Dmitry Rybolovlev: from a football-obsessed oligarch to a defendant in a corruption case. Russian billionaire Dmitry Evgenievich Rybolovlev: biography, personal life, career Paintings in the collection of billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev

A native of Perm, Dmitry Rybolovlev graduated from the local medical institute where his parents taught. The future member’s first business also turned out to be related to medicine: together with his father, he founded the Magnetix company, which specialized in magnetotherapy treatment.

But over time, Rybolovlev reoriented himself to trade and in 1992 in Moscow received a certificate from the Ministry of Finance to work with securities. After this, the businessman opened the investment company “Financial House” in Perm and a check investment fund that bought vouchers from the population to participate in the privatization of local industrial enterprises.

The largest manufacturer and exporter brought truly big capital to Rybolovlev mineral fertilizers" ". The process of privatization of the company began in 1992-1993, Rybolovlev’s structures actively participated in it, simultaneously purchasing shares of the enterprise on the market. In 2000, he consolidated more than 50% of the company's shares. In 2007, the company entered into an IPO, during which Rybolovlev sold 14% of his shares (80% at that time), receiving more than $1 billion for them.

In 2010-2011, he sold his stake to the senator’s structures for $5 billion. Since 1995, Rybolovlev lived most of the time in Switzerland, and in 2011 he emigrated to Monaco, investing in the same name football club$200 million

Rybolovlev’s largest investments after leaving Russia were investments in painting. IN total The billionaire spent $2 billion on paintings by Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Modigliani, Picasso, and Klimt. Now he is suing the art dealer Yves Bouvier, claiming that he artificially inflated the cost of works of art and defrauded him of almost $1 billion.

Capital Cash from the sale in 2010 of stakes in Uralkali (63%) and Silvinit (25%).

Collection Collection of paintings of European painting (Monet, Van Gogh, Gauguin, Modigliani, Picasso, Klimt, Rothko, etc.).

Divorce In 2015, he agreed on the terms of his divorce from ex-wife, agreed to pay her $604 million and gave her two houses in Switzerland; the litigation over the division of property lasted seven years.

Event In November 2018, Monaco police detained Rybolovlev for two days. The billionaire was questioned as part of the case against the Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier.

Court In October 2018, Rybolovlev sued Sotheby’s. The billionaire is demanding $380 million in compensation from the auction house for his assistance in fraud on the part of Yves Bouvier.

Deal In March 2017, he auctioned several paintings from his collection, including works by Pablo Picasso, Paul Gauguin and René Magritte. When selling them, he lost more than $120 million - that’s how much more the paintings cost Rybolovlev when he bought them through the mediation of the Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier. Previously, Rybolovlev lost more than $100 million during the sale of three paintings. He accused Bouvier of fraud and is suing him.

Deal In November 2017, he sold Leonardo da Vinci’s “Salvator Mundi” at Christie’s in New York for a record $450 million.

Toy Known for his passion for expensive real estate. One of the latest purchases is the mansion of Hollywood star Will Smith in Hawaii. The actor bought it in 2009 for $13.5 million, Rybolovlev paid $20 million for it. In 2013, he bought two islands in Greece for $100 million, which previously belonged to Aristotle Onassis. All purchases were made by family trusts.

Yacht The new 110-meter Anna, built at the Dutch shipyard Feadship, passed final tests in January 2019. Its estimated value is $300 million.

Sport In 2011 he bought FC Monaco. Before the start of the 2014 season, the club agreed to pay the French Professional Football League €50 million for refusing to move its headquarters to France (to equalize the situation with French clubs that pay more taxes). Last season, FC Monaco became the champion of France.

Detail Sponsored Leonid Parfenov’s films “The Backbone of Russia” and “The Eye of God”.

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10.07.2019 17:59

Rybolovlev sold former Trump estate in Florida piece by piece

Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev has sold the last of three plots of land on which US President Donald Trump's former Florida estate is located. Rybolovlev earned more than $13 million from the sale of property

Rybolovlev Dmitry Evgenievich is a Russian businessman, investor and philanthropist. He owns the potash producer Uralkali. In 2011, he became the owner of the majority of shares and president of the French football club AS Monaco. Dmitry Rybolovlev’s 25-year-old daughter Ekaterina is a famous socialite.

Origin and years of study

So how did you start your life path Dmitry Rybolovlev. His biography began quite normally. He was born in Perm in 1966. His parents were doctors and he family tradition Graduated from the Perm Medical Institute, becoming a cardiologist in 1990. Also in student years Dmitry Rybolovlev married Elena, one of his classmates, and in 1989 the couple had their first daughter, Katya (pictured below).

Began labor activity Dima Rybolovlev is a cardiologist and resuscitator, but he found his true calling in business. By his own admission, he was inspired to take this path by Theodore Dreiser's novel The Financier, which tells the story of a man who made his first fortune in Philadelphia selling soap and then became a successful stock market investor.

At the beginning of a business career

Rybolovlev's first business project was medical: together with his father, Evgeniy, he created a company called Magnetics, which offered forms of alternative treatment using magnetic fields - the so-called. "magnetic therapy" This was the time of the dominance of barter. Clients preferred to pay Rybolovlev’s company not with money, but with the industrial products or food they had, forcing them to look for buyers for them on their own. Having cut his teeth on resale, Dmitry Rybolovlev earned his first $1 million.

In 1992, Rybolovlev became the first businessman in the Perm region to receive a certificate from the Russian Ministry of Finance giving him the right to deal with securities, and in the same year he opened an investment company. In 1994, he founded a bank and acquired shares in several industrial enterprises in Perm.

In 1995, Rybolovlev sold most of his shares and concentrated capital in the Uralkali enterprise, operating in the potash industry. Gaining control over this enterprise cost him dearly. While property rights were being formalized in 1995-97, Rybolovlev managed to serve almost a year in a Perm pre-trial detention center on charges of contract murder, but was eventually acquitted and was able to finally begin the reorganization of Uralkali.

Development of Uralkali

Over the next 15 years, Dmitry Rybolovlev focused on developing his main asset and ultimately turned it into a large enterprise by world standards. By completely changing the management team and making it a priority to increase productivity, he achieved that from 2000 to 2007. Labor productivity at Uralkali increased 2.5 times.

In 2005, Uralkali and the Belarusian potash fertilizer producer Belaruskali (with 1.5 times the production volume of Uralkali) merged their trade flows through a single trader, the Belarusian Potash Company (BPC), in which Rybolovlev became executive director. Over the next three years, potash prices increased more than fivefold, and Uralkali came to control almost a third of its global exports. In 2007, a very successful IPO of Uralkali shares took place, which was rated by financial investment investors as one of the most successful Russian initial offerings.

Almost a detective story with flooding

In 2006, when the IPO was originally scheduled, one of Uralkali’s mines was flooded. Newspaper " TVNZ» estimated the company's losses at several hundred million dollars. But the most interesting thing is something else. It turns out that a few days before this accident, Dmitry Rybolovlev canceled the placement of shares on the stock exchange. If this had not happened, the newly placed shares would have plummeted in price and the losses would have been huge. After the consequences of the accident were eliminated in 2007, the placement still took place.

In 2008, Rybolovlev began a conflict with the Russian government in the person of Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, who initiated an investigation into the accident in order to determine the guilt of the enterprise management. Some observers drew parallels with the Yukos case. But ultimately, the amount of damages was agreed upon, and Rybolovlev retained his ownership of Uralkali.

Parting with your favorite asset

In June 2010, Rybolovlev sold a 53% stake in Uralkali to a group of Russian investors: Suleiman Kerimov (25%), (15%) and (13.2%). The value of the deal was not disclosed, but was reported to be around $5.3 billion.

In December 2010, Uralkali announced that it had plans to purchase another large potash enterprise, Silvinit, and form, on the basis of these two companies, the largest producer of potash fertilizers in the world. The merger was completed in July 2011. By that time, in April 2011, Rybolovlev had already formalized the sale of the remaining 10% of his shares in Uralkali to one of its new co-owners, Alexander Nesis. Thus, he received into his hands pure capital in cash, which will allow him to spend the second half of his life in accordance with his ideas about it.

Investment in Bank of Cyprus

In September 2010, Rybolovlev bought a 9.7% stake in the Bank of Cyprus. This was followed by his long personal acquaintance with the country, the result of which was the decision to support the construction of St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church in Limassol.

On March 25, 2013, the EU Eurogroup agreed with the Government of Cyprus that the Bank of Cyprus would take over the balance of Laika Bank. To finance the transaction and save the Bank of Cyprus from bankruptcy, it was also decided that deposits exceeding €100,000 would be reduced by 90%. In exchange, account holders will receive shares in Bank of Cyprus, thus diluting Rybolovlev's stake in it.

Passion for football

In December 2011, the trust, acting on behalf of Rybolovlev's daughter Ekaterina, bought a 66% stake in the football club AS Monaco FC, which is based in Monaco but plays in the French football league. The remaining 34% of the club's shares belong to the ruling princely family of Monaco, the Grimaldi, and the purchase of the club by Rybolovlev was approved by Prince Albert II of Monaco. Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev was subsequently appointed president of the club.

Following this appointment, Monaco became one of the most generous clubs in European football, spending huge sums on players including Falcao and Joao Moutinho.

In March 2015, in an interview with Nice Matin, Rybolovlev reaffirmed his long-term commitment to the club.

Philanthropic activities

Rybolovlev is an active philanthropist. He supported the restoration of the Oranienbaum Palace building near St. Petersburg; finances the “Russian Olympians Support Fund” and the restoration of the Conception Monastery in Moscow. Rybolovlev donated €17.5 million to restore the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in this monastery. He also financed the restoration of the iconostasis of the Cathedral of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in the Belogorsk Monastery of St. Nicholas. Apparently, helping to recreate the former beauty of historical and spiritual monuments of Russia has become the life goal of a person like Dmitry Rybolovlev.

The oligarch’s personal life did not work out

He is currently experiencing divorce proceedings, which is rarely discussed publicly. In April 2012, Rybolovlev's press secretary admitted that "he was not a model husband. Mr. Rybolovlev never denied his infidelities, but his wife knew about it for many years and passively accepted them."

The ex-wife of Dmitry Rybolovlev previously rejected the proposed ex-husband compensation amount of $800 million. She wanted larger amount, and in May 2014, a Geneva court awarded her $4.8 billion in compensation. However, the court also ruled that the trusts created for their daughters are immune from lawsuits. How many children does Dmitry Rybolovlev have? Daughter Ekaterina, born in 1989, and her sister Anna, born in 2001, are very wealthy people thanks to their father.

However, the court included the total assets transferred by Rybolovlev to the trustees of the two Cypriot trusts in the calculation of the spouses' property, which should be divided equally between them in accordance with Swiss law. He also gave Elena Rybolovleva the right of guardianship over youngest daughter Anna, and also transferred her ownership of various real estate properties outside of trusts, works visual arts and antiques.

At the same time, lawyers for billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev announced that they were going to appeal the court ruling. And Mark Bonnant, the lawyer representing Elena Rybolovleva, speaking in an interview in December 2014, acknowledged that the May 2014 court ruling did not represent a final decision, and that this “lengthy process” would drag on until a solution agreed to by both parties was reached.

In June 2015, Rybolovlev's lawyers successfully appealed the 2014 decision. The Geneva court overturned the earlier decision, reducing the compensation to 604 million Swiss francs, which is significantly less than the 800 million Swiss francs that Rybolovlev repeatedly offered his ex-wife. However, according to the latest decision, she received ownership of two real estate properties in Geneva.

Healing the mental wounds inflicted on him by the divorce process, Rybolovlev actively surfs, especially in Hawaii.

On Forbes magazine's 2015 list of billionaires, he is listed as number 156 in the world with a net worth of $8.5 billion.

Dmitry Rybolovlev is an amazing person. His life is full of the most incredible events and rumors, trials and adventures. Having a diploma in cardiology, he was a broker and trader, a potassium king and a banker. He knows exactly what to spend his dollars on and actively invests in yachts, paintings, real estate, even islands

Reference Information:

  • Date of Birth: November 22, 1966;
  • Education: Perm Medical Institute;
  • start date entrepreneurial activity/age: 1990 / 24 years old;
  • Type of activity at start: medical services;
  • Current activity: controlling shareholder of the Bank of Cyprus;
  • Current state: $7.3 billion, according to Forbes 2017.

Rybolovlev Dmitry Evgenievich - a famous Russian billionaire, a cardiologist with honors, who changed medicine to business, former owner Uralkali and the controlling shareholder of the Bank of Cyprus, a striking example of an entrepreneur who rose on the wave of privatization, a successful businessman. The figure, by his own statement, is non-public and, moreover, very controversial, if not scandalous.

His biography is full of the most incredible events and rumors. They started talking about him not when he earned his billions, but when his wife filed for divorce, when news about trials in which his name appeared was on the pages of the media.

Birth of an oligarch

Dmitry Rybolovlev was born on November 22, 1966 into a family of doctors from Perm. One of his fellow students called Dmitry’s parents a classic intelligentsia: “his father is a Chekhovian zemstvo doctor with a beard, his mother is a strong-willed woman.”

Some sources on the Internet mention that he is an Avar by nationality, others that he is a Russian Jew.

It may seem strange, but for him the saying “where you were born, you came in handy” became prophetic. It was in his native place that the foundation of his company was laid.

Almost no one in the family wondered what profession their son should choose: he should become the successor of the family dynasty. What could be better! Moreover, when the moment of choice came, and this was the year of graduation high school, there was an indestructible Union of free republics, and doctors in this country were not among its poorest representatives.

Dmitry had everything for a successful career. Yes, Perm is not the biggest Russian city, but for the Urals it is practically a metropolis, and his parents are reputable doctors who have practiced in urban areas for many years medical institutions, and by the time their son graduated from school, they were working at a medical institute. It is clear that their circle of acquaintances was in one way or another connected with this area.

And when he said that “there was no choice,” Dmitry himself meant that there simply wasn’t one. Only medicine. In his own words, he was a classic “professor’s son”, cut off from the realities of life, not thinking about the prospects, and had no aversion to medicine. He entered the “family” university - Perm honey. Perhaps, upon admission, the authority of the parents served as an additional point, but the student refused to use this same authority further of his own free will; he sincerely dreamed of learning the basics of the cardiologist profession on his own. And that is why, already from the second year, I studied and worked at the same time, moreover, in my specialty. I even enjoyed medical work, first working as an orderly, then as a nurse in the cardiac intensive care unit, where patients were brought after myocardial infarction. This job forced him to grow up.

“I was such a professor’s son, and this experience taught me a lot. Allowed me to encounter for the first time real life"(hereinafter statements from an interview with D. Rybolovlev)

Dmitry completed his education in 1990 with a “honorable” diploma, which could be an excellent start to his career. He even entered into an internship and worked in the intensive care unit of the City Clinical Hospital, but...

The beginning of the 90s gave workers in “intelligent” professions a choice: work in their specialty and live half-starvedly, or search for additional sources of income in the field of entrepreneurship.

And yesterday’s student has a wife - Dmitry married his fellow student Elena Chuprakova in his third year - and Katenka, a daughter who appeared in 1989. He decided to make drastic changes.

“... it’s not that I really wanted to, but rather I had to go into business. However, over time I liked it even more.”

Which is not at all surprising. After all, by his own admission, it was not the zemstvo doctors who were his favorite characters; he read Dreiser’s trilogy “The Financier”, “Titan” and “Stoic”, main character which, tycoon Frank Cowperwood, is certainly a great personality, who managed to go against the whole world.

We can say that Rybolovlev was lucky with his father-in-law: Valery Chuprakov was the director of a mineral fertilizer plant in Perm, which greatly contributed to the multiplication of the young entrepreneur’s connections.

Rice. 1. With daughter Katya.

A successful start for an aspiring entrepreneur

The success story of Dmitry Rybolovlev began with his first business project, born in 1990, the Magnetix company, which, as expected, had a medical profile. Registering a company and writing the charter, the former medical intern had to deal with lawyers, administration, and a bank for the first time. He even brought his father into the business - or rather, his medical authority.

"My father developed new method treatment - so-called magnetic therapy, exposure magnetic field to certain points. This was the topic of his doctoral dissertation. And, as it turned out, this technique is in high demand at large industrial enterprises, with which we began to enter into contracts for the treatment of employees. This was my first business experience.”

By the way, the business that the young man took up was completely unusual for provincial Perm - the improvement of the city’s industrial elite through devices that act with a magnetic field on the most problematic points of organisms tired of business and some excesses.

His Magnetix entered into contracts with large industrial enterprises for the treatment of their employees. But due to the crisis in the country, large companies Money there was none, and they often paid Rybolovlev with their products. The resulting goods were successfully sold, so that often the profit from their resale significantly exceeded the income from the main business.

Now there was enough money to live on. But the first adventure generated an appetite, which the younger Rybolovlev managed to appease only by deciding to take the next step: the second, third, etc.

He understood that he would not be able to make much money from treatment. Trade brings much more.

By the way, the internship was not completed. Dmitry dropped out of school for about six months.

“Dmitry is a person with amazing strategic sense. He realized that to develop trade, a large working capital“that the one who can make large volumes and reduce the price will survive, and began to look for a new, more profitable niche” (former manager of an entrepreneur in an interview with Ogonyok).


He chooses to trade securities. To do this, in the spring of 1992, the young entrepreneur went to the capital and completed broker courses at the Ministry of Finance. He returned from Moscow with a brokerage certificate and a carload of beer, which he sold and earned his first million. In the capital, the entrepreneur also acquired software for maintaining a register of shareholders.

With the start of voucher privatization, register holders were in great demand. And his new investment brokerage company Incombrok offered enterprises of the Perm region a new service for that time - maintaining a register of shareholders, which quickly became in demand. Privatization made tens of thousands of workers co-owners of their enterprises. Organizing the accounting of shareholder rights for the “Red Directors” and officials turned out to be a difficult task. Therefore, Rybolovlev’s proposal came in very handy. A cooperation agreement was signed with the regional state property management committee. And the first contract was received to maintain the register of shareholders of Uralkali, the basis of its future wealth. It didn’t take long for Dmitry to become the largest holder of the region’s shareholder databases.

It's time for a big buy.


He didn’t come up with anything extraordinary, he acted simply: Uralkali paid for maintaining the register, with this money Dmitry bought shares from workers, a block of shares was sold at a higher price, the proceeds were spent on buying shares from workers... The scheme also worked at other plants .

Moreover, the Zhiguli cars that Rybolovlev offered to workers in exchange for shares turned out to be much more attractive than dollars from foreigners.

“He is a genius of communication: in business communication I don't know anyone equal to him. I came across situations where, with minimal chances, he managed to convince his partners and competitors of the validity of his position” (Andrey Pokhmelkin, lawyer).

He managed to convince the heads of 17 largest enterprises in the Perm region, including Uralkali, Silvinit and Avisma, to become founders of the Credit FD bank and direct their flows through it. He himself headed it in 1994. Now the bank's resources were used to buy securities. As a result of the purchase of minority stakes in enterprises, Rybolovlev was a member of the Board of Directors and now had a much better understanding of what was happening inside them.

This is how he became the owner of a sufficient number of shares in Uralkali, a company that carried out developments at one of the world's largest deposits of potassium salts, and in 1995 he headed its Board of Directors.

Naturally, it turned out to concentrate specifically on the potash industry - the result of the selection of enterprises in which it is worth investing, which became the foundation of his future empire.

“When you realize that you are already an owner, you delve into the business differently. It becomes more interesting, and you get out of all the other “tails” in order to get the maximum here.”

"Uralkali" or "from prison and from the scrip..."

A doctor with a degree in cardiology became a fertilizer specialist. It was possible, of course, to get involved in oil, but the territory was occupied, LUKOIL had already appeared. And enterprises associated with the production of potash fertilizers were a very tasty morsel.

“I consolidated the controlling stake in 2000. However, he established real control over Uralkali earlier - in the mid-1990s.”

This was a sharp turn in his activities - the sight had already been made at a very large cost. But, as you know, big money is in new Russia very promising serious problems. And for Dmitry Rybolovlev it was costly.

The arrogant cardiologist who headed Uralkali became a target for crime bosses for precisely this reason. And not only. The leaders of the region were also dissatisfied, noting that the new chairman of the Board of Directors was taking away serious financial power in the region.

Rice. 2. Owner of Uralkali.
Source: website

The situation was so serious that his wife and daughter had to be taken to Switzerland, and guards were assigned to his parents, and all the directors of his enterprises were guarded. The year was 1995. It was unsafe in Russia.

“He himself left the bank only under the cover of a human shield of security guards. At one time, several identical Rybolovlev cars with identical license plates were cruising around the city” (according to the recollections of a businessman’s friend).

Also in 1995, Evgeny Panteleimonov, the director of Neftekhimik, was shot dead, the only one who refused security. For Dmitry himself, this murder could have been fatal.

But Rybolovlev preferred not to exaggerate the threats from the bandits; he considered the measures he had taken to be quite sufficient.

“I never paid anyone. There were, of course, outsiders. But I didn’t even discuss any roof with anyone. There are certain principles. They should be. Life tests them all the time, but for me it has always been absolutely necessary to feel like an independent and independent person. I am not an idealist and I understand that there is no such thing as absolute freedom, but any encroachment on it from the outside is unacceptable to me.”

And yet the thunder struck. In May 1996, Rybolovlev was put in jail on charges of murdering Panteleimonov. He was acquitted by the court only in the winter of 1997. And before that, he spent 11 months in a pre-trial detention center, released on bail of 1,000,000,000 rubles. And I received very important lesson: money, even the biggest one, does not guarantee protection from “assault”; rather, on the contrary, it only attracts trouble.

Now, even while expanding his Uralkali (a deal with Belaruskali and chairmanship of the supervisory board of the newly created Belarusian Potash Company organization for joint sales), being able to make competent decisions for both concerns, he was thinking about how he could competently get out of this business. And he got rid of assets in Russia (2010, 53.2% of shares - to the companies Kaliha Finance Limited of Suleiman Kerimov, Aerellia Investments Limited of Alexander Nesis and Becounioco Holdings Limited of Filaret Galchev). By the way, it was then that Rybolovlev, in payment for part of the Uralkali package, was given Voentorg, one of the most famous Soviet stores, which is now being bought by the Chinese Fosun International.

The last 10% of the shares were sold to the structure of Alexander Nesis in 2011. And at the same time he gains actual control over the Bank of Cyprus, the largest bank in Cyprus, by purchasing 9.7% of its shares. Rybolovlev becomes a banker. And also the sponsor and owner of the Monaco football club.

If there were a “media hero of the month” nomination in our country, then in October of this year it would certainly be the Russian billionaire and emigrant Dmitry Rybolovlev. At first, the oligarch found himself at the center of a scandal, which was analyzed in detail in Novaya Gazeta. The publication published further revelations about the theft of €3 billion from Vneshprombank.

It turned out that, among other things, money was stolen from the accounts of relatives top elite Russia - former head of the presidential administration Sergei Ivanov, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak and head of the state-owned Transneft Nikolai Tokarev. A few days after the publication, an instruction to Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika appeared on the website of Russian President Vladimir Putin. The document orders an investigation into the circumstances of the 2006 accident at the Uralkali enterprise owned by Rybolovlev, due to which the city of Berezniki began to go underground Perm region. Vneshprombank collapsed in January 2016. At the same time, it was discovered that 215 billion rubles had disappeared from bank accounts, which marked the end of Russia’s largest financial pyramid. The scam has been compared to the American pyramid scheme of Bernard Madoff. He cheated about 3 million people and several hundred financial organizations for $64.8 billion, for which he was sentenced to 150 years in prison. The Russian "Madoffs" - the children of the murdered mafia "Alik Bedzhamo" Larisa Marcus and Georgy Bedzhamov - in total stole more than €3 billion from the largest Russian state corporations and the Kremlin elite. By US standards, this is not such a lot of money, but for Russia, the theft of more than €3 billion of VIP clients from a bank that seemed to be the most reliable just yesterday had the effect of a bomb exploding. In addition to the families of Ivanov, Kozak and Shoigu, they held accounts in the bankrupt bank largest companies countries, including Rosneft, Rosneftegaz, Transneft. The Russian Olympic Committee and the structures of the Russian Orthodox Church were also affected. Those responsible for the theft of billions were quickly identified - Larisa Marcus was detained in Moscow, and Georgy Bedzhamov managed to escape abroad, but was arrested in Monaco through Interpol. Usually, Monaco easily and quickly extradites Russian fugitives, but here there was a glitch. The court of the principality first refused to extradite the former owner of Vneshprombank, citing problems with his health, and then released him on bail. Now Bedzhamov has fled to England “to undergo treatment,” and rumors have spread in Monaco and Russia about the involvement of Russian billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev in the miraculous release. The version voiced in the above-mentioned article “ New Newspaper", is now acquiring new reliable details. Well-informed sources confirmed that “Dmitry really got seriously involved in this situation,” using all his resources available in the Principality of Monaco. What motivated the billionaire, besides general love for humanity? Only the lazy did not write about the extremely close relationship between Mr. Rybolovlev and Prince Albert II of Monaco. They became friends in the field of football, and the friendship turned into the oligarch’s acquisition of a controlling stake in Albert’s favorite toy, the Monaco football club, with subsequent multimillion-dollar injections. Much less is known about the Russian billionaire’s highly corrupt connections with Albert’s inner circle - the head of Monaco’s justice services, Philippe Narmino, the principality’s police chief Paul Masseron and other officials whose role in the Bedzhamov story seems much less significant. While it was from Monsieur Narmino that instructions came on behalf of the prince to all levels of the law enforcement system of the principality, which ensured the release of the banker. Of course, not for beautiful eyes. Through the network of security officials corrupted by Rybolovlev, Bedzhamov was made an offer that he could not refuse. For leaving prison and ensuring immunity from extradition to Russia, the fugitive undertook to hand over €300 million to Rybolovlev. Initially, Bedzhamov offered to take his yacht Ester III, built at one of the best shipyards in the world, German Lurssen, for €73 million euros as payment. but was refused. The experienced tycoon learned in advance that the yacht was mortgaged under a loan of €55 million from the BNP Paribas bank and therefore offered to sell it quickly, giving the proceeds in foreign currency. At first glance, it is not clear: why did the ex-owner of Uralkali sign up for Bedzhamov? Of course, €300 million is good money, but Dmitry’s fortune is different sources is estimated at €8-9 billion euros, and part of what was received from the fugitive went to Monegasque lawyers. So is the game worth the candle? Couldn't Dmitry Rybolovlev have gone into a less risky business? The fact is that the deal consisted of two parts. In addition to €300 million, the fugitive banker agreed to transfer to the “savior” the entire array of confidential data on the use of funds by VIP clients of Vneshprombank. Including all classified information on transactions on offshore and other accounts of relatives of Kremlin officials. So Rybolovlev found himself in the hands of compromising evidence, the value of which is difficult to overestimate. But for what purpose did he need it? Collecting such materials is extremely dangerous. Their last “collector,” oligarch Boris Berezovsky, was found hanged in the bathroom of his own mansion. Most likely, there are two reasons. Emigrant Rybolovlev would like to take revenge on everyone who remained in their homeland, all Russian elite, which did not accept him and, as he believes, forced him out of the country. The story of Bedzhamov is a message to those in power in Russia: “If you want to keep money in Monaco or other Western banks, consider me!” In addition, the tycoon wants to serve the new owners, whose friendship and support he now hopes for. We are talking about Western intelligence services, which Lately They are actively hunting for the foreign accounts of the Russian elite. Those who know Rybolovlev closely are not surprised by his desire to collect incriminating evidence in Monaco. He acted in the same way in Cyprus, where, being the largest shareholder of the Bank of Cyprus, he corrupted Attorney General and other prominent representatives of law enforcement agencies in Cyprus, actively collected confidential information about deposits and transactions of clients of Cypriot banks. One of Rybolovlev’s close friends, who has been participating with him in all commercial transactions for many years, also benefited from the operation to free Bedzhamov. This is about former governor Perm region, minister natural resources and Assistant to the President of Russia, and now Deputy Prime Minister and authorized representative President in the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev. Recently, no less has been written about the “Perm tandem” of a Kremlin official and an oligarch than about the Monegasque duet of Rybolovlev and Prince Albert. The accident at the Uralkali mine in Berezniki, already mentioned in the context of the presidential decree, casts a shadow not only on Rybolovlev, but at the time official version sole owner of the plant. Uralkali was then found not guilty thanks to the lobbying of Governor Trutnev. He saved the oligarch not only from the wrath of the Kremlin, but also from another criminal prosecution. Trutnev officially stated that “considering Uralkali’s guilt in this is hardly appropriate.” According to informed sources from Rybolovlev’s inner circle, Deputy Prime Minister Trutnev has long been his business partner, and he equal shares belonged to Uralkali. After the sale of Uralkali for $9 billion, half of this money, according to the same sources, was received by a high-ranking official. Dmitry Rybolovlev's move to Europe slightly separated friends. While the emigrant capitalist enjoys the patronage of foreign friends in his “domains” in Monaco and Cyprus, the official resides permanently in the territory Russian Federation- usually in the White House or the Kremlin. However, distance is not a hindrance to true friendship, especially if this friendship is involved in jointly acquired billions and, possibly, criminal skeletons in the closet. Is it not surprising that not a single visit of Rybolovlev to Moscow is complete without an obligatory meeting and consultation with a senior comrade? What feelings does Yuri Petrovich Trutnev experience when regularly meeting with his government colleagues, heads of state-owned companies and large businessmen? That is, with the very people whose money was stolen by Bedzhamov & Co, and then migrated into the pockets of Mr. Rybolovlev, and, consequently, into the pockets of Plenipotentiary Trutnev himself? Does he share his partner’s vengeful joy and feel sympathy? Or maybe he is thinking of donating his share back to the families of the victims free of charge? Although unlikely. After all, partners in income are always partners in expenses. And according to the portal and a number of Western sources, Rybolovlev generously spent funds to help Maidan Ukraine. Dmitry carried out monetary transactions through the accounts of his confidant - Tatyana Bersheda, the daughter of the former 1st Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Yevgeny Bersheda, known for his active anti-Russian position. This is probably how Dmitry Rybolovlev got into the role" eminence grise"Monaco forgot that he is still a citizen of the Russian Federation. And from the point of view of Russian legislation, he has already violated a number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, interfering with the actions of the investigation and the administration of justice in relation to Bedzhamov, participating in the theft of funds from Vneshprombank clients, and also committing actions directed against the geopolitical interests of their country.Perhaps the Russian law enforcement agencies and it’s time for state security agencies to become interested in the large-scale illegal activities of Mr. Rybolovlev? At the same time, recent publications can be safely considered as a sufficient information basis for carefully understanding the activities of the fugitive oligarch as part of a criminal investigation.

Dmitry Rybolovlev is known for his passion for paintings, expensive real estate and football. In 2011, he became the owner of AS Monaco.

The biography of the billionaire began on November 22, 1966 in Perm. IN Soviet time Perm was closed to foreigners, as the city was concentrated a large number of objects of defense significance. Military engines and missiles were produced here.

In 2011, Dmitry Rybolovlev moved for permanent residence to Monaco, where the businessman acquired the Monaco football club. In just over three years, the businessman managed to bring the club from outsiders to the Champions League.

In 2013, the businessman acquired two Greek islands and a luxurious mansion.

Social activity

The businessman often supported socially significant projects and donated funds to charity. Rybolovlev’s donation for the restoration of the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary at the capital’s monastery amounted to € 15.5 million. With the financial participation of the businessman, other churches in Russia were built and restored. On November 25, 2010, he awarded Rybolovlev the Order of the Holy Venerable, 1st degree, for financing the restoration of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Moscow Conception Monastery.

Personal life

Dmitry Rybolovlev married classmate Elena Anatolyevna Chuprakova in 1987, then the young man was in his third year. Two years later, the future cardiologist and wife Elena had a daughter, Ekaterina. The businessman has two children: his second daughter, Anna, was born in 2001. In the 90s, Rybolovlev feared for the safety of his family, so he sent his wife and daughter to Switzerland, where they still live.

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Elena Rybolovleva

In 2008, divorce proceedings began. It lasted almost 7 years and was very difficult. In the spring of 2014, a Geneva court filed a divorce and ordered Dmitry Evgenievich to pay ex-wife$4.5 billion, transfer of real estate in Switzerland and other assets. The businessman appealed this decision - as a result, the amount of payments was reduced to $604 million. In October 2015, it became known that the Rybolovlevs had agreed on the division of property.

After the divorce, billionaire Dmitry Rybolovlev was not noticed in serious relationship. Several times the businessman appeared in the company of the model from Belarus Tatyana Diaghileva, but the romance between the blue-eyed blonde and the private investor never ended.

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The oligarch was seen more than once surrounded by Organic Religion juice producer and model Anna Barsukova at various social events and matches in Monaco. The couple's first official appearance almost took place at the AmfAR charity auction in 2015, but the couple quickly separated, never getting caught on camera, although the paparazzi managed to capture a number of joint photos. Rybolovlev does not let journalists get close and keeps his personal life a secret from the public.

The eldest daughter, Ekaterina, received her education abroad and began riding professionally. In 2012, the girl participated in the Gucci Masters competition in Villepinte, a year later she received required level professional qualification at the Longines competition in London. Ekaterina is the beneficiary of trust companies managing Rybolovlev’s capital. The billionaire heiress owns a 10-room penthouse in New York, the cost of which reached $88 million.

Skorpios Island

Father also gave eldest daughter Skorpios island in the Ionian Sea, which formerly belonged to Aristotle Onassis. The billionaire had to shell out $126 million for the piece of paradise where Jacqueline Kennedy used to vacation. In 2015, Ekaterina Rybolovleva married a Uruguayan financier, a Harvard graduate who made a career in Switzerland, Juan Sartori.

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