Renat Ibragimov family. Singer Renat Ibragimov: biography, creativity, personal life and interesting facts. Biographical information about the singer

A strong clear baritone, a huge range of performances, from the classical opera repertoire to modern hits, excellent physical shape despite his advanced age - this is how you can briefly characterize the favorite of music fans for many years, Renat Ibragimov. In his youth he "exploded" full halls excellent performance of songs, and now the singer can easily give a head start to his young rivals on stage: he sings exclusively “live” and can withstand a long musical marathon.

Lately, there has been a lot of fuss about his personal life, and behind this fuss, Renat Islamovich’s merits in musical world. These are not loud words, but the truth: the singer has long propagated by his example how without connections and a “long hairy arm» Gain popularity if you have undoubted talent.

Biographical information about the singer

  • Full name, surname, patronymic – Renat Islamovich Ibragimov (according to the passport, Renat Islam uly Ibrakhimov);
  • Date and place of birth – November 20, 1947, Lvov, Ukraine (former Ukrainian SSR);
  • The type of singing voice is classical baritone;
  • Height and weight – 176 cm, about 90 kg;
  • State awards and prizes: Prize of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, People's Artist of Tatarstan, National artist RF, State Prize Tatarstan named after Tukai;
  • Marital status in this moment– married to Svetlana Minnekhanova;
  • Religion – convinced Muslim;
  • Political views - was a member of the United Russia party, left for ideological reasons.

About Renata Ibragimova's childhood, adolescence and youth

The future opera and pop singer was born in the Ukrainian city of Lvov. The child’s parents were ethnic Tatars; in the family, the mother was involved in raising the child - she did not work, she kept house. The boy's father is a career military man; he often went on business trips. When his son was two years old, dad announced to the family that he was being transferred to Kazan for work, and the Ibragimov family moved there.

Renat studied at school No. 6, and at the same time went to a music school (vocal class). At all musical talent he was noticed earlier, already in kindergarten he sang loudly in the children's choir. Participation in matinees and performances, reading poetry - and now the boy is a real “star”, first in kindergarten, and then at school.

After school, Ibragimov joined the ensemble of the Volga Military District as a singer. With this ensemble he went on tour throughout the country. Having worked in this group for a little over a year, the singer decides to “go free,” that is, to perform solo.

The beginning of a serious musical career, first experience on the stage

After leaving the ensemble of the Volga Military District, Renat Islamovich wandered for a couple of years (there is no other way to say it) around different stages, took part in small concerts, but despite his obvious talent and beautiful voice, he remained unnoticed. He decides to continue his musical education - he enters the Kazan Conservatory, from which he graduated in 1973. On the stage of the Tatar Opera and Ballet Theater, where he was assigned after the conservatory, the singer almost immediately begins to perform leading roles. These are the part of Valentin (opera Faust), Eugene Onegin (opera of the same name by Tchaikovsky), the role of Escamillo in Carmen.

He was noticed, people went to the Kazan Opera House to listen to Ibragimov. Further - more: he began to receive invitations to pop concerts. In his native Kazan, the singer became a real “star”: his first fans appeared, he was recognized on the streets.

Young Renat Ibragimov won public recognition not only with his opera roles! Millions of women in the USSR listened to his songs: “Give Women Flowers”, “Give Me Back the Music”, “Waltz Melody”. Renat Islamovich does not hide the fact that the work of Muslim Magomayev had a huge influence on his development as a singer; he often “borrowed” songs from his repertoire and performed them no less talentedly.

The first “official” recognition came in 1974: Ibragimov became a laureate of the All-Union Competition of Pop Artists. He shared first place with Valery Chemodanov. By the way, in the same year, simultaneously with Chemodanov and Ibragimov, the future “prima” performed at the competition Russian show business Alla Pugacheva, she took third place.

A year later, in 1975, Renat Ibragimov comes to Sochi for the “Red Carnation” song competition, where he no longer shares first place with anyone, taking it alone with a large “gap” from the other competitors.

Activities on stage and in the world of cinema

These two victories at music competitions opened the path to real success and recognition for Ibragimov, and he was loved by listeners of all age categories. Very young boys and girls, middle-aged and elderly people came to his concerts. It is difficult to name events to which he would not be invited: “Blue Light”, “Morning Mail”, television concerts for major holidays - everywhere he was among the performers.

Renat Ibragimov has a rare talent to perform songs without pathos and pretentious exaltation. No matter what language he sang in: Russian, Ukrainian, Tatar, Italian - tears appeared in people’s eyes, he was so sincere. He can safely be called a “universal” singer: he equally easily and naturally sang (and still sings) gypsy romances, serious opera parts, and popular pop hits.

Another talent of Renat Islamovich is singing patriotic songs. When he sang “Let us bow to those great years,” the entire audience rose to its feet, the intensity of emotions was so strong. That’s why his concerts were always sold out, spectators brought him armfuls of flowers, and fans waited in droves for the object of their admiration after the performance.

still from the film “The Italian Contract” 1993

In the cinema, Ibragimov also successfully “marked his mark” several times. The first experience of screen filming was the film “War Field Romance”, shot in the manner of “Old Songs about the Main Thing” in 1988. The film was released at a not very good time: in the late 90s, films about bandits and girls were held in high esteem prostitute, and the film was “removed to a distant shelf” for several years. In 2003, the musical film was shown on the TVC channel, and it turned out that the military theme and an excellent selection of artists were very interesting to viewers.

Five years later, Ibragimov starred in another musical film - the musical “The Italian Contract” (Ibragimov is also a co-producer of this film). And at the same time, filming in the Blue Light, participating in festive gala programs, and performing solo concerts. The singer also tried himself as a director: he has more than forty music collections to his credit. Abroad in the media he is deservedly called the “Russian Pavarotti”.

Renat Ibragimov on Instagram

Now Renat Islamovich performs less often; he is mainly involved in the management of the Renat Ibragimov Song Theater in Moscow. The theater stage regularly hosts music festivals, where pop stars and “legend” ensembles perform: “Pesnyary”, “Gems”, Nadezhda Chepraga, Valentina Tolkunova, Mikhail Boyarsky. The Ibragimov Theater, according to its director, directs its activities to strengthening cultural ties between the peoples of the former USSR.

Personal life

Mother and father tried with all their might to raise their son in the spirit of Tatar traditions, to instill in him a love for family and children. They succeeded, but his popularity and bright, charismatic male appearance played a cruel joke on Renat Islamovich. Hundreds, if not thousands of women dreamed of “catching in their nets” a pop star. Ibragimov, by his admission, had a huge number of novels:

“I walked a lot and sinned, but then I realized my terrible behavior and now I am an ideal family man,” the artist admitted in an interview.

Little is known about Ibragimov’s first wife; her name was Tamara, Renat lived with her for 14 years. Who expected that a teenage girl named Albina, seeing Renat in “Blue Light,” would fall in love and set the goal of becoming the singer’s other half?

Albina’s parents were horrified: a Tatar, 15 years older, a famous conqueror of women’s hearts, this was not the kind of husband they wanted for their daughter! Despite the fierce resistance of her father and mother, the girl marries the artist. To say more: they performed a Muslim ritual called “nikah”. According to the rules of nikah, during the ceremony the bride is asked whether she agrees to the “prospect” of becoming not the only wife of her future husband. Albina refused, and Renat then accepted her decision.

Renat Ibragimov with his young wife Svetlana Minnekhanova

Alas, seducing someone else’s husband can backfire very painfully... After 25 years, Ibragimov told Albina that, as a true Muslim, he could afford two wives, and was going to bring a “new girl” into the house. His wife Renata did not want to come to terms with this; their divorce resulted in many years of mutual reproaches and a long division of acquired property.

singer with daughters. Photo

Ibragimov officially married Svetlana Minnekhanova in 2009, already having four children (a son and three daughters) from two previous wives. This time the wife turned out to be forty years younger! Svetlana gave her happy life partner five more children. According to Renat, he is happy in his new marriage, there is complete mutual understanding in their family.

“My wife doesn’t go to discos, she is completely immersed in household chores and activities with the children, there is peace and quiet in my soul,” are his words.

The Ibragimovs are raising their children in Muslim traditions; their wife Renata dresses beautifully, but modestly: “Yes, she wears a headscarf, but her face is open. It’s better than covering your face with tons of makeup!” - this is how Ibragimov answers questions about appearance spouses.

  1. According to the singer, after his divorce from Albina, he left her two apartments and all the property in them, taking only the dumbbells.
  2. Now he doesn’t drink or eat pork, although before he “drank immoderately and ate everything” (Renat’s own words).
  3. Ibragimov’s traditional breakfast is porridge with goat’s milk and fresh boiled eggs.
  4. Renat Islamovich's new hobby: he and his wife are engaged in painting.
  5. The artist does not have accounts in any social network, although there are many groups on OK, Instagram and VK where fans follow the singer’s life and work.

Renat Islamovich Ibragimov is a Tatar by nationality, born in 1947 in Ukraine, in the city of Lvov. Since childhood, he showed a passion for creativity: he loved to recite poems, sing songs, and take part in school plays. Thanks to his perseverance, natural charm and talent, he managed to win the recognition of thousands of people.

He worked as the artistic director of his song theater. When Ibragimov went to serve in the army, he was able to find something he liked there too - he sang in a song and dance ensemble of the military district in the Volga region.

Height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov

Height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov - this information is freely available. Renat Islamovich celebrated his 70th birthday in 2017. Without knowing his year of birth, you could be mistaken about his age by 25 years, the singer looks so good. The performer weighs ninety kilograms and is 1 meter 78 centimeters tall.

The pop singer considers himself a spiritual person, a deeply religious person, therefore he does not eat meat, does not smoke, and prefers hot tea to alcohol, which he has loved since childhood; his grandmother adored this drink. Photos in her youth and now Renata Ibragimova clear example the fact that if you approach the issue of nutrition, daily routine and life in general correctly, you can look at 70 years old like you did at 50.

Biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov

The biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov was similar to the life of a nomad. Since his father was a military man, they moved often, and his mother, due to his father's profession, was a housewife. When the boy had to go to school, they returned to Tatarstan. There Renat graduates from regular and music schools. Then he entered the State Conservatory, receiving a diploma in 1973, and performed on the stage of the Jalil Opera and Ballet Theater.

The young performer became famous throughout the country after participating in the Scarlet Carnation competition, which was held in Sochi in 1975.

Family and children of Renat Ibragimova

Renat Ibragimov’s family and children occupy an important place in the artist’s life. Ibragimov has always been popular with the fair half of humanity; during his life, he was married three times and he has eight children from different marriages. He is still with one of his wives great relationship, with somebody divorce proceedings lasted three years. Now the father of many children lives with his third wife, they are happy and have four children together.

Renat Ibragimov tries to help all his heirs as much as possible, the current wife is not against it, on the contrary, for her part, she is trying to maintain contact with the children from her lover’s previous marriages.

Sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla

The sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla - were born from different marriages of the producer. It is known that today the eldest son studies and lives in Kazakhstan, and it is too early for the youngest to think about a profession, because he is just a baby. Father of many children loves each of his children, but is still very glad that he has two sons - after all, these are the heirs, the successors of the old Ibragimov family.

According to Tatar beliefs, when a daughter is born in a family, it is a gift sent from heaven, and when a son is born, it is like a sign that the father of a newborn child did not come into this world in vain.

Daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Vera, Nadezhda, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam

Renat Ibragimov’s daughters – Vera, Nadezhda, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam – according to the artist, are “the flowers of his life.” The two eldest daughters from her first marriage are already quite old. They live permanently in Moscow, in apartments that their father bought for them. The remaining girls were born in the third marriage. The eldest is eight years old, the youngest is not even a year old. Famous father Now he spends a lot of time with his young wife and children, as he himself admits - “he wants to make up for lost time in his youth, when he devoted most of his time to his career and not to his family.”

The married couple tries to raise their children together according to all the laws and traditions of Islam. At home, the children speak only their native language – Tatar.

Renat Ibragimova's ex-wife - Tamara

Renat Ibragimov's ex-wife, Tamara, categorically does not want to communicate with the press. The first wife of the People's Artist was his support and support in the days of Renat Islamovich's formation as a public figure. But, as a creative person, he always wanted variety, some changes in life.

When their children grew up, Renat announced his decision to divorce and went to new passion leaving all his property ex-wife and children.

The former father always keeps in touch with his offspring and when they need any help or just advice, he is happy to help them.

Renata Ibragimova's ex-wife - Albina

Renat Ibragimov’s ex-wife Albina, the celebrity’s second wife, fell in love with him at first sight after seeing a New Year’s performance on TV. Renat is flattered by such sincere love and he leaves his wife for a girl. They live for three years without registering their marriage, which displeases Albina’s parents. However, after some time, the couple performs the wedding ceremony according to all religious rules, and live happily in marriage for twenty-five years.

However, this family union gave a crack. The People's Artist, like a boy, falls in love with a young waitress and invites Albina to become the eldest wife (according to their law, this is allowed), but she refuses and a long divorce process begins regarding the division of property.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minehannova

Renat Ibragimov's wife, Svetlana Minehannova, is some 39 years younger than her husband. But, as they say, all ages are submissive to love. Despite the large age difference, Renat Ibragimov and his young wife are happy together.

Svetlana manages the entire household with a skillful hand, the People's Artist appears on stage less and less - helping his wife in raising children, and there are already four of them in the family, and the Ibragimovs are not going to stop there - Svetlana Minekhannova is pregnant for the fifth time. A loving father really wants another son.

Instagram and Wikipedia Renata Ibragimova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Renat Ibragimov are not one hundred percent complete. The People's Artist is not registered as a user on Instagram at all.

There is an official website of Ibragimov, where it is posted short biography artist, and Wikipedia describes in more detail about the discography, awards and other regalia. After all, the Tatar artist did not just sing, he simultaneously tried himself as a producer, director and composer. At the beginning of his career he also performed opera roles. He even managed to star in several films.

Renat Ibragimov is an incredibly popular pop performer. He sang a large number of songs, was awarded many prizes and awards. Despite his considerable age, the artist still gives concerts. He only slightly limited their number in order to spend more time with his family and children.

The famous artist was married three times. In each of the marriages, children were born, whom he considers his main wealth. A man loves every child. He does not rule out the possibility of becoming a father more than once.

Height, weight, age. How old is Renat Ibragimov

At the beginning of 2018, a film was made about the famous pop singer, telling about the singer. Here you could find out the artist’s height, weight, and age. How old is Renat Ibragimov - the information is not complicated. It is easy to view in encyclopedic dictionaries. In 2018, the celebrity celebrated his 71st birthday, although he looks much younger than his age.

Renat Ibragimov, whose photos in his youth and now differ little, is tall and slender. With a height of 180 cm, he weighs 76 kg. The man loves to swim, do pull-ups, and run. Every day he does several exercises that keep him in excellent physical shape.

The singer is unpretentious when it comes to food. He eats everything that his beloved wife Svetlana cooks for him. But Renat is careful about drinking. He regularly consumes kumiss. This is what, in his opinion, allows him to maintain good physical shape.

Biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov

The biography and personal life of Renat Ibragimov again attracted the attention of fans. Despite his considerable age, he is going to become a father again.

Renat's birth occurred in the difficult post-war years in the Ukrainian SSR. Father served in armed forces. The mother took care of the house and raised her son.

The boy had to move often with his parents. But he found mutual language It’s quite easy with peers. Already in preschool years, the child performed at various events, impressing those around him with his vocal abilities.

Renat studied well at school. He loved to read. Often the boy would pick up an adventure novel and spend many hours of leisure time with it. IN free time Ibragimov loved to sing. It was everything to him. The boy honed his art while studying at a music school, from which he graduated with honors.

After school, yesterday's graduate went to the army. He served in one of the Volga armed units, in which he danced and sang.

After demobilization, the young man entered the conservatory in Kazan. The teachers predicted a brilliant future for their student. Then, having received his diploma, Renat began to sing in numerous operas. Fans were amazed by the power of his voice in “Eugene Onegin”, “The Queen of Spades”, “Prince Igor” and others.

In the mid-70s, everyone started talking about our hero. At this time, he won one of the pop competitions. Afterwards, the famous pop singer toured all over Soviet Union, invariably causing prolonged applause.

The artist played in several films. He can be seen in “Ship and Harbor”, “Sea Harbor” and some others. The man also directed several films. He released the films “Work, there is work”, “To the board”.

Renat also participated in several show projects. He performed brilliantly in “Exactly”, becoming one of the winners of the project.

The artist's personal life is rich. In three marriages he became the father of seven children. The pop star devotes time to each of the children. It recently became known that the singer’s family will be expanded again in the near future.

Family and children of Renat Ibragimova

The family and children of Renat Ibragimov are the subject of his pride and love. The artist himself says that creative activity used to be everything for him. He thought about his children, but not much. Having crossed the 50-year mark, Renat thought about the future. He began to spend more time with his family.

Since 2008, the star of the Soviet and Russian stage began to perform rarely. He lives happily with his wife Sveta. Despite the 40-year age difference, the couple's happiness is immeasurable. They live in their own house and conduct subsistence farming.

His parents played a great role in the artist’s life. Our hero is grateful to his father and mother for their care.

The artist’s father served in the armed forces of the Soviet Union. He took part in the Great Patriotic War. The man was awarded various orders and medals. The singer's father reached Berlin and was never wounded.

Our hero’s mother devoted a lot of time to raising her son. The woman did not work. She and her husband traveled throughout the Soviet Union. The star named one of his daughters in honor of his mother.

Sons of Renat Ibragimov - Sultan and Atilla

The sons of Renat Ibragimov, Sultan and Atilla, were born almost 18 years apart. They are the successors of the family famous Tatars. The famous pop singer is trying to raise his sons in the spirit of national traditions.

The Sultan studies at one of the capital's universities. The guy chose the profession of a computer engineer. He often comes to visit his father. After receiving his diploma, Sultan decided to work in Kazan.

Atilla was born in his father's last marriage. The boy is incredibly similar to our hero. He sings well. Renat says that he younger son can become as great a performer as he is.

Daughters of Renat Ibragimov - Nadezhda, Vera, Aya, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam

The daughters of Renat Ibragimova - Nadezhda, Vera, Aya, Asylbika, Aisha, Maryam - are a source of incredible pride for the star. The artist loves all girls and treats them in the spirit of national traditions.

In his first marriage, Renat became a father twice. His first wife gave him two daughters, whom he named Vera and Nadezhda. They are already adults, living their own lives. The girls are married and raising children. They come to see their father often.

In his second marriage, the artist named his daughter Aya. The girl lives in the Russian capital. Renat himself gave her the apartment for her wedding. Aya recently got married. Soon she will give dad another grandson or granddaughter.

Now our hero is raising three little daughters. They were born in the singer's third marriage. He does everything he can to raise the kids in the spirit of national traditions. My last daughter Renat accepted it himself.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minnekhanova

Our hero met a girl in 2005. She became a secretary and helped write the book that was published. After some time, Renat began to show signs of attention to Sveta. She also felt strong feelings for him.

After the man's divorce, they began to live together. After the birth of his baby daughter, he was imprisoned marriage according to Muslim traditions. The girl converted to Islam for the sake of her beloved.

Renat Ibragimov's wife - Svetlana Minnekhanova close friend popular performer. She gave birth to another son and two daughters.

Recently, Renat Ibragimov and his young wife announced that they would become parents again. The baby is due soon. It will be the fifth collaboration and the eighth overall for the artist.

Instagram and Wikipedia Renata Ibragimova

Instagram and Wikipedia Renat Ibragimov are of interest to his many fans creative activity. They are replenished quite often.

Wikipedia contains information about children's and youth. Here you can find out how our hero became incredibly famous. The page lists compositions sung by him in various years.

The second wife of the “Russian Pavarotti” Albina is outraged by his attitude towards his only heir, the Sultan.

The ex-wife, from whom the People's Artist divorced a year ago, has not received money to support her minor son for three months. Despite the fact that the amount of alimony determined by the court is ridiculous - 4,500 rubles per month. 62-year-old Renat Ibragimov, who was ready to support almost a harem (and his older wife Albina and young Svetlana), is now shirking minimal obligations.

Komsomolskaya Pravda met with the singer’s ex-wife and his son to understand the reasons for the new family disagreements.

- Albina, tell me, why is the amount of child support so small?

In court, I asked for 150,000 rubles to support my son, but Renat declared such a small income that I was awarded crumbs - 4,500 rubles. But I know how much Renat earns! Well, he gives 6 concerts a month. And this is a lot of money. Why doesn’t he want to support his son and only heir with dignity?

Albina and Renat, who had been married for 25 years, failed to maintain peaceful relations. Apartments, a family house in the Moscow region, land plots, garages became the rock of contention...

- Who filed for divorce, you or Renat?

Although he declared to the whole country that he was not against a harem and that religion allowed him to have polygamy (a year ago there was a program on TV about the situation in Renat Ibragimov’s family), he was the first to write an application for divorce. I could have waited three years for the sake of our boy, who is now going through a transition period. But Renat did not listen to me.

14-year-old Sultan studies at elite school and looks exactly like his handsome father: dark hair, Brown eyes, high growth. Only his white skin gives him away as a mestizo.

- Sultan, will you ever be able to forgive your father, because it’s not his fault that he fell in love with another woman?

If he comes back, I will forgive you.

- And if not?

I can not!

Teachers are trying to delicately restore the relationship between father and son, and the other day Renat Islamovich was called to school. The singer arrived, but there was no conversation - the boy silently turned around and left. Ibragimov sees the reason for this behavior of his son in his mother.

- Albina, Renat says that you are turning the child against him. This is true?

The father deceived the Sultan; he promised him to leave his young Svetlana and return to his family. The Sultan took this as a betrayal. Recently my son received a passport, but he didn’t even want to take his father’s last name. I barely persuaded her.

The relationship finally deteriorated when the couple began to divide property - including the family two-story house, where Albina and her son now live.

According to the court, everything is divided in half,” Albina explained to KP. - But for some reason Renat did not show real estate in Kazan at the trial. I don’t lay claim to apartments or land plots, but I want to leave the house to my son, the heir to the family name. But Renat decided to sell the house. So, apparently, the young woman set him up. I was happy in this house, I spent so many years arranging it. I think so: if you leave, leave the house to your family.

Even the mullah said: “If you destroy the family nest, you will bring a curse...”

- Does Renat follow the customs?

Now Renat has become such a Muslim, he observes all fasts (fasts) together with the newly minted Muslim Svetlana. It blames me for never believing in Allah. This is true - I don’t believe in Islam, but I know the Koran. I married a “man of space,” as he called himself then, and not a Muslim, although we had a nikah - a Muslim wedding ceremony. During nikah, a wife is asked if she agrees to a second wife? I did not give such consent. There are five points in the Koran when a husband has the right to other wives. According to the Koran, he can have a second wife if the first wife agrees or if she is childless, and we have children. If there is a war in the country, there are not enough men. Thank God there is no war. If the husband is hyperactive - and I can say that I even missed Renata in last years sexually. And the last point of the Koran: a man should not have fatal disease so that he can provide for his wives and children.

Renat submitted an application to the registry office with a young waitress Svetlana on the same day that he and Albina were divorced. A few months later they had a girl. Happy father I can’t take my eyes off the young mother and daughter (she turns one in April).

“He got involved with this Sveta, who is old enough to be his granddaughter, because someone put it into his head that his young wife would cure him of all his illnesses,” Albina is indignant. - Renat did not invite his daughters from his first marriage, Vera and Nadezhda, or our daughter Aya to the wedding. Although the young woman said: “I will accept all his children,” she herself now does not let anyone near him. He even dares his daughters. I don’t know what Renat is thinking. In a couple of years, when he weakens as a man, then they might start having problems. I saw on the Internet photographs of the “Muslim believer” Svetlana in a swimsuit with a man holding her breasts. I showed this photo to Renat, but she fooled him so much that he doesn’t see anything around him. And he doesn’t understand anything about computers, otherwise he would have learned a lot.

How much money do you use to maintain such a large house and how do you make ends meet?

My parents help me with money. Renat doesn't give a penny. Pay yourself, he said. It is necessary to build a water supply system, but there is no money. It's gotten ridiculous that my son doesn't have new clothes. All jackets have become short and grown.

An even bigger shock for me and the children was the fact that he registered his newborn daughter in my children’s Moscow apartment. It turns out that Svetlana does not have a residence permit...

After everything she had experienced, Albina converted to Orthodoxy.

How did you come to faith after so many years?

I came to faith thanks to Valentina Tolkunova. She and I were friends because she and her husband started performing together in the 70s. Once upon a time we were all together in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery. Tolkunova’s mentor then approached Renat, and he crossed himself. I was surprised that he took faith so easily. Time passed, and I consciously came to Christ - I was baptized in a church on Sretensky Boulevard. Our son Sultan does not adhere to any faith, but I think that after the example of the behavior of a man in the family, he will definitely not fall into Islam.


We got through to Renat Ibragimov and found out his point of view on their family feud:

My accountant handles child support payments. I pay as much as is required by the court. I don't know anything about delays. In addition to child support, I also pay for school fees. In total it turns out to be about 20,000 rubles per month. As for clothes, I’m ready to go and buy everything I need, but I won’t give Albina a penny, because she turned her son against me. In addition, after the divorce, all my children were left with an apartment in Moscow, Albina was left with an apartment in Kazan. We will divide the house in Cyprus and the house in the Moscow region in half. I won't pay for the house because I don't live there. Why do I rent housing myself, but have to pay for it? I even tried to get her a job, but she doesn't want to. I won’t go back to her, it’s impossible...

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