Blumkin and Ahnenerbe. The special department of Soviet intelligence studied mysticism and UFOs long before Hitler’s Ahnenerbe. Dzerzhinsky's secret expedition

An interesting document was made public - “Memo to the First Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR, Merkulov with Beria's resolution. About the expedition to Lhasa. Tibet. in 1925 and about the organization of a new expedition to Tibet”

Tibet is a crossroads where the interests of three empires converge: Russia, Great Britain and China. The first connections with Tibet were established by Catherine II. Through the Kalmyks, she sent gifts to the Dalai Lama when they went to worship the Living God.

Since the end of the 19th century, England showed keen interest in Tibet, which sought to secure its positions in India, the pearl of the British crown. At a time when Russia was going through a revolution, Great Britain continued its policy in Tibet and disapproved of any penetration into its territory, to put it mildly.

Having come to power, the Bolsheviks demonstratively annulled all treaties concluded Tsarist Russia with the British Empire and other powers. These included the Convention on the Affairs of Persia, Afghanistan and Tibet of 1907.

Tibet first attracted the attention of the new rulers of Russia in the fall of 1918. On September 27, the Izvestia newspaper published a short article entitled “In India and Tibet.” It talked about the struggle allegedly started by the Tibetans, following the example of the Indians, against foreign enslavers. “North of India, in the heart of Asia in sacred Tibet, the same struggle is taking place. Taking advantage of the weakening of Chinese power, this forgotten country raised the banner of uprising for self-determination.”

The appearance of this note is explained by the fact that in September 1918, the Cheka released the representative of the Dalai Lama in Russia, Agvan Dorzhiev, from Butyrka prison. The latter, along with two companions, was arrested at the Urbakh railway station, near Saratov, on suspicion of attempting to take valuables outside Soviet Russia. In fact, these were funds collected among Kalmyks for the construction of a hostel at a Buddhist temple in Petrograd. Only the intervention of the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs saved them from imminent execution.

The condition for the release of the Tibetan diplomat was his agreement to cooperate with Soviet diplomacy - it was not very difficult to attract Dorzhiev to such cooperation, knowing about his hatred of the British and active work with the aim of bringing Tibet under the protection of Russia. Chicherin, the head of the Soviet foreign policy department, faced a tempting prospect - to establish friendly ties with the Dalai Lama.

Shortly after the release of Dorzhiev on October 19, 1918, a meeting of the Russian Committee for the Study of Central and East Asia was held, at which the idea arose to organize two expeditions - to East Turkestan, Kashmir and Tibet. Both expeditions, although they were formally assigned purely scientific tasks, at the same time were supposed to serve the political goals of the Bolsheviks. Thus, the project of the Tibet expedition stated that it should collect information about the influence of the Mongol tribes along the northern border of Tibet. But due to the outbreak Civil War, which cut off Red Moscow from Eastern Siberia and Mongolia, these expeditions were not destined to come true.

Later, another expedition took place, the goals and circumstances of which are not completely clear to this day. This is the famous trans-Himalayan expedition of Nicholas Roerich.

It is generally accepted that Roerich’s Central Asian expedition had a “scientific, artistic” and religious character. Nikolai Konstantinovich himself claimed and perhaps even believed that the main task is to reunite Eastern and Western Buddhists under the exalted hand of the Dalai Lama. During the solemn audience, Roerich intended to present the Dalai Lama with a letter containing his proposals, and with it the Order of the All-Conquering Buddha. However further development events showed that this task was only a cover. And not the most convincing.

In the fall of 1925, OGPU operative Yakov Blyumkin joined Roerich’s expedition, which was moving across India at that time. Under the guise of a pilgrim, he entered the territory of Afghanistan, and from there to India. There he changed his appearance, pretending to be a Mongolian lama. Blumkin arrived in the capital of the principality of Ladakh - Leh, located on the territory of British India, and met with Roerich's expedition. This is how the artist describes this meeting in his diary:

“The Mongolian lama comes and with him a new wave of news. Lhasa is awaiting our arrival. In monasteries they talk about prophecies. An excellent lama, he has already been from Urga to Ceylon. How deeply penetrating is this organization of lamas!”

In September the caravan left Leh. But “Lama” Blumkin left the caravan at night. Blumkin warned only the Roerichs about his departure, saying that he would rejoin the expedition in three days, waiting for them at the border monastery of Sandoling. Yakov set off to explore the area.

On September 24, “Lama” Blumkin appears at the parking lot dressed as a native Muslim merchant from Yarkand. And here Roerich for the first time entered a stunning detail into his diary: “It turns out that our lama speaks Russian. He even knows many of our friends.” Among mutual acquaintances is People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs Chicherin, known to Roerich since his university days.

So, surprised and admiring their “Lama,” the members of the expedition reached the Chinese border and in October were already heading for Khotan. Having traveled through Western China with the expedition, Blumkin arrived in Moscow in June 1926. Roerich also comes to Moscow with him.

Ahead is the last push towards Tibet, and Nikolai Konstantinovich wants to finally dot the i's in his relations with the new government of the Land of the Soviets. It was Yakov, according to the recollections of contemporaries, who brought Nikolai Konstantinovich to visit the People's Commissar for Education Lunacharsky. When Roerich arrived in Moscow in June 1926, on the very first day he met with the head of the Special Department at the OGPU, Gleb Bokiy. The conversation was about Shambhala, which meant Western Tibet

In addition to Lunacharsky and Bokiy, Roerich visited Yagoda and Chicherin during his stay in Moscow. Apparently, at this time the main goal of the expedition was finally formulated. Nikolai Konstantinovich let slip about it in a friendly conversation with the USSR Consul General in China, Alexander Bystrov-Zapolsky. He wrote the following in his diary: “Today Roerich came to me with his wife and son. He told me a lot of interesting things from his travels. According to their stories, they study Buddhism, are associated with mahatmas, and very often receive directives from mahatmas on what to do. By the way, they stated that they were carrying letters from the Mahatmas addressed to Comrade Chicherin and Stalin. The task of the Mahatmas is supposedly to unite Buddhism with communism and create a great eastern union of republics. Among Tibetans, Hindus, and Buddhists there is a prophecy belief that their liberation from the foreign yoke will come precisely from Russia from the Reds (Northern Red Shambhala). The Roerichs are bringing several prophecies of this kind to Moscow.

From the words of the Roerichs it can be understood that their trips to India, Tibet and Western China are to fulfill the tasks of the Mahatmas, and to complete the task of the Mahatmas they must go to the USSR, and then supposedly to Mongolia, where they must contact Tashi, who fled from Tibet to China. Lama, the Dalai Lama’s spiritual assistant, and drag him to Mongolia, and from there move on in a spiritual procession to liberate Tibet from the yoke of the British.”

Moscow's plan becomes clear. Roerich should contribute to the removal of the intractable Dalai Lama and his replacement with a figure who would be more suitable for the Bolsheviks. Roerich himself believes that the removal of the Dalai Lama is necessary. In the book “Altai. Himalayas” he will speak out unequivocally on this matter:

“The spiritual leader of Tibet is not the Dalai Lama at all, but the Tashi Lama, about whom everything good is known. They, the Tibetans, condemn the current situation in Tibet more than we do. They are waiting for the fulfillment of the prophecy about the return of the Tashi Lama, when he will be the unified head of Tibet and the Precious Teaching will flourish again under him... A prophecy issued from the Danjeeling Monastery is being transmitted throughout Tibet that the current XIII Dalai Lama will be the last..."

It is absolutely clear that the return of the Tashi Lama to Lhasa, with or without the assistance of the Roerichs, would have caused a social explosion in Tibet and, possibly, religious confrontation. But, apparently, this is exactly what Chicherin and Bokiy were counting on, supporting and guiding Nicholas Roerich in his quest.

The expedition, having secured the support of the Soviet leadership and quickly received all the necessary documents and equipment, set off. Initially, in March 1927, the expedition stopped in Urga (Ulaanbaatar), where stragglers joined it. Provisions, travel items and clothing for the guides were purchased. Nikolai Konstantinovich himself gave orders to the representative of the New York Roerich Museum, Lichtman, who arrived in Urga. Knowing that Roerich was going to pay a visit to the Dalai Lama himself, Lichtman brought gifts for the Living God - a buffalo skin carpet worth five hundred dollars, a Mexican saddle, antique silver cups and brocade.

The fact that the Soviet government was extremely interested in the success of the Trans-Himalayan expedition is evidenced by the fact that Roerich was provided with five large road cars, although their delivery to Urga was associated with incredible difficulties. All members of the expedition had the opinion that Moscow had entrusted Roerich with some important assignment to Tibet. There is no other explanation for the generosity of the Soviet authorities.

Nevertheless, the expedition itself took place under the American flag and there was an agreement between its participants: in Buddhist countries they would have to go as Buddhists, in Tibet - under the sign of Shambhala, in others - under the American one. Soviet passports were not shown to anyone anywhere.

From the border monastery of Yum Beise in Northern Mongolia, then the so-called Inner Mongolia, the Chinese expedition set off in a caravan of 41 camels. She made her first stop for a whole month in the village of Shibochen. In August 1927, the expedition departed again. Having crossed the Humboldt and Ritter ridges, in Tsaidam the Roerichs met the first Tibetan post at the Olun Nor lakes. It consisted of local residents- a kind of police force. They let the travelers through without much conversation. But then the problems began.

Having reached the village of Shingdi, in the Tangle Mountains, the Roerichs were forced to wait for representatives of the “High Commissioner” of the Khor people - General Khorchichab and Prince Kap Sho Pa - “the commander of the East, turning the Wheel of Government.” Having learned that the expedition was heading to Lhasa, the general asked the Tibetan authorities. The usual red tape in Tibet began. Roerich was told that there was a decree from the Dalai Lama not to allow any further Europeans through and that if the expedition was continued without permission, everyone would be arrested and the leaders would have their heads cut off. The conversation was led by Yuri Nikolaevich Roerich, while he addressed his comrades in English, observing secrecy.

As a result, the expedition stood on the approaches to Lhasa for more than five months, suffering from the cold and experiencing dire need for food. In the end, Nicholas Roerich gave up the idea of ​​going to Lhasa. In March 1928, travelers set off back.

Roerich’s well-planned and prepared expedition was not allowed into Lhasa. Why?

It turns out that from the very beginning of the expedition, back in India, Nicholas Roerich and his family were monitored by British intelligence agents. Among them was the famous Lieutenant Colonel Bailey, the political resident in the Himalayan principality of Sikkim. At one time, he tried to organize a counter-revolutionary rebellion in Tashkent, then, already a world-famous Tibetologist, he worked in the heart of the Himalayas, guarding the interests of the British Empire in this region.

Bailey highly appreciated the artistic and scientific achievements of the Roerich family. Nevertheless, he gave the order to the Tibetan government to stop the expedition, citing the fact that Roerich was an agent of the “Red Russians”.

Soon, another resident of British intelligence, Colonel Weir, was appointed to replace Bailey in the Principality of Sikkim. He went to Tibet, trying to collect new information about the Roerichs' expedition. Along with the colonel was his wife Tira Ware.

It is worth citing excerpts from Tira Ware's letter to the Foreign and Political Department of the Government of British India dated March 31, 1932. In it you can find answers to all questions related to Roerich’s Central Asian expedition.

“Accompanying my husband on his Tibetan mission to Lhasa in 1930, I inevitably deduced from my observations that the thought of Tibet, under the influence of prophecies and monastic writings, was set for a tremendous shift throughout the country. The actual timing of this shift is varied and unclear. Each monastery has its own fantastic idea about this, but throughout Tibet one fact seems to be generally accepted. This is the coming of Buddha, and the sooner the better. The general idea is that the First will come from the West. A foreigner and not a Buddhist, he will conquer the whole country. The second will come from Shambhala, a mystical region in the north. He will conquer the country and convert it back to Buddhism.

As throughout the world, there are hidden Soviet currents in Tibet. There is no doubt that there are already Soviet agents in various monasteries, and the revolutionary orientation of some monasteries, such as Drepang, located near Lhasa and containing 10,000 lamas, is quite obvious... The superstitious nature of the people of Tibet provides fertile ground for any intelligent mind, and the path paved with prophecies was It would not be difficult to reduce the time of the upcoming event to the present generation. Now only one element is needed - the first conqueror himself...

It is known that the Roerich family maintained close contact with Tibet for many years. They probably know more about life, beliefs and conditions in Tibet than any other person in the West. Their son Yuri dedicated the best part their lives to research the religion and customs of Tibet... The Roerichs established themselves as art connoisseurs high level with a center in the New York Roerich Museum and branches in Europe. It may seem that their income mainly comes from receipts from art fans, mainly women.

Under the pretext of practicing art, Roerich could penetrate into the most inaccessible places in Asia, and the trust instilled in his artistic talent gave him access to information that would not have been easy to obtain in any other way.

His progress through Tibet in 1928 was viewed with suspicion, and it is now known that during this period he also visited Moscow and possibly Leningrad. In addition, it is known that it was well received by the Soviets. And no Russian will be well received by the Soviets if he is useless for Russia...

Conquerors are expected from the West and the North, so why shouldn't they be Russian? In other words, why shouldn't one of them be Roerich, a man who received the wisdom of the lamas along with Western education and the Soviets behind him?

It's obvious that world government will not allow Russia to conquer Tibet. But if the Tibetans themselves accept the Russian as their new leader, then what will prevent Russia from controlling Tibet and all of Asia through him?

With the knowledge gained in Tibet and with the help of unlimited amounts of money, it will not be difficult for him to bribe influential lamas to predict and proclaim his coming when the time comes ... "

It was not possible to play the Tibetan card with the help of Roerich. The solitaire game played in Moscow did not work out.

Then there were the 30s. With the consolidation of Stalin's power, the policy of the Soviet state changed more and more. The Leningrad NKVD department liquidated the Tibetan-Mongolian mission as a counter-revolutionary organization. The representative of the Dalai Lama, Agvan Dorzhiev, left for Transcaucasia, but even there he was not left alone. In November 1937, he was arrested by local security officers and taken to Verkhne-Udinsk (Ulan-Ude). After the first interrogation with passion, Dorzhiev ended up in the prison infirmary, where he died in January 1938.

Only the Roerichs managed to escape repression. But only because after the failure of the expedition they chose to stay abroad. In 1929, Nicholas Roerich established the Institute of Himalayan Research - according to the official wording, to process the results of the expedition and further research. The Roerich Institute was located far from Moscow - in the settlement of Nagar, Kullu Valley (Western Himalayas). Over time, the institute became his permanent residence. Roerich preferred to stay close to the mountains, which attracted him all his life.

A lot has been written. As a rule, those interested in history associate his name with Mirbach, the NKVD, Dherzhinsky, and the mysterious expeditions to Shambhala, as well as the “Brotherhood of Labor,” in which he was a member, among others. Barchenko, who is credited (unfoundedly) with the discovery of the Hyperborean civilization on the Kola Peninsula.

Let's look into the case of Yakov Gershevich Blyumkin...

Returning from the Tibetan expedition, he conveyed to the German side information about the artifacts of ancient civilizations he had seen. In fact, judging from the case documents, Blumkin prepared two reports - for the NKVD and for the Germans. During interrogation, he claimed that he received $2.4 million from the NKVD special fund to organize a second expedition to Tibet, apparently with the aim of obtaining specific materials and artifacts. The internal audit did not confirm the transfer of the amount indicated by Blumkin from the NKVD funds. The testimony of Polezhaeva, who was sent to Blumkin as a spy, also played a role.

You can talk a lot about this matter, there is enough material, they all provide rich food for thought and extremely interesting conclusions, the first of which: Having received Blumkin’s report on the knowledge of ancient civilizations stored in Tibet, German intelligence made the only correct decision in this situation - to eliminate competitors in the person of Blumkin and the NKVD. The result was a provoked situation in which Blumkin appeared before the “comrades” from the Commissariat in the person of a spy and enemy of the people, especially against the backdrop of recent meetings with Trotsky. The result is a death sentence for counter-revolutionary activities...

The most valuable thing in the case (interrogation protocol) should be considered Blyumkin’s own testimony, in which he describes what he saw in the underground repositories of knowledge in Tibet.

The verdict puts an end to the matter:

“Standard” for that time was Article 58, paragraphs 58.1 and 58.10.

After turning over several yellowed pages, you can find a small note-instruction indicating where one of the most unusual and mysterious people of the NKVD, Ya.G. Blumkin, is buried:

In the same case you can find another remarkable document, as if specially filed in a thick folder, as an irony to the verdict - certificate of honor, handed to Blumkin by the same person who would sign his death warrant a few months later:

With the execution of Blumkin, the thread connecting “Soviet power” with mystical Tibet was cut. And only 10 years later, comrade sent to Germany. Savelyev, the head of the secret laboratory "Androgen", located in Kraskovo near Moscow, writes with surprise in his report that German "ethnographic" expeditions are brought from Tibet amazing information and knowledge that it makes sense for the Soviet government to pay attention to:

The country's leadership listened to Savelyev's opinion, especially since the laboratory in Kraskovo was engaged in a very unusual matter - the creation of the philosopher's stone (but this is a completely separate topic).

"Ghost of Blyumkin over Maryina Roshcha"

According to unofficial information, the Jewish Museum in Maryina Roshcha is allegedly preparing to entertain Moscow with a powerful exhibition dedicated to Yakov Blumkin, the head of the special department of the Cheka, who led the punitive detachments in Ukraine, the “curator” of the expedition that searched in Tibet and Altai magical land Shambhala, the leader of the Republic of Red Iran with its capital in the city of Gilani and Leon Trotsky’s adjutant in the People’s Commissariat of Defense.. It seems that more than six hundred photographs and documents, previously absolutely secret, have been stored up.

"Comrade Merkulov

Service memo

About the expedition to Lhasa (Tibet) in 1925 and the equipment of the new expedition

In accordance with the personal order of Prev. OGPU comrade F. Dzerzhinsky, in September 1925 to Tibet in Lhasa, an expedition of 10 people was organized under the leadership of Y. Blyumkin, who worked in the scientific laboratory of the OGPU in Kraskovo (under the direction of E. Gopius). The laboratory was part of the special department of the OGPU (G. Bokiya). The purpose of the expedition was to clarify geographical routes, search for the “city of the gods”, with the goal of obtaining the technology of previously unknown weapons, as well as revolutionary propaganda, which, as follows from Blumkin’s reports, did not find “appropriate demand” among the Tibetan authorities.

Initially, Blumkin performed under the legend of a Mongolian lama, and upon arrival in Leh (the capital of Prince Ladakh) he was exposed. He was saved from arrest and deportation by the mandate issued to him signed by Comrade. Dzerzhinsky with an appeal to the Dalai Lama, a meeting with whom he had been expecting for three months.

From Blumkin’s report it follows that in January 1926, in the palace in Lhasa, he was received by the 13th Dalai Lama, who accepted the message of Comrade. Dzerzhinsky as good sign, and then, at the invitation of the Tibetan government, he, Blumkin, becomes an important guest. Tibetan monks told him some secrets kept deep underground under the Potala Palace.

Blumkin describes that after he went through a kind of “initiation” procedure, promising the Dalai Lama to organize large supplies of weapons and military equipment from the USSR (on credit), and also help in providing a gold loan to the government of Tibet, on the personal instructions of the Dalai Lama, 13 monks escorted him to the dungeon where there is a complex system labyrinths and opening “secret” doors. In order to do this, the monks took the appropriate place and, one by one, as a result of roll call, in a certain sequence began to pull rings with chains down from the vault of the ceiling, with the help of which large mechanisms hidden inside the mountain open one or another door. There are 13 doors in total in the secret underground room. Blumkin was shown two halls. In one of them, the monks keep the ancient weapon of the gods - vajara - giant tongs, with the help of which in the 8-10th millennium BC. the leaders of ancient civilizations carried out large-scale evaporation of gold at a temperature equal to the temperature of the surface of the sun, approximately 6-7 thousand degrees C. According to the monks, during the procedure of “evaporation” of gold, the following reaction occurs within a few seconds: gold flares up with a bright light and turns into powder . With the help of this Wojara powder, ancient rulers extended their lives by consuming it with food and wine for hundreds of years. The same powder was used in construction. With its help, the ancient builders, according to the monks, actually moved giant monotonous stone slabs in the air and cut and sawed solid stone and rock, erecting stone monuments and historical buildings that have survived to this day.

Underground, monks keep the secrets of past civilizations that ever existed on Earth. According to Blumkin, there were 5 of them, along with the civilization that exists now. According to the secret teachings of Wa-ju, the inevitable cause of the death of civilizations on Earth is the rotation around the sun of another planet, 3 times larger than the Earth, with a large internal supply of heat and water, in an elliptical orbit, with a rotation cycle around the sun equal to 3,600 years. This planet rotates clockwise, unlike the earth and other planets, so when it enters the rotation density of the planets of the solar system, as a result of the powerful electromagnetic vortex flow created from the entry
alien planets solar system, every 3600 years, gigantic natural disasters occur on Earth, as a result of which the death of humanity and animals has repeatedly occurred. Moreover, every fourth cycle of this planet’s entry into the solar system threatens an inevitable global flood on Earth and the death of civilization, due to the characteristic dynamics of the rotation of planets, which naturally line up with their orbits in a certain sequence. So, the Earth, in this case, will be facing the alien planet not from the mainland side, but from the side Pacific Ocean. Water located on Earth on the opposite side from the mainland, as a result of the passage of an alien planet in close proximity to the Earth in the asteroid belt, due to its size and opposite rotation, will be forced out onto the continents. At the same time, the wave height will be from 6 to 7 km with a speed of 700-1000 km/h. The third cycle of the alien planet's rotation around the sun, and its passage in close proximity to the Earth, was in 1586 BC. The planet's entry into the solar system is expected in 2009. century, and accordingly in 2014 (taking into account the difference in the Julian calendar), according to the Tibetan monks, the 5th Armageddon will occur, the death of civilization and humanity.

According to Blumkin, for the same reason, all known prehistoric calendars - Sumerian, Babylonian, May - end with the same date - December 27, 2014.

According to the monks, it will be possible to save only a small part of selected people in the underground cities of Antarctica and Tibet, which are connected to each other by some kind of underground cable. As a result of the death of each of the civilizations, the Earth's axis shifted counterclockwise from Easter Island (the first north pole of the prehistoric so-called “proto-Gyrean” civilization) by 6666 km. As a result of the upcoming Armageddon, the next north pole The land will become North America.

To carry out the expedition, Blumkin was allocated 100 thousand gold rubles in royal coins. However, his route was not thought out; a cover story was used that did not correspond to the goals of the expedition, which became a threat to its failure due to arrest and possible deportation.

As you can imagine, the main argument when negotiating with the Tibetan government is weapons and gold. The 13th Dalai Lama died in 1933. The 14th Dalai Lama (Danjing Jamtso) was born in 1935. Until the age of 18, Tibet is governed by a regency council headed by the regent, Head of State Reting Rimpoche.

This information about Tibet, known to us, became the property of the German and Japanese military authorities as a result of several foreign trips of Blumkin beyond the border in the spring and summer of 1929, after which Blumkin tried to escape from the USSR with his partner.

The information that Comrade reported in his report. Savelyev, who returned from Germany, completely coincides with what Blumkin reported upon his return from Tibet.

When planning a new expedition, I consider it advisable to propose giving it official status, and Comrade. Provide Savelyev with the appropriate credentials and delegate him sufficient powers so that he could, on behalf of the Soviet government, discuss any issues with the Tibetan authorities, including issues of a military-economic nature.

As a route, I would suggest choosing the following route: by plane from Moscow-Tashkent-Stalinabad. From Stalinabad by car to the state border of the USSR in the region of the lane. Kashi (China), which is approximately 760 km in length, and then by highways and country roads that connect settlements along the Himalayas to Lhasa, informing the authorities of Great Britain and China about the advance of the state research party to Tibet.

In this case, your instruction on the allocation of the following transport is required: 3 GAZ-AA cargo vehicles, 3 GAZ-4 Pickup vehicles and 3 sanitary buses.

In terms of the size of the expedition, I would consider the following composition:

Expedition leader -1



Porters (general workers)-3


Drivers-employees - 18 people out of 9 people. 2 shifts each.

They must be horse specialists who know

Chinese types of martial arts, etc.

That. number of expedition members "___" people.

Financial part: as a stable currency for various calculations, taking into account the specifics of the area, I propose to find royal gold rubles. In total, to finance the expedition, taking into account the fact that on some part of the route there may be a loss of transport and the necessary purchase of horses, and other unforeseen expenses, taking into account food, accommodation and overnight accommodation, a total of 1000 gold coins of royal mintage must be allocated.

As a gift from the government of the USSR to the regent of Tibet, Renting Rimpoche, I propose to present a 5-kilogram statue of a praying Buddha made of pure gold, requisitioned from Buryatia in 1928. The specified statue is stored in the NKVD river warehouse (inv. No.______).

Head of the 5th department of the GUGB NKVD


Sheets memo About the expedition to Lhasa (Tibet) in 1925 and the equipment of the new expedition:

Yakov Blyumkin, born in 1898, “terrible on the face, but kind inside,” played tricks in his thirty-year life in a way that his today’s followers never dreamed of, and was put up against the wall by his colleagues in the OGPU.

Now it turns out that Yasha is good! Well, he killed the German ambassador in Moscow, after which the Bolsheviks were only miraculously saved by the Latvian division. So, after all, he did this with noble goals - to awaken the Russians to the fight for freedom! And if you take the crap out of the equation, what remains is heroic work to strengthen the state and attempts to put the intellect of Tibetan monks at the service of the domestic military-industrial complex. It was not for nothing that Lavrentiy Palych Beria studied the case of Yasha, who was executed long ago, leaving an impressive autograph on the documents.

Why would there suddenly be such intense interest in an ebullient provocateur and adventurer, who loves to shoot at living targets?!

And what can this exhibition add to the ocean of books and films about the “Leninist guard”, which “monetized” power and launched a repressive mechanism that ultimately destroyed it?!

In the January 1986 issue of the magazine “Friendship of Peoples,” Yuri Trifonov’s unfinished novel “Disappearance” was published, where the author of the acclaimed “House on the Embankment” again returned to the characters from his home, his father and uncle, and showed the horror with which the “old fighters” realized that “You and I probably won’t make it this year!”

And the year, by the way, was 1937!

You never know how many “preachers” there are in Moscow today who declare the millions of lives lost during the years of “reforms” to be “inevitable costs of democracy”?! They don’t think at all that they themselves can become “costs”!

What will the image of superman Yasha Blyumkin add to us after Berezovsky and Gusinsky, in front of the whole world noisily figuring out which of them was the bigger bandit and therefore has a greater right to command Russia?!


Sheets of the interrogation protocol of Blyumkin Ya.G.

Original material.

Sami sorcerers and Buryat shamans, experts in cryptography and ancient poisons, hypnotists and psychics, telepaths and clairvoyants - everyone was recruited to work in the special department of the OGPU, which was led by one of Lenin’s closest associates, Gleb Bokiy. The special department was advised by the luminary of Russian psychiatry, Academician Vladimir Bekhterev, and one of his key employees was none other than the famous terrorist Yakov Blyumkin, a favorite of the head of the Cheka Felix Dzerzhinsky and the prototype of Maxim Isaev - Stirlitz. And Bokiy himself may have served as the prototype for another famous character - Bulgakov's Woland. It was rumored that events similar to the ball described in “The Master and Margarita” often took place at the security officer’s dacha.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War Abwehr agents, on Hitler’s personal orders, were looking for surviving employees of the NKVD special department, which had been disbanded by that time, and offered them fabulous money - 50 thousand Reichsmarks just for answering two to three dozen questions in detail. At today's exchange rate, that's half a million dollars. This is how the employees of Gleb Bokiy’s Special Department were valued!

Before the revolution, Bokiy managed to make a career as a repeat offender. Over 15 years, he appeared in court 12 times, including for murder. But every time, by some miracle, he either managed to escape, or was acquitted and released. It is noteworthy that considerable monetary deposits for the raider Bokiy were made at different times by the mystic and hypnotist Alexander Gurdjieff, the medium and soothsayer Pavel Mokievsky, as well as the Tibetan healer Pyotr Badmaev, who treated the family of Emperor Nicholas II. Gleb Bokiy’s militants were engaged in so-called expropriations - taking away property from rich people in favor of the Social Democrats - the Bolsheviks. Long before the revolution, the future head of the special department of state security became friends with Vladimir Lenin, whom for some reason he always called by his mother’s last name - Blank. And only once did Bokiy call the leader of the world proletariat by the name that is now inscribed on the Mausoleum - on the day of his arrest. “What do I need Stalin? – the arrested security officer said to the head of the NKVD Nikolai Yezhov. “Lenin appointed me!”

The mystical special department was created by two atheists - Lenin and Dzerzhinsky

In the first edition of the Bulgakov Encyclopedia, its compiler Boris Sokolov provides evidence that it was Gleb Bokiy, and no one else, who was the prototype of Woland from The Master and Margarita. The former head of the 2nd department of the special detachment, a certain Klimenkov, testified during interrogation: “They (Bokiy – Ed.) created the “Dacha Commune” in Kuchino. Having arrived at the dacha on a day off, Bokiy’s guests drank all day long and the night before the next working day. Drunken orgies were often accompanied by fights that turned into general fighting. The reasons for these fights were that husbands noticed the debauchery of their wives with the men present. After a fair amount of drinking, everyone went to the bathhouse, where they openly engaged in sexual debauchery. The women were drunk, stripped, and used in turns. All members of the “commune” took part in this, including Bokiy’s two daughters. Debauchery led to several suicides motivated by jealousy.” Bulgakov allegedly learned about the morals of the “commune” from the poet Andrei Bely, who lived there, in Kuchino. “The security officers may have seemed to Bulgakov to be modern analogues of evil spirits,” wrote Boris Sokolov. “And indeed, the orgies of Bokiy and his subordinates even surpassed what happened at the great ball of Satan, born of the writer’s imagination.”

But in Soviet history Bokiy remained not only as a possible prototype of a famous literary character and an organizer of depraved entertainment events. In the summer of 1918 - after the murder of the German ambassador Mirbach, but even before his flight to Ukraine - the head of the personal security of the People's Commissar of Military Trotsky, Yakov Blyumkin, introduced Gleb Bokiy to academician Vladimir Bekhterev and Alexander Barchenko, an employee of the Bekhterev Brain Institute. It turned out that all four believed in otherworldly forces, practiced the occult, and were not averse to putting their esoteric knowledge at the service of the young Soviet state. It's incredible, but these four different people, manages to interest the head of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, with a proposal to create a special department that would study various kinds of mystical phenomena. And in 1921, an atheist to the core, Dzerzhinsky, who absolutely did not believe in all sorts of devilry, signed a decree from another atheist, Vladimir Lenin, on the creation of a special department at the OGPU. For the sake of secrecy, it was called cryptographic - well, you can’t openly call it the department of mysticism, mind reading and witchcraft?

On this topic

Special department agents knew Tibet better than Nicholas Roerich himself

Gleb Bokiy was offered to head the special department. Bokiy's deputy scientific research" became Alexander Barchenko. In the early 20s, Barchenko organized his first expedition - to the center of the Kola Peninsula. The goal is to study mass hypnosis, “polar frenzy,” which the Pomors called “meryachenie,” and the Eskimos called “the call of the North Star.” Many northern explorers encountered this phenomenon, including the famous Roald Amundsen. Participants in northern expeditions heard “voices” urging them to commit seemingly insane acts, and even attacked each other with axes and ice axes – “at the call of the North Star.” To this day, the materials of this expedition remain classified, but, in all likelihood, Barchenko and his companions were successful. After all, immediately after the report at the Brain Institute, Bokiy’s deputy is offered the position of scientific consultant to the Main Science Department.

Bokiy and Barchenko receive colossal funds for their research at that time - the average cost of one operation of the special department was about 100 thousand rubles (in terms of today's exchange rate, this is approximately 600 thousand dollars). Several more expeditions follow Kola Peninsula– and in the vicinity of the Sami Seydozero, Barchenko discovers ancient pyramids. The find confirmed Barchenko’s version that ancient Hyperborea existed in these places. The next expedition of the special department was supposed to go to Tibet, but Bokiy’s plans became known to the head of the foreign department of the OGPU, Meer Trilisser, who was extremely jealous of the special department, which was spending exorbitant amounts of money. Trilisser convinces Dzerzhinsky to entrust the Tibetan mission to his people. But at the last moment, the ubiquitous Yakov Blumkin is “fastened” as a “trailer” from the special department to the expedition. The terrorist disguises himself as a Tibetan lama and follows Nicholas Roerich incognito - it was to him that Trilisser entrusted the leadership of the mission to Lhasa. Upon their return, neither Roerich nor Trilisser received any kind of relief from the leadership of the USSR - the data they collected was considered “insignificant.” But Blyumkin, Bokiy and Barchenko received high government awards. Why were they awarded? Because Blumkin presented some evidence of the existence of the mythical Shambhala. Which ones exactly will become clear after the archival materials of the Tibetan expedition are declassified by the Foreign Intelligence Service. They planned to do this there back in 1993, and then again, in 2000. But for some reason these materials were never declassified.

Questionable research funded for a decade and a half

In 1926, on the personal orders of Dzerzhinsky, Barchenko undertook an expedition to Crimea. The goal is to search for entrances to the ancient cities of abandoned civilizations, excavations of Scythian Naples and Mangup-Kale. Two years later, an expedition to Altai follows - observations of unidentified flying objects are carried out there (for the first time in Soviet history!), and then Barchenko awaits his return to the Kola Peninsula. There Barchenko looks for a certain “stone from Orion”, or “Grail stone”, supposedly accumulating and transmitting psychic energy over a distance and providing contact with space. Rave? Then why are the materials from these expeditions still under seven locks? By the way, Barchenko’s findings became known only 25 years ago from declassified documents of Hitler’s secret organization Ahnenerbe. It is also known that in the 15-year history of the existence of the special department, Bokiy was denied funding only once. In those somewhat naive times, such a practice as “cutting the budget” did not exist in principle, as well as the practice of all kinds of “kickbacks”. It is impossible to even imagine that huge funds would have been allocated for years Soviet leadership for an obviously hopeless cause. So, the results of the expeditions of the special department were still quite convincing?

In 1935, immediately after the creation of Ahnenerbe, its General Secretary Wolfram Sievers signed an order to study the results of expeditions organized by Bokiy’s department. But how did the Germans even know that the Soviet Union was conducting such esoteric research? Perhaps the leak occurred during contacts between Bokiy and Barchenko with Professor Karl Haushofer, which took place back in the mid-20s. According to rumors, Barchenko and Haushofer were generally members of the same Masonic lodge, but whether this is actually true, we can only guess. Haushofer and Sievers seriously believed that whoever owns Tibet, the “heart of the world,” owns the whole world. And Bokiy’s special department had such secrets. One way or another, the Germans received a lot of secret materials - either from Barchenko himself, or through some other channels. And during the war years, the German special services launched a real hunt for employees of the disbanded department - they sought to expand their knowledge at their expense.

Bokiy and Barchenko were arrested in 1937 - it is possible that at the instigation of Trilisser, who was extremely jealous of the special department. That same year, Bokiy was shot, and Barchenko was executed only a year later, after he left detailed description work done by the special department. Of the 189 employees of the “cipher” department, no more than fifty people remained alive by the beginning of the war.

At first glance it seems like spy fiction. But this book is documentary. It was written by the President of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, former head of the Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel General Leonid IVASHOV.

The collection “The Overturned World” is based on documents from the KGB archives.

The AN columnist asked veterans of the Soviet and Russian special services, retired colonels Vladimir Evgenievich GOVOROV and Sergei Timofeevich SEMYONOV, to evaluate the new work by Leonid Ivashov. Two points of view.

The book “The Overturned World” almost overturned long-term friendship two old scouts. They argued so furiously that they almost quarreled forever.

- Brilliant work! – Vladimir Evgenievich was delighted.

“Nonsense on vegetable oil,” Sergei Timofeevich waved his hand dismissively. – Where did the army general get secret documents from the archives of the special services?

In response, Colonel Govorov read out an explanation from Leonid Ivashov himself: “After the collapse Soviet Union Liberal Democrats were seized by a furious passion to sell the entire Soviet heritage, including state secrets. At one of these moments, my friends from the KGB called me and asked for an urgent meeting. They said that a group of people came to them with an order from Boris Yeltsin to let them into the archive and give them materials according to the list. Among the first on the list are the results of the 1926–1929 expedition to Tibet by Yakov Blumkin.

At the same time, another group appeared at the Research Institute of the KGB of the USSR “Romb” - the Soviet analogue of the Ahnenerbe, a society for the study of ancient German history and the heritage of ancestors.

In general, the guests wanted to rake in all our research in the field of mysticism and esotericism. Over the course of the night, the security officers and I took this collection out of the archive and hid it in an ordinary garage. I used some of these documents in the book.”

“I remember well the chaos that reigned in Lubyanka after August 1991 under Bakatin,” said Colonel Govorov.

According to him, it later turned out that this group with Yeltsin's mandate represented the oldest Jewish organization called B'nai B'rith. Among these “Sons of the Covenant” were not only Freemasons, but also Mossad and CIA agents. Yeltsin's advisor, Colonel General Dmitry Volkogonov, lobbied for permission to plunder the archives of the special services. Many documents, despite the high classification of secrecy, were confiscated and taken to the US Embassy and the headquarters of the branch of the B'nai B'rith order, which was opened earlier by Gorbachev's personal decision in the south-west of Moscow.

“Then the documents stolen from the KGB archives were legalized for publication in the West with the help of the traitor Mitrokhin,” Colonel Semyonov agreed with his old friend.

– Allegedly, he was the one who copied them for many years and carried them out in his socks. In fact, state secrets were handed over to enemies wholesale and retail by people occupying much higher positions than the pathetic archivist.

The AN columnist had difficulty calming down the agitated veterans, who painfully recalled the treacherous times. The journalist invited them to comment on the description in the book “The Overturned World” of the first KGB expeditions to Tibet.

Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov writes that their initiator was Dzerzhinsky himself. He allocated 100 thousand rubles in gold for the first trip to Lhasa! In 1925, ten security officers led by Yakov Blumkin went to Tibet. They traveled under the guise of pilgrims - Mongolian lamas. Allegedly, in January 1926, the Dalai Lama XIII received the KGB pilgrims in Lhasa. Blumkin promised him large supplies of weapons and military equipment from the USSR on credit, and at the same time immediate assistance in gold chervonets. For this bribe, the Dalai Lama allowed the security police pilgrims a lot.

Colonel General Ivashov cites a secret document from part of the rescued KGB archive. “...On the personal instructions of the Dalai Lama, thirteen monks accompanied him (Blumkin) into the dungeon, where there is a complex system of labyrinths and the opening of secret doors. In order to do this, each of the monks took the appropriate place and, in turn, as a result of the roll call, in a certain sequence they began to pull rings with chains down from the vault of the ceiling, with the help of which large mechanisms hidden inside the mountain open one or another door. There are 13 doors in total in the secret underground room. Blumkin was shown two halls... Underground, monks keep the secrets of all past civilizations that have ever existed on earth.”

Later, in 1926 and 1928, two more expeditions of Kalmyk security officers disguised as pilgrims were sent to Tibet using Lubyanka funds. They also offered the XIII Dalai Lama, in exchange for cooperation with the USSR, a guarantee of Tibetan independence and protection from China.

– Even in the 21st century with the Dalai Lama difficult relationships with the Chinese leadership,” Colonel Govorov commented on the situation in Tibet from a modern perspective.

“And before World War II, many intelligence agencies were hunting for the so-called “weapons of the gods.”

Ivashov’s book contains secret materials of that era. Here is a document dated January 11, 1939 about a Soviet expedition to Tibet to search for the “weapon of the gods.” She prepared under the guidance of Academician Savelyev. As a gift to the regent of Tibet, the NKVD allocated from its warehouse a 5-kilogram statue of a praying Buddha made of pure gold, confiscated in Kalmykia. For other expenses - 1000 royal gold coins.

But this expedition did not take place for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the Germans were ahead of Savelyev’s security officers. They previously sent two expeditions to Tibet. Theodor Illion in 1934–1935 and SS Sturmbannführer, leading employee of the Ahnenerbe secret mystical department Ernst Schaeffer in 1938–1939. They say that it was they who took Blumkin out of storage unique materials and artifacts.

Secondly, already in the spring of 1939, the war between China and Tibet began. The path of Savelyev's expedition to Lhasa was closed.

– In his book, Leonid Grigorievich Ivashov, whom I respect, claims that the first expedition of security officers under the leadership of Blumkin took materials from Tibet on the “weapons of the gods.” But where are they? – Colonel Semyonov asked incredulously.

“The answer to this must be sought in archival materials,” answered Colonel Govorov and again began to quote the book “The Overturned World.”

Alas, but comrade. Blumkin turned out to be not the most inveterate communist. It turned out that he gave copies of almost all the materials obtained by his expedition in Tibet to the Germans for money. And he hoped to rush with them to the West, taking his girlfriend of his heart. She made a mistake, deciding to buy something expensive in a store with Blumkin’s money. He was arrested.

Investigator Chertok, who was leading the case of Yakov Blumkin, ordered this protocol to be reprinted in 15 copies and handed over to members of the OGPU Collegium.

“Testimony on the merits of the case. Question: What characteristics of the weapons you discovered in Tibet did you give to the Germans? What kind of weapon is this, where did you see it? What is its method of action?

Answer: As I already told my investigator, on a business trip to Tibet in 1925, on the orders of the head of the Tibetan state, the Dalai Lama XIII, I was taken to the underground halls and shown some so-called artifacts - “weapons of the gods”, preserved on earth from 15-20 thousand years BC. These weapons are stored in separate rooms. I don’t know where they are now. The characteristics of the weapon are approximately as follows.

1. Giant tongs – “Vajara”. They are used to melt precious metals. If you melt gold at the temperature of the surface of the Sun (6 thousand degrees), then the gold flares up for 70 seconds and turns into powder. This powder was used in the construction of huge mobile stone platforms. If this powder was poured onto the platform, then its weight was lost to a minimum. The powder was also used in medicine in the treatment of incurable diseases and for the elite - mainly the leaders used it as food to prolong their lives.

2. Bell - the so-called “Shu-tzu”, with which you can temporarily blind a large army or an entire army. Its method of action is to transform electromagnetic waves at a certain frequency, which is not perceived by the human ear, but shines directly on the brain. This is a very strange weapon. With his help, the Indian prophet Arjuna won big battles, causing his enemies to panic. I have not seen how this weapon works. I saw the units themselves in the underground halls. And a member of the Tibetan Council gave me explanations regarding the technical characteristics that I conveyed to the Germans. More precisely, to the representative of the German military intelligence Mr. von Stilch.

I met Stilhe in Europe on a business trip abroad. In addition to the technical characteristics of these two units, I also gave Stilha information about another “weapon of the gods.” These weapons remain from approximately 8–10 thousand years BC. These devices can move both underwater and through the air, and they do so at tremendous speed. They travel on special aircraft round shape, which are not similar to airplanes and airplanes known to us. Specifications I also told them to Shtilkha. He, Stilche, proposed to lead a new expedition to Tibet and Antarctica for scientific purposes. I agreed, but had no intention of escaping, since I reported these contacts and intentions to my superiors. This was my job.

I also informed Shtilche about objects that are located in mountains in all parts of the world. With the help of these objects, in one moment it is possible to destroy all the cities and industrial centers of all countries on earth, regardless of the state and social system. In all parts of the world there are spheres dug into mountains made of especially durable metal that cannot be sawed or exploded. Inside these spheres there are certain mechanisms that, when turned on, produce a cloud similar to the sun. This cloud bursts into the atmosphere, it is controlled, i.e. can move along a certain trajectory. It explodes in the right place. This happened in 1904 in Tunguska, where just such a “cloud-sun” exploded, which flew out a few hours earlier from an underground sphere in Yakutia. It is unknown who controls these weapons and how.”

“There are many things in the world, friend Horatio, that our sages never dreamed of,” Vladimir Evgenievich finished reading excerpts from the interrogation report with a quote from Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet.”

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