Prayers to Saint Nicholas for good trading. Which icon helps in trading

The icon is an image of a saint who helps a person in spiritual connection with God. Looking at the icon, people pray for the complicity of the saints in certain matters.

There are many types of icons - the image of the Mother of God alone has about 700 types. Therefore, believers can find a patron saint for themselves in any area of ​​life. If you have own business or trade, it is important to know what icon to hang in the store so that it contributes to work and profit.

First of all, you need to choose the image of the saint, which will be in the store. It all depends on what requests and prayers you will address to him. There is not one that can be placed at work. These images include:

  1. Icon of Spyridon Trimifuntsky - helps in finding work and building a career, and you can also contact it to find the right decision in workflow
  2. Joseph Volotsky - this saint was not only a servant of God, but also a talented businessman, as they say now. He founded a monastery, which quickly became popular and earned a good income.
  3. Nicholas the Wonderworker is a saint who helps not only children, but also entrepreneurs in doing business. It can be called upon to protect against troubles at work or in business, as well as to cope with the inevitable difficulties that arise in trading.
  4. "The Savior in the Force" - this image can be addressed in any situation, even the most critical.
  5. The Icon of the Mother of God "The Economist" also helps in building a prosperous business, and helps to ensure that any crises are experienced easily. You can also pray to this icon for acquiring a house and maintaining order in it.
  6. The baking icon of the Virgin also helps in gaining material wealth. You can contact her if the family has experienced dysfunctional financial plan time. It also promotes easy transition through crisis situations.
  7. The icon of Saints Cyprian and Ustina will help protect yourself from ill-wishers, and save yourself from sorcerers and dark magic.
  8. The icon of the Great Martyr John Sochavsky promotes fair trade. Before this image, you can pray that a person always has a financial airbag that helps to survive Hard times.
  9. Holy Matrona of Moscow - this image can also be referred to in all crisis situations and ask for help in business.
  10. The Holy Apostle Paul will help you to safely start doing new things and business.

Icon for business prosperity - which one to choose?

When an image that will help in trading is selected, it is important to decide on the place where it will be located. The church recommends hanging icons on the east side of the room. However, if windows are located there, then the best solution would be to simply choose any secluded place. The image should not catch the eye of customers, so you should hang it in a corner that has free access. This will help to pray in front of him at any convenient time. In addition, you should take care of what materials the icon will be made of. Usually, small images are selected for work, but this does not mean that they should be of poor quality. It is best to order an icon in the workshops, where you can choose the image and the materials from which it will be made. Such an icon will serve for a long time, and always remind you of the connection with God. It is also worth remembering that even high-quality icons should not be placed under the influence of direct sunlight, otherwise the image will quickly burn out. It is better that the room does not have high humidity or high temperatures, and then the image will be intact for a long time.

These prayers should be offered every time before leaving the house to the market in order to successfully trade.

The deeds of the Lord, rivers ecu with your pure lips, as if without me you can do nothing. My Lord, Lord, by faith the volume of our soul, help me a sinner, a servant of God(Name), this life of our trade,in buying, selling and changing and in everything.

You, Lord Lord, do it yourself in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen!

Holy Archangel Michael! in your holy name trade, save, save and bless with your saints the servant of God(Name) start and completeShati happy and prosperous trading!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Now and forever, and forever and ever, amen!

I'm going to trade! Good young man to meet! A good fellow will pass away and take my goods! No loss, profit, on the threshold! God will help me in this!

God bless! Go this tree for money: for gold, silver and copper! Money is hidden in the earth, silver is hidden, it is kindled, tempted, cleansed from the potion by the sevenfold.

Thou, O Lord, preserve us, keep us from this generation and unto the ages of ages! Amen!


IN New Year give the goods to the first buyer as cheaply as possible, the main thing is not a gain, but an initiative!

Don't let go of the first buyer! Otherwise, there will be no trade. If in the morning the first buyer is a man, there will be a successful trade all day.

If you cheat someone, you will lose three times as much!

If the goods are “stale”, you should whisper to honey:

As bees swarm for honey, people would come to me to buy goods.

The seller must wash himself with this honey.

If a product falls off the shelf - be sold to him first.

Spend money from the first sale on the product - it will sell faster.

A cow is sold with a pail, and a horse with a halter.

For good luck in trading you should go to church 3 days in a row 15-20 minutes before noon and put a wax candle there in front of the image of St. Nicholas with the words:

Pleaser of God! Grant me(own name) in delah shopping righteous! Amen!

For a good buy. On the growing moon, take personally earned money and say the following text on them: Money from fate, fate- from God. No one will deceive me from the purchase to the doorstep. Amen! Repeat the plot as many times as you are at that moment full years old. After each pronunciation of the conspiracy, put one coin of any denomination on your left side (it is better to prepare them in advance in the appropriate amount so as not to make a mistake when reading the conspiracy). Then these coins, which will be as many as you are, spread out on the threshold and go to sleep.

The ritual can be repeated at the beginning of a new day. In the morning, if all the coins are where you left them, sweep them with a whisk into a linen cloth and say:

Fate is with me, you can’t deceive, even howl! Let it be so!

These coins are securely hidden, leaving until the time when you have to return the change for responsible purchases. But the ruble (hryvnia) immediately after you have collected coins from the threshold, put it in a special compartment of your wallet, you can put it in your pocket, and constantly carry it with you, without buying anything on it, otherwise fate will turn away from you.

For a quick sale of any product.

most large bill, which you will receive from the first sale of your product (only not borrowed), red woolen thread tie on the top of the wrist with the right, and if you are left-handed - with the left hand, having previously said to it: Lure!

To attract money when trading.

In trading the strongest magical property possess the money received for the goods first. This money attracts new money and encourages other buyers to make a purchase.

For this purpose, it is necessary to take the first money received from the sale, in right hand and say “Our Father” three times, while baptizing the goods, and then such conspiracies:

I am the seller and you are the buyer

I'm a good fellow, and you are a prospector.

Try to come

Buy my item!

Amen! Amen! Amen!

Buyer, not a joker! My prosperity guide! I bought a product and left, And another came after it! My soul and heart is sweet, so that I always have it! Buyer to buyer, And money to money! May it always be so, forever and ever. Buyer to buyer

and money to money!

For a quick house sale. Each time before the arrival of buyers, read "Our Father" and the following spell:

The thresholds are golden, the windows are silver, the matrices are yakhon, the walls are diamond, the floors are malachite. Admire the house, but bargain wisely, you won’t find it better, even where you go!

For a successful home sale cottages, if they are not for sale for a long time. In order to sell the house quickly and successfully, you should do this: on any Wednesday on the growing moon at sunrise, take 3 small nails and drive all 3 into the first threshold ( entrance doors) of a house for sale with the following words:

I'm driving in! I'm driving in! I'm driving in! I call the buyer!

Then light a wax candle bought in the church, and drip 3 drops of melted wax on each nail head three times, while saying:

I am sealing this house for a quick sale!

Who crosses this threshold

He will buy this house!

And now write ads for the sale on the windows, on the doors, on the fence! The buyer will come!

To quickly and successfully sell your home, which is not for sale for a long time, you need to go down the street and find the most beautiful one, in which people live and are not going to sell their house, and repeat three times, looking at this beautiful house:

As people live in this house and they like their house, so let them like mine too!

For successful trading. At sunrise, read the prayer "Our Father" three times, and then take the small money that you are preparing for change to the buyer. Just before entering the place of trade, say the following spell 7 times on the coins: Small ones grow big, big ones grow big, today, tomorrow, always! Let it be so!

Then, as you exhale, throw the smallest coin with your left hand over the threshold of your house, while saying: She went herself, she brought her with her!

Take it easy, go trade. Keep the rest of the said money in your left pocket. When the first purchase is made, without looking, take out one slandered coin from your pocket and quietly throw it at your feet, saying to yourself: She went and brought with her. And boodet so! After that, mentally imagine the next customer who will buy your product. And do this after every sale.

To sell things quickly in the left pocket should be a nickel! Find anywhere a nickel of the old issue, any year - the older, the better! Talk to him 12 times: Pyat Pyatakovic! Give me(own name) good luck without giving up! Sloin! Teeth! Lock!

Always keep a slandered nickel in your left pocket. Let it be in your pocket, in your bag, in your wallet. Do not give it to anyone and never show it.


When the buyer comes thumb the left hand must be hidden in a fist and said to the buyer, smiling: Hello! Here is exactly whatwhat are you looking for!

If you are selling for the first time or if the item is from your home, it is better to do it on the waning moon.

If you decide to become a professional seller-entrepreneur, go out to trade on the waxing moon for the first time. Immediately before the sale and no more than an hour in advance, talk about the things you want to sell by repeating 7 times, these words: I say SEMAKOI, I speak SEMAKOI, I sell this, I don’t give it away! As he said these words, he sold this product! Will definitely come true!

After you have read this spell 7 times, light a wax candle and drop 3 drops of melted wax on things from a burning candle, choosing a secluded, inconspicuous place on the product. Put the candle to burn out in the east corner of the house. In the same place, put the goods prepared for sale. As soon as the candle burns out, go to the market to trade! The Lord will help you!

To successfully sell your product, look affectionately at the passers-by, smile, look, without blinking, into your potential buyer's eyes and mentally say: Take mygive yours! Let it be so! At the same time, mentally assure yourself that this is your buyer and that he will certainly buy your product!

For trading to be successful, come to your trading place early on Wednesdays, at sunrise, take table salt in your left hand and read any prayer for successful trading from those that I offer you in this book.


To buy cheaper. When bargaining with the seller when buying, say to yourself:

Break off, merchant, from your piece, half is enough for you!

Definitely come down in price! Tested by experience.

For a successful purchase. If you are going to make a large expensive purchase and want to bring down the price, at the moment when the seller (cars or cottages, houses, etc.) names the “final” price of the goods you are interested in, do the following. With bated breath, spit three times on your palms and smooth your hair three times from the eyebrows to the back of the head, mentally saying:

I am a merchant - well done,

To all merchants I am a merchant,

Well done to all the young people,

I don't trade scrap

My trade is wise

Your word is lousy

Mine is cock!

As I say, so be it!

Feel free to name your price! Get the product at your price.

Help with buying.

If you hesitate during the purchase, not knowing which item to buy, stop at the first one (the one that you considered, tried on, which was the first to ask the price). In this case, it will serve you longer, and will be a talisman.

When you bring a thing home, then if it is clothes, you should put it on yourself in the eastern corner of the house, apartment, overshadowing yourself with the sign of the cross and saying:

Wear it, don't wear it! Amen!

In all other cases, also cross the purchase three times in the eastern corner, repeating:

Here you will be and here you will live! Amen!

To successfully buy a product, so necessary to you, take in your right hand the money intended for purchase, and say these words on them:

Buy- don't drink!

I'll call for help Sit!

You, Syt, fly everywhere,

You help good people to buy,

Help me this time!

If the product is industrial, say 6 times, if the product is food - 7 times. After buying the product you need, take a few coins from the money left from the purchase and “lose” them at any intersection with these words: For the service of Satisfy, to always be full!

Turn over your left shoulder and go about your business.

Note: Sit is a spirit that helps in trade affairs when buying and selling.

The field of trading is both profitable and dangerous, since the situation can change at any time. To protect yourself from various troubles, increase profits and successfully move forward, you can seek help from Higher powers. In such a situation, prayer for trade, which has huge force.

The strongest prayers for good trading

To succeed in the field of trade, you need to devote a lot of time to business, monitor market trends, control the quality of goods and the work of employees. It will be interesting to know what strong prayer can do on good trade:

  1. Provides invisible protection from dishonest competitors, the evil eye and other negativity.
  2. It helps to attract new customers, thereby increasing profits.
  3. Protects from financial problems and gives strength to develop business and conquer new heights.
  4. Prayer for good trading in the store helps to sell goods so that they do not stay on the shelves, gives confidence in their abilities not to stop there and helps to open up tempting prospects.

You can ask for help from saints, angels, Mother of God and so on. It is important to do this with a pure soul and with unshakable faith. In order for the prayer for trading to work every day, believe in what you ask for and do not carry despondency in your heart. In addition, it is important not to have bad intentions, for example, to harm competitors and the like. There is one simple rule - in order to receive, you must give, so it is recommended to help those in need and not refuse alms to those who ask. Be sure to turn to the Higher Forces with gratitude after receiving grace.

Prayer for successful trading to John Sochavsky

Since ancient times, for success in the trading field, people have turned to, who was an ordinary merchant and navigator. Thanks to his great faith, he was able to endure much torment and a cruel death. For all this, he was canonized as a saint and began to help people from heaven. Prayer for successful trading helps to cope with problems, increase profits, find new buyers and suppliers, and so on. It is necessary to put the image of a saint in the workplace and daily pronounce a prayer text in front of him and sprinkle everything around with holy water.

Prayer for trade to Nicholas the Wonderworker

To get reliable protection and not be afraid of financial problems, you can seek help from Nikolai Ugodnik, who during his lifetime did good deeds, helping all the people around him. Prayers for trade addressed to the saint have tremendous power that can set up a business and help reach new heights. To help, a believer must have a pure soul and really live his own business.

It is worth noting that even in ancient times, merchants erected temples in honor of the saint on market squares. A strong prayer for successful trading helps people with unshakable faith who work diligently, honestly and without deceit. The presented text will help with problems in the trading business, but it can also be read to prevent financial problems. Nikolai Ugodnik is the patron saint of the poor, so he will not allow bankruptcy.

Prayer to Seraphim of Sarov for trade

It is believed that the saint is the patron of people who are engaged in trade, so you can turn to him in your prayers. It is recommended to place an icon with the image of a saint in your office or at a point of sale. A prayer for good trading can be said in a temple, at work or at home, it is important to do it from a pure heart and without ill intent. It is preliminary recommended to put three candles in front of the icon and tune in a positive way.

Saint Spyridon's prayer for successful trading

To protect yourself from financial problems and increase profits, you can seek help from a saint. Thanks to regular prayer pronunciations, you can protect yourself from negativity from competitors and attract good luck. The strongest prayer for trade can be read in a temple or at home, the main thing is to have the image of a saint before your eyes. You can turn to Spiridon in your own words, outlining the existing request. It is necessary to pray daily, both in the presence of problems and as a preventive measure.

Prayer of the Mother of God for trade

The main helper and patroness of people on earth is the Mother of God, who answers the sincere prayer pronunciations of all believers. You can get her support in business as well. A very strong prayer for trade will help a person gain faith in his own strength, attract good luck and help open up prospects for the future, most importantly, take advantage of the opportunity offered. Read the presented text every day in front of the image of the Mother of God, lighting a candle next to it.

Strong prayer for trade to the guardian angel

A faithful assistant who is always there and provides help and support in any situation is a guardian angel. If there are worries about the business, competitors are coming, or there are fears about the prospects, then prayer for successful trading will help. It can be read at any time, but every day. You can turn to the guardian angel in your own words, asking for advice or support.

Prayer to the Matrona for trade

The saint is known for her love for people and her willingness to help in different situations. Prayer for help in trading helps to gain self-confidence, and also gives strength to withstand negativity and confusion. There are a huge number of reviews of believers who, thanks to appeals to the saint, were able to change the state of things in their business in better side. There are several ways to ask for help from the Matrona of Moscow:

  1. If possible, then visit the relics of the saint in the Intercession Monastery, where you need to bow to them and ask for help. Another option is to send a letter to the monastery, and the clergy will lay a message on the relics.
  2. A prayer for trade can be read at the Matrona's grave, to which it is recommended to bring flowers.
  3. Before going to church to pray, it is recommended to give to the needy and feed the homeless animals. Such good deeds will certainly be appreciated by Matrona. You can also turn to the saint at home, having her icon in front of your eyes.

Prayer to Archangel Michael for trade

The most powerful and revered in Orthodoxy is the Archangel Michael, who protects a person from various adversities. You can turn to him for help in various situations, including matters related to trade. The presented prayer text will be useful to people who are just starting their business and are unsure of their abilities. A prayer for good luck in trading should be read at the workplace before the start of the working day.

Muslim prayer for trade

Inhabitants Arab countries can teach the art of trade, since it is impossible to walk past their shops and shops and not buy anything. In the Middle Ages, Eastern merchants traveled all over the world, selling their goods and using prayers to protect them on the road and make successful transactions. Only Muslims can turn to Allah. A strong Muslim prayer for trade is presented in the Koran. It must be read in the morning before work begins.

Many people involved in trade have found themselves in a situation where, despite their best efforts, nothing worked. Also quite often there are cases of bankruptcy, due to an absurd accident. You can protect yourself from troubles by turning to various Saints with the help of prayers.

How to turn trading into a good and successful one with the help of prayer

In order to turn trading into a successful event with the help of prayer, you need to understand what you want to ask the Higher Forces for.

It should be understood that various prayers that ask for successful trading can help in the following:

  • It will protect itself from competitors, which means promoting its products on the market;
  • Get a good profit from previously concluded transactions;
  • be able to conclude good deal from which a good profit will be received in the future;
  • Put reliable protection against the evil eye and others negative influences unkind people;
  • Sell ​​stale goods;
  • Make every customer walk away with a purchase.

When praying and pronouncing the words of a prayer appeal, you need to understand exactly what you are asking for. Only with this approach can you use strong prayers that are sure to be effective. You can turn to different Saints for help and support, but you should definitely believe in what you are asking for. It is very important after prayer to give alms to the one who asks and or to help a person who really needs it. In prayer, it is imperative to mention that the goods being sold will benefit people. And finally, when you realize that prayer has helped you, you must definitely thank God for his mercy on you, and the Saint for hearing your request.

How to pray to the Saints for help in trading

Prayers for good trading for people who are engaged in this type of business can be said every day. But it should be remembered that to Heavenly Forces cannot be handled in the state alcohol intoxication. It is also not recommended to pray for success in trading women on critical days.

In order for the prayer for successful trading to be heard, the petitioner must be in positive mood. And besides this, the soul must necessarily have confidence in success. In no case should you allow thoughts that the trading day will turn out unsuccessfully. Inner panic will weaken the power of the prayer text, and it will not be heard by the Saint you are addressing.

Prayers for successful trading should be read alone in front of the icon of the Saint and with a lit church candle. Periodically, you need to visit the temple and pray there. You can not be distracted by anything extraneous during prayer. You need to fully concentrate on the spoken words. After the prayer is read and you will be taken to workplace you need to cross all the goods.

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

If you cannot decide which Saint you will turn to for help in successful trading, you should read a prayer directed to the Guardian Angel.

It sounds like this:

“I appeal to you, Angel of Christ, my faithful protector! I am a sinner, but a true believer in God, you protect me from the temptations of sin and keep my soul for eternal salvation in heaven. Now I am asking you to come down to me and help me. My hands have worked hard and I spend a lot of time in the labors of the righteous. So let me be rewarded according to my labors. May my hard-working hands be filled with great profit, which will help me for a comfortable life on earth. Show me your generosity and care for me, a worker who glorifies God. Amen".

Appeal to Seraphim of Sarov

Saint Seraphim of Sarov is considered the intercessor and patron of all those whose activities are related to trade. Such a prayer always helps in cases where things in trade are not going very well. It is also believed that if you turn to the Saint every day, you can not only stabilize the situation in business, but also achieve great success. Using a prayer to Seraphim of Sarov, it is recommended to consecrate new shop before its opening. For prayer to have great power you must visit the temple at least once a week, put candles in front of the icon of the Saint and pray.

The very text of the prayer, which should be used every day, is as follows:

“O Wonderful Holy Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker known to all believers! You are the helper and reliable protector of all who resort to you. In the days of your life on earth, you became a support and consolation to everyone. And today all believers in joy worship your holy face. Everyone is ready to listen to your divine words, as it was during your lifetime. Your divine visionary gift is known to all. You healed many and healed the weak souls successfully. For all your earthly mercies and good deeds, you were called to heaven to serve the Almighty. From there you help all believers and it is impossible to list all your miracles that you perform, begging for the blessings of the Lord for us sinners. Like a heavenly star, you show us the righteous path, appear before us as servants of God and grant us healing of soul and body. We turn to you in our troubles with a request for protection and help. O Great, quiet and meek Pleasure of God. Hear our bold request and respond to it, for we really need your support. Raise your strong prayer to God for us sinners who have committed known and unknown sins and repented of them. Pray for him to grant us who believe in Him and glorify His useful life, useful for our spiritual salvation. Ask the Almighty to protect us from the falls of sin, ask him to teach us true repentance. May it support in our souls unquestioning faith in the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. And you, the Holy Pleaser, will be glorified by us, and shine like a heavenly star. Amen".

After the prayer is said, other prayer words should be said:

“The works of the Lord. With his pure lips, he will pray for me. And I am asking sincerely from the depths of my soul going to Him the Almighty. Help me in the affairs of the earth, do not leave me without your mercy. Increase my deeds and make successful trading. In buying and changing, open the road of good luck. Support me in all merchant affairs. I glorify your name, holy cause and believe in your protection. Amen".

You can achieve financial stability by praying to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker for successful trading. Options prayer appeals there are many to this Saint. It is very important to always pray before the icon. It is noteworthy that by offering a prayer to St. Nicholas, and asking him about the granting of success and good luck in trading affairs, a sincere believer will receive not only the fulfillment of his own requests, but will cleanse his soul from sinful thoughts. And this will also contribute to successful trading. Bright thoughts during the pronunciation of the prayer text will contribute to the fact that after the end of your earthly life you will gain eternal life in heaven. It is St. Nicholas the Pleasant who most often helps in making all the dreams and aspirations come true in the earthly life of a sincerely believing person.

It is better to pray for successful trading in the morning after reading the well-known prayer “Our Father”, which is mandatory for every Christian.

One of the most strong prayers sounds like this:

“Our merciful mentor in heaven, Holy Wonderworker Nicholas! During your life on earth, you did only heartfelt and generous deeds, which are well known to all believers. I pray for your help and praise your deeds. Help me to establish business in trade, which guarantees me the blessings of life, look at my efforts in glorifying Christ and mark my sincere faith in serving God Almighty. For my humility and readiness to accept all the trials sent down by the Lord, take away bad luck from me, give me good luck, give me real wisdom. I ask you, protector of all living, Saint Nicholas, pray for me the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) before the Lord Almighty and All-Merciful. Ask God for protection for me from all enemies, enemies and ill-wishers. Let me be rewarded in full for my work, diligence and diligence. Saint Nicholas I ask you with all my heart, cover, protect with your reliable wing. I, the Servant (s) of God (s) (proper name) believe in your strength and mercy. Amen".

Petition to John Sochavsky

John Sochavsky during his earthly life was engaged in trade and was a true Christian. Due to his work, he had to travel a lot. But one day on the ship on which John Sochavsky happened to go on his commercial business, the captain turned out to be an evil person of a non-Christian faith. During the journey, a strong hatred arose between the two people, despite the merchant's best efforts to find a common language.

After the ship landed on the shore, the captain slandered the merchant, saying that he wanted to join the Jewish faith. The ruler of the city, in which the Christian faith was persecuted at that time, ordered the traveler to be brought to him. But John said that he would never renounce the Christian faith, and besides this, he called on the mayor to convert to Christianity himself. This greatly angered the ruler and the traveler was imprisoned, where he was severely tortured and tortured to death.

Breathless body young man abandoned near the road. And that same night, lights descended from heaven, which turned into a sparkling staircase. Angels descended along it and, having made a walk over the Great Martyr, who gave his life for the Christian faith, they took his soul to heaven.

After his death, St. John Sochavsky continued to work true miracles and help people. Especially effective are prayer appeals in which believers ask for successful trading.

It is important to remember that prayer must be pronounced with sincere faith in the soul. It is necessary to completely concentrate on your desire. You can pray not only in the temple, but also at home. But be sure to do this in front of the icon of the Saint and with a lit church candle.

It is very good if there is an opportunity to ask the priest for blessings before starting any trading event. And at the place of trade, you should always have a small icon of St. John of Sochava.

A strong prayer for trading is as follows:

“Oh, Holy Great Martyr John! Behold me from heaven, asking for your help, and do not reject my petition. Intercession for me before God, pray to Christ and his mercy to me, so that he saves me from all the failures of life: from losses, from the flood, from the sword, from fire, from fierce enemies and internecine strife. May the Lord not condemn me a sinner, but not out of malice, but out of ignorance, who committed sins, but repented of them. I sincerely believe and glorify the Christian church, so I hope for the mercy of God. May the Lord, with your prayers, Saint John, grant me pure thoughts and abstinence from pernicious earthly passions, protect me from unclean filth. I beg you, pray diligently for me, Holy Great Martyr John. I will glorify your deeds, pray sincerely and live in piety, do not violate God's commandments, do no harm to anyone. I hope and believe in success in all my earthly affairs, and in the fact that for my diligent and pious work I will be granted immortal life in heaven. Amen".

When engaging in trading activities, you need to learn all the effective prayers. They can be applied by you at any time when you feel some kind of threat from the outside. This is very effective way keep your affairs in a stable state and move forward.

Since ancient times, Orthodox Christians have known that the Lord, through His saints, helps in various everyday affairs. By the providence of God, Saints Seraphim of Sarov and Reverend John Sochavsky help with their prayers in trade.

It should be realized that prayer for good trading is not an end in itself for a Christian. If a person sins and does not repent of his own sins, then no prayers will help. Prayer is not magic or a conspiracy. It is carried out only through the spiritual Orthodox way of life. The key to successful prayer request to the saints is our pious life.

It is traditionally accepted that all Orthodox prayers are performed in front of the icons of saints. We recommend that you buy icons of St. Seraphim of Sarov and St. John of Sochava and place them in your store or outlet. IN free time it is necessary with repentance and faith to turn to the holy saints of God.

Orthodox prayer to St. Seraphim of Sarov for good luck in trade

O Wonderful Father Seraphim, the great Sarov Wonderworker! To all who resort to You, a quick-obedient helper! In the days of Your earthly life, no one from You is thin and inconsolable when you leave, But everything in sweetness was the vision of Your face And the divine voice of your words. To this, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, The gift of weak souls of healing is plentiful in appearing in You. Whenever God called Thee from earthly labors To heavenly tranquility, Thy fingers are dear from us, And it is impossible to count Thy miracles, Multiplied like the stars of heaven: Behold, at all ends of our earth, the People of God are and give them healing. In the same way, we cry out to Thee, O quiet and meek Pleasure of God, Bold to him in prayer, Nikolizhe calling you away! Lift up Your pious prayer for us to the Lord of forces, May it grant us all that is useful in this life And all that is useful for spiritual salvation, May it protect us from sinful falls And teach us true repentance Heavenly Kingdom, The idea is that You are now in the glory that shines, And there to sing with all the saints Life-Giving Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to John Sochavsky for trade and business development

Troparion, tone 4

Good nourishing life on earth, sufferer, alms, and frequent prayers, and tears, but having courageously rushed to suffering, you denounced the wickedness of the Persians. The same Church was the affirmation and praise of Christians, John of blessed memory.

Kontakion, tone 4

I’ll buy the sea floating abyss, from the east you tried to the north, but you called on God, like Matthew the tax collector, you’ll leave it, and you followed Tom with the blood of torment, temporarily redeeming the impenetrable, and you accepted the crown invincible.

Prayer 1st

Holy Great Martyr John! Look from the heavenly chamber to those who require your help and do not reject our petitions, but, as our eternal benefactor and intercessor, pray to Christ God, yes, philanthropic and merciful, save us from every fierce situation: from coward, flood, fire, sword, invasions of foreigners and internecine strife. May he not condemn us sinners according to our iniquity, and may we not turn the good that is given to us from the All-Generous God into evil, but to the glory of His holy name and to the glorification of your strong intercession. May the Lord, through your prayers, give us a world of thoughts, abstinence from pernicious passions and from all kinds of filth, and may He strengthen His One Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church throughout the world, and has already acquired His honest Blood. Pray diligently, holy martyr, may Christ God bless the state, may it confirm in His holy Orthodox Church the living spirit of the right faith and piety, and all its members, pure from superstition and superstition, worship Him in spirit and in truth and diligently bake for the observance of His commandments, may we all live in peace and piety in the present world and achieve blessed eternal life in heaven, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to Him belongs all glory, honor and dominion with the Father and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 2

O holy servant of God, John! Having labored on earth with a good feat, you received in Heaven the crown of truth, which the Lord has prepared for all those who love Him. The same, looking at your holy image, we rejoice in the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. But you, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us become against the wiles of the devil, and get rid of sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present forever and we will be honored by your intercession, if not worthy of us, to see the good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer 3rd

Holy, glorious and all-mighty Great Martyr of Christ, John, undoubted intercessor for our salvation. We pray to Thee, Thy servants, the assembly today in Thy Divine temple and worshiping the race of holy relics; be merciful to us, who are so far away and to help those who call on you and your martyr's suffering with praises appeasing. Ask us all of the Many-merciful Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ for forgiveness and forgiveness of sins that we have committed to this day and hour. Keep us unharmed from all the wiles of the evil one and keep our hateful life from all the evils of the soul and body; always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

How to attract trade?

Many people who live in trading are looking for miraculous methods on how to increase profits. It is wonderful if in such cases we convert to Orthodoxy. It is very sad when people for the sake of material enrichment are ready to sell their own souls and lose their eternal salvation.

The Lord Jesus Christ said that first of all it is necessary to think about the Kingdom of God, and everything else will be added.

And indeed it is. Believing successful Orthodox businessmen are always present at divine services and make donations to the church, orphanages and low-income people. And the Lord returns them a hundredfold.

May love be in your hearts and God bless your families and your worldly good deeds. strong Orthodox prayer to trade is real only for devout Christians.

Write your reviews and real stories about God's miraculous help.

Watch and listen to the prayer for trade to St. Seraphim of Sarov

In Orthodoxy there are all means for the salvation of the soul and a prosperous life.

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