Under what motto does the year pass? year - Civic engagement and volunteering

By tradition, in Russia every year is dedicated to something. Thus, the chosen topic unites the people and attracts the necessary attention to this topic.

It is not yet known exactly what topic will appear in Russia, how main topic 2018. But we know exactly what options are being considered.

2018 is declared the year of the Theater in Russia

V. Medinsky, the current head of the Ministry of Culture, announced that perhaps 2018 will become the year of theatrical art. This will help give impetus to the development of Russian theater. The fact is that recently the theater has been deprived of due attention, both from the Russian public and abroad.

“Live art” should not be inferior in popularity to “Cinema” or “Television,” the minister believes. Therefore, he vigorously promotes “Theater” as the theme for 2018 for the Russian Federation. Of course, the benefits of such a desire should not be discarded. After all, if the project is approved, funding for the theater will increase significantly.

The year 2018 is the year of Russian unity

S. Smirnova - ch. Assembly of Peoples, proposed this patriotic symbol. One cannot but agree that in this fragile time for the world, the friendship of all peoples within the country is very important.

Strengthening interethnic ties in Russia, as well as beyond its borders, will certainly benefit the common world.

Year of Tourism between India and Russia - 2018

An unlikely option, but still possible, is that V.V. Putin will declare 2018 the year of tourism between India and Russia. The political motive for such a step will be clear, but the benefits from the agreement between Russia and India on a visa-free regime are quite doubtful. Therefore, let's hope that this does not happen in the near future, and especially in 2018.

Year of Charity - 2018

This is how the theme of 2018 can be formally named. But in fact, this will be the year in which maximum assistance will be provided to all disabled people and limited health citizens.

Living a full life, we almost never think about people who were born disabled or became disabled during their lives. Every day they experience such difficulties that healthy person I just don't understand. If 2018 is declared the Year of Help, it will seriously attract attention and therefore help people with disabilities overcome all difficulties.

IN Russian Federation Every year is traditionally held under some slogan. The purpose of such a tradition is the need to draw public attention to important issues in the life of the country. At present, the question of what 2018 will be dedicated to has not yet been resolved. Let us note only a few points to which the Russian public urges attention.

Year of the Theater

The proposal to make 2018 the year of the theater comes from the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V. Medinsky. He believes that the time has come to attract public attention to such a cultural object as the theater. In his opinion, Russian artists create performances that can compete with the best examples world culture. At the same time, in our country not enough attention is paid to the temple of arts. The dedication of 2018 to the theater can push cultural figures to create new masterpieces, lead to improved material support for theaters and an increase in the flow of spectators. State support will certainly help improve the situation with touring activities.

Year of Russian Unity

The initiative to spend 2018 under this slogan belongs to representatives of the Assembly of Peoples of the Russian Federation. It is a well-known fact that Russia is a multinational state. In this regard, we should not ignore the interests of each of the peoples inhabiting our country. The Year of Russian Unity will help strengthen the already existing connections and provide an incentive for the development of the very identity of nations.

Year of Civic Engagement and Volunteering

Head of the Action Forum. Regions” A. Tratsev proposed calling the coming 2018 the year of civic engagement. V. Putin supported this idea and remembered that the germs of this movement were born in tsarist times, when individuals were promoting various ideas. He praised the contribution of people working in an inclusive field that involves different types activities. They can be performed by persons with disabilities. Many of these people are deprived of the opportunity to study in regular educational institutions. They also find it difficult to get a job due to their physical disabilities. Volunteers in the described sphere defend the rights of people with disabilities and advocate their full participation in public life.

It would also be appropriate to remember the volunteers in connection with the 2018 World Cup in Russia. During this sporting event The role of volunteers will be invaluable. This was shown by the experience of the Olympics in Sochi.

Year of Russian Ballet

Deputy Head of the Russian Government O. Golodets suggested spending the year with this motto. She stated this at a meeting dedicated to organizing the celebration of the bicentenary of the great figure of Russian ballet M. Petipa. Before this, the Academy of Russian Ballet asked to make 2018 the year of Petipa. In accordance with this petition, a decree of President V. Putin was issued.

Year of A. Solzhenitsyn

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation made a proposal to name the year in honor of the outstanding public figure and writer A. Solzhenitsyn. The fact is that 2018 marks the centenary of his birth. In the same year, it is planned to open a museum-apartment for the writer in Moscow.

In honor of this date, the Government of the Russian Federation has developed a number of events. In total, about ninety events dedicated to the creative heritage of this famous philosopher will be held across the country. All of them will be aimed at popularizing his books and will take place throughout the year.

Other offers for 2018

What could 2018 be the year of? Cause
Year of Engineer: During the Round Table, which took place in the State Duma on April 22, 2016, the Association of Engineers made a proposal to dedicate 2018 to engineers. The National Chamber appealed to V. Putin to issue a corresponding presidential decree. The applicants believe that recent years have marked a decline in interest in this important specialty, especially among young people. The association is confident that if the presidential decree is signed, the technological development of society will only benefit from this.
A year of fighting cancer I can devote the next year to the fight against cancer. This is due to the fact that in Russia approximately five hundred thousand people are diagnosed with this disease every year. Despite the efforts of doctors, this disease continues to spread among the population of the Russian Federation. Every year, about 280 thousand patients die from this terrible disease. Terrible diagnosis also maims the relatives of the sick. The results of disease treatment have both social and demographic significance. Declaring next year 2018 as a time to fight cancer can:
  • intensify efforts to identify tumors;
  • contribute to the expansion of research in this area;
  • increase citizens' access to the most advanced methods of disease localization.
Year cultural exchanges between Japan and Russia President V. Putin, while in Japan on an official visit, drew attention to humanitarian cooperation between the countries. It is planned that in Russia 2018 will be a time for establishing closer ties between various public organizations V various areas. The start of warmer relations will be “Russian Seasons” in Japan.

Let us remind you that Russian festivals have been held in this country since 20006. The Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, together with his Japanese counterpart, signed a cultural exchange program until 2021.

Year of tourism between India and Russia V. Putin and Indian Prime Minister N. Modi decided to dedicate 2018 to tourism between Russia and India at joint negotiations. According to both sides, such a step will allow:
  • strengthen interaction between Russia and India in the field of tourism;
  • expand cooperation between travel agencies.

The leaders of the two countries support the removal of visas for crews of airliners flying between our countries. In addition, work will be intensified to remove visas in the future for tourists from both countries.

An agreement was signed between the countries to increase the number of group trips for tourism purposes. The President and Prime Minister also agreed on some aspects of migration policy.

Despite the fact that our country, Russia, is a primordially Christian country, it is impossible for a Russian to live without any innovations! So in Russia it has already become the norm to associate the holiday New Year with any animal, in accordance with the cycle of the Chinese or as it is also called the Eastern calendar. Many people confuse these very symbols with the symbols according to the horoscope, but this is a completely different topic... You shouldn’t do this! In the Chinese (Oriental) calendar itself there is 12 animals here they are:

wood, fire, earth, metal, water

2021 according to the Chinese calendar

And everything would be clear and simple if the cycle of these same 12 animals was repeated over and over again. But the Chinese were not so simple. We often notice something similar about them... In addition to animals, they also have 5 natural elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water.

Now about the concrete, about dates and numbers. As we said, it is necessary to pay attention not only to animals - the symbol of the year, but also to the elements. After all, it is the animal and the elements taken together that will determine what the coming New Year will be like.

So, to find out when and what year according to the Chinese (Eastern) calendar will be, when it starts, how long it will last and when it will end, let’s turn to the table.

Whose year will be 2021, 2022 and until 2032, what animal according to the Eastern (Chinese) calendar

To determine under the sign of which animal this or that year will take place according to the Eastern or Chinese calendar, which is the same thing, you can use the interactive form table. Just click on the year you need and start on the button. You will see information about the animal of the year (symbol), about its element

2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032

It will be the year of the animal

Color (elements)

Video about the dates and symbols of the New Year 2021

Now, based on all of the above, you can easily find out what year and who is expected, that is, it will be! We can only wish that, regardless of the sign (symbol) of the year according to the Chinese calendar, as well as the element and its color, your New Year will be happy and pleasant! We would also like to invite you to familiarize yourself with congratulations in verse for the New Year of the Pig. About them just further...

If you start to think about how often we celebrate this or that New Year, say the year of the White Ox, then it turns out that it comes to us once every 60 years. After all, the point is not only that the symbol of the year changes every 12 years, but there are also 5 elements, they change every 2 years. As a result, for the year of the White Ox to fall, 60 years must pass!!! It turns out that if we take our life cycle and the cycle of symbols of the year according to the Chinese calendar, then somewhere after 20-30 years, each New Year comes for us once in a lifetime... These are the reasonings, these are the arguments.
This actually means only one thing, that the New Year confirms its importance as a holiday, especially if we take into account the symbols of the new year. So in 2021 there will be a year of the White Bull, and here and now we will tell you how to meet it and spend it in a special way.

If you are meticulous and boring, then you can probably find out all the little details and features from encyclopedias and reference books... However, as for holidays and fun, it is better to give in to your feelings, intuitive currents, even emotions and desired fantasies. Well, if you do not have inspiration for such research or you once again want to support your thoughts with someone else’s alternative opinion, then you have come to the right place! After all, here and now we will just fantasize and draw logical conclusions on the theme of celebrating the New Year of the White Rat. This year will come to us in 2020, not so long left before it!

The intrigue about the symbol of the New Year begins to burn us every time as soon as someone thinks about celebrating this wonderful holiday. After all, the carnival of impressions and emotions will circle us in its arms for more than one day, which means we truly love this holiday! It must be celebrated with all the scope of the soul, with all possible budget and fully armed. If something is missed, it will not be forgiven!
That is why everything will be taken into account when preparing for the new year. Where, with whom, how and under what symbol of the New Year the celebration will take place. And so that you don’t have to scour the pages of the Internet in search of hidden and important things to put everything together, we’ve already done it all for you! In this very article you will find answers for yourself on how to celebrate the new year 2032.

Often, the New Year's fireworks have not yet died down, the dishes have not been finished, all the events that happened during the holiday have not been retold, and already someone is in a hurry, in a hurry, looking to see what the New Year will happen next - in 2030?! Well, this right is completely legal, and the curiosity of the latter must be satisfied! Here you can make a little noise in order to pause a little and introduce intrigue about what kind of animal the year 2030 will be. However, we don’t have a TV show where the viewer has nowhere to go, where everything goes according to plan and without the ability to “scroll through” what’s not interesting. Therefore, you shouldn’t delay too much, since you can simply skip a couple of lines with your eyes and still see that the new year 2030 will be the year of the Dog, and even more precisely yellow or earthen dog. This is because in China the soil is yellow, almost sand and clay, and therefore their yellow color is earthy! They haven’t seen our black soil! Now let's talk about celebrating the Year of the Dog. How should you prepare for it, what to do, and what is better not to do?

How to celebrate the Year of the Monkey, what is remarkable about it, what you need to be prepared for and what to plan for!? This is what we will try to talk about and tell you about. The animal, the monkey, can sometimes be overly active, as we all know. This means that the year will be busy, not sluggish at all, but quite the opposite. Intense, groovy, sometimes unpredictable. An example of this is 2016, which was last year red monkey. Everyone remembers the economic crisis around the world, oil surges, and uncertainty in political trends. It is very complex, not simple, not predictable, just like the behavior of a monkey if you communicated with them...

A sheep is a harmless animal by nature, which not only does not get into trouble, but is also capable of tolerating a lot. True, patience also has its limits, because both a sheep and a goat can tease you with their horns, if there are reasons for it.

The New Year of the Horse can be described as follows... A horse is the natural power of the gracefulness of an animal and the strength of a living tree, which is able to break through incredible obstacles on the way to its goals.
As a result, the year of the horse is, first of all, a year for purposeful people who are capable and can achieve their goals, even if it is not with the easiest work.

It has already become a tradition to assign a specific theme to the year. Interested to know what 2018 is dedicated to in Russia? Last year was dedicated to the environment, its protection, conservation and restoration. By presidential decree, which was signed on December 6, 2017, the coming year was declared the year of volunteering. Moreover, on the 6th of December, when the theme of the future tense was approved, a decree was officially signed giving the specified day a holiday name - Volunteer Day.

The assignment of themes for next year was not in vain. The government confidently states that the topic of volunteering and volunteering in the country must be supported. If previously many projects conceived by volunteers could not be implemented, then in the future the president promised help and support in any endeavors. It is very important to ensure that volunteering in the country reaches a new, more modern and organized level of development, so that the help of people in need is more complete and sufficient.

Since it has already been determined what kind of year 2018 is in Russia and what it is dedicated to, it was decided to bring such a position to the legislative level. All this means that volunteers will carry out more activities in government areas, that is, in medical and educational institutions. It is planned to devote a sufficient amount of time to participation in humanitarian, environmental and social actions. As before, volunteers will direct their efforts to search for missing people, as well as support those in need. Only next year all their active actions will be supported by the state, so volunteers will not have to rely only on their own strengths and capabilities. On the part of the state, volunteers will also make their contribution; their actions will be aimed at preserving the culture of the Fatherland and its history.

The topic of volunteering is actively supported by the state. It has already been precisely determined what 2018 in Russia is dedicated to in education according to the presidential decree. The next 12 months are entirely devoted to good deeds that ordinary people, that is, volunteering.

It may seem surprising to many people, but Lately volunteering is growing rapidly. People rush to help each other, not leaving animals in trouble. Exists popular opinion that modern youth are concerned only with money and computer innovations, but this is absolutely not true. Most of the volunteers are young and middle-aged people, as well as teenagers; they are the ones who try to do good deeds without demanding anything in return. People don’t neglect helping their neighbors either old age, in common people such volunteers are called “silver volunteers”. If you roughly calculate, there are a lot of people capable of help and mercy, and proof of this is the forum that was organized at the end of December last year. About 15 thousand volunteers from all Russian cities attended the forum. The guys shared their own experiences with each other and helped with practical advice.

What do volunteers do?

It is important to remember that everything volunteers do is completely free of charge. It is this idea that is conveyed to schoolchildren and students in thematic lessons dedicated to what 2018 in Russia is dedicated to in education. Young people place above all material values ​​concern for their neighbors, readiness to come to the rescue of everyone at any moment, mercy, and the desire to preserve the value and sincerity of nature. And this position of volunteers must be supported by both the people and the state.

In Russia, there is a tradition of devoting each year to certain topics and areas that require more public attention. Subsequently, the bulk of cultural and entertainment events in the country are devoted to the chosen topic. For example, 2015 was the year of literature, 2016 was the year of art, and 2017 was dedicated to the theme of environmental conservation. Let's look at what 2018 will be dedicated to in our article.

I would like to immediately note that 2018 will be a special year for our country, because several main areas on which society’s attention will be focused have been selected, the website informs. Thus, since the spring of 2017, they have been saying that 2018 will be dedicated to ballet and theater; at the end of the year, the president ordered that special attention be paid to volunteers in 2018, and, of course, the year will be dedicated to football and sports, because in the summer our country hosts World Cup on its territory.

Thus, the main topics were identified and now at the federal and regional level will be drawn up special programs, designed to familiarize society more with the selected topics, their problems and main principles, and scenarios will also be formed national holidays in the appropriate key.

Volunteer activities in Russia are widely developed - thousands have been created charitable foundations, and there are hundreds willing to help those in need on a voluntary basis. The President of the country, Vladimir Putin, proposed and then ordered that the activities of volunteers in 2018, their significance in society, their place and role be celebrated.

Volunteers will be dedicated to the holidays of the country; their work will be discussed in more detail at special seminars, lectures and various street events. At the same time, they will not forget about volunteers, because the understanding of this title is slightly different from the title of volunteer. Volunteers are those who, on their own initiative, participate in political, including international processes. Their role should also not be underestimated, because sometimes the integrity and indivisibility of the state and its peace on its external borders depend on them.

As for Russian volunteers, one can simply talk endlessly. Entire companies and individuals here and there collect funds, food, medicine, clothing and other necessary things for the poor and sick. Hundreds of people help pensioners on a voluntary basis, visit hospitals and hospices, trying to make their existence easier for those suffering and the like.

Russians have always been distinguished from other nations by their special mercy and lack of indifference to other people’s problems, and therefore in our time almost every resident of the country is involved in volunteer activities, consciously or unconsciously.

Back in the spring of 2017, it was announced that in 2018 in Russia special attention would be paid to theater and the development of theatrical art. Holidays will be dedicated to the theater different regions country, which means people can expect a lot of street performances, charity performances and the like.

As for ballet, the theme was also chosen for a reason. Russian ballet is considered the best ballet in the world. Our ballet dancers and choreographers have won the hearts of many people around the world. 2018 is the year of the 200th anniversary of the famous choreographer Marius Petipa. He is originally from France, but Russia became his second homeland, and gave him the opportunity to reveal his multifaceted talent.

Marius Petipa staged more than 60 performances on the stages of Moscow and St. Petersburg, which are successfully performed to this day.

It’s no longer a secret that the 2018 FIFA World Cup will be held in Russia and almost the entire country will take part in the preparations for the world event. those cities in which matches are not scheduled will be preparing to receive hundreds of tourists and fans, who, during the breaks between “goals,” will definitely travel across the vastness to see its sights and try to embrace the expanses glorified in all corners of the planet.

As part of the Championship, all fans will be able to travel around the country completely free of charge if they have a fan passport, which means they will include it in their schedule tourist routes. The cities hosting the Championship matches are preparing for it especially seriously, because they have a special task - to demonstrate to the world the capabilities and strengths of their country, its flavor and uniqueness, as well as hospitality and generosity.

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