Boris Notkin, TV presenter, died: cause of death, latest news. Brief biography of the presenter

Recently, information appeared in the media that Boris Notkin had died. The cause of death was not disclosed for a long time, as an investigation was carried out and the circumstances were clarified. Today, when a lot of time has passed, the picture of what happened is clear. It turned out that it was not murder. What happened on November 11, 2017 in the journalist’s house?

What happened to Boris Notkin?

That evening, a call was received at the control panel of the Odintsovo police station. The woman said that she found her husband's body at home with a gunshot wound to the head. Arriving at the call, the employees identified the famous TV presenter.

A gun lay next to the body. Boris bought it recently, as his wife said, saying it was for self-defense. Until the circumstances of the case were fully revealed, there were numerous rumors among fans and colleagues. People discussed who could have committed such a daring crime? Of course, he was associated with professional activities.

But the truth soon became clear. The investigation has ended and the main version of what happened. Boris Isaevich committed suicide, as stated in the found note. The text was written in his handwriting, which was confirmed by the examination, and there was no doubt about the authenticity of the document.

Is Boris Notkin hospitalized?

It turns out that the journalist was terminally ill. In the spring of 2017, the first signs of illness appeared. He felt unwell, felt weak and was constantly tormented by dizziness. It was decided to go for examination. The diagnosis sounded like a death sentence. Doctors discovered an inoperable stage 4 brain cancer. It was useless to fight the disease; medicine could only offer drugs that alleviated the condition.

The TV presenter did not talk about what happened, he even continued to write to his work colleagues that not everything was so bad, I continued to work. Then he told his wife that he wanted to get a weapons license. After which the same gun that investigators found at the scene of death was purchased.

In addition to the weapon, there was a note nearby. In it, Boris said that he was leaving this life voluntarily, because he could not bear the torment associated with the disease.

It was not only physical suffering, but also moral. He was always an active person, used to working, moving, communicating. The disease broke him, life no longer had meaning. Thus, all rumors about the murder were dispelled.

Brief biography of the presenter

The Russian journalist was born in a difficult time for the country - in 1942. But despite this, his parents - Jews, attached importance to their son's education great importance. The boy studied well at school, was already a sociable person, and always knew how to find mutual language with teachers and peers.

Then he entered the Institute of Foreign Languages, as they always came easy to him. He worked at Moscow State University for 20 years, teaching psycholinguistics there.

One day Boris was invited as a guest to one of the Moscow Channel’s programs. A week later he appeared on air again, but as a presenter. This is how his television career began:

  • 1990 - 1997 - presents the program " Facing the city»;
  • At the same time, the program “ Boris Notkin invites", which was a huge success and was produced until 2015.

The last project was created by our hero. He always chose the guests for the broadcast himself. Often these were high-ranking politicians and even Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov. While talking with him, Boris voiced problems famous artists who still do not live in better conditions despite the fact that they have state awards, and recognition from millions of viewers. Many people remembered this program, because a week later another one was shown, where T. Dogileva receives the keys to her new home.

In addition to television, there was work in newspapers. His articles were regularly published by Moskovsky Komsomolets.

Notkin's personal life

Notkin married late, but once and for the rest of his life. " I am my mother's son", a journalist once admitted. " Even though I have a brother, my mother’s love was enough for two. We were so used to her image that all the girls were compared to her", he said. In addition, the father left the family early, and the man believed for a long time that marriage only spoils relationships between people.

There was a period when Boris was credited with unconventional sexual relations. The reason for this is an Italian director who did not hide his attraction to men. Notkin worked for him, translated and dubbed the film. Zeffirelli repeatedly invited the journalist to meet, but was always refused. This story was told by Boris himself. He shared it with one of the media representatives, but then he was very worried, since a couple of “hot” articles were immediately written about what was happening. First of all, an uncomfortable situation arose with the director, about whom unscrupulous newspapers and magazines began to “trumpet” to the whole world.

But soon the rumors came to an end; the TV presenter got married. His chosen one was Irina Stolyarova, an energy specialist. After the couple formalized the relationship, Irina left work and began to take care of the house. She was the first friend, critic and spectator.

There were no children in the family, and Irina spent all her time next to her husband. It was she who found her husband dead and called the police that evening.

What did TV viewers remember about the presenter?

Boris Isaevich Notkin is, first of all, the permanent face of the TV Center channel. His contribution to journalism is enormous. He was the first who tried to shape the social thinking of Russian people in his programs. But at the same time, being between politics and the people, he was able to remain the most non-conflict and most diplomatic journalist.

He tried to pave the way between the state and the people, to convey to the “top” about the problems of the population and the country as a whole. He did it so skillfully and tactfully that he earned the respect of all parties. His programs never turned into shows; they were rather introductory and educational in nature. At the same time, the essence of the problem always remained on the surface.

But unfortunately, Boris could not survive the personal drama. He was 75 years old when his life was cut short. Nobody expected such a decision. Even the wife, who was always nearby, had no idea about her husband’s thoughts.

For many, what happened came as a shock. There is still talk that the suicide was staged and for certain reasons the real circumstances are hidden. Fans and loved ones can only accept that he died good man and a professional in his field - Boris Notkin. The cause of death will be discussed for a long time by those who benefit from it.

Video about the death of a journalist

In this issue, Anton Novikov will tell you what versions were considered after Notkin’s death, and what was in his suicide note:

The main reason for the “death” was, of course, the serfdom of the ruling elite. Boris was forced to pay for his policies. He saw confusion of minds and betrayal all around. Agitation in favor of the “good” Tsar spread everywhere like a fad. Powerlessness gave rise to cruelty. After the reprisal of the rebel leader, Cotton, in 1603, torture and executions became an everyday occurrence. The rebel slaves, townspeople, and peasants could not count on leniency. The feudal state tried to protect itself from popular anger with gallows. In its most brutal forms, terror was used against the lower classes, not the nobility.

Boris Godunov died on April 13, 1605 at the age of 53: on this day he received noble foreigners in the Golden Chamber, and when he got up from the table, he felt faint: he started bleeding from his nose, ears and mouth, according to eyewitnesses she flowed like a river, the doctors could not stop it. He began to lose his memory, but managed to bless his son for the Russian state and died 2 hours later in the Golden Chamber.


The name of Godunov, one of the most reasonable rulers in the world, has been and will be pronounced with disgust for centuries, in honor of moral, unwavering justice. Posterity sees the place of the forehead, stained with the blood of the innocent, St. Dmitry, dying under the knife of murderers, the hero of Pskov in a noose, so many nobles in dark dungeons and cells; sees the vile bribe offered by the hand of the crowned to slanderers and informers; sees a system of deceit, deception, hypocrisy before people and God...

During the reign of Boris Godunov, a sharp change occurred in the destinies of Russia. The de facto successor of Ivan the Terrible, Godunov expanded and strengthened the privileges of the nobility. Serfdom was established in the country. Laws against St. George's Day brought Boris the support of feudal landowners. But the lower classes rebelled against him. The fall of the Godunov dynasty served as a prologue to a grandiose peasant war that shook the feudal state to its foundations.

A message appeared online that he had died famous TV presenter Boris Notkin. The cause of death was listed as a gunshot wound to the head. At the same time, the authorities do not specify the name of the person found shot dead in the Moscow region. According to a statement from a representative of the regional headquarters Investigative Committee Evgenia Kiryushin, the body of a man born in 1942 was found in a residential building.

A pre-trial investigation into the gunshot wound is underway. As it became known from unofficial sources, the presenter could commit suicide, since doctors recently discovered he had a cancerous tumor of the 4th stage of development. The body of Boris Notkin was discovered by his wife, who came to visit him at his dacha in the village of Rozhdestvenskoye. Nearby lay a hunting rifle that belonged to the deceased.

A suicide note was also discovered, which explained the cause of the TV presenter’s death - Boris Notkin decided to die immediately, and not leave for a long and painful time.

As the wife of the deceased said, the disease made itself felt in May 2017. Notkin felt unusual attacks of weakness and dizziness. He was admitted to the hospital, expecting to begin appropriate treatment after the examination. However, the test results and MRI confirmed terrible diagnosis– oncology penetrated too deeply into the presenter’s body, the stage of the disease turned out to be inoperable and incurable.

Brief biography of the famous TV presenter

Boris Notkin was born on August 13, 1942 in Moscow. After graduation from the institute for a long time worked as a simultaneous translator - the list of his “clients” could be the envy of any, the most successful journalist. On the advice of his teacher, he refused to work as a writer engaged in fiction– despite encyclopedic knowledge and perfect mastery foreign languages, had no ability for literary work.

After many years of working in the government, translating information for presidents (Boris Notkin worked with both Reagan and Yeltsin), he was invited to the program “Good evening, Moscow!” as a guest. The conversation turned out to be so interesting and the channel’s management liked it so much that the next day the man was invited to permanent cooperation as a permanent author for a long time.

A little later, the TV presenter, whose cause of death turned out to be suicide on November 11, 2017, had the opportunity to make his own program “Boris Notkin Invites You.” He died, remaining her only inspirer and censor - on television they always called the man the most conflict-free.

At the same time, Notkin himself did not consider himself a liar or a sycophant, it was simply the quality of his upbringing that allowed him to ask questions in a very correct form, without causing aggression from the interlocutor in response.

He was familiar with all political elite Russia, which allowed Notkin to improve apartment conditions for many artists in live– the presenter always invited guests of his choice to the conversation. Therefore, when Luzhkov, as mayor of the capital, responded to various questions Notkin, who, in turn, casually mentioned problems with apartments for Tatyana Dogileva and Arkady Ukupnik. This accelerated the solution of problems to a minimum time - within a week, the honored artists of Russia lived in their own apartments, which were assigned to them by status.

First and last wife

Boris Notkin is his mother’s son, as he did not hesitate to admit in an interview with an open publication. According to the TV presenter, she gave herself so selflessly to him and his older brother that every girl who spoke words of recognition to Boris was involuntarily compared to her mother. In addition, the parents lived very poorly, separated early and Boris simply did not see the model good marriage In my life. Gradually this misconception dissipated, and Notkin decided to enter into family relationships at a fairly advanced age - he proposed to his wife at the age of 48.

By the way, at one time there was talk about him in the journalistic community, accusing him of being gay.

It's all because of the Italian director Zeffirrelli, who did not hide his attraction to men. The foreigner turned out to be downright in love with the translator’s voice, which dubbed his film “Romeo and Juliet,” which was released in Russia in 1987. He repeatedly tried to get to know Boris better, however, each time the presenter refused him such a relationship, citing his love for beautiful women. In one of his interviews, Notkin mentioned this case, and journalists trumpeted the news all over the world. As it later turned out, after this incident Notkin was terribly embarrassed in front of the director for the incontinence of some unscrupulous journalists.

On May 10, 2008, the heart of the wonderful Soviet and Russian actor Boris Fedorovich Smorchkov stopped beating. He was only 63 years old. The death of actor Boris Smorchkov occurred in his sleep from a heart attack. He left us quietly and unnoticed, without bothering anyone with his problems, sore eyes and heart. He lived exactly the same way, rarely turning to anyone for help.

At the same time, looking back at the creative and life path Boris Fedorovich, the official cause of death of Boris Smorchkov, indicated in the medical certificate, is not so important. Why did Boris Smorchkov die? Probably from loneliness.

In recent years, the artist, beloved by many generations of viewers, lived modestly and alone in a metropolitan apartment, which he received several years before his death. Before this, Smorchkov did not have his own separate housing; he lived in a dormitory.

Family life things didn’t work out for the actor; his beloved wife Anna Varpakhovskaya and their two children went to live abroad in the early nineties. Boris Fedorovich never met a new love. Naturally, he drank.

Boris Smorchkov devoted thirty years and three years, more than half of his life, to serving at the Sovremennik Theater, which he left in 2004, however acting career I didn’t give up and continued to act in films. His last resort Grandfather Prokop appeared on the screen in the film “Forbidden Reality,” which was released after the actor’s death.

Surely, many will not immediately remember what the artist looked like during his lifetime, what significant roles he played in films. But as soon as you utter a few phrases that have forever entered the people from the lips of Boris Fedorovich, everything immediately falls into place.

“It’s not a stomach, it’s a bundle of nerves” or “Let everyone in, don’t let anyone out, they will resist and open fire.” Do you remember? Yes, this same Nikolai, Antonina’s husband, from the Oscar-winning and well-known film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.” The same Nikolai who was looking for Georgy Ivanovich (aka Goga, aka Gosha, aka Zhora...) and invited him to be friends at home. A simple and open Soviet guy, in whom many recognized themselves, immortalized by Smorchkov’s acting talent.

Boris Smorchkov starred in more than seven dozen films during his life. His roles are mostly episodic, but bright, juicy and memorable. In the films “Passport”, “Education of Cruelty in Women and Dogs”, “An Incident at Night”, “At the Dangerous Line”, “Proceed with Liquidation”, the images of policemen and military men created by him, according to many colleagues in the acting workshop and critics, are reference .

Smorchkov Boris Fedorovich was buried in Moscow next to his parents. His grave is located at the Vostryakovsky cemetery.

On December 5, 2010, the great one passed away Russian actor Boris Borisov. The artist died at the age of 63 in the capital from a heart attack. The theater and cinema figure was buried at the Mitinskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Boris Nikolaevich Borisov was born on April 16, 1947 in the city of Makeevka in Ukraine. WITH young age future actor I was fond of theater and dreamed of acting on stage. But a difficult family situation and lack of money forced the young man to forget about his dreams and plans for a long time. Boris entered the metallurgical technical school and got a job at the plant. But even the hard, harsh everyday life did not force young man give up my dream of playing on stage. Having gathered all his strength, he enters a theater studio in Donetsk and tries to prove himself as best as possible. At the end educational institution, Boris decides to forever link his destiny with art and moves to live in the capital. In Moscow, he brilliantly passes the entrance exams to the Moscow Art Theater. Borisov plunges headlong into theatrical life, and after training he becomes not only a successful actor, but also a wonderful teacher.

The actor gained fame for his roles in such theatrical productions, like “The Dowry”, “Three Sisters”, “The Prince and the Pauper” and others. He developed his own method of teaching speech techniques and acting skills, which is now used in many drama schools and studios. All of Boris Borisov's colleagues and students speak of him as a loyal comrade and a good mentor, who was always there at the right time and was ready to lend a helping hand. The artist has always been a very versatile person: he wrote poetry, performed on stage, and loved to make things with his own hands. Borisov was a very friendly and amorous man and was always popular with women. Unfortunately, his first marriage was short-lived. The couple often quarreled and were unable to improve their relationship. Borisov had a hard time breaking up with his first wife, but soon she settled in his heart new love- his second wife, with whom the artist spent many happy years. Boris was an excellent family man and tried to spend as much time as possible with his three daughters.

In recent years, the actor’s health has deteriorated significantly, but until recently he refused to admit it and continued to lead an active lifestyle. Borisov tried not to miss theatrical events and go on stage as often as possible. The 63-year-old artist had many grandiose plans for the future and had no intention of retiring. Theater and teaching young actors was not only his calling, but also his main hobby. But age took its toll, and on December 5, 2010, Borisov suddenly became ill. Arrived ambulance stated heart attack. Doctors tried their best to save his life, but their attempts were unsuccessful. All his colleagues and students came to say goodbye to the great actor and teacher, who until the last moment could not believe what had happened.


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