How to open a candy store. Everything that makes our life easier

Stories of starting a small business can be successful or unsuccessful. If success stories inspire, then unsuccessful ones, as a rule, are not very attractive to us. But it is from bad experience that the most can be learned. important lessons. We believe that negative experiences are also experiences. Therefore the magazine IQ Review opens a series of articles on the topic “how not to do business” with this story. It's like a thousand other stories. The difference is that it is replete with details that a stranger will not tell you about. We give the floor to the heroine, who will tell the whole truth. Read and learn.

How I opened a candy aisle in a shopping center

If you live in small town with a population of no more than 250 thousand, then the problem of consumer choice is not acute - for the simple reason that this choice simply does not exist. Shops of local shopkeepers that have not seen renovation or renovation since the collapse Soviet Union, offer us the same type of goods and Chinese consumer goods at inflated prices. The rebuilt shopping centers also do not extend the city's reach. new level, because they are made in the image and likeness of the same shops with the same assortment, but in larger sizes.

Searching for a business idea in a small town

I live in one of these cities in the suburbs of Rostov-on-Don. My decision to open my own business came by chance. My name is Anna, I’m 27 years old, I’m a mother on maternity leave, and I didn’t have any business experience. None of my family and my husband’s family have ever been involved in business; we are all simple workers.

And already here, at the stage of the birth of the idea, I encountered the first difficulties. At the initial stage, support is more important than ever - someone or something that gives strength and inspiration. Ideally, this is a person who has already achieved certain success in his chosen field and is able to give good advice. This could be either a person from your environment or a stranger from the online space. As a last resort, you can find a like-minded person from among your friends or relatives.

I had to do without it. The idea was new within my city, and this is what gave me confidence and hope for the success of my enterprise.

Franchise "Tasty Help"

An offer to purchase a franchise of the Tasty Help brand popped up in the form of contextual advertising. I was hooked by the name, numbers and payback percentages.

The company promised a 100-200% markup on its goods and a payback in 3 months at a cost of only 100 thousand rubles. When I clicked on the site, a light bulb went on in my subconscious.

These were candies, but not just any candies, but European sweets, sealed in jars of 50, 150 and 250 ml with stickers on which beautiful wishes. The general concept of the brand is a jar of sweets instead of pills as a cure for sadness. In addition to candies, the assortment included 90s gum, fortune cookies and ready-made gift sets. On the promo page it all looked impressive and bright, and in the photos there are examples of successful points. I had a desire to give my city a similar island of joy, to give people the opportunity to acquire something similar.

Pros and cons of a franchise

I abandoned the idea of ​​buying a franchise, especially since the company provided the opportunity to purchase goods in bulk. And there were fewer pros than cons. At a cost of 250 thousand rubles, the franchise only gave the right to a 3% discount on an order and the mythical “managerial support”, as well as the status “ official representative”, which, however, did not allow me to be the only representative in my city. I was also deprived of the right to trade other goods at my own discretion, and for my own money I was subject to close supervision, which I considered a huge disadvantage.

Sweets shop business plan

Sweets shop

Start-up capital for opening a retail outlet

I didn't have any money. But there was a credit card with a limit of 120 thousand rubles. I thought that this should be enough.

The promised markup, however, did not turn out to be. With a retail price of a large jar of 290 rubles, the purchase price was 162 rubles. That is, the markup is 80%, in ruble equivalent - 128 rubles per unit of goods sold. For chewing gum and smaller jars, the markup ranged from 50 to 60%.

I found a rather successful, in my opinion, place in mall, in which they were the company's anchor tenants " Child's world", "Letual" and "TsentrObuv". Price 1 sq. meter was 5 thousand rubles, and the total cost of the 3 sq. m. - 15 thousand per month.

Payback period calculation

According to my calculations, with an average daily revenue of 1 thousand rubles, I will recoup my costs in 8-10 months. That was my entire business plan at the time. And it was this error that caused all subsequent problems. I didn't take into account important factors, which are the foundation and the first bricks in the construction of a successful project.

I placed an order for 100 thousand rubles. The order consisted of individual jars, some chewing gum, and a box of “Petushki” lollipops. I paid at the bank by transfer from a card, which automatically added a 4% commission to my debt, and this is no less than 4 thousand rubles. Delivery by a transport company added another 2 thousand rubles to the initial costs.

After searching for a place and signing an agreement, I came across the concept of “deposit”. This meant that I needed to pay for two months at once - the first and last under the contract, in other words, make a security deposit. My 15 thousand turned into 30. I had to add from the family budget.

The next stage was ordering display cases. They cost 30 thousand. I borrowed this money from a friend. Little things like designing an individual entrepreneur, a consumer corner, a chair, and an office depleted my already meager budget by about another 4 thousand.

Thus, opening a small point with sweets cost 170 thousand rubles. This significantly increased the payback period compared to the initial estimates. But it was already too late to retreat.

Business in numbers: sales, revenue, profit

The point began operating on June 1, 2014. On initial stage I decided to trade myself, without hiring sellers, in order to study the demand and “draw a portrait” of a potential buyer. I must say that the product really aroused great interest.

What is in demand and generates turnover?

To my great surprise, the greatest demand was for products from the 90s - chewing gum “Love is”, “Turbo”, instant juices “Yuppie” and “Zuko”, and we bought a lot of candies for children.

There was a very wary attitude towards “Tasty Help”, but it aroused constant interest. Every second person had to explain that these are not dietary supplements, not medicines, not fish food. When a person realized that these were candies, the question of the high price arose. Indeed, at a price of 290 rubles per 250 grams, the price per kilogram exceeded 1,100 rubles. In response to this, I argued that these candies are unusual, exclusively made in Europe. The emphasis was on gift packaging and unusual wishes, which made the candies both an independent gift and a pleasant addition to the gift.

As a result of all the twists and turns, the revenue for the first month amounted to 70 thousand, which was more than double my expectations. My joy knew no bounds.

During this difficult first month, I made such disappointing conclusions:

  1. For a successful startup, activities that are familiar to most consumers are still more preferable. You just need to make it a little better. And if the product is in high demand, then there will always be demand, even with minimal promotion.
  2. It is preferable to develop new types of business only if there is a reserve of finances, large quantity free time and experience as an advertiser, or at least a suspended tongue.

Expanding the assortment of the outlet

After paying the rent for July, having decided to replenish the greatly depleted supplies of goods, I ordered something that disappeared from the shelves almost immediately - chewing gum and “Petushki” lollipops. I had regular customers who asked me to add the then famous drink “Dr. Pepper." I found suppliers of a real American drink and placed an order worth about 20 thousand. After all the costs of repaying the loan, 25 thousand remained, of which I paid 17, as I decided to treat myself to new clothes and several trips to the restaurant.

The second month of work brought in 60 thousand rubles in revenue. The moving positions were running out, the slow ones were hanging like dead weight. Of course, I wanted sales, so I ordered popular jars of “Tasty Help”, “Yuppie” and chewing gum worth about 30 thousand. Ordered "Dr. Pepper sold out, but taking into account the small markup (30 rubles) and the cost of delivery, the real benefit was practically zero. At the beginning of the second month, I advertised for a sales position, as elementary fatigue from working for a month without days off from 10.00 to 21.00 was making itself felt. With a 2/2 schedule, the salesperson’s salary “ate up” 8 thousand of revenue. Of course, I didn’t take this into account in the initial cost calculations either.

The second month allowed us to draw the following conclusions:

  1. Starting any business that involves the use of labor employees, you need to gain basic knowledge in the field of personnel management. I tried to give preference to girls aged 25-30 with work experience. But this did not save me from unpleasant situations associated with incompetence and banal irresponsibility.
  2. Poor people are more difficult to manage. The desire to save on salary leads in most cases to a decrease in the salesperson’s performance and the desire to “do the hours.”

In the third month, sales also went well, but at the end of the month they dropped to 50 thousand. It would seem that in these three months it was possible to pay off the debt or at least significantly reduce it. Indeed, half of the debt was paid. But the shelves were empty again. In addition, September came and sales fell. I was tossing between the desire to give up everything, look for another place (of which there are not many in our city), or go all in. I was constantly haunted by thoughts about the approaching New Year, which meant a large purchase.

Sales of sweets during the holidays

Hopes for everyone's favorite holiday came true. I bought a lot of New Year's sweets worth about 40 thousand, they looked very beautiful, elegant, and festive. I made sets, tried to work more myself, and didn’t trust the sellers. During December, absolutely everything was sold out. The revenue on December 31 was very pleasing - 12 thousand. The display cases were completely empty. What I invested in this purchase was returned to me. But no more.

After the New Year holidays, inspired by pre-New Year sales, I assumed that the February and March holidays should also bring good profits. But here I have already miscalculated. Another pre-holiday purchase attracted virtually no interest from buyers. The holidays were over, the shelves were full of goods, people no longer had money. Dimensions daily revenue ranged from 50 to 500 rubles, which could not even cover rent and salaries.

As a result, my debt to the bank not only did not decrease, but even increased. The total bank debt amounted to 140 thousand, which also included interest - about 4 thousand rubles for each month. I also didn’t repay my debt to my friend. The invested 170 thousand remained outstanding. At the end of April I closed the point.

What conclusions did I draw during the operation of the outlet and, mainly, after its closure?

  1. The capital invested in equipment and the initial content of the store will never return. This is an investment that needs to be included in a business plan, without taking into account the return.
  2. A business plan is the main springboard into a successful project.
  3. In addition to offline sales, it is imperative to conduct online trading in parallel. This could be a page on social networks, a simple one-page website or a full-fledged website. For many people, it is preferable to buy online, when you can think for a few days and return to the product you like.
  4. You need to learn to delegate work. It is impossible to be an ideological inspirer, a salesman, a loader, an accountant, and at the same time become successful entrepreneur. And this certainly applies to a young mother.
  5. You should never follow the advice of people who know nothing about business in general and yours in particular. Apart from confusion and confusion in thoughts, this will lead to nothing.
  6. You should not get hung up on your project, even if it is the first and only one. You need to be able to leave your favorite rental place on time, not forgetting about the possibility of scaling, if funds allow.
  7. The main thing is self-confidence; without it, any, even the most promising, undertaking will fail.

Are you thinking about the idea of ​​how to open a candy store? All the nuances of running this type of business are described in detail in the article.

♦ Capital investments – 400,000 rubles.
♦ Payback – 4–8 months.

According to most experts, a business based on the sale of food products is one of the most profitable and promising.

The sale of candy, cookies and other sweets is no exception.

If you want to launch a startup related to the sale of food products, then you should definitely understand how to open a candy store from scratch.

The implementation of such a business project cannot be called too complicated or expensive, however, this type of business has its own nuances that entrepreneurs need to know about in order to avoid common mistakes.

How to open a candy store: features of this business

Like any other type entrepreneurial activity, a startup related to the sale of sweet products, has its own characteristics.

Let's try to name the most interesting ones:

  1. A confectionery store is a retail outlet that distributes sweets, cookies, pastries, cakes and other high-calorie products with a high sugar content.
  2. There is always a steady demand for sweet products among the population, which is why it is profitable to open a confectionery store.
    Even the relatively high cost of sweets does not deter potential buyers.
  3. Owners of confectionery shops must take care not only of the product range and pricing policy of their establishment, but also of the impeccable cleanliness of the premises.
  4. Your main problems will be:
    • the need to sell goods with a short shelf life (this does not apply to sweets, but to cakes and cream pies);
    • insects (wasps, midges) in summer;
    • high level of competition;
    • regular inspections of the Sanitary Service and others government organizations.
  5. If you decide to open a candy store from scratch, then you definitely need to analyze your target audience in order to understand what products you need to focus on selling: inexpensive mass-produced ones, or more exclusive ones, even if they cost a lot.
  6. Try to name your store in an original way so that with the help of a sign you can attract the attention of a potential client.
  7. Don't be greedy when setting your pricing policy, but don't work at a loss either.
    Remember that it is better to organize a promotion to sell leftover candies, biscuits, cookies and other sweets that are past their expiration dates, rather than throwing them in the trash later.

Types of candy stores that can be opened from scratch

There are 4 common types of candy stores that you can open in your hometown:


    You are selling products that someone else makes for you.
    This is the most suitable option for people who, starting a business from scratch, do not have a large starting capital.

    Confectionery shop + cafe.

    You not only sell candies, cakes, cookies and other sweets, but also give customers the opportunity to eat them right in your store by setting up several tables.

    A confectionery store selling products of its own production.

    If you are a confectioner by education and vocation and want to make sweets rather than sell them, then you can open a production workshop and, attached to it, a store to sell the products you make.

    Confectionery shop + cafe + production workshop.

    The most complex and costly option to implement, which requires renting a large premises, lengthy registration procedures and considerable capital investments.
    Although, with the right approach, it can bring good profits to its founder.

If you decide to open a candy store, do not forget to advertise it

Interesting fact from the history:
The word "candy" comes from 16th-century European apothecary jargon. This word, derived from the Latin confectum (“made”), was the name of candied fruits, which at that time were considered a type of medicine.

If you want to save on advertising campaign, then locate your candy store in a place with high traffic: in the center, near bus stops public transport, Near entertainment centers, children's parks, educational institutions, etc.

Invest in a bright sign that can be seen from a distance and window stickers to make your store stand out from others.

Also, make sure to name your establishment beautifully and briefly.

  • local newspapers and radio stations;
  • city ​​forums;
  • specially printed business cards and advertising booklets;
  • social media.

How to open a candy store: calendar plan

How long it will take you to launch a startup depends on the type of business you decide to open.

If you want to not only sell, but also make sweets, you will need at least six months.

If you want to open a standard confectionery store to sell products that someone else makes, you can easily manage it in 4 months.

Rental and renovation
Purchase of the first batch
Advertising campaign

How to open a candy store: business plan

So that aspiring entrepreneurs understand the stages of launching a startup and how much money they need to have to open a confectionery store.

Let's imagine that we decided to open a small confectionery store (30 sq. m.) in one of the densely populated residential areas of a provincial town to sell sweets, cookies, pastries, cakes and bakery products domestic producers.


To own a confectionery shop, you can register both as an individual entrepreneur and as an LLC. If you are just starting a business, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur and pay tax according to a unified system.

Be sure to find out what requirements of the Sanitary Service, Rospotrebnadzor, Fire Service and other government organizations must be met in order to open a candy store.

You will also have to conclude a number of contracts (for garbage removal, for disinfection and disinfestation, etc.), take care of the fire alarm, and issue sanitary certificates for your sellers.


The area of ​​the premises you choose should be optimal in all respects: not be too large so that you don’t go broke on rent, but not so small as to create inconvenience for the client.

Some confectionery shops can hardly even be called shops.

These are rather stalls where a lot of confectionery products are crammed, which buyers do not even have the opportunity to properly examine.

The optimal area is 30–40 square meters. m.

We have already said that you need to open such a business in a place with high traffic in order to increase the number of casual customers.

You don't need to spend a lot of money on renovations.

It is enough to paint the walls a neutral color, make the floors from a material that is easiest to clean, and have normal lighting so that customers can look at the sweets even in the dark.


In order to present your products to customers in the most favorable light, you need to purchase the following equipment for a candy store:

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:100,000 rub.
Shelves and racks for sweets stored in boxes
30 000
Refrigerator display for sweets that need to be stored at low temperatures
30 000
Cash machine
10 000
Other30 000


To earn as much as possible, confectionery stores must work seven days a week according to a schedule, for example, from 8.00 to 20.00, which means two shifts of sellers are needed.

At first, for a small establishment, 1 seller per shift is enough, but after promotion, think about hiring additional sellers so that the shift consists of two people.

You'll also need at least one cleaner, because it's very difficult for salespeople to balance customer service with cleaning the store.

The services of an accountant and manager can be performed by the owner.

Product range

It’s not enough just to open a candy store; you need to make sure that the range of sweets sold in it satisfies the tastes of all customers.

To begin with, it is enough to offer customers 50–70 options of sweets, among which must be:

  • bakery products (donuts, croissants, buns, sweet croutons, etc.) – 10 options;
  • cookies and waffles – 15 options;
  • cakes and pastries – 10 options;
  • candies (chocolate and caramel) – 20 options;
  • other – 10–15 options.

Constantly research the tastes of your customers in order to formulate a range of products according to their wishes.

Without regret, remove from sale those sweets that are not selling well and add something new.

How much does it cost to open a candy store?

A confectionery store is one of those startups that will not require large capital investments to launch.

To open a shop, for which we are drawing up a business plan, it is enough to have 400,000 rubles.

Expense itemAmount (in rub.)
Total:400,000 rub.
Registration20 000
Renovating the premises where you want to open a store100 000
Purchase of equipment100 000
Purchase of the first batch of goods100 000
Advertising20 000
Additional expenses60 000

In addition to one-time financial injections, you will have monthly expenses, without which the operation of a candy store is impossible:

We invite you to watch a video,

about how a confectionery shop works and what is needed to open it:

Possible profit of a candy store

So, we calculated that the starting investment in our conventional confectionery store will be about 400,000 rubles, and monthly expenses will be about 150,000 rubles.

But how quickly can we get our money back?

Experts say that the payback period for a candy store can be either 3 months or 1 year.

The business of selling sweets is very promising, especially when the entrepreneur offers customers fresh and high-quality goods, and also a large assortment of sweets. The confectionery business has its own subtleties and difficulties, as well as the prospects for this “sweet” business...

How to start your own business? Find a place in a shopping center or on ordinary market, then buy or make shelves yourself where boxes of sweets and scales will be placed. Then negotiate with wholesalers to take the goods for sale - and that’s it.

By the end of the month, the goods and rent of the retail space will pay for themselves with a good profit. The main thing is to find a crowded place where you can win regular customers.

For those who like to try new things, show and offer new items, and always ask conservatives: “Are you as usual?”

Usually difficulties are associated with pressure from the tax inspectorate and administrative institutions. But there will be enough sweets for all the family!

Selling candy is a seasonal job, since in the summer the income is usually minimal and there is practically no trade, there are few clients. Mostly in the summer they buy fruits and water. But on New Year's, spring holidays, and Easter, candy sells out quickly.

Business idea No. 947: how to make money selling sweets? Business ideas here: website

All people love sweets. And sometimes it happens that going for candy is the most enjoyable thing you'll do all day. By trading candies, you can give joy to all your customers, and also earn good money!

Profit in the candy business depends on various factors. Day of the week, the presence of a day off or holiday (Saturday and Sunday are days for those with a sweet tooth). Much depends on the seller, how he presents the product to customers. Weather also affect the number of clients.

Don't forget the main rule - the customer is always right. When purchasing, always take everything fresh, check and open the boxes. It is better to go shopping twice a day. Try to change your product range at least occasionally. If you notice that the product has become slightly spoiled, do not put it on sale under any circumstances, throw it away immediately.

I wish you success in your “sweet” business, patience and more clients...

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Many people cannot live even one day without sweets. Despite the fact that modern market There are delicacies for every taste and budget; a candy store as a business will bring good profits, since there is always a high demand for such products.

Where to begin?

First of all, you should go to competitors' stores as a simple buyer. Pay attention to the design of different retail outlets, as well as prices and assortment. Ask sellers which products sell best. Thanks to this, you can determine a couple of dozen items of goods that need to be purchased first. In addition, you can set lower prices to attract early buyers. How to open a candy and cookie store from scratch is of interest to many novice entrepreneurs, so you should understand this matter in more detail.

Business registration

For the first time you can register individual entrepreneur. In addition, it is necessary to fulfill all the requirements imposed by the SES and fire inspection. Since you are going to sell food products, there will be a lot of them.

You don't need any licenses or special permissions. After you have completed all the documents, you can safely open a candy store and get to work.

Store premises

A small confectionery shop can be located near the market in a residential area. It is desirable that there are children's institutions nearby - schools, kindergartens, etc. Choose a location away from large supermarkets. Such a neighborhood may adversely affect your profits.

A confectionery shop with expensive products should be opened in the city center, where there are many shopping centers and office buildings, that is, where there are more wealthy clients. You can also open a chocolate boutique here, since such products are not cheap, but in certain circles they are in great demand. The rent for premises in such a place is quite high, especially for beginning businessmen.

You can also rent a place in a shopping center or open a department in grocery store. This will save you from completing a lot of paperwork and permits. And, due to the expansion of the range. This benefits both parties.


At first glance, it may seem that creating an assortment will not take much time. It is enough to conclude agreements with large manufacturers and you can work calmly. But almost all entrepreneurs use this approach. To be different from them and compete adequately in this market, you need to come up with a new, fresh idea. Candy stores are very popular self made, which attract customers with an unusual and original assortment, fresh desserts from the bakery, etc. As an option, you can also have a store from her selling products of her own production.

Most the best option- This is your own cooking. You can also collaborate with private artisans who sell homemade cookies. In this case, you will be provided positive reviews grateful customers, since only experienced chefs can make such delicious products with their own hands. Therefore, before opening a candy store from scratch, first think carefully about everything, and only then get down to business.

Staff workers

To organize a candy trade, you need to hire the following personnel:

  • Sellers;
  • Manager;
  • Accountant;
  • Loader.

For a small store, hiring an accountant makes no sense. You can turn to a private specialist for help, who will handle all the accounting and appear at your establishment only a couple of times a week. You can manage all the affairs yourself, but you should hire nice, friendly women who are well versed in sweets as sellers.


The candy store needs to purchase all the necessary commercial equipment:

  • Product stands;
  • Counter;
  • Equipment for preparing cocktails;
  • Refrigerators;
  • Scales;
  • Cash machine.
  • You will have to spend 4.6–7.5 thousand dollars on equipment.


Confectionery stores require a good advertising campaign, because it is very difficult to promote such an outlet. Typically, advertising on television and in newspapers does not have an effect, because no one will go to your store to buy a cake or some sweets. Potential clients are people living in your area. You should bet on them. Install signs directed to your point of sale, and also post Flyers by mailboxes. In addition, you should make a bright sign and design the facade in an original way. People should be able to see from afar that the store sells sweets.

As a rule, trading cookies and candies brings good profits, so this product does not need expensive advertising.

How to attract buyers?

The goods in the store need to be beautifully laid out on the shelves. At one glance at the sweets, visitors should have a desire to buy them.

Place certain product names according to the most low prices. This will help attract new customers. Don't forget to constantly replenish your assortment. It must contain at least 30 species chocolates and about 20 types of caramel. Offer new and unusual desserts. You can make a small department in which oriental sweets will be sold.

Costs and profits

Total costs consist of the following items:

  • Renting premises;
  • Purchase of equipment;
  • Salaries of employees;
  • Purchase of goods;
  • Business registration.

On average, you need to invest about 15 thousand dollars in the business. In addition, the business plan for a candy store should include advertising costs.

In terms of profit, the average candy store makes about $1,500 to $3,000 in profit. It's not very large sum, but such a business is highly stable. You can work in this direction for a long time, since sweets are very popular at all times. Decide for yourself whether it is profitable or not to open a candy store, since everyone has their own personal opinion on this matter.

Video on the topic


If you have firmly decided that I want to open a candy store, you need to put your whole soul into this business. Don't stand in one place. Business needs to be constantly improved. Only in this case will it provide you with a stable income.

Sales of confectionery products is profitable business. Particularly brisk trade is observed in holidays. But there are also periods when there are practically no buyers. Confectionery products sell worst in the summer. During this season, you can make a profit from selling soft drinks and ice cream.

A store will be successful if 200–300 people visit it in one day. Wherein average bill should be 35–45 hryvnia. Therefore, before opening a candy store from scratch, you need to carefully analyze the purchasing power in a certain area, and only after that rent space there.

Let's sum it up

Retail and wholesale Candy business brings a lot of trouble and requires large financial expenses. To start, you will need more than 500 thousand rubles.

The initial investment usually pays for itself in 9-10 months, provided that you choose the right location and offer clients quality products at affordable prices. In this case, you are guaranteed a constant stable income.

How to open a candy store? What are the key nuances that a new entrepreneur needs to keep in mind? What determines the profitability of a retail outlet and business prospects?

Sweets shop: nuances

How to open a retail outlet selling sweet products? By and large, this procedure is no different from the process of launching any other type of business in the food retail sector. The only important nuance is the storage conditions of the goods.

Some types of sweets (chocolate or, for example, jam) may require purchase special types refrigerators. Therefore, in some cases, a business plan for a candy store should include an item of expenses for the purchase special types equipment for food storage.

People buy sweets, cakes and cookies to treat themselves or to create a positive atmosphere at the table at home. Therefore, a store that sells sweets must correspond to the spirit of positive emotions.

The effect can be achieved, for example, through a bright, positive interior with original drawings. Buyers purchasing goodies at a retail outlet that knows how to inspire good mood, they remember such places well and return here with joy.

Location factor

It is very important to position the candy store correctly. The business plan for this establishment should include a short analytical report on the area where the outlet will be located. Some marketers believe that it is best to open a sweets store near markets, recreation parks, shopping or entertainment centers. An alternative is accommodation in an area built up with high-rise residential buildings. In general, you need to open a store where there is a lot of customer traffic.

However, in addition to this rule, which is typical for most types of business, there is another factor that stands apart, and it is specific to the sale of sweets: the target audience of buyers must live in the area where the outlet is located. It is unlikely that high sales of cookies and sweets will be observed in the industrial areas of the city. In turn, areas where there are many schools, nightclubs, and kindergartens are optimal for such a business.

Scale factor

The business plan for a candy store will include such a parameter as the area of ​​the store. There are several marketing strategies regarding it. Firstly, you can open a small retail outlet and incur minimal costs for its maintenance.

The profit will be relatively small due to low sales volumes. Secondly, you can open a store with large resources in terms of space, with a varied assortment, and extract large revenues, however, the costs of maintaining such a retail outlet will be high.

The entrepreneur will therefore have to look for “ golden mean": either he has large profits at considerable costs, or he has modest profits at minimal costs. You need to look at what the net “profit” will be in both cases and, based on this, select the optimal strategy. Some marketers believe that when choosing a format for doing business on a large scale, that is, choosing option number two, there is a better chance of withstanding the competition.

According to recipes from the East

In some cases, a candy store may have its own production of the goods it sells. In this case, one of the premises houses a full-fledged confectionery shop. IN last years Sweets of oriental origin are becoming popular in Russia. Take, for example, Turkish delight: this Turkic dish does not require scarce ingredients, and at the same time it is liked by many gourmets.

The production of most types of oriental sweets is a fairly simple process, since in the countries of origin of these dishes, recipes have existed for several centuries and have not changed with the advent of any technology.

Accordingly, you can prepare them almost at home (and this is especially good for those entrepreneurs who have chosen strategy number one - working at a modest scale of the outlet). To prepare the same Turkish delight, all you need is water, starch, sugar, as well as something for taste (jam, syrup or freshly squeezed juice), as an addition - nuts.

Starting a business

Having drawn up a business plan for a sweets store, the entrepreneur moves on to the stage of its practical implementation. There are several here key points. Firstly, these are relationships with product suppliers. It is necessary to analyze how rational the choice of a certain candy or confectionery factory will be for business.

Secondly, there is an inflationary component in relation to expenses. We need to make sure that, say, an increase in rental prices will either not happen at all or will proceed at a predictable pace. The same goes for staff salaries. In Russia, the level of remuneration for employees in the retail segment (just like in the bakery and confectionery industry) has not yet reached its ceiling, and it will inevitably increase over the course of several years.

Thirdly, it is necessary to optimize the reporting process to tax authorities and other government agencies so that paperwork does not interfere with the main business and does not take up time. A candy store business plan often does not include these three factors, and the entrepreneur has to learn the nuances of the work through practice.

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