What a clothing company with a rider. The history of the development of the Polo Ralph Lauren empire and its features

These original and memorable images accompany us everywhere. The logos of famous clothing brands are well known to many fashionistas, motorists will unmistakably recognize the manufacturer by the badge on the hood. What can we say about the trademarks of companies that manufacture household appliances and electronics. They are well known even to children.

Have you ever wondered who and how created the logos of famous world brands? What do they mean? Why does a seemingly simple picture become calling card company and is recognized all over the world? I must say that the history of logos of famous brands is sometimes very interesting. Get to know some of them.


Not all famous brand logos are as recognizable as this mysterious and catchy sign, which the famous fashion designer has been using since 1978. He became another decoration of his magnificent collections. Since then, the head of the Medusa Gorgon, located in a circle, has become the trademark of this fashion house.

When the couturier was asked questions about the rather strange choice of logo, he replied that it was a symbol of fatal charms and beauty that could hypnotize and paralyze any person. And I must say, maestro Versace achieved his goal - his logo is known all over the world. It has become a symbol of perfect taste, sophisticated style and luxury.


Photos of logos of famous brands often appear on the pages of glossy magazines. This square, consisting of four letters G and similar to a stylized clover leaf, represents strict lines and harmony. Some experts in the field of symbolism are sure that the company used the rules developed in ancient Greece to create it.

Givenchy uses the logo as embellishments and prints that are popular and recognizable all over the world.


Famous brand logos and their names can be found in many fashion magazines. And this little green crocodile does not need advertising, since it has long been a trademark of Lacoste, which is famous all over the world primarily for polo shirts.

Probably, not everyone knows how this sign appeared. It is not a combination of letters that define the name of the owner of the company. Jean Rene Lacoste is a former successful tennis player, in narrow circles he was called the Alligator. He founded his company in 1993, which focused on sportswear for tennis players.

The trademark was created spontaneously. For fun, one of Lacoste's comrades drew a funny little crocodile, which later became the logo of the new brand. Today, the fruit of this successful, admittedly, joke is one of the most recognizable in the world.

Chupa Chups and… Salvador Dali

If you think that the logos of famous brands are not known to children whose parents are far from fashion, then you are mistaken. A striking example to that - the company Chupa Chups. All the kids in our country know this product. But how is a great artist connected with her?

One of the most famous and prominent representatives surrealism, artist and graphic artist, director and sculptor, writer contributed to the development and prosperity of this company. After all, it was Salvador Dali who created the logo of the world-famous sweet candies on a stick. We must pay tribute to the founders of the company - they did not spare a substantial amount and invited the well-known artist Salvador Dali to create the logo.

It should be noted that their costs paid off with interest. The trademark turned out to be bright, simple, interesting and at the same time understandable and unobtrusive. According to the artist himself, this work took him no more than an hour. In the color scheme, he used the colors of the Spanish flag, rounded the letters a little and placed them in a frame.

Nike and Carolyn Davidson

Logos of famous companies and brands are sometimes striking in their simplicity. Therefore, many are interested in the question of why they are so memorable. An example of this is Nike and her laconic "tick". When the company launched a logo competition, Portland State student Carolyn Davidson entered.

It is interesting that then her sign did not cause much enthusiasm among the owners of the company, however, they found it quite promising. It's funny, but for her original work, Carolyn then received only thirty-five dollars. I wonder how much brand owners value their logo now?

apple apple

Logos of famous brands are often striking in their originality. Millions of people around the world know what the Apple logo looks like. And most of them know about the founder of the company, Steve Jobs. However, the name of the creator of this famous logo is known to few. Most people think that Steve invented the bitten apple, but this is a delusion.

At the beginning, Apple had a different trademark (Newton writing something while sitting under a tree). Steve did not like this option, because from his youth he gravitated towards minimalism and simplicity. He said: "Icons should look like they want to lick."

He set such a difficult task for Rob Yanova, the designer who worked on the new Apple logo. The only desire voiced by Jobs: "Don't make him sugary." A few weeks later, Steve had several sketches of rainbow apples (bitten and whole) on Steve's desk. Jobs chose the well-known option, which seemed to him more interesting and original.


Famous brand logos sometimes have a special meaning for company owners. This is what happened to the founder. Apple Steve Jobs. He had to face many problems in his life. He was even fired from the company he founded. But Steve cannot be attributed to people who are broken by life's adversities. After leaving Apple, he very soon founded another computer equipment company and called it NeXT. The name turned out to be symbolic - "next". This was probably how Jobs emphasized that he was unstoppable, and he would create the next company with even more enthusiasm and fuse.

But back to the history of the creation of this world-famous logo. He was commissioned to develop the famous graphic designer Paul Rand. He gave Jobs a strict condition: “You pay me $100,000 for one version of the logo that you are sure to suit.”

As a result of this collaboration, the world recognized the inscription NeXT, made in the style of Steve Jobs. The sketch was accepted immediately, without edits. The only thing Steve wanted to change was highlight the letter E in yellow. It is impossible not to say that Paul Rand previously created logos for the huge computer corporation IBM, the worldwide UPS delivery service, and more than a dozen medium and small companies.

Coca Cola

When we see the logos of well-known brands, which undoubtedly include the Coca-Cola Corporation, it seems that they were developed by teams of professional marketers and designers. But in this case, things were different. The logo for this company was developed by an ordinary employee of the company, accountant Frank Robinson.

At that time, the company did not yet have its current name, and it was Frank who chose it - Coca-Cola. He placed the name on a red background, and used the standard cursive at the time to write it. Such a font was then considered the standard of calligraphy. This is how one of the most recognizable logos of our time appeared before the world. True, about once every ten years, the company slightly modifies its trademark. But the special font remains unchanged, as well as red and white colors.

three-beam star

All motorists dream of owning a car with such a logo. Mercedes was founded in 1926. And the logo, known all over the world today, appeared much later. The company voices the official version of its meaning as a trinity - air, earth and water.

It is in cars (on the ground), in boats and yachts (on the water), in airplanes (in the air) that engines produced in factories are used. There is also an unofficial version that says that for the first time such a star was used by Gottlieb Daimler, the founder of Mercedes-Benz. In a letter to his wife, he used this symbol to indicate the place where they would be built. new house. The sons of the founder of the company slightly modernized the father's star, and it became the company's logo.

The three most popular stripes

And this logo represents not just a brand, but a huge industry that has been a trendsetter in sports fashion for several generations of professionals and sports fans. For a long time The company logo was a shamrock and three stripes.

An interesting fact is that designers were not involved in creating the logo. Its concept was proposed by the founder of the company - Adi Dassler. For 22 years (until 1994), the trademark was unchanged. But then new trends in fashion forced the specialists of the well-known brand to somewhat rework the trefoil, beloved in the world. Now the company's products are decorated with a logo, which is a triangle, made in the old traditions. The theme of the three stripes was retained.

Since 2008, the company has been releasing a separate collection of shoes and clothing called Adidas original. She combined the fashion of the 80s, as well as the original logo, which was created by Adi Dassler.

Calvin Klein

This brand began its existence back in 1942. His logo was created immediately. However, it became recognizable only 30 years later, when the designer introduced the jeans line to the world and placed the logo on the back pocket.

Later, it began to be used not only as a sign of recognition, but also to serve as a navigator through the collection. The dark logo stands for top-level clothing, gray for permanent clothing lines, and white for sportswear.

Famous brand logos: Brandomania game

If you are interested in the history of trademarks of companies, then you will certainly be interested in a new game. A few years ago, it appeared in the West, and now it is winning the hearts of gamers in our country. The game "Brandomania" consists of seven levels, they open as you progress through the previous ones. For experienced brandomaniacs, three special levels have been created, over which you will have to rack your brains in order to achieve good results.

"Brandomania" has a relaxing dynamic. It is best played by multiple people. It is desirable to answer the questions the first time, then you will be able to collect the largest number prize coins. Of course, the game is designed for those who know at least some logos of famous brands. The game (answers may not be very simple) suggests the possibility of using hints. To do this, you need to click on the "light bulb" icon, and you will see information about an unknown brand. And the "bomb" will remove most of the letters, and you will need to guess which word is hidden behind the rest.

The design of the game is quite simple, the control interface is clear. We must pay tribute to the authors of the game for the fact that they not only changed the logos beyond recognition, but also retained their main features. According to those who have already mastered the first levels, guessing the answers of "Brandomania" is really interesting.

The well-known word “logo” is translated from ancient Greek as “voice print”. Unique Image The name of a company or product appeared relatively recently - only about a hundred years ago, but today one can hardly imagine any brand without a logo. The horse has always and in all cultures been a symbol of speed, beauty, grace and nobility - it is not surprising that many companies have used this image as the most attractive and memorable image. "ZM" has collected for you the 10 most recognizable "horse" logos.


The undisputed leader of the rating is, without a doubt, the horse from the Ferrari logo. It traces its history back to 1920, when a young Alfa Romeo team driver Enzo Ferrari met Count Enrico Baraka. Enrico was the father of the legendary Italian fighter pilot, World War I hero Francesco Baraka, whose airplane fuselage featured the now-famous prancing stallion. According to one version, it was a family coat of arms, according to another, the horse got on board Francesco's airplane after Baraka shot down a German plane, the pilot of which was from Stuttgart. The fact is that the coat of arms of this city depicts an almost identical rearing horse, only with more “magnificent forms”. The Ferrari horse has lost a little weight and now flaunts on chic sports and racing cars.


One of the iconic "horse" logos is the emblem of sports car manufacturer Porsche. The history of the origin of the logo is ambiguous. One day in 1951, car distributor Max Hoffman met company founder Ferdinand Porsche at a New York restaurant. During the conversation, Hoffman assured Porsche that his cars needed a memorable logo - elegant and powerful at the same time. Then the first sketch was made on a napkin. According to another version, Hoffman himself asked Porsche to come up with a logo, but it was later drawn by company engineer Franz Xaver Reimspiess. The car logo is a coat of arms with black and red stripes and deer antlers, which are symbols of the German state of Baden-Württemberg with the capital Stuttgart, and the figure of the horse in the center itself reminds that a huge stud farm was once located in Stuttgart (later moved to Marbach), because the name of the city itself literally translates as "mare's garden ”, an outdated designation of a stud farm (in German, “Stute” - a mare, “Garten” - a garden).

Ford Mustang

The horse logo is found on many car brands, including the Ford Mustang, whose name speaks for itself. It was conceived by Ford engineers in the mid-1960s under the direction of Lee Iacocca as a sports car at an affordable price. Interestingly, the model did not get its name in honor of wild dweller prairies: initially the car was to be called Cougar - a panther, then Torino, and when it finally got the name Mustang, it was not a horse, but the famous World War II P-51 Mustang fighter! Nevertheless, it was not a plane that appeared on the hood, but a galloping stallion. Some resented the fact that the horse runs in the wrong direction (unlike, for example, horses at the racetrack), to which Lee Yakkoka replied: "The wild mustang gallops where it wants." The mustang logo has always changed along with the car itself - last time in 2010, when the silhouette of the traditional galloping horse took on sharp new forms that emphasized the more aggressive design of the car.


Russian manufacturers did not lag behind their Western counterparts and also used the horse logo, in particular, for the Kamaz brand. OJSC KamAZ has owned a trademark with the image of a wild steppe horse since 1987. The logo was created in 1985 under the guidance of the head of the advertising department O. Voroshina by artists V. Markovsky and B. Kryuchkov. Such an emblem was chosen by the Kama Automobile Plant not by chance: steppe horses are known for their intelligence and devotion to the owner, beauty and endurance, therefore such a logo perfectly conveys the characteristics of KamAZ vehicles: power, speed, reliability, accessibility and ease of maintenance.


Levi's is an American brand under whose name the world's first jeans were created and patented. They were invented by the German Jew Leb Strauss (later changed his name to Levi Strauss), the owner of a small enterprise supplying haberdashery goods to stores located near the mines. One day, Levi had a lot of unsold canvas, from which tents were made at that time, and he went with his goods to the gold diggers. The miners began to complain that they did not need tents, but they needed strong pants that would not be rubbed and where they could put the nuggets - and so the first jeans appeared. In 1872, Levi Strauss received a letter from tailor Jacob Davies with a proposal to patent the invention of rivets on the pocket corners of his pants (he came up with the idea to fasten the pockets with metal rivets from a horse harness), and in 1886 the famous leather logo appeared depicting drovers whose horses, moving in different directions, trying in vain to break the Levi Strauss & Co. jeans attached to their teams. They say that such an experiment was actually carried out, but the horses did not manage to tear the jeans, which was captured on the tag. According to another legend, such a logo appeared after a sensational story about a machinist who tied two cars together with jeans and successfully drove to the station he needed. In 1890, the company released the famous 501 jeans, featuring a low rise, leather tag at the waist, double stitching in the form of an arch and several copper studs on the back pocket, which has retained almost the original look to this day and has remained fashionable and modern.

Ralph Lauren

The Ralph Lauren brand is known to us mainly for its famous polo shirts, but it also produces other clothes, accessories, perfumes, underwear, furniture, dishes, textiles, wallpaper, sweets, pet products and more. Today, the company is valued at more than $10 billion. The founder of the brand, Ralph Lifshitz (Loren), the son of Jewish emigrants from Belarus, started with the production of silk ties. The designer rightly reasoned that polo is a game for the elite, the aristocracy and high society, and made a bet on this. He wanted buyers to see the logo and understand that the product is special and belongs to the “luxury” class. So, he took out a $50,000 loan and started his own brand called Polo Fashion in 1967. Lauren made the right decision: the player-on-horse logo first appeared on a collection of women's shirts, which began to be produced in 1971, and is now considered one of the most recognizable trademarks in the world.

white horse

White Horse, or " White horse”, is a popular brand of Scotch whiskey sold in 160 countries around the world. The Scotch Tape Company was founded in 1883 by James Logan Mackey near Glasgow. According to rumors, the Mackey family owned a tavern with the same name - White Horse Inn in Edinburgh, and the tavern, in turn, was named after the white riding horses from the retinue of Queen Mary of Scots, on which she and the courtiers left the royal residence. Time has not left its mark on the design of the label, which, despite its considerable age, has not undergone any changes and has retained its simple elegance to this day.


The logo of Burberry, a manufacturer of luxury clothing, accessories and perfumes, is a rider in armor with a spear in his hand. The history of the brand began in 1856, when Thomas Burberry opened his first store. In 1901, Thomas received an order from the War Department to develop a uniform for officers - that's when the need arose to create a trademark. The famous logo appeared in 1904: on it, a knight dressed in armor with a spear and a flag gallops on his warhorse. It is believed that the spear symbolizes the protection of tradition (and at the same time protection from the weather, because Burberry is famous for its waterproof trench coats), and the Latin word on the flag Prorsum means "forward" and is the unspoken motto of the company.


Hermes is considered one of the oldest fashion houses in Paris, but the company began to specialize in the creation of clothing, accessories, perfumes and other luxury goods far from immediately. Initially, it was a company for the manufacture of bridles, saddles and other saddlery products, founded by Thierry Herme in 1837. The quality of the products was so high that even royal families were customers of the brand! In 1900, the company developed the Haut à ourroies bag, designed specifically for riders to carry a saddle. Hermes did not forget about the equestrian traditions of their company and depicted on the logo, which appeared in the 1950s, a horse and a carriage.


Signature bags of the French brand Longchamp with the logo of a galloping horse with a jockey are difficult to confuse with any other. The company was founded in 1948 and originally produced smoking accessories and products for tobacco shops. Later, the founder of the company, Jean Cassegrain, opened a factory and set up the production of suitcases, bags, travel luggage and accessories made of leather and other materials. The company got its name and logo due to its proximity to the Parisian hippodrome - hence the horse and the jockey. Today, Longchamp is highly regarded by fashion connoisseurs and is an honorary member of the Colbert Committee, an organization that brings together French luxury manufacturers such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton and Hermes.

In 70% of cases, people recognize a company by its logo, so the success of any brand largely depends on it. So, there was a case when one allergic foreigner even refused to buy a car because he did not like his emblem (the Mazda logo seemed to him like a tulip, and not wings spread wide in flight). The logo is the face of the company in the global market, which is why the elegant image of a horse can be found so often on the trademarks of various companies.

Analyzing what does brilliant people in any of the areas human activity, you come to the conclusion that, in addition to innate abilities, a genius is always hardworking, and resolutely strives forward. He sees the goal and goes, wading through misunderstanding and mistrust. Receiving recognition and merits, it goes further without stopping. The Ralph Lauren Polo brand and its creator Ralph Lauren own the world of fashion. How can an emigrant from a poor large family become a Fashion Legend and three times Designer of the Year in America?

The beginning of life

Jewish the large family Livshitsey, who arrived in America at the beginning of the last century, was poor and experienced hardship. It was only at the age of 11 that Ralph found out there was another life, a much more prosperous one. It does not need to wear things for older brothers. There is even a clothes storage room - a dressing room. At the age of 12, he earned a three-piece for his first suit.

Fate loves successful people. The family's neighbor in those years was the famous fashion designer Calvin Klein, also an immigrant. Under his guidance and with the help of Ralph, he remade the clothes he inherited from his brothers and received his first lessons in design, aesthetics and the concept of elegance. Natural flair for beauty and taste complemented his education in the field of designing a suit that would meet modernity, be comfortable and look dignified.

In 1955, Ralph realized the name of the master must work for him. Now he became Ralph Lauren, having received a sonorous surname, in the American manner. The years of service in the Army passed quickly, and the first years of college, where Ralph Lauren learned the basics of economics and business.

Designer's career path

The young man did not know that fate was preparing world fame for Ralph Lauren, but it happened, he again got into the world of fashion.

First steps

Financial difficulties forced the young Ralph to go to work in a clothing store, and then to enter a company for sewing men's ties. However, Lauren soon opens her own business, which is a handicraft production of wide silk ties for men, called handkerchiefs.

Fashionistas liked the new accessories and soon the young entrepreneur was able to open a men's clothing store with the help of a sponsor. There were presented exclusive items, designer collection Ralph Lauren. The pieces were expensive, comfortable, and worthy of the wallets of the businessmen who appreciated the collection, creating a demand for Ralph Lauren clothing. At the same moment, the manufacturer's logo appeared in the form of a rider on a horse playing polo. From now on, all products that were produced under the name of the creator bore the POLO brand. The rider on horseback was the epitome of Ralph Laurel's motto:

  • aristocratic;
  • strictly;
  • comfortable.

This obligatory polo label honors any item in the collections bearing the Ralph Lauren name.

Stages of the path

The first profit and investments of the partner could not give scope to the creativity of the young designer, and Polo Fashion gradually faded. Investments of businessman Peter Smith, who headed the company, allowed to expand the line of sales. Under the polo label, glasses, accessories, and household items began to be sold.

At the same time, a collection of polo shirts was developed. Comfortable fit, pure cotton, a well-known brand and a wide variety of product colors have made this product the face of the company. Later, shirts of the same type were offered to women and made up another collection of fashionable clothes.

Children's clothing made of pure cotton, the development of sports uniforms for teams for significant competitions, and other designer's signature developments follow one after another. At the same time, Lauren subtly feels the need in society for a quality product, where his logo is a guarantor of quality and a worthy purchase.

Work principles

So, the development of some lines began when the master lacked a quality item for his own comfort in everyday life. He was included in the development as a talented businessman, anticipating the need. At the time of the release of the product, it is already in demand. Ralph Lauren himself says that he develops lines based on his own needs and listening to his inner circle.

A feature of the designer is the lack of own production. He uses the services of the world's best commodities companies. Lauren cooperates with them on an equal footing, offering design solutions for production. At the same time, he claims that he is able to make a good development, and masters of their craft can translate it into material. Therefore, partnerships are needed, where one master cannot do without the other.

Development of business projects

However, by transferring production to partners and being confident in the quality of the developed collections, he establishes management. Own trading houses around the world, trading on the Internet, using advanced technologies - everything is under his control. He is the owner of many trade brands, including Club Monaco. All of its sales areas are recognizable through the use of the POLO logo and brand.

Signs of branded clothing

One of the main signs of the company will be the logo of the company with a mandatory rider on a horse playing golf. At the same time, the drawing is embossed and of high quality, there are no distortions of forms, and reliefs and forms are well drawn. Smeared and fuzzy embroidery cannot be from the manufacturer.

Only one size label without variations belongs to the true manufacturer. It is performed on a special machine, and it is impossible to create an exact copy, at least at the present time.

All identification marks are located in exactly the places assigned to them by the designer without variations. Accessories are selected only high quality. So, for a polo shirt, a column that goes behind the collar, two buttons with four holes for sewing will be characteristic.

It is better to purchase quality goods without a doubt in their origin in Lauren branded stores. By the way, for those who do not live in the Moscow region, goods from the online store of branded clothing from the manufacturer are available.

Each famous brand has a personal logo that is remembered at first sight. A team of specialists and creative designers usually works on the development of brand names, however, there are cases when a brand announced a competition for best job and accepted sketches from emerging designers and ordinary consumers.

The creation of a clothing brand label is usually based on the name of the brand, or a specific image that carries an informational message.

Logos of famous clothing brands

On this moment All global clothing brands have their own logos. But the most recognizable logos fashion brands clothes have the following brands:

  1. Gucci. The brand logo was designed by the eldest son of the founder of the brand, Guccio Gucci. The sign depicts two intertwined capital letters G. These letters symbolize not only the name of the designer, but also a stylized image of a stirrup, since at the beginning of his career Gucci sold equestrian accessories.
  2. Hermes. The logo depicts a horse with a carriage. This is due to the fact that initially the company was engaged in the manufacture of harness for horses. Subsequently, a style from Hermes appeared - processing things with a “saddle stitch”.
  3. . The famous American brand depicted two horses trying to rip jeans on their logo. In addition, the red thread on the outer side seam has become a signature feature of Lewis jeans.
  4. Louis Vuitton. The brand uses the LV monogram, which is made in different colors. This brand has made its logo on just a brand name, but also the main decoration of its products.
  5. Lancome. The world-famous drawing of a cute kitty called Hello Kitty was created by designer Yuko Shimizu. It is noteworthy that he did not receive any remuneration for this idea, as he left the company ahead of schedule.

Unable to provide full list logos of clothing brands, since each well-known brand must have one logo. The logos of the world's Chanel (two crossed horseshoes), Givenchy (printed letter G located in a square), Versace (head of the fatal jellyfish Gorgon), and others have also become famous.

"How to buy a polo with a horse and not be deceived at the same time."

In the last 3-5 years in Moscow (and therefore throughout Russia), polo shirts have become especially fashionable and beloved. by the most well-known manufacturers such shirts (among world brands) are about 15 firms. All these brands, with greater or lesser success, are counterfeited by unscrupulous businessmen who have filled everything with their bullshit. Russian markets. But with particular fury, all these jackals pounced on (the most popular among our population) polo shirts with horse riders embroidered on the chest. Since our Club promotes predominantly American brands, the most famous brands with a logo in the form of a rider (s) on a horse (s) are US POLO Assn (USPA) and Ralph Lauren (RL).

It should be noted right away that these are absolutely 2 different brands, each of which has its own history and does its own independent business. These companies pursue different goals, perform different tasks, have different pricing policies. The only thing that unites them is the slightly similar (especially from a distance and for people with poor eyesight) logos with polo players.

The USPA brand has a longer history dating back to 1890. Ralph Lauren has been making these shirts since 1967. To avoid confusion, US POLO ASSN writes the following phrase on some cardboard labels: "NOT AFFILIATED WITH POLO RALPH LAUREN CORP."

Both companies (after intensifying the release of fakes on the market) are trying to diversify the range of products and change logos. Both brands have in their arsenal both large and small horses (Big Pony and Small Pony). Both firms produce polo shirts for men, women, children, as well as women's dresses based on polo shirts (of course, a little longer than the shirt).

Consider examples of the USPA brand:

The products of this company are more mass-produced and have more affordable prices. For the American market, these polo shirts are produced mainly by Bangladesh and India.

Now let's give examples of Ralph Lauren (RL) brand products:

In addition, Ralph Lauren pays great attention to tall clients (with long arms) and fans of Big Macs with a large volume of the abdomen and waist. A special size range is produced for them: Big & Tall:

This company even offers the production of personalized products, on which the customer's initials or emblems can be embroidered (according to his wishes):

This company can make a similar shirt for your pet:

But this is for gourmets and lovers of the exotic ...

The products of this brand are (in general) more expensive, as this company positions itself as an elite one in the world of the fashion industry. Although this manufacturer has several product lines that differ greatly from each other in price.

However, back to our main topic: how to distinguish an original polo from a fake.

To start this conversation, we must immediately say that in each team of polo players - usually 4 players (very rarely - 5). Therefore, when you see a number greater than 5 on the sleeve, on the chest or on the back of a polo shirt for sale, you can safely spit in the face of the seller. Polos with the numbers 6, 7, 8 and 9 are sold in full on the market (they were made by completely illiterate Chinese, and our people who are not too far away, but who strive to be in trend, buy them).

The next important (and easy to check for authenticity) point is: the presence of cuts on the sides (at the bottom of the product) and the difference in the length of the front and back parts. In RL polo shirts (both men's and women's), the back is longer than the front. The exceptions are shirts for golf and tennis.

For men's USPA polo shirts, the difference in length is about 3 cm, for women's USPA polo shirts, the front and back lengths are the same.

At the next stage of the check, you need to carefully examine the details on the embroidered logo: on the original product, all the smallest details of the riders are clearly visible:

Both manufacturers have vertical stripes (such as adhesive tape) glued on top of their shirts, on which the size of the product is repeatedly indicated (for fake manufacturers, the production of such a tape usually causes a big problem and additional costs).

It should be noted here that, of course, you can make a high-quality fake of any product (even a Bentley car!), But the cost of such a product will be higher than that of the original. Therefore, high-quality fakes are unprofitable and do not interest fakers. They try to get the maximum profit at the minimum cost!

Then it would be a good idea to carefully examine all cardboard labels and internal fabric labels and labels. On real shirts, cardboard labels are made of fairly thick cardboard and have clear, high-quality lettering.

On the inside of the USPA polo collar, a letter logo is always sewn on and the size, fabric composition and country of origin are indicated.

Ralph Lauren shirts have fabric tags sewn into the side inner seam (at the bottom of the polo): one is wide with instructions for washing and caring for the product, the other is narrow (SUPPLIER) with the manufacturer's code).

During an external examination, attention should be paid to the buttons sewn on the collar strap, as well as their number. Usually, there are only 2 buttons on such shirts. Each button has 4 holes and is carefully sewn to the fabric. RL buttons are mother-of-pearl (optional) white color). USPA buttons have "US POLO ASSN SINCE 1890" engraved all around.

On the "ears" of the collar, you also need to carefully look. The correct option is shown in the photo:

Naturally, one must carefully look at the quality of the lines on the front and inner sides products. At the same time, you do not need to rush when inspecting the product that interests you. At the slightest suspicion, it is better to refuse to buy - you should not part so easily (and voluntarily) with absolutely hard-earned money!

By following our simple tips, you can pick up a quality genuine polo shirt for yourself and at the same time not join a fairly large class of deceived.

Now another (easiest) way to avoid being scammed: you should NEVER buy ANYTHING from strangers and in strange places. Use the recommendation of relatives, acquaintances, work colleagues.

And by becoming a member of our Club, you will be able to use (provided by us) a unique opportunity to order at your own discretion any product from any online store located in the United States and NOT delivering orders to Russia.

We wish you successful shopping and only genuine goods!

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