Interesting facts from the life of the snow leopard. Interesting facts about the snow leopard (irbis). So, the snow leopard is not a dangerous predator for humans, it is very beautiful and quite rare...

Snow Leopard, snow leopard, snow leopard or snow cat. So many names, but so few of them are left in wildlife. Irbis (irbiz), by the way, is a Turkic name, which actually means snow cat.

The snow leopard belongs to the subfamily of big cats and is separated into a separate genus - the snow leopard (Uncia uncia), although according to another classification it is classified as a genus of panthers (Panther uncia). Such an ambiguous animal. Today, according to various estimates, there are from 4 to 7 thousand snow leopards left in the wild. Unfortunately, these beauties are on the verge of extinction.

The snow leopard is one of the least studied wild cats. This is a consequence of the fact that today the snow leopard lives mainly in inaccessible mountainous areas. But we still know a few interesting facts about them.

Snow leopard, snow leopard, snow leopard or snow cat - there are so many names, but so few of them remain in the wild. Irbis (irbiz), by the way, is a Turkic name, which actually means snow cat. The snow leopard belongs to the subfamily of big cats and is separated into a separate genus - the snow leopard (Uncia uncia), although according to another classification it is classified as a genus of panthers (Panther uncia). Such an ambiguous animal.

Today, according to various estimates, there are from 4 to 7 thousand snow leopards left in the wild. Unfortunately, these beauties are on the verge of extinction.

The snow leopard is one of the least studied wild cats. This is a consequence of the fact that today the snow leopard lives mainly in inaccessible mountainous areas. But we still know a few interesting facts about them...

The snow leopard is a rather large cat. Its weight can reach 50-60 kilograms, which is less than African or amur leopard, but at the same time it is a very strong animal, capable of hunting prey twice its size.

The snow leopard has a very a long tail. Together, the total length of the animal reaches 230 cm!

These cats are incredibly bouncy. When hunting, they are able to jump 6 meters in length and 3 meters in height.

Snow leopards live high in the mountains. There are recorded cases of snow leopard detection at an altitude of 6,000 meters.

The snow leopard is constantly wandering. Its territory can reach 1000 square kilometers.

The lifespan of these animals is 20-25 years, which is longer than most other large cats. Apparently it affects the clean Mountain air.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the larynx, they cannot produce a howl, a growl, or a meow. Silent cat.

The snow leopard is a solitary cat. They unite in pairs only for a very short mating season.

The female is capable of bearing offspring twice a year.

Latin name: Uncia uncia, Panthera uncia

English name: snow leopard

Order: carnivores

Family: felines

Genus: Uncia (snow leopards), has 1 species

The snow leopard is a member of the cat family that lives in the harsh climate of the mountains. Central Asia. Among all the big cats, the snow leopard is the only permanent resident of the highlands. The predator belongs to a genus that occupies an intermediate position between the group of small cats and large cats of the genus Panthera (tigers, jaguars, lions).

Appearance and anatomical features of the snow leopard's body structure

By appearance The snow leopard resembles a leopard. Indeed, the predators are similar in posture and overall dimensions. The length of the flexible body of the snow leopard reaches 1 meter, and these cats weigh 25-40 kilograms. Male predators are slightly larger than females. Characteristic distinguishing feature snow leopard - a very long thick tail (length about 100 centimeters), as well as rather short limbs with wide paws (the length of the hind feet reaches 22-25 centimeters). The paw prints are large and round, with no discernible claw marks. Snow leopards' vision, hearing and sense of smell are well developed.

Interesting fact

Wide, fluffy paws with flat, large pads act as natural snowshoes and help large cats distribute their weight evenly so as not to fall through when walking on loose snow.

The coat color of snow leopards is light gray, with rare dark ring-shaped spots clearly visible. There are also small solid spots distributed throughout the body. Fur on the belly white. The top end of the tail is black. In young individuals, the color of the spots is more intense than in adult leopards. Geographical variability of fur color is not expressed. In general, the fur of snow leopards is very warm, thick and long (on the back the length reaches 5.5 centimeters). Soft fur grows even between the toes; it reliably protects large paws from the cold. All these signs indicate that snow leopards live in cold climates with harsh winters and they can jump perfectly.

In animals, on a relatively small, rounded head, large eyes of a yellowish-green hue with a round pupil are located quite high. Leopards' ears are short and rounded, and in winter they are almost invisible among the fur.

Like most other representatives of the cat family, adult snow leopards have 30 strong and sharp teeth in their mouths. The whiskers of leopards are white and black, up to 10.5 centimeters long. A movable long tongue allows spotted cats to easily separate meat from the skeleton of the victim. The skull of these predators is relatively powerful and massive, distinguished by highly developed zygomatic arches.

Distribution area of ​​the snow leopard

When hunting, snow leopards can jump up to 10 meters in length.

Reproduction snow leopard

Period active reproduction snow leopards occur in the last month of winter and the beginning of spring. In hard-to-reach places, females specially create a comfortable, warm shelter for the birth of offspring. Pregnancy lasts approximately 90-110 days. A female snow leopard gives birth only once every two years. Depending on the geographical area of ​​their habitat, kittens are born in April-May or May-June.

Interesting fact

Snow leopards mate in Tibet and the Himalayas all year round. The mating song of the snow leopard resembles a rough, but at the same time gentle meow.

In one litter, 2-3 small snow leopards are born (less often 3-4). Babies are born blind and regain their sight in 5-8 days. Newborn snow leopards weigh approximately 500 grams, their body length is no more than 30 centimeters. The body of the cubs is covered with brown fur with pronounced dark spots. By appearance and size, newborns resemble domestic cats.

For the first 1.5-2 months, the brood feeds only on mother's milk. Then the female begins to feed the kittens meat food. At 3 months old, young snow leopards first try to follow their mother on a walk, and at five to six months of age they are already hunting with her. The whole family lies in wait for the prey, but the female always makes the decisive jump. The cubs accompany their mother until they are almost 1 year old, learning from her the difficult art of hunting in the highlands.

Young animals reach sexual maturity at the age of 3-4 years. The male meets the female only for the mating period and does not take part in raising the offspring. In the wild, snow leopards live 12-15 years, in zoos - up to 20 years.

Population status and conservation of snow leopards

The snow leopard is one of the endangered rare species and is listed in the Red Book International Union Nature Conservation (IUCN). According to the data World Fund wildlife data for 2003, the total number of snow leopards within their distribution range does not exceed 7,500 individuals. However, due to the secretive lifestyle of these spotted predators and the inaccessibility of habitats, the population size estimate is approximate and based on expert opinions of zoologists.

The independent wildlife trade monitoring program TRAFFIC monitors the number of snow leopards in the wild. According to a 2015 report, there are only about 4,000 snow leopards left in the wild. Poachers kill spotted cats because they attack livestock. The report also notes that only 20% of snow leopards are destroyed for their beautiful warm fur, for the sale of skins, bones, claws and teeth. Illegal trade is growing every year. More than 90% of poaching cases occur in 5 countries - Mongolia, China, India, Pakistan and Tajikistan.

Interesting fact

Along with poaching, the status of the population is negatively affected defensive behavior snow leopards. Predators use protective coat coloring and, in case of danger, often hide, which often leads to their death, since in conditions open area people kill animals from firearms. In addition, with an insufficient food supply, spotted cats can feed on the victims of other predators and die by eating poisoned baits, which poachers illegally use to fight wolves.

Snow leopard and man

In the wild, snow leopards have no enemies among animals. The population size of these predators is affected by a reduction in the food supply. The number of snow leopards is decreasing due to harsh living conditions in the highlands.

The only enemy of the snow leopard is man. Even though snow leopards are quite rare animals, they have always been a desirable trophy for hunters. Animal fur is highly valued. On the black market, the skin of one snow leopard costs tens of thousands of dollars.

Nowadays, hunting snow leopards is prohibited in many countries. However, poaching continues to threaten these big cats.

Interesting fact

Since the number of snow leopards in nature is small, and they live in sparsely populated regions, the harm of predators to livestock and hunting is quite insignificant.

All over the world, menageries contain several thousand representatives of the species Uncia uncia. Today, the captive population of snow leopards numbers about 2,000 individuals, most of them in China. Of this number, only 15% of snow leopards were caught in the wild, the rest were born in zoos and reproduction centers rare species animals. Snow leopards reproduce successfully in captivity. In such conditions, animals do not show aggression, but still remain wild cats and are not tamed.

Powerful and hardy, snow leopards, also called snow leopards, live quietly where most other felines cannot survive. Nature has endowed them with thick fur that reliably protects them from frost, sharp teeth, powerful paws and developed intellect, therefore, in the wild, this predator has almost no enemies, with the possible exception of people.

Facts about snow leopards

  • These big cats are still poorly studied because they live mainly in hard-to-reach areas.
  • The weight of an adult snow leopard can reach 55 kg, and the length of the body including the tail exceeds 2 meters.
  • Unlike Amur tiger, the spots on the skin of the snow leopard are not continuous, but rather ring-shaped ().
  • Snow leopards are facing extinction, despite the fact that hunting them is strictly prohibited. According to various estimates, there are from 3 to 7 thousand snow leopards left all over the world. They are included in both the Russian and international Red Books.
  • Judging by archaeological finds, snow leopards lived on Earth already 1.2-1.4 thousand years ago. Their fossilized remains found in Pakistan date back to this age.
  • Snow leopards can purr like regular domestic cats. But, on the contrary, they do not know how to growl.
  • Raised from childhood, snow leopard kittens quickly get used to humans and become tame.
  • The snow leopard rarely hunts mice and hares, preferring larger prey. Often his victims are larger than him.
  • Leopards are often called leopards, so because of their external similarity, snow leopards began to be called snow leopards ().
  • For shelter from bad weather, snow leopards usually make dens in caves and rock crevices.
  • The long and thick tail of the snow leopard serves as a steering wheel and counterweight, helping to maintain balance while jumping.
  • Male snow leopards are usually a third larger than females.
  • Thanks to their wide paws, snow leopards can walk safely even on loose snow without falling into it.
  • Females nursing kittens wrap them with their fluffy tails to protect them from the cold.
  • Snow leopards can take a running jump of 6-8 meters.
  • Snow leopards prefer to live in the mountains, at an altitude of several kilometers. So, in the Himalayas they are sometimes found at an altitude of 5-5.5 km, and this is the height of the peak of the Russian Elbrus, and Atmosphere pressure here is twice as low as at sea level ().
  • The hard tubercles that dot the surface of snow leopards' tongues help them easily separate meat from bones.
  • Females of these big cats give birth once every 2 years, usually giving birth to 2-3 kittens. They spend the first two years of their life with their mother and then leave.
  • Snow leopards are the only cats on the planet that live so high in the mountains.
  • Extremely acute vision allows them to see white prey on white snow from a distance of several kilometers.
  • From a biological point of view, the snow leopard's closest relative is the tiger ().
  • In captivity, snow leopards live 20 years, and in the wild - 11-12. The officially registered longevity record is 28 years.
  • Snow leopards never attack people. Why is unknown, although, of course, it is for the better.
  • They lead predominantly night look life, preferring to sleep in a safe shelter during the day.
  • October 23 is considered International Snow Leopard Day.
  • Unlike most other felines, snow leopards have round, rather than vertical, pupils.
  • Despite the fact that each male snow leopard has “his own” territory, he will not show aggression if he meets another male on it.
  • The snow leopard's paw pads are covered with fur, like those of a lynx. This also helps him not to fall into the snow ().
  • The length of the snow leopard's tail is comparable to the length of its entire body.
  • Among all land predators, the snow leopard is the most secretive, and that is why it is so poorly studied.
  • Snow leopards spend their entire lives alone, and males meet females only during a short mating season. The male does not take part in the fate of the offspring, placing all responsibility on the female.
  • The word “irbis” translated from one of the Turkic languages ​​means “snow cat”.
  • Snow leopards are no strangers to fun. Researchers have observed them skiing down snow-covered slopes while lying on their backs, and then repeating this activity without any purpose, just for fun.

11 interesting facts about a beautiful, but unfortunately rare animal - snow leopard, or, as it is also called, snow leopard.

1. Large animal

The length of a snow leopard can reach 130 cm (excluding the tail), and the weight of a well-fed individual is about 50 kg. Moreover, male snow leopards are usually 1/3 larger than females.

2. Natural snowshoes

Fluffy wide paws and large flat pads play the role of natural snowshoes and help leopards to evenly distribute their weight without falling through even in loose snow.

3. Tail warmer

The snow leopard lives in rather harsh climatic conditions, and even their thick fur coat does not always help keep them warm enough in winter. Then he wraps his fluffy tail around himself, which acts like a heating pad. A female snow leopard warms her kittens with her tail.

4. Little weakness

Unlike other large cats (tigers, lions), snow leopards cannot roar.

5. Excellent jumpers

Snow leopards are excellent jumpers. In one jump they cover a distance of 9 meters.

6. Responsible Parents

A female snow leopard gives birth to 2-3 kittens every two years in spring or early summer. Before this, she prepares in advance for an important event - she looks for a den and insulates it.

7. Are born blind

Like most other members of the cat family, snow leopard kittens are born blind, opening their eyes only on the 9th day of life. They live with their parents for about two years, and then look for a mate and form a new family.

8. Mountain People

Snow leopards prefer to live in mountainous areas. They are most often found at altitudes from 2000 to 5000 meters above sea level. But, for example, in the Himalayas they live at an altitude of more than 5000 meters. Majority healthy people begin to feel the effects of altitude sickness at an altitude of 2500 - 3000 above sea level. Leopards, on the other hand, cope with pressure changes and lack of oxygen without any problems.

9. Fearless Hunters

Snow leopards attack animals three times their mass own body. The predator's favorite food is blue sheep, mountain goats, roe deer, wild boars... One large ungulate is enough for a snow leopard to live a satisfying week.

Snow leopard, snow leopard, snow leopard or snow cat - there are so many names, but so few of them remain in the wild. Irbis (irbiz), by the way, is a Turkic name, which actually means snow cat.

The snow leopard belongs to the subfamily of big cats and is separated into a separate genus - the snow leopard (Uncia uncia), although according to another classification it is classified as a genus of panthers (Panther uncia). Such an ambiguous animal. Today, according to various estimates, there are from 4 to 7 thousand snow leopards left in the wild. Unfortunately, these beauties are on the verge of extinction.

The snow leopard is one of the least studied wild cats. This is a consequence of the fact that today the snow leopard lives mainly in inaccessible mountainous areas. But we still know a few interesting facts about them:

1. The snow leopard is a rather large cat. Its weight can reach 50-60 kilograms, which is less than the African or Far Eastern leopard, but at the same time it is a very strong animal, capable of hunting prey twice its size.

2. The snow leopard has a very long tail. Together, the total length of the animal reaches 230 cm!

3. These cats are incredibly bouncy. When hunting, they are able to jump 6 meters in length and 3 meters in height.

4. Snow leopards live high in the mountains. There are recorded cases of snow leopard detection at an altitude of 6000 meters.

5. The snow leopard is constantly wandering. Its territory can reach 1000 square kilometers.

6. The lifespan of these animals is 20-25 years, which is higher than most other large cats. Apparently, the clean mountain air has an effect. 😃

7. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the larynx, they cannot produce a howl, a growl, or a meow. Silent cat.

8. The snow leopard is a solitary cat. They unite in pairs only for a very short mating season.

9. The female is capable of bearing offspring twice a year.

10. The snow leopard, like most other cats, is nocturnal. However, if necessary, he can also be active in daytime. Although most often during the day he sleeps in his lair, usually in small caves.

11. Like its leopard relatives, the snow leopard has very good eyesight.

12. Thanks to its wide paws, the snow leopard is able to move through the snow without falling into it.

This is such an interesting cat. Let's hope we can keep it. I tell us because snow leopards also live in Russia. According to scientists, today there are about 200 individuals left in the wild nature of Russia. Of course, they are listed in the Red Book.

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