The largest state in the USA. America's largest state

But there are states that are in many ways larger than all others. For example: Russia, Canada, China, USA. ABOUT last country we'll talk. Or rather, about its regions or states, of which there are exactly 50. It is logical that they differ from each other in their size. From this article you will learn which are the largest US states by area.

Area: 253,348 sq. km

If you look at the map, you will see that this state, which opens the top of the largest US regions by area, has the shape of a regular rectangle. The fact is that its borders are marked by certain latitudes and meridians. Wyoming is a mountainous region of the United States. The most high point state - Gannett Peak (4202 meters). The remaining mountains rise no more than 2000 meters. The headwaters of the Mississippi, Colorado and Columbia rivers originate in this state. The most important attraction in Wyoming is national park Yellowstone, which is visited every year by a million tourists from all over the world. The state is rich in gas, coal, oil and uranium.

Area: 255,026 sq. km.

The state, one of the largest regions of the United States by area, is located on the Pacific Ocean. Located in a mountainous area. The highest point in Oregon is Mount Hood (3427 meters). The most deep lake USA - Crater - is located in this state. The most suitable cities for tourists are Portland and Salem. After all, they have many parks, gardens and various museums. Nature lovers can admire the country's deepest canyon, Hell, the Jefferson Mountains and the Three Sisters Peaks.

Area: 269,837 sq. km.

Another mountainous region on our list of the largest US states by area. Archaeologists have determined that people already lived here more than 10,000 years ago. Even their rock dwellings have been preserved. The name of the state was given by the river of the same name, so named because of the red-brown silt at its bottom. If at the beginning of the 19th century the lands of Colorado were practically uninhabited, then with the discovery of gold here, everything changed in an instant. In the early 30s of the 20th century, the state's population was 1,000,000 people. There is a lot to see in this region: numerous parks, museums and war memorials will be of interest to tourists.

Area: 286,367 sq. km.

Nevada is the driest region of the United States. Most of the state's territory is occupied by mountain system Cordillera, whose height exceeds 3.5 km, and the rest is semi-desert. The highest point in the region is Mount Boundary Peak (4005 meters). Southern Nevada, considered one of the largest US states by area, is home to the Mojave Desert.

Due to the low rainfall in the region, rivers and lakes often dry up.

The territory bears the unofficial nickname "Silver State" since silver deposits were discovered here in 1859. It was then that numerous gold diggers, robbers and adventurers flocked here.
Tourists should visit Las Vegas, one of the most famous cities in the world. It is famous for its casinos and other gambling establishments. There is a replica of the Eiffel Tower here.

For the comfort of the traveler, he will be offered a choice of many luxury hotels and hotels. Nature lovers will choose excursions to parks and mountains. And extreme sports - rock climbing and skiing.

Area: 295,254 sq. km.

Arizona's topography is varied. It consists of an alternation of mountains and deserts that smoothly turn into a plateau. The state has a unique forest of yellow pine trees. And the Sonoran Desert is considered one of the most “living” on the planet: there is a lot of flora and fauna here. In the northwest of the state there is a desert with sparse vegetation - the Mojave.

Arizona attracts many tourists due to the presence of the Grand Canyon, which is considered one of the main natural wonders Sveta. Also in the region you can see with your own eyes the trace of a meteorite: a crater in the form of a huge funnel is located in the center of the Colorado Plateau.

Art lovers will be delighted by the Art Museum (Phoenix), which houses 18,000 exhibits from all over the world. You can learn new things about Indian art at the Head Museum, also located in the capital of the state, which ranks 6th on the list of the largest regions of the United States by area.

Area: 315,194 sq. km.

One of the most beautiful states in the USA. It was even called the “Land of Enchantment.” The region will provide the opportunity to admire dense forests, river canyons and mountains. In New Mexico, which occupies the middle of the top of the largest US states by area, you can visit the village of Taos Pueblo, which is part of the reservation. The Indians living there retained their customs and built houses that were no different from the buildings of their ancestors who lived 100-200 years ago. The state attracts astronomy enthusiasts with 10 remote observatories.

Area: 351,156 sq. km.

It is in this state that the source of the Missouri River is located and one of the highest Rocky Mountains- Grand Peak, 3904 meters high. In the depths of the region there are such minerals as coal, oil, gas, gold, silver, lead, and silver. That's why Montana's unofficial name is the "Treasure State."
Tourists will be interested in the picturesque forests and waterfalls, majestic mountains and glaciers located in the state. This is part of Yellowstone Park and is home to a bison sanctuary. In the cities of the state, which ranks 4th in the list of the largest regions of the United States by area, mansions and churches of the 19th century have been preserved.

Area: 423,970 sq. km.

California is the most populous state in the United States by area. Famous cities such as San Francisco, San Diego and Los Angeles are located in this region. The weather here is very unpredictable. The population is diverse. California leads other US regions in terms of GDP. The state has developed information Technology, agriculture and oil production. The region, which took bronze in the ranking of the largest US states by area, is known for the presence of Silicon Valley - the location of the largest American computer technology companies.

Area: 696,241 sq. km.

The state of Texas, which ranks second in the ranking of the largest US regions by area, is a leader in the area Agriculture, oil production. The main financial center of the country. The region is famous for its abundance of rivers. All of them are part of the Gulf of Mexico basin. Rio Grande and Brazos are the most deep rivers Texas.
Tourists should visit the city of Dallas, because it is home to the famous arts district, where museums, parks, galleries and gardens are collected. The city of Houston has many universities, and travelers will find plenty of cultural and entertainment options in San Antonio.

Area: 1,717,854 sq. km.

Most northern state The USA becomes the leader in the ranking of the largest regions of the country by area. Separated from the rest of the mainland by Canada. Occupies the territory of the Alaska Peninsula and the Aleutian Islands. It is also the smallest US state by population. It is washed by the waters of two oceans: the Pacific and the Atlantic.
Tourists are drawn here by the amazing nature, abundance of lakes and rivers. There are several large mountain ranges here. And McKinley is the most high mountain America! Its height is 6,194 meters. Alaska is a region with volcanic activity, rich in gold, oil, coal and gas.

The USA is divided into 50 states and has one federal district. State is the basic state-territorial unit that has a certain degree of sovereignty in internal affairs and obeys federal center in matters covered by the US Constitution. Each state has a flag and motto. The largest state in the USA is. TravelAsk will tell you some facts about Alaska that you probably didn't know before.

Four kilometers from Russia

This is exactly the distance from Krusenstern Island, which belongs to Alaska, to Ratmanov Island, which belongs to Russia. They are located in the Bering Strait.

Alaska's area is 1,717,854 square kilometers, this is approximately 15% of the entire area of ​​the United States. Only 736,732 people live here (as of 2014). Moreover, almost half of them live in the city of Anchorage (about 300 thousand people). Therefore, the largest state in the United States is also one of the most sparsely populated.

The most interesting thing is that Anchorage is not the state capital. The capital is Juneau, but the population here is small - just over 30 thousand people.

Most populated state The USA, where 37 million people live, is California. This is twelve million more than the state of Texas and eighteen million more than the state of New York.

The average population density in this US state is 91 people per km2 (this is 11th among all states North America). The most big cities in the State of California - Fresno (population 500 thousand people), San Francisco (750 thousand people), San Jose (1 million people), San Diego (1.3 million people), and of course Los Angeles (approximately 4 million people). About 470 thousand people live in the city of Sacramento, the state capital.

About seven percent of the residents of the most populous US state (more than two million) are illegal immigrants. And the bulk of the population are representatives of various diasporas - Mexicans (their overwhelming number), Germans, Irish, Chinese and Japanese. Also, about 250 thousand American Indians live in California - only Oklahoma has more.

Forty-three percent of California's population speaks a native language other than English.

California is bordered by Arizona and Nevada to the east, Oregon to the north, Mexico to the south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west.

The Pacific beaches of the most populous US state are a real cult. When we're talking about about the beaches of California, the imagination immediately pictures palm trees, snow-white sand, tanned and pretty girls rollerblading along the boulevard adjacent to the beach, surfers, bodybuilders, and of course female lifeguards led by young Pamela Anderson. On Californian beaches, the most popular of which are the beaches of San Diego and Los Angeles, where bright sun shines three hundred days a year.

California is one of the most popular places to live and visit. Here is the famous Redwood National Park, in which the most ancient and tall trees- redwoods. - Hyperion sequoia, 115 meters and 24 centimeters high, grows here. It would take at least ten people to grasp such a tree.

The California public education system is considered one of the best. In local state universities More than 400 thousand students study. The California Institute of Technology and Stanford Universities are known throughout the world.

California, the most populous state in the United States, offers many conditions for quality and beautiful life, prestigious work and decent living conditions, which is why people from all over the world come here.

A land of opportunity, where many people from the post-Soviet space, and beyond, strive. The USA is flooded with migrants from different countries looking for better life. But, as a rule, they find nothing there except poverty. By shape government system The United States of America is a federation. In the article we will talk about which US state is the largest in area and discuss life in a multinational country.

Territorial structure of the United States of America

The division of a state zone into several partially independent territories is a bit like Russian Federation. There are 50 states in the land of opportunity, each further divided into counties.

Urban municipalities govern cities, and villages can be divided into townships. As you know, the United States owns several islands in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. They do not fall into the states, but stand out separately. The capital of the United States, Washington, is under special rights and is a special entity under the control of local authorities.

What is a state and what rights does it have?

It is a component of the United States of America. Speaking in simple language, it is like a piece in a mosaic that is necessary to complete the whole picture. And scientifically, a state is a state unit of a territory that has some full power within itself and is capable of making important decisions.

But in relations with other states, even the largest US state has no international rights. All power in this matter passes to federal authorities, that is, Washington.

Despite their sovereignty and freedom to make particularly important decisions, all states are subject to the US Constitution. Each of the 50 states has its own motto and flag.

Where does the name come from?

The word state itself appeared when the first settlers settled in America. More precisely, during the colonial era (around 1648). States were the name given to isolated colonies; the word came into use in 1776 with the adoption of the Declaration of Independence.

And on this moment 46 out of 50 administrative centers have the word "state" in their name. It is written before the name, for example State Texas or State of Utah.

Interesting fact. Although California bills itself as a state, its flag says “Republic of California.” Now let's find out the history of the names of the states themselves:

  1. Twenty-six of them come from Indian words.
  2. The Eskimo language served as the name for Alaska.
  3. And one of the islands of America (Hawaii) was named because of the people who lived on it and spoke the Hawaiian language.
  4. Eleven states remember the colonial era and their names come from English words. Spanish rule left a legacy of these six states, while the French left only three.
  5. Rhode Island is borrowed from Dutch, and Washington is closely associated with American history.

What is the largest state in the USA?

So, the undisputed leader in this merciless race is Alaska. The same territory that was previously under protectors Russian Empire and was transferred to America. But Alaska is not populated by migrants in search of a better life; the population mainly consists of indigenous people. These are Eskimos with Indians, “seasoned” with Russians and Aleuts. The largest US state by area has about 1,718,000 km 2. The standard of living in the state is very high.

GDP per unit of population is about 60 thousand dollars. This figure is second only to Delaware with a GDP of $65 thousand. Each US state has its own administrative center. The capital of Alaska is the city of Juneau, where more than 34 thousand people live. And in fact big city Anchorage - more than 290 thousand.

We've dealt with Alaska, it's time to move on to other American territories. For convenience, the TOP 5 states after Alaska were compiled, which answers the question: “What is the largest US state by territory?”

State Of Texas

The territory of Texas is almost three times smaller than Alaska. Civilization came to the state along with the colonialists, who were the Spaniards. And in 1845, it was decided to add Texas to the United States of America.

The rivers that are located on the territory of the administrative unit flow into the Gulf of Mexico. Texas has something to be proud of - there are large hydrocarbon deposits under its soil. Besides this, the district is famous for its attractions, which greatly attract tourists. However, this is not the only reason they fall for it; there are many museums and very beautiful cities in Texas.

Throughout its history, the state has managed to be a republic and be part of the United States twice. Here are the top numbers for the state of Texas (numbers rounded):

  1. Territory: 700,000 km2;
  2. GDP per unit of population: $43,000;
  3. Date of foundation: December 29, 1845;
  4. About 27,000,000 people live.

Texas is the largest US state after Alaska. And the most Big City called Houston (as American space station). And who doesn’t remember the phrase that became popular all over the world: “Houston, Houston, we have problems.”


The state is famous high level life, innovativeness of society and new technologies. And also in California a large number of dollar millionaires and is the most populous state in the entire United States.

Here is the famous Hollywood, the so-called “star factory”. There are a lot of resorts in cities where people come to relax as local residents, as well as citizens of other countries.

The three most popular cities among tourists are:

  • San Diego;
  • San Francisco;
  • Sacramento.

And the melody of the group “Kar-Man” immediately sounds in my head: “This is San Francisco, a city in the disco style, thousands of lights.” Overall, it's a diverse city. Tourism and information technology are developing here simultaneously.

Below are key state indicators:

  1. Territory: 424,000 km 2;
  2. GDP per capita: $45,000;
  3. Founded: September 9, 1850;
  4. About 39,000,000 people live.

Silicon Valley, which can be called the engine of computer progress, is conveniently located in California.


Before the colonization of America, “motley” tribes of Indians lived here. But with the advent of civilized society, the indigenous people were massively exterminated and evicted. As a result, in 1889, Montana officially became a state within the United States.

However, Montana also has another name - the “Treasure State”. Montana deserves such an impressive name because its territory contains large deposits of valuable minerals. Thanks to the diligence of local authorities, many places untouched by man remain in the state.

In Montana you can see wonderful waterfalls, dense forests where no human has ever set foot, and beautiful mountains whose peaks are covered with glacier. There are also traces of the civilization that inhabited America before colonization, and have also been preserved historical monuments XIX century.

Everything you need to know about the state:

  1. Territory: 380,000 km 2;
  2. GDP per capita: $32,000;
  3. Date of foundation: November 8, 1889;
  4. About 1,000,000 people live.

For tourists who want to visit one of the largest states in the USA, local residents recommend visiting the Yellowstone Nature Reserve and looking at the majestic bison.

State of New Mexico Estado de Nuevo Mexico

It’s not for nothing that the state is called New Mexico. This is a fairly accurate definition of this territory. As a result of the war between the countries, America took over the land of Mexico. And in 1912 it was declared an official US territory.

And there was something to fight for; New Mexico is home to dense forests and futuristic canyons. An interesting fact is that they often appear in Hollywood films and operating system Windows with pre-installed wallpaper.

The colonialists decided not to expel the Indians, and that is why they still live here. True, living conditions here cannot be called normal; they live on reservations. But, despite this, they managed to preserve the memory of their ancestors and transferred their traditions and customs through the centuries. Everything you need to know about one of the largest US states by territory:

  1. Territory: 315,000 km 2;
  2. GDP per capita: $35,000;
  3. Date of foundation: January 6, 1912;
  4. Home to about 2,100,000 people.

Due to the beauty of the area, New Mexico is sometimes called the "land of enchantment." In 1803, French Emperor Napoleon sold some of the land to the American government.


It is not surprising that Hollywood films are full of wonderful plans and beautiful places that are pleasing to the eye. Another state with untouched nature and the most magnificent landscape.

Below are the parameters of one of the largest states in the USA:

  1. Territory: 295,000 km 2;
  2. GDP per capita: $36,000;
  3. Date of foundation: February 14, 1912;
  4. Home to about 6,800,000 people.

Arizona is home to the world-famous Grand Canyon and arid deserts, which are used as extraterrestrial landscapes during filming. And in Colorado County there is a crater into which a meteorite fell. The state capital, Phoenix, is home to about 1 million 450 thousand people. The city is famous for its museums and subtropical climate.

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