Dream interpretation white angel. Why do you dream of a guardian angel - interpretation of sleep from dream books

Loff's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about an angel:

Given the growing interest modern man to religion, it is not at all surprising that angels have become frequent characters in our dreams. Their images, stories about them, their high spirituality left a mark on the collective UNCONSCIOUS of society.
“Angel” is translated as messenger, so in a dream angels play the role of bearers of a certain message. If necessary, in addition to the usual classic functions, they can provide additional assistance. Since most religions and philosophical movements assign an extremely important place to the image of an angel in their theories of vision of the world, this topic requires closer consideration. For example, JUNG in its worldview system identified so-called “spiritual mentors”.
These were spirits endowed with knowledge and vision, Jung's Angel is a kind of spiritual mentor and teacher. The role of religious angels has traditionally been interpreted as the role of messengers. They are sent for a specific purpose and only convey a certain divine thought without entering into dialogue. Revelation, not dialogue, is the mission of the angel in this context.
In popular literature of the 1970s, angels increasingly become involved in worldly affairs. They patch flat tires, prevent car accidents, and protect dilapidated houses from natural disasters. This demonstrates the need of modern man for reliable protection from a hostile world.
Angels have become something of a wish-granter - remember, for example, the character Kazuu, who fulfilled all of Fred Flintstone's wishes in the cartoon "The Flintstone Family". Kazuu, the green alien, always appeared in front of Fred in moments of danger: he helped in difficult times and loved to show magic tricks. These are the ones who provide assistance in difficult situations- see angels in a dream. IN real life we can turn to an angel for help, just as we turn to our friends for help.
Sometimes the source of help is invisible and unknown. Trying to find a solution to your pressing problems, you turn to the unknown. This is called projecting desires.
And finally, the angel can personify the usual message,
To determine which of the above interpretations suits you best, you will need a thorough analysis of the dream. Is there a place for such creatures in your worldview? If not, then your angel is an attempt to find help from the outside, a projection of desire.
Did your angel talk in his sleep or was he taciturn and mysterious?
If he did, then what?
If he did, then how?
In what area of ​​life are you experiencing difficulties, the solution of which is beyond your strength and capabilities? Are you experiencing a lack of emotional support in your personal struggles and spiritual quests?

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing an angel in a dream means:

Ukrainian dream book

A dream with an angel in the dream book is interpreted as:

Seeing an angel is good news or a warning before an unreasonable act; hearing it is an unkind fortune telling; to be one is success for a healthy person, patience for a sick person. Talk to an angel - near death one of the relatives; just seeing him means you will meet a beautiful woman. Angel in a dream - happiness, joy, peace of mind.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dreaming with an angel means:

Seeing an angel in a dream is a sign of calm and peace. There will come a time when all people will live happily.
If you dreamed that you were an angel, then such a dream means that one of the people close to you really needs your help and you are able to help him.
If in a dream an angel calls you to heaven, the dream warns of a serious illness that threatens you or one of your relatives.
To see in a dream a city in which angels live - such a dream indicates that in the future your life will somehow come into contact with a state with the beautiful name Taiwan (“Taiwan” translated means “city of angels”),

Miller's Dream Book

Angel dream meaning:

Seeing angels in a dream foretells impressions that will confuse and disturb your soul. This dream promises a change of fate.
If the dream is unusually pleasant, then you will receive news about the well-being of friends or an inheritance from unknown relatives.
The dream may be a warning about possible gossip that will affect your affairs or cordial relationships.
For good people a dream about angels is a consolation; it encourages the evil ones to repent.

Miller's Dream Book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of an angel:

Warning about gossip concerning personal life; to see - impressions that will confuse and disturb your soul; if the dream is pleasant - news of the well-being of friends or an inheritance; for good people it is a consolation, for evil people- encourages repentance.

Solomon's Dream Book

What an angel might dream about:

happiness joy, peace of mind.

French dream book

Angel in a dream means:

The angel dreams of increasing honors and wealth. Seeing flying angels in a dream is good news. If these dreams often visit you, this is a bad sign; Beware of ill-considered words.

English dream book

If a girl dreams of an angel, it means:

Seeing angels in a dream is a very happy and blessed sign. If angels surround you in a dream, it means that you have faithful and good friends next to you in life. For a married woman, this dream is a promise of a big, strong and friendly family; if there are two angels, it means she is destined to give birth to twins. This is also a happy sign for all loving souls - their marriage will be happy and lasting, and true friends will accompany them in life.

Old Russian dream book

Why does a woman dream about an angel:

well-being; talking is the death of a friend.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Angel in a dream from Hasse's dream book

talking to him means the imminent death of one of the relatives
see him - you will meet a good friend.

Freud's Dream Interpretation

Angel in a dream from Freud's dream book

An angel in a dream symbolizes your fear of death.

If one of your loved ones or acquaintances turns into an angel, then this symbolizes your fears about their health.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Angel in a dream from Tsvetkov's dream book

talking is the death of a friend.
Or an angel literally, like a dream character.

Slavic dream book

Angel in a dream from Slavic dream book


Azar's Dream Book

Angel in a dream from Dream Interpretation of Azar

Good luck in business

Esoteric dream book

Angel in a dream from Esoteric dream book

With white wings, or a traditional look - to sadness, death of loved ones. Someone who called himself an angel - help, support.

Muslim dream book

Angel in a dream from Muslim dream book

If someone sees in a dream the close angels, such as Gabriel, Michael, Israfil and Azrael in joy, pleasure, good condition and good disposition, that person will achieve a high place and a respectable rank in matters of religion and in worldly affairs, and the gates of knowledge and wisdom will be revealed before his face, and he will be safe from all disasters. And if the one who sees such a dream is sick, he will receive healing, and if he is obsessed with fear or grief, he will be completely freed from them. And if someone sees that he is fighting with one of the angels, especially with Azrael or Michael, this means that his death is near, i.e. he should repent in Dream Interpretation of Meneghetti

Angel in a dream from Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

Symbolizes an alien, non-positive influence, something different from human nature. In many respects it does not correspond to the parameters of earthly reality. The symbol does not convey positivity and is not functional for a person on this planet. Indicates the presence of something alien that the dreamer does not know about. It is either a sign of the influence of negative psychology or the action of a deviation monitor. Belief in false assumptions or beliefs.

Dream book for men

Angel in a dream from Dream Interpretation for Men

A sign of rest and peace. In your life, as they say, everything will work out, problems will be solved with minimal intervention from you. If you had a dream in which you see yourself as an angel, your relatives or friends need your help, and it is entirely within your power to help them. A black angel means that soon you will have to be tormented by doubts about the correctness of your actions. Don't regret anything, listen to your intuition. If an angel calls you to follow him in a dream, the dream foreshadows a serious illness for you or your family. If the angel in your dream is sad and even sheds tears, think about your actions. Perhaps, for the sake of your career, you sacrificed the norms of morality and conscience. A smiling angel foretells your appearance true love, and the main thing is not to miss it, to recognize it in time.

  • Ustaz Abu Said, may Allah be pleased with him, believes that the appearance of angels in dreams, known as angels bringing news, means signs warning of impending serious changes in the lives of those who meet angels in dreams. Greatness, strength, power, a joyful event, victory after oppression, healing after illness, peace after fear, prosperity after difficulties, wealth after poverty, liberation after hardship await these persons. A person who sees angels in a dream will have to perform Hajj or take part in ghazavat and give his life for faith. If someone sees in a dream how he is fighting with Jibril and Mikail, peace be upon them, or is arguing with them, then this means that in such a situation he will have to experience the wrath of the Almighty from time to time, for his opinion coincides with the opinion of the Jews, God forbid! If in someone’s dream Jibril, peace be upon him, gives the sleeping person some food, then this means that this person, insha Allah, will be among the inhabitants of Paradise. The appearance of Archangel Jibril, peace be upon him, with a sad or worried face is a sign that the person who sees this Angel in a dream will face difficulties and punishment. It is known that Jibril, peace be upon him, is also the Angel of Punishment. Meeting Mikail in a dream, may peace be upon him, indicates that the one who saw this dream will achieve what he wants in the present and future life , if he is pious and devout, but if he is not, then let him beware. If they see in a dream that Mikail appears in any city or village, then the residents of these places will experience heavy rain and a decrease in prices. If Mikail, peace be upon him, speaks to the sleeping person or gives him some thing, then this is to prosperity, happiness and joy, because it is known that Mikail, may peace be upon him, is the Angel of Mercy. They say that such a dream indicates the coming of justice after tyranny and the death of cruel tyrants in this country. If someone sees in a dream Israfil, may peace be upon him, with a saddened face and blowing a trumpet, the sounds of which are heard, in the opinion of the person seeing this dream, only to him alone, then this person will die. If he believes that the sound of Israfil’s trumpet was also heard by the inhabitants of the area, then imminent death will occur there. Meeting in a dream with the Angel of Death, whose face expresses joy, means that the one who saw the dream will give his life in the fight for faith. Seeing the Angel of Death angry in a dream foretells death without repentance. If someone sees a dream as if he fought with the Angel of Death, and he defeated him, then this person will die. If the Angel of Death could not overcome him, then this means that the one who saw the dream will be on the verge of death, but then Allah will save him from death. And they say that whoever sees the Angel of Death in a dream will have a long life. It is said that Hamza al-Zayat said: “I saw the Angel of Death in a dream and asked, turning to him: “O Angel of Death! I conjure you in the name of Allah! Tell me, has the Almighty written down anything good about me?” He replied: “Yes! And the sign of this is that you will die in Helwan." And indeed, Hamza az-Zayyat died in Helwan. To see in a dream that one of the angels foretells the birth of a son for someone means that this person will have a son who will become a scientist -a theologian, an amiable and noble person, according to the saying of the Almighty: “Truly Allah will enlighten you with good news,” and also: “I am only the messenger of your Lord to give you a pure boy.” If you see angels with dishes of fruit in a dream, this will mean that the one who sees this dream will pass away from life as one who died for the faith. Seeing one of the angels entering someone’s house in a dream is a warning about the possible penetration of a thief into this house. If someone sees in a dream how an angel takes away his weapon, then this means the loss of strength and prosperity for this person, it is even possible that he will separate from his wife.If someone sees angels in a dream in any place that cause him fear, then unrest and war may occur in that area. The appearance of angels on the battlefield in a dream signifies victory over enemies. And if someone sees in a dream how angels prostrate before him or bow to him, then this person will achieve the fulfillment of his cherished desires, rise in his deeds and become famous. If someone sees himself in a dream as if fighting with an angel, then he will find himself in a difficult and humiliating position after his previous greatness. And if a patient sees in a dream how one angel fights with another, then this means the approach of his death. The appearance in dreams of angels descending from heaven to earth in their natural form marks the rise of venerable people, the humiliation of unworthy people, as well as the victory of the Mujahideen. Seeing angels in the form of women in a dream means falsehoods and lies made against Allah. The Almighty has the following statement on this matter: “Has your Lord really only given you sons, and taken women from the angels for himself? Truly, you are speaking a dangerous word!” And if someone sees in a dream how he flies with the angels or rises with them to heaven and does not return back, he will gain dignity in this life, and then die for a just cause. If the sleeper sees that he is looking at angels, misfortune will befall him. This corresponds to the statement of the Almighty: “On the day when they see the angels, there will be no joyful news for sinners.” If a sleeper dreams that angels are cursing him, this will mean condemnation or weakness of his faith, but if he dreams that angels are making noise or screaming, this means that the sleeper’s house may fall apart. And if someone sees in a dream how several angels appear in some city, locality or village, this means that an ascetic will die there, or an unjustly offended person will be killed, or someone’s house will fall on its inhabitants. If someone dreams that angels produce the same products that the sleeping person makes, this will signify that he is benefiting from his craft. The appearance in a dream of an angel saying: “Read the Book of Allah Almighty” foretells great honor if the person seeing this dream is one of good, pious people. If he does not belong to good people, then let him be on his guard, for the saying of Allah applies to him: “Read the record of your deeds, now you yourself are able to demand an account from yourself.” The appearance of angels in a place on a horse in a dream signifies the death of a powerful person or a tyrant there. Some of the people who know a lot about this say that the appearance in a dream of an angel in the form of a sheikh (an old man) tells about the past, in the form young man- speaks about the present, and in the image of a youth - points to the future. If someone sees in a dream that he appears to be appearing in the form of an angel, this foretells relief for him if before that he was in trouble, or liberation if before that he was in captivity, or the adoption of faith, the achievement of great heights of power . For the patient, this dream means the approach of death. If someone sees a dream in which angels greet him, it means that Allah will give that person insight in life and provide him with a happy outcome. They say that a certain Jewish merchant named Shamuel, while on the road, saw in a dream how angels blessed him. He turned to a dream interpreter about this, and he answered him: “You will accept the Islam of Allah and the Sharia of the Messenger of God, may Allah bless him and greet him!” According to the saying of the Almighty: “It is he and his angels who bless you to lead you out of darkness into light!” This merchant accepted Islam, and Allah led him on the right path. The reason he accepted Islam was that he hid a poor debtor from his creditor. If someone sees in a dream that an angel handed him a book and said: “Read!”, then if he is righteous, he will gain joy, but if not, his deed is terrible, for the Almighty said: “Read your book!” If someone sees in a dream that angels are coming to him and welcoming him to Paradise, then he will begin some kind of work, thanks to which he will get to Paradise, according to the words of his Almighty: “And angels enter them through all the doors.” And everything will end well for him

IN Lately Interest in religion and stories about angels began to increase; their images, of course, are deposited on a subconscious level. People began to see angels more and more often in their dreams. In all religions of the world there are angels in Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, and Buddhism. We say at night to our loved ones, especially children: “Sweet dreams, my angel!”, “Angel, good night! or “Let an angel guard your sleep” because on a subconscious level we believe that angels are holy, kind and harmless.

So, you dreamed of “Angel”... we would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that angels differ not only in appearance, but also in their essence. There are good angels, evil angels, guardians and destroyers. The interpretation of the dream will depend on which angel you dreamed about. Let's take a moment to look at some of the most common angels:

  • Angels are messengers or messengers of God, ethereal spiritual creatures that have supernatural abilities, closest to people;
  • Archangels are senior angels. These include healers, fair, powerful and strong angels who protect and save;
  • Guardian angels - sent by God to every person at birth, their protection is enhanced at baptism;
  • Cherubim are intercessors who bring knowledge and wisdom;
  • Seraphim are angels with six red, fiery wings who bring love for God to people. In images with fiery swords, God is always next to him;
  • Cupids (Cupid, Cupid, Eros) are deities of love. They are depicted either as naked babies, or as beautiful youths with bows and arrows, or as blindfolded men with a torch in their hand;
  • Angels with white wings are protective angels with good intentions;
  • Angels with black wings (Lucifers) - counting and searching dark sides of people. Born with white wings, these angels went against, did something wrong, committed treason, so their hair and wings became black;
  • Angels of death - take the soul, life, are associated with Satan.

Modern dream book

Seeing an angel in a dream means that changes are coming in your life, happy and calm times will come. If he was flying overhead specific person, and you clearly saw this, it means death awaits him soon. If an angel called you with him, you will soon become seriously ill. But if you yourself were an angel, the dream book advises sharing profits with relatives, otherwise you will lose everything.

Family dream book

  • If in a dream you saw an angel with whom it was easy and comfortable, then this means that fate will send happiness, tranquility, prosperity and joy into your life. If you're burdened big problems, difficulties or you feel a lack of sympathy, then an angel in a dream will bring relief and consolation. If you are a rich person, then help the poor, treat them with due respect and your wealth will increase and your income will increase.
  • If the angel spoke to you, then reliable friends will not leave you in Hard time.
  • If the angel is beautiful and kind, either good news, or a trip that you will be very happy about, thanks to it your future can change. On this journey it is possible fateful meeting with a person with whom there will be mutual sympathy, perhaps in the future it will develop into a serious relationship.
  • In a dream to see an angel in sadness - great sorrow, up to the death of a person close to you, friend or relative.

Women's dream book

  • This dream book says that any appearance of angels in dreams foreshadows changes, and in which direction depends on what emotions you experienced when you met them.
  • Were in a dream positive emotions associated with the appearance of an angel, then everything will be fine with you and your close friends. You may unexpectedly receive a substantial inheritance, from an unknown relative.
  • After sleep, you are left with a feeling of restlessness and anxiety - unpleasant gossip is being spread about you, either at work or in love affairs. You are sure that you did not give a reason, then calm down, gossip will remain gossip without affecting you. If you are not sure, then think about it, maybe it’s worth once again analyzing your chosen path and changing something.
  • Cherub in a dream will bring joy, happiness and delight. The Archangel will give you hope that a case that you already consider lost will be resolved for the better.

Erotic dream book (Intimate)

This dream book says that a correctly interpreted dream will allow you not only to identify existing complexes, but also to eliminate them, to look at things from the outside. love relationship with your partner and decide whether you are behaving correctly and whether everything is fine. The dream book is viewed by an angel as changes in life.

  • The girl dreamed of an angel and was a handsome young man - happy marriage is just around the corner, and with the man of your dreams.
  • A man dreamed of an angel - he was oversaturated with ordinary sex and he wanted a romantic relationship.
  • A woman dreamed of an angel - passionate love for a young man was just around the corner.
  • The angel was waving a fiery sword - think about your next steps in an intimate way, otherwise you will lose respect among your loved ones and friends because of a disgraceful relationship.
  • Cupid or Cupid is an unexpected passionate love.

Freud's Dream Book

You dreamed of an angel, which means you are haunted by the fear of death. In a dream, one of the people turned into an angel - you are seriously worried about his health.

Dream book of lovers

A dreaming angel warns you that there is gossip about your relationship, and not the most positive one. Also, this gossip may concern your chosen one.

Vanga's Dream Book

The clairvoyant Vanga said that an angel guards a dream, regardless of whether you believe in it or not. The dream of an angel is a symbol of peace in life, bringing joy and happiness to family life.

  • If an angel flew over the head of a familiar person, it was he who would soon depart to another world.
  • If the angel stood behind the back of an unknown person, death will overtake a very noble and high-ranking person whom you personally know very well. This news will come as a surprise to everyone.
  • If you yourself were an angel, you are spending your wealth incorrectly. Help those in need, close relatives or just a low-income family you know, otherwise you will lose everything, and immediately, as they say, in an instant.
  • If an angel has called you with him, a serious illness may overtake you, immediately consult a doctor, establish an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Miller's Dream Book

Angels in a dream bring confusion and concern in the soul, some kind of anxiety. Times of change are coming. The dream was pleasant, it is possible that you will receive an inheritance that you did not know about, or your friends will acquire it. If there is an unpleasant aftertaste after sleep, then gossip is possible, from which you may suffer. If you have a sin, then repent, if you are honest with yourself, then everything will be fine.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

Did your guardian angel visit your dream? This means you are under patronage and protection. And how strong they are, you must figure out for yourself. How bright and kind the image of the guardian angel was, so strong is your protection.

Loff's Dream Book

What does an angel mean in a dream? In this dream book, angels are given a special place, a reverent attitude towards them and high spirituality. In a dream, angels play the role of a messenger, a carrier of certain information, which is worth thinking about and in no case should such dreams be ignored. Angels are spiritual guides, teachers who make us think about our chosen path and our attitude towards life. Angels in a dream help us with their appearance. You need to remember your feelings that you experienced when you met the angel. Did he talk to you or was he silent? Was it open or mysterious? What did you do and how? This is what will tell you what the dreaming angel wanted to convey to you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Did you see an angel in a dream? Changes are coming, listen to this dream.

Numerological dream book (Pythagoras)

Pythagoras's dream book gives a very specific answer to the question: “Why do you dream about angel wings?”

An angel with two white wings - forces unknown to you from outside will help you. Your problem, which you cannot cope with, will be resolved for the better in 2 weeks. If this problem is work-related, then in 2 weeks you will present yourself to your superiors in a good, advantageous color. Self-doubt will recede.

Have you been an angel with two wings yourself? The woman will get rid of female diseases. Two white wings symbolize love and intrigue is possible next month on the 2nd, but after 74 days it will unfortunately end.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

  • Seeing a guardian angel in a dream means you have good protection.
  • Dream Interpretation: an angel with wings flies over the house - the worst disaster will bypass your house.
  • Talking to an angel means the death of a loved one.
  • An angel spoke to you - meeting a peculiar person.
  • Many angels - you will receive an inheritance that you know nothing about.

Esoteric dream book

  • Has an angel arrived from distant dreams? Remember what color his wings were.
  • If you dreamed of an angel with wings, you will receive sad news.
  • An angel with white wings - to the death of a loved one.
  • The man called himself an angel - in difficult times there will be worthy support and help.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

  • Did you dream about an angel? You are now in a very favorable period in your life, you are calm and happy.
  • Did you dream that two angels flew in or even you saw a whole city? Your life will be connected in some way with the angel city of Taiwan.
  • If you had a dream: angels are in the sky and they are calling you, people close to you can become seriously ill, even death.
  • You yourself are an angel - you can really help in trouble when a friend turns to you for help.

Idiomatic dream book

  • Why do you dream about a guardian angel - don’t worry about anything, you have a very strong guardian, protector and helper.
  • Why does a girl dream of an angel - for carefree happiness in the family.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

Why do you dream about the angel of death? Angel of death in a dream - troubles await literally everywhere, at work, at home, in personal, family and love affairs. If he was high in the sky, your ill-wishers will involve you in a quarrel. If you were in the clouds, but right above your head, troubles at work will lead to dismissal. The mournful expression on the angel's face foreshadows ordeal, the experience of grief that has befallen you.

Islamic dream book

IN Islamic dream book The interpretation of the angel dream is extremely detailed, detailed down to the smallest detail. The dream book interprets seeing an angel as serious changes in life in good side. Those who were poor will become rich, those who experience difficulties will overcome them, those who were oppressed will win, those who were sick will recover, those who were afraid will calm down, etc.

Anyone who sees an angel is obliged to perform Hajj or participate in ghazavat.

  • The angel of death in a dream means death, but it can be avoided if one repents.
  • Seeing an angel of death with a smiling face in a dream means giving your life for a just cause.
  • In a dream, the angel of death fought with you and won - death.
  • An angel enters someone's house - the house will be robbed.
  • Angel with fruit in hands - die in the fight for faith. (see also )
  • The angel told you that you will have a son - the son will become a respected learned theologian. In the statement of the Almighty it is said that the angel is only a messenger of the Lord and gives a pure boy.
  • An angel takes it from you - you will lose strength and well-being, a divorce from your wife is possible.
  • An angel in a place that is familiar but frightening to you - trouble or war will begin.
  • Angel on the battlefield - victory over the enemy will be yours.
  • Angels bow and prostrate - you will achieve all your desires, reach the pinnacle of success in your business and will be a highly respected person in it.
  • You are sick and saw an angel fighting - there will be no recovery.
  • Naked angels descend from heaven - venerable people will rise even more, and unworthy people will humiliate themselves. (See also)
  • An angel in the form of a woman – slander, lies and vain.
  • Dream: angel wings - either angels fly, or you fly with them, or they lifted you on their wings - you will gain honor during your life, but you will die for your faith.
  • The white-winged angel guards your sleep - truly Allah illuminates you with good news.

Mythological dream book

  • The dream book interprets the angel of death as a warning about danger, death or misfortunes that will cause a lot of tears and suffering.
  • The black angel, the dream book warns - misfortune, danger or death is approaching.
  • The same dream book: an angel child is God’s messenger of good news - you have good patrons and defenders.
  • Winged handsome young men - you have pure thoughts.

Dream Interpretation Tarot

I dreamed of a guardian angel, which means that higher powers will not leave me, and their protection will be with me forever.

Dream book of the old sage

  • The dream “angel” says that you have a strong believer patron.
  • What does the archangel dream about - victory over any problem, any goal will be open to you. Archangel Gabriel - you will be highly appreciated, you will become a skillful and eloquent speaker and you will achieve fame in this field.
  • Seeing a guardian angel in a dream is a blessing for you, protection and patronage. Dream interpretation: guardian angel - your life will change for the better. If after meeting your guardian angel you feel happiness and calm, don’t worry, everything will work out for the better.
  • Dream Interpretation: angels are flying in the sky - recognition from opponents awaits; the art of persuasion will play a key role in making friends.
  • Why do you dream of a black angel - you have fallen into sin. Go to God with prayer in church, repent of your sin.
  • Why do you dream of white angels - you are kind and pure. You will be protected, live in comfort and consolation.
  • Why do angels dream about children - harmony and comfort will come into your life.

Dream book of the world

  • I dreamed of an angel - changes will happen in life, they will be positive.
  • I dreamed of a black angel - you constantly doubt the correctness of your chosen path.
  • I dreamed of a white angel - you have a strong fear of death.
  • I dreamed of many angels - an unexpected illness of a relative who lives very far from you.
  • You yourself were an angel - in life your behavior is far from angelic, reconsider your actions and general attitude towards life.
  • Sad angel - grief awaits, leading to complete despair.
  • Cheerful angel - prosperity.


In our crazy rhythm of life, we often feel helpless, morally empty, wanting to find that very strong shoulder that we can rely on and then we begin to wait for a miracle. Angels in a dream are a miracle. How to call an angel in a dream? Before going to bed, repeat this phrase: “My angel, you are ahead, I am behind you, always be by my side.” There is a prayer to the guardian angel before going to bed, you can find it. It is important to remember that faith will save you only when you really want it. In conclusion, I would like to say that whatever the interpretation of the dream “angel,” in any case, this is a warning dream about serious changes in your life.

why do you dream of an angel with wings

Explains a dream where you dreamed of an angel with wings behind your back, as a sign of changes in life. What you see will bring into your life thoughts about whether everything is going as it should be. A pleasant dream with angels brings a feeling of calm and well-being, while a disturbing dream promises confusion and interest from strangers in your personal life. The dream also acts as a call to repentance.

angel with wings in a dream what is this for

Counts good sign, see an angel in a dream. Your state of mind is in balance with your thoughts; only good events are expected in the near future. But seeing an angel behind the back of a familiar person in a dream is a sign of that person’s imminent death. An angel with wings calls you to heaven with him in a dream - a warning about a hidden illness, urgently pay attention to your health.

angel with wings in a dream

A winged angel dreams of prosperity and balance. Talking with an angel in a dream means the death of a friend in reality. The following explanation of the dream is also possible: Your personal angel addresses you through dreams, hear him.

what does it mean if an angel with wings is in a dream

Such a dream equates to a symbol of calm and peace. You see yourself in the role of an angel in a dream - your loved one needs protection, and only you can give him a helping hand. An angel calling to heaven is also a warning of a serious illness for oneself or close relatives.

In fact, the truth is somewhere in the middle, because the exact interpretation of the designated image directly depends on many factors. So, when trying to understand why a child-angel is dreaming, you must first of all pay attention to his appearance, color of clothes and mood.

What if you dream of an angel child?

For example, in the Idiomatic Dream Book, a child-angel, dressed in light clothes, personifies honor, dignity, and also promises the sleeper the acquisition of protection from above, which will certainly protect him from all troubles and misfortunes. At the same time, the sad angel, according to this interpreter, personifies the strongest disappointment that the dreamer will experience in the near future.

A similar meaning is given in Autumn dream book, the authors of which believe that children who appear as angels prophesy melancholy and endless sorrows. In the Summer interpreter, the image of an approaching angel prophesies imminent news from afar, which will pleasantly surprise the sleeping person. So in the Children's Dream Book, angels are a harbinger good news. Unexpected, but no less welcome guests, receiving a dream gift, making the most cherished desire, - this is how else you can characterize this dream.

In the famous dream book of the white witch Medea, the appearance of an angel is described as good news about some significant upcoming changes. Sometimes this image indicates the beginning of spiritual growth, and childhood The angel indicates that the sleeper is at the very beginning of a long journey.

And despite the fact that this path will not be easy, sooner or later the dreamer will definitely achieve the desired results. The authors of the Explanatory Dream Book describe angels as a harbinger of complete peace of mind and balance, which a person will be able to achieve in the near future. In the Family Interpreter, this image promises the sleeper not only peace, but also peace, which is also very important.

Night vision, in which a person happened to see himself in the role of an angel, most often indicates that someone from his immediate circle will be in great need of his help. If the sleeping child appears in this image, then he will be very dependent on the support of his own child, receiving it in full. The appearance of a black angel in night vision should not be regarded as a harbinger of someone’s death. Usually this dream predicts strong uncertainty and mental anguish from which the person sleeping in reality will suffer, doubting the correctness of his own actions and decisions at some crucial moment in life.

What does it portend?

In such difficult situations, it is best to act intuitively, throwing away all fear and doubt, and only then does there be a chance for a good outcome. A sad or sobbing angel in a dream promises the sleeper bitter repentance for past actions. In addition, the tears of an angel seen in a dream often indicate that a person should not regret something lost in reality, because in the future he will be able to more than compensate for this loss.

The smile of an angel in a night vision often promises pure, sincere love, which the dreamer will finally find in real life. A similar meaning of the designated image, oddly enough, is given in Erotic dream book, and it is considered especially good for the fair sex. In the Women's Dream Interpreter, the appearance of angels promises an early birth of children and simple joys associated with this most important event in the life of every woman.

A very good harbinger, according to the famous esotericist Tsvetkov, is considered to be a dream in which angels flew over the sleeping person’s house, because then his entire family will receive a blessing from higher powers and will be reliably protected from the evil thoughts of the wicked.

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