Czechoslovak passive electronic intelligence stations. Complex intelligence management and communications (cruz) "Sagittarius Cruz Sagittarius description

More recently, in the 5th motorized rifle brigade near Moscow, they began to master complex intelligence management and communications (KRUS) "Sagittarius". The complex is produced at the domestic enterprise "Radioavionika". The tested individual complex is a kind of mobile type computer. Almost any device is connected to it.

When creating a network from the data of individual complexes, the computer of the unit commander will display necessary information about subordinates, as well as information about the enemy coming from them. To do this, an ordinary soldier needs to press just a couple of buttons and the coordinates of his location or the location of the enemy will appear on the commander's computer.

The unit commander will be able to combine the received data with electronic card terrain, or with a photograph of a given area obtained from a satellite. First, military intelligence officers will receive and master such complexes. According to the designers, the Sagittarius complex is practically a mobile personal CIUS.

The company "Radioavionika" at one time presented KRUS "Sagittarius" as a means of solving a wide range of tasks for information support. The Sagittarius complex provides:
- combat control;
- identification of detected objects and calculation of their coordinates;
- target designation;
- data generation for effective application personal weapons and means for close combat;

. The Sagittarius complex has an interface with all Soviet and Russian funds intelligence. In addition, the complex interacts with goniometers, radars, target designation, aiming devices and UAVs.

The complex was put into service in 2007 and is supplied in series. It goes primarily to ground reconnaissance units. The first samples of the complex, after passing through various field and combat tests, are sent for revision. Our scouts, having experience in operating foreign analogues of FELIN, IdZ-ES and Normans, asked the developers to improve the existing sample of the Sagittarius complex.

First - the base of the first samples was made on the basis of elements of the 2000s. The designers were sympathetic to the request of the military and the modernized KRUS "Sagittarius" is being tested. After successful tests, the ground units began to be massively provided with the complex. More than one thousand units of the Sagittarius complex have already entered the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The general designer of the Radioavionika enterprise A. Kaplin, talking about the Sagittarius complex, noted that the first KRUS samples were somewhat inconvenient for the soldiers - they had a fairly decent weight of 5.4 kilograms, interfered with the soldier when passing the assault strip, covered access to pouches and a medical kit.

Now, after the modernization, the complex began to weigh 2.4 kilograms, received smaller overall characteristics, and large blocks are attached so as not to interfere with other tasks. On this moment there are no significant comments on the use of the Sagittarius complex from the military personnel of the ground units, where the complexes are mainly received.

. KRUS "Sagittarius" can have several levels of configuration. The simplest configuration option is intended for military personnel of departments, up to the commander of the department. The next level of configuration is intended for the platoon commander; the package includes a powerful computer system with a multifunctional type console. The third, most complete level of equipment, is for the unit commander - battalion commander, brigade commander.

The range of interaction of the complex as part of the department is about 1.5 kilometers, but any of the individual Sagittarius complexes works as a repeater, which significantly increases the range and information control of a given area. In addition to voice messages, built-in standard commands can be transmitted over the radio, the recipient can watch or listen to them after receiving.

This innovation was introduced specifically to ensure that the scouts do not get distracted from the task, do not lose visual control. KRUS "Sagittarius" incorporates an autonomous navigation module, which is provided with an inertial system. It makes it possible for a soldier to know exactly his coordinates, even if he has left the satellite navigation coverage area. Switching between navigation systems occurs in the complex automatically.

The complex can be equipped with a helmet-mounted display subsystem for producing fire from cover. For example, when interacting with thermal imager "Shahin", information from it is sent to the indicator of a serviceman, which allows, without leaving the shelter, to conduct accurate and aimed fire.

. There is also an identification subsystem of the "friend or foe" type in the complex. The range of the subsystem depends on the characteristics of the associated sighting devices. The subsystem sends a request to an unidentified object, and if the object is “own”, then the serviceman will hear a sound notification in the earpiece. If, after sending the request, the subsystem is “silent”, then the object is defined by the “Sagittarius” complex as “foreign”.

The new complex of intelligence, control and communications "Sagittarius"

Scouts of the Western Military District (ZVO) began to master the Sagittarius intelligence, control and communications complex for issuing target designation to fighter and front-line bombers, as well as army aviation helicopters.

The military will study the tactical and technical characteristics of the complexes and in practice work out the tasks of targeting combat aircraft and helicopters at command posts, material and technical bases, ammunition depots and fuel and lubricants of a mock enemy.

Upon completion of the training, a control lesson will be held, during which aircraft controllers with the help of KRUS "Sagittarius" will have to bind maps to the area around the training ground, determine the coordinates of targets, their range, the main landmarks and means of attack for the crews.Classes are held at the base. training center retraining of aviation personnel in Lipetsk.

New tanks "Armata" will be tested in the troops >>

Complex intelligence management and communications (KRUS) "Sagittarius" and today it looks fantastic, although in fact the Sagittarius, which was included in the Ratnik combat equipment program, is in service Russian army since 2007. At the moment, the second generation of Sagittarius is relevant, which has been produced since 2011 and is constantly being improved.

The complex is continuously improved by the specialists of "Radioavioniki" (St.Saint Petersburg), and if the first knapsack samples of KRUS, bristling with antennas, were a complete headache for the military, then the load from placement modern complex on the transport vest of the "Warrior" the soldier practically does not notice.

The equipment of the first generation was called "Permyachka". The second generation of equipment was named "Warrior" by the name of the ROC. Next, there should be equipment of the third generation - the corresponding research work "Warrior-3" is being conducted, where the number "three" means the generation number, and not the version number of the "Warrior", and there is simply no "Warrior-2".

It should be noted that the transition from "Warrior" to "Warrior-3" will be gradual, with partial replacement of elements, some new elements will appear in the near future.

For example, in the near future, sensors of the medical and biological state may be included in the Ratnik - TSNIITOCHMASH, which is actively developing medical technology, - as well as protective goggles with information projected onto their glass.

The inclusion of anti-mine shoes in the "Warrior" is being considered, which will save from anti-personnel mines. In addition, the possibility of placing mine detection sensors in these shoes is being considered, as well as the possibility of placing minefield suppression systems in shoes or somewhere in the equipment.

In 2017 for ground forces(SV), Airborne and marines 50,000 sets of Ratnik equipment will be purchased. By 2020, almost all military personnel of the RF Armed Forces can receive a set of combat equipment for the soldier "Warrior".

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INTERESTING names of weapons in Russia! :)

Germany has a Leopard tank. Israel has a Merkava (war chariot). America has an Abrams tank, France has a Leclerc, both in honor of famous generals. And we have the T-72B "Slingshot". In honor of the slingshot! It is not clear why, but it is clear that KVN could only be born here! :)

Or, for example, the Americans take it and call their self-propelled howitzer "Paladin". And the British call their "Archer" (Archer). All the way. Here ours come up and say: look here. Here self-propelled howitzers 2S1 Gvozdika, 2S3 Akatsiya, 2S4 Tyulpan self-propelled mortar, and 2S5 Giacint and 2S7 Pion long-range self-propelled guns capable of firing nuclear projectiles. Smell the bouquet, please.

Here the Americans take and call their anti-tank guided missile "Dragon". And the other is called "Shilleyla" (Baton). Everything is logical. Here our people come up and say: look here. Here are the anti-tank missiles 9M14M "Malyutka", 9M123 "Chrysanthemum" and the anti-tank missile "Metis" (with a night sight "Mulat"). And to make it completely incomprehensible and scary to you, we also had a rocket called "Kromka".

And so that you think even more, heavy combat vehicle tank support we called "Frame".

And to make your head spin, the newest missile system coastal defense we named "Ball".

And so that your smile never leaves your face), our most powerful 30-barreled self-propelled flamethrower in the world is called TOS-1 "Pinocchio", and our GP-30 grenade launcher is called "Shoe" :)!

If anything, that is, there is also an 82-mm automatic mortar 2B9 "Vasilek", a company mortar 2B14 "Tray", a mortar 2S12 "Sani", intercontinental ballistic missile"Courier" with a nuclear charge (accept the courier :)), intercontinental ballistic missile RT-23 UTTH "Molodets" with ten nuclear charges, nuclear submarine of project 705 "Lira", artillery fire control system "Kapustnik", container missile control system "Phantasmagoria" ", self-propelled gun"Condenser" and grenade for underbarrel grenade launcher 7P24 "Foundling".

weapons support system at the rate of nuclear submarines project 667 - "Tourmaline"
system for providing missiles with air and nitrogen - "Owl"
Project 941 nuclear submarine combat missile system - "Skazka"
jet deck depth bomber RGB-9000 - "Pikhta"
small anti-ship missile PKURS-30s - "Moth" .....

"Vivarium" - ACS of the rocket artillery brigade
(ACS-automated control system)
"Vorchun" - aircraft satellite communication station
(Probably continuously gives out: "they are rattling and rattling, there are no forces anymore, they are completely fucked up, how much can you do, huh!?" etc. :))
Woodpecker - aviation marker radio MRP-48
Raccoon - SET-65 torpedo
(this one certainly doesn't care what lives in the pond)
Corral - anti-submarine correctable aerial bomb KAB-250-100
Brass knuckles - hand-held anti-personnel grenade launcher RGM-40
Capacitor - self-propelled gun special power SM-54
(shows Kuz'kin's mother to the terminator)
Kochkar - ACS command post tactical formation of the country's air defense forces
(What is this word anyway? :))
... looked at Yandex "KOCHKAR Novoros. kachkar Astrakh. unfinished, breeding ram" - self-critical !!! :)
Courier - small-sized ICBM RSS-40
(we sent you a note of protest. By courier :))
Lyapis - HF radio R-397LK
(Trubetskoy is not there, he checked. "Gavrila sat at the reception. Gavrila received texts ...")
Maria - 30 kt tactical atomic bomb
Metis - ATGM + Mulat - thermal imaging sight for ATGM
(and all this was invented and controlled by a WHITE person :))
Natasha - tactical atomic bomb 8U49
Foundling - shot 7P24 to an underbarrel grenade launcher
Ros - aviation GAS
(Preved Yarovrat)
Skosok - OVN-1 night vision goggles
(for cross-eyed???)
Traumatism - medical vehicle based on BMD-3

More recently, in the 5th motorized rifle brigade near Moscow, they began to master complex intelligence management and communications (KRUS) "Sagittarius". The complex is produced at the domestic enterprise "Radioavionika". The tested individual complex is a kind of mobile type computer. Almost any device is connected to it.

When creating a network from the data of individual complexes, the unit commander's computer will display the necessary information about subordinates, as well as information about the enemy coming from them. To do this, an ordinary soldier needs to press just a couple of buttons and the coordinates of his location or the location of the enemy will appear on the commander's computer.

The unit commander will be able to easily combine the received data with an electronic map of the area, or with a photograph of a given area received from a satellite. First, military intelligence officers will receive and master such complexes. According to the designers, the Sagittarius complex is practically a mobile personal CIUS.

The company "Radioavionika" at one time presented KRUS "Sagittarius" as a means of solving a wide range of tasks for information support. The Sagittarius complex provides:
- combat control;
- identification of detected objects and calculation of their coordinates;
- target designation;
- development of data for the effective use of personal weapons and means for close combat;

The Sagittarius complex is interfaced with all Soviet and Russian reconnaissance equipment. In addition, the complex interacts with goniometers, radars, target designation, aiming devices and UAVs.

The complex was put into service in 2007 and is supplied in series. It goes primarily to ground reconnaissance units. The first samples of the complex, after passing through various field and combat tests, are sent for revision. Our scouts, having experience in operating foreign analogues of FELIN, IdZ-ES and Normans, asked the developers to improve the existing sample of the Sagittarius complex.

Firstly, the base of the first samples was made on the basis of elements of the 2000s. The designers were sympathetic to the request of the military and the modernized KRUS "Sagittarius" is being tested. After successful tests, the ground units began to be massively provided with the complex. More than one thousand units of the Sagittarius complex have already entered the armed forces of the Russian Federation.

The general designer of the Radioavionika enterprise A. Kaplin, speaking about the Sagittarius complex, noted that the first KRUS samples were somewhat inconvenient for the soldiers - they had a fairly decent weight of 5.4 kilograms, interfered with the soldier when passing the assault strip, covered access to pouches and a medical kit.

Now, after the modernization, the complex began to weigh 2.4 kilograms, received smaller overall characteristics, and large blocks are attached so as not to interfere with other tasks. At the moment, there are no significant comments on the use of the Sagittarius complex from the military personnel of the ground units, where the complexes are mainly received.

KRUS "Sagittarius" can have several levels of configuration. The simplest configuration option is intended for military personnel of departments, up to the commander of the department. The next level of configuration is intended for the platoon commander; the package includes a powerful computer system with a multifunctional type console. The third, most complete level of equipment, is for the unit commander - battalion commander, brigade commander.

The range of interaction of the complex as part of the department is about 1.5 kilometers, but any of the individual Sagittarius complexes works as a repeater, which significantly increases the range and information control of a given area. In addition to voice messages, built-in standard commands can be transmitted over the radio, the recipient can watch or listen to them after receiving.

This innovation was introduced specifically to ensure that the scouts do not get distracted from the task, do not lose visual control. KRUS "Sagittarius" incorporates an autonomous navigation module, which is provided with an inertial system. It makes it possible for a soldier to know exactly his coordinates, even if he has left the satellite navigation coverage area. Switching between navigation systems occurs in the complex automatically.

The complex can be equipped with a helmet-mounted display subsystem for producing fire from cover. For example, when interacting with thermal imager "Shahin", information from it is sent to the indicator of a serviceman, which allows, without leaving the shelter, to conduct accurate and aimed fire.

There is also an identification subsystem of the "friend or foe" type in the complex. The range of the subsystem depends on the characteristics of the associated sighting devices. The subsystem sends a request to an unidentified object, and if the object is “own”, then the serviceman will hear a sound notification in the earpiece. If, after sending the request, the subsystem is “silent”, then the object is defined by the “Sagittarius” complex as “foreign”.

Complex aerial reconnaissance"Tipchak" was developed by JSC "Design Bureau Luch" in the city of Rybinsk. Work on its creation began in the late 80s. In late 2006 - early 2007, the complex successfully passed the first stage of state tests. The Tipchak aerial reconnaissance complex with BLA-05 (formerly 9M62) is designed to detect various objects from the air, identify them, determine and transmit their location coordinates in real time to consumers at any time of the day at a distance of up to 40 km from the ground control point . If necessary, it can be replaced by equipment for electronic or chemical reconnaissance, relaying and other purposes.

The complex provides high accuracy of the UAV following the route and the ability to install various payloads on it, use the device autonomously (according to the program) and in direct radio control mode. Reconnaissance of ground objects can be carried out simultaneously by two aircraft. The range of the complex is determined by the range of the radio link and can be increased by installing a new one with enhanced capabilities.

The Tipchak complex includes 4 vehicles and up to 6 UAV-05:

- Unmanned aerial vehicle BLA-05 "Tipchak" is designed to transport reconnaissance and transceiver equipment in order to receive and transmit real-time image information to the ground control point both during autonomous (according to the program) and radio command flight along a given route. High manufacturability ensures quick assembly of a UAV stored disassembled and its preparation (no more than 15 minutes) for flight immediately before its use. A piston engine is used as a propulsion system in a remotely piloted reusable aircraft.

- The antenna machine is used to transmit control commands simultaneously to two UAVs, determine their coordinates using the radar method, receive telemetry, navigation and visual information. It houses equipment for controlling two UAVs and a 12-meter antenna-mast device that provides reliable control and information exchange with low-flying UAVs. Power is supplied from a three-phase AC network 380/22 V (50 Hz) or from built-in diesel generators.

- The operator's machine is designed to control the complex and provides registration, processing and display of telemetric and visual information, its correction, linking to a digital map of the area, determining reconnaissance objects and their coordinates, as well as interacting with the authorities and consumers of reconnaissance information.
The issuance of a formalized report after the end of reconnaissance does not exceed 30 s.

- The transport and launch vehicle (TPM) is designed for storage and transportation of 6 containers with UAVs, their preparation and launch using a pneumatic catapult. When preparing the UAV for launch, the machine takes a position. Simultaneously with the assembly of the aircraft, the pneumatic system is also being prepared, with the help of which, after the installation of the UAV on the catapult, it is launched.
The machine is a wheeled chassis based on the KamAZ vehicle with a platform with an ejection device, a control panel, six containers for UAVs, a diesel generating set and performance monitoring equipment placed on it.
The TPM catapult ensures the takeoff of an UAV weighing up to 70 kg with an acceleration of up to 12 units at the moment of separation. The time of deployment and collapse of the machine does not exceed 20 minutes, the power consumption is 14 kW. The stock of fuel and lubricants for the UAV engine provides at least 30 launches.

- Car technical support serves to carry out routine maintenance with UAVs, search and select landed aircraft, their minor repairs if necessary, monitoring the performance of the UAV and delivery to the TPM for reuse, as well as transportation of a stock of consumables and spare parts.

The existing configuration of the complex provides ease of use and meets the requirements of the customer. If necessary, taking into account the weight and size indicators of the equipment, the complex can be placed on the same vehicle with a trailer and delivered in a reduced configuration. In this case, the total cost of the complex is reduced, its mobility is increased, but the working conditions of operators are significantly worsened.

In 2007, the BLA-05 as part of the complex successfully passed state and military tests and is in trial operation. The complex can significantly increase the efficiency of barrel and rocket artillery. This is ensured by providing detailed reconnaissance information about the terrain and enemy targets, conducting reconnaissance in the depths of the combat area with minimal risk to personnel, reducing the consumption of ammunition during strikes, and improving the quality and efficiency of the exchange of information between units when interacting with command and control agencies.

The main advantages of the complex are the presence of a digital noise-resistant radio link for controlling and transmitting broadband information, a reliable flight and navigation complex, and a small-sized optoelectronic system high resolution, an information and software complex for automated processing of intelligence information in real time and a modern element base.

According to the Luch Design Bureau, a phased modernization of the Tipchak complex is currently underway in order to increase its main performance characteristics- range up to 100:120 km, UAV flight time up to 6:8 hours, as well as in the direction of reducing the number of escort vehicles and reducing the cost. The Tipchak complex is considered in the future as a base for further development- using its unified elements and technologies, it is planned to create a number of new complexes with UAVs for various purposes of small and medium range, which are essential for the modernization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as for providing power structures and industrial structures.

So, recently, in addition to the land version, a marine (coastal) version of the operation of the Tipchak complex was created, which provides full cycle reconnaissance and observation of the sea surface in given coordinates at any time of the day with the simultaneous use of two UAVs. The complex ensures the receipt and processing of view information in real time, the issuance of information on the results of observation to the control point.

To expand the range of UAVs, the capabilities and scope of the complex, in 2005 work began on the creation of two more aircraft - BLA-07 and BLA-08:

- the BLA-07 device, a small-sized tactical reusable UAV with a piston engine, was created to provide reconnaissance of marine targets. This is a 35-kilogram drone, the payload of which includes a combined TV / IR camera and digital camera high resolution.

- the BLA-08 apparatus of a normal aircraft scheme with a reverse V-tail (90 kg, low speed with a long flight time), is the largest and most functional of the entire Tipchak line. Its payload may include a digital two-spectrum camera, a gyro-stabilized optical-electronic system, a side-looking radar, relay equipment, electronic intelligence, electronic warfare and radiation-chemical reconnaissance.

Modification: BLA-05 / BLA-07 / BLA-08
Wingspan, m: 3.40 / 2.40 / 4.1
Length, m: 2.40 / 1.65 / 2.7
Weight, kg
-Max. takeoff: 70 / 35 / 90
Engine type: 1 x PD
- power, hp: 1 x
Start: ejection / ejection / ejection or runway
Landing: parachute / parachute / parachute or runway
Flight speed range, km/h: 90-190 / 120-190 / 80-180
Range, km: 70 / 30-50 / 120
Flight duration, h: 2 / 3 / 8
Static ceiling, m: 3000 / 3000 / 4500

The prototype of the BLA-05 "Timchak".

Installation of the BLA-05 "Timchak" on the lift of the transport and launch vehicle.

BLA-05 "Timchak" on the transport-launcher.

BLA-05 "Timchak" on the transport-launcher.

BLA-05 "Timchak" on the transport-launcher.

BLA-05 "Timchak" in the transport position.

BLA-05 "Timchak" in stowed position on TPM.

The prototype of the UAV-07 complex "Timchak".

UAV-07 complex "Timchak".

BLA-08 on the TPM of the Timchak complex. MAKS-2009, photo by Dmitry Derevyankin.

BLA-08 on the TPM of the Timchak complex. MAKS-2009, photo by Dmitry Derevyankin.

Scheme of interaction of the complex "Tipchak".

List of sources:
Site of JSC "Concern of Radio Engineering" VEGA ". Complex with UAV "Tipchak".
Site "". Rybinsk Design Bureau "Luch" shows at MAKS-2005 serial intelligence complex with RPV "Tipchak".
Site "". "Tipchak" is being modernized.

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