Appearance and features of using universal data exchange. Appearance and features of using universal data exchange Granting the “right of use”

Here I will describe the main points when working with a standard component v7plus.dll. The information is very outdated, and it appeared here more for myself - so as not to forget the next time it appears. Describes how to read an almost standard component from an XML file using an XML parser. An example would be an application document file uploaded to a file in CommerceML 2.03 format (from a Bitrix website).

So let's begin. The first step is to load the component. Here's a typical code:

If + "v7plus.dll")<>1 Then If LoadExternalComponent(IB Catalog()+ "ExtForms\" + "v7plus.dll")<>1 Then If LoadExternalComponent(ProgramDirectory()+ "v7plus.dll")<>1 Then Warning("Component v7plus.dll not found!"); Return; endIf; endIf; endIf; Parser = CreateObject("AddIn.XMLParser");

The analyzer can work with circuits, but I will not consider this point. Simple linear (or almost linear) reading of a file. Therefore, we simply create a new document:

XML_Document = Parser . CreateDocument(); If EmptyValue( XML_Document ) = 1 Then Return EndIf; XML_Document. Load(FileName);

In variable File name a string containing the name of the file to be opened is written. After this, you can read the file, gradually decrypting it.
An XML file consists of nodes and attributes. Each node can contain zero or more attributes and zero or more child nodes. The root node can be obtained directly from the variable XML_Document. For clarity, let's look at part of the XML file:

<КоммерческаяИнформация ВерсияСхемы=»2.03″ ДатаФормирования=»2014-04-09 14:25″>
<ХозОперация>Ordering goods
<БазоваяЕдиница Код=»796″ НаименованиеПолное=»Штука» МеждународноеСокращение=»PCE»>PC

Here is a highly abbreviated version of the file, or more precisely, part of it. The purpose of this article is not to describe the CommerceML format, but to show how to work with an XML file, so I will only give the commands. The CommerceML file consists of a root node " CommercialInformation". We consider it from the document:

ElDocument = XML_Document. SelectNode("CommercialInformation");

Variable value ElDocument will be a node (OLE object). It has child nodes and attributes. There can be several documents in one file, so we go through them in a loop:

Selection = ElDocument. SelectNodes("Document"); For th = 1 By Sample. Number of Nodes Cycle Doc = Fetch. GetNode(th - 1);

Property Number of Nodes returns the total number of child nodes, and the method GetNode() returns the specified child node (numbering starts from 0).

Node " Number" has neither attributes nor child nodes. It only means " 00006 ". Similar to " date«, « HouseholdOperation" and many others. To obtain the value of a node, the following construction is used:

Number = Doc. SelectNode ("Number"). Meaning ; NumberNumber = Number(Doc.SelectNode("Number").Value);

The method used here is SelectNode(). Unlike " SelectNodes()", it does not return a list, but the very first node with the specified name. And its property " Meaning" returns a string with a value. To convert the value to the desired type, we will use the conversion functions. The date will have to be converted in parts (it is stored in XML in the form yyyy-mm-dd, which is not supported by the standard Date() function). It is possible that when using schemas, type conversion will be performed automatically - I have not checked.
The following method is used to read attributes:

OKEY = Product. SelectNode("BasicUnit"). GetAttribute("Code");

Here Product- this is the node " Product". The value of an attribute, like a single child node, can be obtained by the attribute name. A string is always returned, so if necessary, you need to convert the value type to the required one. If you need to read several attributes of a node, it is better to store the node value in a separate variable.
Well, that’s all the basic functions needed to fully read XML files.

Working with XML files from 1C: Accounting 7.7

And this article describes the steps necessary to exchange data from the 1C:Enterprise configuration version 7.7 to 8.2 using the same configuration Data Conversion, edition

Let's find the processing file MD82Exp.epf as part of the Data Conversion configuration distribution package.
It will be needed to download a description of the metadata structure of the receiver database configuration.

We will also find in the same distribution the processing file V8Exchan82.epf - “Universal data exchange in XML format”.
You will need it to unload the receiver base. As the name suggests, these treatments are intended
for working with version 1C:Enterprise 8.2.

Then we will find tools for working with version 1C:Enterprise 7.7.

The Data Conversion configuration distribution package includes the processing file MD77Exp.ert.
It will be needed to download a description of the source database configuration metadata structure.

We will also find in the same distribution the processing file V77Exp.ert - “Universal data upload in XML format”.
You will need it to download the source database.

So let's get started:

First, let's unload descriptions of the source and destination metadata structure.

  1. Let's open the source database in 1C:Enterprise 7.7 mode and start processing MD77Exp.ert
    to download a description of the source metadata structure.
    Let's save the source metadata structure to the Rules1.xml file.
  2. Let's open the receiver database in 1C:Enterprise 8.2 mode and start processing MD82Exp.epf
    to download a description of the receiver metadata structure.
    Let's save the receiver metadata structure to the Rules2.xml file.

Let's load descriptions of the metadata structure of both configurations.

  1. Let's run the Data Conversion configuration in 1C:Enterprise 8.2 mode.
  2. Let’s open the “Configurations” directory (Directories—>Configurations). It stores configuration information,
    between which exchange rules can be configured.
  3. Let's add information about the source configuration. Click the “Add” button or the “Insert” key.
  4. Let's indicate the path to the file with the source metadata structure Rules1.xml. Click the “Download” button.
  5. Let's add information about the receiver configuration. Click the “Add” button or the “Insert” key.
  6. Let's indicate the path to the file with the receiver metadata structure Rules2.xml. Click the “Download” button.

So, we have loaded the source and destination information. Now we can configure the exchange rules.

  1. Let’s open the “Conversions” directory (Directories—>Conversions). This guide contains information
    in which it is determined between which configurations the exchange is carried out and in which direction.
  2. Let's add a new element. Click the “Add” button or the “Insert” key.
  3. We indicate the source configuration from the “Configurations” directory. Field "Configuration - source:".
  4. We indicate the configuration of the receiver from the “Configurations” directory. Field “Configuration - Receiver:”.
  5. Important detail!!! Open the “Advanced” tab. Field "Unload module file name:".
  6. Let's indicate the location of the upload module file, for example: C:\\Bases\\Upload Module.txt.
  7. The contents of this file are necessary in order to replace the entire
    module in processing V77Exp.ert. Without this replacement, unloading is impossible!
  8. Click the “OK” button.

Great, we have configured the exchange rules. All that remains is to upload these exchange rules to a file.

  1. In the “Conversions” directory, select the newly created element.
  2. On the reference panel, click the “Go to Rules” button. A form with conversion rules will open.
  3. In the “Data Upload Rules” tab, we indicate what exactly we want to upload.
  4. On the “Property Conversion” tab we can specify the mapping of the details of the exchanging objects.
  5. On this form in the upper left corner we will find the “Save rules” button.
  6. Specify the file name and path (For example, C:\\Bases\\Data Exchange Rules.xml). Click the “Open” button.
  7. Later, we can change the specified path in the “Conversions” directory—> “Change current element (F2)”—>Advanced tab—>field “Exchange rules file name:”.
  8. When saving the rules, the upload module is also written to the path we specified earlier: C:\\Bases\\Upload Module.txt.

Conversion rules are ready! Now let's exchange data.

Let's open the source database in 1C: Configurator 7.7 mode, then open the V77Exp.ert processing -
"Universal data upload in XML format." Open the “Module” tab and delete all the contents of the module.
Insert the line: #LoadFromFile C:\\Bases\\Upload Module.txt.

With the “Load From File” directive, we switch the loading of the software module to loading from a text file.
Now we need to make sure that the file with the upload code Unload Module.txt is always in the folder we specified.

Let's save the processing V77Exp.ert.

To download data you must:

  1. Open the source database in 1C:Enterprise 7.7 mode, then open the newly saved processing V77Exp.ert.
  2. Specify the name of the exchange rules file in the “Rules file name:” field (we saved it here: C:\\Bases\\Data Exchange Rules.xml) and
    select a file in the “Data file name:” field into which the data will be uploaded (For example, C:\\Bases\\Data Upload From 7.7.xml).
  3. Next, you need to download the exchange rules by clicking the “Download exchange rules” button.
  4. To upload documents for a certain interval, you must specify the period - “Start Date” and “End Date”.
  5. The checkboxes in the “Data Upload Rules” list indicate which data will be uploaded and which will not.

Now let's load the data into the receiver database. Let's open it in 1C:Enterprise 8.2 mode and start processing
"Universal XML Data Interchange" for loading source data.

This is the processing file V8Exchan82.epf. Or open “Tools” -> “Other data exchanges” -> “Universal data exchange in XML format”

  1. In processing, on the “Data Loading” tab, select the name of the data file (we saved it here: C:\\Bases\\Data Upload From 7.7.xml).
  2. Click the “Load data” button (Located on the panel at the top).

Data loaded!

The same steps for unloading from version 1C:Enterprise 7.7 are applicable for versions 1C:Enterprise 8.1 and 1C:Enterprise 8.0.
The Data Conversion configuration distribution includes:
processing files for these versions MD81Exp.epf and V8Exchan81.epf, MD80Exp.epf and V8Exchan.epf.

If you want to load data into 1C:Enterprise 7.7, then you need to use V77Imp.ert processing.
Before loading data, you must perform the same actions with the V77Imp.ert processing module as described
for processing V77Exp.ert.

If you select processing from the quick access list (File - V77Exp.ert) and a message is displayed that the file was not found,
although the file is located in the same place and the name has not changed, then you just need to do everything as in the beginning -
"File | Open" and select the V77Exp.ert file again.

Data transfer consists of two stages:

1st - uploading data from TiS to an xml file using processing “Processing Unloading Directories.ert» .


1) Open processing “ Processing of Uploading Directories.ert» in 1C 7.7 TiS 9.2

Fig.1 The main type of unloading processing.

2) Select the path to the exchange rules (step 1) to the file “ UNDER_Transfer_Directories_TIS_BP20.xml».

3) You can immediately specify a file for downloading data in xml format in (p. 2).

4) If documents will be uploaded, you must indicate the period for uploading data in (clause 3).

5) Next, press the button (step 11), a list of Data Upload Rules will appear. On the left of each rule, you can use a checkbox to disable or connect the uploaded object. For example, if we are only interested in the directory counterparties The flag should be enabled only for the rule Counterparties.

6) If we need to set any selection for the unloading object (in Fig. 1 this is Organizations (clause 10)). Select this object and press the button Install PVD ( in (p. 12) the name of the selected object “Selection of data for Organizations» ) only after this it will be possible to add a condition for selecting a button Selection condition(clause 5) . In (item 6) we put a check mark if this selection condition will be used, then (item 7) we select the details by which the selection will be made. (A.8) a logical operation for selection is specified. And in (clause 9) the selection value itself is specified. After a selection condition has been set for a rule, in the list data upload rules(clause 10) this rule will have the word in square brackets [SELECTION].

7) I will give an example for unloading the Contractors directory. And so, we need to unload counterparties only from the “Buyers” grouprice. 2

Selecting an object Counterparties in the list of rules, click the button Install PVD, then press the button Add a condition a new empty line will appear in the selection table, fill it in: double-click in the “Selection details” column in the new line (item 2) to call up the window for selecting selection details (table of object details by which it is possible to make a selection), in the table (item 1) select props Parent.

Fig.2 Selecting selection details

Next step Fig. 4 selection of the logical operator in (item 1) from the list of operators (item 2), in our case “B”, i.e. Only those items that are included in the “BUYERS” group will be selected and uploaded

There can be any number of conditions for one rule, all of them will be combined through the logical operation “AND”.

1) Everyone now press the button Unload, we wait for the selected objects to be unloaded. Upon completion, we will receive a happy message (Fig. 5.

Rice. 5

1) Let's move on to the second stage - Loading into BP 2.0. We open standard processing in “Enterprise Accounting” - main menu “Service” => “Other data exchanges” => “Universal data exchange in XML format” fig. 6 (clause 1).

1) In the opened form Fig. 7 on the tab in the field File name to download(item 2) indicate the file into which the upload was made, click the button Download data(clause 1). Once the download is complete, a window will appear saying “Download Complete.”

Rice. 7 Typical processing of universal exchange in BP 2.0

OK it's all over Now.)

I hope this article is useful and helps someone. If anyone really needs it to be modified for non-standard configurations, please contact us and write comments.

mail: [email protected].

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Solution: Uploading/Downloading documents from/to 1C (7.7) in a text file

After downloading and installing our software, you can try it in demo, trial mode. If you want to study our software product, use the Trial version, which has no restrictions on the period of use. For work - use the working version. Both versions are in the same archive. The working version is identical to the Trial version for a specified period (usually a month).


Universal processing “Uploading documents from 1C (7.7) to a text file” allows you to easily and simply upload documents for a certain period, with selection based on filling out these documents. You can determine a list of documents that were registered in the system in a specified period of time and upload them to a transfer text file. You can specify a selection condition for selected documents based on the details common to them and their completion. The transfer file format is an original author's development and is built on the principle of displaying objects in 1C in text representation: what the user sees in the document is what will be uploaded.

Universal processing "Loading documents into 1C (7.7) from a text file" allows you to easily and simply download documents in a specified period from a generated transfer file. When reading the transfer file and its structure, the transferred documents are analyzed and their structure is compared with the current configuration. For identical configurations or similar 1C configurations, the matching process does not require significant effort from the user to configure document matching. If the configurations of the receiver and source bases differ, the program finds those details that are present in both configurations and compares them. Further matching adjustments must be undertaken by the user.

Processings do not use the XML transport format. When uploading and downloading, the details of the directory elements with which the documents are filled are not transferred. Thanks to this, the transfer file is significantly smaller than the XML files that are often used for similar procedures in other processing. The transfer file is intuitive to the user and can be viewed and edited manually.

Directions for use: Copy the archive file. Unpack. Copy the files from the installation directory (Infobase Files) to the directory of your infobase. The UNLOAD processing is intended for use in the source database, and the LOAD processing is intended for use in the destination database. With this copying, the ExtForms directory will be replenished with several files - reports and their descriptions. Open the report through the "Tools - Additional Features" menu: and UOB.Uploading documents. If you remember the settings of the dialog processing form, the next time you open the program, it will restore it automatically. This can be convenient for organizing simple document exchange between the central office and a peripheral workplace.

Usage: 1 month trial (demo mode), with a limitation on loading documents: no more than 1 document of each type to be loaded in demo mode.

Full use: after purchase and activation.

Support: technical consultations, advice on use, correction of detected errors - free of charge. Modifications and improvements - upon client's order, on a contractual basis.

Product benefits

The operation of the processing is very simple. The user does not need to configure multiple forms to upload documents. He also doesn't have to worry about having the upload/download rules on hand that are needed for XML document exchange. Each user can configure this complex independently without inviting consultant programmers.

Reasons to buy

You save time and money. You can use any program and upload documents from it to another, also arbitrary. There is no need to worry about the presence of object conversion rules - everything works without them. Just don’t forget to view the download results and adjust the details of the newly created directory elements. By the way - download processing can use additional processing and printing forms that can be run after processing the transfer file. You can write them yourself or entrust it to professionals to handle additional tasks while uploading documents.

Comparison of versions

Currently, one version of this solution is offered, consisting of two processing: upload and download.


Anyone who needs it is provided with a full set of documents (sent by mail): license agreement, invoice for payment, deed of transfer of rights and invoice. To obtain it, please contact the developer by email.


If this processing does not suit you with its characteristics, you can apply for a refund of the amount paid for this decision by sending by e-mail a color scan of the application on your letterhead, with the seal and signature of the head of the organization. We guarantee the service "Money back guarantee" (Return of money upon the buyer's first request). We are confident in the quality of our products.


Uploading documents from 1C (7.7) in a text file:

Loading documents into 1C (7.7) from a text file:

Uploading-Loading documents into 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 from a text file:

Demonstration of the software activation process:

Software cost:

Local* version

  • Name: Solution: Upload/Download documents from/to 1C (7.7) in a text file. Local*
  • Payment currency: ruble
  • User price: 1500

Local*- means that you are purchasing a version for use on one computer (for one user) in your organization. To define the concept of "user" the ratio Computer/Base/User is used.

Network* version

  • Software product code: RESH012
  • Name: Solution: Upload/Download documents from/to 1C (7.7) in a text file. Network*
  • Payment currency: ruble
  • User price: 6000
  • VAT rate: VAT is not assessed on the basis of clause 26, clause 2, article 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation

Network*- means that you are purchasing a version for use on several computers (for several users) in your organization. Limit number of licenses: 6. You can request activation for specified users at no additional charge.

The term COPY is understood as a copy of the software, ready for use and application on each computer in accordance with its intended purpose within each information base of the 1C: Enterprise 7.7 program. By purchasing separate licenses, you acquire the right to use the software product by different users on different computers. If you have several information bases "1C:Enterprise 7.7" in which you would like to use this software product, you must purchase additional licenses for each information base. If you would like to use this software product on several computers, you must purchase additional licenses for each computer.
You have one information base, with which several users work (for example, in shifts), i.e. work from one computer- You purchase one license. You can use the file with the activation code for several users of this infobase who will use the software product on the same computer.
You have one information base with which several users work (simultaneously, from different computers, online or terminal mode) - You purchase multiple licenses. Activation codes will be different for users on different computers, so you will need to obtain multiple activation code files (multiple licenses).

Repeated (free) activation of the software product is not provided. If for some reason you experience a failure, you can try to use the previously received activation. If it is not suitable (the name of the computer, user, directory of the information database, directory of the 1C program, directory of temporary files of the operating system has changed), you should re-purchase the license. When purchasing new licenses, discounts are applied based on the number of copies purchased previously.

You can contact us by email:

Want to buy right now? Online store: SoftKey.Ru, or write us a letter with an application!

Legal basis for applying VAT benefits

Taxpayers have the right to apply benefits in accordance with subparagraph. 26 clause 2 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, only if the conditions provided for in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation are met, as well as a correct understanding of the conceptual apparatus associated with the application of this benefit.

Let's consider the issues of applying the VAT benefit provided for in subsection. 26 clause 2 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, regarding the implementation on the territory of the Russian Federation of the right to use computer programs and databases on the basis of a license agreement.

In accordance with sub. 26 clause 2 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is not subject to VAT on the sale of “exclusive rights to inventions, utility models, industrial designs, programs for electronic computers, databases, topologies of integrated circuits, production secrets (know-how), as well as rights to use the specified results of intellectual property.” activities on the basis of a license agreement."

Realization of rights to use computer programs and databases

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the sale of goods, works, services for tax purposes is the transfer on a reimbursable basis (in cases established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on a gratuitous basis) of ownership of goods, results of work performed, services rendered. In paragraph 1 of Art. 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation talks about the sale of goods, the results of work performed, services provided, but not about the exercise of rights. Therefore, we can conclude that in paragraph 1 of Art. 39 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation does not disclose the content of the concept “exercise of rights to use computer programs and databases.” Since the content of this concept is not disclosed in other norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, you need to turn to the norm of paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, according to which, in the absence of meanings of concepts and terms in the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, to establish the meanings of the corresponding concepts and terms, one should be guided by acts of other branches of legislation of the Russian Federation. Based on paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to refer to the norms of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with paragraph 1, clause 1, art. 1235 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a licensing agreement, one party - the holder of the exclusive right to the result of creative activity (licensor) grants or undertakes to provide another person (licensee) with the right to use such result within the limits provided for by the agreement. According to paragraph 1 of Art. 1286 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, under a license agreement, one party - the author or other copyright holder (licensor) grants or undertakes to provide the other party (licensee) with the right to use such work within the limits established by the agreement.

Systemic interpretation of subclause 26 clause 2 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 1, clause 1, art. 1235 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and clause 1 of Art. 1286 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that the exercise of the right to use computer programs and databases means granting the right to use computer programs and databases on the basis of a license agreement

Granting "right of use"

The concept of “granting the right to use” when applying the VAT tax benefit established in subparagraph. 26 clause 2 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation raises many questions.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 1236 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a license agreement can be of two types:

  • a license agreement under which the licensee is granted the right to use the result of intellectual activity while preserving the licensor’s right to issue licenses to other persons (simple (non-exclusive license);
  • a license agreement under which the licensee is granted the right to use the result of intellectual activity without retaining the licensor’s right to issue licenses to other persons (exclusive license).
From the above paragraph 1 of Art. 1236 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation it follows that the granting of the right to use is reduced to the granting by the licensor to the licensee of an exclusive or non-exclusive license in the form of a license agreement. Naturally, this understanding of the concept of “license” is quite unusual. In our usual understanding, a license is understood as the actual document issued by an authorized government body, which is a permit for the person to whom such a document is issued to carry out a certain type of activity.

At first glance, from paragraph 1 of Art. 1236 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, we can conclude that the concept of “granting the right to use” is identical to the concept of “license”. However, this conclusion is erroneous, since the license represents a complex object that includes several elements.

Granting the right to use is only one element of granting a license.

The second element of granting a license may be the transfer by the licensor to the licensee of the relevant document on paper.

Paper document

By agreement of the parties to the license agreement, the licensor may transfer to the licensee a document on paper with the title “License”. This document contains information about the content of the right granted, how to access the software and other necessary information.

The third element of the license grant is how the software is accessed.

Methods to access the software

The granting of a license by a licensor to a licensee is meaningless without the presence of the software for which the corresponding license is granted.

In this regard, the following methods of accessing the software can be distinguished:

  • The licensor transfers passwords, ciphers, codes, access keys, etc. to the licensee. by sending via the Internet, transmission on media or other means.
  • The licensor transfers passwords, ciphers, codes, access keys, etc. to the licensee. by sending via the Internet, transmission on media or other means, as well as a license in the form of a paper document containing the necessary relevant information.
  • The licensor transfers the license to the licensee in the form of a paper document, which specifies passwords, ciphers, codes, access keys, etc. and other relevant necessary information.

Note on the three methods above. Using appropriate passwords, ciphers, codes, access keys, etc., the licensee gains access to the software on the website of the manufacturer or other copyright holder, which he “downloads” from the specified site and installs on his computers in accordance with the terms of the granted license.

  • The licensor transfers the software directly to the licensee on the appropriate media.
  • The licensor transfers directly to the licensee the software on the appropriate media, as well as the license in the form of a paper document, which specifies the necessary relevant information.
There may be other ways to access the software within the scope of the license provided. Those. The given list of methods is not exhaustive.

Transfer and Acceptance Certificate

In addition to the license agreement governing the provision of a license by the licensor to the licensee, it is necessary to confirm the moment of direct provision of the license. The document confirming the direct grant of a license is the acceptance certificate.

Currently, there is controversy regarding the name and provisions of the content of this act. Some experts suggest calling the specified act of acceptance and transfer of rights. This name of the act (and, accordingly, the understanding of the essence of the process) is erroneous, since rights cannot be physically transferred to their intangible nature. Therefore, for this act, a name such as “act of acceptance and transfer” or “act of acceptance and transfer of license” is accurate and correct. The proposed name of the act is also correct in the case if the licensor transfers to the licensee only passwords, ciphers, codes, access keys, etc. in electronic form by sending via the Internet. This act states that:

  • The licensor provided the licensee with a license indicating its name, quantity, amount (size) of remuneration for the license. It is necessary to separately indicate that the amount (amount) of remuneration for the license is not subject to VAT on the basis of paragraphs. 26 clause 2 art. 149 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The terms “amount” and “amount” in relation to the term “remuneration” are equivalent, therefore it is possible to use both terms - the amount of remuneration or the amount of remuneration, respectively;
  • The license is considered granted by the licensor to the licensee from the moment they sign this act.
If copies of software are transferred, then the act also indicates the number of copies for each type of software and their media (usually CDs (DVDs)).

Note. If several licenses are provided, then the listed data for each type of license is indicated accordingly.

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