Attracting good luck in the new year. How to attract good luck in the new year. Attracting money to your wallet

It’s not for nothing that the most common congratulation on New Year sounds like this: “Happy New Year! With new happiness!". After all, everyone wants to leave everything bad in the old year, everyone expects success, good luck, and wealth from the New Year.

But, a person’s happiness is in his hands, so before the New Year and on New Year’s Eve itself, we must try to do everything so that luck and money never bypass the house.

The Year of the Dog is coming. So how to attract luck and money in the New Year 2018?
Since ancient times, our ancestors performed various things before the New Year in order to attract good luck, money, and love. As in many other things, we should follow the example of our ancestors and help ourselves become successful and rich; this is not at all difficult.

There are several tricks on how to attract luck and money in 2018:
On the night of December 31 to January 1, you should put a vat of water and dip a gold or silver item into it. The next morning you should wash your face with water, which is charged with silver and gold ions;
For a couple of days after the New Year, our ancestors tried not to take trash out of the house. It was believed that good luck was taken out of the house along with the trash;
Many witches advise taking a “money bath” on the morning of January 1st. The bath should be filled hot water, add a glass of milk and 7 drops essential oil bergamot, then throw 7 coins to the bottom. You should lie in the bath with eyes closed 10 minutes, while imagining the cash flow. Then you need to plunge your head into the bath three times. Then, after leaving the bath, you cannot dry yourself with a towel; the body must dry on its own;
On New Year's Eve you should change your outfit 2 times. It is believed that changing clothes symbolizes prosperity and promises changes in the New Year. New attracts new. After performing such a ritual, you can count on the fact that all ideas will be successfully implemented and will bring prosperity;
In the New Year, luck will smile on the generous and good people, who on the eve of the holiday helped the homeless with clothes or food, or those who donated funds to those in need. They say that good attracts good, and fate will definitely thank a nice person, increasing his happiness and luck;
In the Year of the Monkey, there must be a lot of fruits, vegetables and fresh herbs on the New Year's table. If the mistress of the year remains well-fed, then there will always be prosperity and good luck in the house;
There is a sign according to which you need to put a coin in a glass of champagne and drain the glass to the bottom as the chimes strike, then the year will be rich in money;
So that happiness and good luck do not pass by, the New Year must be celebrated in smart and new clothes. It should be remembered that new attracts new!;

How to attract luck and money according to feng shui

They say that there is no such thing as too much money, but sometimes the need for it is felt very acutely. In this case, Feng Shui for money is a lifesaver for everyone who does not want to worry about money in the New Year.

A person’s house is his reflection, therefore, if in the New Year you want to attract everything new, as well as good luck and money, then the house should be cleared of everything old. According to Feng Shui, only those things that a person actively uses should be stored in the house; everything else clutters the space and does not allow energy flows to pass through the house, including cash flows. It’s not for nothing that they start spring cleaning before the New Year; this is the most appropriate and necessary moment to allow luck and money not only to come into the house, but also to stay there.

You should definitely hang coins on the tree to attract money, and a four-leaf clover for good luck. To ensure that there is income in the house throughout the year, the tree should be located in the South-West of the house. It is believed that it is in this place that more monetary energy flows pass.

During the chiming clock, when a wish is made, you should ring a small bell three times, and then hang the bell in the money area. This is not only a talisman for attracting money, but also a talisman against various adversities.

Fortune telling for luck and happiness in 2018

The Slavs have a hidden secret God, Roof-Semargl, in ancient times our ancestors worshiped him, because it was he who determined the success and happiness of everyone. The most successful was his help on Wednesday. Since the New Year 2018 will come to us just on Wednesday, you should not miss the chance and attract good luck and happiness for the whole next year, taking advantage of the strongest fortune telling for good luck and happiness in 2018. You just have to be very careful and do everything in strict order, otherwise you can anger Kryshny and, on the contrary, scare away the dacha, or attract something bad.

For fortune telling, you need to prepare a magic circle and install an altar in the center of the circle. The altar can be an ordinary small wooden tablet standing on 4 stones. The board should be wrapped in a linen scarf or tablecloth. On both sides of the altar you need to light 2 white candles.

On New Year's Eve, you need to go into the circle, kneel in front of the altar and say the following words: “I dedicate this circle to Semargl, I wish you good luck and happiness in the New Year.” Then, you should sit like this for 3 minutes, while mentally clearly formulating your desire, the goals that are set for the New Year. Then you should put out the candles, wrap them in a linen scarf from the altar and hide them so that no one can see them.

It is believed that after this, all the actions and thoughts of a person will be guided by the intelligent Roof, and luck and happiness this year will not leave either the person’s home or himself. Don't forget that all good things come back! Do it and life will reciprocate.

Each of us is confident that the next year will certainly be better, richer and more successful than the previous one. Everyone tries to do everything possible to make New Year's Eve the beginning of new achievements and success. What to do to new year wishes come true?

Optimism versus pessimism

If you celebrate the New Year in bad mood, then it is unlikely to be successful. Even when completely alone, you can be inspired and sincerely believe that not everything is so bad. The main thing in this case is the internal installation.

When you can’t mentally tune in to the positive, you need to take a piece of paper and write, without thinking, what exactly is bad. The paper will gradually take over some of the worries and inspiration may come by the 5th-7th point.

In order to finally get rid of heavy thoughts and doubts, you should burn the piece of paper with what you wrote. Thus, a person seems to give an internal attitude that all the bad things are in the past, and then there will be good luck.

Full wallet

Money luck is what everyone strives for. To attract capital next year, you need to take care of this in the old year.

  1. Distribute all debts.
  2. Clean the floors and wash the clothes. You cannot carry dirty things or rubbish into the New Year.
  3. Put a few in your wallet large bills and “gold” (10 rubles each) coins. This is very relevant, since most are already accustomed to plastic cards and sometimes has no money in their wallets.
  4. On the festive table, place a piece of paper money under each cutlery under the tablecloth.
  5. Place the most expensive cup in the house in the center of the table. Pour any grain or cereal into it (preferably golden millet). It’s not for nothing that people say: “The house is full” or “Chickens don’t eat money.” Sometimes nuts are placed along with grains, which are also a symbol of well-being.
  6. Wear new underwear. You can celebrate the New Year in your favorite dress and even a robe, but the underwear must be purchased specifically for the meeting on January 1st.

As you meet, so it will pass

The traditional proverb that “how you celebrate the New Year is how you spend it” has never deceived anyone. It is important to use time and opportunities correctly and have real desires.

Usually a person makes certain plans for the next year and passionately wishes for them to take place. New Year's celebration may become the first stage towards future achievements. Everything that happens to people in life they themselves, consciously or unconsciously, guess. Luck comes to those who sincerely believe in it.

New Year is the time when everyone, young and old, even the most inveterate skeptics, begin to believe in miracles. This is a special holiday that fulfills wishes, fills hearts with hope, and gives the opportunity to meet everyone together at the New Year's table. And to lift your spirits, enhance the magic and attract what you want into your life, special rituals are performed. We have prepared for you a selection of the most effective rituals for the New Year 2020 for marriage, luck and money.

Some New Year's rituals must begin a certain time before the New Year. And this is one of them. It must be carried out on the night from Friday to Saturday, seven nights before the New Year. Don't despair, if December 31st doesn't fall on a Friday, you can start on another day.

You will need:

  • a thick sheet of white paper;
  • red felt-tip pen;
  • one white(!) candle;
  • a piece of black or white bread;
  • candy or sugar cube;
  • banknote;
  • a bud of a red rose (you need to buy the flower yourself, a gift is not suitable).

Make yourself comfortable and make sure no one is bothering you.

On the night from Friday to Saturday in the New Year's decade, light a candle. Take a felt-tip pen and imagine what it is Magic wand, hold it in your palms, talk to it, tell it about your desires, “infuse” their energy into it.

Write down your three most cherished dreams regarding the main life values: love, health, prosperity. Just attention! Desires must be yours, that is, relate to your own person. You cannot, for example, wish for a car for your brother or a groom for your friend. Only your personal ones!

After you have stated it, emotionally read what is written, investing all the strength and power of your desires. Write below: “That’s how it is, thank you.”

Now nest the symbols:

  • bread is a symbol of abundance,
  • candy or sugar is a symbol of a sweet and cheerful life;
  • The bill symbolizes wealth, the rose symbolizes love.

When all the symbols are in place, carefully wrap it all in a sheet on which wishes are written and tie the package with red and green ribbon (you can use threads) and seal it with wax from a burning candle.

Place this magical bag under your pillow and go to bed. He should spend exactly seven nights under your pillow (ideally, if the seventh night falls on December 31). In the morning, after the seventh night, take it out and hide it in the highest place in your home (on the closet, in the attic, on the mezzanine).

The ritual is completed. It is valid for exactly one year. Your life will begin to change literally before your eyes. better side. Check it out and you won't regret it.

New Year's rituals for love and marriage

This ritual must be performed on December 31 at the city Christmas tree. It is addressed to those who dream of attracting love into their lives.

You will need:

  • bright red sheet of paper;
  • pen or felt-tip pen;
  • hole puncher;
  • a positive attitude, a little enthusiasm, lightness and readiness to accept love into your life.

On the sheet of paper, describe your ideal betrothed in great detail - how you imagine him, down to the smallest detail. This is necessary so that the correct message is sent to the Universe.

Using a hole punch, turn your red leaf into confetti (that's many, many small bright circles), collect it all in a box or bag and go to... the square where the central Christmas tree of your city is installed.

Throw confetti on the Christmas tree, if there are children nearby, invite them to help you. Pure, boisterous children's laughter can give a colossal energy boost.

Now all you have to do is wait, your love is just around the corner! Just don't forget to leave the house more often.

Decorating the Christmas tree to your advantage

And this ritual is performed before the New Year 2020, which will not only allow you to beautifully decorate your Christmas tree (you already do this every year), but also speed up the fulfillment of your cherished desires. Involve your family in this activity, it will be fun, and the ritual will bring benefits from the general energy great strength. If you want, you can do it alone.

When hanging balls and toys on the Christmas tree, speak out your wishes, for each toy separately. And so on until your entire tree is decorated. Agree on who will hang the star; you can make a particularly meaningful wish on it.

And now, when the Christmas tree is decorated, hang the garland and turn it on, say together: “The lights light up - wishes come true!” To enhance the effect, it is advisable to repeat the phrase 3, 9 or 27 times (depending on your mood).

5 New Year rituals for money and luck

Money boomerang

To perform the ritual, you need to purchase a boomerang, decorating the object with monetary symbols. This can be a symbol of any currency or a sticker depicting an ancient coin. The next stage will be to activate the attribute, for which they go to a park or other place where they throw a boomerang, mentally saying: “I’m spending money, I’m spending...”. When a boomerang is caught, they whisper: “...and they come back.” After completing these steps, you can go shopping, without doubt that all the money spent will be returned in the very near future.

Ritual for prosperity

On the evening of December 31st, you need to take some rye and wheat, pour the grains into a plate and put it on the table. Wait until midnight and make a wish cherished wish, relating to material well-being and put a few coins in the plate. The attributes are left on the table until the morning, then the coins are collected and placed in a separate section of the wallet. The grains are placed in a bag and planted in the ground in the spring. The wish will come true when the wheat and rye sprout.

New Year's spell for grapes

IN New Year's Eve They take a grape, throw it into a glass of champagne, after which, bending over the drink, they pronounce a spell: “The berry is ripe, the juice is poured, the slave (...) gets it. So let wealth and prosperity enter our home in the coming year. Truly." Then they drink the contents of the glass and eat the grape.

Cash flow

This money ritual is done like this: before midnight, they take a bath cold water and put a spruce branch there. When the chimes strike midnight, they take the branch in their hand, open the tap so that a strong stream flows from it, and begin to walk around the apartment, moving clockwise, simultaneously spraying walls and objects. You can take a small bucket with you to dip a spruce branch into.

While driving, they read the conspiracy: “I open the doors to cash flow, remove all obstacles and obstacles, release wealth into the house. Amen". Then the tap is closed, the pine twig is placed in a vase and decorated with balls.

Family ritual against poverty

Helps you get out of poverty strong ritual, taking place directly on New Year's Eve. All family members go outside, hold hands and say: “Moon and stars, give us prosperity. Universe, come to the rescue, take poverty away from us!” At the end, each participant in the ceremony needs to drink a glass of champagne.

Old Russian rituals for a happy and rich life

Energy amulet

In the midst of the fun, take a couple of minutes to perform a ritual to make an energy amulet that will help you for a whole year. Just make sure that you are in a great mood at this moment.

Take a piece of paper and attach your left palm and circle, then do the same with the right one. You need to get two projections of your hands. Now paint them with gold paint.

Throughout the year, if you feel bad, you will be lonely, sad, sad - feel free to take out this drawing, put your palms on the drawn ones and sit like that for a few minutes. The energy of the holiday and good mood will quickly be transferred to you from the drawing.

Announcement of Happiness

Give people health, happiness, love, prosperity, smiles, good mood, fulfillment of desires! After all, as you know, according to the law of the universe, what we give comes back to us in multiple sizes. Why not perform such a ritual from the bottom of your heart for the New Year 2020?

How to do it? Yes, very simple! Make a “happiness announcement.”

You will need:

  • paper;
  • colored markers;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;

You've probably seen homemade advertisements at bus stops, poles, and entrances. So, we do exactly this. Only it will not be quite ordinary.

Come up with a name like: “I give happiness”, “Choose a dream”, “Fulfill your wish”. The text is approximately as follows: “Choose what you want most and in 2020, it will definitely come true. I wish you happiness, health, love and good luck!” You can come up with your own text.

On the tear-off parts of the ad (make about seven to nine of these strips so that there is enough space for wishes) write exactly what the person who tears off this piece will receive. For example: “I meet my love”, “I win a large sum money”, “I’m buying a new apartment”, “I’m absolutely healthy in the New Year”, “I have great relationship with loved ones”, “I get a new great job”, “I’m doing what I love”, “I’m starting a family”, “I’m traveling”, “I’m studying at university” and others.

On the morning of December 31, hang this notice in a prominent place where there is usually a large flow of people. Passers-by will make their wishes, and, therefore, they will have them come true (how could it be different on New Year’s Day?). And yours own desires will definitely come true, believe me.

There are many options to give happiness to others! You can write notes with wishes, stick them on balloons, and distribute them to passers-by on the street. Instead of an announcement, you can make a seven-flowered flower, where in the middle you write a general wish, and on the petals there are specific ones for each.

Do not skimp on kindness, bring smiles to those around you, give pleasant moments, make wishes come true. Tell your friends about this ritual, let “advertisements of happiness” appear in all corners of your city. After all, December is a month of expecting miracles, and before the New Year, everyone can be a little magician.

Happy holidays and more sincere smiles!

New Year's Eve is the most Magic night of the year. At this time, the heavens open, and the requests of people are heard by the universe. At this time, rituals and ceremonies are traditionally performed to attract good luck and wealth. On New Year's Eve you can get rid of obstacles and troubles and make a secret wish. What other rituals can be performed for the New Year? Let's look at a few effective magic spells on different cases life.

In order for the year to be successful, you need to set magical protection from the machinations of unclean spirits. These rituals will keep you and your family from misfortune for a year, and the next year you need to repeat everything again. However, before installing protections and amulets, it is necessary to clear the room of energy dirt.

Cleaning the room from negativity

After finishing the usual cleaning of the house, sprinkle the room with holy water. Particular attention should be paid to corners, windows and doors. Then light a church candle and say:

Amulet from trouble

You need to prepare for this ritual in advance. You need to collect the following magic items:

  • pine cones and needles;
  • a thread of pure wool without synthetics 30 cm long;
  • twigs of dry wormwood with flowers;
  • a copper coin or any item made of copper;
  • coin white or silver;
  • a piece of silk fabric;
  • dried lilac flowers;
  • dry red rose petals;
  • seven oat grains;
  • seashell or stone with a hole;
  • three dry oak leaves;
  • candle wax.

You should have 12 different items representing the 12 months of the year. Now take a piece of red fabric without a pattern and cut a circle out of it. Using a new needle and red thread, go along the edge of the circle with a “gimmick” stitch and secure with a knot at the end.

Place objects on the circle and tighten the threads. Before tying the bag, blow inward on the objects and say:

Scroll of Wishes

What New Year is complete without fortune telling and wish rituals? Those who annually practice rituals to fulfill wishes say that everything comes true literally. Only you need to approach this ritual responsibly and make wishes that can actually be fulfilled. You can’t demand the impossible from the universe; it won’t come true anyway.

So, you need to prepare:

  • a sheet of white paper;
  • a crust of black bread;
  • red rose;
  • a piece of refined sugar;
  • a red pen or felt-tip pen;
  • a white candle and a scarlet ribbon.

What wishes can you make on New Year's Eve? These may be dreams related to prosperity, love and money. Each person has his own dreams, and the universe responds to the desires of the heart. The ritual should begin a week before New Year's Eve.

Light a candle. Write down three cherished wishes on a piece of paper and put a magical “so be it” under them. Pack all the items into a sheet, hold it in your hands for a few minutes and focus on your desires.

Then tie the bundle with a ribbon and secure it with candle wax - seal it. Place the package under the mattress, you should sleep with the package every night: 7 days before the new year and 7 days after it. Then take the bag out from under the mattress and place it in the highest place in the house in your photo. First, place a photo, and on top of it - a package. Within a year, all dreams will come true!

Desire in champagne

What other New Year rituals and ceremonies are there on request? A cheerful collective ritual with champagne has gained popularity: it can be performed together with guests for festive table. First you need to prepare napkins, boxes of matches and pens according to the number of people at the table.

When the chimes start chiming, you need to quickly write down your innermost desire on a napkin, set it on fire, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink it. All actions must be completed before the last chime. If you succeed, your wish will come true quickly!

Three bags of fate

For this ritual you need to draw three bags on three sheets of A4 paper different color: black, blue and red. Next, do the following:

  1. write a wish list on a piece of paper with a red bag;
  2. on a piece of paper with a black bag, write what you want to get rid of;
  3. On the sheet with the blue bag, list the good events of the past year.

After the chiming clock, you need to burn the sheet with a black bag and scatter the ashes in the wind (blow it off the balcony). This is something that should leave you in the new year. Along with destroying the sheet, you need to get rid of the pen with black paste - break it. The other two sheets need to be hidden and forgotten about until next New Year's Eve. After the holidays, you can re-read the entries and note what came true during the year. This ritual can be performed constantly.

New Year's fortune telling

This fortune telling should be carried out among guests. Prepare walnut shells according to the number of people present and place a wish symbol in each half of the shell:

  • love - heart;
  • money - dollar symbol;
  • car - a wheel from a car;
  • and so on.

Pour water into a bowl and lower the shells. Now you need to stand around the basin and blow: whichever shell lands on “your shore”, your wish will come true!

New Year is one of the most favorite holidays of children and adults, which everyone looks forward to, because on New Year's Eve you can make a cherished wish, start new life, and also lure fortune and happiness into the house. You just need to know how to attract good luck in the New Year 2018. There are several ways to do this.

Let's appease the symbol of the year. In 2018 responsible person for our well-being and the fulfillment of our plans, it was appointed - the symbol of the year. Therefore, on New Year's Eve you need to feed your dog to its fullest, but if you don’t have one, then you can feed your yard dog. It’s good when she caresses and wags her tail - this is an indicator that the mistress of the year is satisfied and happy.

We clean, wash, put away - we remove the negativity. Everyone knows that before the New Year it is necessary to get rid of trash, so on the eve of the holiday it is advisable to do a general cleaning, even washing the windows and doors - after all, it is through them that happiness and good luck flies into our home. And they should not have interference in the form of dust and cobwebs.

Financial well-being. To swim in money all year, you need to put it in a piggy bank in the shape of a Dog. If you don’t find one, then you can build your own booth out of wood or paper - there they will definitely be safe and sound, multiplying every day. You can take money out from there, but not completely, leaving at least a little until the end of the year.

Pay off debts. Money will never settle in your home if you owe someone, so it is very important to pay back debts. This applies, by the way, not only to monetary, but also to emotional ones - to ask for forgiveness from the one who was offended, to part with negative thoughts, to stop taking revenge on enemies, etc. You need to enter the New Year with a pure heart and a calm soul.

Talisman for good luck. In order for peace and mutual understanding to always reign in the house, you need to sew it yourself (this required condition) a talisman in the form of a dog of three colors - the head is white, so that there are only bright thoughts all year round, the body is red - full of love, and the paws are yellow - saturated with solar energy. The talisman can be of any size; you should store it in the corner of the room where you most often meet with the whole family.

The mat is a negative cleaner. On December 31, in the afternoon, take any small rug and lay it on front door. Then describe the troubles on white paper that happened in your life in 2017, then tear the sheet into small pieces and sweep them under the rug. Stomp on it. Then burn them over a candle flame, and shake the rug out on the street with the words: “I shake the carpet - I’ll remove the negativity”! Place the rug next to the door. Let it lie there until January 14th. The main thing, while standing on it, is not to swear or discuss anyone, but to laugh, kiss, and rejoice is a must! Afterwards, the rug can be put away in a secluded place.

Christmas tree is a magician. Think about what you need next year to be completely happy? If it’s love, then hang paper hearts on the New Year’s tree; if you have financial stability – banknotes; if you have impressions – crackers; if you are healthy – pictures with exercise equipment; if you dream of a child – images of children; if you dream of losing weight – silhouettes of beautiful figures, etc. As soon as the clock starts striking 12, go to your Christmas tree and touch your wish. Drink champagne and say to yourself: “So it will be”!

Pleasant surprises. There is a saying that if you find something good on New Year's Eve, then there will be only pleasant surprises all year. Therefore, ask your guests, and do the same yourself, not to give gifts in their hands, but to hide them somewhere in the room.

Make a wish for New Year 2018

To attract good luck in the new year, you need. Everyone knows the main rule - to fulfill your plan, you need to say it to yourself during the chimes at midnight and immediately drink champagne - to consolidate the result. However, there are other options, .

— Since 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, you need to buy a small toy or figurine in the shape of a yellow dog (if you don’t find it, don’t be upset, you can tie a yellow bow or belt on a dog of any color), and put it in a prominent place. At this time, you need to whisper your desire. On New Year's Eve, sprinkle water obtained from melted snow on your wish-fulfiller, saying the following words: “I’ll tell you my wish, with water and a snowy field. May it be imbued with magic and come true quickly.”. Let the toy stand in this place until the plan comes true.

— This method is suitable for dog owners. You need to put a birthday cap on your pet at midnight, but first say your wish into it. Even if the dog carries such a decoration for a short time, it will still be saturated with dog energy and the plan will come true very soon.

- Take a piece of paper and write your wish on it. Then call any dog, give it some kind of treat, and put a wish sheet next to it, and say: “Search and execute quickly”! Even if the animal does not react to it in any way, the process has still begun - the plan will come true very soon.

“You can think of a wish this way.” Draw an angel and write on him about your dream. Then cut it out and hang it on the tree where it will not be visible. After January 14, you can remove it and release it through the window. Very soon the plan will come true.

- Take a tangerine, put it in your pocket so that it is saturated with your energy, and say your desire to it until midnight, and after 12 at night, eat it without sharing it with anyone.

— A wish can be cast on a skein of thread purchased from a seller with blond hair before lunch on December 31st, and sew a button with it on clothing in contact with the body, saying the following words: “I sew on a button - I secure the fulfillment of a wish”. Do not tear off the button until your plan is fulfilled. Then you can throw it over your left shoulder out the window, standing with your back to it.

On New Year's Eve, you definitely need to guess in order to know whether 2018 will be a lucky year or not. – with the help of Christmas balls, candles, paper, festive dishes, as well as various New Year’s attributes. The main thing is the belief that the Year of the Dog will be kind and joyful, like a puppy that is loved and pampered.

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