Eminem's relationship with his daughter. Kim Mathers: The real life story of Eminem's ex-wife. Garter jeans

Hayley Jade Mathers, the one and only own daughter rapper Eminem, can be called a real Christmas present, because she was born on December 25, 1995, when Catholics and Protestants just celebrate Christmas.

Not much is known about Hailey's childhood, yet in the 90s stars could still have privacy. However, we do know that at the time of her birth, her parents, Kim Scott and Marshall Mathers (future Eminem), were in very tight quarters and lived in a dangerous neighborhood.

With cousin

During this period, Eminem began to seriously pursue his musical career.

Relations in the family were tense, Eminem and Kim diverged and converged more than once, and even officially married twice (the same number of divorces).

Parents' wedding in 1999

Subsequently, for the sake of the children, they decided to support friendly relations. Even though Hailey is the only one common daughter and generally the only native child Eminem, the girl has two more sisters, an older and a younger one, and a younger brother.

Fun fact: in his songs, Eminem is often rude and uses obscene language, but no one was allowed to swear in his house, and Hayley grew up to be a very well-mannered girl. And in general, despite the image of a “bad guy”, the rapper turned out to be an excellent father, attentive and caring.

With grandma and dad

With mom

Most often, the children of stars in the United States study in private schools or at home. However, Hailey attended a regular public school in Michigan. Everyone, of course, knew who her parents were, although she always used and still uses maiden name her mother - Scott, but nevertheless, she managed to lead the life of an ordinary child.

Hailey (left) with a friend

Haley was an excellent student at school and graduated with the best. She received an award for excellence. At the same time, the girl showed herself as an activist and athlete: she was a member of the student council of the school and played volleyball.

Hailey at school

In this video, Haley Scott at the prom:

After school, Haley chose in which area to receive further education - her priorities were psychology and entrepreneurship. But psychology still won, it was she who studied at the University of Michigan, which she graduated in 2018 and also with excellent grades.

In the University

Now Hailey lives with her beloved dog Lottie in a small house near her mother.

She says she's not ready to launch her career yet and isn't sure she wants to be famous. She is not going to do music following the example of her father, she is more attracted to social networks, and she wants to become someone influential in this area.

She has an excellent relationship with her parents. She is often referred to as "daddy's girl" and says that with her famous father she is very close. Eminem himself devotes songs to her throughout his career - he has more than a dozen tracks with her mention - and calls her his inspiration. She also constantly communicates with her mother and often visits her house, where Kim lives with her children.

With a family

Hailey thinks her parents are the most influential people in her life and believes that thanks to their support she has achieved everything she has.

Personal life

The fact that Hayley seems to have a boyfriend, everyone learned from Instagram, in which, three days after her 21st birthday, she posted a photo with a handsome guy.

His name was not mentioned. But the ubiquitous journalists unearthed that young man name is Evan McClintock and he studied economics at the University of Michigan. The couple has been dating for over two years.

Eminem approves of this relationship, and Evan is a fan of his work.

Haley herself is not very active on social networks and does not flaunt her life. But on her behalf, fake accounts were created more than once. One day, a Twitter user began to write insults against Taylor Swift on her behalf. At that time, Eminem had to step in to protect his daughter and make an official statement that this account has nothing to do with the real Hailey.

Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born on October 17, 1972. He went from an unknown rapper from the crime streets of Detroit, Michigan to the best selling artist in the US in the 2000s. Eminem's success cannot be underestimated. He has sold over 172 million albums worldwide, making him one of the elite artists to do so. Eminem is a dynamic rapper and an even better songwriter.

Eminem's career took off after the release of his debut album Infinite in 1996. Then came "The Slim Shady LP" in 1999, which was met with a bang by fans, and the rest is history. Now Eminem is playing stadium shows around the world that sell out in seconds. He also collaborated with many other artists, including Dr. Dre (Dr. Dre), 50 Cent (50 Cent), Kid Rock (Kid Rock), Drake (Drake) and other popular and talented rappers and singers. In addition to his talent as a rapper/songwriter, Eminem is also involved in recording music. The talented performer opened the record company Shady Records with his manager Paul Rosenberg.

Despite his talents, Eminem has recently caused a lot of controversy. He even caught the attention of the US government in 2008 with his song We As Americans. Words: "To hell with money! I don't rap for dead presidents, I'd rather see a dead president. This has never been said, but I'm setting precedents", made the security service worried. Inexplicably. Whether you love him or hate him, Eminem is very talented and interesting person And powerful force in the entertainment industry. Below we will tell you about some little known facts about him.

10 Discovery - Evan "Kidd" Bogart

Many people know that Dr. Dre discovered Eminem and helped launch his career. While this is true and Dre did wonders for Eminem by taking the young rapper under his wing, it was actually an obscure white rapper who discovered him. Evan "Kidd" Bogart, who at the time was an intern at Interscope, was the first to discover Eminem. Bogart (son of legendary music producer Neil Bogart) was in a rap competition that featured Eminem. He went back to Interscope and brought with him an Eminem tape, which eventually ended up in the hands of Dr. Dre. As soon as Dre heard the tape, he asked to find Eminem immediately, and the rest is history.

9. Childhood - Coma

Eminem grew up in a very disadvantaged area. He was a "kid from the streets" who lived in a predominantly black neighborhood. He was constantly beaten for being one of the few single white kids who lived there. When he was 9 years old, one of the bullies was so hard on Eminem at school that he ended up in a coma for a week. The stay in the hospital proved to be a very frightening experience for the poor white child and would not be the last as he was constantly finding adventure.

8. Childhood idols - Comics

When Eminem was a child, his attention was not occupied by music and rap. As a child, he had completely different hobbies. He cherished the dream of drawing comics. Due to the fact that he was constantly surrounded by problems and troubles, Eminem dreamed of living in other worlds. His fascination with comics helped him in part to develop his alter ego, Slim Shady, as well as the characters that Eminem comically portrayed in music videos.

7. Opposite sex - marital problems

Eminem is not the only person in the world who has had marital problems. Most of them were well covered in the lyrics of his songs. Eminem constantly raps about the hardships of his life and his two marriages to the same woman, Kimberly Anne Scott. He mentions Kim in his songs along with his daughter, Hailie. However the largest number once married was his grandmother Betty, who went down the aisle 5 times. Eminem, who has only been married twice, must marry more than once to keep up with his granny.

6. Oscar Winner - "8 Mile" (8 Mile)

Few people expected Eminem to star in feature film. More less people thought he would do well. The film "8 Mile" is based on the childhood of Eminem. The film was a resounding success due to great game great actors, including Eminem himself. Eminem was just amazingly good in the film, which earned him a lot of positive reviews. In addition, the film was very successful in financial terms. In addition, his hit "Lose Myself" was used in the film and nominated for an Oscar. Despite Eminem not attending the ceremony (not his style), the world was shocked and delighted when he was awarded the Oscar. He got it, starring in just one film, to the envy of Leonardo DiCaprio (Leonardo DiCaprio), Glenn Close (Glenn Close) and Robert Downey Jr.

5. What is "Daddy Warbucks"?

Many people have heard about Eminem's difficult and troubled childhood. But did you know that Eminem's mother, Debbie Nelson (Debbie Nelson) and father Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr. (Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr.) musical group called "Daddy Warbucks"? The music-loving family nearly fell apart when Bruce's father moved to California, leaving Eminem and Debbie behind. Debbie was an avid music fan and took Eminem to gigs with bands such as Talking Heads and Stevie Nicks. However, it was Eminem's uncle, named Ronnie, who instilled in the future star a love for hip-hop. Ronnie played Ice T's "Reckless" to then 12-year-old Eminem in 1984, which started it all, and the rest is history.

4. Shady Records - Would you like to record here? Fight the owner

Eminem opened his record company Shady Records in 1999 with his manager Paul Rosenberg. The company signed a contract with 10 performers, and on this moment there are five groups. Eminem began his career on the streets of Detroit, fighting in "Rap Battles" with other rappers. In order for you to have a chance to sign with Shady Records, you will have to fight the master himself. For beginners music world having to participate in rap battles against Eminem during the signing process. I would like to hear such battles!

3. Charity work - Generous Eminem

Many people who see and hear Eminem for the first time immediately think that he is evil and self-centered. However, despite the fact that Eminem is constantly busy resolving personal problems, he found time to establish foundations and support some charitable organizations. Eight Mile Boulevard Association, Marshall Mathers Foundation, ninemillion.org and Small Steps Project are just a few long list charities assisted by Eminem. The Marshall Mathers Foundation is especially dear to his heart, as it focuses on working with underprivileged teenagers in Michigan.

2. Courts - Your mother

Eminem often uses aggressive and offensive words in the lyrics of their songs. Some people love it, while others hate it. Some of his lyrics go too far and can be vulgar and offensive. Eminem's unapologetic style has offended some people close to him, including his mother. A woman who almost died giving birth to Eminem for 70 hours is suing her son over the words of his songs, which she felt portrayed her in a negative light. In 2001, she received $1,600 in compensation during litigation. Debbie Nelson wrote the biography because of the public's somewhat negative attitude towards her. In her biography, she tried to describe her side and role in Eminem's childhood. Recently, Eminem apologized to his mother through music, so apparently they decided to bury the hatchet.

1. Drugs - The Dark Side

Eminem is a fantastic performer who travels and works tirelessly. Because of this, he is subjected to a very large mental and emotional stress, which can devastate a person. He suffered from prescription addiction

22-year-old Hailie Scott (Hailie Scott Mathers) is the only biological daughter of 45-year-old rapper Eminem (Eminem) from his ex-wife Kimberly Ann Scott.


Family life Eminem and Kimberly was very difficult. Eminem met future wife back in school - then the aspiring rapper was 15 years old, and the girl was 13. Kim ran away from home and settled with her boyfriend, and in 1995 the couple had a daughter, Haley. Only 4 years later, the young parents got married. Once they got divorced because of Kim's addiction to drugs, but then got married again. In December 2006, Eminem divorced Kim for good and vowed never to marry again. Eminem won custody not only of his daughter Hayley, but also of his daughter Kimberly from another man, Whitney. A few years later, the artist also adopted his niece, the daughter of Kim's sister.



Eminem repeatedly mentioned all the details of these difficult relationships in his songs. Having become famous at an early age, Heidi now tries to hide her personal life. And, apparently, she and her father still have disagreements about the use of videos with her in clips. In the track Castle from the latest album Revival, Eminem admitted that he regrets what he did.

Hailey never gives interviews, but she agreed to answer a few questions from the Daily Mail. The girl said that she was not going to become a singer and generally doubts that she would like great popularity and general attention.


Hayley admitted that she and her father a good relationship and they are very close. Now the girl lives separately from the family. She has been dating Evan McClintock for two years, whom she met while studying at the University of Michigan. Her parents approve of her choice.

The most famous white rapper in the history of music, Eminem has become famous not only for his albums, but also for scandals in his personal life and endless love affairs. He was married twice, and to the same woman - Kim Ann Scott, and twisted novels with the most famous singers of our time.

Eminem's wife and daughter

Kim Scott is considered to be Eminem's biggest love. They met at school, and in those years, Kim, along with her sister, even lived for some time in Eminem's house. Before getting married in 1999, they dated for ten years! The marriage fell at the beginning of the rapper's fame, and their marriage could not stand such a test. In 2001 they separated. True, five years later they reconciled and even got married again. The new marriage did not last even a few months. The couple divorced again, agreeing on joint custody of their daughter Hailey, who was born to them in 1995.

"We were both trying to give our marriage another chance, but we quickly realized that marriage can't solve all the problems," the rapper commented on his hasty divorce.

The constant spats between Eminem and Kim occurred for several reasons. They both abused alcohol and drugs, and besides, they often cheated on each other.

“This is a love-hate relationship and it always will be. We are talking about a woman who has been a part of my life since I can remember,” Eminem says of Kim.


Since the early 2000s, Eminem has been credited with many affairs with actresses, singers, and models. So, among them the names of Beyoncé, Britney Spears and Tara Reid are often mentioned, although they all stubbornly refute rumors of an affair with a scandalous musician.

Eminem has a particular soft spot for porn stars, who are often seen in his videos. With one of the brightest representatives of the porn industry, Brittany Andrews, he met for almost six months. Also for some time he had a relationship with another porn star - Gina Lynn.

In 2002, the rapper had an affair with actress Brittany Murphy, who starred in his film 8 Mile. In an interview, Murphy admitted that they even lived together for some time, but their relationship did not develop into anything serious.

Since 2004, his love life subsided somewhat. Eminem was preoccupied with another problem - drug addiction treatment.

It is believed that Eminem's longest romance was with Mariah Carey. Mariah still denies such speculation, although Eminem claims that they met for several months. Rumors about their romance seem to be quite reliable, if you consider how often they refer to each other in their songs. Carey is mentioned in at least three of Eminem's songs - When the Music Stops, Jimmy Crack Corn and Superman. Mariah did not lose her head: after Eminem released the song Superman, she did not remain in debt, responding with the song Clown (Clown).

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Almost ten years have passed since the second divorce of Eminem and his wife, and one of the most successful and richest artists in the world still continues to live alone:

"I don't know where to go to meet good girl. If you have any ideas, please let me know."

From time to time there are rumors that Eminem and Kim are going to get back together, but so far this has not happened.

Children: daughter Hailey

But not love affairs and not even music make up the meaning of Eminem's life. Who would have thought that a rough, tough rapper with a drug addiction is a caring and loving father? Many of his songs mention his daughter Hailey, whom he is very proud of. In fact, it was for Haley that Eminem recorded his first album, wanting to provide his daughter with a decent future.

“If I had to choose between music and my daughter, I know exactly what I would choose. If it were necessary, I would give it all up. For my little girl,” he said in a 2004 interview.

But besides Hailey, Eminem has two more adopted daughters Story by: Lainie Mathers and Whitney Mathers. Lainey is the daughter of Kim's twin sister, and Whitney is Kim's daughter, who was born in one of the casual love affairs in 2002. Even though Kim own mother Whitney, after the second divorce of Eminem and Kim, the girl remained under his parental care. He equally loves all three daughters and often pampers them: for example, one Christmas he gave each of them a diamond necklace worth 375 thousand dollars.

Eminem also raised his youngest stepbrother Nathan. He took the boy from his mother, who tortured him with treatment for non-existent diseases. Nathan, like his older brother, decided to take up rap music and performs under the name Nate Kane.

You can rate Nathan's performance, as well as compare it with Eminem, by watching the video below:

Eminem's fatherly philosophy is extremely simple, when asked what it means to be a good father, he answers this way:

“Always be around. Don't miss anything. If something important happens, whatever it is, I'm always there. Help them with homework, when possible. It's difficult considering what grade my older children are in. I couldn't even finish the ninth. They are already smarter than me."

Eminem's daughter Hailey is indeed a model student. She graduated from high school with honors, is fond of psychology and art, and is also actively involved in sports. At the prom, Hayley made a splash with her beauty, and many glossy publications have already predicted her a supermodel career.

As a father, Eminem succeeded no less than a musician. All children adore him, and this is not surprising.

“I try my best to teach my children the difference between right and wrong. I try not to get angry, I try to set some limits and rules. I never hit them. So that they know it's wrong for a man to hit a woman. Regardless of what people think of me and what I write in my songs. You know, there were a lot of things between me and Kim, I try to learn from my mistakes. It's like juggling, juggling between rap and fatherhood."

On the eve of her birthday on December 25, 22-year-old Haley Jade Scott posted a candid picture on the social network.

Hailey doesn't update her photos as often as her followers would like, so the reaction to new photo, where the girl's naked breasts are slightly visible, was quite stormy.

"Happy birthday to me in advance," the rapper's daughter wrote.

Hayley Jade Scott doesn't often post photos to in social networks, but each of her pictures causes a storm of emotions among her subscribers.

At the moment, over two seven hundred thousand people follow the life of Eminem's blonde heiress, despite the fact that only about 20 photos are posted on her Instagram account.

Looking at Jade, it's hard to say that she is the daughter of a mega-star in the world of show business. Scott does not seek to advertise that her father is a cult performer who blew up all the charts in the world. Long years the girl had a single Twitter account, which she kept closed, avoiding associations with her father.

Hailey graduated with honors from Chippewa Valley High School in Clinton, Michigan. In his home school, Scott was recognized as a beauty queen.

According to eyewitnesses, the proud father could not restrain his joyful emotions. Entering the hall, he loudly shouted: “This is my girl!” As you know, Eminem and his daughter have always been very close, and in 2002 he dedicated the song Hailie's Song to her.

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