Water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov in September. What is good about a holiday on the Azov coast?


What will the weather be like in Kuchugury in September, water temperature, what kind of sea?

If you are planning to visit the village of Kuchugury, which is located on the Sea of ​​Azov, in September, then it is worth remembering that there is no “velvet season” in this resort area, which means that most cafes and bars will be closed, and entertainment that was popular in the summer – will be unavailable. But during this period, prices for accommodation fall, there are many free places and you can buy juicy fruits that are ripe by this time at competitive prices.

What weather awaits you in Kuchugury in September? In the first half of the month the weather will still please you with bright and hot sun, as well as quite warm sea. The air temperature during the day can reach +30°С, and in the evenings it can drop to +17°С. The average temperature indicators are kept at around + 24 ° С - during the day and + 18 ° С - at night. By the end of the month, naturally, the temperature drops, approaching the real autumn. Length daylight hours is reduced to 11 hours, and cloudy days getting bigger.

According to the data of the Hydrometeorological Center over the past few years, the number of rainy days in Kuchugury in September is about two, but at the same time, the amount of precipitation falls on them is about 32 mm. There are still more sunny days: 23 days you can enjoy the warm rays. Cloudy days are also not uncommon - they make up about 14% of the total number of days, and cloudy - 7%.

Sea water temperature in Kuchugury in September

The sea in September in Kuchugury remains relatively warm also at the beginning of the month. And the longer, the colder it gets. In the first ten days of September, the sea remains warm to +23°С, and after the middle of the month it cools down to +17°С, which is no longer very comfortable for swimming.

It is also worth noting that in the first autumn month, windy days predominate in the village: from light to moderate winds. But sometimes there can be quite strong impulses. True, they are rare. A average speed wind speed is 5 meters per second.
Therefore, when going to Kuchugury in September, plan your vacation in such a way that if you can’t sunbathe and swim, then at least gain a lot of positive impressions. And excursions and bike rides throughout the picturesque area of ​​the village will help you with this. The camera will help you!

Sea of ​​Azov– the shallowest and warmest sea. It is considered an excellent place for families with children, since the depth here does not exceed 15.5 meters, and the coast is flat and consists of sand.

Water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov by month

When is the best time to go on vacation?

Many tourists open the season already in mid-May, going on vacation to popular resorts Sea of ​​Azov: Primorsko-Akhtarsk, Yeisk, Berdyansk, villages Golubitskaya And Dolzhanskaya, as well as villages Kuchugury And Peresyp. These resorts are ideal for relaxation.

Fresh air, good climate and the sea, which warms up faster than anywhere else in the resorts, allow you to choose the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov as a wonderful place to relax already At the beginning of June. The daytime temperature this month is +25 degrees, and the water warms up to +23°C.

It’s even better to relax on the Sea of ​​Azov in July, since the quantity sunny days here it is 28-30, the water in the sea is constantly warm (+28 degrees).

July is for those who aspire to a beach holiday or are planning a trip to the sea with children.

The weather is exactly the same here in August, but, unlike July, the number of tourists is slightly less. However, this month is considered heavenly for those who do not want to leave the sea, as the water temperature is magnificent - +25 degrees.

The Sea of ​​Azov, as well as the resorts located along the coast, are actively developing, attracting more and more “family tourists” every year. New entertainments appear here, and beach holidays are always at their best.

Water temperature in September in the Sea of ​​Azov - details

September - first autumn month. The water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov gradually decreases in September. So, if the average water temperature at the beginning is +23°C, then the average water temperature at the end in the Sea of ​​​​Azov is +18°C.

average temperature air temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov in September is 19°C.

Water temperature in September in the Sea of ​​Azov in different years

The day with the coldest sea in the Sea of ​​Azov was in 2013. The average sea water temperature was only +12.7°C. It was September 29, 2013

The day with the warmest sea in the Sea of ​​Azov was in 2010. The average sea water temperature reached +25.8°C. It was September 1, 2010

Water temperature for every day in September in the Sea of ​​Azov in different years presented in the graph below:

Average sea water temperature in September in the Sea of ​​Azov

The coldest sea in the Sea of ​​Azov was in 2013. The average water temperature in the sea was only +18.9°С.

The warmest sea in the Sea of ​​Azov occurred in 2017. The average sea water temperature reached +22.1°C.

Schedule average monthly temperature water in the sea in the Sea of ​​Azov in September for different years clearly demonstrates this:

Records for water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov in September

Monitors sea water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov since 2010. And, I must say, water temperature records happen quite often. Almost every day at one resort or another the water is either the coldest or the warmest. Below are data on the minimum and maximum sea water temperatures in the Sea of ​​Azov in September.

Crimea is visited by far fewer tourists than Cherny. One of possible reasons This behavior of vacationers is a misconception about this unique place.

Azov coast in Krasnodar region

Perhaps people have heard about holidays in September on the Sea of ​​Azov, located in Krasnodar region. Some were here and were not happy. In these places there is a lot of algae in the water, which are washed to the shore by the current. Looking at such a picture, people conclude that the water is cloudy and full of dirt.

There are so many tourists on the beach that finding a free place is simply unrealistic. Large cluster It prevents vacationers from fully enjoying the sun and sea. However, on the Azov coast of Crimea the situation is completely different.

Azov coast in Crimea

On coastline There are many resort villages along the Sea of ​​Azov. This is a whole strip that starts from Kerch and ends at the Arabic Spit.

There are so few vacationers in these places that even at the height of the season it is not a problem to get a good stay. Only a few of the villages are in greatest demand on the Sea of ​​Azov in September: Kerch, Mysovoye and Shchelkino.

The beaches stretch along the coast so much that everyone can find a place near the water. Their width, which reaches tens of meters, is also amazing. There is no feeling of excessive crowds of vacationers or crowded conditions on the shore.

You get so used to the resulting space that over time, even those who are located ten meters away from you begin to irritate. Although on some Black Sea beaches people lie almost closely on the sand.

Holidays on the Sea of ​​Azov in September in Crimea are much more pleasant, since there is much less algae here. They exist, but they are found only in some areas. While enjoying the sea and sun, tourists simply do not focus on them.
It cannot be denied that after a storm there is a lot of algae brought from the depths along the coast. The situation is completely different in Yurkino. The wide beach is hidden from the sea waves in the bay. Despite this, the water is almost always full of algae and other debris from the sea. Only when it is completely calm can vacationers enjoy the surface of the sea.

Advantages of holidays on the Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov, compared to the Black Sea, is less salty and cleaner. Thanks to its shallower depth, it is warmer and more comfortable for the whole family to relax. The depth increases very slowly, which allows you to swim quite far. There are many shallows where you can relax away from the shore.

Warming up the water to optimal temperature occurs several weeks earlier than in the Black Sea. If the weather corresponds to the climatic norm, then by May you can already swim in it.

Less salinity provides another benefit. Having gone to the beach, a vacationer does not feel the desire to immediately take a shower and wash off the salt from the skin. The feeling is as if you are swimming in a fresh body of water. This is also convenient for those tourists who like to swim along the road and drive further along the shore of the Azov Sea.

The Crimean coast is rich in beautiful rocks, grottoes and bays. This makes it possible not only to enjoy beach holiday, but also to admire the picturesque landscapes of these places.

Fishing in Azov is a separate topic. Those who like to sit with a fishing rod take their gear with them on vacation and enjoy a good catch.

Disadvantages of holidays on the Sea of ​​Azov

The Sea of ​​Azov in September and other months is not without its drawbacks. Its beaches mainly consist of sand and shells. There are practically no rocky places or reefs. This means that divers will not find anything interesting here.

Another point is infrastructure. Settlements, located along the coast, are practically devoid of it. To avoid disappointment, you should prepare yourself in advance for the fact that here you will find only recreation areas, a room for housing, a market, a cafe and a couple of shops. Fans of night discos, clubs, attractions and other delights of southern recreation will not find their usual entertainment here.

Weather on the Sea of ​​Azov in September

At this time of year, the water has not yet cooled, but a drop in temperature is already felt. Vacationers will also be pleased with the reduced prices for apartments. IN the Velvet season you can have a good time here.

The climate on the Sea of ​​Azov differs significantly from the Black Sea. It is drier due to the fact that the main water area is located among the steppes. Therefore, it is often hotter in the Sea of ​​Azov, and the water warms up much faster.

IN warm years the water on the Sea of ​​Azov warms up to 22-23oC already at the end of May. But for children under seven to ten years old it may seem cold. Therefore, if there is no task to harden the child, or the child is prone to bronchopulmonary diseases, it is better not to go to Azov this month.

The water in the Azov Sea is not as salty as in the Black Sea, so it will not harm the skin of even the smallest.

In June, the water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov reaches 24-26°C, depending on the weather. In rainy years it warms up more slowly. But in June, the first vegetables and fruits begin to ripen, which are very useful for children. In addition, it is not yet as hot as in July-August, the heat is quite easily tolerated. And prices for renting real estate in June are lower than in the second half of summer. That is why families often choose this month to relax on the Azov Sea.

The only minus of the Sea of ​​Azov is the monotonous coastal landscapes. There are no beautiful mountains like on the Black Sea. But this is more likely to upset parents than children.

In July, the water in Azov becomes very warm. It reaches 27-29oC. Very young children will really like this temperature. They will splash around in shallow water for a long time without freezing at all. But in the second half of July it is often too hot on the coast. Therefore, when relaxing with infants or preschoolers, you should not go to the beach between twelve noon and four o’clock in the evening. Babies can get heatstroke, which is accompanied by very unpleasant symptoms - severe headache, fever, nausea and vomiting. If you want to leave the house during the day, your child must wear a hat and apply oil to his skin. sunscreen with a high UF factor.

The end of August - September is the best time for a holiday with children on the Azov Sea

By mid-August, the heat on the Sea of ​​Azov subsides, but the water remains the same warm. Therefore, this time is optimal for relaxing with children on the coast. There is no longer any stifling heat, a light fresh breeze blows from the sea. The only negative of this period is that in some places on the coast active growth of algae begins. They are not dangerous, but entering a sea filled with various plants is not very pleasant. Children may not like the feeling of something touching their skin in the water. But there are always beaches that are clear of algae, so before leaving, you can find out which area is best to stay in.

The Sea of ​​Azov attracts many vacationers during the summer season. Quite inexpensive prices for accommodation allow you to spend unforgettable days by the water, and the relative proximity to major cities the European part of Russia makes it possible to get to the coast in a matter of hours.

You will need

  • - Internet access.


To relax on the Sea of ​​Azov, you can use the services of travel agencies or look for a suitable option. In the first case, you need to visit travel companies in your city and familiarize yourself with the list possible options. Having purchased tickets from travel agency, you get rid of the hassle of purchasing tickets to travel to your vacation spot and finding accommodation on the coast. You will have access not only to rest, but also to treatment if you decide to go to a medical boarding house.

Many tourists prefer to go to. However, in this case, you should also take care of overnight accommodation in advance. You can do it in the private sector or in small holiday homes, or via the Internet. To search for suitable options, type in a search engine the query “vacation on the Azov Sea”, you will receive many suitable links.

The choice of holiday destinations on the Sea of ​​Azov is quite large, but it is better to relax in traditional resort towns - for example, Yeysk, this is one of best places on the coast. By going to the azov-sea website, you can get acquainted with the list of hotels and boarding houses and find out the cost of living in them. From the European part of Russia you can get to Yeysk by train, plane (to Rostov-on-Don or Krasnodar), or bus. As a rule, many tourists first get to Rostov-on-Don, after which they travel by bus from the bus station to Yeysk.

You can relax near Yeisk or Taganrog by renting a room or an outbuilding in a private house. This option will be the cheapest; you can agree on accommodation and check-in time in advance via the Internet. You can relax on almost the entire coast, but the beaches in this case may not be equipped. It is worth noting that in some places the Sea of ​​Azov is characterized by the presence of fairly strong currents; there may be fishing nets in the water. Therefore, you should swim on equipped beaches. The advantage of the Sea of ​​Azov is that it is shallow; on many beaches you can walk up to half a kilometer deep before you can go waist-deep into the water. Shallow water makes the beaches of the Azov Sea very comfortable and safe for children.


  • Housing in the private sector. Dolzhanskaya

The warm Azov Sea attracts thousands of tourists every year. Some people like swimming in shallow azure waters. Others enjoy sunbathing on sandy beaches that stretch for kilometers. Some people are interested in the opportunity to improve their health and relax at the same time. The Sea of ​​Azov attracts the bulk of tourists from the former Soviet Union with the opportunity to have an inexpensive holiday.

What is good about a holiday on the Azov coast?

Those who want to relax on the beach will enjoy the many meters of sandy shores stretching along the coast. Dreamers will be able to watch the sunsets from the tops of rocky cliffs. There is something to suit both people leading an active lifestyle and those who come to combine relaxation with treatment.

Places for inexpensive holidays

Those who cannot afford to rest on expensive resorts, choose cheaper places and resorts. Where you can look for them:

Arabat arrow. Sunbathers will enjoy a holiday on the Arabat Spit. This is a sand spit more than 100 km long, separating the Sea of ​​Azov and Sivash Bay. The northern part of the spit is built up with boarding houses and recreation centers of various price categories. Among them are “Coral”, AzovRoyal, “Arabesque” and other vacation spots. The beaches they own are equipped with entertainment attractions. In coastal cafes you can refresh yourself with chilled drinks or ice cream. For those who like to relax “savage”, it is preferable to stay on the southern part of the spit. There is something to do here for both cyclists and fishermen. The cost of a room in the private sector is from 250 rubles.

Rest in Kerch. Due to the fact that there are not so many boarding houses in the city of Kerch, if you are going there on vacation, you should worry about booking rooms in advance. Moreover, there are always enough tourists here. People are attracted by the city's low prices and attractions. You can find it if you want. Kerch is a rather old city. Therefore, there are both ancient monuments and fortresses, as well as wartime catacombs. In moments of relaxation between excursions, you can soak up the sunny beach. The cheapest “apartments” will cost 250 rubles. per person.

Shchelkino. West of Kerch is the village of Shchelkino. It is not yet so famous among the resorts of the Azov coast. That is why housing prices here are more than reasonable. Moreover, after the closing of the Kazantip festival, there are not very many tourists even during the season. But there are secluded bays with beautiful beaches. An economy holiday will cost from 200 rubles.

Taganrog. Holidays in Taganrog can also be relatively inexpensive. This year, a one-room apartment will cost from 600 rubles per day. Rooms in the private sector are rented from 350 rubles.

Yeisk. On the Azov coast, Yeysk is considered the largest resort. The city's beaches are equipped with a variety of attractions. It will be interesting for children to visit the dolphinarium and water park. The cost of housing starts from 350 rubles for accommodation in the private sector.

The cheapest vacation is considered to be "". Not everyone agrees to such pleasure. But the impressions after this are much greater than after a civilized vacation. The choice is yours!

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