Russian celebrities involved in charity. Russian stars and charity

I have heard more than once that after doing a good deed, you should throw it into the water. Good deeds and public charity are often regarded in our country not as an attempt to change society and the country for the better, but rather as self-promotion and the desire for hidden profit. We all calmly accept other people's shortcomings, such as bad habits and bad actions. However, as soon as someone does a good deed, we begin to develop distrust and suspicion. I wanted to find and communicate with people who could prove that the purpose of charity is not earnings and PR, but a kind, contagious example that helps to become better.

Alexandra Tkach

The idea of ​​doing charity work was not unexpected for me. It’s not always pleasant to do something just for your own good; I felt great pleasure when I did good for homeless people for the first time. From that moment on, self-realization consisted in giving a piece of yourself to the society in which you live! All people have a different destiny and, unfortunately, not everyone has an ideal one, but despite this, your support can help them survive, realize someone’s dream and simply inspire them to live! Sometimes one smile is enough for a disadvantaged person. Thus, even without setting myself the goal of hearing gratitude, I met like-minded people with whom you bring your projects and ideas to life. Fortunately, in Kiev there are enough such associations and foundations that are engaged in various areas, for example: “Heart in Palms”, “Velvets heart”, “Lions club”, our “Rotary club” and others.

The positive aspects of charity are humanity, understanding and compassion. Here you are leaving the orphanage, emotionally exhausted, tired, in a word, SpongeBob, but at the same time full of happiness, freedom, because you inspired the lives of children, maybe not all of them, but at least one of them will never forget this! Negative trait, of course, is indifference and the worst thing is indifference to one’s neighbor. To the one who needs it most.

My most vivid memory is the reporting concert of a school for children with physical disabilities. One of the students had to prepare a dance number. Can you imagine how much effort he had to put in? A guy with leg and hearing impairments must, keeping in time, dance in front of a huge audience! As a volunteer, I helped him prepare. Before going on stage, I understand that they are playing a completely different song for us! I am in despair, I can’t do anything, but Igor confidently takes me by the hand and assures me: “We will succeed!” And indeed it was so.

It’s surprising that many people we don’t know respond to our planned projects(which we report on the social network Facebook). The trust and desire to join is amazing good deeds, it doesn’t matter how - either financially, or by providing transport, or by personal participation.

Lesya Mironchuk

For a long time I studied music and dancing, so I often had to be surrounded by people who did not think about the amount of money spent on vacations, shopping, etc. But after another glamorous event, going down the subway, I saw a lot of people for whom every penny is precious! This contrast did not leave me indifferent. One day I felt an emptiness that I could not fill with work, music, gatherings with friends, or anything else. I met a friend who was doing charity work at the time. His words are my beginning. First trip to an orphanage, first dialogues with older people, first aid large families- all this pushed me to re-evaluate my own life. This was the first step towards my charitable activities.

I believe that there are several ways to attract people's attention to charity.. One of these is the well-known advertising, which usually causes distrust among people; many perceive it as another way of easy money, in simple words- "rogue". And in general, charity is not done for advertising; it is not needed here at all! The best way to attract people's attention is your own example!

One day, after visiting an orphanage, the girl Yulia called me(I still don’t know how she managed to get my number) Congratulations on March 8th! I remember her voice and sincere childhood words to this day.

Charity is hard work from the start(in terms of creating projects, their implementation and, above all, morally). However, this is not the source of our income; we see this field of activity as one where we don’t want to receive, but rather give.

Therefore, join in, don’t stay on the sidelines, don’t turn away from people, because you are the one who can change someone’s life for the better!

Evgeny Komarov

While still a student, I participated in charity events, gave money to BlagoBoxes, but it was not systematic, but rather chaotic, I saw it and took part.

In May 2011, my friend, one of the founders of the Blagomay Charitable Foundation, now our Head of the Board, Tanya Skrygina, offered to join the trip to the Lyubystok orphanage.

We collected a lot of things, food, sweets and vitamins and hit the road. Having arrived and talked to the children, passing on a piece of myself to them, playing with them, I became “infected” with charity. On subsequent trips, and I began to travel almost every weekend, I met Denis Khrulin and Kostya Golubyatnikov, the ideological and spiritual founders of the foundation.

To systematize and legalize all actions, aimed at helping orphans, children deprived of parental rights and parental attention, we registered a non-profit organization - Charitable Foundation "Blagomai", which today has taken custody of 14 children's institutions (orphanages, socio-psychological rehabilitation centers and boarding schools) in the Kyiv region.

I believe that there are several negative aspects of charity. The low level of trust in the activities of foundations gives rise to reluctance on the part of the population to provide support to those in need through charitable organizations. Websites charitable organizations usually contain a minimum of information about finance. reporting. We also all witness when on television they call to save some sick child, tens, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars are required to provide assistance. It turns out that money from charity does not so much cure the sick, but helps numerous medical intermediaries buy new villas and yachts.

Today there are a lot of speculative advertisements on the Internet on the topic:“The child needs a donor: 3rd negative, the child dies!” If you really want to help those in need of donors, stop by the blood transfusion department of the nearest hospital, you will be welcome.

More and more caring people are devoting themselves to charity, the needs of this, of course, do not decrease, but there are more opportunities to cover them. After all, everyone can help, for example, the goal of the Blagomay Team is charity at a new level in Ukraine. Our main position is from people to people, i.e., we help someone to realize themselves in one area or another in charity, and also, in turn, we provide help to vulnerable children, who are often abandoned not only by their parents, but also de facto state.

As I began to engage in charity work, I began to realize that many people are ready to participate, but not to organize charity events. Mass events provide an opportunity to attract public attention. Charity auctions have already been organized several times in Kiev, the first charity match was held (for which, Olya, special thanks to you, I got a lot of pleasure by taking part as a fan), the first charity picnic for young people (the idea for which came directly from me and was supported by the Blagomay team), etc.

Now I'm with the Blagomay team» I am actively developing projects and programs in which everyone can take part, among which: educational, educational and collective programs in orphanages - “Workshop of Good”, “Experience Ukraine”, “Yoga in Orphanages”, “Full Portfolio for a Child”, also the project “BlagoRestaurants” (at the launch stage), the project “ Blagoshop" (at the launch stage), the program "Help by reading". After another year of active work, I learned that in order to get something, you need to ask for it. So we contacted large companies and received assistance either in financing charitable programs or in directly providing assistance to orphanages from these companies.

One of the most vivid memories was after a trip to Orphanage"Cheburashka". The children literally charmed us with their skills, talents and knowledge. Everyone who was there, all way back shared their impressions, and what’s more - everyone who goes there is delighted!

I believe that I have two main jobs - working as a lawyer (directly in my specialty) and working as a member of the supervisory boardCharitable Foundation "Blagomai".

I graduated from the law school of one of best universities our country, and it would be stupid not to use your knowledge in practice. The Foundation has taken another place of honor in my life. I have to work overtime and on weekends, but I like it. After all, as long as you have energy, opportunities and desire, you need to realize yourself in all directions. There are big plans for the future and the desire to realize them.

What was unexpected was the indifference of some people and the categorical stance towards charitable activities, but an even greater shock was the refusal to help. So, for example, when contacting one orphanage, we heard the question: “What specific amount can we allocate to them per month?” Without hearing an answer, we were refused a visit and argued that there were already enough sponsors and philanthropists there, and they don't need our help.

I would like to believe that there will be fewer and fewer unpleasant surprises, and the Blagomay Foundation team and I will be able to raise the culture of charity to new level. Hurry up to do good deeds!

The rich of this world are not always stingy and miserly, many of them use their financial situation to help other, less fortunate people.

The unprecedented generosity of Cesaria Evora was legendary. She gave her money to finance school education and medical care of their country. Thanks to her efforts, the majority of poor compatriots were able to receive a decent education and timely medical care, therefore she can deservedly be called a person involved in charity, with a capital “P”.

- hero of "The Matrix"- distributed the fee he received for filming parts 2 and 3 of the film to the entire team that took part in the creation of the film. He easily and without regret parted with $70 million. In addition, studio workers said that the actor was almost the only one from the entire star cast who greeted all the employees of the film group. And one of the employees, having learned about his difficult situation, allocated 25 thousand, saying that this was a Christmas bonus.

Some celebrities think that help must be specific. So Zach Galifianakis has been “sponsoring” for many years an elderly woman, whom he met in the laundry room. She not only cleaned up there, but also lived there, leaving her hated husband. Until now, he pays for her apartment and invites the woman to the premieres of his films. Zack's old friend, Renee Zellweger, often visits the old woman, bringing her gifts, most of them consisting of food and clothes.

Only after the death of pop star George Michael became aware of his charitable activities. He donated millions to people who found themselves in difficult and distressed situations, and held free concerts without advertising his activities. Michael's noble deeds can be pieced together based on the recollections of eyewitnesses. So, one day, seeing a crying woman in a cafe, he left her a check for 25 thousand, once paid for the training of one of the bar workers, gave the woman money so that she could do IVF, which made her happy.

Paul Winker, who died in 2013, He also did not seek public disclosure of his actions. Once, according to the story of jewelry store workers, the actor witnessed how a young couple was choosing wedding rings. They left with nothing because they could not afford the expensive purchase. Paul asked the store employees to send these rings anonymously to the address young man, which they did.

The former President of Uruguay received the nickname from his fellow citizens, who called him El Pepe. He remained in the memory of the Uruguayans as the poorest president. But this is not because his salary was very low, no - the fact is that he gave most of it to the needs of people. He himself lived in a modest rural house, drove an inexpensive car and visited the same medical institutions, as his fellow citizens.

Charles Chuck Feeney can be called a record holder among philanthropists. His merit is the founding of Duty Free. He spends his entire fortune on charity various countries. At 86, he dreams of using his remaining cash for the development of healthcare and education in those states that need them.

JK Rowling knows firsthand what is poverty? Before the release of her first book, she wrote it while living on benefits. Therefore, she sends from 16 to 20 percent of her fees to charitable foundations, having her own - “Lumos”.

One of them is royal generosity and doing the appropriate things. He absolutely loved cars and bought them. But it often happened that the singer did not acquire them for himself. There is a lot of evidence of Elvis giving cars to strangers admiring goods in car showrooms. Rumor has it that he gave away hundreds of Cadillacs, Lincolns and other cars in his entire life. Although some argue that this figure is too low.

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Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alferova

The couple has been helping children with cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism for several years. Three years ago they opened their own charity foundation, “I Am!” Egor and Ksenia try to make the life of their charges brighter and more colorful; for this they organize various holidays, exhibitions and concerts. They also try to create for such children all the conditions for healthy adaptation in adulthood.

Orlando Bloom

The famous actor has been a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) since 2009. Over the course of several years, Bloom managed to visit many countries as part of charity projects. Among other things, he visited humanitarian missions in Ethiopia, Jordan, Syria and Macedonia.

Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun

In 2006, friends and actresses jointly established the Gift of Life foundation, which has since helped children with severe cancer and hematological diseases. Today in Russia there are more and more children with such terrible diagnoses get a chance to recover and happy life, this is largely thanks to the help of the Khamatova Foundation.

Keanu Reeves

This Hollywood actor has long been famous for his - in a positive sense - eccentricity. Keanu often donated almost all the proceeds from the film to charity organizations. Reeves knows firsthand about serious illnesses - his sister fought cancer for 10 years, so the actor spares no expense in supporting cancer funds.

Natalya Vodyanova

The beautiful Russian woman Natalia Vodianova has become famous throughout the world not only as a super successful model, but also as a philanthropist. The actress has been actively involved in charitable activities for many years. Vodianova’s younger sister has suffered from a severe form of autism since birth, and Vodianova knows from her own experience that children with such diseases need special care and attention. Natalya heads the Naked Heart Foundation and annually holds charity concerts, marathons and auctions - all the money from such events goes to help children in need.

Oprah Winfrey

The legendary American TV presenter, producer and actress Oprah Winfrey has been actively involved in charity work for many years. In addition to financial support of many foundations, Winfrey is the founder of a special school for girls in South Africa. In a country where violence and murder are a daily reality, girls have virtually no chance of finishing school. Thanks to Oprah's efforts, several hundred graduates of this school have already received diplomas from prestigious American universities.

Maria Mironova, Igor Vernik and Evgeny Mironov

In 2008, the actors jointly established the Artist charity foundation, designed to help older artists. In addition to providing all kinds of material assistance to theater and film veterans, the foundation’s volunteers also provide moral support: they go to visit their wards, give gifts on holidays, and organize impromptu concerts.

Brad Pitt

A few years ago famous actor founded the Make It Right charity to help New Orleans residents affected by Hurricane Katrina. In less than 10 years, Pitt and his organization managed to build more than 109 houses. Were invited to work on the project best architects and engineers. The actor personally supervised the work of volunteers and controlled the construction process at all stages.

Konstantin Khabensky

The activities of the Konstantin Khabensky Charitable Foundation are aimed at helping children with severe brain diseases. The foundation's motto is “One life saved is one life saved.” The actor spares neither time nor money for charitable activities. During the work of the fund, more than 150 children were saved - this, undoubtedly, is a great merit of Konstantin Khabensky personally.

Leonardo DiCaprio

Leonardo DiCaprio is famous not only for his phenomenal film roles, but also for his active work in protecting environment. In 2012, the actor became a UN Ambassador of Peace. The choice of DiCaprio for such a high position was not accidental - the actor in Hollywood is considered the main supporter of the “green” lifestyle. In 1998, Leo created his own charitable foundation, the main goal of which is to foster harmonious relationships between people and nature. Every year, the actor spends huge amounts of his fees to solve environmental problems.

Angelina Jolie

It is difficult to name all the charitable projects in which Angelina Jolie took part. She is a UN Goodwill Ambassador for Refugees. For more than 15 years of charitable activity, she managed to visit many hot spots with humanitarian missions (including Iran, Syria, Jordan, Kosovo, Pakistan). Together with Brad Pitt, Jolie created the Jolie/Pitt Foundation in 2006, the funds of which go to finance Doctors Without Borders programs.

With big money comes great responsibility - this is how we can paraphrase the desire of movie stars not only to work up a sweat for gigantic fees, but also to share what they earn with those to whom fate is not so favorable. Of course, luxury invariably accompanies acting life, and for beautiful impulses The souls of truly bright people still have money. Some people present their charitable activities in a grand manner and accompany their assistance with PR campaigns, while others help in a targeted manner, without making an event out of it. We remembered several actors and directors to whom charity is no stranger, for whom good deeds are not words, but an essential part of life.

Ben Affleck

Instead of being scattered all over the world, Ben Affleck is focused on home- within his interests there are exclusively domestic American programs, but very versatile ones. First, Affleck is a huge supporter of Sundance, and not just in its final manifestation - the film festival. Ben actively supports young people and debutants who are still trying their hand at cinema. Secondly, the actor and potential viewers do not bypass his attention by funding the “Feed America” organization, which supports homeless Americans. Finally, the military is also under Batman’s supervision - Affleck supports the work of the community of paralyzed war veterans. A courageous and very mature decision.

Timur Bekmambetov

Together with his wife Varya Avdyushko, Timur Bekmambetov, author of “Night Watch” and producer of “Christmas Trees,” is most seriously concerned about the health of the youngest patients. In 2006, the director established the Sunflower Foundation, which saves babies and children with congenital immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases. The fund's targeted assistance is used to purchase expensive medicines, pay for operations and finance rehabilitation measures. In addition, together with his actor friends, Bekmambetov regularly visits hospitals with holiday performances and concerts.

Alec Baldwin

Known not only for his acting work, but also for his active political activity Alec Baldwin spends a lot of time public life. It’s hard to imagine, but Alec advocates for the protection of animals, including through cinema - for example, Baldwin “worked” as a voiceover in the film “Meet Your Meat,” filmed by renowned organization PETA. In addition, Alec supports the Fund for Relief of Soldiers Wounded during Military Conflicts and funds the Cancer Fund organized by his mother Carol.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock's high demand does not allow this actress to devote much time to charity, but each of her good deeds does not go unnoticed. The actress helps volunteers with the Red Cross and the Partnership for Health, and invests in the work of the American research organization searching for a cure for AIDS. Bullock “leans” especially on the latter - the star has repeatedly spoken about her attitude towards this terrible disease, that the fight against AIDS should become the work of all progressive humanity. Sandra’s efforts are not in vain; scientists report progress in the production of drugs for the human immunodeficiency virus and a possible quick solution to this terrible problem.

Mel Gibson

It's hard to name Hollywood star, which with its harsh statements would deserve greater obstruction of society than Mel Gibson is achieving - he is then accused of religious intolerance, they are sometimes condemned for conflicts with their spouses, sometimes they are suspected of nationalism. But all these are just words; with his deeds, the actor and director regularly confirms the presence of a big, kind heart. From his personal account, Gibson sponsored a children's hospital located near his mansion with ten million dollars, a church in Malibu received seven million from Mel, a medical center for troubled teenagers receives regular help from the star - these are real actions that you can be proud of.

Scarlett Johansson

Some people prefer to support those in need with money transfers from their cozy mansions, while others plunge headlong into the very epicenter of human troubles and misfortunes. Since 2004, Scarlett Johansson has been a Goodwill Ambassador international association Oxfam, which includes many companies fighting global poverty and disease. As part of this honorary position, the actress spent several days in New Orleans helping victims of Hurricane Katrina, and in 2008, the star of the Marvel comic book adaptations could be seen among the volunteers helping at a hospital for AIDS patients in Rwanda. The girl is not afraid to get her hands dirty - this inspires respect.

George Lucas

"To the inventor" Star Wars“It was quite possible to rest on his laurels - he already gave the world too much, but George Lucas is not the kind of person who can live out his life in peace. In company with a dozen others richest people planets, including Bill Gates, Ted Turner and Warren Buffett, Lucas has donated part of his multibillion-dollar fortune to a foundation that finances unique global research, such as, for example, the complete eradication of malaria from the planet. However, Lucas is strong on his own - he owns a personal educational foundation, the competence of which includes encouraging innovation in American schools.

Matthew McConaughey

For some, conversations about the meaning of life of Rust Cohle played by Matthew McConaughey in True Detective seemed strange, but those who know the actor well enough are not at all surprised by this immersion in spirituality - Matthew pays a lot of attention to internal development. Participation for McConaughey is not just words; the actor actively supports children through his personal foundation, which is engaged in education and propaganda. healthy image life among the younger generation. Matthew invests part of the money he earns in organizations that protect children from violence, in children's hospitals and clinics. The actor also benefits the animals - McConaughey is a supporter of an organization that protects the nature of the Mississippi River basin.

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

It seems that there are no places on the map where the hands of the main Hollywood couple - Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie - would not reach. And we’re not just talking about children adopted from all over the world; Pitt and Jolie also send funds to charity, regardless of borders. Angelina, for example, funds an organization for the protection of women's rights in Pakistan, Brad, in turn, builds houses for flood victims in New Orleans. Together, the couple protects forests in Namibia and co-funds Doctors Without Borders. You really want to hide from “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” and you won’t be able to.

Ian Sommerhalder

The star of the series “The Vampire Diaries” Ian Sommerhalder sees his mission not only in depriving girls of feelings with one of his languid glances - the actor is busy protecting the environment, and very professionally. Ian has his own foundation, the funds of which go to support environmental defenders, but Sommerhalder himself does not stand aside. In promoting the ideas of environmental protection, Ian reached the very top of America and even delivered a keynote speech to the US Congress on a legislative initiative designed to redistribute the powers of organizations involved in environmental protection. They say he received applause from congressmen.

Meryl Streep

One of the most outstanding actresses of our time, Meryl Streep, is not without reason an example for all women in the world - she really pays a lot of attention to the place of the “weaker sex” in modern society. Her main achievement in this field can be considered active cooperation with the National Women's historical museum, in which Streep received a position official representative. Together with her husband, the actress invests money in the development of the museum and attracting additional attention to it. In addition, Meryl helps her colleagues through funds to support young talents, personalized scholarships to acting schools and special shows of young talents. Streep is not afraid of competition and prepares her own replacement.

Kristen Stewart

Twilight star Kristen Stewart does not particularly advertise her public activities, although she is an ambassador for the Red Cross and Oxfam. And it’s in vain - her activities deserve close attention, because an important part of Stewart’s extra-film life was the fight against sex trafficking within the United States and beyond. Along with several other celebrities, Kristen takes a stand against prostitution, violence against women and human trafficking, which still thrives in the American criminal market. Commendable impulses!

Charlize Theron

Stars faced with world fame often forget about their roots, dissociating themselves from their “small homeland,” but not Charlize Theron. Until now, the actress, born in South Africa, enjoys spending time at home, but not just relaxing, but providing all possible assistance to those citizens Republic of South Africa who are less fortunate in life. The actress organized a large educational foundation in her name, which supports educational and outreach projects within the country. But Charlize also gets the attention of those who live outside the Dark Continent - as part of the activities of the Red Cross, of which Theron is an ambassador, the actress has traveled all over the world.

Michael J Fox

Michael J. Fox, who became a superstar after the release of the adventure film Back to the Future, was unable to fully enjoy the success and develop his career - too soon the actor’s body was overcome by a terrible illness, Parkinson’s disease. The serious diagnosis could not take away from Fox the joy of working with the audience, but the star’s main activity became social, including funding research through foundations. Michael’s main brainchild in 2000 was a personal foundation aimed at fighting Parkinson’s. Over the past fifteen years since its founding, more than $450 million has passed through the foundation for research and the search for cures for the disease.

Konstantin Khabensky

The personal tragedy of Konstantin Khabensky greatly influenced his worldview - in 2008, the actor lost his wife, who died of a brain tumor. Charitable Foundation, which supports children suffering from severe brain diseases, has a simple but very correct motto: “One life saved is one life saved.” Konstantin considers his responsibilities in his own foundation to be the purchase of medicines, the organization of psychological support, and the search for places of treatment for children. But the fund does not only provide personal targeted support; clinics involved in the diagnosis and treatment of brain diseases also receive funding from it.

Chulpan Khamatova

The Gift of Life Foundation, to which Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun dedicated most of their lives, is one of the most famous examples charity in Russia. Operating since 2006, the fund supports children with hematological and oncological diseases, and the organization has saved and extended thousands of lives. Dozens of clinics are obliged to “Give Life” with timely deliveries of unique expensive medicines and equipment, hundreds of volunteers annually go to work in hospitals with the most critically ill patients, thousands of blood donors helped children solely thanks to the campaigning of Korzun and Khamatova.

Fans of some modern celebrities criticize them for the luxurious lifestyle they show in their photos. in social networks. However, there are celebrities who consider it their duty to help those less fortunate in life. The most generous stars of Russia and Hollywood involved in charity - in the editor's selection.


Ukrainian singer- founder of the “Pole of Attraction” charitable foundation. Missions of this organization travel around the cities of Ukraine, visiting children's cancer centers.

As part of the foundation’s work, the singer communicates with sick children and hospital managers, and also provides medical institutions with the necessary equipment and medicines. The star allocates funds for all charitable operations from his personal budget.


The singer regularly transfers considerable sums of money to the accounts of charitable organizations to help people affected by natural disasters in countries Latin America. In addition, the star created her own center, Fundación Pies Descalzos, which helps children from low-income families.

Famous philanthropists of the 21st century include. Charitable Foundation Russian actor helps children with cancer and other serious brain diseases. Khabensky created this foundation in memory of his first wife Anastasia Khabenskaya, who died in 2008 after a battle with brain cancer.

Young Canadian singer considers charity part of his creativity. The contractor transfers a significant percentage of the earned funds to the accounts of various public organizations and organizes unusual auctions on the Internet.


The Russian supermodel is also considered a famous philanthropist. The Naked Heart model’s charitable foundation is building new playgrounds and play parks throughout Russia. In addition, Vodianova helps families raising children with special needs. This is due to the fact that Natalya’s youngest has been disabled since childhood and suffers from a severe form of autism.

Angelina Jolie “created the “Give Life” foundation, which helps seriously ill children from Russia. Khamatova is confident that everyone can help children and for this it is not necessary to own a fortune.

The foundation raises money for treatment of children and is looking for blood donors and volunteers. The actress is sure that children will be happy if there are people who are ready to just come to the hospital, talk and play with them.

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