Slugs on peppers in a greenhouse. How to get rid of slugs in the garden - protection and prevention. Preventive methods of protection

As soon as small holes with silvery marks appear on the leaves of vegetables and fruits, this is a sure sign of the presence of mollusks. Slugs prefer plants with large, juicy leaves (cabbage, beets). They eat not only them, but also the fruits themselves. They also love strawberries and wild strawberries, and do not disdain tomatoes and potatoes. Chemical and folk remedies will help in the fight against pests.

Ammonia against slugs on cabbage, all about it in the video:

How to deal with slugs on cabbage: Chinese cabbage, cauliflower


  • "Metaldihyde." The granules are scattered on vegetable and berry beds. Slug death causes acute intestinal poisoning;
  • Powder of slaked lime and copper sulfate. After the crop has been watered or after rain, the cabbage rows are dusted with powder. Contact with caustic substances on the belly of the pest causes severe burns, and eventually the mollusk dies. The treatment is carried out in the evening, when pests are highly active;
  • Furnace ash and bleach;
  • Tobacco dust.

Folk remedies:

  • Beer that has gone flat. Plastic cups half filled with beer are placed next to the heads of cabbage;

REFERENCE: To make them stable, they are dug into the soil. The result is visible in the morning. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times.

  • Grapefruit peel. Small openings are made in the peel and placed around the entire perimeter of the area. The pleasant aroma will attract slugs, they will fall into traps, but they will not be able to get out;
  • Using roofing felt, cutting boards and pieces of burlap. These traps are placed on vegetable beds and left for 24 hours. After the mollusks stay there overnight, they are collected and destroyed.


Application of chemicals:

  • The drug "Thunderstorm". The “treat” attracts slugs and leads them to inevitable death. Chemicals containing metaldehyde have low toxicity and do not harm the environment or earthworms;
  • Superphosphate. Pepper bushes are powdered with fertilizer at the rate of 30-40 mg/m3.

Folk remedies:

  • White vinegar solution. Half a glass of table vinegar is diluted in ten liters of water. Spray the plants and the soil underneath with the solution;

REFERENCE: The optimal time for the procedure is evening.

  • Boiling water. For the soft, delicate body of mollusks, high temperatures are terrible. To drive them away from the peppers, the pests are watered with water at a temperature of +60 degrees Celsius;
  • Eggshell. Scatter crushed egg shells on the beds.

Slugs on cucumbers: what to do?

To get rid of slugs from cucumbers, the following measures must be taken:

REFERENCE: The scattering of clean river sand will make it difficult for them to move.

  • Create trap shelters using old rags, burdocks, boards and pieces of cardboard;
  • In advanced cases, carry out chemical treatment preparations containing metaldehyde.

Slugs on tomatoes

Ways to control slugs on tomatoes:

  • Place dried nettles under the tomato bushes, as slugs are afraid of them;
  • Make various barriers for pests using ash and slaked lime;
  • Water the plants with garlic and onion infusion, since shellfish do not tolerate onions or garlic;
  • Pull weeds regularly.

Tomato pests and working methods to combat them:


Effective methods against slugs:

  • Spraying potato tops with wormwood tincture;
  • Place the leaves and roots of horseradish between the potato bushes, which will drive away the shellfish with its aroma;
  • Scatter crushed river shells on the beds.

Kill slugs on strawberries

ATTENTION: If slugs appear on ripe fruits, it is forbidden to treat them with chemicals, as toxic substances will get into the berries!

Effective and fast methods of pest control:

  • Mulch the soil between the berries with pine needles (spruce);
  • Plant parsley along the edges of the strawberry beds and in the center, which has an excellent repellent effect for slugs;
  • Treat the berries with a strong saline solution.


“Sweet traps” will help get rid of pests. They are made from jars or boxes of sour cream or yogurt. Then kvass, fruit drink or juice is poured into them and attached to the tree trunk. Once trapped, the pest will not be able to get out.

REFERENCE: Traps need to be updated every day, in the morning.

Timely preventive measures will bring excellent results; they should not be neglected. But if pests still penetrate personal plot, fight them in any popular way. Because they are simple, safe and quite effective. The use of chemicals is permissible only in extreme cases.

Once, in one night, snails ate 15 pepper seedlings out of 40 planted. Let's figure out together how to get rid of snails or slugs in the garden different ways. You can fight and get rid of them, you even need to! Snails and slugs are one of the most annoying pests in many gardens. They belong to the mollusk family, similar in structure and biology. Only slugs don't have the shell that snails have. When moving, these mollusks constantly secrete mucus, which facilitates their movement, and then, when dry, forms a silvery trail that signals us about the presence of these pests.

Lifestyle of snails and slugs

Laying slug eggs under a cabbage leaf

All land mollusks are hermaphrodites and have reproductive organs of both sexes, so they can produce both sperm and eggs. Therefore, each individual has the potential to reproduce. They can lay eggs up to 6 times a year. The maturation process lasts about 2 years for snails, and slugs reach maturity in about 3-6 months (depending on the species).

In areas with mild winters, such as southern coastal areas, these clams can be active all year round. When it's cold, they hibernate shallow below the surface of the earth. When it's hot, there's drought, slugs burrow deeper, and snails fence themselves off from outside world with a parchment membrane to protect themselves from drying out, they are most often attached to tree trunks, fences, or walls. During this period, they live off stored fat and can remain without food for about three months. This ability is one of the many reasons why they have been able to survive through millions of years of evolution.

In wet spring, rainy summer, and autumn, slugs and snails really annoy us, eating strawberries, cabbage leaves, and other garden crops. The strawberry bends slightly to the ground, and you look - in the morning half of the berry has been bitten, spoiled, and the leaves of cabbage or beets sparkle with large holes, eaten by these animals with the help of a horny arched jaw - a grater. They spoil seedlings, young shoots of many vegetable crops, fruits of cucumbers, tomatoes, tubers, and potato foliage. They cause significant damage to winter wheat by eating sown grains and young shoots. Small holes are left on the leaves and fruits of vegetables, and young slugs, hatching in upper layers soil, holes of various sizes are gnawed on potato tubers.

Slug (or slug) is the commonly used name for a number of gastropod mollusks that, in the course of evolutionary development, have undergone the loss of their shell. They develop, grow quite quickly, and can reach the adult stage in a matter of months, if conditions environment favor this. Some varieties produce offspring twice a year - in spring and autumn. Garden areas are usually favored by field and netted slugs.

Slugs are thick, oily, slippery creatures that have no limbs but two sets of tentacles at the front of their body. They do not have a shell, so they are called naked mollusks. The absence of a shell allows slugs to live in the soil, spend more time underground, there they also find food for themselves: potatoes, carrots, beets, and we lose part of the harvest.

Slugs in storage facilities contaminate vegetables, leaving traces of congealed mucus, soil, and fecal residues, which contributes to the rotting of the crop and shortens its shelf life. And crawling on different plants, snails and slugs spread various diseases.

With the onset of autumn coolness, slugs penetrate into the country house, leaving behind long silvery stripes - dried mucus. Admit it: it’s unpleasant when you accidentally step with your bare foot on a wet, cold, slippery slug or suddenly hear the unpleasant crunch of an accidentally crushed snail.

The long, moist, soft, slippery body of the snail is protected by a hard shell, where it hides when disturbed. Its typical shell is cone-shaped and twisted into a spiral. They, just like slugs, belong to the class of invertebrates (animals that do not have a backbone), they can live under any conditions - in the sea, fresh water, on land in wet conditions. Both have two pairs of tentacles on the head with organs of smell and touch. One pair of tentacles is longer than the other and looks like horns. These “horns” are eyes that are located at the tips of a long pair of tentacles. A short pair of tentacles is used for smell. Tentacles are very important to them. They don't have ears, but their amazing sense of smell helps them find food.

After the rain

These mollusks are less active during cold or, conversely, hot, dry months. On humid days they can most often be found under cabbage leaves, under boards, and stones. There they hide during the day, and in the evening they come out for food. In wet years they can cause significant damage to garden plants. They feed on leaves, stems, flowers, and fruits that are close to the ground, such as strawberries, tomatoes, and cucumbers. They feed mainly at night, although they sometimes act during the day when it is cloudy or it's raining. During hot, dry weather, they may be temporarily inactive.

Even such beauty can be destroyed

How to get rid of snails and slugs: 10 ways to fight

You can find them during the day under previously laid out boards, pieces of linoleum, old wet rags, in damp places in the garden. In the warm winter of 2013, I came across snails under old cut stumps, brushwood, and fallen leaves.

There are several chemical methods to combat it, but only birds can be poisoned. For pets and people, this chemistry is not always harmless.

I know a few enough effective ways struggle, how to get rid of these garden pests.

1 way. Place a tablespoon or two of cornmeal in the jar and place the jar on its side where you notice the silvery marks. Snails and slugs love cornmeal, but they die when they try it. In the morning you will see many dead shellfish in or around the trap. All that remains is to get rid of them by collecting them and throwing them away from the garden.

Beer trap

Method 2. Dig several holes as deep as a plastic disposable cup. Fill two thirds of the glass with beer and place it in the hole. Snails or slugs, sensing the smell, will definitely crawl. Check these traps daily to get rid of any pests. Top up beer as needed.

3 way. Pour ammonia diluted with water (proportion 1:6) into a container with a spray bottle. Spray the plants you want to protect from these pests with this solution. This concentration of the solution will not burn your plants, but will repel snails or slugs. These pests do not like the smell of ammonia - you will rid the plants of their invasion.

4 way. Prepare strong coffee (brew a double dose). You can prepare a repellent solution from double-strength instant coffee. Cool, strain, charge the sprayer. This solution can be sprayed not only on plants, but also on the soil around them. If you have time, watch in the evening for snails or slugs crawling towards the treated area. They will turn sharply (of course, sharply - this is boldly said, but as quickly as they can because of their slowness) and crawl away.

If you decide to use the third or fourth methods to get rid of snails or slugs, then you will have to repeat these techniques after every rain or after heavy dew.

5 way. Salt destroys and dissolves shellfish. But I would not recommend using salt in your garden beds. Sprinkle salt on paths or paths in your area where signs of pest movement have been observed. Salt corrodes the body of snails or slugs; they will not be able to crawl across the salt path without harm to themselves. Once on the salt, they seem to dissolve. After a while, you will see empty shells, and, as they say, there will be no wet spot left from the slugs.

6 way. To get rid of snails or slugs, fine gravel, crushed shells, eggshells, coarse sand, and coffee grounds are poured between the rows of beds - all this will be an “unpleasant” surface for crawling mollusks. They will not be able to crawl over such an obstacle without injuring their tender tummy.

Scarlet chard will repel snails and slugs

7 way. Slugs do not like plants with red leaves. If you sow, for example, chard beets of the “Scarlet” variety with bright red petioles, leaves with red veins, or amaranth of a variety that has not only bright inflorescences, but also bright crimson leaves, around the perimeter of your plot, then most of the snails or slugs will not reach your plants, will rid you of its presence.

8 way. Place pine needles around tomatoes or other plants that you want to protect from slugs or snails. You will simultaneously protect them from pests and also mulch the soil, preventing it from drying out. Pine needles create an acidic environment, and mollusks cannot tolerate it, so they will not be able to reach the plants and damage them.

9 way. If you have hedgehogs or frogs, rejoice - this is a great way to get rid of slippery pests - for them slugs or snails are a delicacy!

10th way. Chemical. Gardening stores sell Groza or Meta. This powerful snail or naked slug repellent comes in the form of rough granules. blue color. I had to resort to this remedy (I used Thunderstorm), since the number of these unpleasant mollusks in the spring exceeds the permissible amount. I have already mentioned that on the first day after planting bell pepper seedlings, 15 out of 40 planted plants were eaten at the roots.

Manufacturers assure that when correct use This remedy is completely harmless to people, pets, and the environment, but I still recommend resorting to its help only if the situation is critical.

Blue Groza granules will protect pepper seedlings

And below, see the result of Thunderstorm’s action.

Two days after using the “Thunderstorm” product

Snails on potatoes - what to do

Last year it was hot, so the potatoes had a hard time - there was not enough moisture. I was convinced by numerous reviews from gardeners on the Internet about the benefits of green manure. How wonderful it is to use them as mulch, which will keep the soil moist in hot, dry weather.

I specifically allocated areas for green manure. One was sown with mustard, the other with phacelia. I sowed it early, as soon as the snow melted. Just in time for the potatoes to be hilled, I mowed them down. I covered two rows of potatoes with slightly dried grass. It seems that she sowed a lot - more than a hundred were occupied by green manure. But it was enough to cover only two rows with mulch (20 holes in each row).

I decided to see where the harvest would be better - with mulch or not. And then it rains, rains, rains... Without any mulch, the ground is wet.

But the biggest problem came to light recently. On these potato bushes, which are covered with dry grass, there are a lot of snails - small, white. Having lingered until dusk, without really looking, I did not immediately realize what had happened to the potatoes - I thought white flowers appeared by night - there were so many of them.

During the day they were not there, but in the evening they crawled out of this dry grass, where, apparently, they were hiding from the sun, and began to dine on the leaves of my potatoes. And on potatoes not covered with mulch, there were almost none of them. This is how the experiment turned out.

But the tops on potatoes under dry grass are taller and more powerful. I looked more closely - the lower leaves of the potato had become lacy! How not to lose the harvest!

The lower leaves of the potato have become lacy

Maybe they won’t eat all the tops?... We need to do something urgently. I was not ready to deal with such small fry, with so many pests.

I will definitely share how I dealt with this problem.

P.S. I’m sharing... In 2015, the weather solved this problem. It was incredibly hot all summer, including the first half of September. There were practically no snails on potatoes or other plants in summer. They were hiding in the ground or somewhere else.

Slug - gastropod, having lost its shell during evolution, but having acquired a huge number of skills that help it live and reproduce in the appropriate environment, see the photo on the right.

Where can you find a slug? Almost everywhere! Wherever there is high or average humidity, soft climatic conditions, and most importantly - nutrition.

Slugs prefer to hide in shady corners, since in summer the bright rays of the sun can dry out their unprotected bodies.

Slugs are harmful many garden and garden crops. They eat the leaves of young plants, which leads to the death of the crop. They are also capable of completely destroying berries, vegetables and fruits. In this regard, it must be removed from the garden.

Slugs eat, and therefore damage, more than 150 types of crops!

As the slug moves, it leaves behind a trail of quick-drying white secret, which, when frozen, appears as a shiny thin path.

How to deal with them?

The fight against slugs must begin after the first trace of a slug is discovered.

Delay can be detrimental to plants After all, the garden slug is a very prolific creature, the sexual maturity of which occurs already at the age of 1-2 months.

An adult lays up to 400 eggs at a time, so it is easy to calculate that in the absence of a fight against the “uninvited guest,” its population by the end of the season can be simply huge.

How to get rid of it in the country house and in the garden?

If in the garden or on summer cottage there are slugs or snails, you need to get rid of them.

There are a few effective ways, which will help avoid snail activity and various in the garden, as well as in the greenhouse:

  • regularly remove fallen leaves from the ground, do not leave them on garden plot empty pots, bowls, etc., as all this will attract slugs as a refuge;
  • use slug baits. So, for example, you can leave citrus fruits cut in half (except lemon) on the soil surface;
  • use traps - deep containers filled with sweet water or beer;
  • create in the garden good conditions for the existence of slug enemies- hedgehogs, lizards, toads and frogs, blackbirds.

How to remove it from the garden?

When there is a large number of pests in the garden, an effective way to combat it is to collect it manually. Also, slugs will not come close to those beds that are sprinkled with pine debris or dry nettles.

Traps will also play a role. So, between the beds you can place old bags, pieces of slate, boards, cabbage leaves or watermelon rinds.

Slugs gather under traps, where they can be obtained and destroyed. The effect is achieved by performing the procedure regularly throughout the week.

How to kill a mollusk in the ground?

In order to get rid of a pest, it is necessary to create for it unfavourable conditions for life, namely, to minimize soil moisture. This is an effective protection against slugs in the garden.

Pest in dry soil will not be able to live long and will soon die.

How to fight in a greenhouse?

What to do if pests have settled in the greenhouse? In greenhouse conditions, slugs are much more common, than on open areas. This happens because the greenhouse implies high humidity.

If in conditions of open soil there is a chance that everything will resolve itself, then in the case of a greenhouse the summer resident risks losing most of the harvest, and sometimes the entire harvest.

In order to reduce the risk of pest occurrence in the greenhouse, you need to use the following methods and methods of control, namely it is necessary to regularly ventilate and light. It is imperative to prevent the normal humidity inside the greenhouse from increasing.

It is worth considering that in addition to humidity, Cold also affects the appearance of slugs. There should be nothing foreign in the greenhouse that could become a hiding place for slugs.

With a large number of slugs in the greenhouse they can be poisoned with granular metaldehyde by spreading the granules on the soil surface. The granules serve as bait, and if the slug tastes it, it dies. You can also use chemicals that are applied by spraying.

Slaked lime, copper or iron sulfate, wood ash and tobacco - excellent means for pest control.

How to protect yourself?

How to protect plants from slug invasion? The best protection is prevention.

The garden, vegetable garden, greenhouse must be clean, without foreign objects on the surface of the earth (shelter for pests).

The pest must not have a food source. So, if you don't want to pick slugs from cucumbers or young cabbage, protect them with a barrier.

To do this, you can use plastic panels that need to be dug into the ground, leaving 40 mm above the surface. Tin or metal can also be used.

If you don't have it at hand necessary materials, you can use regular nut shells, scattering them around. Slugs simply won’t get through it.

You can also mulch the beds with sawdust, sand or wood ash.


So, fighting slugs is difficult, but it's quite possible. Do not neglect advice on preventing the appearance of pests and do not take measures to destroy them, since they are voracious and polyvorous creatures.

Using chemicals to control slugs will give good results, but It is better to prevent their occurrence than to further waste a lot of time and Money for their destruction.

The agricultural method or use is up to you to choose.

Useful video!

Tomatoes are attacked by various pests. Slugs, which reproduce very quickly, pose a particular danger to plants. If you do not notice their appearance in the garden in time, they can significantly damage the leaves and fruits of your tomatoes. It is easier to destroy pests when their populations are small.

Chemicals are used to get rid of slugs. traditional methods, as well as agrotechnical and mechanical practices.

Description of the pest

Slugs are mollusks that have lost their shells during evolutionary changes. Outwardly, they are indistinguishable from snails when their shells have not yet formed. The body is elongated. The slug moves thanks to muscle contractions. The skin is covered with mucus, which maintains the normal functioning of the entire body.

Interesting fact!

The mucus secreted by the mollusk helps repel predators and also improves gliding during movement.

Slugs have elongated tentacles on their heads that serve as eyes and a tactile receptor. Behind the head you can see the pulmonary opening. Mollusks are hermaphrodites, but they need to mate with other individuals to reproduce. Fertilization occurs in both slugs at once. One lays up to 30 eggs in the soil. Over the summer, an adult slug can lay up to 500 eggs.

Mollusks move to vegetable gardens from the forest or meadow where they are located. habitat a habitat. Mass reproduction is influenced by existing weather. Most often, slugs appear when:

  • warm and snowy winters, which allows them to survive in the soil;
  • warm and rainy spring;
  • cool and humid summers.

The following suffer from slug attacks: tomatoes, potatoes, strawberries, wild strawberries, grapes, fruit trees, cabbage, seedlings, sorrel, etc.

Damage from slugs

The appearance of shellfish in a tomato bed will cause considerable damage:

Methods for controlling slugs

Various methods can be used to combat slugs. The main ones include: folk recipes, chemicals, agrotechnical and mechanical methods. Folk, agrotechnical and mechanical methods will allow you to get rid of small populations. But to deal with large colonies quickly and effectively - chemicals.

Traditional methods of killing slugs

Among the effective folk recipes highlight:

Infusion based on red pepper

To prepare the decoction you will need: 10 liters of water and half a kilogram of dried red pepper. Grind the pods to a powder. Pour the resulting powder into a ten-liter saucepan. Leave for two days. Then bring the mixture to a boil and leave to steep again for two days.

Application: dissolve a glass of pepper infusion in 10 liters of water, add 50 ml liquid soap, stir. Pour into a sprayer. Treat plants completely. Use the pepper mixture before flowering.

Garlic infusion

Chop three large heads of garlic and add ten liters of water. Insist for a day. Strain and spray the tomatoes.

Dry mustard based solution

Dissolve 30 grams of dry mustard in 100 ml of water. The mixture should stand for 60 minutes in a warm place. Then dilute it in 6 liters of water. Spray the plants and soil in the garden bed with the resulting solution.

Agrotechnical methods of getting rid of slugs

Timely care of the beds will protect tomatoes from slug invasion. If mollusks do appear, various traps will allow you to get rid of them.

Chemical means of getting rid of slugs

You can quickly get rid of slugs using special chemicals.

  • “Thunder” - are blue crystals with a specific odor that attracts slugs, but repels birds, which can mistake the granules for food. After consuming the drug, the slug dies within 1-2 hours.

Application: spread the drug in places largest accumulation pests. One fifteen-gram packet of the substance is enough for five square meters. The validity period of the crystals is 15-20 days. If the slugs in the area are not completely destroyed, spread out new granules.

  • “Ulicide” refers to enteric contact substances for killing slugs. After contact with the drug, the mollusks die within a week. Consumption per one square meter is 5 crystals.

The drug "Grom" is toxic, and "Ulitsid" is low-toxic. Place crystals while wearing rubber gloves and a respirator to avoid poisoning.

Preventative measures against slugs

  1. Plow your garden annually.
  2. Mow the meadow grass around the plot of land.
  3. Do not leave tops and weeds in the beds in the fall. As soon as all the vegetables are removed from the garden, they need to be burned.
  4. Plant strong-smelling plants around the perimeter of the land, the smell of which repels shellfish. Slugs do not like the following aroma: mint, lemon balm, lavender, garlic, mustard, chicory.
  5. Scatter on the garden bed in the spring:
  • coffee grounds;
  • tobacco dust;
  • wood ash;
  • dry mustard;
  • wood ash;
  • ground red pepper.

As soon as the slug gets its body on one of the ingredients, it will become irritated. Therefore, he will immediately leave the territory of the garden bed.

Slugs love plants with large, delicate leaves. They appear more often in dense plantings, especially in wet weather. Strawberries and strawberries suffer greatly from them.

What can you do to protect your plantings from these garden monsters?

Slugs lead night look life, during the day hiding under foliage and plant debris, mainly where there is shade and moisture. Therefore, you should not thicken the plantings and remove weeds in a timely manner, especially in rainy summers.

Before planting garden crops, you can make small grooves, at the bottom of which you can pour, for example, ash or tobacco dust, or lime or ground hot pepper. Such grooves will become an obstacle to the slug's path to the plants.

Remedies for slugs in the garden and vegetable garden

You can also protect plants by scattering potassium salt or superphosphate, as well as other mineral fertilizers around the plantings.

You can destroy slugs with such special preparations as “Meta”, “Slug Eater”, “Ulitsid”, but only if the chemical comes into direct contact with them. Spraying of plantings with chemicals must be stopped 3 weeks before the fruits and berries ripen; this is exactly the time required to remove the chemicals from the treated plants. Or else they say to respect the waiting period, and this is a period of decay chemical substances to elements that are harmless to the human body.

Folk remedies for fighting slugs

Mustard powder is harmless to fruits, but poisonous to slugs. Dilute 150 g of dry mustard in 10 liters of water and spray this solution on top of all the bushes that are spoiled by the slug.

Slugs can't stand high temperature, this fact can also be used in the fight against them. It is effective to mulch the beds with film, especially dark film. At night, slugs gather under it, as it is very humid there. And during the day, when the soil is heated by the rays of the sun, they die, unable to withstand the high temperature under the film.

Watering is detrimental to these pests. hot water. This can be done, for example, on cabbage. Water is heated to 40°C and poured directly from above onto the pumps, and the slugs die. And cabbage can withstand watering with water temperatures up to 60°C. It is advisable to carry out such treatment late in the evening, it is at this time that pests crawl out of their hiding places onto the foliage.

The old “old-fashioned” method of fighting slugs: dilute a quarter glass of table vinegar (9%) in a bucket of water and pour this solution directly on top of the cabbage in the evening.

they set these traps with beer

Slugs love beer very much. Therefore, you can set traps for them in the garden with such bait. Because of their greed, they simply drown in this drink.

You can mulch the soil around the plants with fresh sawdust. Sawdust from coniferous trees is best suited for this purpose. Also, many gardeners note that good effect Mulches strawberry bushes with pine litter.

This is a very effective way to combat slugs: dilute two tablespoons of ammonia per liter of water and spray the plants that these pests love with this solution. It is also better to do this procedure in the evening, so that the solution gets on the pests themselves, who crawled out of their shelters at that time of day. This solution does not cause any harm to flowers and fruits, but it completely destroys slugs.

There is also something like this effective remedy from slugs: pour 1 kg of fresh or 0.2 kg of dry hot pepper pods into 10 liters of water in a closed enamel or plastic dishes and leave for 2 days. Then boil the infusion for an hour, cool, grind the pods, close the concentrate tightly and place in a cool, dark place. For spraying, take about 150 ml per 10 liters of water.

Fighting slugs, video

Do you have slugs in your garden? What do you think is the most effective slug repellent? Do you use folk remedies or chemicals in your garden to control pests? Please share your ways and methods that helped clear the area of ​​slugs and snails.

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