"He sent me photographs of clouds": the fate of those who died from the Moscow elements. “When the district police officer called me and said that my mother had died, I did not believe it!” Terrible and tragic stories of the victims of the Moscow hurricane Pavel Samoylov died for 20 years

Pavel Samoilov.
- Plowing was a sociable guy, friendly and trusting relationships with those with whom he hung out, including university professors, were important to him, - says Timofei Samsonov, a classmate of the deceased. - In personal conversations, he unhypocritically shared with me his university dreams, asked about his future as a cartographer. He idolized travel, mountains and was very eager to do mountain cartography - and we even had small plan about this theme. Just a few days ago, he ecstatically told about his upcoming journey to Scandinavia and the Faroe Islands.

A warm, friendly relationship was maintained between the parents and the only son until the last. Pavel himself once wrote on his page on the social network: “I help my mother check the work of the children in geography.” His parents are teachers. And dad is also the head of the Moscow geography team at the All-Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren, the main one in preparing for the olympiads in geography at the Central Educational Center (the focus of pedagogical excellence). Actually, Plowing, too, not one went to All-Russian Olympiad in geography, although he did not become a winner. Until the final time, Pavel worked hard as a teacher at the same CPM.

Knowing that I love meteorology and everything connected with it, - adds his friend Sasha, - more than one sent me photos of the beautiful clouds he saw or atmospheric phenomena. Great guy, geographer, idolized travel. As if I had heard, yesterday he was returning with a young lady and friends from the university after the final exam.

Recite the material "Lives taken away by a whirlwind: a veteran of Roscosmos, a football player, a stage worker"

Pashka was a vivid example of the fact that it is possible and necessary to love life. A successful photo frame, a red canopy on the football field, a panama hat with ducks - any little thing could please him, - classmate Alexander Donetskov recalls. - He felt nature, knew how to admire the vast and magnificent world, was inspired by people. He was also a geographer to the core. Hungry to conquer the peaks, to see as if you can more people and places, to recognize the newly minted. He was informed at the faculty of everything, and therefore the loss is more unimaginable.

Newly minted real ones are also coming in about the victims of the elements in the Moscow region.

57-year-old Ivan Georgievich Babiy died in the village of Putilkovo, Krasnogorsk district, Moscow region. An iron sheet that had rolled away from the fence had blown off half of his head. The uncle died before the ambulance arrived. He was a specialist in the improvement of the territories of the Zhilstroy brotherhood, and May 29 was his final proletarian day at a facility in the village of Putilkovo. A native of Ukraine was finishing laying the lawn near the Church of the Archangel Michael under construction on Bratsevskaya Street. When the wind blew, Ivan Georgievich was about to go to the sanctuary to hide from the weather, but he did not have time. The iron sheet that had been lifted from the fence fell straight on his head.

According to colleagues, Babiy pored over utilitarian without days off. His main concern was to earn as much money as possible to pay for the education of his daughter, who lives in Germany. For her fate, he was very sick. A capable girl graduated from school with honors, but Ivan Georgievich was not satisfied with the quality of education in Ukraine. Therefore, he sent his only child to study in Europe and worked hard to ensure that the young lady did not need anything beyond. Incidentally, Ivan Georgievich took up landscape design relatively recently. Prior to that, he was intended as a sailor in the Black Sea Fleet.

Relatives of 84-year-old Alexander Andreevich Kiselev put him on the wanted list on the evening of May 29, when he did not return from a walk home in Lobnya, Moscow Region. Kiselev himself is an original resident of Moscow, and in Lobnya he and his woman will have a dacha. Volunteers of the Lisa Alert detachment immediately organized a search for grandfather and first of all went to where, according to his wife, he could be: to the drip garden, which he cultivated with his own efforts right in the thick of the forest. The path there turned out to be difficult - the path was littered with trees that could not resist the pressure of the hurricane. As a result, the volunteers found the grandfather in his garden. He was crushed to death by a birch. Probably, the uncle was weeding the bed when the barrel of a tree broke back and fell straight on the elderly uncle's back. Alexander Andreevich left two children and four grandchildren. All his life, Kiselev rattled off as a process engineer at one of the capital's factories.

Recite the material "Speaked from school, waited for the bus: stories of those killed in the Moscow hurricane"

"Football Dream"

Friends of Valera Gudkov cannot believe that now in football team the eighth number needs to look for a replacement. The guy played in the Moscow "Vodnik". He was only 17 years old. The elements caught him at the moment when he was returning from the technical school. On the way home, a tree fell on him. The blow was so strong that the doctors could not do anything.

“He left us very early,” says friend and teammate Zhenya Shvets. - We will play in memory of our always positive and smiling Valera. Two days ago, we were walking back from training and thinking about how we would go to play in Belarus in three weeks. Valera wanted to try his hand at the Tula-2 team, in the future - to become a famous football player. He didn't even live at all.

Of Valera's relatives, only her mother and 15-year-old brother, who is very similar to him and also plays in Vodnik. Friends believe that he should continue his football career and fulfill Valera's dream of big football.

"died with a friend"

Did not return from a walk from Gorky Park and 36-year-old Ekaterina Sinelnikova with a 37-year-old friend Andrei Temnikov. A tree fell on them. “ ambulance”They never waited - they died on the spot.

We managed to find out that a young woman has been living in Moscow for several years - she came from Volgograd. In the capital, she worked in a dental clinic.

- Yes, Katya worked for us. She was a wonderful doctor and a good man, - said at the ImplaDENT clinic. It is difficult to put into words the pain that her family, friends, colleagues and friends are now experiencing.

In her free time, the girl was engaged in yoga, dancing. On weekends, she even participated in a large-scale running hearts marathon.

Loved to play football and 20-year-old Pavel Samoilov. But he was more interested in geography. The guy was in his second year at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University. During the hurricane, the guy was in Jawaharlal Nehru Square, he did not have time to find shelter. The students say that Paul was a prime example how you can and should love life.

- A good photo frame, a beautiful canopy on the football field, a panama hat with ducks - any little thing could please you. You really felt nature, knew how to admire great and beautiful world inspired by people. You were a geographer to the core. You wanted to conquer peaks, to see as much as possible more people and countries, to learn new things, - friends from the university will say, only Pasha will not hear them anymore.

They still cannot believe that among the 10 dead there is their Pasha. Friends still cannot accept his death and decided to think that he just went on another trip, where he does not pick up the phone, but where Pasha will take his best shots and see what none of them have ever seen.

"We didn't have time to hide"

In the village of Putilkovo, Krasnogorsk region, 57-year-old Ivan Babiy died.

Neighbors say that a metal sheet from the fence was blown away by a strong wind - it fell right on the man's head. It happened not far from the temple, where a man can and wanted to run, but did not have time. He died on the spot from his injuries. Ivan himself came from Ukraine to work - he worked even on weekends. In Putilkovo, he was a landscaping specialist in a housing company.

62-year-old Nina Andreeva did not have time to escape from falling trees - passers-by found her in one of the Moscow courtyards. A 20-year-old student Daria Antonova was returning from school when a tree fell on her - he was uprooted. Another tragedy occurred at VDNKh. Eyewitnesses say that the girl was riding a bicycle - during the elements, tree branches fell on her. Immediately there was information about a 10-year-old boy who was crushed by a tree. Fortunately, the child was saved. But an 11-year-old girl could not be saved after a tree fell in the village of Kratovo, Ramensky District.

A bus stop near the Prazhskaya metro station overturned on 65-year-old Nikolai Kotov. The man was waiting for the bus when suddenly metal structure pulled out of the asphalt and carried straight to Kotov. The man died on the spot.

What happened in Moscow on May 29, claimed the lives of 16 people. These are people whose lives were suddenly cut short due to the rampant elements that Central Russia happens infrequently. Law enforcement officers began to understand the circumstances of the death of each person. After all the checks and examinations, it will be clear who should be responsible for these victims. And what tragedies occurred due to the accident.

Until now, communal services on the streets of Moscow have not had time to eliminate all the fallen trees. According to preliminary estimates, there are about 14,000 such people in the capital. Several thousand people are left without electricity, the Komsomolskaya Pravda website writes, citing the Ministry of Emergency Situations near Moscow. Dozens of people remain in hospitals. Shortly after the hurricane, their number was announced - more than 150 people.

Not only people were affected by the devastating storm. The storm wind in Moscow destroyed hundreds of bird nests, the Moscow 24 channel reports. Hundreds of people have damaged houses in summer cottages, cars, windows in apartments have been blown out by the wind. How to claim compensation if your car was hit by a tree, pole or billboard the day before.

Personal Stories

One of the dead is Stanislav Smirnov. May 24 young man turned 28 years old. Quite young, he was walking along the Andreevskaya embankment when a hurricane suddenly began. From bad weather, he and 20-year-old Alina Solovieva took refuge in the gazebo, which became fatal mistake- a strong gust of wind knocked down a tree on a fragile structure. Soon the man was to become a father, writes MK.

17-year-old Valery Gudkov was a promising football player. On May 29, he was in the park on Ugreshskaya Street, where during a hurricane he was covered with branches. Another athlete whose life was claimed by the Moscow hurricane is 20-year-old Pavel Samoilov, a second-year student at Moscow State University, a player in the football team of the Faculty of Geography. His friends said that the young man loved meteorology, sent photos of beautiful clouds and atmospheric phenomena to his relatives.

Ekaterina Sinelnikova died near Gorky Park. She was 35 years old. The woman worked as a pediatric dentist, but that day she had a day off. She wanted to go shopping and meet up with a former colleague.

“Apparently, before going to meet us, Katya decided to take a walk in the park. When the weather started to deteriorate, we wrote SMS to Katya to wait out the storm in the subway. But no one answered the message,” said Tatyana Bradchenko, a friend of the deceased.

On the territory of Gorky Park, a tree uprooted also killed Andrey Temnikov, a 37-year-old resident of Chertanov. A half-century-old poplar fell on 62-year-old pensioner Nina Andreeva with her sister near the house. The woman's sister survived.

11-year-old Anna Makeeva was a late child in the family of a 53-year-old housewife and a 57-year-old employee of the capital's bookmaker's office. The eldest son has not lived with his parents for a long time, so they gave all the love, attention and care to their younger daughter. On May 29, the girl came home from school and asked her parents to take a walk with a friend. When the hurricane began, she ran for cover, but fell and died from a blow to her head.

86-year-old Vitaly Ilyin died while working on suburban area- a pine fell on him. In the Krasnogorsk region of the Moscow region, an iron sheet covered another victim of the hurricane - 57-year-old Ivan Babiy. On the same day, 84-year-old Alexander Kiselev did not return from a walk.

Hurricane. Instruction

May 31 is announced in Moscow. According to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on the night of June 1, the capital region will be covered by strong winds, rain and thunderstorms. Wind gusts can reach 7-12 meters per second, in some places - up to 24. A similar trend may continue on the afternoon of June 1. Rescuers warn that gusts of wind are likely to damage power lines, knock down trees, damage advertising structures, traffic jams, damage cars and injure people. If you are caught in a hurricane, follow these safety rules:

  • Can't use gas stoves And electrical appliances
  • Do not enter damaged buildings
  • You can not hide from the wind behind billboards, next to fences or under trees. It is also necessary to stay away from power lines during a hurricane.
  • When outdoors, protect your eyes, mouth and ears from dust and sand
  • Do not be near poles and objects with flammable and poisonous substances
  • Try to find shelter in the underpass, the entrance of the house, the store. Avoid unstable structures such as gazebos
  • Do not touch broken power lines
  • After the hurricane subsides, one should not come close to swinging banners, signs and other structures that can collapse.
  • Can't walk on bridges
  • While indoors: Close windows and doors tightly, avoid standing by a window during a storm, turn off gas and electricity, and remove things that can be blown away by a gust from the balcony and window sills.
  • Resident countryside it is necessary to put out the fire in the furnace, as well as bring valuables from the yard inside

According to the latest data, 16 people became victims of the hurricane that hit the capital region the day before, almost 150 people were injured. 11 people died in Moscow, five more in the Moscow region.

The hurricane has already been called the most in Moscow in recent decades. The families of the victims received a million rubles in compensation.

The media describe the details of people due to the elements. Muscovite Nikolai Kotov on that ill-fated day was waiting for a bus at a bus stop on Kirovogradskaya Street.

According to MK, a 65-year-old man was standing on the side of the pavilion when a sudden gust strong wind tore the stop out of the asphalt and carried it straight at him. In a matter of seconds, the pavilion knocked the man down and crushed him with his own weight. Passers-by tried to overturn the structure and rescue the victim. But he died before the ambulance arrived.

Pensioner Nina Andreeva was walking along Narimanovskaya Street (in the east of Moscow) when a tree collapsed on her. “I was just driving out of the yard by car, I see a woman lying under the branches. It was clear from her face that she was dead. Severe injuries received - an open fracture of the leg, including. Doctors were called, they declared death, ”the publication cites the stories of eyewitnesses.

On Bratsevskaya Street (north-west of Moscow), where repairs are being carried out near the temple, iron sheets were scattered due to the wind. One of them fatally injured 57-year-old Ivan Babiy. According to eyewitnesses, the man did not have time to jump back.

On 7th Parkovaya Street (in the east of the capital), a very young Muscovite - 20-year-old Daria Antonova - was killed by a tree that flew over her. It is reported that the girl was returning home from school with a friend. A gust of wind brought down on them a large trunk, uprooted.

Passing-by men tried to lift the tree trunk, but it was obvious that the girl could no longer be helped.

“Everything looked terrible there: there was a lot of blood, the foot was torn off. The second one was shocked. She had bruises all over her shoulder, but she didn't seem to hear anything. We put her in an ambulance,” said an eyewitness.

Another girl died at VDNKh while rollerblading. A poplar fell on her. Not far from the Karelia pavilion, a tree crushed a 10-year-old child.

As a result of the hurricane, 146 people were hospitalized, 108 of them remain in hospitals, including 22 children. This was reported to RIA Novosti in the capital's health department. Most requests were received from residents of the Southern, South-Western, Western and South-Eastern administrative districts, said the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Least of all - from the territory of the Trinity and Novomoskovsk administrative districts and Zelenograd. Due to the natural disaster, 3.5 thousand trees were felled in the city. In addition, the wind damaged cars, power lines and railways, the agency notes.

The exact data of the victims of the tragedy has not yet been made public, but some of the names of the victims are already known from media publications:

Pavel Samoilov, 20 years old

Ivan Babiy, 57 years old

Nina Andreeva, 62 years old

Daria Antonova, 20 years old

Nikolay Kotov, 65 years old

Andrey Temnikov, 37 years old

Ekaterina Sinelnikova, 36 years old

Valery Gudkov, 17 years old

Stanislav Smirnov, 28 years old

Makeeva, 11 years old

Unknown, 20 years old

Unknown, 28 years old

The Ministry of Emergency Situations warned that showers with hail and gusty winds would continue in Central Russia and the Volga region for another two days.

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