Where are sharks found, in what seas and oceans? Description, types, photos. Are there dangerous sharks in the Black Sea? Sharks in the seas

The poet was right - our country is really wide, and there is a lot of everything in it, the most different, both on land and in water.

Among dangerous predators- there are even sharks. True, Russian sharks for the most part are not like American or Australian ones, but they still pose a certain danger.

Sharks in Russia are both unusual and common at the same time. The usual - since these predators live in almost all of our seas that have oceanic contact.

Unusual - because it is quite unusual for us to hear about scary monsters right under our noses.

Moreover, until recently, Russian sharks "behaved almost exemplarily" - no attacks, no victims.

At the same time, the meetings of fishermen with them were periodic and there were even bloodless contacts.

What sharks live in Russian waters?

A short TOP called Sharks of Russia could look like this:

  • 1. - the most popular type, practically harmless, in connections and attacks, "defaming" him, was not noticed.
  • 2. Salmon shark - the east of the country, visits are possible even to the northern regions. It is harmless, its jaws are "sharpened" for hunting fish.
  • 3. . A rare guest in Peter the Great Bay and Tatar Bay. It poses a threat due to its impressive size and aggressive disposition. It prefers a predominantly bottom way of life, so meetings with it are random.
  • 4. (fox shark) visits the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, no episodes of attacks have been recorded, the food is exclusively fish. The hunting tool is the tail.
  • 5. can reach Kamchatka, but its visits are exceptional, since this predator is not tied to any particular place of subsistence. There is a danger of attack from her side.
  • 6. - northern specimen, except for the seas Arctic Ocean sometimes appears in Kamchatka and the Kuriles. These sharks in Russia are not dangerous, due to the impossibility of meeting with them.
  • 7. - can even stay in cool waters Kola Peninsula, absolutely harmless, the reputation is clean, because it feeds on plankton. "Floats" is already mainly in the Red Book, so meeting with her is a great happiness.
  • 8. . Subtropical predator, can be very dangerous due to unbridled aggressiveness. Suspected in many episodes, but without a sufficiently strong evidence base. These swift sharks in Russia can appear in the eastern region of the country during especially hot summer periods.
  • 9. . Special comments are unnecessary - a very large and most dangerous shark representative. Noted trail of blood in Primorye, reached Sakhalin.

This is how the TOP-9 most common not only in the waters of Russia, but also in the media of predators from the genus of sharks in our country may look like.

But shark attacks in Russia never became a major problem until the summer of 2011. It became so only after a series of bloody episodes in Primorye.

Watch video - The situation with sharks in Russian waters:

By the way, in their greatest diversity, Russian sharks are represented precisely in Primorye. This part of our country is washed by the warmest among all the seas - the Sea of ​​Japan, which belongs to one of the oceans most beloved by sharks - the Pacific.

Among the predators that constantly live here are known - katran, salmon, and there is also a hammerhead shark. In total, 7 families of sharks, consisting of more than 12 species, were recorded in this area.

Katran and salmon sharks in Primorye are local natives who do not cause any problems to residents, periodically falling into the nets of fishermen, because they themselves love coastal fish.

Moreover, they often become the object of catching, as they are quite tasty and even a delicacy.

The water area of ​​the Far East, rich in flora and fauna, in total with the general warm climatic regimes this region is also attractive for larger and more dangerous predators.

It is for valuable - salmon and sturgeon - species of fish that other predatory sharks come here.

In addition, Primorye is partly protected area, there are rare species seals and other mammals, which are the main item on the shark menu.

Episodes of shark attacks in Russia

Therefore, the Primorsky region was and is potentially dangerous place, where the attack of sharks in Russia becomes the most expected and, according to scientists, inevitable. In addition, the list of Russian sharks is periodically updated with new types of dangerous predators.

Shark attacks in Russian waters are explained by periodic visits of predators to this area, which is associated with environmental problems (the cleanliness and wealth of our water resources) and leading predators from subtropical regions here.

But here it is worth noting that the shark attacks that occurred in 2011 in Primorsky Krai took place in the so-called "wild" places, i.e. previously not former places rest, moreover, located next to the protected zone of the reserve.

The episodes were of a transient nature of the attacks, which does not speak of an attack "planned" by the predator, but rather, of his "acquaintance" with a person as a potentially new object of hunting.

There's nothing to be done here - civilization "steps" on the tail of sharks, so the options for meetings and contacts with marine predators are expanding.

As for the suitability of the Far Eastern coasts for summer holidays, since 2012, the relevant authorities and rescuers began to prepare for a "contactless" holiday for their citizens and tourists.

Fencing structures, nets, patrols and other activities should secure these waters, but, as always, most of the responsibility.

Watch video - Shark attack in Russia:

What kind of sharks await tourists in the waters of Russia?

It is already becoming difficult to argue against the facts of the increasing appearance of great white sharks in our waters. It is this type of predator that also threatens to become permanent in the east of our country.

There is also evidence of the reproduction of these sharks in the waters of Russia, which, according to scientists, could not have happened before.

Of course, such alarming news does not mean the widespread settlement of carcharodons in the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in summer months, but this trend promises to increase. Therefore, the attack of sharks in Russia in this area should not be ruled out.

As an old and proven option - a vacation on the Black Sea can be an alternative to the seaside. Here, for sure, no meetings with monsters are foreseen even in the most distant future.

The water area of ​​this sea can "boast" only of the presence of a katran.

The biomass and resources of the Black Sea are getting poorer, they cannot feed the predators, even if they want to "enroll" in the list of Russian sharks in the south.

However, it will be extremely difficult for them to get here, and in view of the senselessness of such migrations to food-poor lands, there is no need.

So, in the Baltic Sea, Russian sharks will not disturb the hearts of our compatriots in the near future.

Watch video - Dangerous sharks in the Black Sea:

Media and Russian aculism

Rumors and fables about sharks, including in the media, can help spoil the rest in the full sense. Even serious publications did not disdain loud "sensations".

The most striking precedent for such "shark oil fried news" was set back in 2010 with a rumor about the Red Sea.

But our media also did not remain idle in this matter. There were several cases of deception of a naive public, which were not intended to warn and detailed analysis situations, but only impure commercial interest.

So, thanks to our pen sharks, a real shark has already swum in the Neva waters and in the Black Sea.

In addition to the usual types of predator, exotic ones were also used, and besides real evidence- far-fetched and even fantastic.

So you should carefully choose both the places of bathing and the sources of information.

Finally, it should be said that a meeting with a potentially dangerous shark in our waters is permissible on Far East, Sakhalin, Chukotka, Kuriles. Only this is not always a meeting with one's death, for the most part - just with fear.

And with the fear of a shark attack, there is only one means of struggle - knowledge. And, of course, the ability to apply this knowledge.

According to disappointing data, in the future meetings of people with sharks will only become more frequent - this is due both to objective natural factors and to ours - human ones.

We cannot influence the natural ones - sharks will swim in our warm waters more often and more actively. But we can fully control the human factor. The main thing is to intelligently fit into a changing world...

Why did man-eating sharks swim to Russia?

Of course, but they do not pose a danger to humans. Hiding in the depths during the day, they do not interfere with the rest of visitors. Even when meeting with fishermen, sharks do not attack, but, on the contrary, go to the bottom.

soft and warm climate The Black Sea welcomes visiting tourists seven months a year. Sometimes the desire to soak up the warm pebbles and dive into clean water overshadows the thought of sharks that are found in the sea. Yes indeed, locals and oceanographers will be able to confirm the presence of these creatures in Black Sea zone, but they do not pose a particular danger to vacationers.

There is no one in history confirmed fact shark attacks on humans. Rather, on the contrary, during the approach Vehicle, they immediately try to hide in the depths. During the day, sharks are located at the bottom of the sea and only after sunset swim to the surface.

Several varieties of sharks have been recorded in the Black Sea:

  1. Katran (Sea dog). The size of this fish reaches one meter. Almost never goes ashore, preferring colder habitats. Poisonous spikes on the fins protect it from attacks by larger representatives. Attacks other fish even when fed. It is not dangerous for a person.
  2. Cat shark, hammerhead shark, swordfish. Met with researchers sea ​​depths, however, do not have the opportunity to breed in the waters of the Black Sea due to the low salt content. Presumably sharks enter through the Bosphorus. Salt water is not suitable for fish born elsewhere. If they periodically swim in the Black Sea, they die without leaving offspring. Eggs and larvae die already during the initial development.

More major representatives sharks are not able to exist here because of the scarce food supply. Therefore, gray bull or tiger sharks cannot meet their nutritional needs.

So it is safe to report that in the diet Black Sea sharks vacationers are not included, you can safely go to rest.

Sharks in the coastal waters of Anapa

Compatriots and guests from near and far abroad arriving in our resort city for rest and treatment, sometimes look with great amazement at the shark heads in the food rows of the Central Market and the delicious fish soup offered by sellers to buyers. "What are these really parts of the bodies of the insidious and evil masters of the seas and oceans?! But why are they so small? Are they sharks?" "No," the sellers categorically object, "It's from our local katran shark..."

And then, out of nowhere, an experienced fisherman was found. He told the curious how once, in the area of ​​​​the bank of Mary Magdalene, which is in the sea near the village of Blagoveshchenskaya, he pulled an almost meter-long fish into the light of day on an ordinary spinning rod, well, it obviously looks like a shark in miniature and, as he wanted, it was to throw it overboard of the yacht, but its owners advised against it, they say, this fish is a delicacy - from it the cutlets are excellent and the ear is awesome. I listened. Carried the prey to the shore. Took her apart. The wife added a little lard to the minced meat - the cutlets really turned out to be quite appetizing, and the ear was good - everyone ate with great pleasure, and also licked the spoons.

Our Black Sea is actually located at a great distance from the great seas and oceans. In practice, it is, as it were, an internal reservoir of a huge European-Asian continent. But they still exist in nature well known to the world Dardanelles, the strait connecting Marmara and Aegean Sea. And paired with the Bosphorus (Turkey), the straits connect the named seas with our Black Sea. So there is a way out, although small, to the oceans. But it is so noisy that no self-respecting shark would dare to poke his nose into it. And the Black Sea itself is too restless for sharks - how much different countries located in its coastal strip?! If any real shark gets into it - even though it is a stupid creature, but still, fearing the hellish noise and unimaginable pandemonium in the local waters, it will go crazy and easily, escaping, throw itself ashore.

But of course this is in our imaginations. In fact, sharks, oddly enough, still exist in the Black Sea, and they are also found off the Anapa coast. Only for two-legged individuals, that is, for us they are completely harmless underwater creatures, and although they have several rows of sharp teeth in their mouths, they do not attack people, on the contrary, they shun them, fleeing into the depths away from sin.
We have only two types of these sharks. The first one - Katran - its chopped parts and they offer to buy it at the Central Market or, for example, at Bolshoi Utrish, where no sea delicacies and from which seas are imported - the same Magadan crabs, scallops and the like.
By the way, for your information - you can actually meet with a katran or a cat shark by joining our resort to

Many tourists who decide to spend their holidays on the Black Sea are concerned about the safety of swimming in its waters. The abundance of fresh shark meat in fish markets is especially alarming for guests of local resorts, indicating the close presence of marine predators. Are there sharks in the Black Sea? Indeed, some species of these fish comfortably settled there. But do not rush to change your plans for summer rest: after reading the article, you will find out if sharks in the Black Sea are dangerous for humans.

Are there sharks in the Black Sea that are dangerous to humans?

The risk of meeting a person in the waters of the Black Sea with predators that pose a threat to life is very small. Many densely populated coastal cities, intensive shipping, numerous bathers - all this does not contribute to the attractiveness of local expanses for inhabitants of other reservoirs. The low salinity of the water and the monotony of the edible fauna do not add to the popularity of this sea.

The offspring of fish that are not adapted to large temperature fluctuations simply will not survive here, and adult predators will also not be comfortable in the cold season.

That's why big sharks, like the Whites, who accidentally got into the Black Sea through the Bosphorus, prefer not to linger here. Faced with an unsuitable environment for life, they turn back to their familiar surroundings.

So far, statistics have not recorded a single case of a shark attack in the Black Sea on a person.

What sharks are found in the Black Sea?

Of all the numerous species of sharks, only the katran is a permanent inhabitant of the Black Sea.

A medium-sized fish, which is popularly called a sea dog because of some similarity of heads, about a meter in size and weighing 8-12 kg, has a standard elongated shape. The body with a dark back and light sides is dotted with small poisonous spines. Catrans have an excellent appetite: they attack all moving objects of a smaller size. Their diet consists of horse mackerel, anchovy and other marine life. Often, crabs and small dolphins get into the teeth of sharks. Predators feel more comfortable in the cold, so they live in the bottom layers, rising to the surface only at night.

In spring and autumn, these sharks living in the Black Sea move closer to the shore, and in October they again rush deep into the depths to give birth to offspring. Due to their resemblance to white and blue sharks, representatives of this breed are often filmed with a visual increase in horror films about cannibalistic underwater inhabitants.

Representatives of this species of marine predators are found in the Black Sea much less often than katrans. The cat shark (scillium) is not a permanent inhabitant of the local expanses of water. She lives in the Mediterranean Sea and only occasionally swims into the Black Sea through the Bosphorus Strait. Moving fish do not differ in impressive size: their body length is no more than a meter. Depending on the species, the scillium has a dark or variegated color.

His mouth is wide, with small and sharp fangs. The tail is paddle-shaped and acts as a rudder. Predators feed mainly on the inhabitants of the sea, living on the bottom - crabs, scorpions, mollusks, annelids, sometimes arranging a hunt for fish. They lie in wait for the victim, hiding behind stones or algae. Sharp eyesight and a developed sense of smell allow the predator to easily find food, and due to the compact size and shape of the body, the fish is able to pursue prey at high speed.

Other types of sharks swim in the Black Sea quite rarely and do not stay there for a long time.

Divers and spearfishers have the greatest chances to meet a toothy hunter in the Black Sea. The sharks living here have a highly developed caution: they perceive people not as prey, but as dangerous enemies. For this, marine predators have every reason: thanks to delicate taste and the nutritional value of shark meat, they are often hunted. Their small size does not allow them to attack a person themselves, therefore both katran and scyllum prefer other food.

We will tell you not only about the beaches of Australia and America, but also about the resorts of Europe and Africa that are popular with Russians!

Vacation time is in full swing. In this regard, we decided to compile a rating of resorts where man-eating sharks are dangerous for people. Nobody wants to get in trouble on vacation, right? So check out our selection now!

Predators hunt off the coast of Florida, California and the Hawaiian Islands

The beaches of Florida (US state) are considered the most dangerous in the world: here sharks attack most often. But at the same time, according to statistics, not a single vacationer who encountered a predator in the ocean died: young blunt-nosed sharks attack people. Not eaten, but seriously injured.

Off the coast of California, there are many sea lions, which are the food of sharks. Predators sometimes confuse humans with prey. You know what it leads to...

Shark attacks in Hawaii have killed Lately already 15 people. The most dangerous individuals hunt here - white and tiger sharks. Most often, attacks occur off the island of Maui. Be careful!

Australian beaches are deadly for divers and surfers

The beaches of Queensland in Australia are some of the scariest in the world. Sharks have killed 136 people in 45 years. Most often they attack surfers and peacefully swimming people. In third place attack on divers.

Killer shark attacks in the Red Sea in Egypt

In 2010, five tourists were injured in a shark attack in the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Four more foreigners were seriously injured on the beaches of Hurghada in 2017. Beware!

The waters off the coast of South Africa are teeming with predators who see humans only as food

The beaches of South Africa are dangerous because local sharks know that people are food. And the people who work in the tourism industry are to blame for this.

The fact is that in this country the so-called attraction is very popular - diving in a cage with sharks. As a result, this led to the fact that now people have become associated with predators with dinner.

Divers also add fuel to the fire. They feed predators from their hands. The result of such amusements is terrible: for last years 23 people died.

Local sharks behave in the water like real housewives. They attack not only divers, surfers and swimmers, but they can also attack a boat.

Shark sightings off the coast of Spain

In 2017, flocks of sharks, which can be dangerous to humans, appeared in the most popular resorts in Spain: off the island of Mallorca and the coast of Valencia.

Predators huddled in a group and plowed shallow water. Fortunately, there were no attacks. Perhaps they were not going to attack, or maybe the rescuers helped, who notified the tourists about the appearance of sharks.

Scientists have noticed that since 2012, often sharks began to move from Atlantic Ocean to the Mediterranean. Therefore, the appearance of predators near the beaches in these parts may soon become a pattern.

Are there people who haven't seen Steven Spielberg's famous thriller "Jaws"? I think there are very few such people. I have watched this amazing movie several times. :) I was attracted to this film, because at every moment when they showed a shark approaching a person, I thought: "Thank God, it's not me!". :)

Foreign holidays every year become only more popular in our country. And here there is some concern about whether sharks are found in these resorts. I will tell you more about this. :)


According to statistics, about 100 cases of shark attacks on humans are recorded every year. Moreover, these data come from relatively developed countries that record incidents of shark contact. On the contrary, countries in Africa seem to have a lot of attacks, but there are no services that must register all cases.

According to official data, the largest number attacks occur in , Australia, South Africa and Brazil.

What seas are sharks found in?

Sharks live mainly in warm seas. Here is a small selection:

  • Mediterranean Sea. This reservoir is suitable for habitat conditions for sharks. Thus, cases of shark attacks are periodically recorded in this sea. Over the past 100 years, 22 deaths have been recorded.
  • Aegean, Adriatic and Ionian seas. I will write about them in one section, since they are all located in the Mediterranean Sea. From 2008 to 2011, a considerable amount of terrible news about shark attacks was recorded in these seas. Only in the Adriatic Sea in 2011 there were 34 horrific cases of contact between sharks and humans.

  • Red sea. But this is true for the inhabitants of Russia. For example, I was in Egypt not so long ago, in Hurghada. This resort town is located on the Red Sea. When I splashed merrily in the water, I did not think about the possible presence of sharks. But according to statistics, about 30 species of these creatures live in this sea. And cases of attacks are periodically recorded.
  • Black Sea. Perhaps this is the safest place. The living conditions in this reservoir are not suitable for sharks, so you can safely go to the resorts of the Black Sea. :)
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