Edible and poisonous species of cobweb mushroom. Unusual inhabitants of the forest: edible and poisonous cobwebs How to cook a triumphal cobweb

Cobweb mushrooms are not yet so popular among mushroom pickers. However, some varieties have fleshy and tasty flesh, and some poisonous species are used as medicine.

What does the cobweb mushroom look like and where does it grow

The name cobweb refers to the genus of mushrooms of the same family. Among mushroom pickers, the popular name of the bog is quite common, which reflects the characteristics of the growth of the fungus. The mushroom got its main name due to the fact that at the junction of the stem and cap it has a kind of cobweb, which practically disappears as it grows older. Cobwebs grow mainly in deciduous or mixed forests, but certainly on very wet ground: both near the swamp and in lowlands and ravines.

These fungi are distributed almost everywhere in the temperate climate zone our country - from the European part and the Urals to Siberia and Far East. Less often they can be found in the taiga, since most varieties do not like too shaded places.

Interesting that in appearance different types of cobwebs differ quite strongly, and novice mushroom pickers can mistake them for completely different families. There are fruiting bodies of both classical shape and mushrooms with spherical and conical caps. The surface can be both dry and mucous, with a smooth or scaly texture. The color of the hats is also quite diverse: yellow, orange, brown-red, burgundy and even white-violet.

Cobwebs grow singly, but more often - in families from 10 to 30 pieces. They should be looked for in the lowlands, and they are collected mainly at the end of summer and until the onset of the first autumn frosts(late October in the European part of the country and the second half of September in Siberia).

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Nutritional value and palatability of cobweb

Some types of cobwebs belong to. In aroma, they are inferior to the classic representatives - white and many others, since they have practically no smell. Nevertheless, the taste of these representatives is quite pronounced. And given that many varieties are large (15-17 cm in diameter of the cap and up to 10 cm in height of the stem), mushroom pickers willingly collect them for cooking and conservation.

In addition, the cobweb, like many other mushrooms, mainly consists of water, and 100 g of live weight give no more than 30 kcal.


Some types of cobwebs, which have red and orange hues, are still used to make the corresponding dyes.

Where cobwebs grow (video)

Is the spiderweb mushroom edible

Different types of cobwebs are edible and inedible mushrooms. At the same time, the most valuable in terms of palatability 3 types are considered:

  • triumphal;
  • bracelet;
  • excellent.

Classification different types according to their edibility is shown in the table.

yellow (triumphant)





conditionally edible













most special

deadly dangerous!


Antibiotics are extracted from them, so they are used as medicinal product with antibacterial and antiseptic action.

Description of the types of cobweb

The Spider family includes several dozen species of mushrooms, and most of them grow in Russia. The most common are discussed below.

This representative is also called triumphal. It forms fairly large fruiting bodies with a cap diameter of up to 12 cm. Moreover, in young representatives, it resembles a sphere, and then becomes flat. In color - from yellow to brown tones.

The pulp of this species does not have a special smell and dries out rather quickly when broken.. On the other hand, this is the most popular representative of the family among mushroom pickers, since its taste qualities allow it to be used as the basis for first and second courses, as well as for pickling and pickling.

This representative is also called red. It has a classic shape - a spherical hat of orange, ruddy and reddish hues (about 10 cm in diameter). The leg is white, fleshy, and can grow to a considerable height (up to 20 cm).

The mushroom is completely edible, and besides, it has an undeniable advantage - closely related poisonous or deadly representatives do not look like it. However, among mushroom pickers it is not popular enough. Interestingly, it grows only under birches.

It's pretty rare view, which is mainly found in Central Europe, A in Russia, it is distributed only in the forests of Bashkiria. Almost always growing big families, so mushroom pickers immediately collect large crops.

In appearance, it resembles real mushrooms from postcards: a large hat in the form of a hemisphere with rich brown, brown and burgundy hues, as well as a glossy surface (15-20 cm in diameter). The legs grow up to 14 cm in height, dense, fleshy, white color.


In the Gossamer family, this species is considered the most valuable in terms of taste. However, it is extremely rare, therefore, in most European countries it is listed in the local Red Books.

white purple

This is a conditionally edible representative, which does not have a special taste value, but nevertheless, it can be eaten without fear for health. Dimensions are not very large- the diameter of the cap is within 8 cm, the height of the leg is up to 10 cm. The color is rather atypical: from white to lilac and dirty shades. It mainly grows in groups of up to 10 mushrooms, occurs mainly in birch forests and oak forests.


This variety is similar to the inedible goat's cobweb. The pale purple species is characterized by an unpleasant odor and a thinner, taller stem.


This species is also conditionally edible. It has a light brown rather large hat (up to 15 cm), which is practically spliced ​​with a thick (1-1.5 cm in girth) leg. Interestingly, the flesh on the cut has a light blue tint, and quickly turns red in the air.

And one more interesting feature - despite the fact that the pulp of this variety has a fairly strong aroma (unlike most other species), it tastes neutral, therefore among mushroom pickers, this species is not particularly popular.

Red olive

inedible view, the use of which can cause poisoning. The cap is up to 10-12 cm in diameter, the surface is mucous to the touch, spherical in shape.

The color of the leg is interesting - if it is purple on top, then it acquires red hues in the lower half. The pulp tastes extremely bitter, and on the cut it has olive and purple shades, from which the species got its name.


poisonous representative, the use of which is dangerous to health. It looks very beautiful - it has brown hats with a shiny surface. However, the pulp, even in a thermally processed form, calls for severe poisoning, and in large doses it can lead to lethal outcome.

most special

This is the most dangerous representative, which is strictly forbidden to use even in small quantities. The color is light, creamy and yellowish. Interesting feature- the flesh smells like a radish or raw potatoes. The hat reaches a diameter of 12 cm, the leg is up to 10 cm high.

In terms of toxicity, this mushroom practically coincides with, however, it is quite easy to determine by the features appearance. In addition, none of the edible representatives of the Pautinnikove family and other families are similar to this species.

Features of the triumphant cobweb (video)

Written by Nikolay Budnik and Elena Mekk.

The triumphal cobweb is the most delicious of all cobwebs. It is named so (in our opinion) because of its golden yellow color - like a golden wreath worn by the victorious commanders of Ancient Rome.

We could not find this mushroom for a long time and now we understand why. Uloma Zheleznaya has mostly peaty, sandy, sandy loamy soils. There are also clay ones, but we rarely walk in the forests growing on them. And the triumphant spider web loves calcareous-clay soils. Already there, it is found in places in abundance.

Triumphal cobwebs can be fried, pickled, dried. In the marinade, these mushrooms remain light, firm, beautiful.

1. The triumphal cobweb is considered the best of the cobwebs.

2. They say that it looks like a ruddy bun.

3. And in fact, its golden color cannot be confused with anything.

4. Sometimes mushrooms grow in huge quantities.

5. We know one very prolific mycelium.

6. Around one Christmas tree, we once found 103 mushrooms.

7. We found the first triumphal cobwebs in early August, ...

8. ...and the last in mid-October.

9. This mushroom with a wavy hat has already grown in October.

10. The triumphal cobweb is also known as the yellow bog.

11. Indeed, it grows in damp places.

12. Often this mixed forest in which Christmas trees predominate.

13. These spruces are usually old.

14. But in any case, mushrooms love clay soil, ...

15. ... the presence of birches.

16. Here is a forest typical for the growth of these mushrooms.

18. Cobweb triumphal - a large mushroom.

19. This is an average hat size.

20. And the mushroom has a considerable height.

21. All of it gives the impression of a weighty and strong mushroom.

22. A cap of a cobweb of a triumphant golden yellow color.

23. Its middle is usually always darker.

24. The hat is smooth,...

25. ... sticky in wet weather.

26. The remains of a veil are sometimes visible on its edges.

27. This is how the hat fits to the leg.

28. The mushroom plates look very neat.

29. At first they are covered with a webbed veil.

30. The color of the plates in young mushrooms is almost white.

31. With age, the veil disappears, ...

32. ... the plates acquire a clay hue.

33. This is how they attach to the leg.

34. Let's take a closer look at this.

35. The stem of the mushroom is slightly lighter than the cap.

36. Often it thickens towards the bottom.

37. There are, of course, such skinny specimens.

38. Towards the very base, the leg narrows.

39. This mushroom has an unusual and thick leg.

40. Shaggy torn red belts are visible on the leg.

41. Usually there are three of them.

42. Inside the leg is solid.

43. Its middle often seems to be softer than the edges.

44. The pulp of the mushroom is thick and strong.

45. But often the leg is wormy.

46. ​​Here you can clearly see the "shaggy" on the leg of the mushroom.

47. And hats are most often clean and strong.

48. These mushrooms have already survived the frost.

49. The triumphal cobweb is good both in appearance and in taste.

Cobwebs (Cortinarius) - mushrooms belonging to the cobweb family (Cortinariaceae) and the agaric order. Many varieties are popularly referred to as bog-weeds.

Cobwebs - mushrooms belonging to the cobweb family and agaric order

Mycorrhizal fruiting cap-and-stalked body type with a hemispherical or conical, convex or flat cap, having a pronounced tubercle and a dryish or mucous, smooth or noticeably felty, sometimes scaly surface of yellow or ocher, orange-terracotta, brownish-brick, dark reddish, brown- brick or purple staining.

The soft part is relatively fleshy or rather thin, white or ocher-brown, yellow, bluish-violet or olive-green, sometimes changing shade on the cut. All plates are adherent or weakly descending type, thin and relatively often located, of various colors. A cylindrical or club-shaped leg is characterized by the presence of a tuberous thickening at the base. Spores are buffy and brownish.

Features of the triumphant cobweb (video)

Where does the spiderweb mushroom grow

Fruiting bodies of mycorrhizal varieties are able to grow in conifers, as well as not too dense deciduous forests. Varieties are widespread in the temperate climate zone:

  • P. excellent found in deciduous forests, forming mycorrhiza with beeches, and does not grow in our country;
  • P.purple became widespread in the northern regions and middle lane our country;
  • P. triumphal grows massively in the territory Eastern Siberia, as well as in the Far East;
  • P. grayish blue does not occur on the territory of our country;
  • P. blue forms mycorrhiza with beeches and other deciduous trees, grows in Primorsky Krai;
  • P. fragrant prefers for growth and development mixed and coniferous forests where it forms mycorrhiza with beeches and fir.

The most widespread in our country and in many European countries P. large, growing mainly in mixed forest areas on sandy soils.

Cobwebs are able to grow in conifers, as well as not too dense deciduous forests.

About the edibility of the cobweb

The taste of mushroom pulp of edible varieties, as a rule, is not very pronounced, but most often it is bitter. Mushroom aroma in many species is completely absent., and some fruiting bodies have a fairly noticeable smell of garden radish. Used for food purposes with great care. Most often, fruiting bodies are fried, salted and marinated.

Types of cobweb mushroom

It is not possible to distinguish between edible and poisonous species by taste or smell, so it is very important to know exact description And external characteristics cobwebs, which are most common in our country.

Gallery: types of cobweb (45 photos)

Сortin.triumphans - has a hemispherical or cushion-shaped, semi-prostrate upper part of an orange-yellow color with the remains of a spathe and a sticky or dry surface covering a thick, soft, whitish-yellowish flesh with a pleasant aroma. The plates are of a weakly adherent type, narrow and frequent, light smoky cream or bluish-brown in color with a rusty-reddish-brown spore powder. The lower part of the fruiting body is strongly thickened, cylindrical in shape.

Сortin.alboviolaseus - has a round-bell-shaped, convex or convex-prostrate hat with an elevation in the central part and a silky-fibrous, shiny, smooth, sticky surface of lilac-violet-silver or white-lilac color. The plates are medium-often-located, narrow, grayish-blue, bluish-ocher or brownish-brown, with a rusty-reddish-brown spore powder. The area of ​​the leg is club-shaped, with a weak mucous membrane. The soft part is thick and watery in places,gray-blue, brown, with an unpleasant odor.

Сortin.armillatus - has a hemispherical, gradually opening, cushion-shaped hat with a wide and blunt tubercle in the central part, covered with dry and fleecy, orange or reddish-brown coloring with remnants of a red-orange-brown veil. The soft part is thick and dense, brownish in color, with a pronounced musty smell and a complete absence of mushroom taste. Plates of an adherent type, wide and relatively sparse, grayish-cream, slightly brownish or rusty-brown in color, with brown-rusty-red spore powder. The lower part of the fruiting body is lighter, with an extension at the base, with bracelet-like remains of a bedspread.

Spiderweb is the most special

Сortin.rubellus - has a conical or prostrate-conical hat, with a sharp tubercle in the center and a finely scaly, reddish-orange, reddish-orange or bright brownish surface covering the tasteless and radish-smelling flesh of a reddish-orange-ocher color. Thick and wide plates are rare, adhering to the stem, orange-ocher or rusty-brown in color, with rusty-reddish-brown, spherical spores with roughness. The lower part of the fruiting body is cylindrical in shape, of sufficient density.

Cobweb purple (video)

Cortin.rholideus - has a bell-shaped, slightly convex, with a blunt elevation in the center and numerous scales of dark brown coloring of the cap, covered with a pale brown, brownish-brown skin. Differs in rare, grayish-brownish plates with a lilac-violet tint and the presence of brown spore powder. The lower part of the fruiting body is cylindrical or slightly club-shaped, with an extension at the base, solid or hollow, with a smooth, grayish-brownish scaly surface. Loose type, gray-violet-brown the pulp has a slight musty smell.

Abundant placers of strong, fine, golden-sunny mushrooms seem to beckon to approach them. The yellow cobweb is good for everyone: charming in appearance, it is easy and pleasant to collect, dishes and preparations from it are highly valued even by the most demanding gourmets. For all these qualities, almost all mushroom pickers love him.

The yellow cobweb (Cortinarus triumphans), also known as the triumphal cobweb, the triumphal cobweb, the yellow cobweb, is a fungus that is part of the genus Cortinarius of the Cobweb family (Cortinariaceae). If a number of foreign sources classify it as inedible, then domestic researchers not only classify the yellow cobweb as conditionally edible, but also consider it the most delicious representative of Cortinarius.

The mushroom looks like this:

  • the hat is initially hemispherical in shape, then becomes convex-prostrate, painted in yellow-brown or orange tones, its surface is oily, with remnants of a cobweb covering along the edges;
  • the flesh is fleshy, yellow-cream in color, with a bitter taste and a delicate mushroom smell;
  • plates are frequent, adherent, with a gray-bluish tint in young mushrooms and beige-brown in old ones;
  • spores in the form of an ellipse, rusty-brown;
  • the stem at the beginning of the growth of the fruiting body is strongly expanded at the base (tuberous), then cylindrical, 1.5-2 cm thick, reaches a length of up to 15 cm, dense, pale yellow, with brighter annular scaly belts - the remains of the bedspread.

Distribution and fruiting season

The yellow cobweb is widely, but locally distributed on the Eurasian continent, living on calcareous-clay soil of mixed and deciduous forests. You can find it on wet fertile soils landscape gardens or the outskirts of swamps.

Mycorrhiza cobweb yellow is formed in alliance with birch. Small families and single specimens are found already in August, fruiting continues until October.

Similar species and how to distinguish

The outlines and proportions of the fruiting body are most similar to the representatives of their species, with the following characteristic differences:

  • Cortinarius cliduchus - darker color of the cap, it prefers alkaline soils, its symbionts are hardwood trees;
  • Cortinarius olidus - does not form mycorrhiza with birch, its hat is darker, the bedspread is colored brownish-olive;
  • Cortinarius anserinus (goose) - inedible, its smell resembles plum.

Poisonous species are also found among cobwebs, but they are easy to distinguish from the bogweed by an unpleasant odor, brightly colored legs, and more elongated proportions of fruiting bodies.

Primary processing and preparation

The triumphant cobweb shows its taste most well in marinades and soups. And even when preserved, these mushrooms retain their appetizing, attractive appearance, remaining light and dense.

Mushrooms brought from the forest must be cleaned of the remnants of litter, make sure there are no wormholes, remove the remnants of the soil, rinse and boil, draining the water twice, to eliminate bitterness.

But no matter how desirable the prospect of harvesting an excellent crop of triumphal cobwebs, it should be remembered that this species is rare, in a number of regions of Russia it is listed in the Red Book and it must be treated with care, preserving the mycelium as much as possible for the next season of "quiet hunting".

Cortinarius triumphans Fr.
Gossamer family - Cortinariaceae

Spreading. In the Moscow region listed for the western and southern regions, but probably can be found everywhere (1). In 2010, it was found in Kurkino - on the Antennae fields near the Verkhnebratovsky swamp (2).

Number. In 2010, the species was observed at 2 closely spaced points among several tens of fruiting bodies (2).

Features of growth. Mycorrhizal symbiont of birch, pine and probably some other trees (1). Perhaps confined to damp and mossy places, which is why it is also called a bog. In Moscow, it was found on a low-grass forest edge, moderately disturbed by recreation, in a sparse and relatively dry middle-aged birch forest, where the proximity of a transitional swamp can only be expressed in abundant dew (2). It looks like poisonous types of cobwebs and is practically not going to.

limiting factors. For the region as a whole - not clear (1). In Moscow, in addition, there is a limited area of ​​short-grass dampish and relatively dry birch forests located near water-divided swamps (3).

Security measures taken. Famous places species are located in protected areas - in the PP "Valley of the River Skhodnya in Kurkino".

View state changes. On the territory of Moscow, the species was recorded for the first time and is included in KR 2.

Necessary measures for the conservation of the species. Search for other locations of the species. Registration of known and newly identified places of its growth for registration and special protection. Preservation of watershed swamps and birch forests near them in their natural state.

Information sources. 1. Red Book of the Moscow Region, 1998, 2008. 2. Author's data. Author: Yu. A. Nasimovich

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