Presentation on the theme of penguins. all about penguins. penguinarium. penguins. Presentation on the theme "Emperor Penguins" Presentation on King Penguins

APPEARANCE The largest and heaviest of modern species family - Penguin. The average height is about 122 cm, and weight ranges between 22 and 45 kg. The head and back of the body are black, the abdominal part is white, becoming yellow towards the top. Like all Penguins, emperor penguins can't fly.

HISTORY OF THE STUDY The emperor penguin was discovered by Bellingshausen's expedition in the years. A significant contribution to the study of the emperor penguin was made by Robert Scott's Antarctic expedition in the years. when a group of three went from a base at Cape Evans in McMurdo Sound to Cape Crozier, where they obtained several penguin eggs, which was important for studying the embryonic period of development of these birds.

FOOD As a seabird, the emperor penguin hunts exclusively in the ocean. It feeds on fish, squid and krill. They eat small prey directly in the water, and with larger prey they must swim to the surface to cut it up. When hunting, emperor penguins travel long distances and descend to depths of up to 535 meters. If necessary, they can spend up to 15 minutes under water. The more light, the deeper they dive, since their main guide when hunting is vision.

LIFESTYLE Colonies of emperor penguins are located in natural shelters: behind cliffs and large ice floes with the obligatory presence of areas open water. The largest colonies number up to ten thousand individuals. Emperor penguins often move lying on their bellies, using their paws and wings. To keep warm, emperor penguins gather in dense groups.

BREEDING Emperor penguins begin breeding in May-June. The female lays a single egg on her paws and covers it with a brood pouch. After some time, the male takes care of the egg. While the male incubates the egg, the female at this time travels on the open sea in search of food. Fathers feed their chicks milk, a special juice produced by the penguin's stomach and esophagus. Two months later, the females return from feeding and at the same time chicks emerge from the eggs. Females feed the chicks for about three weeks with semi-digested food stored on their journey by sea and the same milk.

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How an emperor penguin family is created According to beliefs, penguins are monogamous, i.e., pairs are created almost for life. If peacocks attract females with their beauty, and deer with tournament victories, then penguins rely on their voice for everything. The male begins to scream and waits for the female to respond to his unique “serenade”. From this time on, the male and female stay together. The penguins' "flirting" continues for a month. First, the penguin waddles behind the “bride,” and they dance for hours in one place, opposite each other, bowing their heads in time with their movements. Then the lovers arch their bodies, raise their heads to the sky and take turns singing. And the most interesting thing: before copulation, the penguin and penguin exchange low bows.

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How a baby emperor penguin is born. The male and female greet the appearance of the egg with loud, as observers say, “jubilant” cries. The female holds the egg on her paws for some time, covering it with a special fold of skin on the underside of her abdomen. After a few hours, it is transferred to the male, while the female, having starved for 45-50 days, goes to the sea to feed. The dad carefully holds the egg on his paws, covering it on top with a fold of his belly, which is called the brood pouch. Even in the most severe frosts, the temperature in the egg does not drop below 33.6 degrees. So the father penguin stands, virtually motionless for 9 weeks. During this time, he eats nothing but snow, so by the time his wife returns, he can lose up to 40% of his mass. But this is not the most amazing thing! If the female suddenly, for some reason, does not keep up by the time the chick appears, the male finds the strength and means to feed the chick himself. Special glands begin to work, processing fat into a creamy mass. This is the “bird’s milk” that the male expresses to his chick using the mouth-to-mouth method! In mid-July the female returns. She recognizes her partner by his voice and takes over the baton of hatching the egg from him. And he, having lost almost half of his weight, goes to sea to regain his strength. He will replenish his energy and subcutaneous fat reserves by hunting squid, fish and krill. By this time, the chick is still covered with down and will be able to swim only after molting (about six months later). But he is already curious and begins to separate from the female at three to four weeks of age. Sometimes it ends badly. And it’s not just about “bandit skuas” or giant petrels. The trouble is that penguins are extremely child-loving. Therefore, a bachelor or a female who has lost a chick is constantly ready to snatch and “adopt” the unwary baby.

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EMPEROR PENGUIN Height: 112 cm. Weight: 27-40 kg. Number: 135-175 thousand pairs Habitat: continental coast of Antarctica Imperial or Forster - the most large penguin. It lives only on the coast of Antarctica and in the waters immediately adjacent to it. This penguin is named after D. Forster - naturalist round the world expedition Captain D. Cook. On the sides of his neck there are prominent orange spots, which look like large quotation marks.

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ROYAL PENGUIN Height: 94 cm. Weight: 13.5-16 kg. Number: more than 1 million pairs Habitat: subantarctic islands, shelf The king penguin nests on islands scattered in the Southern Ocean. Its height is slightly less than 1 m. The king penguin has orange colored not only the sides of its neck, like the “emperor”, but also its front part.

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ADELIE PENGUIN Height: 45-60 cm. Weight: 3.5-4.5 kg. Number: about 4170 thousand pairs Habitat: continental coast of Antarctica The most famous among penguins is the Adélie penguin, named after the beautiful wife of the head of the French Antarctic expedition, which carried out research in the 30s of the last century, Admiral J. Dumont-D'Urville. Adélie has a typical penguin coloring: dark tailcoat and head, snow-white belly and chest. Visible around the eyes white ring. There are no other penguin species similar to Adélie. They are not afraid of people, but they do not like encroachments on their territory and fearlessly attack people in case of danger.

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PAPUA PENGUIN Height: 60-75 cm. Weight: 5.5-6.5 kg. Number: 260-300 thousand pairs Habitat: Antarctic and subantarctic islands, Antarctic Peninsula It is easy to distinguish it from other species by the white stripe that runs along the crown of the head from eye to eye. The name of the Gentoo penguin is a zoological incident, because Penguins do not live in New Guinea. Under this name it was described by the same D. Forster, whose name the emperor penguin bears. Lay 2 eggs. The strongest of the chicks survive. When feeding, the parent chooses the chick that was able to catch up with it; the weak one remains hungry. They prefer grassy areas - nests are made among tufts of turfy grass. They are very fearful - when they see a person they immediately run away.

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ANTARCTIC PENGUIN Height: 45-60 cm. Weight: 4 kg. Number: 6.5 million pairs Habitat: Antarctic and subantarctic islands The chinstrap penguin, which nests on the Antarctic islands and in the area of ​​the Antarctic Peninsula, is also easily distinguished from other species. He has a dark cap on his head, from which a “dark” strap goes to his chin. You can often see in the sea large groups penguins riding on an iceberg. They are aggressive, but unlike other species, they feed both chicks.

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CRESTED (STONE) PENGUIN Height: 40-45 cm. Weight: 2.3-2.7 kg. Number: 3.5 million pairs Habitat: Antarctic and subantarctic islands Lives on the rocky islands of the subantarctic region. Bright yellow feathers grow from their “eyebrows” and form two crests hanging on the sides of the head behind the eyes. It is also called “rock jumper” for its manner of moving - pushing off with both legs at once. Jumping onto the shore directly from the water, penguins jump up the paths to the nesting site, moving 30 cm with each jump. They often fall on boulders, without much harm to themselves. Residents of the Falkland Islands call them "rockies" or "jumping jacks." He even jumps into the water from the shore like a “soldier,” and does not dive like other penguins. They are very loud and have an angry character, attacking anyone and anything that threatens them.

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GOLDEN-HAIRED PENGUIN Height: 50-60 cm. Weight: 4.5 kg. Number: more than 11.5 million pairs Habitat: subantarctic islands in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans They prefer cold waters and can often be found further south Antarctic belt. They have a lush orange plume of feathers that meet on the forehead and extend back from the “eyebrows”. In English, this type is called "macaroni", from the words from the song "...the sultan attached it to his hat and called himself a macaroni...". We are talking about fluffy feathers, which in the 17th century. young fashionistas wore on their hats. It is believed that they were the ones who brought pasta to England.

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SCHLEGEL PENGUIN Height: 65-75 cm. Weight: 5.5 kg. Number: 850 thousand pairs Habitat: Macquarie Island and Campbell Island (south of New Zealand) The Schlegel penguin, whose distribution is limited to Macquarie Island, located slightly south of the New Zealand plateau, is easily distinguished by the white sides of its head.

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VICTORIA PENGUIN Height: 60 cm. Weight: about 3 kg. Number: 5-10 thousand pairs Habitat: New Zealand The Victoria or Fiord penguin breeds only on the coast of South Island in New Zealand, as well as on two small offshore islands - Stuart and Solander. Behind the eyes there is a crest of bright yellow feathers. Birds of this species are very shy. They make nests in damp wooded areas along the banks of bays and fiords, and sometimes lay eggs at the roots of trees. It is on the verge of extinction.

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LARGE CRESTED PENGUIN Height: about 65 cm. Weight: 2.5-3.5 kg. Number: more than 200 thousand pairs Habitat: Australia, New Zealand and nearby islands The great crested penguin is distinguished from its other crested relatives by its “eyebrows”, which puff up upward.

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SNAER CRESTED PENGUIN Height: 63.5 cm. Weight: about 3 kg. Number: 25 thousand pairs Habitat: Snares Islands, south of New Zealand It is also called the Mighty Penguin and lives only on the Snares Islands, located to the south of New Zealand. The population is protected by law. There is a sufficient amount of vegetation on the islands, and sometimes penguins can be seen on the branches of low bushes and trees.

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YELLOW-EYED PENGUIN Height: 76 cm. Weight: 6 kg. Number: about 1,800 pairs Habitat: southeast of New Zealand The magnificent or yellow-eyed penguin lives in the southern part of the New Zealand region. On his head, a yellow stripe runs across the crown from eye to eye. The rest of the head is also mottled yellowish.

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BLUE (SMALL) PENGUIN Height: 38 cm. Weight: 1 kg. Number: about 1 million birds Habitat: South Australia and New Zealand The blue penguin lives around the main islands of New Zealand, on the Chatham Islands and off the southern coast of Australia. Compared to other penguins, it is quite nondescript in appearance - white bottom, bluish monochromatic top.

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WHITE-WINGED PENGUIN Height: 40 cm. Weight: 1.5 kg. Number: about 1 million birds Habitat: East Coast New Zealand

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MAGELLAN PENGUIN Height: 60-70 cm. Weight: 5 kg. Number: 4.5-10 million pairs Habitat: islands off the western coast of South America, the coast of Peru and Chile Named in honor of F. Magellan, who saw this bird in 1518 at the tip of South America. The Magellanic penguin also lives in the temperate waters of South America on the Atlantic side and on the Falkland Islands (Malvinas). The alternation of white and dark stripes in this species is such that the chest is intercepted by two dark stripes, and not one, as in the Humboldt penguin. On the shore during the breeding season they are very timid and, upon seeing a person, hide in their deep nests, but in the water they are not at all afraid of people and can be quite aggressive.

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AFRICAN PENGUIN Height: 60-70 cm. Weight: 3 kg. Number: 50-171 thousand pairs Habitat: coast South Africa Ordinary spectacle, or African penguin, a genus of spectacles. It lives off the coast of South Africa and rarely swims further than 12 km. from the shore. There is no one to confuse it with here, since other types of penguins are not found in the waters of Africa. And they called him the donkey because of his loud and unpleasant cry. In the 17th-18th centuries. active production of meat and fat from these birds was carried out. Later, guano mining began, which caused the destruction of nesting sites. That. the number of birds had decreased by 1993 to 160 thousand. Ordinary spectacled penguin protected by law.

Emperor penguins The emperor penguin is the largest and heaviest living species of the penguin family. The average height is about 122 cm, and weight ranges between 22 and 45 kg. The head and back of the body are black, the abdominal part is white, becoming yellow towards the top.

King penguins The king penguin is similar to the emperor penguin, but is slightly smaller in size and brighter color. The king penguin's body length ranges from 91 cm to 1 m. Adult birds have gray back, on the sides of the black head and on the chest there are large bright orange spots. The belly is white. Chicks are brown in color.

Crested penguin The crested penguin is a bird of the penguin family. Lives on the islands of Subantantarctic and, on the island of Tasmania, on the coast South America. Body length 5562 cm. Forms very large colonies. It makes nests on rock ledges and coastal slopes, and often digs holes. There are 23 eggs in the clutch. It feeds on krill.

Gentoo penguins After the emperor and king penguins, the padua penguin is the largest. Males reach a weight of 9 kg, and females 7.5 kg, the height of adults is 7590 cm. Under water, Peruvian penguins reach a speed of 36 km/h, which makes them the fastest of all penguins. The diving depth can reach two hundred meters. Peruvian penguins feed on krill, less commonly small fish. Natural enemies species are killer whales and leopard seals. Seabirds do not pose a threat to adults, but they do threaten eggs and chicks.

Chinstrap penguins Adult Chinstrap penguins reach a height of 6070 cm and a weight of about 4.5 kg. The back of the body and head, as well as the beak of chinstrap penguins dark gray, almost black, the front side is white. Along the neck, from ear to ear, there is a thin black stripe. The chicks are covered with gray down (lighter in front). Penguins build nests among stones; the male and female alternately incubate 12 eggs for 35 days for 510 days.

Penguins are better adapted to life in water than any other bird. They have reached the level of seals and dolphins in this. The swimming speed is about km/h, but there are penguins reaching speeds of up to 40 km/h.

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