Useful properties of shrimp during pregnancy. Can pregnant women eat shrimp? The benefits and harms of shrimp for expectant mothers. Why is it better for pregnant women not to eat shrimp?

Gastritis is a disease of the stomach in which the internal walls of this organ are affected and the production of gastric juices is disrupted. This leads not only to improper functioning of the stomach, but also to poor health of the patient, which, in the absence of effective treatment, quickly worsens.

Gastritis accounts for more than a third of all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is quite a lot: more than half of the adult population, according to medical statistics, suffers from this disease. Chronic gastritis tends to worsen under the influence of multiple factors. And very often this happens with the onset of pregnancy, already at early stages.

Gastritis during pregnancy: symptoms

Signs of gastritis are very diverse. In every special case they may manifest themselves in different ways or not appear at all for some time. It is noteworthy that the symptoms vary depending on what type of gastritis develops in the pregnant woman.

The most common is chronic gastritis B, which develops when the stomach is damaged by specific microorganisms - Helicobacter pylori. They can have a detrimental effect on the mucous membranes of the stomach, damaging them, as a result of which the production of gastric juice is disrupted.

Actually, from the nature of the secretion of hydrochloric acid and not only the course of the disease, but also its treatment depends. Therefore, it is very important to establish the level of acidity of gastric juice during gastritis.

Gastritis during pregnancy with high acidity is accompanied by characteristic pain of varying intensity, which is usually localized in the upper abdomen, in the epigastric region, in the right side (in the hypochondrium), around the navel. Most often, they occur immediately or shortly after eating, and they are often provoked by certain dishes (fatty, fried, sour) and foods, and may be accompanied by painful diarrhea. However, it also often happens that stomach pain during pregnancy is annoying at night or on an empty stomach. Heartburn, sour belching appears, and a low-grade fever may persist.

But the course of the disease may have other characteristic differences. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, belching, bad breath and taste in the mouth, flatulence, stool disorders, rumbling in the stomach, a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, weakness - all this indicates that, most likely, the woman has worsened gastritis with low acidity during pregnancy. With this form of the disease, less hydrochloric acid is produced than necessary, as opposed to the previous case. Painful sensations also appear, but they are less pronounced. Regardless of the form of gastritis, the pain intensifies when the stomach walls are stretched, so you should never overeat: food portions should always be moderate.

Practice shows that gastritis during early pregnancy is often accompanied by severe, severe and long-lasting toxicosis. And from the first weeks, expectant mothers are forced to wonder how they can soothe pain and alleviate gastritis when it worsens.

How to treat and how to treat gastritis during pregnancy

Treatment of gastritis is always long and troublesome, because any error in food or some stress factor can equate all efforts to zero. In addition, it is important to accurately diagnose what form and type of gastritis is present, since only in this case can effective therapy be carried out. That is, it is necessary to undergo some examinations, including the well-known and extremely unpleasant ones - endoscopy (swallowing a probe) and pH-metry (determining the level of acidity of gastric juice).

However, pregnant women constitute a special category of patients for whom this kind of manipulation is prescribed extremely rarely. Typically, endoscopy during pregnancy is performed only when a woman feels very unwell due to an exacerbation of gastritis, and the therapy prescribed to her does not produce any positive effect.

In addition, a number of drugs used in the traditional treatment of this disease are contraindicated for use during pregnancy. Among these, in particular, are De-Nol and Tetracycline, which can kill Helicobacter pylori microbes.

Therefore, treatment of gastritis during pregnancy should always begin with the safest and most effective - nutritional correction.

Gastritis during pregnancy: diet

Absolutely everything we eat directly affects the condition and functioning of the stomach, and therefore, if gastritis worsens, you will have to strictly control your diet, excluding a number of foods from it. First of all, those that are capable of having an “aggressive” effect on the gastric mucosa are prohibited:

  • sour;
  • spicy;
  • smoked;
  • spicy;
  • salty;
  • fat;
  • canned food;
  • very hot or very cold.

If any food can be classified into any of the listed categories, then it has no place in your diet. It is also necessary to avoid products containing synthetic additives and large amounts of simple carbohydrates.

The basis of your diet should be simple natural semi-liquid food, prepared in a gentle way: light soups from cereals and vegetables, dairy products, boiled and stewed vegetables, soft-boiled eggs, omelettes, jelly, fruits. Then, as well-being improves, the diet is expanded with boiled meat and low-fat fish, cereals, pasta, boiled potatoes, non-acidic cottage cheese and sour cream, low-fat mild cheese, stale gray bread or biscuits. You can also eat sausage, but only boiled and high quality - not large quantities.

Drinks should also be natural and non-acidic. They are best consumed warm (but not hot). It's also good to drink mineral water- a glass an hour or two after main meals. But be sure to pay attention to the recommendations for drinking this or that water, taking into account the acidity of gastric juice (this is indicated on the label). Strong caffeine-containing drinks, carbonated drinks, and rich broths are excluded. In the meantime, it will be very useful to drink rosehip decoction.

Meals for gastritis must be fractional: the daily menu should be composed of 5-6 small meals, which should be consumed every 2.5-3 hours.

What to drink for gastritis in pregnant women: what medications

Despite the seriousness of this disease, it also has a positive feature: it in no way harms the fetus and does not have a negative impact on its development or the course of pregnancy. However, it is often necessary to resort to medication, because gastritis causes the expectant mother a lot of pain and discomfort.

Therapy during this period is aimed mainly at eliminating the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and relieving the inflammatory process. For this purpose, the corresponding groups of drugs are used:

  • anti-inflammatory (Gastrofarm),
  • antacids (Maalox),
  • antispasmodics (No-shpa, Papaverine),
  • enveloping (Almagel, Phosphalugel),
  • and others - which eliminate nausea and vomiting (Cerukal, Reelan), regulate the production of hydrochloric acid (Gelusil Lac), restore microflora (Linex, Hilak Forte).

Vitamin preparations, prebiotics, and gastric enzymes (Creon, Festal, Mezim) are also used as auxiliary therapy.

Which medications should be combined with each other, how long to take them, in what dosage and in what way - all this is decided by a competent specialist, because in each individual case, drug treatment for gastritis during pregnancy may vary.

Treatment with folk remedies

Probably, in addition to medication, the doctor will also recommend that the expectant mother traditional treatment gastritis during pregnancy. For high acidity, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile, yarrow, knotweed, celandine, cinquefoil, valerian or motherwort, oat and flax seeds, and calamus rhizomes are used. Gastritis with low acidity is treated with fennel, parsley, caraway, thyme, oregano, wormwood, parsnip, plantain leaves, centaury. St. John's wort, mint, and yarrow are also used.

Medicinal infusions are prepared according to the following recipe: 2 tablespoons of herbal remedy are poured with half a liter of boiling water, infused for half an hour and filtered. It is necessary to take 100 ml of infusion after each meal (5-6 times a day).

Such agents coat the walls of the stomach and produce an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. You can also use recipes traditional medicine for the treatment of gastritis.

With increased acidity

  • Prepare an herbal mixture from equal amounts of stinging nettle, calamus and chamomile flowers. Pour a full tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and simmer in a water bath for a quarter of an hour. Let it brew, strain and drink a third of a glass before meals - 3 times a day.
  • It is necessary to boil 15 grams of fireweed leaves in a glass of boiling water - in a water bath - for 10-15 minutes. After straining, take a tablespoon 3 times a day for 4 days. Then - 1 tablespoon of comfrey infusion (to prepare it, pour 2 tablespoons of comfrey roots with a glass of boiling water and leave).
  • Boil the peeled potatoes and drink the broth warm. This recipe is also useful for ulcerative lesions.

At low acidity

  • Squeeze the juice from aloe leaves (which are at least 3 years old) and mix it with natural light honey in equal proportions. Leave the mixture for several days in a dark place at room temperature and after standing, drink a teaspoon on an empty stomach with a glass of water. The treatment course is 1 month. For preventive purposes, it should be repeated every year.
  • Prepare a herbal mixture: 4 parts St. John's wort herb; 3 parts each of birch leaves, calendula flowers, marsh grass, Tangut rhubarb roots; 2 parts each of blueberry leaves, flax seeds, elecampane rhizomes; 1 part dill fruit. Stir everything until the components are evenly distributed and pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into a thermos with 2.5 cups of boiling water. Let it brew for 8 hours, strain and drink half an hour before meals, dividing the infusion into 3 doses.
  • Mix St. John's wort, blueberry and plantain leaves - only 10 grams each. Pour the mixture with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 3 hours. After straining, take a tablespoon three times a day.

If you suffered from gastritis before conceiving a baby, you should definitely know what to do to prevent exacerbation of gastritis during pregnancy. To do this, it is necessary to avoid exposure to factors that lead to exacerbation, that is, they are the causes of the disease. Among the most influential are the following:

  • emotional stress, nervous shock and exhaustion;
  • disruption of the normal daily routine, night work, chronic lack of sleep;
  • errors in nutrition (abuse of fatty, spicy foods, unnatural, low-quality products, overeating, lack of a regime);
  • food allergies and infections;
  • diseases of internal organs (liver, pancreas, gall bladder);
  • metabolic disorder;
  • taking some medicines;
  • bad habits (smoking and drinking alcohol in large quantities), etc.

Despite the fact that gastritis during pregnancy is completely safe for the baby, it significantly spoils the life of the expectant mother and, if left untreated, can lead to ulcerative lesions of the mucous membranes of the stomach, which means, albeit indirectly, it can still influence the course of pregnancy. In addition, it is impossible to completely cure gastritis: to prevent relapses of its exacerbation, you will have to constantly engage in prevention.

We wish you good health and excellent well-being, so that you experience only pleasant emotions and pass them on to your baby!

Especially for - Margarita SOLOVIOVA

Pregnant women undergo significant changes in their bodies. This applies not only to hormonal levels, but also to the position of internal organs. Therefore, existing chronic diseases often worsen. The most common occurrence accompanied by stomach pain is gastritis during pregnancy.

What is gastritis?

Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa that covers it from the inside.

The causes of the disease may be:

  • constantly poor nutrition - snacking on the run, eating salted, smoked, canned and highly seasoned foods (Pay attention to the article Nutrition during pregnancy >>>);
  • chronic stress - at work, in the family;
  • bad habits - drinking strong alcohol, frequent smoking;
  • infection of the mucous bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which also causes stomach ulcers.

Chronic gastritis develops gradually. You can lead an unhealthy lifestyle for several years without experiencing any discomfort. This is due to the fact that the mucous membrane is able to recover for a long time. However, her constant irritation leads to a weakening of these abilities. That's when all the symptoms of gastritis appear.

The first attack of gastritis is considered an acute disease. If you did not pay attention to this and continued to irritate your stomach, gastritis becomes chronic. Now it will periodically worsen and cause discomfort.

Why does gastritis occur in pregnant women?

During pregnancy, acute gastritis can occur - when pain first appears. More often, an exacerbation of gastritis is observed during pregnancy - when it has been present for several years, and pregnancy only provoked its acute manifestation.

You are pregnant - what can cause the appearance or exacerbation of chronic gastritis?

  1. Pregnancy can be associated with many worries - about the health of the baby, fear of the upcoming birth, and hormone surges lead to increased irritability and tearfulness. And stress is one of the reasons for the development of gastritis;
  2. Restructuring of hormonal levels. During pregnancy, the amount of estrogen decreases and the amount of progesterone increases. This leads to a decrease in the protective properties of the gastric mucosa. She reacts accordingly - she starts to get sick;
  3. The growing fetus enlarges the uterus. It rises up and presses your internal organs, including the stomach, against each other and against the walls of the abdomen (read about how a child develops during pregnancy in the article Development of a child in the womb >>>). This forced position interferes with the normal functioning of the stomach - gastritis appears;
  4. During pregnancy, your immunity decreases, because the body needs to provide adequate nutrition to the baby. Therefore, the bacterium Helicobacter pylori is activated, which damages the gastric mucosa, causing gastritis.

All these reasons contribute to the occurrence of gastritis in early pregnancy. Especially if it already existed before.

Signs of gastritis in pregnant women

How can you understand that you have gastritis? It manifests itself with quite characteristic symptoms. True, a pregnant woman may consider these manifestations to be something else.

  • Nausea;

Therefore, if from the beginning of pregnancy you only felt sick, but there was no vomiting, if it occurs, you should think about whether it is gastritis?

  • Pain in the upper abdomen;

They also occur immediately after eating or even during eating. Since your stomach moves slightly upward, especially in the last months of pregnancy, the pain may be felt slightly higher than during previous exacerbations.

  • Indigestion and dyspepsia;
  • And, quite naturally, all these unpleasant symptoms lead to changes in mood, excessive irritability, and insomnia.

Pain mainly appears in chronic gastritis with high acidity - hydrochloric acid of gastric juice irritates the mucous membrane and causes pain. Nausea, indigestion, heaviness in the abdomen - these manifestations are characteristic of gastritis with low acidity.

How to make yourself feel better

Of course, the best option would be to see a doctor. However, a pregnant woman cannot always afford this. And chronic gastritis itself does not pose an immediate threat to your health or the health of your baby. However, it is necessary to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. What can you use for this?

Gastritis during pregnancy - how to treat it so as not to harm yourself or the baby? First you should pay attention to medications. Not all of them can be used without fear.

The main treatment is antibacterial drugs - their action is directed against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. However, their use is prohibited during pregnancy. Therefore, this treatment will have to wait until the baby is born and breastfeeding stops (Read the article on the topic: How to prepare your breasts for feeding?>>>).

Thus, drug treatment of gastritis during pregnancy is aimed only at eliminating pain, heartburn, and dyspepsia. If you suffer from heartburn during this important period of life, read the article Heartburn during pregnancy >>>. The following types of medications can be recommended for this:

  1. In case of chronic gastritis with low acidity, it is necessary to restore it. Only this will help eliminate nausea and heaviness in the stomach. For this purpose, you can take natural gastric juice - Acidin-pepsin. In pharmacies it is sold in powder form, which is diluted with water and taken a tablespoon 10-15 minutes before meals;
  2. To improve digestion and restore stool quality the best remedy enzyme preparations will be available for you. Among them are Creon and Mezim. They should be taken immediately before meals;
  3. Antacids. Their action is aimed at combating excess hydrochloric acid, which causes pain. Such drugs can be purchased in liquid form (Almagel, Phosphalugel, Gaviscon for pregnant women) or in tablet form (Maalox, Rennie (read the current article Rennie during pregnancy >>>)).

It is better to use liquid medicines - they envelop the mucous membrane, preventing irritation from food and hydrochloric acid. Antacids are taken half an hour before meals so that they have time to create a protective layer in the stomach.

Gastritis during pregnancy - what should the expectant mother do with nutrition? There is no doubt that you are already trying to adhere to proper and nutritious nutrition (if you have not yet decided what kind of nutrition will be correct during this period, pay attention to our book Secrets of proper nutrition for an expectant mother >>>).

However, chronic gastritis will require you to follow an even more strict diet. It is well known that pregnancy causes a variety of food cravings. However, you will have to give up salted fish, oranges and lemons, homemade cucumbers and tomatoes.

Food during pregnancy should be varied, high in calories and, most importantly, gentle on the stomach. What will meet these requirements:

  • lean meat and fish - boiled;
  • boiled and stewed vegetables;
  • non-citrus fruits in any form - fresh, boiled, stewed;
  • any dairy products;
  • fruit drinks, compotes, herbal teas;
  • natural sweets - marshmallows, marmalade, honey, jam.

In addition to the above medications, to relieve the symptoms of chronic gastritis, you can use traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Decoctions of chamomile and St. John's wort have an anti-inflammatory effect. The herb is poured with boiling water and boiled in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then filter, cool and take half a glass orally twice a day;
  2. Decoctions of oats and flax seeds have the same effect as antacids. You can also prepare jelly from them, which is used as a drink 2-3 times a day.

Preventive measures for chronic gastritis include adherence to proper nutrition, avoiding stress.

About 80% of the working population worldwide are diagnosed with gastritis in acute or chronic form, and this figure increases even more with age. The period of bearing a child is not a painful condition; rather, on the contrary, pregnancy is a sign of good women's health. But what to do if it occurs during pregnancy? After all, conventional drug treatment may be contraindicated. How to alleviate the condition and not harm the child? Let's take a closer look at the situation.

Diagnosis of gastritis

Gastritis is the name given to a disease caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can have acute and chronic forms, manifests itself differently with high and low acidity. This disease is not considered serious, but if you do not pay attention to the symptoms and do not eliminate the causes, then simple gastritis can lead to peptic ulcers and even tumors. Gastritis during pregnancy worsens for the simple reason that a woman’s condition is stress for all systems of her body, they must work with double the load and therefore become more sensitive to all negative influences.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis

Gastritis during pregnancy is difficult to diagnose based on symptoms, especially in its chronic form. The fact is that some of its symptoms are similar to the manifestations of toxicosis in the first trimester. in turn, increases toxicosis and negatively affects the well-being of the expectant mother. In its chronic form, gastritis is manifested by slight relaxation of stools, flatulence, heartburn, fatigue, increased excitability and frequent fatigue from minor physical exertion. It is important to recognize gastritis during pregnancy in time. Treatment started on time will help avoid many problems.

Symptoms of acute gastritis

An attack of acute gastritis begins with discomfort and pain in the stomach, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, general weakness, and fever. Possible dizziness. The pain is spastic in nature. The color of the tongue changes, usually in this case it is covered with a yellowish or gray-white coating.

The symptoms of high and low acidity are different. With an increased acid content, gastritis during pregnancy manifests itself as heartburn, especially after eating sour or sweet foods; belching and frequent stool disorders; Abdominal pain appears on an empty stomach and often disappears after eating. The characteristic manifestation is bad breath, belching with odor rotten egg, heaviness and rumbling in the stomach, nausea in the morning.

Causes of gastritis

  • Bacterium. If earlier doctors considered the main cause of the disease to be poor diet, then after the publication of scientific research it was recognized that gastritis is most often caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. This discovery was made relatively recently, in 2005, and was awarded the Nobel Prize.
  • Nutrition. Overeating, frequent consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods, lack of vitamins.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol in large quantities leads to an imbalance in the acid-base balance, and nicotine has a similar effect.
  • Chemicals. The development of gastritis can be caused by uncontrolled use of certain medications, abuse of products containing harmful chemical substances, excessive air pollution from industrial and transport waste.
  • The reasons are psychological. Frequent neuroses, stress, and depression affect the normal functioning of the stomach.
  • Internal problems. Genetic predisposition to damage to the mucous membrane, pathology in the structure of organs. Duodenal reflux - that's what they call it a rare event when bile from the duodenum enters the stomach, irritating its walls.
  • Helminthic infestations.

Why does gastritis occur during pregnancy?

To treat a disease more successfully, you need to know its cause. The well-being of the expectant mother depends on her health before pregnancy. Why are women called the “weaker sex”? This does not mean physical strength at all. The state of health of a girl or woman from birth is directly related to her reproductive function and the further state of pregnancy. It happens that problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear in absolutely healthy women precisely while they are expecting a child. Gastritis of the stomach during pregnancy can appear as a result of hormonal imbalances. Perestroika can also lead to this endocrine system expectant mother, lack of iron and other vitamins and microelements. The fact that during pregnancy, chronic “dormant” gastritis manifests itself in an acute form is often caused by a change in diet: women often lose their appetite, or, conversely, the feeling of hunger intensifies and they begin to absorb large amounts of food.

Diagnosis of the disease

Do you suspect you have gastritis during pregnancy? What to do? Be sure to go to the doctor! Since the symptoms of gastritis are very similar to the symptoms of other diseases, you cannot diagnose yourself. All the unpleasant sensations future mom You should definitely tell your doctor, and he will refer you for further examination, if necessary. At the appointment, the specialist performs palpation - this helps to determine the location of pain and suspected inflammation. during pregnancy, primarily with the help of laboratory tests: biochemical analysis of blood, urine and feces. If these initial tests do not provide a complete picture of the disease, probing and ultrasound examination are prescribed.

Ultrasound allows you to examine all organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Probing makes it possible to obtain a sample of gastric juice for study.

The most accurate picture of the condition of the stomach lining is provided by endoscopic examination using a camera lowered into the cavity. This diagnostic method, like probing, is an unpleasant procedure, so doctors try to use it only in cases of extreme necessity, when an accurate diagnosis cannot be made otherwise.

Diet for pregnant women

To prevent gastritis during pregnancy from causing unpleasant additional ailments, the woman is first prescribed a special diet. This rule applies to both those for whom this disease has taken a chronic form and those who are not yet bothered by it: you already know that during pregnancy, the factors contributing to the occurrence of gastritis double. Proper and nutritious nutrition is the main thing for excellent health.

  • eating in fractional portions at least 5-6 times a day;
  • spicy, smoked and fried foods are prohibited;
  • salt, sugar, jam, baked goods - limited;
  • Mineral waters like "Borjomi" are useful, provided that the woman does not have edema.

The basis of the diet should be dairy and fermented milk products, cereals, purees of non-acidic vegetables and fruits, compotes and jelly. It is better to steam or boil lean varieties of meat and fish. You can eat steamed omelettes, eggs, steamed cutlets and meatballs. Allowed butter, vegetable dishes, non-acidic soft fruits. As a drink, rosehip decoction is useful, but coffee and strong tea should be avoided.

After the condition has stabilized, you can add potatoes, pasta, weak and low-fat broths to the menu.

A special diet is useful for all pregnant women without exception, not only during exacerbation of chronic diseases.

We will treat!

Gastritis is a disease that affects many people, and many medications have been developed. The situation is aggravated by the fact that not all medications that are usually prescribed are suitable for pregnant women. Chronic gastritis does not begin to be treated during pregnancy. To do this, you first need to destroy the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. Antibiotics, which are required for this, are harmful to the fetus and are strictly contraindicated during pregnancy. Antimicrobial "Metronidazole" cannot be used in the first trimester, in other periods only as prescribed and under the supervision of a doctor.

In case of acute gastritis and exacerbation of chronic gastritis, pregnant women are prescribed medications that protect the inflamed gastric mucosa and alleviate the woman’s condition. For this purpose, Gastrofarm is used. No-Shpa relieves stomach pain, and Cerucal relieves nausea and vomiting. Reduces high acidity, relieves heartburn "Maalox" (in some cases, this drug is prescribed for low acidity).

Gastritis with low acid levels is treated with Panzinorm, Pepsidin, and Riboxin.

In addition, multivitamins and drugs that increase iron levels may be prescribed in combination with medications.

Every woman should know the causes and methods of treatment, but only a doctor can prescribe this or that drug according to individual indications. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate; the health of not only the mother, but also the baby is at stake.

Gastritis during pregnancy: traditional treatment

There is no need to be skeptical about traditional medicine recipes. In cases where medicinal chemistry is undesirable for use, medicines given by nature are no less effective. Doctors often prescribe herbal teas and decoctions to expectant mothers to relieve the discomfort of gastritis. Again, a warning: not all herbal remedies for gastritis can be used during pregnancy. Some preparations may contain components that cause bleeding and miscarriages. Therefore, when buying a pharmacy, carefully read the instructions, it always indicates the specifics of use by pregnant and lactating women.

Chamomile is a universal healer for all stomach problems. Decoctions of St. John's wort, fennel, thyme, fireweed, parsnip, caraway seeds and dill are useful. Additional sources of vitamins are teas with the addition of rose hips and ginger. The benefits of herbal tea increase if you drink it with honey. Just do not forget that honey loses its properties at temperatures above 60 o C; it is better to add it to warm tea or use it as a snack.

The familiar and popular echinacea, ginseng, parsley, and mint can be taken in small doses.

Wormwood, lovage, yarrow, tansy, barberry, and nutmeg are prohibited - these products can sharply stimulate uterine activity.

Folk recipe for gastritis

Oats have miraculous properties for the treatment and prevention of stomach diseases, and not only in the form of porridge. Its decoction will help stabilize the condition of the mucous membrane.

It has no contraindications, has an enveloping property, and relieves heartburn.

Hercules is not suitable in this case. You need whole dried oat grains with husks. You need to grind them in a coffee grinder or blender. Pour half a glass of the resulting powder into half a liter of water and cook for 20-30 minutes. Cool the resulting broth, strain, divide into three doses and take half an hour before meals.

How dangerous is this?

The main question that interests expectant mothers is: how dangerous is gastritis during pregnancy for a child? How to treat or not treat at all, in order to avoid side effects from medications? Let's say right away that gastritis is not a disease that affects the development of the fetus; it is not included in the list of contraindications for pregnancy. But he needs to be treated, that’s for sure. The best option, when the expectant mother undergoes a course of health therapy in advance, even before pregnancy, and adopts a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet as a rule.

But if what happened has already happened, it is imperative to relieve attacks of aggravated gastritis and prevent their recurrence. Why is gastritis dangerous? Let's summarize.

Because of it, the woman’s general condition worsens, constant weakness and dizziness appear. The period of toxicosis lasts longer and is more severe.

Stomach cramps and frequent nausea and vomiting can cause uterine contractions and lead to miscarriage.

Untreated gastritis can eventually develop into a peptic ulcer and become the root cause of tumor formation.

It will not be possible to cure the chronic form of the disease during pregnancy due to contraindications in the use of many types of medications, but it is necessary and possible to calm irritation of the mucous membrane.

The most favorable treatment options during this period are herbal preparations and strict adherence to diet.

It is one of the most common pathologies that cover all age groups of patients. Pregnant women are no exception. According to statistics, 70% of girls expecting a child experience gastritis at least once. Almost all of them (99%) suffer from a chronic form of this disease.

Gastritis is an inflammatory disease of the gastric mucosa.

Gastritis manifests itself in inflammatory processes that affect the gastric mucosa. This lesion leads to disruptions in the functioning of the organ.

It is believed that most pregnant women experience gastritis if this disease has already visited them before. This rule applies to 75% of girls.

Bacteria entering the digestive tract is another factor that provokes gastritis.

Usually it ends up in the stomach long before the first signs of the disease appear. Having become infected even before the onset, women do not even suspect it, because the symptoms may not be felt for a long time.

An exacerbation begins at the moment when it is provoked by other factors. These include changes in hormonal levels, under the influence of which signs of the disease appear.

Since significant changes occur in the human body during pregnancy, all of them can also become stimulants of gastritis. This and Iron-deficiency anemia, and disruptions in the endocrine system, and infection. There are other reasons for the development of this disease:

  • non-compliance with the rules of a balanced diet;
  • frequent inclusion in products containing refined carbohydrates;
  • eating foods containing preservatives, dyes, and harmful flavors;
  • eating large amounts of food;
  • bad habits;
  • experiences, being in a stressful state.

Forms of gastritis

Nausea is a symptom of gastritis.

To determine the form of the disease, you need to take into account the set of symptoms. The most common ones are listed below:

  1. , often ending in vomiting;
  2. apparent feeling of hunger;
  3. rumbling in the stomach;
  4. if acidity increases, other manifestations of heartburn are possible;
  5. the stomach area feels full and bloated;
  6. pain in the upper abdomen, in the back, even in the hypochondrium; they are clearly felt in the first days of an exacerbation.

If nausea is accompanied by a clear urge to vomit, you cannot hold it back. At this moment, intragastric pressure increases; if it is not lowered, a tear in the mucous membrane of the gastric cardia is possible.

Each form of gastritis has its own symptoms, which are described below.

Acute gastritis

In case of acute gastritis, you should consult a doctor.

This form consists of inflammatory processes that involve the upper parts of the mucosa or penetrate into its deeper layers.

The main difference between the acute form is high speed development of pathology. Maximum – several days, more often – several hours.

At the same time, unpleasant signs unexpectedly appear, the provocateur is the intake, consumption of foods, medications that irritate the mucous membrane, and being in a nervous environment.

With acute gastritis, all the usual signs of this disease are observed, to which may be added. Appetite may disappear completely. If there is pain or other unpleasant sensations in the upper abdomen, you cannot ignore them.

An examination is required that will help to identify the pathology in time and correct the condition. Most often, discomfort in this area is caused by gastritis. The depth of damage in acute gastritis and the intensity of inflammation are the main indicators on which the classification of acute gastritis is based.

  • Catarrhal. In this form, the inflammation is superficial and is therefore considered mild. To normalize the condition in this form, special medications cannot be taken. The pathology develops quickly, but also quickly passes without much intervention. It is difficult to confuse this form with other diseases, because the symptoms are clearly expressed. All dyspeptic signs are present, including. The condition worsens general malaise, lethargy, elevated temperature, heart rhythm disturbances.
  • Erosive. This form is distinguished by the characteristics of mucosal damage. Small ulcers appear on it -. Such ulcers cause serious consequences. In addition to discomfort in the abdominal area, severe pain occurs, and bleeding inside the stomach may develop.
  • Hemorrhagic. This form is accompanied by inflammatory processes and deep erosive lesions of the mucous membrane, which lead to. Since quite a lot of blood is released, the stool becomes black. This is what is considered the defining feature in diagnosing this form.
  • Phlegmonous. With this type of gastritis, the inflammation is purulent in nature, resulting in destruction of the gastric wall. Fortunately, this form is rare. But this does not mean that you do not need to be vigilant. Indeed, with phlegmonous form death occurs frequently. This form can be recognized at an early stage by the usual signs of gastritis, accompanied by.

How to get rid of heartburn during pregnancy, watch the video:

Chronic gastritis

Crohn's disease affects the entire gastrointestinal tract.

In this form, inflammation lasts for a long time, the mucous membrane is destroyed gradually. Outwardly, this may not manifest itself at all, because an asymptomatic course is considered the norm.

Sometimes you can notice individual symptoms that are felt when certain circumstances. If, in the absence of provoking factors, chronic gastritis may not be noticed at all, then with sudden changes in the state of the body, an exacerbation begins.

Such provoking factors include pregnancy. Then outwardly it will manifest itself in pronounced toxicosis. It is quite difficult to cure the disease with conventional means in the first trimester. The varieties of chronic gastritis have their own classification:

Cerucal is a remedy for nausea.

Gastritis during pregnancy can be treated with medications prescribed by a doctor, or with the use of.

But also medicinal herbs can only be used after doctor's approval.

A prerequisite for successful treatment is strict adherence. Specific treatments depend on the level of acidity.

For high acidity, antacids and prokinetics are prescribed. With low acidity, enzymes are needed (stomach, pancreatic), combined agents stimulating digestion.

To normalize the state of the digestive organs, probiotics are used. Medicines that eliminate unwanted symptoms are also prescribed, for example, they are used against nausea.

During complex therapy, it is advisable to drink mineral water. With increased secretion of gastric secretions, drink Slavyanovskaya, Jermuk, Borjomi. For low acidity, Mirgorodskaya and Arzni are needed. But the latter method of therapy is used only in the absence of edema.

Diet features

Fruits diversify a pregnant woman's diet.

A positive treatment result is possible if you follow a diet. All food for a girl expecting a child is boiled, steamed, and stewed.

If she suffers from gastritis, this rule should under no circumstances be violated. All products are taken only natural. In case of exacerbation, the following is allowed:

  • except for the harsh taste;
  • thermally processed vegetables;
  • light soups;
  • omelettes;
  • jelly, .

When the exacerbation stage ends, the diet can be diversified. Then add the following products:

  1. porridge, pasta;
  2. low-fat Cape varieties, ;
  3. boiled potatoes;
  4. sour cream;
  5. dried gray bread;
  6. biscuits;
  7. boiled sausage without harmful additives.

The main condition is fractionality. Eat in small portions 5 – 6 times a day. All doctor's recommendations must be strictly followed. After all, all the unpleasant sensations from which the mother suffers have a negative effect on the fetus. Suffering especially badly emotional condition girl carrying a baby. However, gastritis does not have a direct destructive effect on the fetus.

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