm, but a period of tropical downpours comes into its own. Rains, mainly at night, fall in Puerto Vallarta (Pacific coast), and the least showers occur in the northern regions of the country and in the resort of Playa del Carmen on the Riviera Maya.

The air temperature in the main resorts is +32+33°C, in the capital +28°C. Water warms up to +28+29°C.


The hottest and wettest season begins. Sauna - not otherwise - this is how the summer period in Mexico is characterized. During the day, up to + 34 ° C in the resorts, a little less in the central and northern regions. Great time to visit the sights, since a beach holiday at this time will not bring joy - the temperature of water and air is almost the same. But at this time, excellent waves are formed in the ocean that will delight experienced surfers.

The air temperature in Mexico City is +26°C, in the resorts (Cancun, Riviera Maya, Cozumel, Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta) +32+33°C. Water temperature +28°C, in Acapulco +30°C.


The height of hurricanes, the Caribbean Sea is literally seething - storms hit the coast with violent force.

The air temperature in Mexico City is +24°C, in resorts +32+34°C. Water temperature +29°C, in Acapulco +30°C.

Fact! In July, the folklore festival "Gelagertsa" takes place.


Tropical cyclones continue to rule the weather along the coast. During the day it is very hot, pouring downpours. In fine weather and evening hours, you can go on excursions. The water in the coastal areas is slowly cooling down, becoming more comfortable.

The air temperature in Mexico City is +25°C, in resorts +33°C. Water temperature +29+30°C, in Acapulco +27°C.


Autumn begins according to the calendar, but mexican autumn almost no different from summer. The only significant difference and a big plus is the gradual decrease in precipitation.

The air temperature in Mexico City is +24°C, in resorts +32°C. Water temperature +29°C, in Acapulco +26°C.

Fact! Mexico's Independence Day is a national holiday that takes place every year on September 16.


The rainy season is coming to an end. The weather becomes more stable, warm and dry - the main advantages of October.

The air temperature in Mexico City is +23°C, in resorts +30+32°C. Water temperature +29°C, in Acapulco +26°C.


In November, in the predominant part of Mexico, the air temperature drops, but it is still hot in Acapulco.

The high tourist season has begun.

The air temperature in Mexico City is +23°C, in resorts +29+32°C. Water temperature 28°C, in Acapulco +25°C.

This is interesting! On November 2, the dead are honored in Mexico. This day has nothing to do with sadness, on the contrary, it is a large-scale national holiday, a time for carnival and festivals. This memorable day is included in the list of intangible heritage of UNESCO. Also in November, the Jazz Festival and the International Aeronautics Festival take place.


The most beautiful time of the year in Mexico. It is cold only in the mountains - up to +2 degrees there.

In the southern resorts - warm and comfortable. This time is the height of the beach holiday. In the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea, the water is +25+27°C, in the Pacific Ocean +24°C. The air temperature in Mexico City is +22°C, in resorts +28°C, in Acapulco +31°C.

This is interesting! Mexico is famous for its unique sand! On the coast of the Caribbean Sea - sand is coral dust. As in the Seychelles or Maldives- coral dust is very fine, reminiscent of white-pink flour. The main plus is that such sand does not heat up, and even in unbearable heat you can safely walk on it barefoot.


The perfect time for a beach holiday in Mexico. The ratio of air and water temperature is optimally comfortable.

The air temperature in Mexico City is +22°C, in resorts +28+31°C. Water temperature 25+27°C, in Acapulco +24°C.

Fact! At the end of the month, the tequila carnival takes place in the resort of Playa del Carmen. But the most spectacular phenomenon occurs in the Monarch Reserve - millions of royal butterflies flock here in January, migrating to Central Mexico.


The tourist season continues in February. Warm sea, dry weather and numerous entertainments - at this time everything is available to tourists in Mexico.

The water temperature in Acapulco is +24 °C, in Cancun +25 °C. The air temperature in other resorts is +28+30°C.

This is interesting! Mecca for divers - an underwater kingdom near Cancun - there, at a depth of two to 10 meters, there is an incredible underwater museum of sculptures. Another diving spot is the waters of the island of Cozumel, where there is a 700-kilometer coral reef - the second longest in the world! The underwater world of Mexico is also beautiful on such dive sites as the Barracuda reef, the tunnels of Punta Sur, Santa Rosa, the vertical corals of Maracaibo Deep, the island of Soccoro, the bizarre cenotes of Yucatan.

Weather in cities and resorts by months

mexico city

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 22 23 26 27 27 25 24 24 23 23 23 22
Average minimum, °C 7 9 10 12 13 14 13 13 13 11 10 8
Monthly weather in Mexico City


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 30 30 30 31 32 32 32 32 32 32 31 31
Average minimum, °C 23 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 24
Acapulco weather monthly


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 25 27 29 31 33 31 28 27 27 27 26 25
Average minimum, °C 10 10 12 14 16 17 17 16 17 15 12 10
Rain, mm 16 7 5 6 25 191 273 226 170 61 14 10
Guadalajara weather monthly


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 28 29 31 32 34 34 34 35 34 32 30 29
Average minimum, °C 20 20 21 23 24 25 25 25 24 23 22 21
Rain, mm 105 50 44 41 87 138 78 88 182 272 130 86
Monthly Cancun weather


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 28 29 31 32 34 34 34 35 34 32 30 29
Average minimum, °C 20 20 21 23 24 25 25 25 24 23 22 21
Rain, mm 105 50 44 41 87 138 78 88 182 272 130 86
Monthly weather in Cozumel


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug sen Oct But I Dec
Average maximum, °C 21 23 27 30 32 34 35 35 32 28 24 21
Average minimum, °C 8 10 13 17 20 22 22 23 21 17 13 9

The flow of tourists here is almost endless. In Mexico all year round you can meet a large number of guests, especially from the USA. As such, there is no low season for tourism, but, like in any other country, there are also the vagaries of nature here. From about May to October, the likelihood of powerful winds and rains increases in the country, as a result of which very strong storms can form on the coast. If this does not scare you, then it is in these months that you can relax a little cheaper.

The tourist boom in numerous local resorts occurs between November and April. In winter, the best time to travel to Mexico in 2019 comes, as the weather here is quite comfortable.

The winter vacation

In winter, the most favorable days for recreation begin in the country, although the weather may vary slightly depending on the region. For example, in the capital, the daily temperature often does not exceed +21 ... +22 ° C, but in Acapulco or on the Yucatan Peninsula it is very warm: the air warms up to +31 ° C.

Thanks to such excellent weather, tours to Mexico on New Year extremely popular despite the high prices. Many Americans aspire to celebrate the New Year in the Gulf of Mexico.

The winter months are not only the best time to go to Mexico for a beautiful tan. The weather is favorable for walking, and many tourists during this period rush to visit the most important places countries. And there is something to see here.

If in February in Russia or the CIS countries the weather is gray and cold, driving many into depression, then the sun is shining with might and main on Latin American soil, bright flowers are blooming and exotic birds are singing. Holidays in this country are so diverse that you can spend the best St. Valentine, February 23 or any other significant event. In the last week of February, many states of the state host a colorful event - the Mexican carnival.

Spring mood

There is practically no sharp transition from winter to spring in this state. In the spring, those tourists who do not like crowded beaches and resorts prefer to relax here. This is not surprising: more than 20 million tourists visit the country during the winter season. If you are a fan too a relaxing holiday, then visit the resorts during the period of March 8, when there is no rain yet. Do not miss the great opportunity to see the Basaseachi Falls or the ancient and mysterious Mayan pyramids.

In April, the daily temperature drops slightly, and the climate gradually changes from dry to humid. This month, bright and joyful Easter celebrations take place all over the country.

During May holidays the weather is still warm, but the rainy season is starting. Perhaps the only resort that is not covered by tropical showers is Playa del Carmen.

Unpredictable summer

With the onset of summer, the Gulf of Mexico becomes very restless. It may rain several times a day, after which the bright rays of the sun will shine again. The daytime temperature rises rapidly and can exceed +34 °C.

In June, many surfers head to the Pacific coast, where conditions are excellent for catching a great wave. If you want to visit Mexico in the summer, then plan your itinerary in June or July, when there are rains, but there are also many sunny days. Recommended to visit central cities where it is somewhat cooler.

August is the time when you should not go on vacation to Mexico. This is the peak period rainy season and the formation of powerful hurricanes, so the trip can bring unpleasant surprises. But if you really want to, then we advise you to bypass the Pacific coast or the Caribbean coast and head to Mexico City, where you can visit all kinds of sights and cultural events.

trip in autumn

In September, rainy days still continue, and the possibility of a hurricane remains. However, starting from October, the golden holiday season in Mexico, so beloved by many, begins. The rainy mood from this month almost stops, and the Pacific coast becomes more comfortable.

If you want to visit interesting events in 2019, in addition to spending time on the beach, be sure to pay attention to the following events.

  • Expo Tequila is a vibrant tequila festival taking place in Tijuana (October).
  • International Festival of Maya Culture. It takes place in Merida from mid-October to early November.
  • Skull Festival is an atmospheric event that can be visited in the city of Aguascalientes during the November holidays.
  • The Jazz Festival is a very worthy international event that is organized in San Miguel de Allende in November.

November is generally rich in all kinds of festivals and is characterized by excellent reviews from numerous tourists. Daytime temperature in cities is within +22 ... +28 °C. It is hotter in Acapulco: the air temperature rises to +30 ... +32 °C. Rains in late autumn are practically absent.

Mexico is a dream country. Many people want to go there. Potential tourists already know everything about Mexico, for example, that the full name of the country is the United Mexican States, and its capital is Mexico City. However, remembering this is not at all difficult.

Mexico monthly weather

Don't know when is the best time to go to Mexico? Then you should familiarize yourself with the weather of this country in order to plan your trip correctly and not be disappointed.


In the mountainous area, located in the north, it is quite cool, the temperature reaches 0 ° C. This month is dominated by a subtropical climate.

In the center of the country it will be a little warmer - +2°С.

In Acapulco, the situation is completely different - there the air warms up to + 31 ° C during the daytime, and at night the temperature drops to + 21 ° C.

In Cancun, it is approximately +27°C during the day, and approximately +19°C at night. If you plan to visit Mexico City, you need to bring warm clothes with you. During the day it is +21°C, but the closer the evening, the lower the temperature becomes. Before you have time to look back, it will drop to + 7 ° С.


Nothing changes in Acapulco - the temperature still reaches +31°C. But towards evening the heat subsides, it becomes easier to breathe. At night it is usually around +21°C.

If you don't like this heat, pay attention to Cancun. Here during the day, as a rule, + 27 ° С, and at night - + 20 ° С. In Mexico City, the temperature is quite good - + 23 ° C during the day. And at night in the capital of Mexico + 7 ° С.


It may be dangerous to swim somewhere in early spring, but not in Acapulco. It is very hot here during the day - + 31 ° С. And at night it's just warm - + 21 ° С. In Cancun, the air warms up noticeably. During the day it is almost always sunny here, the temperature reaches +28°C, at night it also becomes more pleasant - +21°C.

Spring comes to the capital of the country. During the day the temperature rises to +25°С, and in the evening the thermometers show +10°С.

In general, the weather in Mexico in March makes it possible to relax both on the beach and while sightseeing.


Do you want to visit the Mexican mountains? Think carefully about whether you need it: there, even in April, it is often 0 ° C, or even less. Maybe it's better to go to and enjoy the sun at a temperature of +28°C?

If you are going to one of the beaches of Acapulco, do not forget the cream, dark glasses and a swimsuit. In the daytime, it is +32°С, and at night it is ten degrees lower - only +22°С.

In Cancun, the sun is not so merciless; comfortable +29°C are preserved here. This is, of course, during the day. And at night, wait for the temperature to drop to + 22 ° С. In the capital of Mexico, the ideal daytime temperature is approximately +27°C. If you are going somewhere for the whole day, take a blouse with you, as in the evening it is often only +11°C.

As you can see, the weather in Mexico in April is highly dependent on the area.


If you go to Cancun, take an umbrella - it often rains here. Despite this, the heat persists up to +31°C. And at night it is +23°C.

But better stop your choice at the resort of Playa del Carmen. This amazing place, besides, it is +27°C during the day. Is it possible to dream of something more? If we talk about this resort, then the weather in Mexico in May clearly favors you.


In Los Cabos, the sun is mercilessly scorching, and the temperature is inexorably creeping up to +33°C. It is also hot in Acapulco - +33°С. You can breathe a sigh of relief only at night, when the temperature drops to +24°C.

Very much in Cancun. warm water- +29°С. Not surprisingly, there are many who want to swim here. In addition, most vacationers are quite satisfied with the air temperature - +31°C. And at night it is only +25°C, which is also very good. For those who cannot stand the heat, there are always tickets to the capital. During the day in Mexico City + 25 ° С, and at night it is cool - + 13 ° С.


Crowds of tourists go to Cancun this month. During the day it is +32°С, and at night it is noticeably cooler - +25°С. Many people like to walk in the evening and at night and breathe fresh air.

Summer rejoices throughout Mexico. Weather by months, as you already understand, can become a kind of cheat sheet for you. Caution: do not make a mistake when planning a vacation.


In Cancun, it is very hot - during the day it often happens + 32 ° С, and at night - + 25 ° С, which corresponds to the July weather. In Acapulco during the day it is generally hell - + 33 ° С. Unfortunate tourists can only enjoy the nights. Thermometers at this time of day show +24°C.


Autumn has come, and in Cancun it has become only one degree colder - now it is + 31 ° C during the day, and at night, respectively, 24 ° C.

Acapulco has very pleasant water - + 27 ° С. In the daytime it is one degree hotter here than in Cancun, and in the evening it is +24°С.


It's getting a little cooler in Cancun, now it's +30°C. At night the temperature is one degree lower than in September. In Acapulco it is still +32°С, and at night nothing changes - +24°С.

In October, amazing Mexico opens its arms for you. The weather by month will help you decide, do not forget about it.


This month in Cancun you can fully live and relax - the temperature is excellent, it is +28°C. Not too hot, but not too cold either. It is also good at night - +22°C. And in Acapulco, nothing has changed since October. At night in famous resorts - +24°C.


In the center of the country, the temperature is usually lower than in other areas, and this fully applies to December. During the day, the air here warms up to only + 21 ° С. As for the night, you can catch a cold, because thermometers show only + 7 ° С. The farther from the sea, the colder. Somewhere it can be +2°C.

And the famous Acapulco is the very embodiment of stability. Here again +32°C during the day. You can cool down at night - only +22°С. In Cancun, it is not so hot during the day - + 27 ° С, and at night you will see a mark of + 20 ° С on the thermometer.

All of Mexico is open to you. Monthly weather is a great help for you. But try to focus not only on the weather, first of all listen to your heart, and it will help you make the right choice.

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