Sasha Zvereva: “Women, you should come first, then your man, and only then the children! “Let dreams come true!”: Sasha Zvereva spoke about moving to the USA “I sobbed all night”

famous singer, DJ and blogger on his official page on Instagram, she described in detail and openly all her experiences and emotions associated with visiting America. In short, they boil down to complete delight and indescribable sensations that former soloist once popular group "Demo" received by arriving in this country to shoot. In addition, Sasha spoke about the tour of her second husband, with whom she visited the United States.

“Most of the time we stayed at our friend's house. In the mornings, while Dima slept, I walked along the clean path along Coldwater to Whole Foods and froze there ... Looking at these incredible vegetables and berries in any season, which were sprayed with water from above ... Imagining that here I am - rich, and I take everything from the shelves, dropping it into a cart, without looking at the price ... That Sasha did not even dream that after 6 years she would do just that ... To convey what I experienced (yes, what to hide, and I feel until until now) in the amusement park is not possible. I just constantly thought about the fact that it’s possible not to fly so far. After all, you can just get into the car whenever you want, and go to the park any evening! I can't say that I raved about the Ocean and Los Angeles. I just firmly knew and with all my heart aspired, as now I know 100% that I will live complete family in a big stylish house in Malibu…”

Fans of Zvereva thanked her for such a detailed story about life, and, of course, noted her desire to fulfill cherished desires and fulfillment of the goals set.

“And I like the fact that you so passionately wanted to live in Los Angeles ... Dreamed ... And here it is ... You live exactly where you want !!! Devotion to the dream is what it is "

“I am very glad that everything worked out for you! And it’s great to live where you feel comfortable.”

“You have trodden a difficult path for yourself - but this is the sweetness of life! Let everything be just fine"

“I just want to say:“ For the fulfillment of dreams ”

“Simply wonderfully written! It's like I've been there for a few minutes."

"Let dreams come true"

Recall that Zvereva moved to Los Angeles in 2014. There she lives with three children: daughter Vasilisa and son Makar from her first marriage, as well as Leo, who was born from the second husband of the singer.

April 29, 2016

The singer and participant of the reality show "Pregnant" - about popularity in social networks, ill-wishers and the dream of a fourth child

The singer and participant in the reality show "Pregnant" - about popularity in social networks, ill-wishers and the dream of a fourth child.

Until recently, the name of Sasha Zvereva was associated only with the song "The Sun in the Hands." However, last summer the artist starred in - and this again made her popular. Her blog on Instagram is read by more than 300 thousand people.

“I starred in a reality show, being pregnant for the third time,” says Sasha. - I was expecting a child in America, in Los Angeles. It was a wonderful time, one of the brightest memories of my life. You know, when the birth is over, everything is erased in my mother’s head. Attention turns to the baby. And I, thanks to participation in the TV show, now have the opportunity to review some moments. I was lucky that they even filmed the birth. I can analyze how everything went, take into account some mistakes.

In general, the shooting is remembered extremely positively. There was only one small inconvenience - I constantly had to wear a microphone. I had to get special "television" shorts with a small pocket in the wardrobe, which I put on under any dresses. I put the microphone in this pocket, and then pushed the wires up.

Another difficulty is to negotiate with the Americans about filming. It's all elementary in Russia - go and shoot what you want. And here, if some stranger gets into the frame, even if he flickers in the background, you need to take written permission from him. Even if it's just a video for YouTube, not for TV. If the shooting is at school, you need permission from the parents of all schoolchildren ... Sometimes, however, we still went for tricks. For example, when there was a shooting in the hospital, nurses ran up to us: “What are you talking about! You can't shoot here." I had to say that this film is only for me and try to ensure that other people really do not get into the frame. In general, we constantly had to invent something, get out, so as not to anger and embarrass the Americans.

You say you want to analyze your mistakes. What for? Are you going to walk this path again?

— I do not rule out such a possibility. If everything in life goes well, why not give birth fourth child? I still consider myself a fairly young woman. In America and Europe, at the age of 35, they are just beginning to think about children. I am now in the prime of my reproductive years. And I would like a baby too. It just needs the right situation to do it. Now I just moved to new country, I have a lot of worries about raising Leva, two older children also require attention. But if someday everything in life settles down, of course, I will think about more children, and maybe even two.

Why did you decide to move to Los Angeles?

“I have been here many times. I really liked this city. At the same time, I have been to other cities in America - New York, Miami, Chicago. But it was Los Angeles that gave me some kind of thrill. It seemed to me that this was some kind of unusual, special place. Living in Moscow, I constantly wanted to go somewhere, looked for routes. After returning from Barcelona, ​​I was already looking at tickets to Tel Aviv. And in Los Angeles, I was “let go” - I absolutely don’t want to run somewhere. If I travel, it is only in the United States of America.

“I moved into the category of famous moms”

- In Russia, you were popular as a singer. Does America make a living by singing?

- The funny thing is that in Russia I have already moved from the category of actresses to the category of famous mothers. If you type “Sasha Zvereva” into the search engine, then the first requests will not be “Sasha Zvereva singer” or “Sasha Zvereva song “The Sun in Hands”, but something completely different: “Sasha Zvereva gave birth”, “Sasha Zvereva pregnancy”, “Sasha Zvereva blogs ”, “Sasha Zvereva seminars”. Now I do not have a singing activity, but some kind of maternal and educational.

Getting an American green card, I positioned myself as a singer. I had to prove my uniqueness, talk about the awards in the music field. Convince that my talent can be useful in the states. I have several tours in America in my plans. I still shoot videos, recorded an album. I also do mixes and perform as a DJ. I don't want to follow the path of many of my colleagues from the 1990s. They have been doing the same thing for so many years, they live in hope: “Now I will write a song and return to the stage, like Vera Brezhneva or Mitya Fomin.” I'm from a slightly different circle. I hit one point, saw that my new songs were not gaining the popularity that they used to, and switched to something else. Here in America, my work is the creation of clothes for pregnant and nursing mothers. At one time she herself faced a problem: there are no stylish, beautiful clothes for such women. Wearing a fashionable dress, you cannot feed a child in it. And I came up with branded zippers on the sides - you can always open them and offer the breast to the baby. My clothes are for successful, active mothers who combine both work and motherhood.

- It turns out that singing is in the past?

- It seems to me that if a person sings, he will always do it. I sing every day. If I am asked to speak somewhere, I never refuse. Before moving to America, I had concerts regularly. I even boasted to my relatives and husband: “16 years ago the song shot, and since then there has not been a single month in my life without a performance!” I always had concerts, even when I was nine months pregnant. There are fewer of them now because I'm attached to younger son. But as soon as I stop breastfeeding, I can return to work in full force.

"I cried all night"

Your Instagram blog is very popular. Does it affect your life in any way?

“Everything has definitely changed. Many bloggers embellish, lie: they say, I am in front of you the way I am. Nothing like this! When you have hundreds of thousands of people in your subscribers, you will once again put on make-up in the morning and think about what to wear so as not to be criticized. Now you are visible. They come up to me all the time on the street: “Hello. Can I take a picture with you?" And I have to maintain the image created in the blog. If I position myself as good mom I can't show up on the street with a cigarette or a bottle of liquor in my hand.

Instagram in Lately brings income to absolutely all bloggers. No matter what they say: “This is not advertising. I don't get anything for it. I really use it all." Lies. I also advertise certain products. And I'm sure if ordinary people offered something similar, paid money - no one would refuse.

In general, I realized that it is impossible to please everyone. I posted a photo the other day: my face, a piece of a dress and the handle of the stroller that I'm driving. I didn’t sign the frame - not a single word! But then the comments went: “What kind of dress? Who did the hair? What brand is the stroller? Here's a double-edged sword for you. If you sign everything, they will say that I am advertising something again. Do not specify anything - they will ask.

Thanks to Instagram, my life has become a kind of exploration. I write about where to go with children, what to do? Which restaurant will give you good food? And in general, how can a mother with three children live in America?

Are the subscribers listening?

- And how! Thanks to my blog, thousands of girls all over Russia are now choosing natural childbirth for themselves - those where the intervention of doctors is minimal. Then they write letters to me, where they thank me, share their impressions. Some girls are following in my footsteps. They live in the same residential complex where I live. They go to "my" doctor.

- Popularity has a downside, when famous person start writing nonsense. How do you feel about it?

“From love to hate is just one step. I know that there are whole groups that come together just to criticize me in unison. If they write nasty things on my page, I immediately block them. And then they create pages to merge all their hate flows there. They discuss how I put my feet in this or that photo, what I am wearing and what my manicure looks like. To be honest, I had no idea that this could bother anyone. People are wasting their precious life, their attention on such nonsense! But this time they could devote to loved ones, travel, love, do something pleasant. But they create accounts and bathe in negativity.

Virtually every popular personality there are such "antiques". Unfortunately, sometimes they get so deeply into our lives that they begin to harm not only on the Internet, but also in reality. Once I wrote on Instagram that I was going to leave Los Angeles for Moscow for a while, and for that time I would rent my apartment to some Russian moms. I thought: “Well, why would housing be idle here without me for two months?”. And then the “antiques” wrote a letter to the management of the residential complex with a complaint. And although the administration did not find my ad on the Internet, they still sent me a letter with a warning: if this happens, I will have to pay a large fine. Thus, I lost about $10 thousand! Translated into rubles - gigantic money. Sometimes, the “antiques” disrupted my concerts, set people up against me. They hurt on purpose, they know they hurt. But nothing can be done! I am sure that fate itself will punish them.

- You, as an experienced blogger, have already developed immunity: if you don’t like a comment, we block it. And at first, probably, you were worried when you saw criticism addressed to you?

“I lived through this a long time ago. The song "Sun" appeared at the end of 1999. And in 2000, I became mega-popular. I was 19 years old. Can you imagine what a test it was for my fragile youthful psyche? I had confusion and vacillation in my head. At the same time, the program “12 Angry Spectators” was aired on the MTV channel, where people in the studio criticized the clips. In fact, these were the same "antiques", haters - only all this came from the suggestion of the TV channel. As a rule, the editors then edited these discussions, and aired only what concerned the work and the video, and not the personality of the artist himself. But once I was “lucky” to get on the set of this program. I sat in the editorial room and heard everything. Some frostbitten teenagers began to say that I had crooked and yellow teeth ... I was so worried about it! Cried all night. And the next day I went and put myself braces.

- It turns out that criticism has benefited?

“I would have come to this myself sooner or later. I don't think I needed to go through such an ordeal. Then I was still very vulnerable! Now I'm immune to everything. I absolutely do not care about all this negativity. I know that my kids are great, that I'm on the right track, so I can't be knocked down. No advice, no intimidation, no criticism. I'll still shove like a tank.

- Having starred in "Pregnant", you did not want to do television career?

- The creators of the reality show told me: “Sasha, if you are pregnant again, write, call. Because we will probably never find a heroine like you again.” So, maybe we will meet again on TV screens!

Private bussiness

Sasha Zvereva was born on March 1, 1981 in Potsdam (Germany). In March 1999, she became a soloist of the Demo group. The most famous hit is "The Sun". Since 2010 she has been singing solo. In 21015 she starred in. Mom of three children: daughter Vasilisa (12 years old), sons - Makar (7 years old) and Leo (8 months old).

A list of our contemporaries who, for one reason or another, chose to go abroad for permanent residence, leaving the Russian open spaces to others. Either it is a dislike for the Motherland, or a thirst for something new ... In any case, if these people have found themselves over the hill, then we congratulate them!

1. Former member of the Tatu group Lena Katina

After the collapse famous band Lena decided to conquer America with solo concerts. Thanks to fluency in English and a good reputation, Katina left for the States, where she began to record. But the country conquered the girl so much that the singer stayed there to live. Lena got married there. Her husband was the musician Sasho Kuzmanovich, from whom in 2015 Katina gave birth to her first child. It is noteworthy that the girl gave birth in Russia.

Today Lena Katina intends to achieve fame all over the world. She sings in English, recently released a Spanish-language album and intends to return to her native Russia with an enchanting concert!

2. Former "Demo" Sasha Zvereva

At the age of 17, the girl became one of the most popular singers in Russia, and at 33 she had already moved to America, where she found herself. The mother of three beautiful children is now also a fashion designer with her own clothing line and boutique on Rodeo Drive. Zvereva also teaches: former star scene today gives lessons to young moms.

From time to time, she still visits her native Russia with small concerts for the closest people and loyal fans.

3. Lika Star

Today, Lika is the wife of a successful Italian businessman and the mother of two charming children. Star recalls her career as a groovy singer very ironically. But still she does not refuse if, according to old memory, she is invited to perform on the Russian stage.

Today she has a serious real estate business. Now this is no longer Lika Star, but the solid Glykeria Secchi-Pavlova.

4. Natalia Vetlitskaya

Since 2008, the singer has abandoned the tour and social life, going with her daughter for permanent residence in the luxurious city of Denia. Here she owns her own villa and enjoys life in peace and quiet. The singer accepts Active participation in political discussions, defending their position and openly declaring protests. She misses Moscow beauty salons and rainy days, which you will not find in Spain by day with fire.

5. Alexey Serebryakov

2012 was a decisive year for the actor. Together with their family, they left the territory of Russia and went to Toronto, where they thoroughly equipped their house. “This is not immigration, when people left for good 30-35 years ago. It's just an attempt to live in a different territory. I continue to work in Russia. Wherever I live, I remain a citizen of Russia. This is an attempt to take its place in the future,” Alexei explains his position. (Hereinafter, the author's punctuation, style and spelling are preserved - ed.)

“I want my children to grow up and understand that knowledge, hard work can be valued, that it is not necessary to push elbows, be rude, be aggressive and be afraid of people. I'm tired of what's happening in Russia. It can be said that he ran away, could not stand it. I want my children to learn: the world is big, and you can live differently. Everyone talks about the artificiality of Western smiles, but for me artificial smiles are better than sincere malice, ”the actor comments.

6. Ilya Lagutenko

The chic soloist and leader of the Mumiy Troll group and his wife, model Anna Zhukova, have been living in America for a long time with their daughters. Ilya openly declares that this country is exactly the place where world stars came from and where everything is decided important questions. Today, the artist claims that he is torn between Vladivostok, Tokyo and Los Angeles.

In these huge cities, Lagutenko sees the future of music. He is sure that it is here that something new is being born that is about to blow up the whole world. And a musician, like any creator, wants to be at the origins of such an event. That is why his move should not be condemned. We must support Ilya on his difficult path!

From Sasha Zvereva group times Demo remained a cheerful smile and the nickname of the Sun. On the eve of the presentation of her first solo video, Sasha Zvereva told Cosmo about why she left legendary band 90s and how her attitude to music has changed.

Is fashion for you comfort or trend-setting?

In this I am like Victoria Beckham, who will disfigure her legs, but walk in huge heels, will carry a baby in heels ... Of course, I will not carry a baby in heels, but I am a victim of fashion, who will endure inconvenience for the sake of style. I like to choose bows for myself and my children. Although I did not think about doing design myself - there is no time left. The costumes for my performances are made by a Russian designer whom I met at Russian Fashion Week.

You really do look like Victoria Beckham.

Many say so. It's probably because of the hairstyle she used to wear. Short hair I have since 2001, although the hairstyle has changed. Although now Victoria has grown her hair, but I can not change my style, I really like my hairstyle, so I will stay with her for a long time.

Tell us about your hobbies in life besides music.

These are motorcycles. This is my big passion since 2007. I have an insanely beautiful sports bike in an underground parking lot, it won first place in Russia in airbrushing. I did not paint it myself, but I thought over the design, every detail. I matched it with a tight-fitting jumpsuit in the same white color as the motorcycle itself. The names of my children are written on my motorcycle, the wheels are painted with my sayings and thoughts, a big sun is drawn on the tank. That is, I take the tank in my hands and it turns out the sun in my hands. It is very important to me that it all looks very nice. When I ride a motorcycle to Vorobyovy Gory, all the people turn to look at me. I feel like a queen.

How did your passion for motorcycles start?

This hobby began with the motorcyclists themselves - macho on frenzied cars. I should have gone for a ride one day with a handsome driver, and I fell in love with a motorcyclist, fell in love with motorcycles. I went to the best motorcycle school in Moscow. For a girl, training is not easy: I cried, fell on the site where I was taught to ride, all my muscles ached. At the end of the motorcycle school, I sold my car, bought an expensive motorcycle, all the equipment. Then she began to ride around the city with the guy with whom she first rode a motorcycle. At first I lagged behind experienced pilots, I was afraid to drive at high speed, but then I realized that I was catching up with them. It was an extremely pleasant feeling.

Relatives did not try to dissuade from such a dangerous hobby?

They ask me all the time: “Sasha, do you ride a motorcycle fast?” I say, "I ride like a mother of two." Yes, I drive fast, but very carefully and thoughtfully. Of course, relatives tried to dissuade me from driving. But I am a stubborn person, I do everything as I see fit, so they did not turn away from me, but accepted my position.

What about other hobbies besides motorcycles?

Another hobby is children. I really like to give birth to them, to carry them (Sasha grows up eldest daughter Vasilisa and son Makar), I like to educate them. I hope that I will have more children. This is a natural cultivation without vaccinations and doctors, I try to do everything myself. I attend health schools where they teach me to make my own decisions and raise my children. Every day I gather my children to school, kindergarten, I take a daily part in their life.

I know that you gave birth to both children at home. Why?

I perfectly understand that if I had even the slightest deviation in health, I would give birth in the hospital. At home, I gave birth in the presence of medical personnel, a contract was signed with a maternity hospital across the street. IN critical situation they could always take me there. I love home births. I am afraid of doctors, I have developed a distrust of them. No matter how much traditional doctors treated me, it only brought negative results. Such doctors look at the symptoms, but do not reveal the essence of the disease.

You've been with Demo for so long. Why did you leave?

During the existence of the group, we released 7 albums. But now it's in the past. I want Demo to stay behind, and people perceive me as Sasha Zvereva. My work has changed a lot compared to the work of the group. If I used to love pop music, now I understand that big influence the world of music has a dance club culture.

How do you generally feel about the nostalgia experienced by the music of the 90s and 00s?

I can't say that I'm extremely happy about it. These events have been going on for about two years, I'm a little tired of all this. I don't want to be someone's memory of the past, I want to be the present and the future. I turned this page, that's why I left the Demo group, so that I would not be associated with those times. Yes, I will forever remain a legend from the childhood of the generation of the 2000s, but I still live now too. I started from scratch, it's not easy. Even though I have 12 years of stage experience behind me, I have to go through everything all over again, bring my material to radio stations, beat the thresholds of recording studios. A week ago, I managed to sign a contract with the largest record company in our country, which saw potential in me. This is a big step in my career.

Your first solo video "Going Crazy" was filmed in the USA. Do you love this country?

Yes. The first time I came there with tours as part of the Demo group. We have traveled to about 15 states. I already liked America then, but not as much as now, when my husband Dima Almazov takes me on tour with him. I saw this country differently. Everything is different there. First, the climate. We come to Los Angeles, the temperature there is 25-30 degrees, and this affects our mood and well-being. Secondly, everything is comfortable and clean there. Although Moscow is also clean, only because of its weather it does not allow you to enjoy it all year round. Plus, it's beautiful in America, which is why I shot my video there. Wherever you shoot, everywhere it looks juicy and bright, like in films. People are accustomed to watching American films, and the video has the same nice picture.

Aren't you afraid that your new video might get lost? Indeed, now many domestic performers are making similar clips in the American style: with a familiar plot, reminiscent of a Hollywood movie.

There was a motik in my video, it gave the video dynamics. This is not a clip in which a girl caresses herself on camera throughout the song. I do not have it. I have a constantly changing picture. From different shots, I'm riding a motorcycle. Our stars like to add sex to clips. I want to convey with my video to people that Sasha Zvereva is as young and cheerful as she was.

And with whom do you communicate from domestic stars?

With my husband Dima Almazov (laughs)! In addition to Dima, I communicate with the actress and singer Nastya Zadorozhnaya. We met her a year ago in Bali. She came to his performance. She is an open person, despite her wild popularity. From the old clip I am friends with Serezha Zhukov.

Are you friends with your fans?

Yes, some of them have become practically my family. They support me, follow my life, I went on trips with them, made important decisions, but at the same time I understand that fan love is a little abnormal. Today he loves you very much, and tomorrow he may just hate you.

How are you preparing for the New Year?

Everyone is surprised, but I'm afraid of him. I'm afraid of this pandemonium in stores, mass character. Therefore, during the year I buy gifts during trips.

At the end of the interview, I ask Sasha to leave an autograph on the cassette of the Demo group, on which 18-year-old Sasha in short shorts and a tank top is holding a “sun” in her hands.

"Weird photo. She was chosen without my knowledge,” Sasha comments on the image and shows me a postcard with a promotional photo taken for the latest single. In this picture, Sasha looks more mature, more confident in front of the camera. This is already a separate musical unit, and not a member of the team.

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