The beauty of Tajik girls captivated a photographer from New York. The Russian published his top list of the most beautiful Tajiks in the world

The author's online magazine -, dedicated to people in history and culture, has published a list of the most beautiful Tajik women in the world. Among them are popular Tajik singers - Takhmina Niyazova, Manizha Davlatova, Shabnami Surayyo, Noziya Karamatullo, Nigina Amonkulova, as well as the granddaughter of the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs of Tajikistan Talbak Nazarov - Nigina Nazarova, who won the title “Miss Dushanbe 2008”.

The author of the site is a Russian - a certain Dmitry from Magnitogorsk. On his website he writes that Tajiks are a people numbering, according to various estimates, 15-22 million people, of which only 6 million live in Tajikistan, while in Afghanistan there are 8-11 million Tajiks. Significant Tajik diasporas also exist in Uzbekistan (1.6 million), Pakistan (1 million), Iran, and Russia. And in this regard, he placed on his list not only Tajik women from Tajikistan, but from all over the world.

By the way, on this site he also published a list of the most beautiful Uzbek, Uighur, Kazakh, Tatar, and most beautiful Slavic women.

Today, this publication, which was published by the author back in 2012, caused a resonance in the Tajik segment of the social network Facebook.

“11th place: Takhmina Niyazova (born February 14, 1989, Dushanbe) - Tajik singer, winner of the “Five Stars” competition. Intervision "2008".

"10th place: Stalin Azamatova (born January 2, 1940, Dushanbe) - Soviet actress, People's Artist of the Republic of Tajikistan."

"9th place: Manizha Davlatova (born December 31, 1982, Kulyab, Tajikistan) - Tajik singer."

"8th place: Nigina Nazarova (born May 17, 1988, Nalchik, Russia) - Miss Dushanbe 2008. Height 168 cm, figure parameters 85-62-87."

"7th place: Hadiya Tajik / Hadia Tajik (born July 18, 1983) - Norwegian politician, member of the Norwegian parliament from the Norwegian Workers' Party. By nationality, Hadiya Tajik is a Pakistani Tajik, her parents emigrated to Norway from Pakistan, and Hadiya herself was born already in Norway."

"6th place: Shabnam Surayyo (born October 14, 1981, Kulyab, Tajikistan) - Tajik singer."

"5th place: Nozia Karomatullo (born February 7, 1988, Dushanbe) - Tajik singer. In 2007, Nozia became the winner of the classical dance competition "Katak" in India."

"4th place: Tutiniso Allaeva - winner of the republican beauty contest "Miss Ariana 2009"."

"3rd place: Nigina Amonkulova (born January 30, 1986, Penjikent, Tajikistan) - Tajik singer."

"2nd place: Mozhdah Jamalzadah / Mozhdah Jamalzadah - Afghan-Canadian singer, model, TV presenter. Tajik by nationality. Born on April 15, 1982 in Kabul (Afghanistan), at the age of 15 she moved with her parents to Canada, where "became a successful singer. She repeatedly received threats from the Taliban demanding that she stop her performances. After the liberation of Afghanistan from the Taliban, she returned to her homeland."

"1st place: Hammasa Kohistani / Hammasa Kohistani - British model, Miss England 2005 (the first Muslim woman to win this competition). Born in 1987 in Tashkent, where her Tajik parents fled from Afghanistan. Then Hammasa’s family returned to Kabul , however, after the Taliban captured the city, the family had to flee again, this time to London."

DUSHANBE, February 13 – Sputnik, Anastasia Lebedeva. Photographer Nazir Abbas lives and works in New York. He is a native of Pakistan, but often posts photographs of Tajik women in bright national dresses on social networks.

Sputnik Tajikistan decided to find out what attracts photographers to natives of the Republic of Tajikistan.

“I was born and raised in the Hunza Valley, in the Pakistani part of the Pamirs. In 2009, I moved to the United States,” says Nazir.

Nazir works as an art director at the American fashion magazine Reflection. And in free time he enjoys walking around the city with a camera and taking vivid pictures of passers-by.

“I take photographs to express myself, although I sometimes work as a freelancer,” he admits.

Many people call New York a melting pot of many nationalities and cultures, which is probably why you can always meet a fellow countryman in this city.

“I have many friends from Tajikistan, especially from the Pamirs, since we have a common culture and language with them (the Wakhan language is the language of the Wakhan people, one of the Pamir peoples. It is widespread as a language of everyday communication on the border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan, in the northern regions Pakistan and in the Chinese part of the Eastern Pamirs - ed.),” explains the photographer.

That is why Nazir so often captures natives of Tajikistan on film.

"Their national dresses are so unique that I just love photographing them. They are bold and bright, and the pattern is a wave of slightly worn colors. In addition, there is a huge variety of patterns depending on the region. Decorative details and patterns add beauty to the image Tajik girls", he believes.

Quite a few natives of the Republic of Tajikistan live in New York compared to representatives of other countries. Nazir has known all Tajiks by sight for a long time.

“Sometimes I myself ask my friends to take part in the filming; most often they contact me through Instagram. Sometimes I can arrange a photo shoot after a heavy dinner with one of my Tajik friends, when I feel that I can take a great shot,” he says .

"Tajik people are very simple and friendly. That's why I find it so good with them mutual language. They're just like me, or I'm just like them. Honestly, I don’t know how they differ from people of other nationalities, but their character is very easy to catch in the camera lens,” Nazir emphasizes.

The photographer admits that although he spends a lot of time with Tajik people, he himself has never been to Tajikistan.

“I’m planning to go there this summer. I really want to spend a few weeks in Dushanbe and then go to the Pamir mountains for a month,” he shares his plans.

Many are wondering why he, being a Pakistani, chose the nickname Abbas-tajik on social networks (Abbas Tajik - ed.). The man admits that he has to explain his choice almost every day.

“Some people think that I should have been called Abbas Pamiri, but does that really matter? We Wakhan Tajiks call ourselves Wakhan Tajiks, since our ancestors were from Tajikistan. That’s why I decided to choose such a nickname for social networks,” he explained .

By the way, Shahnoz Eronsho, who international competition"Miss UN"

IN Lately Many young labor migrants from Tajikistan who are in Russia receive messages on their pages on social networks from users under false names with calls to join the jihad against the “kafirs” in Syria.

Daler for a long time works on construction sites in Russia. He recently met in a popular social network“Odnoklassniki” with a girl under the nickname “Muslim Muboriz”. The young man started a profile in the hope of finding a girlfriend, so it was not difficult for him to meet a new acquaintance with whom he had been communicating for a month and a half.

During the conversation, the girl started talking about religious topics, including touching on “ holy war"in Syria. According to Daler, the interlocutor sent him a video with footage of the brutal murder of children and women, whom the girl accused “kafirs” of killing Muslims. Having his own views and goals from this acquaintance, the guy, so as not
offend the feelings of the interlocutor and, in the hope of meeting in the coming days, expressed regret that Muslims were treated this way. Unsuccessful attempts young man contacting the interlocutor by phone ended with promises that the phone number would be given a few days before the cherished meeting.

“We agreed that she would come to me. I replied that if it suits, then we will go to Syria with her. This was said from the heart, because I only wanted to meet her. She was offline for about three days. Then a young man appeared at our construction site, introducing himself as Nasiba’s brother. He said his sister took a ticket and flew to Syria. The young man suggested to me that if I have a desire to help suffering Muslims, then we can go with him and join Nasiba to provide assistance,” says the migrant.

After listening to the story, Daler confused “Nasiba’s brother”, as a result of which the latter quickly retreated, and after some time the user’s page “Muslim Muboriz” was no longer available. The migrant is sure that the “girl” with whom he communicated online was a young man who came to a construction site and wanted to trick him into joining jihad.

Many migrants, like Daler, become “guests of girls” with religious views on the pages of the Odnoklassniki social network, where jihad propaganda among young people is carried out under fictitious nicknames.

The republican authorities stated that about 200 young Tajiks are fighting in Syria against the regime of Bashar al-Assad. According to official data, 50 young Tajiks died in combat in Syria. However, there is no reliable data about citizens of Tajikistan who were attracted to jihad in Syria through social networks.

Authorities claim that Tajik citizens are traveling to Syria for jihad via Russia and Turkey. One of the young Tajiks, who, by his admission, is currently fighting in Syria and has his own account on Odnoklassniki, when communicating through this network with Radio Ozodi, stated that he was not attracted to jihad through social networks.

According to him, he was recently given direction through the Odnoklassniki network to tell the whole truth in Syria. He noted that in Russia there are many followers of Islam who inform Muslims about jihad. During the conversation, I got the impression that this young man does not regret being in Syria, or, as he says, in the “Islamic state.”

On the Odnoklassniki social network you can find thousands of users who, under Arabic names, Tajik language and video materials call for jihad. According to the head of the Association of Internet Providers of Tajikistan, Asomiddin Atoev, certain groups are more comfortable using social networks to attract young people to extremism. He noted that recently
There has been a sharp increase in content involving young extremists on social networks.

“In response to extremist materials posted online, it is necessary to post materials that are directed towards good causes. Unfortunately, there are currently a lot of materials promoting extremism. We have to put all our energy into content that will take [young people's interest] in a different direction. First of all, it is necessary to study the reasons that attract young people to this social network,” Atoev added.

Chairman of the all-Russian public movement “Tajik Labor Migrants” Karomata Sharipova, those who recruit young people to fight in Syria and Iraq receive a lot of money from their patrons. According to him, they attract young people who face certain problems in Tajikistan and do not want to return to their homeland.

“We spoke to many young people who were fed up with the unemployment situation in Tajikistan and intended to go to Syria. Many have debt in Tajikistan and hundreds of other problems, remembering them, they do not want to return. We tried to convince several of them to return, even though they were always reluctant to talk about their lives in Tajikistan,” he said. Sharipov noted that the growing number of Tajiks participating in hostilities in Syria pose a danger to Tajikistan, since these young people may return as changed people.

Theologians believe that mainly young people are being recruited for the war in Syria, who have lost hope for their future and do not believe in resolving the problems they face. “These young people have lost hope in this life, and they are going to jihad with the hope of better life in another life, that is, in heaven. These are the young people who are abused in Russia and do not find Good work and don't have good education“says expert in the field of religion Saidakhmad Kalandarov.

According to some reports, in Tajikistan, about 500 thousand people are users of the Odnoklassniki social network, which mainly contains photographs of young Tajiks with weapons in their hands.

Girls from Tajikistan and from Tajikistan (after all, only 6 out of 20 million Tajiks live in their homeland) are rightfully considered among the most beautiful in Central Asia...

...and this is easy to verify. Which is exactly what I suggest you do.

Beauty with this unusual name Tutiniso can rightfully be considered a standard and even better - after all, its parameters are 95-60-95, why not an Eastern fairy tale?

Gulbahar Beknazar is perhaps the most famous model Tajikistan, who represented her country at the Queen of USSR Dubai 2016 beauty contest (the name meant residents of the countries former USSR, if anyone fell into a precipitate).

And although Madina Taher has long considered herself German (in fact, she lives there and represented Deutschland in the Miss Universe 2008 competition), she is Afghan-Tajik by blood. And I’ll add on my own behalf - the devil is good!

Munira Mirzoeva is not a model (if you first of all paid attention to her face) or a janitor (that is, if you looked at her clothes) - she is a professional gardener and gardener.

What an irony - a beautiful flower grows flowers.

The most risky of our beauties, Mojah Jamalzadah, was born in Kabul, but at the age of 15 she left for Canada with her parents. Why is she risky? Yes, because she very, very often receives threats from the Taliban (this terrorist organization, if anyone forgot or didn’t know), who considers the girl’s behavior “unworthy for a Muslim woman” (and all because Mojah (oh, horror!) became a singer and actress).

Mohiari Tohiri is not well known outside of Tajikistan, but inside the country she is a genuine superstar - her albums and songs are selling like hot cakes.

Hammasa Kohistani, by the way, was Miss England 2005 and became the first Muslim woman to receive this title. The beauty was born in Kabul, but like many others she fled with her family from the Taliban regime.

An example of genuine oriental beauty is the luxurious Fatima Makhmadulaeva, finalist of the Face of Central Asia 2016 competition.

And here is the most beautiful Tajik woman in the world (according to the majority) - Nodira Mazitova. The girl does not work in the modeling field, but her Instagram account is gaining great popularity.

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