Zhilkin Alexander Alexandrovich Governor. Ex-governor of the Astrakhan region Alexander Zhilkin: biography. Zhilkin started with raiding

In 1972 he graduated from the Orenburg State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.P. Chkalov, majoring in Mathematics.

Since 1973 - teacher at SPTU-12 in the village of Sharlyk, Orenburg region, since 1981 - mathematics teacher high school No. 2 of the village of Sharlyk. In 1984 he moved to Orenburg, director of boarding school No. 1.

Since 1989, in the public service - head of the department of regional education of the Industrial District of Orenburg, since 1992 - deputy head of the Main Directorate of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. In 1996-2002 Head of the Main Directorate of Education of the Administration of the Orenburg Region. Actively promoted information technologies in the educational and management process in the education system of the Orenburg region. Significantly improved the retraining system for teachers in the region. Has radically changed the work of the IUU now OIPKRO with the introduction information technologies. On its basis, teachers of computer science and other disciplines for schools in the region were trained and improved their qualifications. “In our region, we have adopted a strict condition: the director or deputy director must undergo training, but only if they are not older than 50 years.” He promised to replace school directors who do not know computers with people who know how to use them.

Graduated in 1998 Russian Academy civil service under the President of the Russian Federation in the specialty “Public and municipal government" In 1999 he defended his PhD thesis on the development of the regional education system.

In 2002-2004 - deputy general director Federal State Unitary Enterprise Publishing House "Prosveshcheniye". Since 2004 - Director of the Department public policy in the field of education of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation. Since September 11, 2007, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. IN personnel policy The Ministry of Education and Science relies on the principal corps and believes that “the school director is a key figure in the development of education and improving the quality of education.”

Critical of the problem of education standardization:

“I think it’s no secret that the school works all its life according to two standards: the first is the textbook, the second is test materials. A normal teacher rarely studies the curriculum for the subject he teaches; for him this is not the most important thing. And I think it’s generally not difficult to find those who have studied the federal component of the state educational standard inside and out. The question is, why and for whom are these standards needed? I am convinced that they are needed for the creation of textbooks for their authors and those who develop educational programs, as well as for the development of KIMs for conducting a unified state exam. Standards are needed in order to coordinate on a unified basis the activities of all levels of education, because the needs of universities determine the content school education, the needs of the school are the maintenance of preschool."

In 2009 he headed working group The Russian Ministry of Education and Science, which monitored issues related to passing the Unified State Exam and admission to universities.

Isaac Kalina, as noted by the Ukrainian resource seychas.com.ua, is known for “the active introduction in schools of a textbook on the history of the Russian Federation, edited by Alexander Filippov. It tells schoolchildren about Joseph Stalin as an effective manager of the 20th century, and calls the repression of citizens “costs.”

The persons involved in these scandals were school directors, whose financial activities were forced to be taken over by the Moscow Department of Education.

The directors of school No. 1133, Vorontsov and Kovshov, were fired one after another. The proceedings have just begun against the director of school No. 1788 Ezdov.

So, briefly, the essence of the “Vorontsov case.” The head of the educational educational complex or “development school” Vorontsov (after an appeal from one of the parents) was “convicted” by the Department of Education of “selling knowledge”: “Based on the results of the audit... the fact of forcing students to use of paid resources of the electronic educational environment of private educational institution additional vocational education Open Institute “Developmental Education” (OIDE), the director and indirect participant of which was Vorontsov A.B.”
We did not put the word “incriminate” in quotation marks by mistake. According to the information provided to us by the parents of Vorontsov’s students, from the speeches at the general meeting of school No. 1133, which was attended by an NI correspondent, it turns out that Vorontsov did not “force” anyone, as stated in the official document of the Moscow Department of Education, to pay four thousand rubles per month for additional education. In fairness, however, it is necessary to repeat once again that respected Alexey Borisovich also did not challenge the accusations against him in court.

He didn’t, perhaps because he saw the reason for his persecution in something completely different - in a conflict with Kalina, the head of the Department of Education. “We had a conflict with him when I spoke about state certification. Sobyanin and Putin scolded him severely after that,” Vorontsov said in an interview with NI.
Even if Isaac Kalina’s personal interest in Vorontsov’s departure is not true, then we ask ourselves: did the official put a crystal clear person in the place of the “stealing” director?
Vorontsov was replaced by V.L. Kovshov. According to the magazine “Capital Education”, Vladimir Lvovich “in a conversation with the parent activists stated that he bought his place from officials of the Moscow Department of Education.”

Exactly a month ago, Kovshov was fired. Our editorial staff, despite numerous appeals to Isaac Kalina’s subordinates, never received the order to dismiss Kovshov.

However, we have reason to believe that the formal reason for dismissal was financial violations.

At the general meeting of this school, in the presence of deputy Kalina Pavlov, one of the teachers of school No. 1133, Oleg Norinsky, accused Vladimir Kovshov of fraud in the payment of bonuses to employees of this educational institution and other financial irregularities, which, first of all, were expressed in the untimely payment of salaries. Serious charges!

Test results financial activities Kovshov, which was kindly provided to us by Oleg Norinsky, show that in place of the “not crystal honest” Vorontsov, Isaac Kalina put the even more “not crystal honest” Kovshov.

Here is a quote from this document:
“Responsibility for timely and complete payment wages employees of school No. 1133 are borne by the director of the educational organization. Information about the untimely payment of wages was confirmed. By order of the Moscow Department of Education dated November 28, 2016 No. 02/687 Kovshov V.L. dismissed from his position."

Can this document be regarded as evidence that Kovshov was fired for financial violations? We believe that it is too early to talk about this - the Department, for some reason, still (although exactly a month has passed since the dismissal of the disgraced director) has not published the order itself to dismiss the director.

And now we read another document - this is a response to the same Norinsky’s request to the Department of Education about illegal payments of bonuses to Kovshov:

“The state government institution, the Financial Control Service of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, reviewed your appeals dated November 15, 2016, November 16, 2016 and November 20, 2016 and reports that the fact of violation of the procedure for paying wages (incentive payments), indicated by you in your appeals, has been confirmed : in violation of clause 1.10 of the Regulations on moral and material incentives for the work of employees of the state budgetary educational institution of Moscow “School No. 1133”, bonuses were paid to employees who have worked at the Institution for less than 6 months.
It should be noted that the local acts on remuneration in force in the Institution contain contradictory provisions, which could have been introduced by V.L. Kovshova. misleading.

However, based on the totality of all the circumstances, the Moscow Department of Education decided to release V.L. Kovshov. from the position of head of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1133” from December 1, 2016.”
Translated into Russian, it follows from these documents that Kovshov illegally paid bonuses to his entourage, whom he brought to the school after his appointment. But, according to the school’s Charter, this could only be done if the recipient had already worked at School No. 1133 for at least six months.

But how to “put under your banner” the unfamiliar teaching staff in which Kovshov found himself at the behest of the Department of Education? Yes, it’s very simple: “ours” - on time salaries, advances and bonuses, “strangers” - delayed payments. That is, if you want money, come to me.

And here is another interesting document from the Moscow Department of Education, this is also a response to Norinsky’s request:
“Director of GBOU No. 1133 Vladimir Lvovich Kovshov was dismissed from his position on November 30, 2016.”

We draw the attention of our reader to the fact that the first document was signed by A.S. Barkalova, the second - A.A. Shakhova, and the third - Sh.M. Begicheva. The Head of the Department for Work with Citizens' Appeals Barkalova claims that Kovshov was fired on November 28, the Head of the Financial Control Service Shakhova reports that Kovshov was fired on December 1, and the Inspection Advisor educational organizations Begicheva says that Kovshov lost his job on November 30. Barkalova gives the order number, but Begicheva does not. What is this - nonsense, incompetence or an accidental typo?

Social studies teacher at school No. 1133 Oleg Norinsky is sure that different dates There is a completely “detective” explanation: “On November 29, we met with Kalina’s deputy, Igor Sergeevich Pavlov, who oversaw issues related to resolving the conflict situation in our school. He was very worried and said that tomorrow - i.e. On November 30, he needs to go with a report to Isaac Iosifovich. And according to the documents that I received, Kovshov had already been fired a day earlier, according to another - a day later, according to the third - on December 1. Most likely, Kovshov was fired “retroactively.” After all, how is it in our country? For example, a policeman has committed a fine, and it immediately becomes clear that at the time of breaking the law he was no longer an employee of the authorities, but had been fired a day or two earlier. Now we have the same story at our school - this is how it turns out.”

Let's not rush to conclusions. Let us refer to the answer to the question about the reason for the dismissal of Kovshov, Isaac Kalina, which he gave to the correspondent of the magazine “Capital Education”: “In school No. 1133 there is indeed a very difficult situation in the team, so we had to change the director twice.” What's it like? “A difficult situation in the team,” and not at all a violation of financial discipline.
Is this why various kinds of financial “innovations” migrate from school to school, where directors are their own financiers?
For example, school No. 1788 is located in the Solntsevo Park area, in New Moscow. Mr. Ezdov took over the reins of government there not long ago. But he has already become famous.

Policeman. Doctor biological sciences.
Former Governor Astrakhan region 2004 - 2018.

Alexander Zhilkin was born on August 26, 1959 in the village of Tsvetnoye, Astrakhan region. After graduating from a rural school in 1976, the young man entered the Astrakhan Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics. In 1981, he moved to the village of Kaspiysky, Kamyzyak district. Labor activity started as a teacher. Then he held the position of head teacher, and subsequently was the director of the Caspian eight-year school.

Since 1988, Zhilkin was the first secretary of the regional committee of the Komsomol, and a little later won the elections of deputies to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. In October 1991, Alexander Alexandrovich was appointed to the position of first deputy head of the Administration of the Astrakhan Region. Under Zhilkin’s personal leadership, new sectors of the regional economy were created and jobs were organized. Headed the Interbank Council.

Zhilkin has established a reputation as an anti-crisis manager, capable of pulling out the most difficult areas of work that were avoided by authoritative officials: the fight against poaching, organizing the conscription of young people into the army, housing and communal services, energy, social protection, warning emergency situations, settlement of labor disputes, road construction, combating the smuggling of counterfeit vodka and much more.

In the late 90s, faced with corruption in the fisheries authorities, Zhilkin created “flying” teams of trusted employees, obtained the necessary equipment, helicopters, and organized raids. The main goal is to establish a legal regime in the fight against organized bioterrorism. In 2000, for the first time in ten years, sturgeon were able to reach the Volgograd dam to spawn. As a result international organization CITES lifted sanctions against Russia prohibiting the export of black caviar and sturgeon fish products. Thus, it was possible to restore the prestige of Russia as a state capable of coping with emerging problems.

In 1996, he defended his dissertation for the scientific degree of candidate economic sciences, and since 2003 he has been an associate professor at Astrakhan State University.

Since August 17, 2004, due to the premature death of the current Governor Guzhvin, Alexander Zhilkin served as Acting Governor of the Astrakhan Region, and on December 5 of the same year, as a result of early elections, the candidacy of the acting Governor received greatest number votes. Soon, on December 23, Alexander Alexandrovich officially took office as Governor of the Astrakhan region.

At the beginning of April 2005, the experienced one defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences, and on June 3, at a meeting of the academic council dedicated to the 75th anniversary of ASTU, Zhilkin was awarded a diploma and the robe of an honorary professor of the educational institution.

By order of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin “On the Presidium of the State Council of the Russian Federation”, dated March 30, 2006, Alexander Zhilkin was added to the council.

At the beginning of December 2009, at a meeting State Duma Astrakhan region of the fourth convocation, the civil servant is unanimously vested with the powers of the Governor of the Astrakhan region. Later, at the next election for the head of the region, on September 14, 2014, the current governor, Alexander Zhilkin, was re-elected for another term.

Alexander Alexandrovich resigned from the post of governor in September 2018, and on September 26, 2018, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin accepted Zhilkin’s resignation from the post of governor of the Astrakhan region.

Family of Alexander Zhilkin

He is a widower, has two daughters, Natalya, Irina and a son from his second marriage, and five grandchildren.

Wife, Vera Viktorovna Zhilkina, 1959-2014. Founder of the “Step towards” foundation. Owned shares in a commercial bank. She died in 2014.

Awards of Alexander Zhilkin

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (January 25, 2010) - for his great contribution to the socio-economic development of the region and many years of conscientious work.

Order of Honor (January 27, 2003) - for achieved labor successes and many years of conscientious work.

Order of Friendship (November 11, 1998) - for services to the state, many years of conscientious work and great contribution to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples.

Medal “Defender of Free Russia” (May 6, 1993) - for the fulfillment of civic duty in defending democracy and the constitutional system on August 19-21, 1991, great contribution to the implementation of democratic reforms, strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples.

Medal "For Assistance in Providing special programs"(GUSP, 2009) - for making a significant contribution to the implementation of special programs of the Russian Federation.

Order of St. Sergius of Radonezh, 1st degree, Russian Orthodox Church

Honorary citizen of the city of Astrakhan (2008)

Personalized honorary badge “For Civil Merit”, 1st degree (Astrakhan, December 10, 2007) - for enormous support aimed at the comprehensive socio-economic development of the city of Astrakhan, expansion of production, improvement of the living standards of citizens, their social security, preservation of peace and friendship between peoples further development charity, patronage of the arts, and on the eve of the 450th anniversary of the city.

Order of Dostyk (Kazakhstan, December 5, 2008) - for active social activities, strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, for services to the state

Anniversary medal “20 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan” (2011).

Order of Friendship (Azerbaijan, November 26, 2013) - for special services in the development of economic and cultural ties between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation.

Medal “Makhtumkuli Fragi” (Turkmenistan, 2014).

Today the Astrakhan establishment and media said goodbye to the now former governor Astrakhan region by Alexander Zhilkin. First, the Cabinet of Ministers was called to the final speech, and then representatives of the Astrakhan media were called.

We did the impossible

Speaking to journalists, Alexander Zhilkin noted that he was proud of his work, despite the fact that not everything worked out for certain reasons.
- When I began acting as governor, our region lagged behind many other regions of the country. I set myself an ambitious, daring task, for which I was later criticized, to double the GRP in three years. Yes, we deliberately set high standards, because without goals, without setting guidelines, development is impossible,” said the ex-governor. - Of course, not everything worked out. Not everything depends on specific person. Even using my capabilities to the maximum, sometimes I lacked resources, primarily financial ones.
However, according to Zhilkin, he leaves the Astrakhan region as a rapidly developing entity with powerful foreign economic activity, which not every region can boast of. Among the projects that the former head of the region is proud of, he named the cardiac center, which saved more than 70 thousand lives, the Opera and Ballet Theater, the Regional School Technology Park and Quantoriums, successes Agriculture. In addition, Alexander Alexandrovich considers it his merit to successfully overcome the crisis and create a surplus budget. According to him, this would have been impossible without the coordinated work of the Cabinet.
- I am grateful to the huge team that has been with me all these years. The regional government and all municipal leaders worked well. Yes, we all took risks, but the risks were justified. When we started working, in parallel with the formation of projects for the future, we took out loans and created the infrastructure needed here and now. We did the impossible in difficult conditions, when we were “cut off”, they took 25% of the income from the budget. It's not our fault. Yes, from the point of view of public policy, this is correct: resources should provide the country. But we immediately “jumped out” with internal debt exceeding 100%. This has been the hardest period since 2014. We were criticized, but we stubbornly walked forward and emerged. Last year the budget stabilized and this year it became surplus.
At the same time, Alexander Zhilkin thanked all Astrakhan residents, public and political structures, including opposition ones, for working together and noted that he could not speak badly about anyone.

Morozov should become a resident of Astrakhan

Journalists asked Alexander Zhilkin if he was ready to help the new acting governor and what he would ask Sergei Morozov to emphasize. As for projects, Zhilkin named two that, in his opinion, are especially significant for the region - establishing ties with the leadership of the Caspian countries and building a third bridge across the Volga.

However, Zhilkin believes that the most important thing for the new leader is to love the people of Astrakhan and become part of the region.

- Our mentality is very difficult for a stranger. It’s impossible here without relying on people. Any development must be based on the traditions of the people, their customs and culture. Everything needs to be done for the people, any project, even the most ambitious one. Otherwise, you can run into negativity. I want to convey this to my colleague. He must fall in love with our people and become an Astrakhan himself - then everything will work out.
Zhilkin said that he had already spoken with Sergei Morozov by telephone and intended to meet with him tomorrow in his office after the acting governor was introduced to the cabinet. “I’m ready to tell him about all the projects,” Zhilkin said.

I want to hold the work book in my hands

Well, of course, most of all the media were interested in the main question - where the ex-official would go next. Alexander Alexandrovich did not answer him, saying that he himself did not yet know his future fate.

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