List of sins for confession to the priest. Church sacraments: how to correctly write sins for confession and prepare for it

It's no secret that none of us can, unfortunately, call ourselves a completely sinless person. All of us from time to time are faced with various vices that have a certain effect on us. It became very interesting for me to find out what are the main human vices and how to get rid of their negative impact. Therefore, in this article, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of sins for confession.

Confession is a real spiritual test. Initially, it provokes the desire to repent, to confess verbally in their bad deeds.

After all, when people cease to adhere to the commandments of God, the inevitable destruction of their spiritual and physical bodies. And through repentance, they gain the opportunity to purify themselves.

Confession promotes reconciliation between the individual and God. The healing of the soul is observed and the person receives an additional portion of strength to overcome his sins. In the process of this sacrament, a person frankly talks about his bad deeds and seeks forgiveness.

However, if the parishioner is very worried the day before, he may forget about what he wants to repent of. And here the list of sins for confession in Orthodoxy comes to the rescue. It is compiled in advance and is a kind of hint, reminder. The list of sins at confession can be read out in full or used as a plan.

In this case, the most important condition will be the maximum sincerity and truthfulness of the individual.

But in order for the sacrament of confession to be effective, it is important to have full contact of feelings with words, because simply mechanical reading of one's sins does not yet mean real healing from them. Feelings without words are just as ineffective as words without feelings.

What is the list of sins for confession? This is an extensive list that includes all obscene words or deeds. It is based on the seven deadly sins and the ten commandments.

IN human life now there is too much variety, so she is rarely righteous. This means that confession is an opportunity to sincerely repent of your sins and strive to prevent them in the future.

The Proper Process of Preparing for Confession

Prepare for the ritual should be in advance. You can write down a list of your bad deeds on a piece of paper and take it with you. Also, it would not be superfluous to read special literature concerning the sacrament of confession and communion. At the same time, do not try to justify your sins, just be aware that they are wicked.

The ideal option is to give an analysis to each of your days, establishing what are bad and what good actions you have taken. Thanks to this good habit You will begin to pay more attention to your thoughts, words and actions.

Even before you go to confession, make peace with all the people you offended, and also sincerely forgive all your offenders.

There is a difference between personal repentance (when an individual mentally repents of committed deeds) and the sacrament of confession (when a person talks about his unseemly misdeeds and seeks to cleanse himself of them). Telling an outsider about your unseemly actions already means making moral efforts in order, firstly, to realize the depth of your misconduct, and secondly, to cope with inner shame.

If you encounter some difficulties in compiling a list of falls, then the publication "The Complete Confession" can help you. It is offered now by every church shop, it reveals in detail all types of sins for confession and the features of the ritual. The book is also supplemented with examples and materials to help prepare yourself for the ceremony.

What are the rules for confession?

Do you suffer from a stone in your soul, do you want to speak out to someone and find forgiveness? Confession greatly facilitates the moral state. She acts as an open, most sincere confession and repentance of her sins.

Confession is allowed up to three times a week. The desire to eliminate your sins helps to cope with stiffness and awkwardness. The less often a person goes to confession, the more difficult it is for him to resurrect in his memory all the bad deeds he has committed. Most important rule- this is for the priest to understand the true meaning of sin in order to assign an adequate punishment.

In especially difficult situations, penance is imposed. Penance is a punishment, excommunication from the sacred sacraments and the grace of God. How long it will last in time is decided by the priest.

As a rule, punishment is understood as the observance of moral and corrective works - for example, fasting, reciting prayers, canons and akathist. In some cases, the list of punishments may vary.

If a person becomes seriously ill or dies, then the holy father is invited directly to the house for confession.

Overview of the sacrament of confession

Arriving at the temple, get in line to confess. During the ritual, on the lectern there is a cross with the Gospel - symbols of the constant presence of Christ. Before the ceremony, the clergyman may ask how often you pray, whether you adhere to the basic church rules and ask similar questions.

After this, the process of the sacrament itself begins. If a person repeats the sins that were forgiven him at the last confession, it is imperative to stipulate this moment, in such a case the offense will be more severe.

In confession, do not seek to hide any information or speak with the help of hints. Speak in understandable terms so that it is clear what exactly you repent of.

At the end, the priest breaks the list of sins for confession - this means that it is completed and you have been forgiven for your sins. Also, at the end, an epitrachelion is superimposed on the head - a symbol of the mercy of God. Then you need to kiss the cross with the Gospel, which will be a manifestation of the desire to adhere to the basic commandments.

Proper Preparation for Confession

The rite of confession is designed to enable a person to comprehend his sins and correct them. If you are far from church life, then it may be difficult for you to realize which of the actions are classified as ungodly. For this purpose, ten commandments were invented, clearly prescribing what should not be done categorically.

In the case when a person goes to confession for the first time, it may be problematic for him to sort out the seven main sins and commandments on his own. Then it is better to visit the priest first, talking with him personally and sharing your difficulties with him. Thanks to this, you will greatly facilitate the process of preparing for the sacrament of confession.

We have dealt with the rules for preparing for the sacrament of the church, and now we will study the list of sinful actions.

Sins committed against the Lord

  • distrust of God, doubt in his power, lack of gratitude;
  • refusal to wear a pectoral cross and protect one's faith;
  • taking oaths in the name of the Lord in vain;
  • sectarianism, magic, the practice of false teachings;
  • craving for gambling;
  • desire to commit suicide, foul language;
  • unwillingness to attend church or read prayers daily;
  • refusal to observe fasting, the study of Orthodox literature;
  • bad attitude towards the holy fathers;
  • thoughts about worldly things during worship;
  • loss of your precious time for idleness, lack of action;
  • a state of despair when difficulties occur in life. More hope for yourself or outside help, without faith in divine mercy;
  • hiding their sins in the process of confession.

Sins committed against loved ones

  • states of aggressiveness, anger, arrogance, pride and vanity;
  • hiding the truth, refusing to help others, ridiculing other people;
  • greed or extravagance;
  • raising children without faith;
  • unwillingness to repay debts, pay for someone else's work, help those who ask and need it;
  • refusal to help their parents, showing disrespect towards them;
  • theft, slander, envy;
  • conflicts;
  • verbal killings (conviction, driving to suicide or pathology);
  • abortion or their propaganda.

Sins committed against oneself

  • foul language;
  • excessive self-love, idleness, breeding gossip;
  • the desire to profit, enrich;
  • excessive demonstration of their good actions;
  • states of envy, lies, alcoholism, gluttony, drug addiction;
  • states of fornication, adultery, incest and masturbation.

Complete list of sins for confession for women

It acts as a rather delicate list, and most of the women refuse to continue confession when they study it.

It should be noted that many of the fears and prejudices of the fair sex are completely unfounded. Priests are forbidden to share the secret of confession with anyone else.

Also, for your greater psychological comfort, it would be better if you find yourself one permanent confessor.

You also need to remember that the church never involves the intimate sphere of life between spouses. Therefore, you can also ask the clergyman questions about contraception. There are many remedies that do not have an abortifacient effect, they can only prevent the birth of life. Be that as it may, all controversial points must be discussed with your loved one, physician or spiritual father.

  • rare prayers, refusal to visit the temple;
  • thoughts about worldly things during prayers;
  • sexual extramarital affairs;
  • abortion and its promotion;
  • the presence of bad thoughts and desires;
  • viewing and reading pornography;
  • slander, slander, laziness, resentment;
  • exposing one's body in order to attract attention;
  • fear of growing old, wrinkles;
  • thoughts about suicide;
  • abuse of sweets, alcohol, drugs;
  • refusal to help those in need;
  • divination, divination;
  • superstition.

List of male sins

Many people cannot come to an unambiguous conclusion whether a list of sins is important for confession. Some say that such a list will harm the sacrament and turn it into a formal reading of offenses.

The most important thing in the process of confession is the awareness of one's sins, sincere repentance and rejection of them in the future. This means that the list of sins can turn into only a brief reminder, or you can do without it if you do not feel a special need for it.

The balance of spiritual life lies in the realization of the essence of repentance, in which confession is only the beginning of the realization of one's sinfulness. Confession is a long process, which consists of several stages of work on oneself.

  • sacrilege, conversations in the church;
  • lack of faith, doubt that there is life after death;
  • blasphemous behavior, ridicule of the poor;
  • manifestations of rigidity, laziness, pride, vanity and greed;
  • refusal to serve in the army;
  • refusal to perform unwanted work, their duties;
  • insulting other people, manifestations of hatred;
  • lying, discussing the weaknesses of other people;
  • inclination to sin (fornication, drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling);
  • refusal to help parents and other people;
  • theft of someone else's property;
  • boasting, disputes, humiliation of neighbors;
  • manifestation of arrogance, rudeness, contempt, familiarity, cowardice.

Confession for children

The Church allows confession for children from the age of seven. Parents will have to prepare their baby for confession in advance: explain to him the essence of the sacrament, explain the purpose for which they resort to it and help the child remember all his probable sins.

It is important that the baby realizes that he must speak only the truth in confession. It is better if the child himself makes a list of his bad deeds. He should understand which of his actions were wrong and not repeat them in the future.

Older children should already be able to decide for themselves whether they want to go to confession. Do not try to limit the free will of teenagers. Sometimes personal examples of parents are much more important than any conversations.

To help your child make a list of sins for confession, you must first ask him a series of questions:

  1. Does the baby pray (in the morning and evening, before eating). What prayers does he know?
  2. Does he visit the temple?
  3. Has he ever lied to his parents?
  4. Was it not such that he put his successes and victories above the successes of others (he began to become conceited)?
  5. Does he get into fights with other kids, does he offend them?
  6. Is he lying against other kids to save himself?
  7. Did you ever steal, did you show envy?
  8. Did he ridicule the physical flaws of others?
  9. Did he resort to smoking, alcohol, drugs, foul language?
  10. Is he too lazy to help his parents?
  11. Does he sometimes play sick in order not to fulfill his duties?

The Importance of Sincerity in Confession

The priest in the process of confession also takes on the role of a psychologist, he is able to recognize the degree of sincerity of a person in his repentance. After all, there may be such types of confessions that offend the sacrament and God.

If, for example, an individual in a mechanical form simply remembers his sins, confesses to several confessors at once, seeks to hide the truth, then repentance cannot be achieved with the help of such actions.

Wherein of great importance pay to behavior, tone of speech with which a person confesses. This (plus the presence of pangs of conscience) helps the priest to be convinced of the sincerity of the penitent.

Also, in some cases, the identity of the clergyman matters for a person. But this should not become a reason for condemning or commenting on the actions of the clergy. If for some reason your spiritual father is unpleasant to you, you can always change it by contacting another temple.

Some sins and bad actions cause so much moral suffering to a person that he does not even dare to voice them out loud. In such cases, the option of compiling a list of sins and releasing them by the clergyman is allowed, even without reading and viewing.

When you come to church for confession, don't be afraid. The Lord is generous, accepts all sinners. Forgiving the repentant. Do not be afraid of the priest, he is the eyes and ears of the Lord, no one will know about your secret sins. He listens so much throughout the day that by dinnertime he does not remember who came to him and what he said.

Batiushka is the only person who will not wish you harm, envy you. He will only rejoice that another soul has been saved, and thank God that he is all-seeing and all-good for directing you on the right path!

Sins speaking in confession

The priest in the church is not an all-seeing eye, especially not a psychic to guess about your sins. He will ask questions, one way or another related to sins. These questions are directly related to the 10 important commandments.

1. "I am your God."Will be listed:

  • Do you pray, as you often go to services, just to church?
  • Do you confess that you believe in God to your acquaintances?
  • Do you believe in God?

2. "Do not make an idol for yourself."This may include:

  • Overeating, as a cult of food;
  • Decorations;
  • Money, alcohol, smoking;
  • Pride.

3. Do you remember the Lord in moments of frustration?

4. Do you dedicate a day off to prayer.

5. Do you respect your parents

6. Do not kill, neither in word nor deed.

7. Don't seduce anyone, don't ruin someone's marriage and life.

8. Don't take what doesn't belong to you.

9. Do not slander relatives and friends of lies.

10. Don't want what others have.

Preparation for confession of sins, how to repent

Before you go to the priest for confession, you need to prepare. What does it mean to be prepared? To do this, you need to read prayers, fast at least a day before going to the temple. Directly on the day of confession itself, you need not eat anything, come to the very beginning of the service. If the priest notices that you were absent from the very beginning of the service, he will not confess.

Don't look for excuses for your actions. If they did so, then they wanted to, and at that time it suited you very much. Before going to confession, reconcile with yourself, your loved ones, ask for forgiveness, if necessary.

The confession is divided into two parts:

  • Soul Confession: You repent, every day, of what you have done;
  • Confession to a priest: You tell a priest about your deeds in order to cleanse your soul.

These are two completely different sides of the same coin. When you come to church, you must be aware of what and why you will say. In front of a complete stranger it is very difficult to tell what misconduct you have, and why you did it. It becomes embarrassing, many forget or do not want to talk about the most painful mistakes made.

You can make a list of misdeeds, so you won’t forget anything, and then it will be easier to talk about it. If it is still difficult for you to make such a list, there is a mini shop at the church, it certainly has a booklet on how to conduct a confession, what sins exist.

After confession, a person usually experiences a feeling of relief, as if a mountain had been lifted from his shoulders. You can confess several times a week. Frequent trips to church help to feel relaxed and confident.

Sins in confession list for women

Compiling and reading such a ready-made list of many ladies leads to a stupor. To understand that your life is a continuous sinful nightmare is far from being possible for everyone. You should not despair. Consult with the priest, he will briefly explain everything and tell you what and why. No one will invade your personal life, because only the Lord knows why this is so, and how you deserve it. You, having passed the secret of confession, will be able to figure it out and draw the right conclusions, improve your life position and take the right path to correct life's mistakes. You can discuss contraception with the priest, because abortions are a mortal sin, and it is better to avoid this in time than to repent all your life later.

List of possible sins:

  • She was dissatisfied with her position in society, environment, life;
  • She was angry with her children, screamed, doubted them;
  • She did not trust doctors, doubted their competence;
  • I misled myself;
  • Set a bad example for your children;
  • Jealous;
  • Was the cause of scandals;
  • The most terrible and deadly sin is arrogance. It is very difficult to fight with him, almost no one notices him, but they yak very often. If you learn to catch yourself on I, rebuild on WE, then you are on the right track.
  • She did not pray and rarely read a prayer, did not come to the temple of God;
  • During the service, she thought about worldly problems;
  • She did abortions herself, and pushed others to this idea;
  • I thought badly about people, discussed;
  • Reading obscenities or watching obscene films;
  • She cursed, lied, envied;
  • She was offended for no reason, showing her self to others;
  • She wore obscene clothes, too short and defiant, thereby provoking excessive male attention and female envy;
  • I was afraid for my appearance and figure;
  • Thought about death;
  • I ate, drank alcohol, used drugs;
  • Refused to help;
  • I visited fortune-tellers, fortune-tellers.
  • She believed in all sorts of superstitions;

Full confession of sins for women

You need to trust the priest, tell everything:

  • If you have not confessed before, then you need to tell about all the offenses you have committed since the age of seven. Hidden sin is doubled, harder to expiate;
  • If they confessed, then from the last confession;
  • Tell about your sinful thoughts and desires;
  • An important place is given to abortion. If you have committed, and more than one, it is worth mentioning all;
  • If you were married more than once, cohabited civil marriage, or have had several men, also;
  • If you have children from more than one husband, also;

The priest must understand what you need to do, read, how many days to fast, and how exactly to fast. That's why he is the right hand of the Lord.

Sins in confession in your own words

I repent, Lord. Sinful. The world is sinful and I'm no better. I despair, I am offended, I am angry. I skip the post on Wednesday and Friday. I don't stick to a strict post. Sometimes I overeat, I'm lazy. I yell at my husband and children. I don't trust people. I'm bad at my job. I'm worried that I don't have enough money. I do not trust the Lord, I rely only on myself, etc.

Full confession of sins

There are several options for confession. Short, involves a description of perfect deeds, words or deeds. A full confession also includes thoughts and desires. Monks go through this confession. Believers, if desired, can also undergo such a complete purification of the soul. To do this, you need to consult with the priest, or read the relevant literature.

Confession how to write a note with sins

The sheet must be divided into parts:

  • Sins against parents and relatives;
  • Sins against yourself;
  • Sins against God.

Many people think that having written down their misdeeds on a piece of paper, they are doing wrong, and when they come to confession, they forget half of their sins, they go astray. Such a presentation of one's thoughts will streamline the confession itself, and not allow one to forget or hide something.

There is an opinion that writing sins on a piece of paper is no longer a secret, but a banal reading.

In confession, it is important to repent, to understand what was perfect and not to allow such acts anymore. That is why, it is worth considering the transfer of sins to paper as a design of a memo or a hint.

List of sins in confession for men

It is harder for men to admit their misdeeds, words, sins. They may even think that they are not to blame for anything. In their notion, only women are guilty. Therefore, repent and confess only to them.But this is far from true. Men are no less sinful. In some ways, they discuss and gossip more than we do. A short temper and narcissism, in general, a separate topic for conversation.

Possible sins:

  • Conversations in the church and during the service;
  • Allowing doubts in faith;
  • The manifestation of cruelty, pride, laziness;
  • Greed or extravagance;
  • Avoiding helping his wife, children, misleading them;
  • Disclosure of other people's secrets;
  • Inclination to sin;
  • Drinking alcohol, smoking drugs;
  • Enthusiasm for card games, automata, inducing others to this debauchery;
  • Participation in thefts, fights;
  • Narcissism;
  • Insolent behavior, the ability to humiliate loved ones;
  • Manifestations of negligence and cowardice;
  • Masturbation, seduction, adultery.

This is not a complete list of male sins. To most of the above, mankind treats it for granted, and does not consider it a sin at all.

Examples of sins for confession

People sin in their own way. One considers his act the norm, for the other it is a mortal sin.

Here is a rough list of possible options:

  • Not faith in the Lord God;
  • Doubts;
  • Ingratitude to the Savior;
  • Not wanting to wear a cross;
  • Unwillingness to defend one's opinion about God in front of unbelievers;
  • They swore by the Lord to justify themselves;
  • They called on God, asked for help in vanity and unbelief;
  • They called the Lord;
  • Stayed and attended non-Christian churches;
  • Hostility;
  • They resorted to the help of sorcerers, witches;
  • Reading or preaching false doctrines about God;
  • We played all kinds of games: cards, slot machines;
  • They refused to fast;
  • Did not read the prayer book;
  • Wanted to commit suicide;
  • swearing;
  • Don't go to church;
  • Think badly of priests;
  • Watch TV or sit at the computer, instead of helping loved ones, or doing something around the house;
  • Desperate and do not ask God for help;
  • Relying too much on others;
  • You deceive the priest during confession, or you do not trust him;
  • Has a fiery temper;
  • Be arrogant towards people;
  • Show others your pride and vanity;
  • Lie to relatives and friends;
  • You mock the poor, the clumsy;
  • Show your stinginess, or excessive extravagance;
  • Your children are not brought up in the faith and fear of the Lord;
  • Do not help the needy, the disadvantaged;
  • Do not come to the aid of your parents;
  • You resort to theft;
  • Do not behave decently at the wake, let alcohol get the better of you;
  • You can kill the interlocutor with a word;
  • slander;
  • Bring a person to sinful thoughts about death;
  • Abortion, inducing others to it;
  • Imposing your thoughts;
  • The cult of money;
  • Showing yourself to people as a benefactor;
  • Excessive eating, intoxication;
  • Adultery, masturbation, incest.

Confession of prodigal sins

Fornication is considered a very serious sin. Previously, such offenses were excommunicated from communion for up to 7 years. It is located inside the person himself, in his subconscious. It eats a person from the inside. Being in such a sophisticated state, you feel euphoria. You no longer want to read a prayer. Such sinners are objectionable to God, he is disgusted by the mere thought of them. But at the same time, having repented, they will be forgiven faster than anyone else.

As the holy fathers say, three days of intense prayer, fasting, and repentance are enough to earn the Lord's forgiveness.

Of course, it's scary to be ashamed, but it's better to tell and repent than to carry this abomination in yourself. And if your family is also expecting a baby, even more so. Why torture the unborn soul of a baby. After all, we pass our sins on to our children. And then we wonder why they get sick, or have a lot of problems in life!

In this case, you should not write a note to the priest. Like, read it, while I go to the store or smoke! This kindergarten! When they sinned, there was no shame before God, but before the priest, yes!

The most important! Repented. Learned the material. Correct your mistake! Don't repeat it! By repeating, you automatically become a hypocrite!

May the Lord keep you from temptation.

Confession sin masturbation

The concept is ambiguous, and the sin is very serious. In the Christian faith, they call it masturbation, or onanism. Loving yourself with your hands is the same sin as cheating on your wife, or sorting out girls. It is very difficult to get rid of such a cunning passion. Batiushka needs to be told everything in detail, he will ask many questions. It is necessary to get to the bottom of this sin, since this is the tip of the iceberg, the root of the problem is much worse and hides deep in the subconscious, hiding behind other obvious sins.

Confession means to pass a small judgment of God. Blush, and you will be ashamed only. And there, in that world, at the judgment of God, all your deceased relatives will be ashamed, you can’t hide anything there. Therefore, you have sinned, repent, here and now.

For this sin in the old days they were punished with strict fasting, they sat on bread and water for 40 days. In the service bows were beaten tirelessly.

The Holy Scripture says: “If anyone has sinned, forgive him, and all his sins will be forgiven. And if you don’t forgive someone, they will remain on that.

To do such a thing means to waste your strength and life resource in vain. Such behavior indicates that the Orthodox are weak-willed, weak-willed, do not have the strength of mind to control their desires.The Church does not take this for granted. Since for a natural permissible fornication there must be two, a husband and a wife. That's the only way they get approval. Everything else is sinful and unethical.

Priests say about masturbation that it is unclean. It was with this sin that the son of Patriarch Judah Onan was slain. To receive pleasure, God's blessing on church marriage is necessary. And it is easier to enter into it than to be under constant sinful addiction.

She will succumb to sin, maybe the female gender. The Church condemns him no less than the male. It follows from this that they also need to repent.

Onanism also happens among teenagers, girls and boys. At this age, this is more of an unconscious act, leading to this bad hyena, too tight things. Parents are obliged to look after their children, to control their behavior. Correcting this problem is more difficult, children, as a rule, do not understand the full depth of the problem, and do not realize what they are to blame for.

You should spend as much time with them as possible, change clothes if the reason is in it. Sign your child up for swimming. Find the cause of the problem. Read spiritual literature to a child, subtly explain that it is a sin.

The priest will help you choose the necessary prayers that will help get rid of this addiction.

List of sins for confession with explanations

  • I don’t go to confession, I don’t go to church, or I come to services very rarely.I do unnecessary things on my day off, I don’t read prayers.I don't understand what my sins are.
  • I'm not in the habit of thanking God.I do not pray in the morning and in the evening. She called God, did not believe in him.
  • She gave pets human names.
  • I listened to swearing and gossip.Cursing, thereby swearing at the Mother of God. I listened to nonsense.
  • Communion without preparation, fasting, prayers.
  • She broke the fast, cooked dinner from forbidden foods. She commemorated deceased relatives with alcohol.
  • She wore obscene clothes, thereby seducing men, calling for fornication.
  • Civil marriage, fornication.
  • She had abortions, thereby killing her children, trying to avoid difficulties in life.
  • She set a bad example for the children, screamed, beat, did not take them to church, did not teach them prayer, fasting, restraint.
  • She was fond of the occult sciences, magic, etc., conducted meditations, attended martial arts sections, which led to communication with demons.
  • She took someone else's, loans, things, on credit and did not return, which brought suffering to people.
  • She boasted, put herself on display, showed everyone her goodness, thereby humiliating them.
  • She violated the rules of the road, thereby creating risky situations.
  • She talked about her problems, cried, thereby feeling sorry for herself, justifying herself.

Children's sins in confession

Children should be taught to church from infancy. Until the age of seven, children do not confess. It is believed that the child is still sinless. And what he says and how he acts is only our merit and an example set.It is necessary to explain to the child what confession is, why it is needed. Children should understand that they tell about their bad deeds not to their uncle in a cassock, but to God himself, that the priest is the eyes and ears of the Lord.

From what will be the mood of the child, depends on his attendance at church and attitude towards it. In no case do not insist, if the child is not ready, there will only be harm to his fragile psyche.

Parents can briefly, but correctly, explain to their child what sin is and what they are. Every parent knows the characteristics of their child. For shy children, you can offer to write a note, so you will help him concentrate. Explain to the child that you should not be afraid, that you will not know about his conversation with God. He must learn to trust both you and the priest.

Children's confession list of sins

Children's sins are not as bitter as adults'. They are more like misdemeanors. Therefore, a child's confession differs from an adult's. Approximate questions that the priest can ask:

  • Does the child attend church and how often? What does he do when he comes to church? Is he interested in being here?
  • What prayers does he know?
  • Does he have a cross?
  • Is he telling the truth to his parents or is he lying?
  • How many friends does he have, and what kind of relationship do they have? Is he intolerant of them? How about kids and girls?
  • What does he do and what are his interests? Does he show pride in his accomplishments?
  • Does he have favorite pets? How does he feel about them?
  • Does he love his parents?

Sins of teenagers for confession

Older children are more susceptible to outside influences, such as friends, the street. They defend their point of view, their opinion. Unfortunately, in the rhythm of big cities, there is not always time to control where they are, and with whom they are friends, what they watch and what sites they visit! Therefore, it is important to teach a teenager to trust, if not you, then at least a priest. He definitely will not advise the bad, and will unequivocally take the side of the teenager, suggest the right way out of this situation. And certainly will not criticize, like many parents.

It is during adolescence that children manage to get into different stories, trying to get out of them themselves, thinking that they are already adults and have enough experience. They are afraid to confess to their parents, consult with friends.

By attending church and trusting God through a priest, a teenager can avoid many difficult situations. Do not spoil your life, do not take the path of sin from such a young age.

What can a father ask?

  • What does he say if someone has a better phone, for example?
  • Did he steal? If yes, then how did you do it? Was he ashamed?
  • How does he behave with children from poor families? Is there envy for the children of rich parents?
  • Doesn't he laugh at the disabled, sick children?
  • How does he feel about cards, alcohol, drugs?
  • Does he help elders, for example, with household chores?
  • Does he deceive his parents by saying that he is ill?
  • How does he study? Does he skip school?
  • Does he have an addiction to TV, computer, phone? And how does he understand it?
  • How does he treat elders? Does he respect mom and dad?
  • Does he speak bad words?
  • What does he think of girls when they are in short skirts? Girls, why do they need clothes that are short or too tight? Do they seduce boys?
  • Is he doing something that makes you feel ashamed?
  • Can he tell his parents about all his actions?
  • Does he watch adult films and related sites?
  • Did he take someone else's, things, money?
  • Does he correct his perfect deeds?
  • Does it repent in what has already been done?

Are all sins forgiven in confession?

There are no sinners whom the Savior could not ask. If a person repents in confession, he can receive forgiveness. The sin that the church cannot forgive is foul language against the Lord, the Church and its laws.

The Lord forgives all sins. Because of his love for us, he suffered and was crucified. He accepts all sinners, gives them a second chance, and believes that they can be reformed.

The question is whether a person who has sinned can forgive himself. And if he caused pain and suffering, even more so.

If you missed or forgot to tell the priest during the service, then when the chrismation is performed, the sins will be forgiven. Such services are held in the evening, on the Sabbath day or on holidays.

The sacrament of confession is a test for the soul. It consists of the desire to repent, verbal confession, repentance for sins. When a person goes against the laws of God, he gradually destroys his spiritual and physical shell. Repentance helps to cleanse. It reconciles man with God. The soul is healed and gains strength to fight sin.

Confession allows you to talk about your misdeeds and receive forgiveness. In excitement and fear, one can forget what one wanted to repent of. The list of sins for confession serves as a reminder, a hint. It can be read in full or used as an outline. The main thing is that the confession should be sincere and truthful.


Confession is the main component of repentance. This is an opportunity to ask for forgiveness for your sins, to be cleansed of them. Confession gives spiritual strength to resist evil. Sin is a discrepancy in thoughts, words, deeds with God's permission.

Confession is a sincere awareness of wicked deeds, a desire to get rid of them. No matter how difficult and unpleasant it is to remember them, you should tell the clergyman about your sins in detail.

For this sacrament, a complete interconnection of feelings and words is necessary, because the everyday enumeration of one's sins will not bring true purification. Feelings without words are just as ineffective as words without feelings.

There is a list of sins to confess. This is a large list of all indecent actions or words. It is based on the 7 deadly sins and 10 commandments. Human life is too diverse to be absolutely righteous. Therefore, confession is an opportunity to repent of sins and try to prevent them in the future.

How to prepare for confession?

Preparations for confession should take place in a few days. The list of sins can be written on a piece of paper. Special literature on the sacraments of confession and communion should be read.

One should not look for excuses for sins, one should be aware of their wickedness. It is best to analyze each day, sorting out what was good and what was bad. Such a daily habit will help to be more attentive to thoughts and actions.

Before confession, you should make peace with everyone who was offended. Forgive those who offended. Prior to confession, it is necessary to strengthen the prayer rule. Add to the evening reading the Penitential Canon, the canons of the Mother of God.

One should separate personal repentance (when a person mentally repents of his actions) and the sacrament of confession (when a person talks about his sins in a desire to be cleansed of them).

The presence of a third party requires a moral effort to realize the depth of the offense, it will force, through overcoming shame, to take a deeper look at wrong actions. Therefore, a list of sins is so necessary for confession in Orthodoxy. It will help to identify what was forgotten or wanted to be hidden.

If you have any difficulties in compiling a list of sinful actions, you can purchase the book "Full Confession". It is in every church shop. There is a detailed list of sins for confession, features of the sacrament. Samples of confession and materials for preparing for it have been published.


Is there a heaviness in your soul, do you want to speak out, ask for forgiveness? After confession, it becomes much easier. This is an open, sincere confession and repentance for committed misconduct. You can go to confession up to 3 times a week. The desire to be cleansed of sins will help overcome the feeling of constraint and awkwardness.

The rarer the confession, the more difficult it is to remember all the events and thoughts. The best option for the sacrament - once a month. Help in confession - a list of sins - will prompt the necessary words. The main thing is for the priest to understand the essence of the offense. Then the punishment for sin will be justified.

After confession, the priest imposes difficult cases penance. This is punishment, excommunication from the holy sacraments and God's grace. Its duration is determined by the priest. In most cases, the penitent will face moral and corrective work. For example, fasting, reading prayers, canons, akathists.

Sometimes the list of sins for confession is read out by the priest. You can write your own list of what has been done. It is better to come to confession after the evening service or in the morning, before the liturgy.

How is the sacrament

In some situations, you should invite the priest for confession to the house. This is done if the person is seriously ill or near death.

Upon entering the temple, it is necessary to take a queue for confession. During the entire time of the sacrament, the cross and the Gospel lie on the lectern. This symbolizes the invisible presence of the Savior.

Prior to confession, the priest may begin to ask questions. For example, about how often prayers are said, whether church rules are observed.

Then the mystery begins. It is best to prepare your list of sins for confession. A sample of it can always be purchased at the church. If the sins forgiven at the previous confession were repeated, then they should be mentioned again - this is considered a more serious offense. You should not hide anything from the priest or speak in hints. Should in simple words clearly explain the sins of which you repent.

If the priest tore up the list of sins for confession, then the sacrament is over and absolution has been given. The priest puts an epitrachelion on the penitent's head. This means the return of God's grace. After that, they kiss the cross, the Gospel, which symbolizes the readiness to live according to the commandments.

Getting Ready for Confession: A List of Sins

Confession is intended to comprehend one's sin, the desire to correct oneself. It is difficult for a person who is far from the church to understand what actions should be considered ungodly. That's why there are 10 commandments. They clearly spell out what not to do. It is better to prepare a list of sins for confession according to the commandments in advance. On the day of the sacrament, you can get excited and forget everything. Therefore, you should calmly re-read the commandments a few days before confession and write down your sins.

If confession is the first, then it is not easy to sort out the seven deadly sins and the ten commandments on your own. Therefore, you should approach the priest in advance, in a personal conversation, tell about your difficulties.

A list of sins for confession with an explanation of sins can be purchased at the church or found on the website of your temple. The decoding details all alleged sins. From this general list it is necessary to isolate what was done personally. Then write down your list of wrongdoings.

Sins committed against God

  • Unbelief in God, doubts, ingratitude.
  • The absence of a pectoral cross, unwillingness to defend the faith in front of detractors.
  • Oaths in the name of God, pronouncing the name of the Lord in vain (not during prayer or conversations about God).
  • Visiting sects, divination, treatment with all kinds of magic, reading and spreading false teachings.
  • Gambling, suicidal thoughts, foul language.
  • Non-attendance at the temple, lack of daily prayer rule.
  • Non-observance of fasts, unwillingness to read Orthodox literature.
  • Condemnation of the clergy, thoughts about worldly things during worship.
  • Waste of time for entertainment, watching TV, inactivity at the computer.
  • Despair in difficult situations, excessive hope in oneself or someone else's help without faith in God's providence.
  • Concealment of sins at confession.

Sins committed against neighbors

  • Hot temper, anger, arrogance, pride, vanity.
  • Lies, non-intervention, ridicule, stinginess, extravagance.
  • Raising children outside of faith.
  • Failure to return debts, non-payment for labor, refusal to help those who ask and those in need.
  • Unwillingness to help parents, disrespect for them.
  • Theft, condemnation, envy.
  • Quarrels, drinking alcohol at the wake.
  • Murder with a word (slander, bringing to suicide or illness).
  • Killing a child in the womb, persuading others to have an abortion.

Sins committed against yourself

  • Foul language, pride, idle talk, gossip.
  • The desire for profit, enrichment.
  • Showing off good deeds.
  • Envy, lies, drunkenness, gluttony, drug use.
  • Fornication, adultery, incest, masturbation.

List of sins for a woman's confession

This is a very delicate list, and many women refuse confession after reading it. Do not trust any information you read. Even if a pamphlet with a list of sins for a woman was purchased in a church shop, be sure to pay attention to the neck. There should be an inscription "recommended by the publishing council of the Russian Orthodox Church."

Priests do not disclose the secret of confession. Therefore, it is best to go through the sacrament with a permanent confessor. The Church does not intrude into the sphere of intimate marital relations. Questions of contraception, which is sometimes equated with abortion, are best discussed with a priest. There are drugs that do not have an abortion effect, but only prevent the birth of life. In any case, all controversial issues should be discussed with the spouse, doctor, confessor.

Here is a list of sins to confess (short):

  1. Rarely prayed, did not attend church.
  2. I thought more about worldly things during prayer.
  3. Allowed sexual intercourse before marriage.
  4. Abortions, declining others to them.
  5. She had impure thoughts and desires.
  6. Watched movies, read pornographic books.
  7. Gossip, lies, envy, laziness, resentment.
  8. Excessive exposure of the body to attract attention.
  9. Fear of old age, wrinkles, thoughts of suicide.
  10. Addiction to sweets, alcohol, drugs.
  11. Avoidance of helping other people.
  12. Seeking help from fortune-tellers, soothsayers.
  13. Superstition.

List of sins for a man

There is debate about whether to prepare a list of sins for confession. Someone believes that such a list harms the sacrament and contributes to the formal reading of offenses. The main thing in confession is to realize your sins, repent and prevent their repetition. Therefore, the list of sins may be a brief reminder or not at all.

A formal confession is not considered valid, since there is no repentance in it. Returning after the sacrament to the former life will add hypocrisy. The balance of spiritual life consists in understanding the essence of repentance, where confession is only the beginning of the realization of one's sinfulness. This is a long process consisting of several stages. inner work. The creation of spiritual resources is a systematic adjustment of conscience, responsibility for one's relationship with God.

Here is a list of sins for confession (short) for a man:

  1. Sacrilege, conversations in the temple.
  2. Doubt in faith, afterlife.
  3. Blasphemy, mockery of the poor.
  4. Cruelty, laziness, pride, vanity, greed.
  5. Evasion from military service.
  6. Avoidance of unwanted work, shirking duties.
  7. Insults, hatred, fights.
  8. Slander, disclosure of other people's weaknesses.
  9. Seduction to sin (fornication, drunkenness, drugs, gambling).
  10. Refusal to help parents, other people.
  11. Theft, aimless collecting.
  12. Tendency to boast, argue, humiliate one's neighbor.
  13. Insolence, rudeness, contempt, familiarity, cowardice.

Confession for a child

For a child, the sacrament of confession can begin at the age of seven. Until this age, children are allowed to take Communion without this. Parents should prepare the child for confession: explain the essence of the sacrament, tell why it is performed, remember with him possible sins.

The child must be made to understand that sincere repentance is the preparation for confession. It is better for a child to write a list of sins himself. He must realize what actions were wrong, try not to repeat them in the future.

Older children themselves decide whether to confess or not. Do not limit the free will of a child, a teenager. The personal example of parents is much more important than all conversations.

The kid must remember his sins before confession. A list of them can be compiled after the child answers the questions:

  • How often does he read a prayer (in the morning, in the evening, before meals), which ones does he know by heart?
  • Does he go to church, how does he behave in the service?
  • Whether wears pectoral cross, distracted or not during prayers and worship?
  • Have you ever deceived your parents or father during confession?
  • Wasn't he proud of his successes, victories, wasn't he conceited?
  • Does he fight or not with other children, does he offend babies or animals?
  • Does he tell other children to shield himself?
  • Did you commit theft, did you envy someone?
  • Did you laugh at other people's physical imperfections?
  • Did you play cards (smoked, drank alcohol, tried drugs, used foul language)?
  • Is she lazy or helps her parents around the house?
  • Did he pretend to be sick to avoid his duties?
  1. A person himself determines whether to confess or not, how many times to attend the sacrament.
  2. Prepare a list of sins for confession. It is better to take a sample in the temple where the sacrament will take place, or find it yourself in church literature.
  3. It is optimal to go to confession to the same clergyman who will become a mentor and will contribute to spiritual growth.
  4. Confession is free.

First you need to ask what days confessions take place in the temple. You should dress appropriately. For men, a shirt or T-shirt with sleeves, trousers or jeans (not shorts). For women - a scarf on the head, no cosmetics (at least lipstick), a skirt no higher than the knees.

Sincerity of confession

A priest, as a psychologist, can recognize how sincere a person is in his repentance. There is a confession that offends the sacrament and the Lord. If a person mechanically talks about sins, has several confessors, conceals the truth - such actions do not lead to repentance.

Behavior, tone of speech, words used in confession - all this matters. Only in this way does the priest understand how sincere the penitent is. Pangs of conscience, embarrassment, worries, shame contribute to spiritual purification.

Sometimes the personality of a priest is important for a parishioner. This is not a reason to condemn and comment on the actions of the clergy. You can go to another temple or turn to another holy father for confession.

Sometimes it's hard to voice your sins. The emotional experiences are so strong that it is more convenient to make a list of unrighteous actions. Batiushka is attentive to every parishioner. If because of shame it is impossible to tell about everything and repentance is deep, then the sins, the list of which is compiled before confession, the clergyman has the right to release without even reading them.

The meaning of confession

Having to talk about your sins in front of a stranger is embarrassing. Therefore, people refuse to go to confession, believing that God will forgive them anyway. This is the wrong approach. The priest acts only as an intermediary between man and God. His task is to determine the measure of repentance. The priest has no right to condemn anyone, he will not expel a penitent from the temple. At confession, people are very vulnerable, and the clergy try not to cause unnecessary suffering.

It is important to see your sin, to recognize and condemn it in your soul, to voice it before the priest. Have a desire not to repeat your misdeeds anymore, try to atone for the harm done by works of mercy. Confession brings the rebirth of the soul, re-education and access to a new spiritual level.

Sins (list), Orthodoxy, confession imply self-knowledge and the search for grace. All good deeds are done through force. Only by overcoming oneself, engaging in works of mercy, cultivating virtues in oneself, one can receive God's grace.

The significance of confession lies in understanding the typology of sinners, the typology of sin. At the same time, an individual approach to each penitent is akin to pastoral psychoanalysis. The sacrament of confession is the pain from the realization of sin, its recognition, the determination to voice and ask for forgiveness for it, the purification of the soul, joy and peace.

The person must feel the need for repentance. Love for God, love for oneself, love for one's neighbor cannot exist separately. The symbolism of the Christian cross - horizontal (love for God) and vertical (love for oneself and one's neighbor) - consists in the awareness of the integrity of spiritual life, its essence.

How to behave in confession and what is better not to do? How to correctly name your sins to a priest? Learn the advice of the priest, and also read examples of how to properly confess and name your sins to the priest.

Confession is a Sacrament in which the Lord invisibly forgives sins with the visible will of the priest. The event is preceded by preparation - repentance occurs before going to church. For the first time, many are afraid and do not know what actions to call, how to behave correctly, what needs to be done for this. I will say more, even experienced Christians do not always understand what and how to confess.

Broken heart God will see

The significance of repentance is so great that it transforms the sinner into the righteous. It's hard to decide to Christian life, change, but it is necessary to do so in order not to perish completely. Let the first time (second, third) confession be imperfect, this is not terrible. It is much more dangerous to carry a heavy load in oneself, not to repent at all. The Lord sees our intentions, aspirations, attempts to lag behind passions, repentance. This will definitely count.

Another confesses, as if a report on the sins committed is on 5 pages, but there is no contrition in the soul. Another will say three words and leave justified, like a publican who does not dare to raise his eyes to heaven, saying: “ God, be merciful to me, a sinner." It is important to see the abomination of your deeds and actions. Be horrified and hate them. To experience sincere disgust, with the determination not to repeat this again.

Lists of sins to help the penitent

When resorting to manuals, of which there are many on the Internet, you are more likely to get confused than get help. Compose long list sins according to the model is not difficult, but often they indicate things that are not at all clear, relating to monastics. They are “loafers”, they have only two duties: work and prayer, everything else is a sin. The priests do not advise comparing actions in the world with such improvised means. Sometimes it looks completely stupid.

For example:

  • collected stamps;
  • washed with fragrant soap;
  • did hair;
  • washed on Sunday, etc.

You can borrow the brevity with which they call sin. This will help to make a personal list, so as not to fall into verbosity, not to tell the story (novel) of your life. Do this: Write down the things you know are bad. You regret this, you are ready not to repeat it (by the way, they do not happen so often, but they constantly remind you of themselves, popping up in your memory).

For example:

  • He was rude to his parents.
  • Hit his wife.
  • Stole a bicycle (cassette, book, any thing), etc.
  • Did not visit a sick relative who needed it.

Go on: look at your character. Seeing yourself for who you are is not easy. Some even consider themselves normal, good, kind, always right. Take and write an icon from it. But just in such a person the sin of pride is already visible, which overthrew the devil from Heaven. This comes from ignorance of the laws of faith.

The more often you confess, comprehend Orthodox teaching approach God, the more you will see in yourself the dirt that you need to get rid of. Know that if you have not found sins in yourself, then you are far from fulfilling the commandments. There is not a single saint who can be said to be without sin.

If it’s really tight, nothing comes to mind, ask loved ones: What bad qualities they will call. From the side it is always more visible. These traits will most likely be what you are looking for. Think, maybe the list will be replenished with such sins:

  • angry, irritated, thinking badly about someone;
  • cursed, rudely answered, condemned, hated;
  • did not know the measure in food (gluttony);
  • came home drunk, riotous;
  • cheated on his wife (husband), deceived, slandered, spread rumors;
  • did not help others, refused a request, mocked the workers;
  • gave (persuaded) consent to an abortion;
  • was too lazy to fulfill his duties both at work and at home, etc.

Advice: Before turning to any source with a list of sins, try first to write down what you remember well, what burdens your soul, which you really regret. Such sins will surely be forgiven. Looking for shortcomings in yourself, resorting to a manual, strive not for quantity (to cover everything at once), but for quality. They read it, remembered it, realized it, lamented it, made a promise to themselves not to act like this again. We asked the Lord to help us with this. Now add it to the confession sheet.

You need to know about it, not be angry

When a person begins to prepare for the Sacrament, he can endure temptations. Constantly someone interferes, interrupts, distracts. In the temple, evil old women make remarks: “why not in a skirt”, “why did you put on so much makeup”, “you got up in the wrong place”. Batiushka had no time, waved him off, answered rudely, etc. Sometimes this is necessary for humility.

Demons will try to piss you off, but pass the test with dignity: in your soul, for every opposition to a good deed, say: “I don’t deserve better.” So disarm the evil spirits: drive them away, and draw closer to God. This shows that you are doing the right thing. Now, if everything goes smoothly and calmly, it’s worth considering, perhaps there is no spirit of repentance.

What is the will of God?

In the process of preparation, you will come across the phrase that sin is a violation of the will of God. At the moment of baptism, a person (himself or his godparents) makes a vow: to do His will and keep the commandments. They made a promise and immediately started to break it. First of all, because we do not know either one or the other:

  1. The will of God is the sanctification of man.
  2. Through Moses, to discern sin, the 10 commandments were given.

The law of God (Moses) is the first guide to knowing ourselves, that we have violated almost all the commandments. None were performed properly. Many people remember two words from the law: did not kill, did not steal. They consider themselves decent people. This is a primitive approach to the confession of an ignorant sinner. For example, you can kill:

  • word;
  • killing animals for fun and not for food;
  • giving wrong advice;
  • violating safety regulations;
  • sending someone else to die in his place;
  • having an abortion, persuading him;
  • mocking the weak;
  • spreading slander;
  • not providing assistance on time, etc.

If a person does not see sins in himself, does not confess, does not lament about unseemly deeds, does not receive communion, does not have a connection with God (prayers) - he violates His will. For it lies in the fact that we are sanctified, enlightened, do good deeds, that is, strive for righteousness and holiness. Everything that does not contribute to this, except for the necessary duties and affairs (including rest, holidays, etc.), violates His will.

How to prepare for confession

In order not to miss anything, it is customary to prepare according to a specific plan to choose from. You can, if there is no time, but you really want to get forgiveness, confess for a particularly tormented sin: one or more. There is no special preparation required. They came, poured out their souls, explaining to the priest: next time, prepare properly. What to take as a basis:

  1. Ten Commandments.
  2. Nine beatitudes given by the Lord.
  3. You can build a confession according to 20 points of ordeals (Blessed Theodora), which the soul goes through after death.
  4. According to the type of sin (sample of the elder George the Recluse), etc.

More often they use the 10 commandments, the so-called, Moses. Please note that each of them includes many sins, so the list will be large. To deal with this, use the "Experience of building a confession" by John Krestyankin. He is our contemporary, his plan best helper. A good guide "To help the penitent" was compiled by I. Brianchaninov.

Important condition: Before proceeding to repentance (at home), to confession (in the temple), forgive everyone whom you have offended. This must be done with all my heart, without guile. As you forgive others, so the Lord will forgive your sins and vice versa.

It's a shame to name a sin to a priest

It happens that the confessor is embarrassed to name any sin. First, remember, which one is ashamed to confess, requires an urgent confession. This is the voice of conscience, practically an indication of God, His call: repent of this. The Lord is waiting, and the priest, believe me, will forget you, and the named offense is right there, especially if there are a lot of people.

Usually hide things related to:

  • with betrayals;
  • sexual perversions;
  • lustful thoughts and dreams;
  • masturbation;
  • participating in orgies, leading a depraved lifestyle.

Secondly, many people have such sins, but they do not name at confession what ruins the soul. Batiushka, during the period of his service, has heard enough of everything, you won’t amaze him, don’t embarrass him, don’t push him away with your confession. Most likely, the priest will be happy for you that you have plucked up courage and voiced a serious sin. The Lord will immediately forgive, free the soul. The angels in heaven will rejoice. You will fly home on wings.

For your information: The Lord created the conditions so that we could accept the redemptive gifts of His feat, that is, be transformed. All the Sacraments, including Confession, are a tool that connects people and God.

What Not to Do in Confession

Confession can be turned against oneself if one treats it superficially with slyness. All sins, even those that will definitely be repeated, for example, smoking, must be called in the past tense, with the intention of getting rid of. Sooner or later, the named passion will lose power over a person. No need:

  • Talk about others and complain about life.
  • To call sins in general phrases: In everything it is sinful.
  • List minor sins in which repentance is brought in the home evening prayer daily.
  • Keep silent about serious sins because of shame, indecision, because of unwillingness to seriously understand oneself.
  • Do not be afraid to call a spade a spade: fornication, adultery, theft, murder, etc.

Frank confession heals not only the soul, but also physical illnesses, eradicates passions, restores peace and tranquility. Don't be ashamed to reveal your abominations. And harlots become righteous if they do not return to the former. Let's not expose ourselves here - on the Last Judgment sins will convict us.

Conclusion: How do you know if sin is forgiven? If, when remembering him, the conscience is silent, peace and tranquility are preserved in the soul, then it is forgiven. Of course, provided that you do not have a stony and insensitive heart, which is in the complete power of the enemy of man and God, that is, the devil.

Example, contrition for sins

God! Sometimes I go to Your House, wishing to cleanse my soul from the burden of sin. I'm trying to unwind the snake ball that lies on my heart, but it's scary to open my uncleanness before the priest. I try to disguise the essence of sins with general words, I clothe them in harmless clothes: as everyone sins, so do I, no worse. I wish you forgiveness and forgiveness, and with a lie I aggravate my fallen situation, trying to deceive You.

  • Laziness and indifference bound the soul: I do not pray to You either in the morning or in the evening. I stand in the temple like a soulless mannequin: there is no repentance in me, I just wait for the service to end faster. I don't understand the prayers said in the Temple. I do not seek to know the meaning of the days to which the ministry is dedicated. I rarely go to church, and if I stood there, absent-mindedly crossing myself, repeating the movements of true Christians, I consider that I accomplished a feat, did a favor to You, Lord. Forgive this stone insensitivity to your salvation.
  • I have no love for the living or the dead. Remembering them, I will not shed a tear, the prayer for them is cold, as if I know their heavenly fate. I think that the father's prayer is enough. I have neither sympathy for my relatives (including my parents), nor the desire for them to take on even a tiny vow. I believe that the Lord is kind, will save everyone and so, without effort and sacrifice on my part. Lord, I'm sorry.
  • The heinous sin of adultery. I am already old and sick, so the depraved past has moved away from me, but I cannot get past this ordeal. All the dirt of this sin stuck to me, but I don’t have the strength to confess everything. I think Mary of Egypt, before leaving for the desert, was cleaner than me. I repent and hate myself for these heinous deeds. Lord, forgive me, do not destroy me vile.
  • Prideand vanity my constant companions. The Lord taught me constantly. He gave me reason, gave me the opportunity to experience humiliation and insults in order to reduce the arrogance of my nature. But I am so slow to correct that I cannot humble myself even under the hand of the Lord. I see my fall, but pride does not leave me. Lord, have mercy and give me the strength to become a humble Christian, forgive me for the stubbornness of the donkey.
  • Lie. She accompanies me everywhere. Previously, I did not even notice that I was lying about and without reason. I lied for fear of discovering the truth; to obtain any benefit; just out of habit; for the sake of vanity, to embellish the guise that is my true self. Lies - the seed of the devil, has grown in me like huge tree took root. Harmful words fly off the tongue before I have time to comprehend them. Lord, forgive me, enlighten me, get rid of this habit. Learn to tell the truth always and everywhere.
  • Condemnation. Lord, I remember the phrase from childhood: Judge not, lest you be judged. But he never adhered to this instruction. I condemn everyone: acquaintances, relatives, neighbors, colleagues, authorities. From the height of my pride, I will always find a flaw in others, but not in myself. Forgive me Lord. Help get rid of this so that you can see only your sins, and not judge others. Teach humble repentance and prayer, etc., etc.

In order not to labor in vain, meditate on your sins like this. This repentance, brought to the Lord, sets the soul, leads to purification, in order to hate one's deeds, not to repeat them every now and then. Having contrition, you will notice how after confession it not only became easier, but the heart begins to turn away from many “amusements” of the flesh, affairs and relationships are getting better, illnesses go away.

Every believer must understand that in confession he confesses his deeds to the Lord. Each of his sins must be covered by the desire to atone for his guilt before the Lord, the only way to achieve his forgiveness.

If a person feels that his heart is heavy, then it is necessary to go to church and go through the sacrament of confession. After repentance, you will feel much better, and a heavy burden will fall from your shoulders. The soul will become free and conscience will no longer torment you.

What is needed for confession

Before you properly confess in church, you need to understand what to say there. Before confession, you need to make the following preparations:

  • realize your sins, sincerely repent of them;
  • have a sincere desire for sin to be left behind, with faith in the Lord;
  • sincerely believe in the fact that confession will help to purify spiritually with the help of prayers and sincere repentance.

Confession will help remove sins from the soul only if repentance is sincere and the person's faith is strong. If you said to yourself “I want to confess”, then your conscience and faith in the Lord should tell you where to start.

How is confession

If you are thinking about how to confess in church correctly, then you must first understand that all actions must be as sincere as possible.. In its process, it is necessary to open your heart and your soul, fully repenting of your deed. And if there are people who do not understand its meaning, who do not feel relief after it, then these are simply unbelieving people who have not really realized their sins and certainly have not repented of them.

It is important to understand that confession is not just a listing of all your sins. Many people think that the Lord already knows everything about them. But that's not what He expects from you. In order for the Lord to forgive you, you should be willing to get rid of sins, repent of them. Only then can relief be expected after confession.

What to do during confession

People who have never done the sacrament of confession do not have the slightest idea how to properly confess to a priest. In churches, all people who are ready to confess are welcome. Even for the biggest sinners, the way there is never closed. Moreover, priests often help their parishioners in the process of confession, pushing them to the right actions. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of confession, even if you do not know how to confess correctly for the first time.

During individual confession, one should not forget about those sins that were mentioned during the general sacrament. You can do this with any words, since the form of repentance does not matter. You can express your sin in one word, such as “stole,” or you can tell more about it. You need to speak from the heart, with the words that your heart tells you. After all, you pour out your thoughts before God, and it does not matter to him what the priest may think at this time. Therefore, there is no need to be ashamed of your words.

What to do if you forgot to name some sin?

Every person can get excited. You can then just go to the priest and tell everything. There is nothing criminal in this.

Many parishioners write down their sins on a piece of paper and so come to confess. This has its advantages. Firstly, this way you will not forget about the main thing, and secondly, by writing down, you will consider your actions and understand that you did wrong.

But here, too, one should not overdo it, as this process can make confession a mere formality.

At the first confession, a person must remember all his misdeeds, starting from the age of six. After that, it is no longer necessary to remember those sins that have already been named before. If they, of course, did not commit more of this sin.

If the above offenses are not considered a sin, then the priest should tell the person about it, and together they should think about why this act bothers the parishioner so much.

How to confess

Having made the decision to confess, you should find out how such a procedure takes place. After all, for this there is a whole Orthodox ritual that takes place in a specially designated place called the lectern. It is a table with four kuts, on which you can see the Holy Gospel and the cross.

Before repenting of sins, it is necessary to approach him and put two fingers on the Gospel. After that, the priest can already put an epitrachelion on his head. In appearance, it somewhat resembles a scarf.

But a priest can do this even after he has listened to the sins of a person. After that, the clergyman will read a prayer for the remission of sins. The priest baptizes a parishioner.

At the end of the prayer, the epitrachelion is removed from the head. Even then you need to cross yourself, kiss the holy cross. Only then can you receive a blessing from the priest.

The priest after confession can assign a penance to a person. IN Lately this happens quite rarely, but you don’t need to be afraid of such a step - these are just actions whose purpose is to quickly eradicate sins from a person’s life.

But the priest can soften or even cancel the penance if the person asks for it. Of course, for such a step you need to have good reason. Very often, prayers, prostrations, or other actions are prescribed as penance, which should become an act of mercy on the part of the confessing person. But lately, priests most often prescribe penance only if the person himself asked for it.

How to confess correctly - advice from a priest

It often happens that during confession, tears flow from a person. There is no need to be ashamed of this, but one should not turn tears of repentance into hysteria either.

What is the best way to go to confession?

Before you go to confession, you should review your wardrobe. Men must come in long pants, long-sleeved shirts or T-shirts. It is very important that the clothes do not depict various mythical characters, women without clothes or scenes with elements of smoking or drinking alcohol. In the warm season, men should stay in the church without hats.

Women should dress very modestly for confession. Outerwear must necessarily cover the shoulders, décolleté area. The skirt should not be too short, maximum to the knees. There should also be a scarf on the head. It is very important not to make up and, moreover, not to use lipstick. because you need to kiss the cross and the Gospel. You should not wear shoes with long heels, as the service can go long enough and your legs will get tired.

Preparing for Confession and Communion

Confession and communion can take place on the same day, but this is not necessary. You can confess during any Divine service, but you need to prepare much more seriously for the second sacrament, since it is very important to take the sacrament correctly.

Before the sacrament, communion must go at least three days of strict fasting. A week before this, it is necessary to read akathists to the Mother of God and the Saints. The day before communion is worth a visit Evening Service. Do not forget about the proofreading of three canons:

  • Savior;
  • Mother of God;
  • Guardian Angel.

You are not allowed to eat or drink anything before taking communion. It is also necessary to read morning prayers after sleep. At confession, the priest will definitely ask the question of whether the person observed the fast before communion and read all the prayers.

Preparing for the sacrament includes avoiding marital obligations, smoking, and drinking alcohol. It is not worth while preparing for this sacrament to swear, gossip about other people. This is very important, because preparations are underway to receive the Blood and Body of Christ.

Before the Chalice of Christ, you need to stand with your arms crossed on your chest and, before drinking wine and bread, say your name.

How to Confess for the First Time

If a person wants to confess for the first time, then he needs to understand that it is not just repentance that awaits him. Such a confession is usually called a general confession. It must be approached consciously and very carefully. It is important for a person to concentrate and remember all his sins from the age of six (next times this will not be necessary).

Church ministers recommend fasting during the preparation period and abandoning relationships with members of the opposite sex. How long to fast depends on the person. You need to listen to the needs of your soul and follow them.

Do not forget these days about reading prayers and reading the Bible. In addition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the literature that exists on this topic. Some books may be recommended by a priest. But before reading unverified publications, it is better to consult with your priest.

In confession, you should not use any memorized words or phrases. After the person talks about the sins, the priest can ask some more questions. They need to be answered calmly, even if they confuse a person. Exciting questions can be asked by the parishioner himself, because the first confession exists so that a person embarks on the true path and does not leave it.

But do not forget about other people who came to the Liturgy and also want to confess. No need to take a very long time, even if there are still some questions. They can be given to the priest after the Service.

The sacrament of confession has its own purpose - it cleanses human souls from sins. But do not forget that you need to confess constantly. After all, in our troubled times it is impossible to live without sinning. And all sins are a heavy burden on our soul and our conscience.

What to say in confession - a list of women's sins

1. She violated the rules of good behavior for those who pray in the holy temple.
2. She had dissatisfaction with her life and people.
3. She performed prayers without zeal and a low bow to the icons, she prayed lying down, sitting (without need, out of laziness).
4. She sought fame and praise in virtues and labors.
5. I was not always content with what I had: I wanted to have beautiful, varied clothes, furniture, delicious food.
6. Annoyed and offended when she received a refusal of her desires.
7. She did not abstain from her husband during pregnancy, on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday, on fasts, in uncleanness, by agreement, she was with her husband.
8. Sinned with disgust.
9. After committing a sin, she did not repent immediately, but kept it to herself for a long time.
10. She sinned with idle talk, dishonesty. I remembered the words spoken against me by others, I sang shameless worldly songs.
11. She complained about a bad road, about the length and tediousness of the service.
12. I used to save money for a rainy day, as well as for a funeral.
13. She was angry with her loved ones, scolded her children. She did not tolerate remarks from people, fair reproaches, she immediately fought back.
14. She sinned with vanity, asking for praise, saying “you cannot praise yourself, no one will praise you.”
15. The deceased was commemorated with alcohol; on a fast day, the memorial table was modest.
16. Didn't have a firm determination to give up sin.
17. Doubted the honesty of others.
18. Missed chances to do good.
19. She suffered from pride, did not condemn herself, was not always the first to ask for forgiveness.
20. Allowed spoilage of products.
21. She did not always reverently keep the shrine (artos, water, prosphora spoiled).
22. I sinned for the purpose of “repenting.”
23. She objected, justifying herself, got annoyed at the stupidity, stupidity and ignorance of others, made reprimands and remarks, contradicted, divulged sins and weaknesses.
24. Attributed sins and weaknesses to others.
25. She succumbed to rage: scolded loved ones, insulted her husband and children.
26. Made others angry, irritable, indignant.
27. She sinned by condemning her neighbor, blackened his good name.
28. Sometimes she was despondent, carried her cross with a murmur.
29. Intervened in other people's conversations, interrupted the speaker's speech.
30. She sinned with quarrelsomeness, compared herself with others, complained and became angry at offenders.
31. She thanked people, she did not extend her eyes of gratitude to God.
32. Fell asleep with sinful thoughts and dreams.
33. I noticed bad words and deeds of people.
34. Drank and ate food that was harmful to health.
35. She was embarrassed by the spirit of slander, considered herself better than others.
36. She sinned by indulgence and indulgence in sins, self-complacency, self-indulgence, disrespect for old age, untimely eating, intransigence, inattention to requests.
37. I missed the opportunity to sow the word of God, to bring benefits.
38. She sinned with gluttony, larynx: she loved to eat too much, savor tidbits, and enjoyed drunkenness.
39. She was distracted from prayer, distracted others, emitted bad air in the temple, went out when necessary, without saying it at confession, hastily prepared for confession.
40. She sinned with laziness, idleness, exploited other people's labor, speculated in things, sold icons, did not go to church on Sundays and holidays, was lazy to pray.
41. Hardened towards the poor, did not accept strangers, did not give to the poor, did not clothe the naked.
42. Trusted in man more than in God.
43. Was visiting drunk.
44. I did not send gifts to those who offended me.
45. Was upset at a loss.
46. ​​I fell asleep during the day without need.
47. I was burdened by regrets.
48. I did not protect myself from colds, I was not treated by doctors.
49. Deceived in a word.
50. Exploited someone else's labor.
51. I was despondent in sorrows.
52. She was hypocritical, pleasing to people.
53. Wished evil, was cowardly.
54. Was inventive for evil.
55. Was rude, not condescending to others.
56. I did not force myself to do good deeds, to pray.
57. Angered the authorities at rallies.
58. Reduced prayers, skipped, rearranged words.
59. Envy others, wished for honor.
60. She sinned with pride, vanity, self-love.
61. I watched dances, dances, various games and spectacles.
62. She sinned with idle talk, secret eating, petrification, insensitivity, neglect, disobedience, intemperance, stinginess, condemnation, greed, reproach.
63. Spent the holidays in booze and earthly amusements.
64. She sinned with sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, inaccurate observance of fasts, unworthy communion of the Body and Blood of the Lord.
65. She got drunk, laughed at someone else's sin.
66. She sinned with lack of faith, infidelity, treason, deceit, lawlessness, groaning over sin, doubt, freethinking.
67. Was fickle in good deeds, not glad to read the Holy Gospel.
68. Made up excuses for my sins.
69. She sinned with disobedience, arbitrariness, unfriendliness, malice, disobedience, insolence, contempt, ingratitude, severity, slander, oppression.
70. She did not always conscientiously fulfill her official duties, was careless in her affairs and hastily.
71. She believed in signs and various superstitions.
72. Was an instigator of evil.
73. Went to weddings without a church wedding.
74. I sinned with spiritual insensitivity: hope for myself, for magic, for divination.
75. Did not keep these vows.
76. Hiding sins at confession.
77. Tried to learn other people's secrets, read other people's letters, eavesdropped on telephone conversations.
78. In great sorrow she wished for herself death.
79. Wore immodest clothes.
80. Talked during the meal.
81. I drank and ate what was said, “charged” by Chumak water.
82. Worked through strength.
83. I forgot about my Guardian Angel.
84. She sinned with laziness to pray for her neighbors, she did not always pray when asked about it.
85. I was ashamed to cross myself among unbelievers, took off the cross, going to the bathhouse and to the doctor.
86. She did not keep the vows given at Holy Baptism, did not preserve the purity of her soul.
87. She noticed the sins and weaknesses of others, divulged and reinterpreted them for the worse. She swore, swore by her head, by her life. Called people "devil", "Satan", "demon".
88. She called the dumb cattle the names of saints: Vaska, Masha.
89. She did not always pray before eating food, sometimes she had breakfast in the morning before the celebration of the Divine Service.
90. Being previously an unbeliever, she tempted her neighbors into unbelief.
91. She set a bad example with her life.
92. I was lazy to work, shifting my work onto the shoulders of others.
93. She did not always treat the word of God with care: she drank tea and read the Holy Gospel (which is irreverence).
94. Took Epiphany water after eating (without need).
95. I tore lilacs at the cemetery and brought them home.
96. She did not always keep the days of communion, she forgot to read thanksgiving prayers. I ate these days, slept a lot.
97. She sinned with idleness, late arrival to the temple and early departure from it, rare going to the temple.
98. Neglected menial work when in dire need of it.
99. She sinned with indifference, was silent when someone blasphemed.
100. She did not exactly observe fast days, during fasts she was fed up with fast food, she tempted others to eat tasty and inaccurate according to the charter: a hot loaf, vegetable oil, seasoning.
101. She was fond of negligence, relaxation, carelessness, trying on clothes and jewelry.
102. She reproached the priests, employees, spoke about their shortcomings.
103. Gave advice on abortion.
104. Violated someone else's dream through negligence and insolence.
105. Read love letters, copied, memorized passionate poems, listened to music, songs, watched shameless movies.
106. She sinned with immodest glances, looked at someone else's nakedness, wore immodest clothes.
107. I was tempted in a dream and passionately remembered it.
108. I suspected in vain (slandered in my heart).
109. She recounted empty, superstitious tales and fables, praised herself, did not always tolerate the revealing truth and offenders.
110. Showed curiosity to other people's letters and papers.
111. Idly inquired about weaknesses neighbor.
112. Not freed from the passion to tell or ask about the news.
113. I read prayers and akathists copied with errors.
114. I considered myself better and more worthy than others.
115. I do not always light lamps and candles in front of icons.
116. Violated the secrecy of her own and someone else's confession.
117. Participated in bad deeds, persuaded to a bad deed.
118. Stubborn against good, did not listen to good advice. Boasted beautiful clothes.
119. I wanted everything to be my way, I was looking for the perpetrators of my sorrows.
120. After praying, she had evil thoughts.
121. Spent money on music, cinema, circus, sinful books and other amusements, lent money for obviously bad deeds.
122. Plotted in thoughts, inspired by the enemy, against the holy faith and the Holy Church.
123. Violated the peace of mind of the sick, looked at them as sinners, and not as a test of their faith and virtue.
124. Yielded to untruth.
125. I ate and went to bed without praying.
126. Ate until mass on Sundays and holidays.
127. She spoiled the water when she bathed in the river from which they drink.
128. She talked about her exploits, labors, boasted of her virtues.
129. With pleasure I used fragrant soap, cream, powder, dyed my eyebrows, nails and eyelashes.
130. Sinned with hope “God will forgive”.
131. I hoped for my strength, abilities, and not for the help and mercy of God.
132. She worked on holidays and weekends, from work on these days she did not give money to the poor and the poor.
133. I visited a healer, went to a fortune-teller, was treated with “biocurrents”, sat at sessions of psychics.
134. She sowed enmity and discord among people, she herself offended others.
135. Sold vodka and moonshine, speculated, drove moonshine (was present at the same time) and took part.
136. Suffered from gluttony, even got up to eat and drink at night.
137. She drew a cross on the ground.
138. I read atheistic books, magazines, “tracts about love”, looked at pornographic pictures, maps, half-naked images.
139. Distorted Holy Scripture(mistakes in reading, singing).
140. She was exalted with pride, she sought primacy and supremacy.
141. In anger, she mentioned evil spirits, invoked a demon.
142. Was engaged in dancing and playing on holidays and Sundays.
143. In uncleanness she entered the temple, ate prosphora, antidor.
144. In anger, I scolded and cursed those who offended me: so that no bottom, no tire, etc.
145. Spent money on amusements (attractions, carousels, all sorts of spectacles).
146. Offended by spiritual father, grumbled at him.
147. Disdain to kiss icons, take care of the sick, old people.
148. She teased deaf-mutes, weak-minded, minors, angered animals, repaid evil for evil.
149. Tempted people, wore translucent clothes, miniskirts.
150. She swore, was baptized, saying: “I’ll fail in this place,” etc.
151. Retelling ugly stories (sinful in their essence) from the life of her parents and neighbors.
152. Had a spirit of jealousy for a friend, sister, brother, friend.
153. She sinned with quarrelsomeness, self-will, lamenting that there is no health, strength, strength in the body.
154. Envy rich people, the beauty of people, their intelligence, education, prosperity, goodwill.
155. She did not keep her prayers and good deeds secret, she did not keep church secrets.
156. She justified her sins by illness, infirmity, bodily weakness.
157. She condemned other people's sins and shortcomings, compared people, gave them characteristics, judged them.
158. Revealed other people's sins, mocked them, ridiculed people.
159. Deliberately deceived, told a lie.
160. Hastily read the holy books, when the mind and heart did not assimilate what they read.
161. She left prayer because of fatigue, justifying herself with infirmity.
162. She rarely wept that I was living unrighteously, forgot about humility, self-reproach, about salvation, and about the terrible judgment.
163. In life, she did not betray herself to the will of God.
164. Ruined her spiritual home, mocked people, discussed the fall of others.
165. She herself was an instrument of the devil.
166. She did not always cut off her will before the elder.
167. I spent a lot of time on empty letters, and not on spiritual ones.
168. Didn't have a sense of the fear of God.
169. Was angry, shook her fist, cursed.
170. Read more than pray.
171. Yielded to persuasion, temptation to sin.
172. Powerfully ordered.
173. She slandered others, forced others to swear.
174. Turned her face away from those who asked.
175. She violated the peace of mind of her neighbor, had a sinful mood of spirit.
176. She did good without thinking about God.
177. Was conceited with a place, title, position.
178. The bus did not give way to the elderly, passengers with children.
179. When buying, she bargained, fell into curiosity.
180. She did not always accept the words of the elders and confessors with faith.
181. Watched with curiosity, asked about worldly things.
182. Unlived flesh with a shower, bath, bath.
183. Traveled aimlessly, for the sake of boredom.
184. When the visitors left, she did not try to free herself from sinfulness by prayer, but remained in it.
185. She allowed herself privileges in prayer, pleasures in worldly pleasures.
186. She pleased others for the sake of the flesh and the enemy, and not for the benefit of the spirit and salvation.
187. She sinned with a non-soul-beneficial attachment to friends.
188. Was proud of herself when doing a good deed. I did not humiliate myself, I did not reproach myself.
189. She did not always feel sorry for sinful people, but scolded and reproached them.
190. Was dissatisfied with her life, scolded her and said: "When only death will take me."
191. There were times when she called annoyingly, knocked loudly to open.
192. While reading, I didn't think about the Holy Scripture.
193. She did not always have cordiality towards visitors and the memory of God.
194. She did things out of passion and worked without need.
195. Often kindled by empty dreams.
196. She sinned with malice, did not remain silent in anger, did not move away from the one who provoked anger.
197. In illness, she often used food not for satisfaction, but for pleasure and enjoyment.
198. Coldly received mentally useful visitors.
199. I grieved for the one who offended me. And grieved at me when I offended.
200. At prayer, she did not always have repentant feelings, humble thoughts.
201. Insulted her husband, who avoided intimacy on the wrong day.
202. In anger she encroached on the life of her neighbor.
203. I have sinned and am sinning fornication: I was with my husband not to conceive children, but out of lust. In the absence of her husband, she defiled herself with masturbation.
204. At work, she experienced persecution for the truth and grieved about it.
205. Laughed at the mistakes of others and made comments out loud.
206. She wore women's whims: beautiful umbrellas, magnificent clothes, other people's hair (wigs, hairpieces, braids).
207. She was afraid of sufferings, endured them reluctantly.
208. She often opened her mouth to show off her gold teeth, wore gold-rimmed glasses, an abundance of rings and gold jewelry.
209. Asked for advice from people who do not have a spiritual mind.
210. Before reading the word of God, she did not always call on the grace of the Holy Spirit, she took care to only read more.
211. Transferred the gift of God to the womb, voluptuousness, idleness and sleep. Did not work, having talent.
212. I was too lazy to write and rewrite spiritual instructions.
213. Dyed her hair and rejuvenated, visited beauty salons.
214. When giving alms, she did not combine it with the correction of her heart.
215. She did not evade flatterers, and did not stop them.
216. She had a predilection for clothes: care, as it were, not to get dirty, not to get dusty, not to get wet.
217. She did not always wish her enemies salvation and did not care about it.
218. At prayer she was a "slave of necessity and duty."
219. After fasting, she leaned on fast food, ate to the point of heaviness in the stomach and often without time.
220. She rarely prayed at night. She sniffed tobacco and dabbled in smoking.
221. She did not avoid spiritual temptations. Had a soulful date. Fell in spirit.
222. On the road, she forgot about prayer.
223. Intervened with instructions.
224. Didn't sympathize with the sick and mourners.
225. Didn't always lend.
226. Feared sorcerers more than God.
227. She spared herself for the good of others.
228. Dirty and spoiled sacred books.
229. She spoke before the morning and after the evening prayer.
230. She brought glasses to the guests against their will, treated them beyond measure.
231. She did the works of God without love and diligence.
232. Often did not see her sins, rarely condemned herself.
233. She amused herself with her face, looking in the mirror, making grimaces.
234. She spoke about God without humility and caution.
235. Weary of service, waiting for the end, hurrying to the exit as soon as possible in order to calm down and take care of worldly affairs.
236. Rarely did self-tests, in the evening I did not read the prayer “I confess to you ...”
237. Rarely thought about what she heard in the temple and read in Scripture.
238. She did not look for traits of kindness in an evil person and did not talk about his good deeds.
239. Often did not see her sins and rarely condemned herself.
240. Accepted contraceptives. She demanded protection from her husband, interruption of the act.
241. Praying for health and repose, she often went over names without the participation and love of her heart.
242. She uttered everything when it would be better to remain silent.
243. In a conversation, she used artistic techniques. She spoke in an unnatural voice.
244. She was offended by inattention and neglect of herself, was inattentive to others.
245. She did not abstain from excesses and pleasures.
246. She wore other people's clothes without permission, spoiled other people's things. In the room she blew her nose on the floor.
247. I was looking for benefits and benefits for myself, and not for my neighbor.
248. Forced a person to sin: to lie, steal, peep.
249. To inform and retell.
250. I found pleasure in sinful dates.
251. Visited places of wickedness, debauchery and godlessness.
252. She turned her ear to hear evil.
253. She attributed her successes to herself, and not to God's help.
254. While studying the spiritual life, she did not fulfill it in deeds.
255. In vain she disturbed people, did not calm the angry and sad.
256. Often washed clothes, wasted time without need.
257. Sometimes she fell into danger: ran across the road in front of transport, crossed the river along thin ice etc.
258. She towered over others, showing her superiority and wisdom of mind. She allowed herself to humiliate another, mocking the shortcomings of the soul and body.
259. Postponed the deeds of God, mercy and prayer for later.
260. She did not mourn herself when she did a bad deed. With pleasure she listened to slanderous speeches, blasphemed life and the treatment of others.
261. Didn't use surplus income for spiritually useful things.
262. She did not save from the days of fasting in order to give to the sick, the needy, and children.
263. Worked reluctantly, grumbling and vexed because of the small pay.
264. She was the cause of sin in family discord.
265. Without gratitude and self-reproach she endured sorrows.
266. She didn't always go into seclusion in order to be alone with God.
267. She lay and basked in bed for a long time, did not immediately get up to pray.
268. She lost self-control while defending the offended, kept hostility and evil in her heart.
269. Didn't stop talking gossip. She herself often passed on to others and with an increase from herself.
270. Before morning prayer and during the prayer rule she did household chores.
271. She autocratically presented her thoughts as the true rule of life.
272. Ate stolen food.
273. She did not confess the Lord with her mind, heart, word, deed. Had an alliance with the wicked.
274. At the meal she was too lazy to treat and serve her neighbor.
275. She was sad about the deceased, that she herself was ill.
276. I was glad that the holiday had come and I didn’t have to work.
277. I drank wine on holidays. Loved going to dinner parties. I got fed up there.
278. She listened to teachers when they said something harmful to the soul, against God.
279. Used perfumes, smoked Indian incense.
280. Engaged in lesbianism, with lust touched someone else's body. With lust and voluptuousness she watched the mating of animals.
281. Cared beyond measure for the nourishment of the body. Accepted gifts or alms at a time when it was not necessary to accept it.
282. Didn't try to be away from a person who likes to chat.
283. Didn't get baptized, didn't read prayers at church bell ringing.
284. Under the guidance of her spiritual father, she did everything according to her own will.
285. She was naked when bathing, sunbathing, exercising, in case of illness she was shown to a male doctor.
286. She did not always recall and count her violations of the Law of God with repentance.
287. While reading prayers and canons, she was too lazy to bow.
288. When she heard that a person was ill, she did not rush to help.
289. With thought and word she exalted herself in the good done.
290. Believed in slander. She didn't punish herself for her sins.
291. During the service in the church she read her house rule or wrote a commemorative book.
292. She did not abstain from her favorite foods (although fasting ones).
293. Unfairly punished and lectured children.
294. Didn't have a daily memory of God's Judgment, death, the Kingdom of God.
295. In times of sorrow, she did not occupy her mind and heart with the prayer of Christ.
296. She did not force herself to pray, to read the Word of God, to weep over her sins.
297. Rarely performed commemoration of the dead, did not pray for the departed.
298. With unconfessed sin she approached the Chalice.
299. In the morning I did gymnastics, and did not dedicate my first thought to God.
300. When praying, I was too lazy to cross myself, sorted out my bad thoughts, did not think about what awaits me beyond the grave.
301. She was in a hurry to pray, out of laziness she shortened it and read without proper attention.
302. She told her neighbors and acquaintances about her grievances. I visited places where bad examples were set.
303. Admonished a man without meekness and love. Irritated when correcting my neighbor.
304. She did not always light a lamp on holidays and Sundays.
305. On Sundays, I didn’t go to the temple, but for mushrooms, berries ...
306. Had more savings than necessary.
307. She spared her strength and health in order to serve her neighbor.
308. She reproached her neighbor for what had happened.
309. Walking on the way to the temple, I did not always read prayers.
310. Assented when condemning a person.
311. She was jealous of her husband, remembered her rival with malice, wished for her death, used a healer's slander to torment her.
312. I used to be demanding and disrespectful to people. Gained the upper hand in conversations with neighbors. On the way to the temple, she overtook older than me, did not wait for those who lagged behind me.
313. She turned her abilities to earthly goods.
314. Had jealousy for the spiritual father.
315. I tried to be always right.
316. Asked unnecessary things.
317. Wept for the temporary.
318. Interpreted dreams and took them seriously.
319. Boasted of sin, committed evil.
320. After communion, she was not guarded from sin.
321. Kept atheistic books and playing cards in the house.
322. She gave advice, not knowing whether they were pleasing to God, she was negligent in the affairs of God.
323. She accepted prosphora, holy water without reverence (she spilled holy water, spilled crumbs of prosphora).
324. I went to bed and got up without prayer.
325. She spoiled her children, not paying attention to their bad deeds.
326. During fasting she was engaged in larynx, she liked to drink strong tea, coffee, and other drinks.
327. I took tickets, food from the back door, went on the bus without a ticket.
328. She placed prayer and the temple above serving her neighbor.
329. Endured sorrows with despondency and grumbling.
330. Irritated in fatigue and illness.
331. Had free treatment of persons of the opposite sex.
332. At the recollection of worldly affairs, she gave up prayer.
333. Forced to eat and drink the sick and children.
334. Contemptuously treated vicious people, did not seek their conversion.
335. She knew and gave money for a bad deed.
336. She entered the house without invitation, peeped through the crack, through the window, through the keyhole, eavesdropped at the door.
337. Entrusted secrets to strangers.
338. Used food without need and hunger.
339. I read prayers with errors, got lost, skipped, put stress incorrectly.
340. Lived lustfully with her husband. She allowed perversions and carnal pleasures.
341. She gave loans and asked for debts back.
342. She tried to learn more about divine things than was revealed by God.
343. Sinned with body movement, gait, gesture.
344. She set herself as an example, boasted, boasted.
345. She spoke passionately about earthly things, delighted in the remembrance of sin.
346. Went to the temple and back with empty talk.
347. I insured my life and property, I wanted to cash in on insurance.
348. Was greedy for pleasure, unchaste.
349. She passed on her conversations with the elder and her temptations to others.
350. She was a donor not out of love for her neighbor, but for the sake of drinking, free days, for money.
351. Boldly and willfully plunged herself into sorrows and temptations.
352. I was bored, I dreamed about traveling and entertainment.
353. Made wrong decisions in anger.
354. Was distracted by thoughts during prayer.
355. Traveled south for carnal pleasures.
356. Used the time of prayer for worldly affairs.
357. She distorted words, distorted the thoughts of others, expressed her displeasure aloud.
358. I was ashamed to confess before my neighbors that I was a believer, and I visit the temple of God.
359. She slandered, demanded justice in higher instances, wrote complaints.
360. She denounced those who do not attend the temple and do not repent.
361. I bought lottery tickets with the hope of getting rich.
362. She gave alms and rudely slandered the one who asked.
363. She listened to the advice of egoists who were themselves slaves of their womb and carnal passions.
364. Engaged in self-aggrandizement, proudly expected a greeting from her neighbor.
365. I was weary of fasting and looked forward to its end.
366. She could not bear the stench from people without disgust.
367. She denounced people in anger, forgetting that we are all sinners.
368. She lay down to sleep, did not remember the affairs of the day and did not shed tears about her sins.
369. She did not keep the Rule of the Church and the traditions of the holy fathers.
370. She paid for help with household chores with vodka, tempted people with drunkenness.
371. In fasting she made tricks in food.
372. Distracted from prayer when bitten by mosquitoes, flies and other insects.
373. At the sight of human ingratitude, she refrained from doing good deeds.
374. She shied away from dirty work: clean the toilet, pick up the trash.
375. During the period of breastfeeding, she did not abstain from married life.
376. In church she stood with her back to the altar and the holy icons.
377. Cooked sophisticated dishes, tempted with guttural insanity.
378. I read entertaining books with pleasure, but not the Scriptures of the Holy Fathers.
379. I watched TV, spent whole days at the “box”, and not in prayers in front of the icons.
380. Listened to passionate secular music.
381. She sought consolation in friendship, yearned for carnal pleasures, loved kissing men and women on the lips.
382. Engaged in extortion and deceit, judged and discussed people.
383. While fasting, she felt disgusted with monotonous, lenten food.
384. The Word of God spoke to unworthy people (not “cast pearls before swine”).
385. She neglected the holy icons, did not wipe them from dust in time.
386. I was too lazy to write congratulations on church holidays.
387. Spent time in mundane games and entertainments: checkers, backgammon, loto, cards, chess, rolling pins, ruffles, Rubik's cube and others.
388. Spoke illnesses, gave advice to go to fortune-tellers, gave addresses of sorcerers.
389. She believed signs and slander: she spat over her left shoulder, ran black cat, dropped spoon, fork, etc.
390. She responded sharply to an angry person to his anger.
391. Tried to prove the justification and justice of her anger.
392. Was annoying, interrupted people's sleep, distracted them from the meal.
393. Relaxed by social conversations with young people of the opposite sex.
394. Engaged in idle talk, curiosity, hung out on fires and was present at accidents.
395. She considered it unnecessary to be treated for illnesses and visit a doctor.
396. I tried to calm myself by hasty execution of the rule.
397. Excessively troubled herself with work.
398. I ate a lot in the meat-fare week.
399. Gave wrong advice to neighbors.
400. She told shameful anecdotes.
401. To please the authorities, she closed the holy icons.
402. She neglected a man in his old age and poverty of his mind.
403. She stretched out her hands to her naked body, looked and touched secret uds with her hands.
404. She punished children with anger, in a fit of passion, with scolding and cursing.
405. Taught children to peep, eavesdrop, pimp.
406. She spoiled her children, did not pay attention to their bad deeds.
407. Had a satanic fear for the body, was afraid of wrinkles, gray hair.
408. Burdened others with requests.
409. She drew conclusions about the sinfulness of people according to their misfortunes.
410. Wrote insulting and anonymous letters, spoke rudely, interfered with people on the phone, making jokes under an assumed name.
411. Sit on the bed without the permission of the owner.
412. In prayer, she imagined the Lord.
413. Satanic laughter attacked when reading and listening to the Divine.
414. She asked advice from people who were ignorant of the matter, she believed crafty people.
415. Strived for superiority, rivalry, won interviews, participated in competitions.
416. She treated the Gospel as a divinatory book.
417. Picked berries, flowers, branches in other people's gardens without permission.
418. During the fast, she did not have a good disposition towards people, she allowed violations of the fast.
419. She did not always realize and regret the sin.
420. Listened to worldly records, sinned by watching video and porn movies, relaxed in other worldly pleasures.
421. She read a prayer, having enmity against her neighbor.
422. She prayed in a hat, with her head uncovered.
423. Believed in omens.
424. Used indiscriminately the papers on which the name of God was written.
425. She was proud of her literacy and erudition, imagined, singled out people with higher education.
426. Assigned found money.
427. In the church, I put bags and things on the windows.
428. Ride for pleasure in a car, motorboat, bicycle.
429. Repeated other people's bad words, listened to people cursing obscenities.
430. I read newspapers, books, secular magazines with enthusiasm.
431. She abhorred the poor, the poor, the sick, who smelled bad.
432. Was proud that she did not commit shameful sins, grievous murder, abortions, etc.
433. She ate and drank before the onset of the fasts.
434. Acquired unnecessary things without having to do so.
435. After a prodigal dream, she did not always read prayers for defilement.
436. Celebrated New Year, wearing masks and obscene clothes, drunk, swearing, overeating and sinning.
437. She caused damage to her neighbor, spoiled and broke other people's things.
438. She believed the nameless "prophets", in "holy letters", "the dream of the Mother of God", she copied them herself and passed them on to others.
439. She listened to sermons in church with a spirit of criticism and condemnation.
440. She used her earnings for sinful lusts and amusements.
441. She spread bad rumors about priests and monks.
442. Huddled in the temple, hurrying to kiss the icon, the Gospel, the cross.
443. She was proud, in want and poverty she was indignant and murmured against the Lord.
444. Pee in public and even joke about it.
445. She did not always repay what she borrowed on time.
446. Belittled her sins at confession.
447. She gloated at the misfortune of her neighbor.
448. Instructed others in an instructive, imperative tone.
449. She shared their vices with people and affirmed them in these vices.
450. Quarreled with people for a place in the temple, at the icons, near the eve table.
451. Inadvertently caused pain to animals.
452. Left a glass of vodka on the grave of relatives.
453. She did not sufficiently prepare herself for the sacrament of confession.
454. Holiness of Sundays and public holidays violated with games, visits to spectacles, etc.
455. When crops were damaged, she swore at the cattle with dirty words.
456. Arranged dates in cemeteries, in childhood they ran and played hide and seek there.
457. Allowed sexual intercourse before marriage.
458. She deliberately got drunk in order to decide on a sin, along with wine she used medicines in order to get more drunk.
459. Begged for alcohol, pawned things and documents for this.
460. To draw attention to herself, to make her worry, she tried to commit suicide.
461. In childhood, she did not listen to teachers, prepared lessons poorly, was lazy, disrupted classes.
462. Visited cafes, restaurants arranged in temples.
463. She sang in a restaurant, on the stage, danced in a variety show.
464. In crowded transport, she felt pleasure from touches, did not try to avoid them.
465. She was offended by her parents for punishment, remembered these insults for a long time and told others about them.
466. She consoled herself with the fact that worldly cares prevent her from doing things of faith, salvation and piety, she justified herself by the fact that in her youth no one taught the Christian faith.
467. Wasted time on useless chores, fuss, talk.
468. Engaged in the interpretation of dreams.
469. With impatience she objected, fought, scolded.
470. She sinned with thefts, in childhood she stole eggs, handed them over to the store, etc.
471. She was vain, proud, did not honor her parents, did not obey the authorities.
472. Engaged in heresy, had an incorrect opinion about the subject of faith, doubt and even apostasy from the Orthodox faith.
473. She had the sin of Sodom (copulation with animals, with the wicked, entered into an incestuous relationship).

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