Holidays in Adygea - independent travel

Adygea is one of the most beautiful regions, which is rightfully proud of its history, culture and natural monuments. It is located within the territory of the Krasnodar Territory and borders this region on all sides. The most beautiful miraculous places of Adygea, captured in the photo, have long become business card republics. Fossilized remains are often found on its territory. sea ​​creatures, and this is not surprising, because once upon a time, millions of years ago, the entire territory of Adygea was the seabed.

Here forest-steppes give way to oak forests and beech-fir forests. The landscapes are amazing and the diversity water resources simply immeasurable. Water in mountain rivers ah, lakes and waterfalls are so clean and transparent that you can see everything that happens in underwater world. One of the most famous places Adygea, created by nature - the Lago-Naki plateau, through which all tourist routes pass.

Lagonaki Plateau (Lago-Naki)

The plateau with an area of ​​about 800 square meters is located in two regions at once: Adygea and Krasnoyarsk Territory. Once upon a time, a trade route connecting the North Caucasus and the Black Sea coast passed through it.

Today, tourists can admire the pristine nature of this place: rich vegetation, unique topography, breathtaking views and stunning glaciers. Landscapes from lush greenery to cold ice can change quite quickly in a short period of time.

There are many caves in this area, the deepest of which is the “Soaring Bird”, which goes 517 meters deep. There are also parking lots found here. ancient man and traces of massacres between the Tatars and mountain tribes.

Mount Fisht

The ancient Adyghe people named the highest mountain on the Lago-Naki plateau in honor of the gray-haired warrior Fisht, who, according to legend, saved his people from enemies. Its height is 2868 meters and climbing to the top shrouded in clouds is a rather difficult and dangerous undertaking. Those who reach the goal discover the wonders hidden within the mountain, nicknamed Treasure Island.

The territory of Adygea was once the seabed and this is confirmed by coral island, which preserved fossilized flora and fauna ancient ocean Tethys.

One of the highest waterfalls in Russia - Pshekhsky - is also located here, its height is 250 meters.

Devil's Gate Pass, Mount Acheshbok

The composition created by nature, consisting of two mountains, captivates with its appearance and intriguing name. The fact is that the mountain peaks curved towards each other look like the devil’s horns, as they are depicted in fairy tales, and griffon vultures nest in the rocks of Acheshbok - representatives of the family of birds of prey, listed in the Red Book.

Local residents can tell many legends associated with this place. According to their custom, they call the Western and Eastern Acheshbok mountains the Right and Left Gates. In ancient times, the route to high mountain pastures passed through the Devil's Gate pass. Thanks to frequent grazing of livestock, a small passage was created under the pass, which local residents immediately named the Devil's Gate.

White River (Shaguashe)

The Belaya River originates from the snow-capped peaks of Mount Fisht. Having made its way through the rocks, the water stream made its way through mountains, valleys and forests.

Along the entire length of the river, which is more than 260 kilometers, the nature of the flow changes all the time. In the valleys it is calm, in the mountains it is swift, and in the forests it is moderately fast.

The Adyghe name of the white river is Shkhaguashe. That was the name of the princess whom her father wanted to force into marriage, but she was able to escape. There are many legends about why the river is called Belaya. According to one version, it got its name in honor of Bela, a young Georgian captive whom the Abadzekh prince wanted to marry. The servants threw her into the water because she had stabbed their master.

Rufabgo Falls

Picturesque waterfalls are located in the gorge of the Rufabgo River, which flows into the Belaya River. They are strikingly different from each other, but together they form a unique composition and each has its own name.

“Cascade” is called so because the water falls over 3 cascades.

“Heart of Rufabgo” got its name because of the stone in the shape of a human heart, from under which a stream of cold water rushes.

The highest waterfall is called “Lace” or “Maiden’s Braid”, its length is 20 meters. The flow at the Maiden's Braids waterfall is divided into three streams, which look like 3 strands of hair intertwined into a braid.

In the "Cup of Love" flows pure water as if flowing into a stone container from a height of five meters.

Lake Psenodakh

A characteristic feature of Adyghe lakes is their ability to appear and disappear according to unknown laws of nature. One of them is Lake Psenodakh in the shape of a crescent 165 meters long. It is located on the site of an old glacial bowl at an altitude of 1938 meters and is fed by streams and springs flowing through underground channels.

The unusual name is translated from Circassian as “beautiful well”, and from Adyghe – “beautiful lake”. Its maximum depth reaches only 80 centimeters, and the water is so clean that the smooth surface of the lake looks like a polished lens. Sometimes you can see turbulence on the water surface of the lake when the water begins to go into underground channels.

Khadzhokh Gorge (Tuapch Canyon)

This attraction is unique for its unique topography, unpredictability of water and dangerous steep cliffs. Tesnina is located in the southwest of the village of Kamennomostsky, which is also called Khadzhokh.

The gorge is a rocky gap through which the Belaya River flows. Its length is 400 meters, and its depth in some places reaches 40 meters. Due to the very strong noise that occurs as a result of constant collisions of water flows with stones and ledges, the gorge is called Noise.

Tuapch Canyon is also one of the symbols of the gorge on maps. While walking through this amazing and picturesque area, tourists will discover beautiful views on a fast-moving river, beating against rapids and centuries-old boulders.

Granite Canyon (Blockhouse Gorge)

The canyon appeared literally by the will of nature. Many years ago, powerful streams of the Belaya River began to cut stone blocks and turned the entire massif into an amazing and colorful natural monument.

Lush green vegetation hanging over the abyss against a background of bright red stones - this place seems to have been painted by an artist. The rocky hills are covered with a green carpet, “woven” from various types of trees: chestnuts, barberries, pines and beeches.

On the right bank of the canyon there is the Zolotoy spring, from which the stream of the same name flows, and it is named so for a reason. Once upon a time, local residents panned for gold here, and the places where the stream flows were the most profitable for mining.

Khadzhokhsky quarry

This quarry was once a thriving mining operation for limestone, selenite, yellow-white gypsum and small calcite crystals. Now here you can see the remains of a once thriving industry overgrown with grass.

Not far from the quarry there are dilapidated buildings with pipes. These are old lime kilns. Nearby there is a new mobile plant for processing rocks mined in the vicinity of the village of Kamennomostsky.

At the very bottom of the quarry there is Lake Krasnoe, fed by springs. The reservoir got its name because of the reddish hue of the stones. The water in it is always cold, but at the same time very clean, despite its cloudy color.

Great Azish Cave

This attraction is located in the southern part of the Azish-Tau mountain range in the Krasnodar Territory, but it is always associated with Adygea due to its close location next to the official border of the regions.

The cave officially became a natural monument only in 1973. Its length is 690 meters, and its depth is 37 meters. Traveling through the corridors of the cave, you can endlessly admire the stalactites, stalagmites, sintered forms and columns.

Some of them have their own names, for example, “ Sword of Damocles“- a stalagmite in the shape of a real sword hangs menacingly from the ceiling, and the “Palm of Desires”, which grew in this cave, is no different from a real southern tree.

Cave Through

According to legend, the evil giant Rufabgo lived in this cave and, looking at it gigantic size, I want to believe in it. You can find it near the Shum waterfall in the valley of the river named after the giant.

The cave received the name “Through” because of its elongated shape and the presence of two exits from the north and from the south side. Having a length of 25 meters, it is sufficiently well ventilated, preventing the formation of leaks.

Thanks to karst sinkhole at the top of the cave inside it is quite light during the day and you can go through it even without being an experienced speleologist. The hole in the hole is shaped like an eye, and the back wall of the rock is hidden under Colchian ivy.

Dolmen Hadzhokhsky

The Khadzhokh dolmen is one of the most mysterious archaeological sites in Adygea. Scientists still do not stop arguing about the purpose of these buildings. Some claim that they were used for rituals and burials, others believe that these are the first residential buildings of ancient people who inhabited the area thousands of years ago.

You can find the Khadzhokhsky dolmen in the north of the village of Kamennomostsky. Its height reaches 1.7 meters and width – 2.8 meters. This structure was approximately built in the 3rd century BC.

Next to the dolmen there is another unusual phenomenon local nature - a tree with 14 trunks from one root.

Cossack stone

A huge block of stone, 35 meters high and 27 meters wide, is located between the village of Kamennomostsky and the Dakhovskaya station. Sometime, due to natural circumstances, perhaps an earthquake or strong winds, it broke off from the wall of the Una-Koz ridge, fell in this place and still blocks the path for tourists.

Like all the sights of Adygea, the stone is shrouded in myths and legends. According to one legend, it got its name because of the unusual greeting of the Cossack chieftain, sitting on horseback at the very top of the boulder. The leader of the camp thus welcomed the Kuban inspection. This stone is also called Circassian, Shaitanov or Maiden.

Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve

Officially, the territories on the southern and northern slopes of the Western Caucasus became a reserve on May 12, 1924. Today it is the second largest in Europe, located simultaneously on the territory of Adygea, Krasnodar Territory and Karachay-Cherkessia. Its total area is about 280 hectares.

This unique area with rich flora and fauna is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

There are more than 3,000 plant species in the reserve. Every fifth representative of the local flora is a relict or endemic, growing only in this area.

The fauna of the reserve is also very diverse. Many animals have lived here since the territory of Adygea ceased to be the seabed.

Dendrological Park named after P.V. Bukreev

The history of this park begins in 1970 with the Berezovaya recreation center. 16 years later, the area where tourists and local residents rested, admiring the charming landscapes of grown seedlings, officially received the status of “Natural Monument”. Today there are about 350 species of trees in the park. Its area is about 20 hectares.

This park has a beautiful pond with islands. On its shores you can find ammonites - the fossilized remains of huge sea mollusks.

There are also unusual stones of bizarre shapes in the park. No one can explain where these miraculous stone sculptures came from, but local legends speak of their alien origin.

St. Michael's Monastery of Athos

The monastery is located on the outskirts of the village of Pobeda and occupies a mountain plateau on the northern spurs of the Great Caucasus Range. In clear and sunny weather, magnificent views open from the monastery territory Caucasus Mountains. Today this place is a major tourist center, whose doors are open to tourists and pilgrims.

On the territory of the monastery there are churches: Holy Trinity, Assumption, Archangel Michael and others.

One of the buildings deserves special attention - this is the mass grave of disabled people killed by the Nazis.

The first time we were in Adygea several years ago - just one day. However, he forever left in his memory the most beautiful mountain landscapes with rivers seething in narrow canyons and multi-meter waterfalls. And the main thing is the desire to return to this paradise again someday. Memory is a strange thing, it removes thoughts for a long time to the margins of consciousness and unexpectedly returns them... This spring, the news about the European Rafting Championships being held in Adygea evoked everything that happened in memory, becoming a catalyst for our thoughts and feelings...

Kamennomostsky is famous for the Khadzhokh Gorge - a narrow and deep gorge, and it also owes its name to it. This miracle of nature was created by the Belaya River, which, having encountered a limestone strata on its way, laid an intricate half-kilometer corridor in it, and in some places a tunnel.

Later, the “ceiling” in this tunnel partially collapsed, forming stone bridges. The river here is like an angry genie escaped from a bottle: the stream rushes at breakneck speed and with a loud, dissatisfied roar. If you look, you can find a staircase leading to the water itself. And standing above the furious stream, clutching the yellow railings with primitive horror and delight, feel the full power of this element. And at night, lanterns light up over the gorge with a mysterious light... In the morning, you can’t immediately believe that you woke up. It's the end of April, and from the window you can see a blooming garden, blossoming lilacs, and on the horizon - mountains completely covered with lush greenery. There is warm sun outside, a light breeze stirs the air, infused with aroma coniferous forests and various herbs of alpine meadows...

That mountain Adygea– this is one big natural attraction, you understand after ten minutes of conversation with the guide and immediately, no matter how far you come, you begin to regret that there still won’t be enough days to see everything. We only had 4 days to do everything.

In the first of them, we went to the Guam Gorge - an absolutely fantastic place, where the height of the cliffs hanging overhead reaches 400 meters, and multi-meter waterfalls fall from them, like strands of gray hair developing in the wind, or flowing with tears. If the director of the saga "The Lord of the Rings" Peter Jackson saw this gorge, then it is still a big question whether he would shoot all the scenes of the film in New Zealand...

Back in 1934, prisoners used pickaxes to cut a niche in the wall of the gorge for a narrow-gauge railway. Now tourists walk on the sleepers. In the middle of the gorge there is a small house in which an extremely sociable caretaker lives - simply a “treasury” of information. He is ready not only to feed you aromatic shish kebab, but also to tell you a lot of interesting things: about mysterious caves and foreign conquerors who time immemorial stopped here by local residents.

In fact, Adygea is very rich in colorful gorges. No less picturesque is the Granite Gorge of the Belaya River, which we managed to look into on the second day of our stay in Adygea, heading from Kamennomostsky to Guzeripl - a cult place for Russian watermen. This is where it starts water route, the passage of which is a kind of professionalism exam. This year the European Rafting Championship was held here for the first time in Russia.

Teams consisting of 6 athletes not only overcame the most difficult natural obstacles - rapids, but also passed gates built from wooden stakes suspended above the water. The boat takes off, the spectators freeze, watching every stroke of the oars, the raft turns - a collective sigh, the distance is covered - a roar that drowns out the rapids - here they really “get sick”, because this rafting is beautiful and risky at the same time.

In Guzeripl itself there is the largest dolmen in Adygea - a mysterious structure made of huge stone slabs, somewhat reminiscent of a beehive, and the Caucasian State Nature Museum Biosphere Reserve. On the walls of the museum there are all kinds of stands with dried plants, in the middle there is a tree surrounded by three “artificial” brown bears. A significant part of the museum is occupied by materials about the work to restore the bison population, significant already because there is a stuffed animal of this huge shaggy animal.

We devoted the third day of active recreation in Adygea to a walk to the waterfalls on the Rufabgo River. The waterfalls are located just a few kilometers from the village of Kamennomostsky. A wide path leads to the first waterfall. However, the further path runs almost according to the principle: the further into the forest, the more firewood, or rather stones. The path rises several meters above the ground, interrupted by slippery rock steps. There are alternating steep ascents and slippery descents, the natural staircase for movement along which is the roots of trees.

That’s why most people don’t go far, they only see a couple of waterfalls and back. Many people end their excursion near the “Heart of Rufabgo” waterfall: the river goes around a boulder and falls into the canyon. Ancient legend says that the stone blocking the stormy river is the heart of an evil giant, which was torn out by the brave young man Khadzhokh, who did not want to give him his bride. We passed this and two other waterfalls, and then climbed for a long time along the path to the top to look at the Rufabgo gorge from a cliff several hundred meters away. We also had a small picnic here. Tea, sandwiches with Adyghe cheese, a breathtaking view of the gorge, the sound of waterfalls somewhere below, around there are gorgeous burgundy wild peonies that any flowerbed near Moscow would envy... Isn’t this happiness?

Three days in Adygea flew by instantly. On the fourth day we were greeted with the high mountain plateau of Lagonaki and the Great Azish Cave. By car we went high into the mountains, periodically stopping at observation platforms. The Lagonaki Highlands are rich in caves. Located in the southern part of the Azish-Tau ridge at an altitude of about 1600 meters, the Great Azish Cave is said to be the most visited. About a third of the cave – 220 meters – is equipped for excursions. At the entrance to the cave there is a metal staircase going underground. It leads to halls equipped with walking paths, in which there is a huge number of all kinds of stalagmites, stalactites and stalagnates, in which for a long time While underground, the guides managed to spot various fairy-tale characters, and are now trying to convince everyone else that they see Baba Yaga, Father Frost, Don Quixote and many others in the cave.

From the cave, the asphalt road goes higher into the mountains - and somehow ends abruptly at the Azish Pass. Next is the territory of the reserve. From this place there is a view of the Lagonaki plateau - a colossal territory of alpine meadows at an altitude of about 2000 meters. The guide says that standing on the observation deck, almost everyone, with the exception of golf lovers, feels the desire to become a bird... The romance of boundless spaces...

The mountains are covered with dense green thickets and topped with snow caps. Waterfalls attract from afar with the sound of crashing streams. Here flowers grow on the stones, and lonely eagles soar overhead.Simply put, Adygea is a region with amazing nature. Once you go a little deeper into the forests, you will find yourself in a real jungle, surrounded by butterflies and ferns. If it were not for the asphalt roads, this place could at one time be confused with Narnia.

The depth of this winding gorge is about 40 meters. Standing on the equipped platform, you will see the Belaya River noisily rushing through a stone corridor, which either narrows or widens. Centuries-old boulders framed by lush greenery and foamy splashes are worth seeing. There is also a small zoo on the territory with wolves, bears and even an ostrich. The best place to start is by visiting the Khadzhokh Gorge.

2. Lago-Naki plateau

The high mountain plateau stretches for tens of kilometers. Thanks to this, it is located in several climatic zones, and you can walk from broad-leaved forests to glaciers and watch the nature around you change. There are several panoramic points with breathtaking views, which can be reached during...

3. Mountains Fisht, Oshten and Pshekho-Su

These peaks are located nearby. According to one of the Adyghe legends, the mountains are named after three warriors who died in battle with foreign conquerors. But travelers are attracted by the grandiose views that open from the slopes. There are many hiking trails leading to the peaks. On the way to the mountains you will meet endless plateaus, alpine meadows, herds of horses and dazzling snowfields on emerald slopes.

4. Rufabgo Falls

Filling the gorge, the Rufabgo River forms 10 picturesque waterfalls. One of them rushes down in a rapid stream from under a huge boulder resembling a human heart. This waterfall is called “Heart of Rufabgo”. Walking through the waterfalls in time is a real adventure. The rappel descent into the grotto, hidden in the beech thickets and covered with ivy, will be remembered for a long time. But you can look at the waterfalls from the side, for example, during.

Along with Baikal and the volcanoes of Kamchatka, the natural sites of Adygea are included in the World Natural Heritage List.

5. Caves

There are many caves in Adygea. The most popular among tourists is Bolshaya Azishskaya. It is illuminated and equipped with stairs, so anyone can get into it. And those who are not looking for easy ways can go down into wild caves that now look the same as they did thousands of years ago.

The Piketnaya Cave is like a labyrinth about 65 meters long. Narrow and short passages lead to halls full of stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnates. Nearby is the Beautiful Cave, which is almost three times larger. The entrance to it is a hole resembling a hole that leads steeply down. You can go down here only with the help of special equipment used by speleologists. The list of wild caves in Adygea does not end here: Sukhaya, Saxophone, Flute - choose any one or visit them all at once!

If you still have time after all these places, there will still be a lot to see. The Belaya River, flowing through a granite canyon 200 meters deep, forms high rapids and small waterfalls. This place is ideal for. You can get to the canyon, as well as to the St. Michael’s Athos Monastery. Several ancient dolmens have been preserved in Adygea, and you can visit them during. There are many picturesque rocks to which you can make radial trips. For example, .

What to do in Adygea

The landscape of Adygea includes majestic mountains and rushing waterfalls, flowering plains and raging rivers, sheer cliffs and deep gorges. Here you can do almost any type of outdoor activity or.

Forest and dirt roads are ideal for jeeping, and along the way you can see more than one iconic place. A memorable alternative is in an open body. The car will bounce and roll every now and then, like a real attraction, and you can even touch tree branches with your hands (or not with your hands, depending on your luck :)). Don't want to sit in the car? Try an ATV or bicycle.

The best way to feel unity with nature and enjoy panoramic views is during.

Navigating the rushing cascades of water while rappelling is great. But if you are attracted only by the mountains, and you don’t want to get wet at all, you can.

For lovers of heights, Adygea has a real adrenaline bomb in store - extreme parks and the Canyon. Here you will fly on a zipline from one cliff to another and go through a via ferrata. By the way, this entertainment, like canyoning, will cost much more abroad.

Those who love heights can go to one of the mountain peaks, and lovers of depth can go speleotourism and explore thousand-year-old formations inside wild caves.

- something that is definitely worth trying. If only because in different sections it has rapids of varying difficulty, which means that anyone can raft - the guide will select a suitable place.

Plants and animals of Adygea

Thanks to the heterogeneous landscape, the vegetation here is very diverse. There are many relicts and endemics here, for example, Trautvetter maple or Pontic rhododendron. Approximately 230 species of fungi and plants are classified as rare and endangered.

You can find fir and beech forests, meadow and grass steppes, birch forests and alpine meadows - and what not to find here :) And July is generally the height of flowering of herbs, when the ground turns into carpets of flowers. The zonation is clearly expressed here, which means that as the altitude changes, the plant species change.

If you are going to travel around Adygea in the summer, getting vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis will not hurt.

Cuisine of Adygea

Everyone knows that delicious cheese is made in Adygea. But if you have to visit here, be sure to try not only the cheese itself, but also dishes with it. Here it is fried with vegetables and herbs, added to pies and pasties, soups, salads and cheesecakes.

Like other Caucasian regions, Adygea has a lot of meat dishes. When cooking, the meat is sprinkled with garlic salt, which is prepared locally. Be sure to try the shish kebab - the locals know a lot about cooking over a fire.

The region is rich in grains, so many dishes include cereals. For example, chips (sauce) is prepared from broth and wheat flour, butter, onions and spices. And it is served with corn or wheat porridge.

What to bring from your trip

First of all, cheese. It is made here from cow, goat and sheep milk, sold fresh and smoked. Adyghe cheese will appeal to lovers of feta cheese, feta and mozzarella. You can notice a characteristic ribbed pattern on the surface of the cheese. The fact is that during production, cheese is poured into wicker baskets, where it then hardens with patterned indentations.

Locals prepare wine and a variety of liqueurs, which are sold in almost all tourist places. Sunny Adygea has a lot of fruits and berries, so there is a wide variety of jam and preserves (it is even made from pine cones).

Here you can buy warm clothes made of natural wool, stone or wood products.

Weather in Adygea

Thanks to the proximity of the ice-free Black Sea, which accumulates heat, the climate here is moderate.

Winter is mild and with little snow. The coldest month is January. The average temperature at this time is only -2-4°C. But sometimes there are real frosts and down to -30°C.

Spring comes to the plains already at the end of February, and to the mountains another month later. In mid-April it’s already +10°C, and in May it’s quite warm.

Summer is dry and hot on the plains, cooler in the foothills. The average temperature is about +25°C.

In autumn the weather is also warm and dry, so traveling around Adygea in September is just as pleasant as in summer. Significant cooling begins only in the second half of October.

Accommodation in Adygea

Arriving in Adygea on vacation, you can stay in the village. Kamennomostsky, from which it is convenient to get to almost any place.

If you want to be closer to nature, you can stay in a tent camp. For example, accommodation in equipped tents overlooking the Lago-Naki plateau. Sometimes you can literally touch the clouds that have descended from the mountains here.

If you prefer more comfortable conditions, choose one of the many tourist centers.

In you can choose the guest house "Park Hadzhokh" in the center of Kamennomostsky or the bases "Golden Deer" and "Green Guy" in the picturesque foothills.

On the territory of each base there are gazebos and barbecues, and in the rooms and houses there is a toilet and shower with hot water.

How to get to Adygea

The regional center of the republic is Maykop. But you can’t get there directly by plane or train. The most convenient way is to go through Krasnodar.

A plane ticket to Krasnodar will cost about 10,000 rubles. in both directions, and the travel time will be about two hours. It takes longer to get there by train, about a day. But you can find a ticket from 2,909 rubles. one way.

From Krasnodar you will need a transfer to Kamennomostsky. The journey will take about two more hours, and the cost will be about 3,000 rubles one way.

You don't have to worry about logistics. We will organize a meeting at the station/airport and transfer and help with the purchase of tickets.

Where to look for inspiration

To summarize: Adygea is a land of waterfalls and green mountains, steep cliffs and winding rivers, ancient caves and the brightest stars.

To better imagine the beauty of this place, be inspired by Andrey Vasiliskov’s photographs and be sure to read about how our team spent the weekend in Adygea!

Do you love mountains? If yes, then you have probably heard about the wonderful mountainous corner of our country called Adygea. On the Black Sea coast they offer excursions to this marvelous region, but still a one-day trip does not give a complete picture of Adygea. After watching beautiful photos After reading the reviews of other tourists, I decided to organize an independent trip to Adygea by car.

A little about Adygea

Adygea is a year-round region, a close neighbor to the Krasnodar region. There is no sea here, but the mountains and mountain rivers delight the eye, which you can study and admire for a very long time. In winter, skiers and lovers of sledding come here; hiking routes, by the way, are also available in winter: waterfalls frozen in ice, observation decks with views of the mountain ranges, and so on. Warm thermal pools are open all year round, so even in winter you can lie in the pool and catch snowflakes in your mouth.

We decided to go to Adygea for the May holidays, since 10 days are just right for driving so far from Moscow by car. Spring in Adygea is a great time to enjoy the newly awakened nature, flowers and greenery so bright that it’s hard to believe your eyes. Numerous orchards, especially apple ones, had already bloomed before our arrival, so all we could do was imagine how beautiful Adygea is during the flowering period.

Why go to Adygea?

  • Enjoy the beauty of the mountains, breathe in the fresh air, take a break from city life, bustle and dust.
  • Spend active time covering walking routes and climbing mountains; find beautiful waterfalls and swimming pools. Or maybe go rafting down a mountain river? Or go off-road on an ATV?
  • Improve your health in numerous thermal springs, mineral water which are beneficial for the body. In winter it is great to swim in the outdoor hot pool.
  • Learn something new about the Adyghe people thanks to the Museum of Local Lore, see ancient ammonite mollusks and visit the site of primitive people. There are many dolmens preserved in Adygea, which have kept the secret of their appearance for many centuries.
  • And, of course, eat delicious organic food from local farms. Adyghe cuisine is not only famous cheese.

In this review, I will try to systematize all the information collected that helped me prepare for the trip, and I will add my conclusions that I made after visiting Adygea.

Selecting a resort and hotel

To be honest, I knew very little about Adygea. Beautiful nature, Adyghe cheese, waterfalls, Lago-Naki, the capital of the Maikov Republic - that's all. I started preparing for the trip by finding out which towns there are in Adygea, where it is more profitable to book a hotel.

I would divide the main tourist villages according to the main idea of ​​relaxation in them.

Kamennomostsky or Hadzhokh in the old way can be called the most popular and promoted. There are many guest houses, several hotels, as well as the beautiful mountain river Belaya, Khodzhokh Gorge and Rufabgo waterfalls. A trip to Lago-Naki and Azish Cave also does not take much time. Therefore, for our first trip to Adygea, we chose it so that it would be close to the most popular attractions of the republic.

Close neighbor of Kamennomostsky Tula village. It is also not far from it to get to attractions, but the main feature of the village is the thermal springs. So, if you want a spa holiday, then you can safely choose a hotel with a thermal pool in Tula. By the way, even if you do not live in one of these hotels, you can come to the pool for a fee. Not far from Tula there is the village of Red Bridge, there is a nice hotel with a thermal pool Health resort hotel Lago-Naki .

Another famous tourist village is Guamka. It was made famous by the Guam Gorge of extraordinary beauty, through which you can ride on a tourist mountain train. We really enjoyed this attraction, despite the wild creaking of the train. There are also waterfalls and observation decks, so you won’t be bored.

Guzeripl and Khamyshki suitable for rafting lovers. It doesn’t matter to beginners; there are plenty of offers for rafting for entertainment purposes - on every pole there is an advertisement with an offer to go through a couple of rapids on a mountain river. But if you are an experienced rafter, I recommend paying attention to these villages, because in their vicinity there is the most dangerous and difficult rapid in all of Adygea, formed at the confluence of two mountain rivers, including the Belaya. Driving past, we were lucky enough to see how two rafts passed this threshold, a fascinating sight!

I especially liked Khamyshki - a picturesque and well-kept village in the mountains, at the foot of the majestic Monk Mountain. There are many neat houses, fields where horses graze, and cafes and restaurants. Very nice place.

IN Dakhovskaya you can stay in a comfortable hotel, Lago-Naki, the cave and the attractions of Kamennomostsky are just a stone's throw away. Dakhovskaya is also famous for its ancient bridge and observation platforms in the mountains, which we, unfortunately, did not get to because the weather, to put it mildly, was not kind and did not encourage us to go to places remote from the road.

In my opinion, staying in Maykop is not particularly interesting, because it is located a bit far from the attractions, and you don’t really want to go to Adygea to live in the city. You can come here to a restaurant (we really liked Aquarius) or to the Local History Museum.

I have listed the main villages, there are even smaller ones, we did not visit them.

So, I chose Kamennomostsky, namely Hotel Terem by the river. I liked the photographs of the territory, wooden houses, the bank of a mountain river, barbecue gazebos, a swimming pool, a sauna. In my opinion, this is what you need for atmospheric living in the mountains. Overall I liked the hotel, although there are some nuances that, fortunately, did not spoil the holiday; you can read more in my review. -> Review of the Terem Hotel by the River

Hotels with a similar concept in Kamennomostsky.

Rowan beads

Hajok Park

Mountain lavender

Barskaya estate


To diversify my vacation, I decided to choose another hotel. At first I booked Aquathermo, on the territory of which there are houses and a thermal pool, but then I accidentally came across Spa Resort Svyatograd (hotel description) and couldn’t resist. Large new hotel complex, charming houses, large swimming pool, spa, food, beautiful photos restaurant and territory and, oddly enough, an affordable price, about 4 thousand rubles. per house including breakfast and lunch.

This hotel is located at the junction of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, so it is better to choose it for recreation, fishing and relaxation, and it is more convenient to travel to attractions, for example, from Kamennomostsky.

Half the job is done, the resort has been chosen, the hotels have been booked, it’s time to move on to exploring the sights of Adygea.

Sights of Adygea

There are a great many attractions in Adygea, so all that remains is to choose and plan a route. Khadzhokh Gorgenatural miracle, above which observation platforms with a transparent floor were made. The route is about 400 meters, but this is not a road along the river, but several tiers of platforms, on which it is very exciting to stand. I'm not afraid of heights, but the transparent one is always a test for the nerves - on it you feel the power of the river flowing under you and the height at which you stand as never before. But needless to say, the Khadzhokh testina is very beautiful.

-> Review of visiting the Khadzhokh Gorge

Rufabgo Falls– a pleasant walking route that does not require special physical training. It is easy to walk even with small children. The first four waterfalls are easy to reach; you follow the path, stairs and bridges along the mountain river, enjoying the view. Just take care of closed clothing and tick repellents; we removed one stowaway from his jacket. If you have the strength, you can go further along the unimproved route and find several more waterfalls. We were driven off the path by a thunderstorm and rain, so we turned back. The entrance to the waterfall route is formed by a bridge with another transparent floor across a wide mountain river.
-> Feedback about visiting Rufabgo

Azish Cave– a giant cave that can only be entered as part of a group with a guide. There are a lot of people, so groups gather quickly; for example, we only waited 4 minutes. Dress warmly and get ready to descend into the underground kingdom of stalactites and other rocks to a depth approximately equal to a nine-story building. Near the cave you can ride ATVs, fly along a zip line on a paraglider, or go through an obstacle course in the rope park.
-> Review of the descent into the cave

An ancient man's site– is a museum and a cafe.

Former factory– driving along the road, it seems that you see a castle in the mountains. But this is a former lime burning plant that is now abandoned and left to tourists for photo ops.

Rock garden and dolmen– a museum of ammonites or fossilized mollusks that lived 65 million years ago. There is also a well-preserved dolmen here.
-> More information about visiting the museum and park

Cossack stone– a huge boulder, striking in size alone.

Lago-Naki and observation decks– starting from Dakhovskaya, the road goes up into the mountains and leads to the Lago-Naki plateau. This is a natural ensemble, the main feature of which is the stone sea, on which snow lies almost all year round, drying off the impressions of lambs from the sea waves. Along the road there are observation platforms, which sellers of honey, wine, souvenirs and tea will not allow you to pass. If you see a crowd of merchants, it means there is an observation deck here. I advise you to go in the afternoon, when the sun is behind you, and not to expose your photos.

Mikhalo-Athos Monastery- a man-made landmark, one of the few.

-> Feedback about the visit

Guam Gorge– a picturesque and powerful canyon along which a tourist train runs. The length of the path is 1.7 km one way; along the way, an audio guide tells about the gorge and the history associated with these places. You can walk along the gorge on foot outside of train times. For example, you can arrive late in the evening (about 16-00), take a ride on last train one way, and walk back, watching the last departing train returning tourists.
-> Impressions from the gorge and mountain train

Guzeripl and Caucasian Reserve – just a beautiful place with a nature museum, which for some reason reminded me of a biology classroom at school.

Marble Canyon– a gorgeous observation deck on the way to Guzeripl. The Belaya River in all its glory. By the way, on the way to Guzeripl there are several observation platforms, thanks to the honey sellers, you won’t pass by.

Of course, these are not all the attractions of Adygea, just in my opinion, the most interesting.

Excursions and other entertainment in Adygea

The main entertainment for tourists in Adygea are ATV rides, horseback riding, visiting thermal pools, jeeping and rafting. Similar entertainment is offered in more or less large hotels and in all tourist places. There are also numerous billboards along the road.

Rope parks with obstacle courses are also popular in Adygea; they are open in almost all parks and canyons.

We traveled in our jeep, so we somehow avoided such entertainment. But next time we’ll definitely go for a ride on quads. We didn’t dare to go rafting because in May the water in the rivers is icy and the current is very strong due to the rains.

Traveling around Adygea without a car is not particularly convenient, but organized excursions can help out. We have never seen large buses; private excursions in UAZs and other cars are more popular here.

Thermal springs, as I already said, are convenient to visit in Tula, as well as in the village of Yaroslavskaya. The water in them is rich in silicon and other useful microelements that heal the body. Of course, to obtain a therapeutic effect, you need to undergo a course of procedures, and as entertainment it’s just nice to relax in warm water. The Aquathermo Hotel (hotel description) pampers tourists with foam parties, although I haven’t been to them myself.

How much time should be allocated for a trip to Adygea?

In general, you can come to Adygea for one day. True, you won’t be able to see much, but you can get by train to Khadzhokh from Krasnodar and visit the Khadzhokh Gorge, Rufabgo waterfalls, Cossack Stone and even go to Lago-Naki.

In 2-3 days you can ride to Guzeripl and Guamka, stopping at observation platforms.

We were in Adygea from May 1 to May 5, of which we spent one day at the hotel, just relaxing fresh air, and the rest of the days we drove along the roads. The rainy weather has deprived us of some walking routes, but there were still enough impressions. We spent another 2 days in the village of Yaroslavskaya, which is located at the junction with Adygea, enjoying the hot thermal pool, homemade farm food, frog concerts and the silence between them.

Weather in Adygea in May

The weather in May in Adygea is unpredictable. As local residents said, sometimes in May it is hot, and sometimes it rains. We weren't particularly lucky with the weather; it was hot and sunny only for the first two days. The rest of the time we moved in short bursts when the rain stopped. The air was cool, an average of 15 degrees Celsius. And after our departure, Adygea was covered with a thick layer of hail. So, depending on your luck. The good news is that even such bad weather I couldn’t spoil the impressions of the sights of Adygea; nevertheless, it is beautiful in any weather.

Food in Adygea

Of course, Adyghe cheese! It is tasty and fresh, costs about 700 rubles per kilogram. We bought cheese in Kamennomostsky near the Magnit store there is a tent with good choice cheeses Here, at the mini market, they took ripe and tasty tomatoes, excellent bread from the store and enjoyed it.

In May you can buy delicious strawberries for 250-350 rubles per basket.

In all the cafes and restaurants we visited, you will definitely be fed with freshly prepared kebab. In general, it seems to me that the whole republic smells of it.

Among the local dishes, we tried fried Adyghe cheese with herbs, beef and lamb soup, and incredibly delicious stewed chicken in sour cream.

Prices depend on the level of the establishment. For example, in the hotel restaurant the prices are almost Moscow. In Belovodye there is a hotel with restaurants in a hunting style with a real fireplace, you also leave the same amount as in an average restaurant in Moscow. But less popular cafes are pleasing with their prices. For example, one day we stopped near a cafe we ​​liked in the mountains and had lunch together for 700 rubles: hot dishes, pancakes, shish kebab and soup. Everything was simply amazing!

In Maykop we were in the Aquarius restaurant, apparently not the cheapest in the city. Gigantic portions and crazy tasty food, and the bill came out to only 1,200 rubles, taking into account that we ate hot dishes, soup and fried cheese for two.

So, prices for food in Adygea are different, and, paradoxically, the simpler the place, the tastier the food.

Pancakes with honey and herbal tea are popular as a snack here. This delicious snack can be had at the observation decks, after a painful selection of souvenirs.

There are restaurants and cafes at hotels, in villages, and also along the mountain road. We never even grilled shish kebab ourselves, although the hotels had well-equipped gazebos; it’s too tasty and inexpensive to eat in a cafe.

What to buy and bring?

In addition to standard magnets, plates, figurines of horsemen and similar souvenirs, you can buy more useful and pleasant things in Adygea. We chose a whole package of herbal teas: bath, vitamin, mountain, thyme. I just love these herbs; I drink hot tea in winter and chilled tea in summer.

Of course, at every step you can buy honey from the most different colors and tastes. We took linden and walnuts in honey.

The parents were bought socks made of sheep's wool and warm belts made of dog.

If you like oriental things, you can find cool souvenir daggers, lamps and jugs.

They also sell sheep rugs, skins, and fur vests. Wine and mead are also available at every turn, but somehow it didn’t suit us.

Roads in Adygea

Surprisingly, roads in Adygea are almost everywhere good quality. Firstly, we never got onto the scary serpentine road - all areas are fenced off, so you don’t have to drive along the cliff and not have to shake.

In some places the roads run along steep cliffs; there is even one place that people called “God Bring It Away” because of the menacing cliff hanging over the road.

In some places there are areas with broken surfaces, but this did not bother us; we passed them at cruising speed.

There are often traffic police cars on the roads who get caught for speeding, so I advise you not to break them.

In general, traveling around Adygea by car is extremely pleasant and safe.

Our journey turned out to be beautiful and eventful, but how could it be otherwise when there is such beauty around?

Hello, dear readers! Keblag! Welcome! With these words, tourists are greeted by the region of waterfalls and picturesque gorges, mountain slopes and hot springs - the Republic of Adygea. The mild climate with warm winters and hot summers attracts tourists from Russia and other countries to the republic all year round.

Adygea is surrounded by the Krasnodar Territory, and in a relatively small area (the length from north to south is just over 200 km) it contains many attractions, natural and very ancient: the Khadzhokh Gorge, the Lago-Naki Plateau, the Mishoko Gorge and many others.

What to see in Adygea in winter? We'll tell you today in our article.

IN winter time Adygea is a worthy alternative other tourist destinations and every year holidays here become more popular. Therefore, if you want to spend the winter holidays or vacation in the republic, you need to book accommodation in advance.

Most often, tourists stop in the village of Kamennomostsky. This is due to the fact that the main attractions are located near the village.

How to get there?

Experienced tourists advise visiting the Republic of Adygea by personal transport. This option is the most economical and allows you to fully enjoy the beauty of the Adyghe landscapes and visit more interesting places.

This is also due to the fact that the transport infrastructure in the republic is not very developed, and in order to see everything you want, you may need an impressive budget for taxi trips.

If the option of traveling by car is not suitable for you, then you need to go through. Unfortunately, there is no airport in the capital of Adygea, Maykop. Therefore, tourists usually travel by plane or train to Krasnodar, then transfer to a regular bus to Maykop.

And from Maykop they travel by train, minibus or taxi to the village of Kamennomostsky. You can also get to the village from Krasnodar by taxi. It's not cheap, but it's faster.

For online booking of air and train tickets, as well as hotels and tours, you can use the website "Ozon.Travel".

Here you will receive information about payment for the order and delivery of tickets, tariffs, and availability.

Where to stay?

In Kamennomostsky, everything is organized for the convenience and comfort of tourists. Depending on personal preference, there are options to choose from: different levels hotel service, tourist centers.

There is an option for renting housing in the private sector - from renting guest houses to a room in local residents(cheapest option). There are no problems with food either.

If your stay does not include meals, there are several cafes in the village, as well as chain grocery stores. From infrastructure - Post and Sberbank. You can buy tourist vouchers or order a taxi at any time. Taxi drivers will be happy to also serve as guides for you.

I must say that the Adyghe people are very hospitable people and will be happy to share with you everything they know about their region.


Khadzhokh Gorge. This is one of the most popular places among tourists. It is located on the border with the village of Kamennomostsky.

And it is a deep gorge through which the Belaya River flows. In clear weather, the water turns a beautiful blue color. There are observation platforms for tourists, connected by bridges. There is a small zoo on site.

Dolmens. Throughout Adygea there are ancient structures made of large stone blocks called dolmens.

Until now, scientists have not been able to figure out the purpose of these structures. It is believed that the dolmens are 5 thousand years old. There is such a building next to Kamennomostsky.

Mishoko Gorge. From the village to the gorge, the distance is several kilometers, tourists walk, book a horseback ride or take a taxi.

Mishoko Gorge is a beautiful place with numerous picturesque waterfalls. Powerful waterfalls do not freeze in winter, but weaker waterfalls can freeze, which professionals in ice climbing enjoy using.

For the comfort of tourists, the gorge area has observation platforms, parking, cafes and toilets.

Thermal springs. Thermal springs in winter are a wonderful attraction for guests. The water temperature is 30 degrees above zero. Air - about 0 degrees or a slight minus.

From history, thermal springs appeared in Adygea not so long ago, only in the middle of the last century.

Scientists were conducting geological exploration of natural resources in these places, and came across hot water. The excavations were mothballed, but the water still found its way to the surface, forming hot springs.

Over time, resort areas were built near the springs, where, to the delight of vacationers, a full range of therapeutic procedures is presented. Currently, income from the use of thermal springs constitutes a significant part of the local budget.

Lago-Naki plateau. Another Mecca for tourists visiting the republic. What is the Lago-Naki Plateau?

These are majestic mountains, endless landscapes, ski slopes, caves, equipped for tourists, and there are also unequipped ones for those who love extreme tourism.

Tourists are entertained here by organizing snowmobile rallies or organizing walking or horseback riding routes along the snow-capped peaks.

Not far from Kamennomostsky there are active amusement parks “Mishoko” and “Tethys”.

Tourists will find attractions and entertainment for everyone here: from horseback riding to flying over the gorge.

What to bring as a souvenir?

Of course, first of all, Adyghe cheese, mountain honey, medicinal herbs.

Also in Adygea, Adyghe tea is grown - the northernmost tea in the world. In terms of its saturation with microelements, it is even better than Ceylon tea.

Nature is truly generous to local residents.

Maybe some of you have already been to Adygea? Share your impressions of the trip with us in the comments. See you soon!

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