Made by us. Maroon Beret Marine Corps Black

Report of the Alliance of Living History Clubs on the work done for 2006. Dear colleagues, dear friends! This report is addressed both to members of the Alliance of Living Clubs and our comrades who are not members of the Alliance, as well as to anyone who might like to collaborate with us in the field of living history. It is probably not without reason that the first year in the life of any organization is considered the most difficult. It is in the first year of work that the main thing that makes up a strong framework of the organization is laid - reliable trusting relationships in the team, cohesion, team spirit and even some traditions. Despite the fact that not everything went smoothly and at some moments difficulties arose, I would like to note that the work of the team as a whole was well-coordinated and clear. Before covering aspects of our activities in detail, I would like to thank the entire Alliance team as a whole and each of its members individually. The activities of the Alliance are diverse and are not limited to holding thematic events in the “Living history” format. The report will cover all aspects of the job niche. 1. First steps. Formation of the governing body At the end of 2005 A group of like-minded people from 7 historical clubs conceived an organization whose main goal was to coordinate activities in organizing thematic events dedicated to military-historical reconstruction. The concept of activity, goals and objectives of this organization were formulated in the Alliance Manifesto. A month later, at the beginning of 2006, the Charter of the new organization saw the light, which regulated the basic principles of leadership, decision-making, etc. The Alliance Council was created, which included one representative from each founding club. Thus, democratic principles became the basis of the Alliance's activities. The council elected a chairman and his deputy for a period of one year. At the end of January 2006, the Council began intensively implementing a number of tasks set at the founding of the Alliance. 2. Alliance projects related to the general improvement of the quality of historical reconstruction and training Even in the first stages of the Alliance’s work, it became obvious that the standardization of approaches to historical reconstruction largely depends on the communication of members of the organization who are members of different clubs. For this purpose, an online forum was created in December, and then a thematic website of the Alliance. The prompt introduction of these significant resources made it possible, at the earliest stages of the organization’s work, to integrate all active participants into a single mechanism and, as a result, to jointly develop the main criteria for the quality of historical reconstruction acceptable to us. Live discussion current issues made it possible to attract an interested contingent from outside, which subsequently played a big role in our activities. Starting in January, thematic seminars were held under the auspices of the alliance, which also had a strong impact on general training for the 2006 season. It is worth especially noting the successful cooperation with the magazine “Reconstructor”, in the third issue of which an article about the activities of the Alliance was published. The fifth issue of the magazine is currently being prepared for publication, which will include several articles by authors who are members of the Alliance. 3. Events held by the Alliance The most important task of the Alliance, as noted earlier, is to coordinate the activities of representatives of various clubs in order to organize thematic events. Three such events were held in 2006. Each of them was unique in its own way and had its own special tasks and goals. 3.1. Review of alliance clubs. The first event of the Alliance was a three-day review, which took place in a picturesque corner of the Moscow region on May 19 - 21. The main goal of the event was to unite the team and practice teamwork techniques. Events such as large-scale drill training, the Mayfair archery tournament on old English rules, cooking historical cuisine. As part of the event, it was possible to eliminate shortcomings in the organization and equipment of the Alliance member clubs, recommending that it be replenished with the missing equipment before the main event in 2006. In total, about 55 people participated. Positive attitude participants and high level The organization was allowed to hold the event in “one breath.” The powerful start had a significant impact on the level of Border Fortress 2006. 3.2. Living History Festival “Border Fortress 2006” The main event of the season was the Living History Festival, which took place within the walls of the architectural monument - the Ivangorod Fortress Museum. Preparations for the festival have been ongoing since January. It is worth noting that a historical event was held in this fortress for the first time. We set ourselves various tasks: - To reproduce as accurately and comprehensively as possible an episode of the life of a military medieval garrison; - To equip a historical camp without using any modern items, thereby increasing the level of historical reconstruction on the one hand and the impact of the event for participants on the other; - Test a specially designed new system combat interaction, which involves placing emphasis on the tactical component instead of hard contact traditional system re-enactments of medieval battles; - Conduct a series of historical experiments dedicated to cooking, warfare in its various manifestations and other aspects of medieval life; The participants of the festival were clubs that were members of the Alliance, as well as guests of the event who shared the principles and met the requirements of the Alliance. The total number of participants exceeded 90 people. The event was initially positioned as closed. Admission of participants to the festival took place in advance by providing photographs of the entire complex of historical equipment for each participant individually. This system allowed not only to increase general level reconstruction, but also to avoid inconsistencies on site. It has fully justified itself, despite some technical difficulties, and will be used at Alliance events in the future. As part of the festival, various military field maneuvers with assaults on fortifications, a WSA 2006 archery tournament, a grand feast for participants and other events were held. Throughout the festival, participants could enjoy a magnificent live performance by the Avis Dei group, whose members not only brilliantly speak medieval musical instruments, but also meet the requirements for participants in historical costume. It is worth highlighting the work of several teams professional photographers, thanks to which the photo report about the festival turned out to be especially colorful and memorable. I would like to proudly note that all tasks, not only general, but also economic and administrative matters were completed in due time. The participants were satisfied with the event, which for the organizers is perhaps the main criterion for success. “Border Fortress”, according to both members of the Alliance and invited participants, has become the standard for events in the “Living history” format in Russia. 3.3. Autumn hike. On September 23, in the Moscow region, representatives of the Alliance held an event in a new format. Its concept was somewhat different from the usual festivals for reenactors. A month before this moment, the idea of ​​conducting a historical experiment arose - a reconstruction of the day's march of a small detachment of medieval infantry. The venue was chosen to be a picturesque corner of the Moscow region not far from the city of Lukhovitsy. The event turned out to be intimate, but clearly demonstrated the readiness of the Alliance members for innovation and creative search, as well as a high level of preparation. The participants of the event received invaluable experience, a lot of fun and Once again proved the cohesion of the team, which was felt especially strongly at an event of this format. Work plan of the Alliance for 2007: The general direction of the Alliance’s activities will not undergo significant changes, but the effectiveness of the organization’s activities will increase due to a clearer formulation of tasks, rational use resources and significant organizational experience gained in 2006. The number of people involved in organizing certain events will increase, which will make it possible to simultaneously carry out several large projects without reducing the pace of preparation for each of them. The activities of the Alliance will include: 1. Administrative activities: 1.1. Legal registration of the Alliance as a public organization 1.2. Communication with official authorities in order to obtain assistance in the work of the organization 1.3. Finding premises for meetings of the Council and working groups of the organization, holding conferences and trainings 2. Training and development: 2.1. Conducting thematic seminars and trainings 2.2. Preparation of various articles that will be posted both on the pages of the Alliance’s Internet site and in the Reconstructor magazine” 2.3. Maintaining the Internet forum and attracting attention to it 3. Carrying out events 3.1. Alliance Birthday - Moscow, February The idea that the Alliance needs to hold an event aimed at maintaining and strengthening team spirit has existed since the summer. Such an event in 2007 will be a corporate holiday dedicated to the year of the organization's activity. He will gather representatives of all Alliance clubs in one of the Moscow restaurants. The results of the work will be summed up and proposals will be made on current projects. As part of the event, it is planned to organize a tasting of medieval cuisine. The atmosphere of the holiday will be informal and will allow participants to communicate in a relaxed atmosphere and increase the level of team interaction. 3.2. Winter hike and photo shoot, Moscow region, end of February This winter one-day event is necessary to increase the level of equipment of Alliance members. An artistic photo session timed to coincide with the campaign will illustrate one of the episodes of medieval history, which will make it possible to diversify photographic materials about the activities of the alliance with winter scenes. The event will be intimate. 3.3. Field festival, Moscow region, May The spring review, held in May 2006, this time will take on a larger scale and will unite members of the Alliance and invited clubs. The festival will feature field maneuvers using updated rules and the Mayfair Archery Tournament. The estimated number of participants is 70-80 people. The emphasis will be on “military” events with the aim of increasing the “combat culture” among participants. 3.4. Border Fortress 2007, Ivangorod, August 7-12 Compared to last year, the festival will gain greater scope. The festival program will be more intense, varied and focused on each group of participants. The duration of the festival will increase by one day and will be 5 full days, which will affect the organization of the everyday component of the festival. Economic support will be more comprehensive and will undergo changes at a qualitative level. Time tourist visit fortress will be significantly reduced and will allow participants to feel more free. 3.5. Autumn hike, September, Moscow region Changes and innovations will affect the next autumn hike. This time it will take place over two days with an overnight stay. The number of participants will also increase. The atmosphere of teamwork will continue to be the main ideological component of the event. Summing up the past year, I would like to once again express my gratitude to everyone who took part in our activities. We proved to each other that we are capable of working in a strong team, jointly implementing assigned tasks and, most importantly, enjoying it. Colleagues, friends! We wish you new achievements, big and small joys in the new year. Let New Year will be successful for you in everything! ______________________________________________________________________________ Rebrov Andrey, Korshok Vladimir.

maroon beret, this is a difficult element of clothing for a military detachment special purpose, this is a symbol of valor and honor, the right to wear which not many are awarded. To receive this coveted insignia, there are only two possibilities:

  1. A special beret can be earned for participation and display of courage in hostilities, for demonstrated courage and perseverance.
  2. You can pass qualification tests for the right to wear this special headdress.

History of the headdress

Back in 1936, this element of clothing was introduced into women's uniforms. But in 1963 it was introduced into the uniform of the Marines, and in 1967, by the decision of General Margelov, this element of the uniform could be seen among the Airborne Forces. But officially takes, was put into shape airborne troops only in 1969. Vasily Filippovich Margelov borrowed it from the Marines, since he himself served there during the war. However, he did not immediately become maroon.

In 1980, during the World Olympics in Moscow, a special forces training company was created, on the basis of which, subsequently, the well-known Vityaz detachment was organized. The fighters of this unit required a special sign, which was somehow different from the others. The beret was chosen as this insignia, maroon color. Maroon takes on the color, it has this color for a reason, the blood shed by fighters during participation in battles has the same color.

Until 1988, the beret was worn exclusively during parades, and all special forces soldiers had the right to wear it. But subsequently the choice of this special headdress was influenced by the brotherhood of maroon berets. Thanks to the former commander of the “Vityaz” detachment, Sergei Ivanovich Lysyuk, it was developed special program, which involves obtaining this honor through passing certain tests. The Brotherhood of maroon berets Vityaz initially carried out these tests behind the scenes, but in 1993 a regulation was adopted at the official level on passing qualification tests for the right to wear a maroon beret.

How are these tests carried out?

The tests have two purposes:

  • They are designed to identify specially trained special forces soldiers capable of freeing hostages in special conditions and neutralize dangerous criminals.
  • Another goal is motivational, creating an incentive for the entire special forces unit.

Not everyone is allowed to take such tests; military personnel who joined the army and served for at least six months under a contract or conscription into the internal troops have this right.

Has 2 stages, over 2 days. On the first day, applicants take tests in fire training, tactics, and also take those disciplines that were studied during training in special forces training courses. If the applicant passes this stage and receives a grade of at least “good”, he is admitted to the second stage. In addition, at the preliminary stage you must pass a physical fitness test.

The tests include a forced march of 3 kilometers, pull-ups and other exercises included in the program. After passing the preliminary exams, those who pass this stage and receive a grade of at least “excellent” are admitted to the main stage. In each discipline, they can be removed from the test for poor performance, so not everyone is allowed to the second stage.

The main stage includes:

  • A forced march through difficult terrain with a length of about 10 kilometers.
  • A complicated obstacle course.
  • Shooting training.
  • Test for the ability to storm multi-story buildings.
  • Testing for acrobatic skills.
  • Hand-to-hand combat.

While passing tests, fighters are exposed not only to colossal physical activity, but also a lot of psychological pressure. During the forced march stage, subjects are given additional commands. What are these commands? The commander conducting the test can give a command about a surprise attack by the enemy or create a simulation of passing through a zone with toxic substances.

In addition, overcoming obstacles with water and mud or evacuating the wounded only adds to the complexity. The time allotted for passing this test is assigned according to weather conditions and terrain features. Fighters who do not meet the allotted time are not allowed to participate in further tests.

An equally difficult stage is the obstacle course. At this stage, special observation of the subjects is established. For every 5 people, 1 instructor is allocated, since there are frequent cases of injury at this stage.

Psychological pressure is exerted by sound effects simulating explosions and gunshots. Part of the strip is filled with smoke to create special conditions close to real combat operations. It is not for nothing that the special forces motto sounds like “Special forces are like iron, without action they rust.” There are a lot of these actions during testing.

The subsequent stages are just as difficult. The final stage where skills are tested hand-to-hand combat carried out in special equipment. Wearing a protective helmet and boxing gloves, but even despite such protection, there are frequent cases of knocked out teeth and broken noses among the test subjects. However, for those who have passed all the tests with honor, all the difficulties of passing the tests become unimportant when they are awarded the insignia received in such a difficult struggle.

The presentation of the maroon beret takes place in a solemn atmosphere and in front of his colleagues, the fighter receives this award. At such a moment, emotions overwhelm everyone who with such difficulty won the right to wear this insignia. The soldier is given a beret and with the words: “I serve the fatherland and special forces!”, He becomes one of those who has the privilege of wearing this headdress of a special color.

Deprivation of the insignia

This measure is applied to fighters who, for some reason, were unable to maintain this privilege. This right can be deprived by various reasons. It is much easier to lose this right than to acquire it. The maroon beret may be deprived in cases where a fighter shows cowardice during hostilities or his actions led to the death of a comrade through his fault.

In addition, poor physical fitness, negligence, violation of discipline and use of skills special training for selfish purposes may lead to the loss of this right. Such a decision can only be made in the council of maroon berets, based on a complaint received from the commander of the unit where the soldier serves.

After the service period was reduced to one year, only military personnel serving under a contract are allowed to take such tests. This insignia does not provide any special privileges in relation to other fighters. Does not entitle you to receive increased pay or special treatment in terms of promotion.

But every fighter who was awarded the honor of wearing this insignia on his head can say what great importance this attribute of clothing is personal to him. It may lose color and look different immediately after being awarded, but it is not just a piece of uniform, it is the award that every special forces soldier strives for.

FRESH informational occasion - regular qualification tests recently held in the vicinity of Minsk for the right to wear a maroon beret by military personnel of the internal troops and law enforcement forced the editors of Spetsnaz to pay close attention to... the headdresses of soldiers and officers of various units. First of all - on berets. Where did they come from, what color symbolizes what, who has the right to wear certain berets? Let's try to figure it out with the help of experts...

Our answer to the Green Berets

LET'S START with the beret - a necessary attribute of the uniform of military personnel in many countries of the world. Often the beret is a distinctive feature of representatives of special forces units, a source of pride for its owners. As you know, today berets and heads of military personnel of the Belarusian Armed Forces, internal troops, special police, the State Security Committee, the State Border Committee, and the Ministry of Emergency Situations are decorated.

In the Armed Forces of the USSR, berets appeared later than in the armies of other countries, says the deputy commander of the forces special operations for ideological work, Colonel Alexander Gruenko. - According to some sources, the introduction of berets, in particular, in the airborne troops, was a kind of response to the appearance of potential enemy units in the army rapid response who wore green berets. Apparently, the Ministry of Defense decided that wearing berets would not contradict the traditions of the Soviet Army.

The troops received the innovation with a bang. When conscripted into the army, many young men sought to join the ranks of elite units marked distinctive feature- blue beret.

Black color Marine Corps

HOWEVER, for the first time in the Armed Forces of the USSR, not blue berets, as many believe, but black berets appeared. In 1963, they became a distinctive feature of the Soviet Marine Corps. For her, by order of the Minister of Defense, a field uniform was introduced: soldiers wore a black beret (woolen for officers and cotton for sergeants and conscript sailors). The beret had a side made of leatherette, on the left side there was a red flag with a golden anchor, and on the front there was an officer's emblem of the Navy. For the first time in the new field uniform, the Marines appeared at the November 1968 parade on Red Square. Then the flag “migrated” to the right side of the beret due to the fact that the stands for honored guests and the Mausoleum were located to the right of the columns when the columns passed. Later, on the berets of sergeants and sailors, the star was complemented by a wreath of laurel leaves. The decision to make these changes may have been made by Defense Minister Marshal Soviet Union A. Grechko or in agreement with him. At the very least, written orders or other instructions in this regard, the researchers say, are not mentioned anywhere. Before the end of the November parades in Moscow, the Marines paraded in berets and field uniforms with “ceremonial” changes and additions. In 1969, by order of the USSR Minister of Defense, an oval black emblem with a golden edging and a red star in the middle was installed as an emblem on the berets of sergeants and sailors. Subsequently, the oval emblem was replaced by a star in a wreath.

By the way, at one time tank crews also wore black berets. They relied on special uniforms established for tank crews by order of the Minister of Defense in 1972.

Airborne Forces: from crimson to blue

In the SOVIET airborne troops, a crimson beret was initially supposed to be worn - this is the beret that was the symbol of the airborne troops in the armies of most of the uniforms for paratroopers, including two versions of the beret. In everyday uniform, it was expected to wear a khaki beret with a red star. However, this option remained on paper. Margelov decided to wear the crimson beret as a ceremonial headdress. On the right side of the beret there was a blue flag with the emblem of the Airborne Forces, and in front there was a star in a wreath of ears (for soldiers and sergeants). The officers wore a cockade with an emblem of the 1955 model and a flight emblem (a star with wings) on their berets. Crimson berets began to enter the army in 1967. In the same year, at the November parade on Red Square, parachute units marched for the first time in new uniforms and berets. However, literally the next year, the crimson berets were replaced with blue ones. The color symbolizing the sky was considered more suitable for this type of army. In August 1968, when troops entered Czechoslovakia, Soviet paratroopers were already wearing berets blue color. But by order of the USSR Minister of Defense, the blue beret was officially established as a headdress for airborne forces only in July 1969. A star in a wreath was attached to the front of the berets for soldiers and sergeants, and an Air Force cockade for officers. A red flag with the emblem of the Airborne Forces was worn on the left side of the berets by servicemen of the guards units, and at parades in Moscow it was moved to the right side. The idea of ​​wearing flags belonged to the same Margelov. Unlike the blue flag on the crimson beret, the dimensions of which were indicated in the technical specifications for production, the red flags were made independently in each part and did not have a single sample. In March 1989, the new rules for wearing uniforms stipulated the wearing of a flag on berets by all military personnel of the airborne troops, air assault units and special forces units. Today, military personnel of the mobile units of the Belarusian Armed Forces still wear blue berets.

Legendary maroon

THE QUESTION of a distinctive uniform was also raised during the formation of special forces units of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In May 1989, the head of the internal troops and the head of the main department of logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared a letter addressed to the minister of internal affairs, who decided to introduce a maroon (dark crimson) beret as a special distinction for military personnel of special forces units. Unlike marines and paratroopers, a maroon beret was a badge of qualification and was awarded only after completing a special training course and passing exams. This tradition, as we know, has survived to this day.

Green border

THAT the beret gives marines and paratroopers a brave and courageous appearance has not gone unnoticed in other branches of the military. After some time, many military personnel of the Soviet Union expressed their desire to wear berets. Border guards were no exception.

The first case of the USSR border guards wearing a beret dates back to 1976 - in the summer, for one month, cadets of the border training detachment in Kaliningrad and the Moscow Higher Military Command School of Border Troops in Golitsyno wore, as an experiment, uniforms modeled on the Airborne Forces: an open cotton tunic, a white and green vest and a green beret with a red flag on the side. However, although the border troops were part of the KGB of the USSR, all changes in uniforms had to be coordinated with the Ministry of Defense, which did not approve of such an initiative and the wearing new form prohibited.

In 1981, camouflage uniforms were introduced into the border troops. The new “wardrobe” also included a camouflage beret with a clip-on visor. In 1990, green berets returned to the border troops. From February 1990 to September 1991, they included the only operational airborne division of the KGB PV in the Soviet Union. In April 1991, the division's personnel received green berets with the Airborne Forces emblem on blue flags on the side of the headdress in addition to the standard border uniform.

After the declaration of independence of the Republic of Belarus, on January 16, 1992, the Main Directorate of Border Troops was created under the Council of Ministers. Soon the development of uniforms for the national border troops began. Taking into account the wishes of military personnel and development trends military uniform clothing of that time, the green beret was also introduced.

However, since 1995, some changes have occurred in the uniform of our border troops, enshrined in Presidential Decree No. 174 of May 15, 1996 “On military uniforms and insignia according to military ranks" According to the document, only military personnel of special forces units had the right to wear light green berets in the border troops.

What do they wear at Alpha?

LESS known is the beret of the anti-terrorist special unit “Alpha” of the KGB of Belarus. It has a cornflower blue color, traditional for state security agencies. A candidate who wants to serve in Alpha goes through testing and takes numerous tests. At the next officer's meeting, the soldier's unit is officially enrolled in the ranks - and then he is given a beret. There are no strict rules about when you can wear a hat and when you can’t. It all depends on the specific situation - is it a combat operation or an everyday option.

There is no institution for passing the beret in the KGB special forces. Why? Experts say this is due to the specifics of the service. Alpha accepts only experienced fighters and officers, among whom there are many masters of sports and those who took part in combat operations. They no longer need to prove anything to anyone...

The brightest - in the Ministry of Emergency Situations

IF you see a strong man in a red beret, then know: in front of you is a soldier of the Republican Special Forces Unit of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. ROSN berets have a utilitarian function. The headdress does not give a fighter any special status - it is an ordinary element of uniform. It is worth clarifying that, in general, there are two color options for the berets of employees of the “emergency” department: red and green. Red beret - for officers, management. Upon liquidation emergency situations bright colors help them stand out from the crowd. And it’s easier for soldiers to notice the commander, which means they can hear the command in time. Green berets are worn by privates and warrant officers.

Prepared by Alexander GRACHEV, Nikolai KOZLOVICH, Arthur STRECH.

Photo by Alexander GRACHEV, Artur STREKH, Artur PRUPAS, Alexander RUZHECHK.


(bright red) color. It is a crushed root of madder - Rubia tinctorum, and similar species Rubia peregrina And Rubia mungista. Madder is a perennial plant; its root is from 10 to 25 cm long and about 0.5 cm thick, orange (yellow-red) inside, brown outside.

Maroon- in Russian, a shade of red, darker and duller. Previously maroon cloth was cheaper than red cloth, and was used to make a number of elements of military uniforms for the lower ranks of the Russian Armed Forces of the imperial period.

Story [ | ]

At the end of the 19th century, madder was cultivated in significant quantities in France, Alsace, Holland, Bavaria, Belgium, the Caucasus and the Levant. The annual cost of madder root produced in France alone was estimated at no less than 100 million francs. There were also significant madder plantations in the Caucasus near Derbent and Shushi. The best varieties were considered to be Levant and Avignon crapp: Levant crapp went on sale in the form of a root, under the name “lizari” or “alizari”; European varieties are mostly in a ground state.

Madder is mentioned by Pliny and other ancient authors. It was discovered, for example, as a pink dye on plaster in an Egyptian tomb painting of the Greco-Roman period. Came to Holland in the 16th century. through Spain, which received madder from the Moors. Colbert introduced madder in Avignon in 1666, Franzen - in Alsace in 1729, but this dye began to occupy a prominent place only by 1760-1790.

To prepare an artistic pigment (varnish), alum was added to the madder root extract and precipitation was carried out using alkali.

The cultivation of madder ceased in the last quarter of the 19th century. after the German chemists Graebe and Liebermann proposed a method for producing alizarin in 1868.

Growing madder (according to the Brockhaus encyclopedia)[ | ]

Madder is propagated by cuttings or seeds and is usually harvested no earlier than 4-5 years after sowing. On soil favorable for its growth and in suitable climatic conditions tithe gives up to 200 pd. washed root. The roots dug out of the ground are dried in the sun and sold in this form.

Application of crappie[ | ]


The use of kappa as a dyeing substance was based on the content of pigments in it: alizarin and. Alizarin in crappie is, however, not in a free state, but in the form of a glycoside of ruberitric acid, which, during fermentation or under the influence of acids, breaks down into sugar and alizarin, according to the equation: C 26 H 28 O 14 + 2H 2 O = C 14 H 8 O 4 + 2C 6 H 12 O 6 .

The classic work of Graebe and Lieberman showed that both alizarin and purpurin are derivatives of the hydrocarbon anthracene: the first is dioxyanthraquinone C 14 H 6 O 2 (HO) 2, the second is trioxyanthraquinone C 14 H 5 O 2 (HO) 3. These works served as the basis for a vast industry chemical industry- the production of artificial alizarin, which quickly replaced krapp and krapp preparations, krapp extracts from dyeing practice. According to Rosenstiel's research, purpurin, another madder pigment, is found in crappie not in the form of a glucoside, but in the form of a carboxylic acid, pseudopurpurin, which, when heated with water, breaks down into purpurin and carbon dioxide.

In addition to alizarin and purpurin, two other substances were isolated from kappa. chemically very close to alizarin: , an isomer of alizarin and, in composition, a carboxylic acid, standing to alizarin in the same ratio as pseudopurpurin to purpurin. The use of krapp in dyeing practice was based precisely on the ability of alizarin to produce durable and bright colored varnishes with various metal oxides; so, with iron - purple or black, with alumina - bright red and Pink colour, with tin mordant - fiery red, etc.

In particular, significant quantities of crappie were used in purple dyeing to obtain red, as well as to obtain black and brown colors. In order to, if possible, enhance the coloring ability of madder, its crushed root was very often preliminarily subjected to various treatments, which resulted in an already prepared crappie or the so-called crappie extract. This kind of pre-treatment more or less completely removed impurities harmful to dyeing: resins, acids, sugary and pectin substances, and when dyeing with crappie extract the result was always more lively and bright shade colors. One of the most common crappie preparations was; and was used in quite significant quantities. Crappe color (fleur de garance) was prepared by fermenting washed and ground crappie; Pinkoffin processing of crappie in an autoclave | ]

rkovrigin wrote in August 4, 2014

Originally posted by 16165853_vkontakte. at Beret in speckled colors

It all started today at half past six in the morning in Balashikha. Formation and final preparations.

The outfit of a candidate for the right to wear a maroon beret weighs 15 kg. Each of the fighters will face a difficult forced march and a lot of exciting adventures...

And - forward!

8 km of interval cross-country through the forest is behind us. there is a water hazard ahead

And after the obstacle there is a sand slide. The guys overcame it several times - crawling and running, under the explosions of training grenades. It was terribly difficult - I ran up onto it myself with a tripod on my shoulder and almost put my tongue on my shoulder)

After the cross-country there is a firing line immediately.

And behind it - combat acrobatics

After acrobatics there was shooting at a shooting range, and then - high-altitude training. The soldiers came down from the third floor, shot at the terrorists with pistols and threw grenades. Everything is for a while.

Then it was time for kata - formal exercises with and without weapons. We skated everything perfectly!

And the final touch is sparring. It’s tough, sometimes even cruel, but this is special forces. The main thing is to survive. Defeat not the enemy, but yourself. For they are invincible, having conquered themselves. Of the 10 people who reached the battles, 9 emerged victorious.

Nargada - maroon beret. These guys deserve to wear it, because they have stood the test - with blood and sweat, pain and suffering. They survived. That’s why it’s truly priceless to them. Symbol of fortitude. A symbol of the highest valor of Russian special forces!

The finalists of the exam are awarded by Sergei Ivanovich Lysyuk himself, a legend of the Russian special forces. It was he who, in 1985, developed the rules for passing the maroon beret. Today this exam is the most difficult in the world of special forces.

General photo - the brotherhood of maroon berets "Vityaz" and the newly-made brothers.

Well, Sergei Ivanovich and I) Oh, and he’s healthy!

And this is Sergey, instructor of the Central Scientific Research Center. Great fighter and very good man. Thanks to him, I was able to shoot some really cool footage for the future program.

And we all rooted for this little brother. He is from Kaliningrad, confidently went to the test and passed it with honor.

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