Relationship fortune telling junona. Fortune telling on attitude. Free fortune telling for love and relationships online

Fortune telling for love and relationships is a special topic. Because a person is more willing to put up with a lack of money or failures in the professional field than with the constant presence next to someone who is not loved or dear. It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s heaven in a hut with a sweetheart. And understanding how important the problem of feelings and relationships is in the life of each of us, we tried to collect online fortune telling for love and relationships that would provide free answers to all questions regarding such pressing issues.

In this section you will find free virtual fortune telling for marriage and infidelity, you will be able to decide on the choice from several candidates for your heart... And you will also have the opportunity to understand directly online whether your chosen one is right for you and what kind of person he is, what are the prospects for your relationship and what he thinks about you this moment your lover (or beloved).

Free fortune telling for love and relationships online

How deep are the feelings of the person you are in love with? Will the power of your love be appreciated? After all, it may turn out that your heart, beating faster at the mere mention of HIS (or HER) name, will end up mercilessly broken. Or maybe, on the contrary, you think the worst, suspect a person of self-interest, but he (she) is actually ready to sell his soul to the devil in order to always be with you. Here is a love fortune telling, which right now, online, will help you find out the whole truth and understand what is going on in your partner’s soul.

You like this person... Although he probably has shortcomings, and you, of course, disagree with him (her) on something. True, you can’t see it yet. Or you don’t want to notice some disagreements, considering them trifles. Or maybe your partner seems ideal to you. However, life inexorably dots the t's... And therefore it is better to understand in advance how suitable you are for each other. And this virtual online fortune telling will help you understand such important issue in a matter of seconds.

Here is a fortune telling for love and relationships... A fortune telling that gives detailed answers to several personal questions at once. What's going on between you now? What are the prospects? What is on the soul of your chosen one (or chosen one)? What, perhaps, are you doing wrong? The answers to them are objective, because they are given by the Tarot system. Moreover, you can get all these answers online, that is, almost instantly. And yet - completely free.

A woman’s fate does not always look logical and obvious. An ugly girl can get married faster than a beautiful girl, and a girl, seemingly destined by nature itself to be a mother and a wife, is all alone, while her friend, whose culinary talents boil down to scrambled eggs and bacon, is already getting ready to get married... To figure it out in such a difficult matter and to help yourself finally get married, take advantage of this online Tarot fortune telling. It gives a detailed and - most importantly - comprehensive answer to it. In addition, it offers good advice and outlines prospects.

All your doubts and torment about the fidelity (more precisely, infidelity) of your loved one will be resolved by this virtual Tarot layout. With its help, you will see the true state of affairs, understand whether your partner is predisposed to cheating in general, figure out what you can expect from him (her) in the future... Fortune telling will examine the current situation from all possible sides, will help you understand its causes and consequences. This means you will get a chance to look at your relationship with this person from the inside and prevent possible problems in advance.

Nobody knows their fate. And even a simple “tomorrow” is hidden from us by a thick veil. But we humans are curious and persistently look for a crack through which we can peek at our future. Humanity has invented many ways to do this. AND Catherine's fortune telling- one of the simplest and, at the same time, effective among them. It can be used as fortune telling for love, for the near future, or for good luck. The three symbol pictures that appear as an answer to the question are interpreted by you yourself, based on the circumstances of your own life. That is, everything is extremely honest and fair: no general interpretations of “nothing.” In addition, everything happens online, that is, here and now.

Fortune telling playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

This free fortune telling on relationships will allow you to figure out whether there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of your loved one are. The layout is done on playing cards online, so you can use it exactly at the moment when it is most relevant to you.

How painful the unknown is! Does he think about me? Will she call me or not? Loves or doesn't love? There are tons of questions, and they all make the heart beat anxiously and the mind forget about important things... Meanwhile, there is a way to resolve all doubts in a few seconds. And he is in front of you. This virtual fortune telling simple and clear. It will not take much time and will not require much effort, but at the same time it will give an accurate answer to the most exciting questions. So, try it!

An excess of fans can be just as problematic as a lack of them. And really, how to choose between several candidates? Here, truly, if only “the lips of Ivan Kuzmich and... to the nose of Nikanor Ivanovich and to the swagger... of Baltazar Baltazarych...” The classic was right. But we suggest that you do not think painfully and pointlessly, but try to resolve all your doubts right now in this online fortune telling for love and relationships. With its help, you will understand how attached each of the contenders for your heart is to you. And you can choose the most loving of them.

Popular fortune telling

The Lenormand “Get to Know Your Partner” card layout gives insight into relationships in the present, past and future. How does your partner feel about your relationship, what nuances should you pay attention to, what pitfalls are hidden and what surprises of fate should you expect in your relationship with your lover. Think about your partner, ask your question regarding the relationship and choose 8 cards from the deck.

For what purpose do we meet this or that person in our lives? A very interesting question for many, especially when we're talking about about close relationships. The “Karmic Union” layout on Madame Endora’s mystical cards gives answers to the most cherished questions regarding the union of two people in this and previous lives: what lesson you should learn from this relationship, what role you and your partner play in the relationship, and what needs to be done to complete the karmic lesson. Ask your question and choose 13 cards from the deck.

The layout of the Manara tarot cards “Wife and Lover” is ideal for clarifying the situation in love triangle. The layout on the erotic cards of the Manara tarot gives an understanding of the problem in different areas and gives answers to questions about comparing wife and mistress for the intended man, and also gives a forecast for the development of relationships for the coming year. This fortune telling is equally suitable for both the wife and the mistress.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards “Feelings of a loved one” is a simple way to find out how your partner treats you, what he expects from your relationship and what threat exists to your love. Only three gypsy cards give the exact answer, but sometimes the decoding is veiled and in order to understand the prediction it is necessary for some time to pass and facts unknown to you to be revealed. Think about your question and choose three cards from the deck.

The layout of the Manara tarot cards “I and He” on the deck of erotic cards of the Manara Tarot will help you find out interesting nuances regarding love relationship. Fortune telling gives answers to the questions: What can you get from this relationship, what can you contribute to it (give) and what is the future of your love. Only three cards describe important nuances of relationships with a partner, and you can independently ask a question regarding each card.

Love fortune telling “Seven Stars of Love” is ideal for predicting the development of relationships, obtaining a love characteristic of the personality of you and your partner, and the partner’s secret thoughts. This alignment will show what contributes to the improvement of your relationship, and what, on the contrary, oppresses you. Focus and ask your question, imagine the face and name of your partner, then select cards from the tarot deck.

Layout of Lenormand cards “Separation” Suitable for those who are at odds with their partner or are on the verge of such a break. This fortune telling will help you find out what your partner’s attitude is towards breaking up, how your life will change if you decide to break up or maintain the relationship, and most importantly, whether your relationship has a chance. Concentrate and imagine the situation, ask a question to the cards, select 6 cards from the deck.

The layout of the cards on the Simbolon oracle “Portrait of a loved one” allows you to imagine which person is right for you to create a family or for Serious relationships. This layout answers the most exciting questions regarding the nature of the partner who is ideal for you and whether your idea of ideal partner with the character of the person you really need. Concentrate, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

Fortune telling for two dice“For love” gives a love forecast of a relationship with a partner in the future or a characteristic of your partner or you. In any case, the information that fortune telling cubes carry will help you understand an important and unknown nuance concerning your personal life. Think of your question and click on the cup to roll the dice.

Fortune telling on Tarot Manara cards “Attitude towards me” will help you find out how the person you are interested in treats you, and this person’s attitude is shown in three time periods: present, past and future. Also, this alignment divides a person’s attitude into external manifestation and true, inner feelings. Think of a person you are interested in and select six cards from the deck.

The Manara tarot card layout “Swing of Love” on the Manara deck of cards is intended for couples who cannot maintain peace and harmony in their relationship. The layout itself considers the important nuances of any relationship: weak and strengths, sexual and sensual side of issues, and also gives a forecast of how the relationship will further develop based on the current situation. Ask your question and choose cards from the deck.

Love fortune telling on Tarot cards “Venus in Scorpio” gives an understanding of how partners relate to each other, what feelings they experience, hidden influence, as well as what important events in relationships should be expected in the near future. This alignment is valid for about 3 months, if you change your behavior tactics, we advise you to carry out this alignment again, since predicting the future is always based on maintaining the principles and tactics of human behavior. The advice that the cards give you will help you in your matter (preserving or improving relationships) and does not always relate to the area of ​​feelings. Concentrate and ask your question to the cards.

Fortune telling with 6 Tarot cards “Marriage” allows you to find out how your partner feels about the prospect of marriage with you, how he imagines your future married life, whether he wants to transfer your relationship to new level, what is an ideal married life in his understanding, and others. Before starting fortune telling, concentrate, imagine your partner and ask a question that interests you. Remember that the decoding of any fortune telling cannot be taken literally; sometimes it is just information for thought, containing an important message for you.

Love fortune telling on gypsy Tarot cards will tell you how the person in question treats you and what she thinks about you. This layout also shows what feelings the person you are interested in has towards you, what attitude he demonstrates and what he hides, what goals he sets in your relationship, what he plans for you in the future, and what the outcome of communication with this person is. Think about your question and select cards from the deck.

The layout of the “Constellation Hyades” by the arrangement of the cards resembles the constellation Hyades, which the Egyptians attributed to the God of foreign peoples. Using this layout, you can find out how communication will go with an acquaintance, a stranger, or even stranger. How will he treat you, what will be his reaction to your words, what will be the meaning of your conversation and what will it lead to in the end. Before choosing cards from the deck, think about a person or event you are interested in, where you can meet him and ask your question.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards “Vasilisa the Beautiful” is used for single women who want to find out the reason for their loneliness. Fortune telling allows you not only to understand the reasons for love fiascoes, but also to get advice on what needs to be done to improve your life and find your loved one and loving man. Focus, ask your question and select cards from the deck.

Manara tarot card layout “Sex in big city"on an erotic deck of cards will allow you to find out how your partner treats you in the intimate sphere, how he treats your body and the manifestation of your sexuality, and you can also find out whether you like you and whether your partner is suitable for you in an intimate way. Before starting fortune telling, imagine your partner, think of a question and select six cards from the deck.

Card layout on the Simbolon oracle “What’s on his mind?” allows you to find out what a person thinks about you, what part of his personality he shows you and what he hides, what he gives you and what he can give you in the future, what he receives and what he would like to receive from you in the future. With the help of this fortune telling, you will find out what you would like to know about a person, but for some reason you cannot ask him or he does not want or cannot tell. Think about the person you are going to guess about and your question and select cards from the deck.

Hello. What is happening in our relationship. Is there any prospect of getting together? Both divorced, both wanted to build families.
Valet Denariev
2- 10 denarii, 3- chariot, 4- judgment
5 - king of swords, 6 - queen of wands, 7 - 9 denarii

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Good afternoon, dear tarot readers. I’m dating a guy, I don’t know about his feelings for me, help me with the interpretation.
1. Nine of Cups.
2. Seven of Cups
3. Five of Cups
4. Seven of Swords
5. Queen of Cups
6. Ace of Swords
7. Eight of Swords
Thank you.

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Good afternoon, dear tarot readers!
Please help me understand the schedule. At odds with a young man. I really want to make peace. Is there hope?
1 Seven of Cups
2 Chariot
3 Three of Swords
4 Hermit
5 Priest
6 Moon
7 Death

Thank you

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Good afternoon. I don’t quite understand the thoughts and feelings of the man I really like. Caring, talking beautiful words, then he gets some kind of apathy and says that I’m putting pressure on him. So today we quarreled over nonsense. Does he even have feelings?
1. Jack of Swords
2,3,4 - 2 of cups, star, Ace of Wands
5,6,7 - knight of cups, empress, chariot.
thanks in advance

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Good afternoon
To be sure, I decided to lay out the station for two. We are long-time friends with a man and recently resumed communication. I'm divorced, he's single. We've always had a complicated relationship, and now it's even more complicated. Dropped: significator King of Cups. His cards: 2. Priest, 3. Lovers, 4. Seven of Denarii. Mine: 5. Tower, 6. Nine of Cups, 7. Ace of Swords. Did I understand correctly that he was interested and warm with me, and I decided to end everything with a serious conversation? (He really was in the plans). Does he have feelings for me on the cards, other than friendship?

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Hello, dear 777, tell me what’s going on with my ex? We parted very badly, I keep thinking about him, although there is already another one. What does he think, feel? Jester
King of Denarii
9 swords
8 swords
Ace of Wands
5 denarii

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Dear 777, hello! I really need your help in interpreting the cards. I've been arguing with a man for a week now. There is silence from him and I too am silent. I would like to know if he has a desire for reconciliation? And do we have prospects for communication in the future?
1.Six Denarii
2.Jack of Wands
3. Three of Wands
4.Knave Denariev

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Darling 777 Help me please. I’ve been waiting for news from the guy for 2 months, but he’s silent ((Is there any point?
1.The Hanged Man
3.King of Cups
4.Ace of Denarii
5.Ace cup
6. Queen of Denarii
7.3 cups THANK YOU!!!

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Good afternoon. Masha, he promised you something. Why are you waiting for him?

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Thank you for answering, I’m waiting because I can’t forget about it... we are both not free (both fire signs) there was a connection, then I broke up with him (and silence

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Masha, in my opinion, for the most part, I can’t tell you that he will come tomorrow, no, it’s a pause and it doesn’t bring peace, but on the contrary, it’s dull, unpromising and it’s not known when it will end. In his mind, the tower is a break with you on one side and clearing the way for what? In his heart he is the king of cups, that is, he has feelings for you as a woman, and the intentions of the ace of denarii are the desire to possess you and generally enjoy life.
You really want a date and intimacy with him. He wants you, but apparently there are circumstances beyond his and your control.

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How energetically attached I am to him, it just lives in my head, I just need to get over the disease and everything will go away (thank you, 777

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Hello dear tarot readers!
Please help me explain:
I like martyr, we met recently, but we hardly talked, we are planning a joint trip in the near future. I asked the cards how it would affect our communication with him:
1. Horseman of Swords
2-3-4 Four of Wands-Judgment-Three of Denarii
7-6-5 Queen of Cups - Five of Cups - Empress
Thank you

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Hello, please tell me my colleague’s attitude towards me, I’m interested in his feelings towards me, he Sissy, and as I understand it, the cards showed this, by the empress?
1 queen of swords
2 - 10 denarii
3 9 denarii
4 empress
5 Ace of Wands
6 strength
7 6 denarii

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Good afternoon. Please help me with the schedule. I’ve been trying to improve my relationship and take it to a new level for 8 months now. He then declares his love, gifts and meetings (relationships at a short distance), then calms down, practically does not communicate. And now, we haven’t seen each other for a month and a half and again it’s unclear what happened. According to the schedule, this is what
1. Queen of Wands
2. 6 swords (the knight of wands took an additional card)
3. 8 of wands
4. Queen of Swords
5. Fool's card
6. 8 of pentacles
7. 4 of pentacles.
Is there at least something here for continuation or development? Or again uncertainty? Thank you.

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1. King of Wands (Not Queen)

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Good evening dear 777!
I am turning to you again regarding the issue of a departed man. You reviewed my July 15 schedule on this site, you also recommended a book on Tarot, for which I thank you very much! In short, MCH never showed up and, to be honest, I already want to put an end to it and stop torturing myself. If he has forgotten me and has a good life, why should I suffer. I zombie the phone, waiting for the treasured digits of his phone number, but every day it’s becoming more and more unrealistic. Behind last years this is the first time that I have started serious problems with sleep, if I’m awake I think about it every second. Some kind of obsession. I’m replaying in my head a dialogue with him if he appears, but will there be this dialogue?
What is happening between us, what is not in his mind, in his heart, in his intentions.
1. Ace of Wands.
2. Ace of Swords.
3. 6 Cups (7 Denarii, King of Swords)
4. Peace (Ace of Cups, 7 of Swords)
5. Empress (Page of Denariev, 5 of Swords)
6. Queen of Swords
7. Knight of Wands

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Hello. Please comment on the schedule. In a relationship for about 2 years. Both are not free. I am an Aries, 38 years old, he is a Cancer, 50 years old. Currently, relationships are kept to a minimum - working on a common project.
1 queen of cups
2,3,4 - king of swords, 8 swords, tower
5,6,7 - death, 5 arboretums, 6 arboretums.
As I understand it, this is a break in relations.

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I'm sorry, I'll clarify:
5 -6 arboretums;
6-5 arboretums
7 death

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Hello. What is happening in our relationship. We separated, but it is very painful and difficult to accept. I want to believe that everything will be restored. Friends say he's in active search, but it seems to me from the pain, he wants to knock out the wedge with the wedge. We don't communicate at all.
2, 3,4, empress, wheel of fortune, emperor. (Yes, outwardly he is very strict and is not going to change his decision, that is, a break, period)
5,6,7,- 10 swords, 3 swords, king of denarii.
Please tell me what is visible from my side. And then my heart breaks, but my mind says to let go. Thank you

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Dear 777, I am asking you for help. Last night I had a very strong quarrel with a man, said a lot of hurtful words to each other and then parted. Please tell me how he feels towards me now, how he treats me in general, and is there a chance of restoring the relationship?
1. Five Denarii
2. Four of Swords
3.Jack of Swords
5.Nine of Wands
6. Jester
7.Knave Denariev

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Good afternoon! There was a conflict with a man, at the moment it has dragged on for a very long time.
1 - 6 swords
2 - Priestess
3 - 4 swords
4 - Lovers
5 - 3 of wands
6 - World
7 - Ace of Swords

Do I understand correctly that everything is quite sad, there are no prospects, and he is only getting further and further away?

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Hello, dear 777!
Please help with the interpretation. I'm waiting for the first step from a man, will it show up?
He's free, I'm not.
1-Ace of Denariev
2,3,4-Justice, King of Wands, Horseman of Cups
5,6,7-6 Cups, 4 Denariev, 9 Wands
Thank you in advance!

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Hello. According to the knight of cups and the ace of denarii, the answer to your question is yes.

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Hooray! Thank you!

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Hello 777!
What do the dropped cards mean: she asked how soon I would stop remembering one man. More than a year ago we communicated by correspondence (we had known each other for a long time, we didn’t become a couple and: our desires didn’t coincide), he disappeared without explanation (he took revenge, or something? For the past. .so humiliating: as if I offered myself, but they ignored me. I’m tired of this unclosed gestalt..
The cards fell out like this:
1-ace of wands
2- jack of swords
5-king of cups

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Tanya, hello.
In my opinion, he is happy without your confidence and sunshine.
You still think of him as the man you love. In your heart, justice believes that you are right and he is wrong. In your intentions to complete the world, you want all this for yourself. But now look between you the Ace of Wands. This passion, her fire, still connects you through space with threads.
Tanya, for future understanding, if you want to forget a person, then you need to stop laying out the tarot on him, otherwise you won’t get rid of him, there will be a connection with his energy field and he will live his own life, and you will be attached to him. On personal experience I got through it. I do not advise. Flour and nothing more.

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777, thank you! very much
You are so responsive and it’s so warming
Punishment, what am I, for my pride (I don’t believe in love, I believe in hurt pride. It’s what’s twisting me) I can’t switch, I’m almost ready to hit my head against the wall: to switch off..
And yet, how I “scribbled” to myself: I watched, listened to other people’s stories about love-carrots and I think, what a blessing that I don’t care, I despised men, believed (and I still think so) that they degenerate you as a class, worse than capricious children , and ambitions to the ceiling..

And it’s the same story with the boss at work (I used to do the layout), I’m slowly starting to despise something, I’m afraid one awkward word from his side and that I might burst out with my poison...
Sorry, I couldn't resist..

All the best to you in everything, everywhere and always!

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Tanyusha, everything you say is your truth and you have already spent quite a bit internal work. Now, hatred of men usually comes from childhood from the father. Therefore, this grief must be overcome. Not all men are like this, it is your task to realize, but how?
The first thing is to start reading the lives of saints or ascetics of all religions. You will feel who is closer to you and place this image right in your heart. Epics of peoples where archetypes are given male images both positive and negative, which also work in tarot. Poetry, start with Eduard Asadov, his love poems and poems. And directly learn by heart what will enter your soul. Believe me, there are worthy noble courageous men.
Stop yourself from seeing logs in other eyes and say, I want to discover the woman-mother in me. And look at those men who irritate you as if their mother was looking at them. It will help a lot. Start reading and thinking with the new moon "August 2.

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777, how wonderful you are! Thank you for your support: you are like a rescue service here.
And this is worth a lot!!! Just let our negativity not cling to you, really!

But I wanted a man-father (my father died, and how much he was missed, I realized after his death), but it turns out that I am a mother-wife with an adopted, unloving child... Just grief from my little mind: I explain everything to myself , all the cause-and-effect relationships... but there’s little point...
Dear, 777, it’s me... don’t answer, otherwise I’ll be carried like a horse)

I will try to improve patiently) Thank you again!

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777, please look at my schedule! A week ago I made a reading - the cards said that I was in his heart, that we would be in a relationship. But he never gets in touch. I'm suffering, waiting for him, hoping. And still nothing.... Now the cards scare me, is that really all!?
1. Devil (he has two additional cards, a chariot and a priest)
2. Three of Wands (additional cards: strength and page of swords)
3. five of wands (additional cards empress and five of cups)
4. hermit (two additional cards for him are the ten of cups and the six of cups)
5. four of wands
6.ten denarii
7. two of cups
He had problems and quarrels in his family. He turned his back on me to stay in the family?
A week ago there were feelings for me in my thoughts and my heart and cards said that he would come..

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The man is not free and I had suspicions that he was getting a divorce

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777, yes, I did it here. Please forgive me, I’m just emotional, I’m very worried. I'm in a relationship with a wicked man. He has been keeping it with him for some time, but not together. I tried to leave, but it wouldn’t let me go far. On the one hand, this relationship has exhausted me, on the other hand, I also can’t go far. In the previous scenario, he had feelings and the cards said that we would be together. But now everything has changed and is not moving.

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Lena, why don’t you want to turn to tarot readers? So that they look at you well in the future and whether it’s worth it to suffer so much. Because the station is a snapshot of the situation, but not a long-term perspective.
There are good tarot logs on YouTube, look, choose those who cut them and contact them.
According to what happened.
Lena, he is also suffering, but his family is dear to him. The Hermit retreated into himself.
The devil between you is not very good but bad. Because this lasso can keep people in codependent relationships for a very long time. With constant swings in relationships. There will be torment, then passion, feelings of adrenaline, then again torment and so on. Round.

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777, thank you for answering! It’s a pity that you don’t provide individual consultations now, you are a very sincere and sympathetic person!
I saw you recommended tarot readers and even signed up for a consultation, but there is a line, you have to wait. And now I feel like I’m on the verge... I’m afraid of making mistakes in the heat of the moment, but I’m already making mistakes with all my might..

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Hello dear 777! Again I ask for your help!!! We quarrel every day and then make up on my initiative, because I always consider myself guilty! Maybe we shouldn’t hope for the best and call it a day? They had a fight again (or had already broken up). It's unbearable to live like this anymore! I can’t understand whether he really loves or just in words? What's wrong with us? Confused. I beg you, help!!! Thank you in advance!

1. Eight of Wands
2. Two of Cups
3. Priestess
4. Five of Swords
5. Jack of Swords
6. Six of Cups
7. Chariot

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Natasha, hello.
In my opinion-
Why do you doubt yourself and blame yourself? You feel everything. You will soon find out everything - 8 of wands is very fast. From what I see it’s just a plague - 2 cups, a priestess and even 5 swords. A secret alliance with someone else and a plan to leave you.
What a day. Just some kind of disappointment.
Pull yourself together. This has never happened in real life. Moreover, your lasso chariot indicates that you want to break out of this relationship. What interferes with the 6 of Cups in the heart is attachment to memories from the past with him and hope for love.
Tell him that you don't feel well and that you don't need to communicate. Moreover, find out! !! Relationship with him. God bless you, think about yourself and remember that in such a situation we can only accept it, go through it and gain experience.

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Thank you! You're right! I felt all this...I just needed confirmation. Thanks again!

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Good afternoon.777 Tell me. I can’t understand. It seems like recently everything was fine with us and our love was so flawless. And no one hid anything from each other. And here such meanness is directed towards me? And I always provided financially. After the last quarrel, I didn’t give money for a month so that she could think a little.

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Evgeniy, I understand you, but based on what your cards showed, I answered you and gave recommendations for tarot readers. If you want to work in it and in yourself and in the situation, then you need the tarot reader to look at you deeply from your photos. I do not do that. Believe me, this will help you understand the essence of the problem and how best to behave in this situation.

And there is also the fact that the cards may not have made contact with you and did not show truthful information. I already told you what to do above.

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After such things I feel bad about laying out. I am a living person and I don’t get visits when I understand that I have to tell someone else about this. But you understand that the devil and the seven of swords are not just a bad combination of cards, but a very bad one. The Seven of Swords itself is already very alarming, and the devil enhances the negative that is in it.
Therefore, such arrangements are not my joy, believe me.

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Good day. Dear 777, what can you see on the maps? We separated at his request, I tried to restore everything, but to no avail. I think there was something between us real love, but he said that he has a lot of problems now and it will be difficult for us together, we are different. I also lay low. Tell me, please, has he really decided to separate, or is he thinking or deciding something?
1-8 denarii
2- ace of cups, 3-9 denarii, 4-5 cups
5-8 of cups, 6-king of cups, 7-4 of cups

Knowing him, he will now try to enter into any relationship just to forget me. Or am I screwing myself over?

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777, I read your comments, maybe I’ll place a secret pocket. I did as you described to the man.
1-knight of swords, 2-3 wands, 3-10 denarii, 4-strength, 5-9 wands
6-10 of wands, 7- queen of denarii, 8-7 denarii
9-horseman of cups, 10-jack of wands, 11-tower
12 is the Queen of Wands, 13 is the Horseman of Wands.
I read it as a lady (or maybe it was his mother? Her opinion is important to him, she is his authority)
I'm a virgin
And a Celtic cross with the question of what is happening between us.
situation-3swords translation; development-page of pentcales translation; hint-5 swords; origins-6 swords; past-9 pentcales; future-knight of pentcales translation; you are a priest; entourage - 2 wands transl.; hope - 5 pentcales; result - 4 wands transl.
Thank you

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Julia, hello.
If I don’t personally ask you to lay out other layouts, then you don’t need to expect me to look at them for you. There are sections on this site and tarot logs also answer there, contact them.
He cheated on you. That's why all his noodles on his ears wanted to touch another strawberry.
But he will come at the station. Because I have feelings for you. You are dear to him and he understands that he loves you. This is in my opinion.

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Thank you. I thought this would be informative for you. Sorry.
Changed??????.....oh horror((((

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Pages: 1

Attitude divination is a surprisingly accurate and simple Tarot layout that helps you find out the thoughts, feelings and predict the behavior of the person you have in mind.

Notice in the picture that it consists of seven cards. Please mentally divide it into three horizontal levels.

How to read the layout

The upper level of cards 1 and 4 will show what is usually hidden, may not be realized or clearly expressed in a relationship: your thoughts, beliefs, plans with your partner. It is this level that determines the development of others, controls, permits, prohibits, inspires.

The middle row of 2 and 5 characterizes feelings and emotions, and how you and your Partner express them to each other. And card 7 is a bridge of understanding between you. Does it mean conflict, does it harmonize positions 2 and 5? Take a closer look, are there cards with images of swords that can oppress your own and others’ feelings?..

Or cards of staves (wands), which need conquest, ardor, passions and disputes, which can be expressed as competition, selfishness, power or as interest and a thirst for adventure? Are there inverted Tarot arcana that weaken feelings, lead to an end, and create barriers to their development?..

The lower level of the layout 3 and 6 is what you observe, hear, what you come into contact with in reality in your relationships: behavior, actions, actions. Are there active cards of wands or independent swords? Cards with cups, which act more softly and according to your mood? Or maybe pentacles, striving for the safe and familiar?

Pay attention to positions 1, 2, 3 and 4, 5, 6 separately to understand how thoughts influence feelings and vice versa, how do thoughts and feelings shape behavior? Imagine that your session with the Tarot - exciting game with an unknown ending, which depends only on how you see your alignment.

And when the whole picture comes together, and each card falls into place, suddenly there will be a lightness that knowledge brings.

Coming soon new project!

Red Book of Love

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