The most interesting book novelties. World of Ice and Fire. The Official History of Westeros and Game of Thrones

In the previous couple of years, we have seen the rise of Russian-language fiction, but in 2016 the trend was interrupted. Several well-known authors pleased with quality books, but nothing really surprised. And many domestic celebrities have made a creative pause - it remains to be hoped, not too long.

But in 2016, many new translations appeared - both by authors already known to us, and by those who have not yet reached Russia (we even introduced the “New Name” nomination). Therefore, almost all the champions of the past year are foreigners.

Science Fiction of the Year

Applicants: James Cambias "Dark Sea", Adam Roberts "Jack of Glass", Kim Stanley Robinson "Red Mars", Paolo Bacigalupi "Water Knife"

A lot of high-quality science fiction came out, but this time there was no clear leader. Contenders for victory include James Cambias' original contact story, Adam Roberts' hard-hitting futuristic detective, Kim Stanley Robinson's massive planetary sci-fi, and Paolo Bacigalupi's grim post-apocalyptic.

And the winner was one of best novels Ian McDonald's "Brazil" is a hybrid of close-range fiction, detective thriller and historical adventure. The author painted a colorful portrait of Brazil, in which its past, present and future are mixed. The book turned out to be bright, multi-layered, with an intricate plot. This is both exotic futurism and alternative history, and fantasy about parallel worlds. Brazil is not an easy romance, and it makes sense: the best examples modern science fiction are designed for thoughtful readers.

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Mystery and Horror of the Year

Applicants: Frances Harding "The Cuckoo's Song", Katherine M. Valente "The Orphan's Tales", Stephen King "The Bad Dreams Shop", Vladislav Zhenevsky "The Smell"

This nomination, according to the already established tradition, turned out to be quite colorful. Perhaps, among all the contenders, only a collection of stories by the untimely deceased Vladislav Zhenevsky can be classified without reservation as a "terrible" genre. The rest are balancing on the edge: Frances Harding's novel is a scary fantasy for young people, Stephen King's collection contains stories of different genres, and Katherine Valente's dilogy is generally difficult to unambiguously classify.

Won the same novel by Dan Simmons - witty literary game, a book about the new adventures of the great detective Sherlock Holmes. The author sent the legendary detective to New World, investigate a mysterious crime side by side with outstanding writer Henry James. "The Fifth Heart" is a fascinating novel full of allusions and secret meanings. True, mysticism here is not traditionally supernatural, but rather like in the works of magical realism.

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Applicants: Peter Watts "Beyond the Rift", Harry Harrison "Harrison! Garrison!”, Kelly Link “Gotcha!”, Elena Kushnir “Real Tales”

Among the nominees in this category, only one little known name- Elena Kushnir, author of cute diverse stories. All the rest are venerable writers: Peter Watts with solid SF, Kelly Link with magical realism and, of course, Harry Harrison with early stories and memoirs.

And we recognized as the best a fresh collection of Stephen King, which includes works written by him over the past seven years. Of course, the collection did not become a revelation, because many of its plots are quite traditional for King - but they are performed at the highest level. At the same time, the writer tries to diversify his creative approach, experimenting with genres and style. The result is perhaps his best book since the ill-fated accident of 1999, when Stephen miraculously survived. All in all, the collection deservedly won the 2015 Shirley Jackson Award for Outstanding Achievement in Dark Fiction.

Our review and story from the collection

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Children's and Youth Fiction of the Year

Applicants: Terry Pratchett "Tiffany Sick" (cycle), Nick Perumov "The Adventures of Molly Blackwater" (cycle), Francis Harding "Moshka May" (cycle), Francis Harding "The Lie Tree"

Unlike last year, when the nominees were works that gravitate toward "adult" fiction, the current contenders are designed for a younger audience. However, moralizing fantasy by Terry Pratchett, fantasy steampunk by Nick Perumov, adventure fantasy and Victorian detective by Francis Harding can also appeal to adult readers.

But the winner was just the most children's book - a fascinating fairy tale by the Canadian master of urban fantasy Charles de Lint. Well-written characters, excellent dialogues, cute humor, a dynamic plot, relevant references to mythology - these are the main trump cards of the book. And, of course, one cannot fail to mention over seventy wonderful color illustrations by Charles Vess. No wonder the book won the Canadian Solar Flare Award for Outstanding Achievement in Fiction for Young Adults.

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Domestic Fiction of the Year

Applicants: Alexey Pekhov "The Contemplator", Henry Lyon Oldie "Strong", Olga Golotvina "Open Your Wings!", Sergey Lukyanenko "Quasi"

There were no special breakthroughs in domestic science fiction-2016. Well-known authors performed at their level - but no more. Aleksey Pekhov came up with a fascinating steampunk fantasy, Oldie again successfully turned to mythology (this time taking the epic of the Far North as a basis), Sergey Lukyanenko composed a high-quality zombie version of "watches". Unless Olga Golotvina took a step forward in her work, although her fantasy adventure, for all its entertainment, is too secondary.

Therefore, we decided not to be too original and put on the top step of the pedestal the novel by Robert Ibatullin "The Rose and the Worm", which has already received several awards for trying to compose serious science fiction. Despite some shortcomings, The Rose and the Worm attracts with its dynamic plot, polyphonic picture of the future, and thoroughness of the author's approach to scientific and technical details.

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Most anticipated book of the year

Applicants: Terry Pratchett "The Little Free Folk", Richard Adams "Shardik", Terry Pratchett "Keep the Line", Kim Stanley Robinson "Red Mars"

Michael Moorcock "Gloriana" or the Queen who has not tasted the joys of the flesh"

Here we highlight books that different reasons too long went to our readers. It is, as a rule, about the works of foreign authors (although there are exceptions). Current nominees include Terry Pratchett's two flat-world fantasy, Richard Adams' grand fantasy, and Kim Stanley Robinson's serious sci-fi.

And won the novel by Michael Moorcock, first published in the homeland of the famous Briton already in 1978. However, it's not about the "statute of limitations" - the book is painfully knocked out of genre traditions. Even for Michael Moorcock, who is known for his penchant for experimentation, often quite outrageous. Gloriana is a careful stylization of an adventurous novel in the tradition of baroque literature. The book is not easy to read, but for fans it is like a balm to the soul. Perhaps, if it weren’t for Gloriana, the “new strange ones” that thundered much later would not have been born.

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The most unusual book of the year

Applicants: Michael Moorcock "Gloriana", Dan Simmons "The Fifth Heart", Mark Z. Danilevsky "House of Leaves", James Ballard "High-rise"

Katherine M. Valente "Tales of an Orphan"

Magical realism, literary game, alternative classics, absurdist fantasy... Every now and then there are books that cannot be squeezed into the Procrustean bed of any of the traditional fantastic genres. Michael Moorcock's pseudo-historical stylization, Dan Simmons' mystical-detective pastiche, Mark Z. Danilevsky's conspiracy construct, James Ballard's "moral dystopia" - these are the current nominees.

We gave the championship to Catherine Valente's two-volume novel "Tales of an Orphan", where mythological fantasy, horror and postmodern prose converged. The book consists of bewitching and creepy stories, when reading which, the classic fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm pop up in the memory, not adapted "for children". Also, Valente's novel is beautifully written and superbly translated.

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Artbook or encyclopedia of the year

Applicants: All Ankh-Morpork: A Guide, Doctor Who. Life and Times”, “Dragon Age. World of Thedas. Volume 2"

World of Ice and Fire. The Official History of Westeros and Game of Thrones

A lot of artbooks and colorfully designed guides were published in 2016. The most striking of the traditional publications of this kind was the second volume of The World of Thedas. But books with game elements looked much more advantageous - like Terry Pratchett's guides to Ankh-Morpork and the Doctor Who universe.

And the winner was The World of Ice and Fire, a guide to the fantasy saga by George Martin. The authors of this encyclopedia stylized the text as historical chronicles written by maesters. The book pleases with an abundance of magnificent illustrations and a variety of information about the past of the Seven Kingdoms and adjacent territories. Great gift for fans of both Martin's epic and the Game of Thrones series.

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new name of the year

Applicants: Robert M. Wegner, Felix Gilman, Lev Grossman, Mark Z. Danilevsky

Last year we met a lot of new authors - we even had to introduce a special nomination. Among the contenders were Lev Grossman with the fantasy trilogy "Wizards", Robert M. Wegner with the large-scale fantasy epic "Tales of the Meekhan Borderlands", the author of the original steampunk "The Broken World" Felix Gilman and Mark Z. Danilevsky, who composed the elite conspiracy theory "House of Leaves" .

And we recognized the winner of the English writer Frances Harding, a new star of youth fiction. In 2016, Harding's four novels were published in Russian at once - from her debut, the entertaining adventures of the young rogue Moshka May Fly by Night, to the writer's latest book, the Victorian fantasy detective story The Lie Tree, which became Britain's novel of the year and got into shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal. Harding's books are good for everyone - the plot, the characters, the entourage, the style. For truly world fame, her works lack only one thing - a talented film adaptation.

The nominees in this category are the mythological techno-fantasy of Henry Lion Oldie, the epic inspired by the Chinese Middle Ages by Ken Liu, the steampunk adventures of Alexei Pekhov, the post-modernist fantasy of Lev Grossman.

The winner by a huge margin, almost twice ahead of the closest competitor, was Robert M. Wegner's Tales of the Meekhan Frontier. Perhaps, since the time of Andrzej Sapkowski, we have not met such a bright Polish science fiction writer. However, in terms of creative manner, Wegner bears little resemblance to an eminent compatriot. If you compare Wegner with anyone, then rather with Joe Abercrombie. Although Tales has something in common with the stories about the Witcher - the first four parts of the cycle consist of stories and novels united by a common plot.

Wegner's "Tales" are tough, harsh, merciless and poignant texts that are difficult to classify as one fantasy direction. It is at the same time epic fantasy, heroic, adventurous, dark, mythological, romantic, picaresque, detective ... And such eclecticism does not interfere with Tales at all. The cycle has practically no weak points - a fascinating plot, elaborate surroundings, realistic style, psychologically reliable characters, many expressive, sometimes heartbreaking episodes. And ahead of us are full-fledged novels, each of which is showered with a heap of Polish genre awards. So, perhaps, the next volumes of Tales by Robert M. Wegner will be among our laureates as early as 2017.

Real fans of literature are always aware of the release of the next creations of famous contemporary writers. It is clear that one cannot love everyone and each author has his own audience. But every person who personifies a representative of culture is simply obliged sometimes to get acquainted with the work of a writer, for whom he personally does not feel reverence, but respects him as an artist. In 2016, a lot of works were published, some of which can be brought to your attention. The choice of those that entered the top ten was difficult, because it was necessary to select the most worthy. So, in our top 10 list best books of 2016 included the following works.

The book rating of 2016 opens with another novel by the famous American writer Stephen King, which completes the trilogy about detective Bill Hodges. Brady Hartsfield, the criminal from the first part, is now completely harmless to others, he is in a coma. But what looks from the outside does not always correspond to reality. Outrageous deadly forces found a way to enter it and unite with the sick imagination of the maniac. His body is motionless, in his capabilities he resembles a vegetable. Bill and his partner Holly soon realize the danger posed by someone who used to be a threat and now controls the evil that permeates the entire city. Everything goes to a harsh, apocalyptic denouement, which does not portend a blissful outcome.

9. Broken skies

ninth on the list best books 2016 Al Robertson's work, dedicating the reader to the noir world of the future. Someday the Earth will be completely uninhabitable, and people will move to an artificial asteroid - the Station. But salvation will be possible at the cost of freedom and choice, because the new abode is subject to the will of the gods of the Pantheon. A long, protracted war between them and the corporation of Totality rotates the fate of any person. Battles give way to temporary truces, thanks to which the main character, Jack Forster, returns home to the Station from years of captivity. But his Odyssey was not destined to end soon, he finds himself embroiled in intrigues that the gods themselves weave. Not only the life of the main characters, but the whole of humanity is under threat.

Eighth place in our ranking of the most interesting works of 2016 is the novel by Dan Simmons, which became the third and last in the conditional trilogy about Sherlock Holmes. The illustrious hero has long stepped over the barriers set by his literary father Conan Doyle, and opens his new, unknown to the public, fragments of an entertaining biography. According to the plot, he has to go to America, where it is necessary to investigate the mysterious death of Clover Adams. Her husband is a relative of two American presidents, which means that not only a confusing, but also a dangerous investigation lies ahead. Sherlock himself doesn't really resemble his typical character, which gives him the right to think about a serious issue. Who is he? A real man or an image that was allowed to live and someone constantly controls it.

The seventh line among the best is rightfully occupied by the new work of Jean-Christophe Grange. The writer, who is rightfully considered the modern master of the detective thriller, immerses us in the atmosphere of horror associated with the investigation of mysterious murders. They are connected with some mysterious ritual, which Ervan Morvan seeks to unravel. By the will of fate, he has to go to the very wilds of the Congolese jungle, where, perhaps, the answers to the questions posed are hidden. The Erwan family once had to deal with events exactly similar to the current ones. And now it becomes clear that everything that happened earlier was not accidental, it seems that the devil himself chose their clan to commit his revenge, the last opportunity to demonstrate his strength.

The magnificent detective of Lisa Hilton introduces her reader to Judith Rashley - an educated, ambitious heroine who is not able to compromise with her conscience. She works as the leading expert of the auction house, she has to deal with many paintings by the geniuses of painting of all time. But this is her bright side, the dark one wakes up at night, when in expensive bars she is no longer an ordinary employee, but a predator-queen. By any means she tries to become her own in high society, and she does it well. Suddenly, she is completely unfairly fired, and then only a night road full of danger opens before her. But since other paths remain closed, then in this way she will be able to fully satisfy her ambitions.

A fascinating book by Thomas Armstrong will undoubtedly find its reader among both adults and children. First of all, it is intended for teenagers, because it is at this age that questions begin to appear that parents do not always find answers to. What is intelligence, how to correctly recognize it? The author is confident and clearly proves that excellent grades at school, the ability to read quickly and solve examples speak of erudition, but intellectual abilities are realized in a different way. The ability to analyze, to have competent ideas about art, communication skills form a personality and reveal one or more types of intelligence. Bottom line: This is one of the best books of 2016 for teens and students.

In fourth place is a collection of short stories by Anthony Dorr, seven stories about what excites us, but we do not always prefer to bring up such topics. What are memories, do they have a strong enough influence to control us? And what is better to release as soon as possible, and what is unforgivable and reckless to forget? The author does not always find infallible solutions, leaving the reader to think and draw their own conclusions. Concluding the story, the writer leads us to the main conclusion - the person himself with his inner universe is the very wall of memory.

The top three books in 2016 are confidently opened by a new bestseller from Tatyana Ustinova called "Expect the Unexpected". As always, the reader is waiting for a fascinating narrative with a detective bias. The main character is Tasha, she is sure that nothing and no one can overshadow her vacation. Her cruise along the Volga promises to be not just a happy event, but also a kind of farewell to the beauty of Central Russian nature, a nice entertainment. But do not expect from the famous author of the usual sentimental story. The companions on the ship become the object of Tasha's close observation, first because of her desire to understand the peculiarities of their personalities, and later as participants in the cycle of gloomy intricate events. One thing is clear, there is some kind of secret, which is extremely necessary to reveal not only for the sake of the triumph of truth, but also for our own safety.

2. Movie night

A gloomy detective, painted with mystical, hypnotic colors, always has a stunning effect on the reader. Meet the novel by Marisha Pessl, in which the protagonist - journalist Scott McGrath - has to plunge into the underworld created by his longtime enemy - the mysterious filmmaker Stanislas Cordova. His daughter was found dead under strange circumstances that Scott wants to deal with. But for this he will have to plunge into the gloomy world of the subculture in which Cordova has lived for many years. Now every step you take must be carefully analyzed, because the reality is too thin and everything that surrounds the journalist is just a ghostly scenery. The second line among the best works released in 2016.

1. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

The franchise about a young wizard, written and published at the turn of the past and the new century, has become a highlight of literary life. Despite the logical conclusion of the story, readers have the opportunity to return to fascinating world young mages. The work, confidently leading in our ranking of the best books of 2016, is written by three authors, one of which is JK Rowling. The play tells about the children of the main characters of the Potter series, who will plunge into events that, in their intensity and drama, are not inferior to those that happened to their parents. Moving into the past with a noble goal radically changes the present, and each attempt turns out to be even more terrible disaster. Whether something needs to be changed and how to avoid mistakes is up to the readers of this amazing book to find out.

In this collection you will find only the best books that the entire Runet was talking about!

1. “Givers. The Gift of Fire Ekaterina Sobol

Rosman publishing house delighted fantasy fans all year long. And not only interesting stories, but also the luxurious design of the covers of their books. But perhaps the most enthusiastic responses were received by the first book from the "Givers" series.

The book describes very interesting world: three hundred years ago, every living person had a magical talent at his level, but over time, knowledge was lost, and skills were forgotten. But suddenly the magic awakens, and the protagonist gets into the maelstrom of events and adventures, who is not ready for this. And whether he can overcome his fears and prejudices, it is better to see for yourself.

2. “Do no harm. Stories of Life, Death, and Neurosurgery by Henry Marsh

Honest and in many ways personal book by Henry Marsh, which allows you to look into the sterile and dangerous world of medicine. In the minds of the majority, it is customary to treat doctors in two ways: either this is the ultimate adoration, or panic fear. From this book you will learn what it means to be a neurosurgeon and what responsibility lies with such a person. You will understand why the overwhelming majority of doctors are cynics, but at the same time they are the same people as their patients.

The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers. It will affect those who need real action, because in the stories told, it is not always clear at first whether a person will survive or not. And it will become a guide in the world of neurosurgery for those who are interested in this subject.

3. "When Marnie Was Here" by Joan Robinson

It was this book that the legendary storyteller and animator Hayao Miyazaki included in his top children's works. The book has collected many prestigious awards and nominations, and for the writer became a successful debut in the field of teenage literature. Despite the narrow focus of the book, it will be of interest to readers of all ages.

In the center of the story is the girl Anna, who does not get along at all with either relatives or peers. She is all alone, gloomy and unsociable, unable to reveal her soul and feelings. But one day she meets Marnie, and the girls become best friends. Anna sometimes notices that Marnie behaves strangely and often thoughts flash through her: is her real friend? ..

4. “Quasi” Sergey Lukyanenko

The long-awaited book from the legendary Russian science fiction writer received mixed reviews. There were more positive ones, but there were fair comments in the negative ones. So this book is a must read!

Lukyanenko unfolds post-apocalyptic Moscow before the reader's mind's eye with a light hand. The creatures that inhabit the city are divided into three types: people, zombies and kvazi. Quazi is a sentient life form that stopped the destructive war between the living and the dead. The protagonist Denis Smirnov and his partner, a representative of the Quazi, must investigate a dark case in which there are chilling crimes and intrigues. the mighty of the world this.

5. Mrs. Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters

If you love twisted stories family secrets and mysteries of the past, then this book is for you! For Louise Walters, this is a successful debut in the world of literature, and her second book will be published in 2017. Fans of this story, and melodramatic narratives in general, are looking forward to it.

Roberta finds her grandmother's long-lost letter. After reading it, she realizes that the life of her close relative is not as simple as it seemed. After the first letter there are more letters, and Roberta is pulled into a knot of secrets from the past that only she can unravel.

6. "The Sexual Life of Siamese Twins" by Irvine Welsh

A new book by the Scottish classic, the author of the sensational work Trainspotting, which haunted many today. The author went beyond his style and chose hot Florida as the setting for his story. And this surprised both critics and his fans a lot.

Two heroines are drawn into a series of exciting events. One of them is a fitness trainer and a woman obsessed with her appearance and health. And the second is a waving hand at herself, but no less talented artist and sculptor. Welsh pits these women against each other and twists the story in a daring way, masterfully revealing the conflict and characters of the chosen characters. Be prepared for foul language on almost every page, the author is famous for his pronounced alternativeness.

7. "The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons" Victor Pelevin

One can relate differently to Pelevin, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that he is a phenomenon of a huge scale in modern Russian literature. And him new book worth a read, even with the hipster-looking bearded man on the cover.

What's under the cover? The plot is in the best Peleven traditions: before our eyes, a battle will unfold between the Chekists and Masons, which will last more than one generation. But in the works of the writer there is always a double bottom, and this book is no exception, since behind the crazy plot lies a sharp surrealistic satire on the current state of affairs in society.

8. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process "Vasily Smolny

Before you is the book of the ideological inspirer and organizer of the Crazy Drying project. The author advocates healthy lifestyle life and for the beauty of the physical plane. And in his book, he tells in simple and figurative language why certain processes occur in the body, what they depend on and what to do with them.

If you have long and unsuccessfully searched for a book that simply tells the basics without embellishment and proper nutrition and training, then it is in front of you. It will be a great guide for beginners, because it contains practical information that is conveniently structured.

9. "If one day life takes you away from me..." Thierry Cohen

This story will appeal to those who have not yet lost faith in love, but have already left in the past the need for sugary and sugary heroes. A touching story of relationships between people from different circles who are forced to fight for their feelings under the pressure of condemnation of people close to them.

Before us is a man and a woman. He is the heir successful business she is a poor dancer. Their relationship is misunderstood and doomed. But one day something happens that radically changes their situation: a car accident, due to which young people end up in the hospital. He has only 8 days to prove his courage and the strength of his feelings.

10. "Tell me about the sea" Elchin Safarli

Safarli's prose is distinguished by sensuality and sincerity. When reading, one gets the feeling that the author puts a piece of his soul into the text, from which he comes to life and what he read literally rises before his eyes. He is always open, frank and filled with melancholy, for which his fans love him.

This book continues the tone of the story set by the writer. Before us is a kaleidoscope of sparkling childhood, with its discoveries and problems. Metaphorical images, pictures of the past close to everyone, familiar rustles and smells... It is safe to say that this book will be divided into quotations and will become a good friend for its reader.

11. “I'm going to live in Sweater” Anna Nikolskaya

Anna Nikolskaya's book was published in the Lines of the Soul series, in which domestic writers write about the reality of life for teenagers with its problems and questions. But despite this, the touching stories appealed to female audiences of all ages, as evidenced by the success of this series.

The main character of this book, the girl Julia, lives an ordinary life and everything is fine with her. But overnight, this idyll collapses when her parents let their friend's daughter live temporarily. Julia is at a loss and does not know how to get along with a strange neighbor, and is thinking of moving to her favorite cafe "Sweater". But circumstances require decisiveness and decision-making, and the girl will have to get different experiences along the way of her growing up.

12. "Shardik" Richard Adams

Adams' masterpiece novel was written back in 1974, but hit Russian bookstores for the first time in 2016. The book has a truly epic scope and complex structure, but the famously twisted plot, well-developed world and detailed mythology will appeal to all fans of the fantasy genre.

The book tells about the hunter of Kelderek and his meeting with a huge bear, in which he sees a god. The fact is that people in this world believe that God has the appearance of a bear and his name is Shardik. They hope that one day a giant bear will come down to them and save them from all troubles. And when a young hunter meets with the animal embodiment of his faith, he has no doubts. Before us is a metaphor for the meeting of the divine and the human, a conversation about faith, becoming and redemption.

13. Mirandus Circus by Cassie Beasley

If on your life path If you have lost faith in miracles, then this book is urgently needed for you. This is a book to be read and reread, and later recommended to your children and the children of your friends. Under the magnificent atmospheric cover hides magic story and she will not leave anyone indifferent!

The boy Mick has no parents and is taken care of by his grandfather. He tells his grandson wonderful stories about the magical Mirandus Circus. Mika knows that his grandfather is ill, and one day he decides to find this circus in order to restore his health with the help of a magician from the circus. He embarks on a journey full of adventures and unexpected discoveries.

14. "My Name Is Lis" by Lee Vixen

A series of books published by AST called "Online-Bestseller" has gained wide popularity, both on the Internet and among readers. The works included in the series are well chosen and do not leave indifferent. And the inscription on the cover "The most sensational books of Runet" is even more intriguing.

Here is one of the most highly rated books in this series. In the center of the story is the militant girl Lis, who runs from her past and enrolls in the legion as a boy soldier. Breathtaking adventures and captivating campfire stories await you.

15. The Gospel of Loki by Joan Harris

The most intriguing book for Joan Harris that no one expected to see in her bibliography. After all, she is known for her bestsellers "Blackberry Wine" and "Chocolate", which touch on the topics of the relationship between a man and a woman. It seemed that the subject of Scandinavian myths was not at all close to her, but the writer brilliantly proves the opposite.

The story of the god of cunning and deceit Loki turned out to be extremely reliable and lively. The narration comes from his face, and, willy-nilly, you feel sympathy and friendliness for the rogue. He will tell his story, full of ups, downs and betrayals, which will not let you get bored.

If you have not read any of the books from this list, then rather make your choice and go on an exciting journey!

Towards the end of the outgoing year, one is drawn to take stock and remember what good things have happened in all this time. It is especially interesting to take a look at published books, and evaluate how much announcements and advertising companies correspond to their content. And we can say without a doubt: this year was full of unexpected new products that got their success for a reason. In this collection you will find only the best books that the entire Runet was talking about!

1. “Givers. The Gift of Fire Ekaterina Sobol

Rosman publishing house delighted fantasy fans all year long. And not only with interesting stories, but also with the luxurious design of the covers of their books. But perhaps the most enthusiastic responses were received by the first book from the "Givers" series.

The book describes a very interesting world: three hundred years ago, every living person had magical talent at his level, but over time, knowledge was lost, and skills were forgotten. But suddenly the magic awakens, and the protagonist gets into the maelstrom of events and adventures, who is not ready for this. And whether he can overcome his fears and prejudices, it is better to see for yourself.

2. “Do no harm. Stories of Life, Death, and Neurosurgery by Henry Marsh

Honest and in many ways personal book by Henry Marsh, which allows you to look into the sterile and dangerous world of medicine. In the minds of the majority, it is customary to treat doctors in two ways: either this is the ultimate adoration, or panic fear. From this book you will learn what it means to be a neurosurgeon and what responsibility lies with such a person. You will understand why the overwhelming majority of doctors are cynics, but at the same time they are the same people as their patients.

The book will be of interest to a wide range of readers. It will affect those who need real action, because in the stories told, it is not always clear at first whether a person will survive or not. And it will become a guide in the world of neurosurgery for those who are interested in this subject.

3. "When Marnie Was Here" by Joan Robinson

It was this book that the legendary storyteller and animator Hayao Miyazaki included in his top children's works. The book has collected many prestigious awards and nominations, and for the writer became a successful debut in the field of teenage literature. Despite the narrow focus of the book, it will be of interest to readers of all ages.

In the center of the story is the girl Anna, who does not get along at all with either relatives or peers. She is all alone, gloomy and unsociable, unable to reveal her soul and feelings. But one day she meets Marnie, and the girls become best friends. Anna sometimes notices that Marnie behaves strangely and often thoughts flash through her: is her real friend? ..

4. “Quasi” Sergey Lukyanenko

The long-awaited book from the legendary Russian science fiction writer received mixed reviews. There were more positive ones, but there were fair comments in the negative ones. So this book is a must read!

Lukyanenko unfolds post-apocalyptic Moscow before the reader's mind's eye with a light hand. The creatures that inhabit the city are divided into three types: people, zombies and kvazi. Quazi is a sentient life form that stopped the destructive war between the living and the dead. The protagonist Denis Smirnov and his partner, a representative of the Quasi, must investigate a dark case in which there are chilling crimes and intrigues of the powerful.

5. Mrs. Sinclair's Suitcase by Louise Walters

If you love intricate stories about family secrets and mysteries of the past, then this book is for you! For Louise Walters, this is a successful debut in the world of literature, and her second book will be published in 2017. Fans of this story, and melodramatic narratives in general, are looking forward to it.

Roberta finds her grandmother's long-lost letter. After reading it, she realizes that the life of her close relative is not as simple as it seemed. After the first letter there are more letters, and Roberta is pulled into a knot of secrets from the past that only she can unravel.

6. "The Sexual Life of Siamese Twins" by Irvine Welsh

A new book by the Scottish classic, the author of the sensational work Trainspotting, which haunted many today. The author went beyond his style and chose hot Florida as the setting for his story. And this surprised both critics and his fans a lot.

Two heroines are drawn into a series of exciting events. One of them is a fitness trainer and a woman obsessed with her appearance and health. And the second is a waving hand at herself, but no less talented artist and sculptor. Welsh pits these women against each other and twists the story in a daring way, masterfully revealing the conflict and characters of the chosen characters. Be prepared for foul language on almost every page, the author is famous for his pronounced alternativeness.

7. "The Lamp of Methuselah, or the Ultimate Battle of the Chekists with the Freemasons" Victor Pelevin

One can relate differently to Pelevin, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that he is a phenomenon of a huge scale in modern Russian literature. And his new book is worth a read, even with the bearded hipster look on the cover.

What's under the cover? The plot is in the best Peleven traditions: before our eyes, a battle will unfold between the Chekists and Masons, which will last more than one generation. But in the works of the writer there is always a double bottom, and this book is no exception, since behind the crazy plot lies a sharp surrealistic satire on the current state of affairs in society.

8. “PP for TP. Proper nutrition for the training process "Vasily Smolny

Before you is the book of the ideological inspirer and organizer of the Crazy Drying project. The author stands for a healthy lifestyle and for the beauty of the physical plane. And in his book, he tells in simple and figurative language why certain processes occur in the body, what they depend on and what to do with them.

If you have long and unsuccessfully searched for a book that simply tells the basics of proper nutrition and training without embellishment, then this is in front of you. It will be a great guide for beginners, because it contains practical information that is conveniently structured.

9. "If one day life takes you away from me..." Thierry Cohen

This story will appeal to those who have not yet lost faith in love, but have already left in the past the need for sugary and sugary heroes. A touching story of relationships between people from different circles who are forced to fight for their feelings under the pressure of condemnation of people close to them.

Before us is a man and a woman. He is the heir to a successful business, she is a poor dancer. Their relationship is misunderstood and doomed. But one day something happens that radically changes their situation: a car accident, due to which young people end up in the hospital. He has only 8 days to prove his courage and the strength of his feelings.

10. "Tell me about the sea" Elchin Safarli

Safarli's prose is distinguished by sensuality and sincerity. When reading, one gets the feeling that the author puts a piece of his soul into the text, from which he comes to life and what he read literally rises before his eyes. He is always open, frank and filled with melancholy, for which his fans love him.

This book continues the tone of the story set by the writer. Before us is a kaleidoscope of sparkling childhood, with its discoveries and problems. Metaphorical images, pictures of the past close to everyone, familiar rustles and smells... It is safe to say that this book will be divided into quotations and will become a good friend for its reader.

11. “I'm going to live in Sweater” Anna Nikolskaya

Anna Nikolskaya's book was published in the Lines of the Soul series, in which Russian writers write about the reality of life for teenagers with its problems and questions. But despite this, the touching stories appealed to female audiences of all ages, as evidenced by the success of this series.

The main character of this book, the girl Julia, lives an ordinary life and everything is fine with her. But overnight, this idyll collapses when her parents let their friend's daughter live temporarily. Julia is at a loss and does not know how to get along with a strange neighbor, and is thinking of moving to her favorite cafe "Sweater". But circumstances require decisiveness and decision-making, and the girl will have to get different experiences along the way of her growing up.

12. "Shardik" Richard Adams

Adams' masterpiece novel was written back in 1974, but hit Russian bookstores for the first time in 2016. The book has a truly epic scope and complex structure, but the famously twisted plot, well-developed world and detailed mythology will appeal to all fans of the fantasy genre.

The book tells about the hunter of Kelderek and his meeting with a huge bear, in which he sees a god. The fact is that people in this world believe that God has the appearance of a bear and his name is Shardik. They hope that one day a giant bear will come down to them and save them from all troubles. And when a young hunter meets with the animal embodiment of his faith, he has no doubts. Before us is a metaphor for the meeting of the divine and the human, a conversation about faith, becoming and redemption.

13. Mirandus Circus by Cassie Beasley

If on your life path you have lost faith in miracles, then this book is urgently needed for you. This is a book to be read and reread, and later recommended to your children and the children of your friends. Under the magnificent atmospheric cover lies a magical story and it will not leave anyone indifferent!

The boy Mick has no parents and is taken care of by his grandfather. He tells his grandson wonderful stories about the magical Mirandus Circus. Mika knows that his grandfather is ill, and one day he decides to find this circus in order to restore his health with the help of a magician from the circus. He embarks on a journey full of adventures and unexpected discoveries.

14. "My Name Is Lis" by Lee Vixen

A series of books published by AST called "Online-Bestseller" has gained wide popularity, both on the Internet and among readers. The works included in the series are well chosen and do not leave indifferent. And the inscription on the cover "The most sensational books of Runet" is even more intriguing.

Here is one of the most highly rated books in this series. In the center of the story is the militant girl Lis, who runs from her past and enrolls in the legion as a boy soldier. Breathtaking adventures and captivating campfire stories await you.

15. The Gospel of Loki by Joan Harris

The most intriguing book for Joan Harris that no one expected to see in her bibliography. After all, she is known for her bestsellers "Blackberry Wine" and "Chocolate", which touch on the topics of the relationship between a man and a woman. It seemed that the subject of Scandinavian myths was not at all close to her, but the writer brilliantly proves the opposite.

The story of the god of cunning and deceit Loki turned out to be extremely reliable and lively. The narration comes from his face, and, willy-nilly, you feel sympathy and friendliness for the rogue. He will tell his story, full of ups, downs and betrayals, which will not let you get bored.

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Modern literature is constantly evolving. Today there are a lot of great new authors who surprise with intricate and interesting stories, unusual style of writing and creative design of books.

Every year there are many bestsellers that captivate readers from all over the world. The best books of 2015 are distinguished by their fantastic plots, from which it is impossible to tear oneself away. The readers' rating "Top 20 Popular New Books of 2015" included interesting and most popular books that not only left their mark on people's destinies, but changed many, influenced their lives.

Today, e-books have become very popular, especially since there are a huge number of gadgets on the market for reading them. Such books can be stored in one device without filling up your apartment, and they cost much less at the same time. You can make your list of the best and interesting books, and reread them anytime, anywhere without having to carry heavy volumes around.

In the ranking of the most books read 2015 also includes publications that have long become bestsellers abroad, but in our country were translated into Russian and printed only this year. Nevertheless, these books are worthy of attention and the status of "most popular".

Books are life. They should bring not only pleasure, but also teach us a lot. Today there is a huge amount of interesting literature that teaches readers to be more positive, believe in the best and be kinder. Such publications inspire, make you think about yourself and start changing your life.

Our top 20 best books of 2015 is exactly the list of literary works that won the hearts of readers with their sincerity and real feelings. It is also important that fiction book must be exciting, keep in suspense until the last line.

1. Name: ""
Author: Anatoly Boukreev, G. Weston DeWalt
The high rating of the book is due to the fact that it is based on real events that occurred in 1996 when a group of people climbed Mount Everest. Bad weather and the mistakes of climbers and led to the tragedy. The book was written in 1997, but was translated into Russian only in 2015.

2. Name: ""
Author: Mark Levy
An interesting and exciting love story of two people who did not wait at all and did not hope to know real feelings. The book makes you think about how unpredictable fate can be, and how people are used to not noticing happiness, which is very close.

3. Name: ""
Author: Paula Hawkins
In the list of the best 20 books of 2015, the work of Paula Hawkins was not accidental. This unusual story about people who have dark sides. We are used to idealizing everything, but the truth can turn out to be much more cruel and terrible.

4. Name: ""
Author: Viktor Pelevin
The book is full of secrets, mysteries, fiction and truth. This new world, new level, new knowledge. This book is loved by many for the extraordinary skill of the author and is rightfully in the top 20 best books of 2015.

5. Title “The sea is my brother. Lone Wanderer"
Author: Jack Kerouac
The first works of the young Kerouac, which were considered lost. The book is unique in that it retains the special style of the author. It was first written in 2011, but was translated into Russian only in 2015.

6. Name: ""
Author: Haruki Murakami
An unusual story about a man who tried to find harmony with himself and the world around him. Haruki Murakami is an amazing author who creates unpredictable worlds and makes his characters very rich and interesting personalities. The book was written in 2013, translated into Russian in 2015.

7. Name: ""
Author: Harper Lee
This book is a sequel to the well-loved To Kill a Mockingbird. Years go by, everything changes. The main character returns to her native land, where everything is not the same as it was before, and people, relatives and friends, are no longer the same.

8. Name: ""
Author: Frederic Begbeder
The book is about the writer Jerry Salinger and his girlfriend, who are separated by the war. As a result, everyone went his own way, but fate decided that the roads must definitely cross in the future. The book was written in 2014, translated into Russian in 2015.

8. Name: ""
Author: Chuck Palahniuk
Chuck Palahniuk likes to always question everything. In his book, he talks about a manipulative man who creates special products for women called "To the Very Tips." The book was first written in 2014, translated into Russian in 2015.

9. Name: "Marina"
Author: Carlos Ruiz Zafon
A story about young man who went missing. His friends and relatives were looking for him for a long time, but he was found at the station. He has secrets that are hidden far away in a dark box. He will have to tell about the night when he met the mysterious Marina. The book was written back in 1999 and the author considers it his best job. Translated into Russian only this year.

10. Name: ""
Author: Bernard Werber
The book is about our future, about what each person represents. And most importantly, does it touch upon the topics of ecology, and what does our planet think about humanity? After all, no one ever asked her about it.

11. Name: ""
Author: Boris Akunin
This is a detective story, about which the author himself says: “Technocratic detective”, “nostalgic detective” and “idiotic detective”.

12. Name: ""
Author: Janet Walls
This book is the author's autobiography. This is not just a story about a difficult childhood and difficult parents. This is a story about how a person, even grown up in adverse conditions, can change his life and not follow in the footsteps of his parents. The book inspires, makes you change and change everything around you, achieving happiness and harmony.

13. Title: ""
Author: Donna Tartt
art, tragedy, new life, new person- probably, this is how you can describe this creation, which was included in the rating of the best books of 2015. A powerful work, written in 2013 and translated into Russian in 2015, touches the soul.

14. Title: ""
Author: Sally Green
A book for both teenagers and adults. Here everyone can find something for themselves. There is magic, witches and Great Britain. The book is not in vain compared with the cycle about the most famous wizard Harry Potter.

15. Title: "The Luminaries"
Author: Eleanor Catton
This is not just a detective story, where there is both murder and mysterious disappearance, and a real treasure, and people who have embarked on the path of correction, and revenge, and even seances. The plot revolves around 12 main characters, but they have their own peculiarity - each of them is associated with celestial bodies and zodiac signs.
Written in 2013, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

16. Title: ""
Author: Anthony Dorr
The book describes military events, as well as the fate of two heroes who are fighting for their lives and for the lives of their loved ones. The book is very bright and kind, because even a tiny ray of light can defeat real darkness. The book was written in 2014, and in 2015 it was translated into Russian.

17. Title: ""
Author: Narine Abgaryan
A story about a small town hidden high in the mountains. It's very interesting people who have a strong spirit, grouchy nature and eccentricities.

18. Title: ""
Author: Jaume Cabre
The story of a musician, a creative person who completely rethought his life before he lost his memory due to illness. He decided to write down all those bright moments of his life that are still stored in his heart and which can disappear in an instant, dissolve into oblivion. The book was written in 2011 and translated into Russian in 2015.

19. Name: ""
Author: Andre Maurois
Touching and special tender story O human soul. The book tells about a man who has achieved a lot in this life, but in his soul there is no miracle of love that will turn autumn into spring. Only Andre Maurois can describe such wonderful feelings as love so sensually and subtly. The book was written in 1956, translated into Russian in 2015.

20. Title: ""
Author: Dmitry Glukhovsky
This book is one of the most anticipated of 2015 and became an instant bestseller. It tells the story of the apocalypse that happened on earth. The people who survived by hiding in the subway dungeon begin to create a new world. But will he be that good? After all, human nature is very dark and warlike.

Many of the books that made it into the top 20 best books of 2015 are known and loved by readers. Of course, in each of them you can find their own flaws and shortcomings, which critics love to do. But after all, even a negative review suggests that the book attracted attention, it was read and appreciated, even if it was bad. The main goal has been achieved - attention and active discussion.

In any case, this list of books is very interesting and deserves everyone's attention. After reading this literature, you will definitely be able to find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. For have a nice rest a good book is needed. Our ranking of the 20 best books of 2015 will help you find great reading.

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