Crimea canoe gate observation deck. Baidar gates in the Crimea. Where are the Baydar Gates

The Baidarsky Gate Pass is a symbolic architectural monument, which is a link between the South Coast and the valley of the same name. This attraction was built in honor of the completion of the construction of the road leading to Sevastopol. The construction of the stone mountain was completed in 1848. The project of the monument belongs to one of the most best architects Yalta.

Driving along the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, you can stop to admire charming view the village of Simeiz. This is a small urban-type settlement on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula, with numerous picturesque streets and great views. How to get to the Baydar Gates will be said at the end of the article.

Description of the monument

The Baydar gate is a tall building made of stone, with complex design, with small columns and a magnificent observation deck on the roof. From the same stone, pedestals made according to the traditional pattern are installed on both sides of the structure. In one of them there used to be a service room of 30 squares. Today, the windows and doors in this part of the Baidar Gates monument are walled up.

A special staircase leads to the roof of the gate. From above you can see not only beautiful view the Black Sea, but also the incredibly picturesque Baidar Valley, as well as beautiful mountains and green thickets of numerous plants.

Foros temple

The amazing holy monastery opens to the eyes of all travelers who have visited the Baydar Gates. The Church of the Ascension of Christ is located slightly below the road. It was founded in 1892 at the expense of a wealthy merchant Alexander Kuznetsov. Alexander himself was a descendant of one of the wealthy and influential people- trader Alexei Gubkin. In Russia, he was considered the most reliable supplier of delicious tea. Rumor has it that the reason for the construction of the temple was a terrible train accident at the Borki station, not far from the city of Kharkov. At the time of the collapse of the train, the car in which the royal family was traveling turned over, but, fortunately, nothing happened to the crowned persons, and everyone remained alive. In this regard, the rich Kuznetsov decided to found a temple for the salvation of the royal family.

Talent in the construction of the church was shown by the architect from St. Petersburg Fyodor Chagin. The icons that were presented in the temple were painted famous artists: academician of arts Kormukhin A. I., member of numerous exhibitions of paintings by Makovsky, stained glass specialist Sverchkov. In a well-known workshop of an Italian specialist in small particles, a mosaic floor was created, which was then transferred to the temple, and the interior walls were decorated with a Byzantine-style pattern. After a certain time - Soviet time- The church was closed. The building was equipped with a warehouse, and then a restaurant for those passing by. After the church was closed, all the rare icons were taken to different churches, and the paintings were burned right on the mosaic floor. Currently, the Foros Church of the Resurrection of Christ has undergone restoration and is in excellent condition.

History of the Baydar Gate

On the observation deck, the gate can be made beautiful photos against the backdrop of a charming valley and beautiful sea far away. It is for the sake of contemplating these wonderful beauties that passing tourists make a small stop.

At the beginning of the 20th century, when the journey from Sevastopol to Yalta was much longer, all travelers made a night stop to rest. If they went to Yalta on a horse, they left early in the morning, and arrived in the city at night. Since such a trip was not easy, they made a stop at the pass.

At that time there were two hotels here. One was behind the gate, and the second was on the left. A postal base was founded on this place, and a small restaurant was built nearby where one could have a bite to eat. One of the guidebooks describes the area where these buildings were located, luxurious and at the same time miserable. The fact is that the cost of all the services offered was high, and the quality of service was disgusting.

Restaurant at the Baydar gates

After some time, all the doss houses were removed from the territory of the pass, and the restaurant is still very popular with tourists. Now it is called "Shalash". Many people visit the Baydar Gate just to taste here. delicious dishes in such an unusual setting.

It offers stunning views of Foros and the Black Sea, and you can also see the amazing Kilyas Church. The institution, due to its peculiar building style and location, is considered an independent attraction, where you can have a hearty and tasty meal, contemplating the surrounding beauties. Only the most pleasant and positive impressions remain from visiting this place. The restaurant is perfect for holding all kinds of events, gatherings in a friendly company, corporate meetings and luxurious weddings. The time spent in this institution will brighten up the friendly staff and friendly atmosphere. The restaurant has low prices, but excellent service.
At the beginning of the war, the Baydar gates were blown up. Then they were the only way out to Sevastopol. And later a monument to the partisans was erected there.

In the past, almost everyone traveled on horseback, and they were the only way to communicate on the roads of Crimea. Basically, everyone left the city of Sevastopol after sunset, in order to be at the Baydar Gate at dawn. The pass indicated the middle of the road between Sevastopol and Yalta.

Baydar gates in cinema

A short fragment, on which the Baidar Gates are visible, can be seen in the film "The Adventure of Pinocchio". One of the episodes was filmed on the observation deck of the attraction.

How to get to the pass

For vacationers in the Crimea, getting to this area is easy and simple. You can drive your own car or take a taxi (but this can be expensive), bus or bike. You won't get lost along the way, there is only one way to the gate. It is necessary to move along the highway Sevastopol - Yalta, passing small village Foros. The path passes under the gate, and large cluster cars and people will show that you have reached your destination.

In Yalta and Sevastopol there are places where tour tickets are sold, so you can get to the gate by a tour bus. You can not only see all the historical places, but also learn Interesting Facts about this area. If you still decide to go by minibus, then the departure will be from the bus station of the city. You can get from the stations of Sevastopol and Yalta.

The Baydar Gates are located on the Baydar Pass in Foros. There are several opinions about the origin of the name of this architectural monument. On the one hand, there is an opinion that the word "Baydar" comes from "paydar", which means a herbalist, healer. Another version says that the word owes its origin to the combination "bay-dere" bay or rich valley. There is no consensus on the etymology of the word "baidar" yet. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the Baidar Gates were so named after the name of the village of Baidary (now Orlinoe), located on the slope of the valley.

Observation deck on the roof of the Baidar Gate

The roof of the Baydarsky Gate is an amazing observation deck, which offers a breathtaking view of the valley, sea ​​coast, Foros. This is a great place to meet the sunrise and sunset and fill your soul and heart with a romantic mood. This place is saturated with the atmosphere of its former grandeur. Even the Empress Catherine the Second herself, passing the Baydar Gates, did not miss the opportunity to climb the observation deck and admire the enchanting views of the Crimean mountains.

Why go to the Baydar Gates?

The Baydar Gate is not only an architectural monument, it is a majestic heritage of the past, reminding us of the heroic deeds of our ancestors. It was here at the Baydarsky Gate in 1941 that a small partisan detachment under the command of the legendary A.S. Terletsky detained the German troops for a day, thus ensuring the possibility of the Red Army to withdraw to Sevastopol.

Despite its formidable historical past, the Baidar Pass is now, for the most part, of tourist importance. Tourists passing by the gate are sure to stop for bird's-eye views and photo ops.

The Baidar gates are now a massive building made of Crimean limestone blocks, with slender semi-columns, massive pedestals, also made of limestone, adjoin it on the sides. In the cabinet on the right there is a room, previously there was a post office in it.


Not far from the Baydarsky Gates there is a restaurant "Shalash", where you can have an inexpensive and tasty lunch. Soup, barbecue, vegetables - the restaurant's menu will satisfy the requirements of any gourmet. In addition to "Shalash" there are many restaurants and cafes in the nearby settlements: Yalta, Forose.

How to get to the Baydar Gate?

If you are driving along the Yalta-Sevastopol highway, you will inevitably come to the Baydar Gates. If a visit to this architectural monument is planned as an independent event, then you can get here as follows:

    visiting the object is included in many excursion programs, you just need to clarify this point at the stage of booking the tour;

    walking a tourist route, with this option, you will enjoy the beauties of the mountainous Crimea and feel all the former significance of the Baydar Gates, which also served as a rest point for tired travelers passing through the pass;

    by bus from Yalta or Sevastopol. You need to take a bus heading towards Foros.

Note to the tourist

You should definitely visit the Baydar Gates if you get to Foros or its environs. The visit will be interesting for both adults and children. The only age limit from 4 years old is based on the fact that smaller children get tired faster and this fatigue can block the impressions of the trip. Good transport accessibility, availability of parking and a place to eat make Baydarsky Gate a popular tourist attraction.

By the way, here it catches mobile connection Russian operators and tariffs "everywhere at home", which apply to trips within the Russian Federation. A visit to the Baidar Gates can be combined with a trip to the estates and temples of Yalta, or you can drive to the beautiful Swallow's Nest. So your day will be filled with amazing impressions that will remain in your memory for a long time.

You will definitely pass through them. Thus, an excursion to the Baydarsky Gate can be involuntary - passing through or planned. And it can also be ... virtual - we will do it now.

Where are the Baydar Gates

Baydar gates (Baydar bogazy - Crimean Tatar, Baidar gates - Ukrainian) - a mountain pass through main ridge Crimean mountains, leading from the southern coast of Crimea to Baidar valley. The pass is located between the mountains Chkhu-Bair (height 705 meters) in the east and Chelebi (height 657 meters) in the west. Height Baidar gate pass- 503 meters above sea level.

The Sevastopol - Yalta highway passes through the pass, the construction of which was started on the initiative of Count Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov, Governor General of the Novorossiysk Territory, and was carried out for 11 years (1837 - 1848). By order of Count Vorontsov in 1848, propylaea gates were built on the pass, known today as the Baidar Gates.

Crimean architectural monument

The project of the Baydar Gates was prepared by Karl Ivanovich Ashliman, a well-known architect from Yalta. The Baydar Gate is a voluminous portico made of limestone blocks of local origin. An excursion to the gate will allow you to see such details of this structure as the complex cornice, entablature and semi-columns. Rectangular pedestals adjoin the portico on both sides, adding monumentality to the antique style of the gate. In the right annex there is a room with an area of ​​30 square meters. In the upper part of the propylaea there are two viewing platforms, which can be reached by a flight of stairs. Viewpoints offer a magnificent view of the Foros Church, the village of Foros and the Baidar Valley. One of the first explorers of the Crimea, the traveler E. Markov wrote in his travel notes:

“The panorama opening from the Baydarsky Gate is one of the most grandiose that can be seen anywhere.”

In the pre-revolutionary years and in the first time after the October Revolution, there were two hotels next to the Baydar Gates - one to the left of the gate, the other to the right behind the gate, above the cliff. In the gate building itself there was a post station and a room for travelers. To the left of the gate there was a pavilion-restaurant... Today, next to the Baydar Gates, there is a famous restaurant "Shalash".


Built in a place of amazing beauty that opens up from all sides, from the first days they have become one of the most popular vacation spots on the way. Exhausted by the long journey, wanderers always stopped to rest at the Baydar Gate. Some went upstairs and admired the landscape, others hurried into the shade, to the spring...

During the years of the Great patriotic war the Baidarsky Gate Pass, as an important strategic point of the Crimea, became the site of fierce battles. IN last days autumn 1941, a small detachment of border guards, led by A.S. Terletsky, held the Baydar Gate for a whole day, covering the retreat of the main forces of the Red Army to Sevastopol. Only six fighters of the brave detachment managed to survive ... Having joined the Balaklava partisan detachment, they continued to resist. A.S. Terletsky died in March 1942, having been captured by the Nazis and having endured cruel torture and abuse. One of the streets of Foros is named after him, and a monument was erected to the commander of the border guards in the park of the village.

Excursion to the Baidar Gate

Excursion to the Baydar Gates - this is, as a rule, one of the points of a large excursion route along the Southern coast of Crimea. The route may consist of such "landmarks" as, for example: Red Rock - Foros Church of the Resurrection of Christ - - Skelskaya cave - "Peak" waterfall - Laspi. The length of this route is about 60 kilometers (of which 1 kilometer is on foot). The duration of the tour is about 5 hours. The main theme is historical and natural history.

Journey to the Baidar Gates - a great opportunity see "Crimean Switzerland" - Baidar valley. This valley is located at an altitude of about 260 meters above sea level. It is 16 kilometers long and up to 8 kilometers wide in places. The Chernaya River flows through the Baydarskaya Valley, blocked by a dam in front of the entrance to the Chernorechenskoye Gorge and forming the Chernorechenskoye Reservoir, which feeds fresh water not only the nearby village of Foros, but also Sevastopol. In addition to the Baidar Gates, the valley keeps many more traces of different eras on “its back” - thousand-year-old Skel menhirs (the village of Rodnikovoe), the dolmens of the Novobobrovsky village, the Skeltskaya cave, the Foros church, the Devil’s Stairs, the Uzundzhi canyon, the spring of the village of Orlinoe, roads paved in antiquity (remains of the famous "Kalendskaya trail"), Chernorechensky canyon, a small canyon near Novobobrovsky village, "Kozyrek" waterfall...

The old names of the villages of the Baidar Valley are interesting - Baga, Sakhtik, Ukrusta, Savatka, Khaito. They are untranslatable into Russian, and do not belong to any language known today. Most likely, we inherited these words from the peoples who lived here in prehistoric times.

It is best to come on an excursion to the Baydar Gates from the side of Sevastopol: after a monotonous winding road, the sea suddenly opens up, a beautiful church on a rock, a huge Baydar valley and the freedom of heavenly blue. Such a landscape is remembered for a lifetime ...

Transparent blue sky, bright shimmer of sea waves, a picturesque view from a height of the Baidar Valley, which is also called Crimean Switzerland for its pristine beauty, “floating” in the air beautiful church on a high cliff - all these picturesque views can be admired if you visit a wonderful Crimean landmark. It is called the Baydar Gate. Those who have been here admit that the beauties of the Crimea, seen from here, evoke a feeling of real happiness and leave indelible impressions.

Baydar gates are one of the most beautiful mountain passes in the Crimea.

It is located between two peaks called Celebi and Chhu-Bair. An old road stretches along this pass, which was laid here on the initiative of Count Vorontsov back in the middle of the nineteenth century. The pass itself can hardly be called difficult and high. It rises only at a height of five hundred meters, but this height, together with the so-called Baydar Gates, is enough to captivate with spectacular views of the sea and the ancient Foros temple. The gates are not recognized as an architectural monument, but still, they attract tourists like a magnet. They are built from large limestone blocks, which were mined in these places, and have large rectangular pillars on the sides. All this gives the gate some massiveness, power and a classic look. From the comfortable viewing platforms of the gate, to which the flight staircase leads, you can see the Baydarskaya Valley and Foros at a glance.

In addition, there was a post station with rooms for wealthy travelers, as well as a restaurant. Then the Baydar gates carried out their main functions and, to ensure safety in bad weather or at nightfall, they closed, blocking the road. I must say that in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century, this place became especially attractive to many creative people. They went to the Baydarsky Gate to admire nature, draw inspiration and create their new creations. The observation decks of the gate remember Bunin, Mickiewicz, Lesya Ukrainka, Alexei Tolstoy, Mayakovsky and many other equally famous personalities.

During the war, the Baidar Gates were of strategic importance. Here, in November 1941, a group of border guards, commanded by Terletsky, delayed the advance of the German mechanized avant-garde for a whole day, destroying a large number of equipment and manpower of the enemy. Thanks to the feat accomplished by the border guards, the main forces of the Red Army had the opportunity to retreat to Sevastopol and take up defensive positions. I must say that the plans of the German command included an event to blow up the gates, but for some reason these plans remained unrealized.

Tourists who want to visit this attraction are advised to come here by private car, taxi or as part of organized excursion groups. The point is that on the old road public transport practically does not walk.

Baydar Gates is one of the amazing sights of the Crimean peninsula. Baydar gates are located on the old Sevastopol road, between the villages of Foros and Orlinoe.

Geographical coordinates of the Baidar Gates on the map of Crimea GPS N 44.406153, E 33.782005.

- a monument that was built in 1848 in honor of the end of the grandiose construction at that time, namely the road that connected the city of Yalta and Sevastopol. It is difficult to overestimate the strategic importance of this road - at that time it was the second road leading to Yalta. The first one was built in 1837, it connected Yalta and Simferopol, as a result the city received a new direction for communication and trade. Now Yalta had three possible ways: sea and two roads to the western and northern direction of the Crimea. In the middle of the 19th century, Turkey's claims to Crimean peninsula and each new road provided significant opportunities for maneuvering troops, their quick and imperceptible transfer on the peninsula.

Vorontsov was engaged in construction work and development of this part of the Crimea. By his order, in honor of the completion of construction work, a portico was built by the architect K.I. Ashliman, along with an observation deck that offers a wonderful view of the sea.
Baydar gates are located at an altitude of 604 meters above sea level, between the Chhu-Bair and Chelebi mountains. From the Baydar Gate opens one of the most the best views to the Foros Church, Cape Aya and Laspi Bay.

Planning a trip to the Baydar Gates, usually visit the second attraction located on the route, namely the Foros Church. Its construction gave invaluable experience in the construction of complex objects on the edge of a cliff and on steep terrain in the Crimea. After the Foros Church, one of the most famous sights of the Crimea, the Swallow's Nest, was built.

You can get to the Baydar Gates from Sevastopol: after passing Balaklava and the biker club "Night Wolves", you need to find a turn to the village of Orlinoe or find the sign "Shalash restaurant"; further along the main road and in 20 minutes you are at the goal. The second option: climb from the side of Foros, there is a turn towards the gate, indicated by a large sign "Shalash restaurant"; the road in front of the tunnel goes sharply to the right, 20 minutes ascent and you are at the Foros Church, another 5 minutes uphill and you are at the Baydar Gates.

Near the Baydar Gate there is a restaurant with great views and good food, mainly ethnic Crimean cuisine. As well as a small market with souvenirs and fur products. Almost all products on the market self made, sellers are mainly from the nearby mountain village of Orlinoe.

Visit to the Baydar Gate and - a very interesting adventure, the road is much better than on, the slopes and turns are not so sharp and the serpentine is not so strongly felt. On the way, from the side, there will be several mountain springs built at the end of the 19th century. IN summer time water flows from only one, and the rest of the time both sources work. Therefore, if possible, take a container for a set of water with you.

Baydar gates on the map of Crimea
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