Yucca ivory began to dry out, what should I do? Why do yucca leaves turn yellow and dry? Resuscitation from fungal diseases

Main diseases of yucca and problems with leaves. Signs and methods of treatment.

Young yucca. The lower leaves dry out and spots appear on the leaves. Reason: improper care. The above signs indicate a lack of light for the plant and excessive watering. You need to water the yucca after the lump of earth in the pot dries well. Yucca should be placed near south windows, where there is good lighting, but shading is required.

Yucca's young leaves, which grow from the middle, turn yellow and dry; brown spots appear on them, covered with whitish dust. Yucca disease: powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease that affects the plant in dry indoor air, high temperature and lack of watering. In Poland, the most susceptible to the disease are yucca leaves that have lost turgor. Treatment: treatment of yucca with Speed ​​or Topaz. It is necessary to normalize watering and carry out regular spraying, especially in summer.

Yucca dropped its leaves. At the same time, the yucca leaves remained jelly-like. Reason: lack of watering or poor lighting. Yucca may lose leaf turgor due to lack of watering. The second condition for the straight growth of yucca leaves is the light that comes from above. In diffuse, not intense light, yucca lowers its leaves down. It is necessary to increase the illumination of the room, but do not expose the plant to direct sunlight.

Healthy yucca, whitish spots have appeared on the leaves. In some places they are concentrated and resemble strokes. Disease: thrips. Reason for appearance: high temperature, insufficient watering of the plant and low humidity air. Treatment: carry out irrigation (4 g per 5 liters of water) and irrigation (1 g per 10 liters of water) with a solution of the drug Aktara. Treat 4 times with an interval of 7-10 days.

Why do yucca leaves curl? Some of them turn yellow
. Reason: damage to the root system as a result of careless replanting with soil replacement or excessive watering. Ways to eliminate the problem: normalize watering.

The yucca bent over, the trunk was soft, and in places the trunk was wet. It looks like the yucca's trunk is rotting. Brown, conical circles are visible on the cut of the cutting. Yucca roots are also brown. Causes: root rot, which strikes initially root system, then moves onto the yucca trunk. The latter is starting to rot. Prevention measure: an adult plant cannot be saved. If there are shoots on the old yucca stem, they need to be cut off for subsequent rooting. The cut of the cutting should be clean and white. Otherwise it will rot in the water.

Yucca is a beautiful evergreen plant that is completely unpretentious in care and growing conditions, which every gardener can independently grow on their own plot. In order for this species to feel good and regularly delight with its flowering, you only need to follow some simple recommendations. Yucca is a perennial drought-resistant plant and does well in almost any soil, but it can also get sick. A characteristic feature presence of disease or deficiency nutrients is that the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry out.

Yucca flower in landscape design

The species produces fruits only in its homeland - in Central America or Mexico, where the butterfly that pollinates the flowers lives.

Yucca is an evergreen representative of the agave family, which can be a shrub or a small tree. It is also popularly called garden palm. The plant blooms with beautiful white flowers, resembling bells in appearance, from June to August. With proper care, this period can be extended by a couple of days.

This plant is considered drought-resistant and does not require regular watering from the gardener, even at an air temperature of +35 degrees. It is also highly recommended not to place flowers in the shade - in the absence of bright sunlight they fade and wither very quickly. That is why yucca is increasingly placed in open flower beds, the edges of garden areas, and also on the edges of parks. This is where the plant feels best. A garden palm tree can grow not only on open ground, but also in pots.

In landscape design, garden yucca is used quite actively. It is planted in flower beds, in parks along the edges of alleys, and is often added to alpine hills and ridges. The plant looks good on the site at any time of the year and does not require frequent replanting.

Main varieties of garden Yucca

In our latitudes, several varieties of yucca are most common, which take root well in various climatic zones, the gardener is practically not required to carry out false care measures. Among the most popular varieties:


A plant with large white flowers, practically no distinct stem. Characteristics This species has long, pointed leaves with white curly threads along the edges (hence the name of the species).

Nice with beautiful blooms

Street Yucca with beautiful red flowers. It cannot withstand temperatures below +13 degrees; it is recommended to grow this flower in warm areas with the obligatory wrapping of the stem for the winter or replanting the yucca in a greenhouse.

A distinctive feature of this species is the pyramidal inflorescences.

Other less popular varieties

Also known in gardening are the following less common varieties: elephant yucca, aloelia, and glaucous. Hybrids vary depending on the size of the plant, the size of the flower, and the shade of the petals.

The species retains the characteristics of its variety when the plant is propagated by any available means. The gardener only needs to correctly divide and further plant the flower, in which case he will not have problems with the young generation.

Reproduction methods

Yucca garden is propagated mainly by dividing the roots or lateral shoots. It is recommended to carry it out in the spring. The ideal time for such work is March. Reproduction is carried out as follows:

  • carefully dig up the plant so as not to damage the root system;
  • cuttings up to 5 cm long are cut from the rhizome;
  • the resulting fragments are dried for 4 hours fresh air, then they are planted in a greenhouse to a depth of 5-7 cm. For this purpose, it is worth using sandy soil.

After the seedlings sprout, the film is removed. With the arrival of spring or autumn (depending on the time of division), the plants are transplanted to a sunny, warm area of ​​open ground.

Division by shoots and leaves is carried out in a similar way. However, this method is considered less productive, which is why it is practically not practiced by private farms. Read also about and.

It is also possible to propagate yucca by seeds. However, this process is much more complex and less productive than division by roots or leaves. Only experienced gardeners can cope with it, so beginners are advised not to take risks and choose easier-to-use methods.

Plant care: how to properly care for it

Yucca is a plant that requires virtually no special care from the gardener. The most important thing when growing this species is to choose the right place for planting it, prepare the soil well, and then water and feed it from time to time. For better growth of yucca throughout the year you should:

  • carry out periodic loosening of the soil: good drainage and aeration of the yucca planting site;
  • for the winter, bring flowerpots with yucca into the house or wrap plants in the garden with thick paper;
  • monitor the level of moisture in the soil;
  • periodically treat the leaves with pest control agents.

The last point when growing garden type you need to pay a lot of attention. Yucca is a plant that is susceptible to pests. Read about planting morning glory in open ground.

Common enemies of this shrub are slugs and snails, which eat fresh leaves.


For yucca, it is worth determining a moderate watering schedule. It must be remembered that this plant is absolutely not tolerated high humidity and with poor soil drainage it dies quite quickly. To avoid overwatering the yucca, it is recommended to ensure that the plant’s soil is relatively dry and not to allow moisture to accumulate near the rhizome. In this article you can learn a lot of new things about how care and.

If you cannot determine the watering schedule yourself and are afraid of destroying the plant, rely on general state Yucca When it requires moisture, its leaves begin to curl and its threads begin to sag.

Top dressing

The plant needs to be fed once every 2-3 weeks, but only during the period of most intensive growth, especially in the summer and spring months. For this purpose, it is recommended to use standard garden mixtures for yucca. IN winter time The plants are not fertilized for years. Read about growing Lychnis Rosetta.

You cannot fertilize yucca if the plant has not yet acclimatized in the open ground, as well as before replanting or during illness. During such periods, your flower should be in a state of complete dormancy.

Video about street Yucca

Care for garden yucca is shown in more detail in the video below.

Reasons why leaves dry and turn yellow

A common problem with this plant is yellowing and drying of the leaves. There are many reasons for this phenomenon in garden varieties of yucca. Among them:

  • abundant watering;
  • exposure to excessively hot conditions during winter;
  • insufficient light for the plant.

Yellowing of the leaves of this species often indicates serious damage to the plant. You cannot ignore it, otherwise the bush will die. Find out about growing catharanthus flowers from seeds.
Mainly the appearance of brown or yellow spots on the leaves signals that the plant is infected with a fungus.

Result of fungal infection

How to save

What to do if you start noticing symptoms:

  1. If the stem is damaged, it is recommended to remove the affected areas of the plant; in this case, the yucca can be saved. If a significant part of the flower has decomposed during the process of decay, it is recommended to dispose of it along with the root system so that the fungus is not transmitted to other plants.
  2. If the leaves are damaged, you should remove the affected leaves, stop watering for a while, transplant the yucca to a sunnier place and stop spraying the flower.

In many cases, yellowing of yucca leaves is much easier to prevent than to remove. To do this, it is enough to comply with all the requirements for watering the plant. We also recommend that you read in more detail about cultivation.


In general, growing yucca does not cause any trouble for the gardener and is quite simple at all stages - from plant propagation to pest and disease control. In order to avoid any problems in this process, you should pay close attention to the level of soil and air humidity near the garden palm tree and loosen the soil and remove dead leaves in a timely manner. And then yucca will delight you with its flowering and delicate aroma for many years in a row. And this article will tell you why the buds disappear and of course we recommend material about.

These evergreen trees can be found not only in premises intended for housing, but also in offices, institutional foyers, and gardens. Attractiveness appearance and ease of care are the advantages of growing perennials. But the plant does not avoid problems either.

This plant is quite famous in the Americas, especially Mexico. Indian tribes appreciated the quality of the leaves of the evergreen perennial, making clothes, shoes, and ropes from them. And a cure for headaches could be prepared from parts of the plant. By applying the leaf to the wound, the bleeding was stopped. Animals and insects adore this tree of life. Yucca helps in many troubles, and a person must help the plant if it is sick.

In nature, there are more than thirty species of tropical trees. Some of them have a tree-like thick stem, which is covered with brown scales formed as a result of drying of the leaf blades. There are also species that have rosettes from which spreading leaves emerge.

If in the wild the plant reaches up to ten meters in height, then indoors it does not grow more than two.

The most beautiful part of the yucca are the long, sometimes up to a hundred centimeters, leaves that are dense to the touch, with scratchy serrations along the edges or with a prickly top. In color they can be either dark gray or similar to swamp mud. Looking at the yucca, it seems that the Indian warriors placed their combat swords, turning the weapon into a plant.

The flowering of yucca can be noticed when it is covered with paniculate inflorescences, which contain white, cream tones with shades of yellow and green. In their place, fruits are then formed in the form of a fleshy capsule with black seeds. Common species growing at home are mostly self-pollinating, which cannot be said about its species in the wild. There, the ripening of the fruit requires the efforts of a miniature butterfly.

Many newcomers from the tropics live on our windowsills, and they require the same conditions as in their homeland. Yucca is no exception:

  • Compliance with the light regime - main point in the life of a perennial. But he doesn’t need the scorching rays of the sun either. A compromise is needed here: the ideal place is where the yucca meets the first rays of the sun in the east and sunset in the west of the house. The plant will need up to sixteen hours per day daylight hours. In winter, this will only provide additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.
  • The temperatures in which perennials like to exist range from plus twenty-five in the summer and eight in the winter.
  • The soil for the plant is loose, with good permeability for air and water. A layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the pot, which helps prevent moisture from stagnating.
  • Since in its homeland the flower grows in arid areas, it is not afraid of dry air. But still, spraying the crown will not hurt: the dust from the leaves will be washed away, and the plates of the tree will be moistened. For the procedure, use soft water that is warm to the touch. You can increase the humidity in the room by placing a pot with a plant in a container with pebbles moistened with liquid. And the stones need to be moistened periodically.
  • Dried out upper layer The soil in the pot requires moderate. Constant excessive moisture will lead to rotting.
  • They begin to feed yucca in the spring after a two-three week break, adding both, and. The foliar feeding method by spraying the crown with a nutrient solution is also welcome.

Creation comfortable conditions for yucca will avoid some of the ailments of the perennial.

You can especially often find yucca with yellowed leaves, which indicates several causes of the disease:

  • If there is not enough light, which usually happens in cold period years, the plant begins to turn yellow and dry out.
  • In bright sunlight, yucca suffers from burns, which sometimes even lead to the death of the indoor tree.
  • Despite the ability to survive in arid climates, after a long absence of water, a flower will not be able to delight with the beauty of its leaves; they will begin to dry out first from the tips, then turn completely yellow.
  • The tips of the leaf blade of the tree curl and turn yellow if there are sharp temperature changes indoors or outdoors, or if the plant is overcome by drafts.
  • Frequent untimely replantings lead to minor damage to the roots, to which the tree reacts painfully, beginning to wither and turn yellow.
  • By deciding to change the location of the yucca, you can cause its negative reaction to this undesirable action.
  • An attack on a tree by aphids, spider mites, and scale insects is manifested by the yellowness of the crown.

Leaves dying at the bottom of the trunk indicate that they are dying due to their aging. This pattern cannot be eliminated, and it is not necessary. You just need to remove the dried leaves to make room for new, young ones.

Yellowing of yucca leaves is also eliminated according to the reasons:

  • By creating artificial lighting, daylight hours are lengthened. Diffused light on cloudy days can eliminate the yellowness of leaves.
  • To avoid sunburn, yucca leaves should be shaded with sheets of paper.
  • Moderation must be observed. It is better to let the soil dry out a little rather than become waterlogged.
  • Moderate temperature regime It is also comfortable for perennials.
  • Before moving the container with the tree to another place, you need to see if it will be as good as in the previous one. Even when moving, it is better to give the yucca the same living conditions as in the previous apartment.
  • Flower pests must be dealt with immediately when they are detected. Delaying treatment will lead to death pet. To control pests you need to choose effective remedy. Aphids can be destroyed by spraying the crown of the tree with a soap solution with the addition of vegetable oil.
  • For preventive purposes, you can remove five centimeters of soil, replacing it with a new layer. This will prevent you from becoming infected with spider mites. Spraying with Actofit is also effective.
  • It is recommended to scrape scale insects from the leaves manually and remove damaged parts of the plant. A high number of larvae can be destroyed by spraying with a solution of laundry soap (200 grams per bucket of water) with the addition of soda ash (20 grams).
  • In pest control, spraying with Fitoverm and Actellik is also used.

By treating indoor and garden plants with care, you can always ensure that they will be healthy and develop normally. Several species are known to gardeners, as they grow indoors, and on garden plots. This tropical plant interesting in its own way external qualities, has a lot of healing properties.

More information can be found in the video:

  • I have a 2 year old Yucca. Two trunks - a large one about 1.5 meters. You can count the leaves on your fingers; they have turned light green and are all hanging down. Tell me how often it should be watered. Where should it be in the room: in the light or in the shade. In which pot is it preferable to keep yucca? In mine it grows in a pot 30 cm deep and 30 cm in diameter.

I have a 2 year old Yucca. Two trunks - a large one about 1.5 meters. You can count the leaves on your fingers; they have turned light green and are all hanging down. Tell me how often it should be watered. Where should it be in the room: in the light or in the shade. In which pot is it preferable to keep yucca? In mine it grows in a pot 30 cm deep and 30 cm in diameter.

Yucca is very photophilous (young specimens require especially a lot of sunlight). With a lack of light, the leaves and tops of the yucca grow, lose their elasticity, and become lighter. This process is aggravated by errors in care: excessive watering in winter (moderate watering is required), too warm wintering(coolness is desirable). The frequency of watering depends on many factors, so in each specific case you need to focus on the needs of your plant; During the year, the frequency of watering varies according to need.
If possible, take the yucca to a balcony or sunny terrace for the summer (gradually get used to the sun and fresh air) - in the hot summer “in nature” yucca requires abundant watering, but in an apartment it is watered moderately (excess moisture causes the yucca roots to rot).
If you annually change the top layer of soil with fresh substrate and feed the yucca, then it does not need a large pot; As the yuccas grow and become “heavier,” they use larger and heavier pots (ceramic). Yucca is fed once every 3 weeks from March to August.
To help the plant now, carry out a cycle of spraying it with Epin or Zircon.
If you are very depressed by the sad appearance of the yucca, you can root its tops using the air layering method, and then cut the yucca at any height you need: next to the cut site (sprinkle it with charcoal), dormant buds (usually two) will soon wake up and produce young sprouts - yucca "will be rejuvenated."

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Yucca - leaves turn yellow and dry

If, due to excessive excess moisture, the roots become susceptible to rotting, the plant must be carefully removed from its pot, the rotten areas of the root system must be removed, and all cuts must be treated with a fungicidal solution. After treatment, the plant is transplanted into updated substrate mixture, and also replace the flower pot with a new one.

Keep in mind that in winter the root system should dry out thoroughly inside the pot; here you need to especially carefully monitor the health of the plant. And in summer time The substrate should not be allowed to dry out to a depth of more than five centimeters. If the root system has completely died as a result of rotting, do not despair! You can get a full-fledged flower from the top of the plant, but for this it needs to be rooted.

Proper care of your evergreen beauty yucca is the key to the health of the plant. We hope that this material will help you avoid possible difficulties that amateur gardeners most often encounter.

yucca has dropped its leaves what to do

Calla colored after transshipment has dropped its leaves, although the ground is wet, the flowers have drooped

This is transplant stress. Do not over-moisten the soil, the roots are still weak and will not be able to distill all the moisture in the pot, keep the soil moist. You can spray the calla lilies with a solution of epin or zircon. Put a bag on her head, it will turn out to be a greenhouse and she will recover faster.

maybe stress - try watering the houseflower solution - this is how I saved some plants after transplanting

Callas do not tolerate transplantation or transshipment very well!

Do not flood the roots, it is better to spray the leaves. I dig calla lilies with plastic pots into the ground in the garden, after one unsuccessful transfer. Calla lilies have very fragile roots on the underside of the tubers; if they are damaged, they will hurt, and sometimes they won’t even bloom.

GREEN ONIONS at home WITHOUT soil and fertilizers! 2 harvests per month!

A MIRACLE set of tools for indoor plants! A wonderful gift for any amateur gardener!

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Cyclamen leaves curl. what to do? indoor flowers

All sizes and colors. There are also options with an automatic watering system. Choose!

If the cyclamen leaves begin to curl, the stems curl and the buds do not open, then there is a possibility that the plant is affected by the cyclamen mite. It looks like a layer of dust on the underside of the leaf. To remove it, it is necessary to remove the affected parts of the plant and treat it by spraying with an insecticide.

If they curl up, you need to feed them with fertilizer and remove them from a bright place where it’s darker.

Good afternoon Natalia!

Yes, such symptoms can also be expressed in the presence of a cyclamen mite, look at the back of the leaf, are there any dark spots?

affects cyclamens, balsams, pelargoniums and gloxinias. This is a monophagous pest, i.e. it does not attack other plant species. It is impossible to see individual insects with the naked eye. Large cluster mites look like a layer of dust on the underside of a leaf. Unlike spider mites, this pest prefers to live in damp conditions. Symptoms of damage to the above plants are slow growth, wilting of buds, curling of leaf edges, and twisting of stems.

Control measures: Remove damaged leaves. Use chemical acaricides.

Insecticides do not affect ticks!

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Yucca grows in nature in conditions of low air humidity, relatively little precipitation and high light levels. Therefore, when growing a plant in a room, we must create conditions close to natural.

The plant will do well in bright and warm rooms. Optimal temperature+ 20-25 degrees. A drop in temperature to +10-14 degrees, especially in one day, most often leads to the death of the plant. Yucca does not tolerate direct sunlight well. If your room is oriented to the south, it is better to place the plant in the back of the room. Yucca is grown in well drained substrate: drainage made of expanded clay, fine gravel or broken brick must be poured onto the bottom of the pot. It is better to choose medium earthen mixtures. If the mixture is made of peat, then it must be neutralized to neutral pH values ​​(6.0-6.5). It is a good idea to add coarse sand (up to 30% by volume) to such a mixture. It is better to replant yucca in April - August. Watering in both winter and summer is moderate (see article “Watering”). Most types of yucca sensitive to dry air. therefore, they should be regularly sprayed with cold boiled water from a fine spray bottle or place the pot with the plant in a container with a moistened layer of gravel. And the most common types in apartments Yucca elephantipes and Yucca aloifolia spray NOT need to. Feed from April to November once every two weeks. Plants respond well to feeding with infusion of mullein, horse manure, and leaf humus. Belarusians are lucky - we have the fertilizer “Peat Oxidate” (a product of peat processing), which is PERFECT for feeding any indoor plants and, especially, yuccas. At worst, you can feed with complex mineral fertilizers. Feed carefully diluted solutions. The best results are obtained by foliar feeding (the leaves of the plant are sprayed from the underside with a diluted solution). All types of yucca should keep away from drafts and chapping during the cold season.

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yucca dropped its leaves reason

Why do yucca (palm) leaves curl?

Lisa Gorobetska Enlightened (29074) 3 years ago

This is due to excess moisture. If there are several trunks in a pot, watering the plant should take into account the moisture consumption of the smallest of them.
In general, yucca does not like waterlogged soil. Water it so that the soil has time to dry out between waterings. Spray the leaves often.

Yucca is a plant that is afraid of stagnation of water in the soil, so it requires good drainage. The flower loves a lot of light and warmth, so best place the habitat of the yucca will become brighter and warm place. Yucca loves high humidity. It is better not to replant an adult plant, but to transfer it to a large container.

Due to low air temperatures, the edges of the leaves turn brown and the leaves themselves curl. In delicate species, this can occur if they are not removed from the windowsill and the night is cold.

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Why do palm leaves turn yellow?

The palm tree is a luxurious tropical plant, which, nevertheless, is quite possible to grow indoors. Of course, for this you must follow all the rules of care. Otherwise, the plant will begin to dry out and get sick, and then over time the question may arise as to why the leaves of the palm tree turn yellow.

Often the cause of yellowing leaves is improper watering of the plant. The palm tree is native to the tropics, and therefore this tree loves moisture. In summer it needs to be watered more often, in winter, of course, less often. And if during the cold season you move the plant to a cool room, then it is not watered, but sprayed. If the leaves of a palm tree turn yellow, this means that you are doing something wrong.

In particular, it is very important that the entire soil ball is moistened evenly. If the soil is watered often, but little by little, the roots of the plant may remain dry. In addition, palm trees may not tolerate dry air well. Therefore, it is better to place a humidifier in the room.

However, it is very important to observe the measure here, since otherwise you can flood the plant. This will make the soil unsuitable for growing palm trees, and the tree itself may rot.

Sometimes the cause of yellowing leaves is disturbances in the root system. The fact is that this is how the plant makes it clear that it is cramped in its previous container. In such cases, the roots of the plant occupy all the free space; they lack moisture, air, and nutrients. Feeding the palm tree in this case does not give anything. After all, the soil in the container depletes over time.

Young palm trees (no older than three years) need to be replanted every year. If the plant is older, then replanting can be done every three years. In this case, you need to inspect the roots and, if necessary, remove damaged ones. Pick up new container wider and higher so that the plant feels comfortable. After replanting, you should not immediately fertilize the plant.

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Yucca - leaves turn yellow and dry. Other problems with the plant

Yucca in its appearance resembles a lush palm tree, for which it is valued when decorating rooms. However, at home this plant is very demanding. Many new gardeners often wonder why yucca leaves turn yellow and dry; other yucca diseases are possible. Explanation by specialists of the reasons and effective treatment This article will help you with growing yucca at home.

Yucca leaves turn yellow and dry, a list of other diseases and their treatment

Main diseases of yucca and problems with leaves. Signs and methods of treatment.

Dear visitors! In the article you can enlarge the image, which will help you better understand the symptoms and signs of yucca diseases.

Young yucca. The lower leaves dry out and spots appear on the leaves. Reason: improper care. The above signs indicate a lack of light for the plant and excessive watering. You need to water the yucca after the lump of earth in the pot dries well. Yucca should be placed near southern windows, where there is good lighting, but shading is required.

Yucca's young leaves, which grow from the middle, turn yellow and dry; brown spots appear on them, covered with whitish dust. Yucca disease: powdery mildew. This is a fungal disease that affects the plant when the indoor air is dry, high temperature and lack of watering. In Poland, the most susceptible to the disease are yucca leaves that have lost turgor. Treatment: treatment of yucca with Speed ​​or Topaz. It is necessary to normalize watering and carry out regular spraying, especially in summer.

Yucca dropped its leaves. At the same time, the yucca leaves remained yellowish. Reason: lack of watering or poor lighting. Yucca may lose leaf turgor due to lack of watering. The second condition for the straight growth of yucca leaves is the light that comes from above. In diffused, low-intensity light, yucca lowers its leaves down. It is necessary to increase the illumination of the room, but do not expose the plant to direct sunlight.

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Garden lighting - according to all the rules
There are quite a few lighting options and each gives its own effect. The most common are lighting of building facades, lighting before.

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Yucca dropped its leaves

Abramtsevo bouquet
In the year of the 170th anniversary of I.E. Repin Museum-Reserve "Abramtsevo" held an unusual musical and floral celebration.

Double-sided flower bed
When planning such a flower garden, it is necessary to be guided by the dimensions of the plants, the characteristics of their development and the requirements for conditions.


Yucca dropped its leaves

To ask a question, find your plant in our encyclopedia, look at the available questions and answers. If there are no answers, create a new message.

If you need a vine that is unpretentious and beautiful, pay attention to the princes. Princes are the closest relatives of clematis.

This garden is located in the town of Aldebroek, in the same province as Amsterdam. The garden has an area of ​​4000 sq. m. However, it seems significant.


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They are mainly related with non-compliance with the watering regime Yucca

Watering in winter during the dormant period has an extremely detrimental effect. Excessive dryness of the room also contributes to weakening of the plant.

Why does the palm tree turn yellow and the leaves and their tips fall off?

Why do yucca leaves droop? What should you do if, indoors, the lower leaves turn yellow, dry out and fall off? When a plant begins to turn yellow, this does not mean that the reason lies in the disease.

It could be due to natural process ridding a false palm tree of foliage. This is necessary for further active growth.

In the case where it is the lower foliage that is shed, this may mean that excessive or insufficient hydration. Find out the recommendations on how to properly water a false palm tree and correct the situation.

Well, if the roots were not damaged, then there is a better chance of resuscitating the yucca.

Brown spots on leaves

If when leaves fall they have yellow spots , which then become oval in shape and change color to brown, this means that the plant is affected by brown spotting.

To cure it, you need to figure out whether you cared for the yucca correctly, and then treat it.

Causes of drying out

Why do yucca leaves turn yellow and dry? What to do to prevent this from happening? How to save? When there's not enough light, the plant also appears yellow at the tips of its leaves and they begin to dry out.

For the normal process of photosynthesis, it is advisable to provide it with bright lighting with scattered rays, but in no case direct, so as not to provoke the appearance of burns.

Impact of temperature

An alarming signal when growing a false palm tree at home is if Yucca leaves curl.

Low temperatures have a detrimental effect on the life of the plant, because it comes from the subtropics and absolutely cannot stand the cold.

Under influence low temperatures the leaves at the edges become brownish and gradually curl up. There are times when the temperature drops at night and the sensitive yucca freezes overnight. In winter, it is better to remove it from the windowsill in the evening until the morning, until it gets warmer.

With severe hypothermia, foliage can fall off en masse. Doesn't tolerate well false palm drafts. It is better to take care in advance that the flower is warm and cozy, especially in winter. Read how to insulate yucca for the winter.


false palm quite disease resistant and is rarely attacked by pests. But if the disease has already affected the foliage or stem, it is better to take it immediately necessary measures.

To do this, it is advisable to know what pests we can deal with in order to respond in time and cure the plant, and not throw away the yucca and the pot from under it.

Spider mite

Appears if apartment conditions are not suitable for the plant, and it weakens - from excessive dry air or due to heat. It settles on the back side of the leaves and feeds on its juices. By sucking the juice from the false palm tree, it makes it weaker and contributes to wilting, because the flower then receives almost no nutrients.

Light spots and yellowness appear on the affected foliage; they are entwined with a thin web, causing the yucca to gradually dry out.

It is quite difficult to see the spider mite itself on the leaf, but from the above signs you can easily determine that it is the one that is infecting the plant.

Shield aphid or scale insect

It mainly affects plants of the agave genus, including yucca. She settles on the foliage. Dangerous because reproduces rapidly and is well adapted to the home microclimate.

On early stage diseases, it is problematic to notice shield aphids on the plant. When she becomes adult, then it is covered with a wax shield. The larvae mature underneath it.

Damaged plant stops growing and withers. This is caused by the fact that the scale insect begins to eat the leaves, and if the necessary measures to eliminate it are not taken in time, the false palm tree will die.

How to save a palm tree from death?

How to revive yucca? A timely response will allow the yucca to be revived. It is important to know what to do if it is affected by fungal diseases or pests.

Resuscitation from fungal diseases

If the problem is fungi or bacteria, get rid of affected areas of the plant, and treat healthy foliage with a systemic fungicide. We reduce watering and do not spray at all.

These are productive measures for the first phase of the disease. When the disease is already actively progressing, the plant cannot be helped. It needs to be thrown away. We also throw away the pot from under the dead flower.

Fighting spider mites

Start spraying and rinsing the foliage, mainly its reverse side with a low concentrated solution of tobacco, onion peel or chamomile infusion, garlic infusion. We wash the leaf, starting from the stem and ending with the edge of the leaf. We repeat the procedure until the tick is completely destroyed.

Rescue from scale insects

The best assistant will be laundry soap.

Dip a cotton swab or cloth into its solution, wring it lightly and use it to remove pests.

At the same time, we spray the larvae with a solution of tobacco mixed with kerosene or alcohol.

You can use store bought ones insecticides– fitoverm, actellikom.

If the yucca has suffered from improper care

You can try to revive the plant. First of all change the soil. We clean the root system from dead and rotten areas. We disinfect the roots with a weak solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour, and then dry them and replant them in new soil. No earlier than 15 days later it is allowed to feed the false palm tree.

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