From the Tajik language what is sham. Thank you. See also in other dictionaries

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BBK 81.2 Taj-4
Self-instruction manual of the Tajik language. - Dushanbe: Maorif 1993.

The book is equipped with simple colloquial texts and a Russian-Tajik dictionary.
Intended for those who want to learn the Tajik language on their own, as well as for teachers of the Tajik language in Russian schools.
BBK 81. 2 Taj-4 Editor A. Abrori
M-- -33-93
M 504(12)-92
ISBN 5-670-00214-8
(Є) Makhadov M., 1993
The present tutorial“Tajik Language Self-Teacher” was compiled for those who do not know or have poor command of the Tajik language. It consists of twenty lessons.
Basic data on the phonetics of the Tajik language in comparison with the sounds of the Russian language are given in a condensed form in the first lesson. The remaining nineteen lessons are devoted to the most common grammatical forms of everyday speech.
Each lesson is designed to last four to five hours. Educational material designed in such a way as to facilitate the assimilation of the peculiarities of Tajik spoken language. Grammar rules and forms are given in free position and in the form of tables.
In order to quickly and effectively master the material, each lesson is equipped with tasks, exercises and a dictionary.
The self-instruction book includes short conversational texts on topics such as “Meeting”, “At the market”, “In a restaurant”, “In a hotel”, as well as scientific, educational and artistic texts. It introduces the most common aphorisms of the Tajik language and their Russian equivalents.
At the end of the manual, samples of some documents are given (application, certificate, power of attorney, deed, autobiography) in Tajik and Russian.
The self-instruction manual is equipped with Tajik-Russian and Russian-Tajik dictionaries.
The modern alphabet of the Tajik language is built on the basis of the Russian (Cyrillic) alphabet and consists of thirty letters (sounds).
Letter style
pechag-1 handwritten I new
Letter style
gtecha - handwritten I poe
ha a: w >, ha I
Letter style
I *
ha *°
print "manuscript- ^
A a ,j4q a
B b %yo bae
in in<%#
G g?s
ve ge
D d
(Her) Єе (Her) Se
K k ^ L l
Al m
H n./V,-. Oo
P and -YGl
Z z 1
C s T t
H h
Sh sh sha
G E e 9
(Yu yu) yu
(I am) ya
F g ge
K to ke
X X heh
The letters e, e, yu, i do not denote independent sounds. These letters indicate complex sounds consisting of two sounds: e = й+е, е = й + о, ь = = й+у, я = й + а (in the table these letters are taken in brackets).
The sounds of the Tajik language are divided into vowels and consonants.
There are six vowel sounds in the Tajik language:
a, and, uh, y, oh, y.
The pronunciation of the vowel sounds a, i, e, u, o differs little from the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. There is no vowel sound in Russian. The beginning of its pronunciation coincides with the pronunciation of the sound u, and at the end - with o, i.e. u sounds o-shaped.
Exercise 1. Say the following words out loud:
ruz - day rui - face
gush - ear shur - salty
u - he husha - ear, bunch
buoy - smell UrDU - army
kuh - mountain kuza - jug
mui - hair, hair tour - mesh tufon - typhoon empty - skin
murcha - chicken ant - blind
There are 24 such sounds (letters) in the Tajik language:
b, V, G, D, F, 3, j, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, h, “i, K, f, X, Ch, b.
The pronunciation of the consonant sounds b, v, g, d, zh, z, y, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, ch, sh differs little from the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds of the Russian language. The consonant sounds k, f, x, Ch, ъ are absent in the Russian language. To pronounce them correctly, some practice is required. The sounds k, f are uvular consonants. When pronouncing them, the tongue closes or approaches the very back of the back of the tongue: these sounds are easily formed by the vibration of these organs.
Exercise 2. Say the following words out loud:
FOp - grotto poF - gap 6of - garden gair - alien TaFo - uncle 30F - jackdaw zagir - flax guncha - bud guk - toad Fypy6 - sunset guz - cotton gunda - karakurt agba - pass ogil - barn
kabl az - before ku - swan bright - weapon kabila - clan, tribe kok, - dry koshuk - spoon kosh - eyebrow akl - um bakiya - remainder k, avs - bracket halq - people wakt - time rakam - number sharq - east cue - Part
The consonant sound x has a guttural pronunciation: it is voiceless, fricative (compare the pronunciation of g in the Ukrainian language or remember the pronunciation of g in the Latin expression (homo sapiens).
Exercise 3. Say the following words out loud:
mohtob - moon sohil - shore hack, - share
khukm - order mokhy - fish khezum - firewood
boor - everything
moss - month
bahrr - spring kuh. -¦ mountain rokh, - road subh. - morning sohib - owner of the shirt; - fox ohak - lime muhit - surrounding
shoh - king
Wednesday muhabbat - love
The consonant sound h consists of two sounds d and zh, which are pronounced inseparably, together: j.
Exercise 4. Say the following words out loud:
The consonant sound ъ (ayn) has a guttural pronunciation; it is a voiced, stop sound formed by closing the walls of the pharynx. Its pronunciation resembles the pronunciation of the hard sign in Russian words such as congress, object, announcement, travel. This sound is found only in words borrowed from Arabic. At the end of the day, the words before the izafet always disappear: mavzu - theme, mazui nav - new theme, tulu - sunrise, tului oftob - rising of the sun.

    1 Thank you

    1. particle to whom and without additional. rahmat, tashakkur; thanks to him rahmatba vai; thank you for your help baroi yordam tashakkur; thank you and that's it baroi hamin ham rahamat

    2. in meaning noun thank you very much with rahmat, tashakkur; Thanks a lot! beads ragmat!

    3. in meaning introductory sl. simple khairiyat; thank you, I was warned on time khairiyat, maro dar vakhtash oghonidand for \thank you muft, bepul

    2 Thank you

See also in other dictionaries:

    Thank you- See gratitude, causality, what’s in your mouth, then thank you, what’s in your mouth, then thank you... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. thank you (royal, (very) great, (very) much),… … Synonym dictionary

    THANK YOU- (God save me from it). 1. particle, to whom to what, to whom to what on what and without additional. Expression of gratitude. Thank you. Thanks for the favor. Thank you for that (about gratitude for something very small, insignificant). 2. in meaning predicate, to whom what.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Thank you- Thank you A polite word said to express gratitude. The word was formed from the phrase “God save.” Most Old Believers do not use the word “thank you”, believing that they are cutting off the letter “g” from the word “God”, as... ... Wikipedia

    THANK YOU- 1. Expresses gratitude. S. for the treat. S. for attention (formula for polite conclusion of a report, speech). 2. in meaning tale, to whom (what). You have to be grateful for that. S. neighbor for helping. If it rains, there will be good shoots. 3. particle.… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

The Tajik language is a modern variant of the Persian language (Farsi), spoken in Central Asia. Tajiks have always called their language “Zabani Farsi” (“Persian language”), and the term “Zabani Tajiki” (“Tajik language”) appeared only in the 20th century, under Soviet rule. The majority of Tajik speakers live in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. During its development, the Tajik language diverged from the Afghan and Iranian variants of Farsi as a result of changing political borders, geographical isolation, and the influence of Russian and neighboring Turkic languages. The standard language is based on northwestern Tajik dialects, which have received some influence from the neighboring Uzbek language. As a result of its relative geographic isolation in the mountains of Central Asia, the vocabulary, phonetics, and grammar of the Tajik language retain numerous archaic elements lost in other Iranian languages.

The cities with the largest Tajik-speaking population - Samarkand and Bukhara - are located on the territory of modern Uzbekistan. According to official data, Tajiks make up about 5% of the population of Uzbekistan. However, these statistics do not include ethnic Tajiks, who, for a variety of reasons, call themselves Uzbeks in censuses. According to subjective expert estimates, Tajiks may make up from 15 to 25 percent of the population of Uzbekistan. In Tajikistan, Tajiks make up 80% of the population. Additionally, Tajiks are the dominant ethnic group in northern Afghanistan. In general, Tajiks make up 25-30% of the population of Afghanistan.

The dialects of the Tajik language can be divided into 4 groups: northern (northern Tajikistan, southern regions of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan); central (Mastchokh, Aini, Hissar); southern (Kulyab, Badakhshan); southeastern (Pyanj, Darvaz). The dialect of Bukharian Jews (Bukhori) belongs to the northern group. It is distinguished by its historical use of Hebrew writing and Hebrew vocabulary (mainly of a religious nature). But, despite this, Bukhori is also understandable to speakers of other varieties of the Tajik language.

The accent in the Tajik language is on the last syllable. A few exceptions to this rule include the words "bale" ("yes") and "zero" ("because"). The accent is not placed on enclitics or the direct object marker. The word order in a sentence is Subject-Predicate-Object.

The grammar of the Tajik language is almost identical to that of classical Farsi (and its modern Iranian variant), although there are a number of notable differences. So, for example, nouns do not have a grammatical gender, although they do have a number. The plural is indicated by the suffixes –ho or –on, although Arabic forms may be used in borrowings from Arabic. There is no definite article, but the indefinite article is represented in the form of the numeral “yak” (“one”) and the suffix –e. The direct object is marked with the suffix -ro: “Rustamro will ask” (“I beat Rustam”).

The Tajik language is very conservative in terms of vocabulary. It preserves many words that have not been used for a long time in the Iranian and Afghan versions of Farsi, for example, “arziz” (“tin”), “farbeh” (“fat”), etc. The main part of the borrowed vocabulary consists of borrowings from the Russian language. There are also borrowings from the geographically close Uzbek language and, as in the case of most Muslim countries, from Arabic.

Since the late 1980s, attempts have been made to replace borrowings with Tajik equivalents, for which outdated, long-out-of-use words or neologisms with Arabic and Persian roots, such as “garmkunak” (“heater”) or “changkashak” (“vacuum cleaner”), are used.

3 night

w shab; deep night of bevaktiya shab; until late at night then bevaktii shab; all night long [all night long] tamomi shab; at night shabho; for the night dar yak shab; at night pesh az shab; at night looking at the gift of bevaktiya shab; ba toriki shab nigoq nakarda; on the night of... shabi..., arafai..., on the night of Friday shabi panshanbe; [and] day and night, day and night shabu ruz, hamesha, doimo; good night! Shab ba khair!, Shabbaton khush bod! white nights sapedashabho, shabhoi shimol; Bartholomew's night shabi Bartholomew (24 August sol 1572 gift shabi go ҳazrati Bartholomew Hugenotҳoro қir kardani catholicҳo, maҷozan қatli om, kushokushi), sparrow night 1) shabi chumchuқ (kүtoҳtarin shabi tobiston); 2) shabi serradu bark; polar night shabi kutbi; under cover of night dar panohi shab, dar zeri chodari shab

4 white

(bel, -a, white)

1. safed, safedrang; white matoi safed fabric; white paper kogazi safed

2. (light) ravshan, kushod, tobon, safed; white neck gardaii safed

3. tk. full f. adj. and in meaning noun white m, white w safedpust; white race irqi (nazhodi) safedpust

4. (about the time of day, about the light) Ravshan; white nights safedashabho (dar mintakai shimol); in the middle of broad daylight dar ruzi ravshan

5. tk. full f. mouth iobl. (pure) toza; white half of the hut qismi tozai honai chubin

6. tk. full f. adj. and in meaning noun white m safed; white plural safeho; White Guard ist. Guardiai Safed; white officer officer safed; White retreated safedo akibnishini kardand

7. in meaning noun white plural chess. muhrahoi safed; play with white bo donakhoi safed bozi cardan

8. dar tarkibi nomhoi ba'ze khayvonot va nabotot: polar bear hirsi safed white bath hammomi muridor; white ticket mouth tickets safed (shahodatnomai ozod budan az hizmati harbi ba sababi kasali); white wine 1) mai anguri safed, sharobi safed 2) simple. (vodka) arak; white crow zogi alo; delirium tremens hununi khamr; white clergy rҳoniyoni safed (yak kismi rҳoniyoni pravoslavi, ki bar hilofi rҳoniyoni rohib parҳezgori namekunand); white gold (cotton) tilloi safed; white hut honai muridor; white bone iron. asilzoda, ashrofzoda; white magic seҳru ҷodu; white places (spots) 1) maҳalҳoi taҳқiқnashuda (kamtaҳқiқshuda) 2) masʳalҳoi ҳaltalab (ҳanouz ҳalnashuda); white meat gushti murg; gushti gusola; White Olympics Olympics and Zimiston; white light dunyo, olam; blank verse sheri ozod; white coal kuvvai ob; sewn with white thread misash ayon ast; a fairy tale about a white bull. joking what mekhoni? - Porsola

5 fleeting

(fast-flowing, -on, -but)

1. mouth poet. tezrav, zudharayon, tezharayon

2. tezguzar, zudguzar, darguzar; summer nights shabgoi kotohi tobiston

6 Kind

(good, -a, -o, kind)

1. nek, nekokor, ramdil, merubon; dilnishin, dilpisand, purmeҳr; good soul gony odam; the kind voice of Ovozi Dilnishin; kind eyes chashmoni purmehr

2. khush, khair, nek; good deeds korchoi khair; good news khabarhoi khush; kind word suhani nek

3. nazdik, mekhrubon, karin; our good friends shinoshoi nazdiki mo; good relations munoshibati dostona

4. mouth khub, margub, hele nagz; good horses aspoi khub; in good times wakti munosib; according to the good old custom, az rui odati khubi kadim; good saber shamsheri nagz

5. mouth and folk. nek, neksirisht, poctinat; good fellow Gavonmard; kind people! reverse mardum!; a kind person! reverse barodar!, uh, chura!

6. decomposition pok, nek; leave [about yourself] a good memory hotirai (nomi) nek monondan; enjoy the good name neknom budan; good glory shҳrati nek

7. decomposition (full, whole) raso, tamom; he looks to be a good fifty years old wai dar zohir raso panҷoҳsola menamoyad; he walked through the forest for a good hour. wai yak soati tamom az hangal meguzasht good evening! lard!; good genius whose timsols are neki, valinemat; Good afternoon! lard!; good health! salomat boshed!; good little odami hub; Good night! Shabbaton ba khair (khush)!; Good morning! subhaton ba khair (khush)!, salom!; all the best! hair!, salomat boshed!; people of goodwill odamoni poquidon (nekiroda); what good does it mean? introductory sl. mabodo, khodo nakhosta; he, what good, will still cost mabodo, vai hafa ham shavad; good luck! rohi safed!, safar behatar!; Good morning! barori kor dihad!, komebi yoraton bod!; by good will, bo ichthyori is thin, ichthyyoran; be kind, be kind, please. polite lutfan, bemalol boshad, marhamat karda; please give me the book bemalol boshad, kitobro ba man diched

7 wear out

owls someone-what behol (bemador, hasta) cardan; azob dodan, ba jong rasondan; he was tired of sleepless nights ůro shabzindadoriho beholu bemador cardand, shabhoi bedorhoby uro behol cardand

8 To

(to) preposition with dates.

1. (indicates the direction of action towards someone) ba, ba soi..., ba tarafi..., ba pedestrian..., ba nazdi...; swim to the shore ba soi sohil tire cardan; drive up to the city of ba shahar omada rasidan; go to the window of the tireza nazdik shudan; go to your brother ba nazdi barodar raftan; appeal to all workers hitobnoma ba hamai mekhnatkashon

2. (indicates the object, person with whom the action is connected) ba, nisbat ba; demanding of oneself sertalabi nisbat ba khud; readiness to work ba kor tayer budan(i); love for the homeland muhabbat ba watan; hatred of enemies adovat nisbat ba dushmanon

3. (indicates the purpose, purpose) baroi..., ba; take note of ba malumot giriftan; accept for execution baroi iҷro kabul cardan; accustom to order ba rioyai tartib odat kunondan

4. (indicates time, term) then, then ba; by two o'clock then soati do; by night it is Shab; by morning, then pagogi, then sakhar

5. (indicates accession) ba; to two add two ba do do (duro) zam cardan; join the majority of ba aksariyat hamro shudan; besides ba zammi in, ilova bar in 6. (indicates correspondence to something) suitable for use kobili istifoda; fit for military service munoshibi hizmati harbi; not by the time of the Bemaurids; your remark was out of place erody shumo bemavrid bud

7. (in titles) oid ba, doir ba; to the question of the origin of the language Doir ba Masalai paidoishi Zabon

8. (in calls) ba sui...; Forward! To the victory of communism! Ba pesh! Ba soi galabai communism!

9. in combination with noun Forms an input. words: unfortunately mutaasifona; unfortunately badbachton; to happiness nagz ki..., hairiyat ki..., khushbakhtona; for the better okibatash ba khair; for example baroi misol, masalan; by the way [say] dar omadi gap for what? baroi chī?; there’s nothing we’re trying to get at, darkor isn’t; to nothing simple. behuda, bekora, befoida; lozim no, darkor some particle of decomposition. when led incl. and ch. bud. vr. kany, yak, -chy; read the letter to me again kany, maktubro boz yak bor ba man hon; let the Kanis and Guzars pass; let me look at you, man shumoro yak binamchi; I bought this book in whale-haramchi; I’ll come to him, yak ba peshi vai daroyam, kany kabak m mouth. maykhona, maykada; charobot; hanging around cam maikhona ba maikhona gashtan

9 croaking

with vak-vak, kur-kur; The croaking of frogs disturbed the silence of the night.

10 shelter

1. (roof) bom, pushishi hona

2. transfer panoh; under the roof of the night dar panohi shab

3. hona, ma'vo, sarpano', pano'go', honumon; to be left homeless be honumon mondan; hospitable honai mehonnavoz

11 womb

1. mouth Sina

2. transfer panoh osh

3. transfer satҳ, rӯy, оғӯш; in the bosom of the waters dar sathi ob; dark bosom of the night oshi toriki shab in the bosom of nature dar oshi tabiat, dar havoi kushod

12 make a mess

owls decomposition

1. tob partoftan; damidan (az nami); the door is damp from dampness dar az nami tob partoft

2. varamidan, varam cardan; eyelids swollen from a sleepless night pilkoi chashm az shabzindadori varamidand

13 late

(deceased, -yna, -yno)

1. beharakat, orom, khomush, sokit; the surface of the lake was calm sathi obi kul orom bud

2. mouth osoishta, oromona, bofarogat; late old age pirii bofarogat

3. mouth barohat, muvofiq, musoid; deceased divan divani deceased // foram, orombakhsh, nafis; calm tones paintings rangoi nafisi (orombakhshi) surat

4. tk. full f. marhum, rahamati; late poet Shoiri Marhum

5. in meaning noun deceased m marhum, rakhmati; deceased mar-huma; I knew the late Rahmatiro man well, good night to the Medonists! Shab ba khair, Shabbaton khush!; be \late y hotirgam boshed

14 cover

m rel. cover (nomi yak go tiramohii nasroniyon)

1. ruipush, parda, pushish; child, empty; snow cover kabati barf, kurpai barfi; let go of the skin; hair mui badan■ // transl. purdah; wet blanket of fog pardai namnoki fog

2. mouth (blanket) chatr, bolopush, parda, hiqob; ruipushi tobut // more often plural. covers of the mouth poet. libosi nafisi zanona

3. mouth (patronage) himoya, ҳifz, di-foʿ // (patron) ҳomi, muhofiz under the cover of smth. dar zeri himoyai chise, dar panohi chise; under the cover of night, dar panohi shab, dar zeri chodari shab; throw a cover over what bo parda poshondan; tear off (remove) the cover(s) from the kogb-what fosh cardan, parda az rui chise bardoshtan

15 canopy

m parda, pashshakhona, chodar, chodarshab; lower the canopy pardaro furovardan // trans. poet. parda, chodar, panoh; under the canopy of the night dar zeri pardai shab, tachi chodari shab

16 stretch

1. yozidan, hamyoza kashidan, daroz shudan; stretch in bed dar kat yozidan

2. kashol (daroz) shudan; the child reached out to his mother kudak ba [sӯi] modarash daroz shud

3. pai ham raftan, ochista rokhashtan, sust haraqat cardan; caravans of camels pulled out Korvoni Shutur Pai Ham Harakat Kard; a flock of cranes stretched to the south, village turnaho ba soi kanub parvoz kard;

4. (about time) kashol yoftan, tul kashidan, davom cardan; The long winter nights stretched out shabhoi darozi zimiston kashol yoftand

17 correct

1. ...and white breakfast; ...and chubi amad, ...and sukkon; the right paddle beli zavrak

2. polygam. ...and islokhkuni, ...and islokh, islokhkunanda, ...and tasche, taschekunanda; correct machine moshini tascheҳ

(correct|len, -linen, -ly)

1. muwofiki (mutobiqi) qoida, durust, sakheh; proper development of inkishofi muvofiki koida; correct pronunciation talaffuzi saҳeҳ; correct conjugation of tasrifi muvofiqi qoida muntazam, murattab, botartib, qonuni; correct change of day and night tabdili konuniy shabu ruz

3. durust, saҳeҳ, growth, mӯtamad; correct reasoning mukhokimai sakheh, mulohizai mӯtamad; correct remark ezohi (kaidi) durust; The correct answer is khavobi saҳeҳ; correct decision halli durust

4. darkori, zaruri, lozima, durust; proper organization of labor tashkili durusti mekhnat 5 colloquial. naғz, hub, odil (she), bolnsof, insophone; he is the right man wai odami boinsof ast

6. (proportional) muntazam, mutanosib, munazzam; correct facial features tarhi durusti rui

7. mat. mutanbsib, muvoze; \regular polygon serkunkai. mutanosib

18 exercise

owls muddate mashul shudan (budan), chande shugl cardan, muddate kor cardan; study until late at night then yak posi shab mashgul shudan

19 light

1. astr. ҷirm, ҷirmi osmoni; celestial bodies girmhoi osmoni

2. transfer sitora; the luminary of science sitorai ilm the luminary of the day, the daylight of the book. oftobi ravshan; luminary of the night, night luminary of books. motob

20 change

1. (change according to the meaning of the chapter) ivazkuni, digarkuni, badalkuni; (according to the meaning of the chapter, change) ivazshavi, digarshavi, badalshavi; tabdil, tagir; changing of the guard ivazkunii posbonon; change of mood Digarshavia kayfiyat; change of impressions tabdili taassurot

2. (time period) shift; the morning shift ended with a pagoy tamom shud; work the second shift dar smenai duyum kor kardan; school operates in one shift maktab yak shift kor mekunad

Tajikistan, an ancient state, which every year is gaining more and more attention among tourists from all over the world. And it's not strange. Here everyone can find for themselves what they love most about tourism. There are ancient sights here: monuments of Sogdiana and ancient cities on the Silk Road. In addition, in Tajikistan you can climb the incredible Pamir mountains, take healing thermal baths, and taste Tajik cuisine. There is everything for an active or relaxing holiday. It would seem that nothing can stop you from having a good vacation. But there is one point that can still have an unpleasant effect on your journey - the language barrier.

To prevent this problem from bringing you any discomfort, we would like to present to your attention an excellent Russian-Tajik phrasebook. It is freely available on our website. You can download it or print it directly from the site, and it's all completely free. For greater convenience, the phrasebook is divided into topics that you will need during your trip.

Polite addresses

Good morningSubh ba khair! / Assalomu alaikum
Good afternoonAssalomu alaikum
Good eveningAssalomu alaikum
HelloSalom! / Assalom!
Good nightShabi khush!
Goodbye/See you soon.That's a bozdid
Good luck!Barori kor!
My name is…Nomi man. . .
I came from Russia.Man az Rusiya omadaam.
This is Mr...In kas chanobi...
This is Mrs...In kas honumi...
How are you doing?Korhoyaton whose hell?
Everything is fine. And you?Hub. Az noise pursem?
Bon appetit!Ishtikhoi sof / volume!
Be healthy!Salomat boshed!

At the hotel

Registration (administrator).Sabt / Mamuriyat
Do you have rooms available?khuchrai holy dored?
Single room?khuchra baroi yak kas/nafar
Room for two?khuchra baroi do kas/nafar
I would like to reserve a room.Man khuchra giriftaniam.
With bath / With shower.Bo hammomkhona
Not very expensive.Na onkadar kimat
For one night.Baroi yak shab
For one week.Baroi yak hafta
How much does a room cost per night per person?Narhi yak sabbath baroi yak kas chand pul / somon ast?
I'll pay in cash.Man bullets nakd mediham.
I need an iron.Ba man darzmol lozim ast.
The light doesn't work.Charog kor mekunad.
Something happened to the shower.hammom / Dush kor hintunad.
Something happened to the phone.Telephone cos nest
Please wake me up at 8 o'clock.Iltimos/Lutfan, maro soati hasht bedor kuned.
Please order a taxi for ten o'clock.Iltimos/Lutfan, ba man taksiro ba soati dah farmoed.

At the station

Walking around the city

Questions and requests

Currency operations

At customs

Here is my passport and customs declaration.In shinosnoma va elomiyai gumrukii man
This is my baggage.In bori man
This is a private trip.In safari shakhsy ast.
This is a business trip.In safari kory ast.
This is a tourist trip.In safari tourist ast.
I'm traveling as part of a tour group.Man dar guruhi touriston safar mekunam
Excuse me, but I do not understand.Bubakhshed, man namefakhmam.
I need a translator.Ba man tarchumon lozim ast.
Call the group leader.Sardori gurukhro cheg zaned.
They greet me.Maro peshvoz megirand.
I have nothing to declare.Man chise baroi elomiya nadar.
These are items for personal use.In chizkhoi shakhsiyi man.
This is a gift.In tuhfa ast.
They are gifts.Inho tuhfaand.


In the shop

I lookMan fakat dida istodam.
Show me this pleaseBa man inro nishon dikhed, iltimos
I would like …Man mehostam, ki...
Give it to me pleaseInro ba man dikhed, iltimos
How much does it cost?In chand pul ast?
I take thisMan inro megiram
Please write the priceIltimos, narkhashro hung
It's too expensiveIn beads kimat ast
Can I try this on?Man metavonam inro pushida binam?
Where is the fitting room (room)?Inro dar kucho metavonam pushida binam?
This is not enough for meIn baroi man hurd
It's too big for meIn baroi man kalon
It suits meIn baroi man meshawad
Do you have anything more?Kalontarash hast?

Common phrases

In a taxi

Where can I get a taxi?Man az kucho metavonam taxi giram?
Call a taxi pleaseTaksiro cheg zaned, iltimos
How much does it cost to get to...?That...chand pul meshawad?
At this address please!Ba in cho bared, iltimos
Take me...Maro ba...bared.
Take me to the airport.Maro ba airport bared
Take me to the train station.Maro ba stations rohi ohan bared
Take me to the hotel...Maro ba mekhmonkhonai ... bared
Take me to a good hotel.Maro ba yagon mehmonhonai khub bared.
Take me to an inexpensive hotel.Maro ba yagon mehmonhonai arzon bared.
Take me to the city center.Maro ba Markazi Shahr Bared.
LeftBa chap
RightBa height
I need to go back.Man boyad bozgardam.
Stop here, please.hamin cho isted.
How much do I owe you?Ba shumo chand pul / sum / somon dikham?
Could you wait for me?Metavoned maro intizor shaved, iltimos?


Search for mutual understanding - this topic includes phrases that will help you find a common language with the local population, for example, you can ask a person if he speaks English, ask him to write the address of a particular place, etc.

Greetings and politeness formulas - with the help of these phrases you can show your communication culture: say hello, wish you a good day and good night, introduce yourself and say where you are from, and much more.

Hotel - a list of phrases and words that will help you check in or check out of the hotel, as well as feel comfortable there during your stay.

At the station - a list of phrases that are necessary and often used at bus and railway stations.

Orientation in the city - all the words that will be useful to you while walking through one of the cities of Tajikistan.

Money exchange - phrases with which you can make a currency exchange, find out where the nearest bank is, what the cost of currency exchange is, and so on.

Passport control and customs - words that will help you explain what your purpose of travel to Tajikistan is, where exactly you are going, and many other words that will help you get through customs and passport control.

Shopping - by opening this topic in the Russian-Tajik phrasebook, you can easily make any purchases without feeling a language barrier between you and the seller.

Standard requests - if you need to ask for something in Tajik, this topic will help you with that.

Taxi - phrases that will help you take a taxi, explain where you need to go and find out how much this or that route you need will cost.

Emergencies are an important topic that will help you find the right words in emergency situations. Call an ambulance, police, etc.

Numbers, counting – a section in which you will find translations of numbers from Russian into Tajik.

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