What does the AK 74 assault rifle consist of? Kalashnikov assault rifle: performance characteristics, device, modifications. About single-shot shooting

The Kalashnikov assault rifle is the main type of automatic small arms. It was created by an outstanding Soviet designer M. T. Kalashnikov. The machine received wide recognition. It is simple in design and has high combat and operational qualities. Based on this machine gun, they were created and put into service Soviet army Kalashnikov light machine gun (RPK) and other types of small arms with the most effective combat properties.

The honor of primacy in the creation of automatic weapons belongs to our Motherland. The world's first automatic pistol - the prototype of an automatic weapon - was designed by the outstanding Russian gunsmith V. G. Fedorov. V. A. Degtyarev and G. S. Shpagin made a great contribution to the development of automatic weapons.

Purpose, combat properties, general design of the machine gun

The modernized Kalashnikov assault rifle (Fig. 25) is an individual weapon and is designed to destroy enemy personnel. IN hand-to-hand combat A bayonet is attached to the machine gun.

The machine gun fires automatic (AB) or single (OD) fire (firing with single shots). Automatic fire is the main type of fire. The combat properties of the machine gun are characterized by the data given in table. 5.

The machine gun consists of the following main parts and mechanisms (Fig. 26): barrel with receiver, sighting device and butt; receiver covers; bolt frame with gas piston; shutter; return mechanism; gas tube with receiver lining; firing mechanism; forend; store; bayonet-knife. The machine kit includes accessories, a belt and a bag for magazines. The automatic operation of the machine gun is based on the use of the energy of powder gases diverted from the barrel bore to the gas piston of the bolt frame.

Purpose, arrangement of parts and mechanisms of the machine

Trunk(Fig. 27) serves to direct the flight of the Bullet. The inside of the barrel has a channel with four rifling, winding from left to right. The rifling serves to impart rotational motion to the bullet. The spaces between the rifling are called fields, the distance between two opposite fields is called the caliber of the barrel.

At the breech, the bore is smooth and shaped like a cartridge case; this part of the bore is called the chamber. The transition from the chamber to the rifled part of the bore is called the bullet entrance.

The outside of the barrel has threads on the muzzle, the base of the front sight, a gas chamber, a connecting coupling, a sight block and a cutout on the breech end for the ejector hook.

The gas chamber communicates with the barrel bore through a gas outlet.

Receiver(Fig. 28) serves to connect the parts and mechanisms of the machine gun, ensure the closure of the barrel bore with the bolt and lock the bolt. The trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver.

Receiver cover(Fig. 29) protects the parts and mechanisms of the machine gun placed in the receiver from contamination.

Sighting device(Fig. 30) is used to aim the machine gun when shooting at targets at various distances and consists of a sight and a front sight.

The sight consists of a sight block, a leaf spring, an aiming bar and a clamp.

The sighting bar has a mane with a slot for aiming and cutouts for holding the clamp in position using a latch with a spring. On the sighting bar there is a scale with divisions from 1 to 10 and the letter “P”. The numbers on the scale indicate the corresponding firing range in hundreds of meters, the letter “P” indicates the constant setting of the sight, which corresponds to sight 3.

For shooting at night, self-luminous attachments are used (on the head of the aiming bar and the front sight), as well as night sights.

The front sight is screwed into a skid, which is fixed to the base of the front sight. On the skid and on the base of the front sight there are marks that determine the position of the front sight.

Stock and pistol grip provide ease of shooting from a machine gun.

Bolt carrier with gas piston(Fig. 31) is designed to activate the bolt and trigger mechanism.

Gate(Fig. 32) serves to send the cartridge into the chamber, close the barrel bore, break the primer and remove the cartridge case (cartridge) from the chamber.

Return mechanism(Fig. 33) is designed to return the bolt frame with the bolt to the forward position

Gas tube with barrel lining(Fig. 34) serves to direct the movement of the gas piston and protect hands from burns when shooting.

Trigger mechanism(Fig. 35) is designed to release the trigger from combat cocking or from self-timer cocking, striking the firing pin, ensuring automatic or single fire, stopping firing, preventing shots when the bolt is unlocked, and putting the safety on the machine gun.

The trigger mechanism consists of a hammer with a mainspring, a hammer retarder with a spring, a trigger, a single fire sear with a spring, a self-timer with a spring and an interpreter.

The trigger with a mainspring is designed to strike the firing pin. The trigger has a combat cock, a self-timer cock, trunnions and a hole for the axle. The mainspring is put on the trigger pins and acts with its loop on the trigger, and with its ends on the rectangular protrusions of the trigger. The trigger retarder serves to slow down the forward movement of the trigger in order to improve the accuracy of the fire when conducting automatic fire. The trigger is designed to hold the hammer cocked and to release the hammer; single-fire sear - to hold the trigger after a shot in the rearmost position, if the trigger was not released when firing a single fire. The purpose of a self-timer with a spring is to automatically release the trigger from the self-timer cocking when firing in bursts, as well as to prevent the trigger from being released when the barrel is open and the bolt is unlocked. The translator is used to set the machine gun to automatic and single fire or to the safety.

Handguard(Fig. 36) serves for ease of operation with the machine gun and to protect hands from burns.

Shop(Fig. 37) is designed for placing cartridges and feeding them into the receiver.

Bayonet knife(Fig. 38) is attached to the machine gun before an attack and serves to defeat the enemy in hand-to-hand combat, and can also be used as a knife, saw (for cutting metal) and scissors (for cutting wire).

A sheath is used to carry a bayonet-knife on the waist belt (Fig. 39). If necessary, they are used together with a bayonet-knife for cutting wire.

Disassembly and assembly

Disassembly and assembly of the machine is carried out on the machine table or on a clean mat. Parts and mechanisms are stacked in the order of disassembly. They should be handled with care, do not place one part on top of another and do not use excessive force or sharp blows.

Disassembly of the machine can be complete or incomplete. Complete disassembly The machine is used for cleaning when the machine is heavily soiled, after it has been exposed to rain, sand or snow, when switching to another lubricant and during repairs. In all other cases, incomplete disassembly is performed.

The procedure for partial disassembly of the machine

Separate store(Fig. 40). Holding the machine gun with your left hand by the neck of the butt or fore-end, right hand grab the magazine, pressing the latch with your thumb, move the bottom of the magazine forward and separate it. After this, check whether there is a cartridge in the chamber, to do this, move the translator down, move the bolt handle back, inspect the chamber, release the bolt handle and release the hammer.

Take out the pencil case with the accessory. Press the cover of the butt socket with the finger of your right hand so that the pencil case comes out of the socket under the action of a spring; Open the pencil case and take out the cleaning cloth, brush, screwdriver, drift and pin. For an assault rifle with a folding stock, the pencil case is carried in the pocket of the magazine bag.

Separate the cleaning rod. Pull the end of the cleaning rod away from the barrel so that its head comes out from under the stop on the base of the front sight (Fig. 41), and remove the cleaning rod upwards.

Separate the receiver cover(Fig. 42). With your left hand, grab the neck of the butt, with the thumb of this hand, press the protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism, with your right hand, lift up the back of the receiver cover and separate the cover.

Separate the return mechanism(Fig. 43). Holding the machine gun with your left hand by the neck of the butt, with your right hand push forward the guide rod of the return mechanism until its heel comes out of the longitudinal groove of the receiver; lift the rear end of the guide rod and remove the return mechanism from the bolt frame channel.

Separate the bolt carrier from the bolt(Fig. 44). Continuing to hold the machine gun with your left hand, with your right hand, pull the bolt frame back as far as it will go, lift it along with the bolt and separate it from the receiver.

Separate the bolt from the bolt carrier(Fig. 45). Take the bolt frame in left hand with the bolt up, pull the bolt back with your right hand, turn it so that the leading lug of the bolt comes out of the figured cutout of the bolt frame, and move the bolt forward.

Separate the gas tube from the barrel lining(Fig. 46). Holding the machine with your left hand, with your right hand put the accessory case with a rectangular hole onto the protrusion of the gas tube contactor, turn the contactor away from you to a vertical position and remove the gas tube from the gas chamber pipe.

The procedure for assembling the machine after partial disassembly

Attach the gas tube to the barrel lining. Holding the machine gun with your left hand, with your right hand push the gas tube with its front end onto the gas chamber pipe and press the rear end of the receiver lining to the barrel; Turn the contact towards you until its locking mechanism enters the recess on the sight block.

Attach the bolt to the bolt carrier. Take the bolt carrier in your left hand and the bolt in your right and insert it cylindrical part into the frame channel; turn the bolt so that its leading protrusion fits into the figured cutout of the bolt frame, and push the bolt forward.

Attach the bolt carrier with the bolt to the receiver. With your left hand, grab the neck of the butt. Holding the bolt frame with the bolt in your right hand so that the bolt, pressed with your thumb, is in the forward position, insert the gas piston into the cavity of the sight block and push the bolt frame forward so that the bends of the receiver fit into the grooves of the bolt frame, pressing it with a slight force to the receiver and push it forward.

Attach the return mechanism. With your right hand, insert the return mechanism into the bolt frame channel; compressing the return spring, move the guide rod forward and, lowering it slightly downwards, insert its heel into the longitudinal groove of the receiver.

Attach the receiver cover. Insert the front end of the receiver cover into the semicircular cutout on the sight block; press the rear end of the cover with the palm of your right hand forward and downward so that the protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism enters the hole in the receiver cover.

Release the trigger and put the safety on. Pull the trigger and raise the translator up to full stop.

Attach the cleaning rod.

Insert the pencil case into the butt socket(Fig. 47). Place the accessory in the pencil case and close it with the lid, place the pencil case bottom into the butt socket and push it down so that the socket is closed with the lid. For an assault rifle with a folding stock, the pencil case is stored in the pocket of the magazine bag.

Attach the magazine to the machine. Holding the machine gun with your left hand by the neck of the butt or fore-end, insert the magazine hook into the receiver window with your right hand and turn the magazine toward you so that the latch jumps over the magazine support ledge.

When assembling the machine gun, the numbers on its parts are compared with the number on the receiver.

Chuck device

A live cartridge (Fig. 48) consists of a bullet, a cartridge case, a powder charge and a primer. Cartridges arr. 1943 are issued with ordinary bullets and with bullets special purpose: tracers and armor-piercing incendiary (Fig. 49). The head parts of special bullets have a distinctive color.

Bullet intended: ordinary - to defeat enemy personnel located openly and behind masks pierced by a bullet; tracer - to defeat enemy personnel, as well as to adjust fire and target designation; armor-piercing incendiary - for igniting flammable liquids and destroying enemy personnel located behind light armored cover at ranges of up to 300 m. An ordinary bullet consists of a shell, a steel core and a lead jacket; tracer - made of a shell, a lead core, a cup and a tracer composition; armor-piercing incendiary - made of a shell, tip, steel core, lead jacket, lead pan and incendiary composition.

Sleeve serves to connect all parts of the cartridge, protect the powder charge from external influences and eliminate the breakthrough of powder gases towards the bolt. It consists of a body, a barrel and a bottom.

Powder charge serves to impart forward movement to the bullet. It consists of pyroxylin powder.

Capsule designed to ignite a powder charge. It consists of a brass cap, striker, compound and foil mug.

Features of the Kalashnikov light machine gun (RPK)

The Kalashnikov light machine gun (Fig. 50) is the most powerful automatic weapon. It is designed to destroy enemy personnel and fire weapons; his performance characteristics are given in table. 5. The operating principle of the RPK and its main parts are similar to the operating principle and main parts of the A KM.

Unlike a machine gun, there is a rear sight on the sighting device of a machine gun. It has a mane with a slot for aiming. When introducing corrections for side wind and lateral movement of the target, the rear sight mane moves to the right or left using the handwheel. The barrel of a machine gun is slightly longer than that of an assault rifle. This helps to increase the initial speed of the bullet, resulting in increased ranges of direct shots and actual fire on targets.

For convenience when shooting, the machine gun has a bipod and a butt (a slightly different device than the Kalashnikov assault rifle). The bipod is not separated from the machine gun.

In case of incomplete disassembly, the machine gun is mounted on a bipod. To do this, holding it with your left hand by the fore-end in a vertical position, release the bipod legs from the spring fastener with your right hand; move the bipod away from the trunk so that its legs are in a fixed position; install the machine gun on the bipod with the muzzle of the barrel to the left. After assembly, place the machine gun with your left hand in a vertical position; With your right hand, slightly bring the legs of the bipod together, press them to the trunk and secure them with a spring fastener.


1. Tell us about the purpose, combat properties and operating principle of the Kalashnikov assault rifle.

2. Name the main parts of the machine.

3. Tell us about the purpose and structure of the parts and mechanisms of the machine.

4. What are the features of the device light machine gun Kalashnikov?

5. Perform partial disassembly and reassembly of the machine.





Fjshav mfyuydshmrd

Components of the AK-74 assault rifle

and their purpose parts



1. KALASHNIKOV AUTOMATIC MODEL 1947……………………………………...


CONCLUSION ……………………………………………………………………………..


The decision on the need to transfer the main small arms to an intermediate cartridge was made in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Such a cartridge was created by 1943, and the development of a whole family of small arms began for it, including a self-loading carbine (SKS), an assault rifle and a light machine gun (RPD). Several designers and teams were involved in the development of assault rifles on a competitive basis, and among them was the young sergeant M. T. Kalashnikov, who worked at the Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant (IZHMASH). In 1946, Kalashnikov, along with other participants, presented his model of an assault rifle to the competition, where he showed good results. For the second stage of the competition, held in 1947, Kalashnikov extensively redesigned his assault rifle, and in a modified form it was recommended for adoption. After initial military tests in 1949, the Kalashnikov assault rifle was officially adopted into service as the “7.62mm Kalashnikov assault rifle model 1947,” or simply AK (sometimes also designated AK-47).



One of the myths associated with the AK says that Kalashnikov “copied” the AK from the German MP-43 assault rifle, also known as Stg.44. Indeed, at first glance, the external layout of the AK and MP-43 is similar, as is the concept of an automatic weapon chambered for an intermediate cartridge. The similar outlines of the barrel, front sight and gas tube are due to the use of a similar gas engine (invented long before Schmeisser and Kalashnikov). Disassembling an AK and an MP-43 is fundamentally different: on an AK, the receiver cover is removed, on an MP-43, the trigger box is folded down on a pin along with the fire control handle. The barrel locking device is also different (rotary bolt on the AK versus bolt misalignment on the MP-43) and trigger mechanisms. It is likely that Kalashnikov knew about the MP-43, but it is obvious that when creating his machine gun he was more guided by other known models and systems. The main merit of Kalashnikov (or rather, of his entire team involved in the development and debugging of the machine gun) is precisely the optimal arrangement of already known and proven solutions into a single model that meets the requirements.

early production AK variant with a combined stamped/milled receiver

Modified AK mod. 1947 (manufactured in the mid-1950s) with an all-milled receiver.


The development of individual small arms over the past 200 years has been accompanied by a periodic but steady decrease in the caliber of these weapons, associated with the development of technologies in the production of both weapons and ammunition for them. Thus, by the mid-19th century, the usual caliber of long-barreled weapons was considered to be 0.4 - 0.5 inches (10 - 12.7 mm). In the last twenty years of the 19th century, a shift began to smaller caliber weapons, typically on the order of 0.3 inches (7.62mm or so, in the 7-8mm range). Already in the first half of the 20th century, repeated attempts were made to further reduce the caliber of weapons to 7 millimeters or less, as well as to reduce the power of standard rifle ammunition, especially after the advent of automatic weapons. Starting from the Second World War, ammunition of reduced power (intermediate) began to appear in the armies of the world, having, however, a standard rifle caliber of 7.62 - 8 mm (German 7.92x33mm, Soviet 7.62x39mm). The Americans were the first to seriously tackle the problem of reducing the caliber of their rifles, adopting them for service in the mid-1960s. assault rifle M16A1. As soon as the practical experience of the Americans confirmed the possibility and usefulness of further reducing calibers (theoretically, this need had been justified many times before), full-scale work in this direction began in other countries, including the USSR. Since the second half of the 1960s, based on the standard 7.62x39mm cartridge, 5.6mm caliber cartridges were developed, and by the beginning of the 1970s, a new 5.45mm caliber cartridge was developed, which had an elongated bullet with a combined steel and lead core and a cavity in the nose. starting speed bullet speed was about 900 m/s, total weight cartridge weighs 10.2 grams, 6 grams less than the mass of the 7.62x39mm cartridge (16.2 g), which, with a carryable ammunition load of only 8 magazines (240 rounds), results in a weight saving of 1.4 kg. The new cartridge also had a significantly flatter bullet trajectory, which provided a direct shot range greater than almost 100 meters. Due to the design features of the bullet, when it hit the body, it should have begun to tumble, causing more severe wounds than usual, but according to some data, this does not always happen.

As the initial weapon for the new cartridge, it was decided to use the Kalashnikov assault rifle and light machine gun, already tested and mastered in production and service, with the minimum necessary changes, and in the future to develop and put into service a more advanced set of weapons for the new cartridge. In 1974, the USSR Armed Forces adopted a 5.45 mm weapon system consisting of an AK-74 assault rifle (basic version), an AKS-74 assault rifle (version with a folding stock for the Airborne Forces) and an RPK-74 light machine gun. At the end of the 1970s, the shortened AKS-74U assault rifle was also adopted.

General view of the Kalashnikov assault rifle: a - with a permanent butt (AK-74); b - with a folding stock and an under-barrel grenade launcher (AKS-74); in - with folding butt, shortened (AKS-74U)

As an individual weapon, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy firepower. The machine gun fires automatic or single fire. Automatic fire is the main type of fire: it is fired in short (up to 5 shots) and long (up to 15 shots) bursts and continuously. To defeat an enemy in hand-to-hand combat, a bayonet-knife is attached to the machine gun. For shooting and observation at night, a night rifle sight is attached to the machine gun. The machine gun can be used in conjunction with the GP-25 under-barrel grenade launcher. The Kalashnikov assault rifle has received wide recognition; it is simple in design and has high combat and operational qualities.

Combat properties of the AK-74 assault rifle:

    Barrel caliber, mm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.45

    Sighting firing range, m. . . . . . . . . . . .1000

    Initial bullet speed, m/s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900

    Lethal range of a bullet, m. . . . . . . . . . 1350

Combat rate of fire, rds/min:

    when firing in bursts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . up to 100

    when firing single shots. . . . . . . .up to 40

    Rate of fire, rds/min. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .600

Direct shot range, m:

    according to the chest figure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440

    by a running figure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625

    Magazine capacity, cartridges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . thirty

    Weight with loaded magazine, kg. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.6

    Weight of bayonet with scabbard, g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .490

General device. The machine gun consists of the following main parts and mechanisms: a barrel with a receiver, sighting devices, butt and pistol grip; receiver covers; bolt frame with gas piston; shutter; return mechanism; gas tube with receiver lining; trigger mechanism; forend; store. In addition, the machine gun has a muzzle brake-compensator and a bayonet-knife. The machine kit includes accessories, a belt and a bag for magazines.

The automatic operation of the machine is based on the use of the energy of powder gases diverted from the barrel bore into the gas chamber. When fired, part of the powder gases following the bullet rushes through the hole in the barrel wall into the gas chamber, presses on the front wall of the gas piston and throws the piston and bolt frame with the bolt to the rear position. When the bolt frame moves back, the bolt is unlocked, with its help the cartridge case is removed from the chamber and thrown out, the bolt frame compresses the return spring and cocks the hammer.

The main parts and mechanisms of the AK-74 assault rifle: 1 - barrel with receiver, sighting device and butt; 2 - muzzle brake-compensator; 3 - receiver cover; 4 - return mechanism; 5 - bolt frame with gas piston; 6 - shutter; 7 - gas tube with receiver lining; 8 - ramrod; 9 - handguard; 10 - store; 11 - pencil case accessories; 12 - bayonet

The bolt frame with the bolt returns to the forward position under the action of the return mechanism, with the help of the bolt the next cartridge is sent from the magazine to the chamber and the barrel bore is closed, and the bolt frame removes the self-timer sear from under the cocking of the self-timer trigger. The trigger is cocked. The bolt is locked by turning around the longitudinal axis to the right, as a result of which the bolt lugs extend beyond the receiver lugs.

If the translator is set to automatic fire, then shooting will continue as long as the trigger is pressed and there are cartridges in the magazine.

If the translator is set to single fire, then when you press the trigger, only one shot will fire; To fire the next shot, you must release the trigger and press it again.

Trunkserves to direct the flight of the bullet. The inside of the barrel has a channel with four rifling, winding from left to right. The rifling serves to impart rotational motion to the bullet.

Barrel: a - general form; b - trunk section; 1 - sight block; 2 - coupling; 3 - gas chamber; 4 - gas outlet; 5 - front sight base; 6 - thread; 7 - field; 8 - rifling

On the outside, the barrel has a front sight base with a thread for screwing on a muzzle brake-compensator and a bushing for firing blank cartridges, a gas outlet, a gas chamber, a connecting coupling, a sight block and a cutout on the breech end for hooking the ejector.

Muzzle brake compensatorserves to increase combat accuracy and reduce recoil energy. It has two chambers: front and rear (with a round hole in them for the bullet to escape).

Receiverdesigned to connect the parts and mechanisms of the machine gun, close the barrel bore with the bolt and lock the bolt. The trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver. The top of the box is closed with a lid.

Receiver coverprotects parts and mechanisms placed in the receiver from contamination.

Sighting deviceserves to point the machine gun at the target when shooting at various distances and consists of a sight and front sight. The sight includes a sight block, a leaf spring, an aiming bar and a clamp. On the sighting bar of the sight there is a scale with divisions from 1 to 10 and the letter “P”. The numbers on the scale indicate the intended firing range in hundreds of meters, and the letter “P” indicates the constant setting of the sight, which corresponds to sight 3. The front sight is screwed into a slide, which is fixed at the base of the front sight.

Stock and pistol gripprovide convenience when shooting.

Bolt carrier with gas pistondesigned to activate the bolt and trigger mechanism. The bolt serves to send the cartridge into the chamber, close the bore, break the primer and remove the cartridge case (cartridge) from the chamber.

Return mechanismdesigned to return the bolt frame with the bolt to the forward position.

Gas tube with barrel liningdirects the movement of the gas piston and protects the machine gunner’s hands from burns when shooting.

With the help of the firing mechanism, the hammer is released from the combat cocking or from the self-timer cocking, a blow is struck on the firing pin, automatic or single fire is ensured, and the shooting is stopped; in addition, it is designed to prevent shots when the bolt is unlocked and to put the machine on safety.

Handguardserves for the convenience of operating the machine gun and to protect the machine gunner’s hands from burns.

Shopdesigned for placing cartridges and feeding them into the receiver.

Bayonet knifeattaches to a machine gun to defeat an enemy in battle, and can also be used as a knife, saw (for cutting metal) and scissors (for cutting wire). A sheath is used to carry a bayonet-knife on the waist belt. If necessary, they are used together with a bayonet-knife for cutting wire.

Live cartridgeconsists of a bullet, a cartridge case, a powder charge and a primer. 5.45 mm cartridges are available with regular and tracer bullets. The head of the tracer bullet is painted green. To simulate shooting, blank (without a bullet) cartridges are used, which are fired using a special sleeve.

Cartridge: a - cartridge with a bullet with a steel core; b - cartridge with a tracer bullet; c - blank cartridge; g - training cartridge

AK-74M. The newest option, adopted Russian Army in the early 1990s. It differs from later AK-74s in having a side-folding plastic stock and a rail for attaching sights on the left side of the receiver.


The advantages of the AK are known to everyone. This is exceptional reliability even in the most severe operating conditions, low maintenance, ease of use and maintenance, and low cost.

In general, the AK can be described as an ideal weapon, which is not surprising - it was created on the basis of the very harsh experience of the Great Patriotic War.


1. Babak F.K. Basics of small arms / Series: Arsenal. St. Petersburg: Publisher: Polygon, 2003 - 254 p.

2. Blagovestov A.I. What they shoot from in the CIS. Handbook of small arms. M.: Harvest, 2004 - 656 p.

3. Volkovsky N. L. Encyclopedia modern weapons and military equipment. M.: AST, Polygon, 2005 - 952 p.

4. Gunter Wollert, Rainer Liedschun, Wilfried Copenhagen Small arms today. Illustrated encyclopedia. / Series: Weapons of the 20th century. 1945 - 1985. M.: Potpourri, 2003 - 464 p.

5. Zhuk A. B. Encyclopedia of small arms. M.: AST, Ermak, 2004 - 800 p.

6. Hogg Ian. IN., Vicks John WITH. Encyclopedia small arms weapons. / Military Small Arms of the 20th Century.M.: AST, Astrel, 2005 - 416 p.


The 5.45 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle is an individual weapon. It is designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy fire weapons. To defeat an enemy in hand-to-hand combat, a bayonet-knife is attached to the machine gun. For shooting and observation in natural night light conditions, the AK74N and AKS74N assault rifles are equipped with a universal night rifle sight (NSPU).

For firing from a machine gun, cartridges with ordinary (steel core) and tracer bullets are used.

Automatic or single fire is fired from the machine gun. Automatic fire is the main type of fire: it is fired in short (up to 5 shots) and long (from a machine gun - up to 10 shots) bursts and continuously. When firing, cartridges are supplied from a box magazine with a capacity of 30 rounds.

The aiming range of the machine gun is 1000 m. The most effective fire is on ground targets: with the machine gun - at a range of up to 500 m, and on airplanes, helicopters and paratroopers - at a distance of up to 500 m. Concentrated fire from machine guns on ground group targets is carried out at a range of up to 1000 m.

Direct shot range:

The machine gun has a chest figure of 440 m,

According to the running figure - 625 m;

The rate of fire is about 600 rounds per minute.

Combat rate of fire: when firing in bursts from a machine gun - up to 100; when firing single shots from a machine gun - up to 40,

Weight of the machine gun without a bayonet with a plastic magazine loaded with cartridges: AK74 - 3.6 kg; AK74N - 5.9 kg; AKS74 - 3.5 kg; AKS74N - 5.8 kg. The weight of the bayonet with scabbard is 490 g.

Receiver covers;


Return mechanism;


The machine kit includes: accessories, belt and bag for magazines; The set of the machine gun with a folding butt also includes a case for the machine gun with a pocket for the magazine, and the set of the machine gun with a night sight also includes a universal night rifle sight.

The principle of operation of automation.

The automatic operation of the machine is based on the use of the energy of powder gases diverted from the barrel bore into the gas chamber.

Order incomplete disassembly machine gun (machine gun):

1) Separate the store.

2) Remove the accessory case from the stock socket.

3) Separate the cleaning rod.

4) Separate the muzzle brake-compensator from the machine gun.

5) Separate the receiver cover.

6) Separate the return mechanism.

7) Separate the bolt carrier with the bolt.

8) Separate the bolt from the bolt frame.

9) Separate the gas tube from the barrel lining.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

AK74: parts and mechanisms of the machine gun, their purpose; delays during shooting, their causes and solutions.

The machine consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

Barrel with receiver, sighting device, butt and pistol grip;

Receiver covers;

Bolt frame with gas piston;


Return mechanism;

Gas tube with receiver lining;

trigger mechanism;


In addition, the machine gun has a muzzle brake-compensator and a bayonet-knife.

The barrel serves to direct the flight of the bullet.

The receiver serves to connect the parts and mechanisms of the machine gun, to ensure that the barrel bore is closed by the bolt and the bolt is locked. The trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver. The top of the box is closed with a lid.

The receiver cover protects the parts and mechanisms placed in the receiver from contamination.

The sighting device is used to aim the machine gun when firing at targets at various ranges. It consists of a sight and a front sight.

The butt and pistol grip serve for ease of operation of the machine gun when shooting.

The bolt frame with a gas piston serves to activate the bolt and trigger mechanism.

The bolt serves to send the cartridge into the chamber, close the barrel bore, break the primer and remove the cartridge case (cartridge) from the chamber.

The return mechanism serves to return the bolt frame with the bolt to the forward position.

The gas tube serves to guide the movement of the gas piston.

The barrel guard serves to protect the hands of the machine gunner (machine gunner) from burns when shooting.

The trigger mechanism is used to release the hammer from cocking or from the self-timer cocking, striking the firing pin, ensuring automatic or single fire, stopping firing, preventing shots when the bolt is unlocked, and putting the safety on the machine gun (machine gun).

The forend serves for ease of operation and to protect the hands of the machine gunner (machine gunner) from burns.

The magazine is used to place cartridges and feed them into the receiver.

The muzzle brake-compensator of the machine gun serves to increase combat accuracy and reduce recoil energy.

A bayonet is attached to a machine gun to defeat an enemy in battle. In addition, it is used as a knife, saw (for cutting metal) and scissors (for cutting wire).

Delays during shooting, their causes and solutions.

Parts and mechanisms of an assault rifle (machine gun) when correct handling and proper care, they work reliably and trouble-free for a long time. However, as a result of contamination of the mechanisms, wear of parts and careless handling of the machine gun (machine gun), as well as malfunction of the cartridges, delays in firing may occur.

The delay that occurs during shooting should be tried to be eliminated by reloading, for which you should quickly pull the bolt frame back by the handle until it stops, release it and continue shooting. If the delay has not been resolved, then it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence and eliminate the delay as indicated below.

Delays and their characteristics Reasons for delays Remedy
Failure to feed cartridge The bolt is in the forward position, but the shot did not occur - there is no cartridge in the chamber 1. The magazine is dirty or malfunctioning 2. The magazine latch is faulty Reload the machine gun (machine gun) and continue shooting. If the delay recurs, replace the magazine. If the magazine latch is faulty, send the machine gun (machine gun) to a repair shop
Sticking a cartridge The bullet cartridge hit the breech end of the barrel, the moving parts stopped in the middle position Magazine malfunction While holding the bolt handle, remove the stuck cartridge and continue shooting. If the delay occurs again, replace the magazine.
Misfire The bolt is in the forward position, the cartridge is in the chamber, the trigger is pulled - no shot fired 1. Malfunction of the cartridge 2. Malfunction of the firing pin or firing mechanism; contamination or hardening of the lubricant (missing or small pinhole on the primer) / 3. Jamming of the firing pin in the bolt Reload the machine gun (machine gun) and continue firing. When the delay is repeated, inspect and clean the firing pin and trigger mechanism; If the trigger mechanism breaks or wears out, send the machine gun (machine gun) to a repair shop Separate the firing pin from the bolt and clean the hole in the bolt under the firing pin
Failure to remove the cartridge case The cartridge case is in the chamber, the next cartridge rests against it with a bullet, the moving parts have stopped in the middle position 1. Dirty cartridge or contaminated chamber 2. Contaminated or malfunctioning ejector or its spring Pull the bolt handle back and, holding it in the rear position, separate the magazine and remove the loaded cartridge. Using a bolt or cleaning rod, remove the cartridge case from the chamber. Continue shooting. If the delay is repeated, clean the chamber and cartridges. Inspect and clean the ejector from dirt and continue shooting. If the ejector malfunctions, send the machine gun (machine gun) to a repair shop
Sticking or not reflecting the sleeve The cartridge case was not thrown out of the receiver, but remained in it in front of the bolt or was sent back into the chamber by the bolt 1. Contamination of rubbing parts, gas paths or chamber 2. Contamination or malfunction of the ejector Pull the bolt handle back, eject the cartridge case and continue shooting. If the delay repeats, clean the gas paths, rubbing parts and chamber; Lubricate rubbing parts. If the ejector malfunctions, send the machine gun (machine gun) to a repair shop
Lack of movement of the bolt frame to the forward position Return spring failure Replace the spring (in a combat situation, turn the front part of the spring with the tucked end back and continue shooting

The Kalashnikov assault rifle is very popular all over the world. Thanks to its reliability and high performance, it became a symbol of Soviet weapons. In addition, the AK served as the basis for the creation of Saiga carbines, which were highly appreciated by many hunters.

All technical components of the machine gun are worthy of attention, but judging by the reviews, the trigger mechanism of the AK-74 is of greater interest. Information about the design and purpose of the trigger for this rifle model is contained in the article.


The Kalashnikov assault rifle is individual weapon, with the help of which enemy personnel are destroyed. AKs are also used to disable enemy fire weapons. In addition, you can eliminate the enemy hand-to-hand, using a machine gun equipped with a bayonet. It is possible to install universal night rifle sights on weapons. The ammunition used is an ordinary cartridge containing a steel core, and variants for which tracer bullets are provided. With full ammunition and without a bayonet, the machine gun weighs no more than 3.6 kg. Within one minute, up to 600 shots can be fired from the weapon.

About the main parts and mechanisms

The design of the Kalashnikov assault rifle has the following elements:

  • receiver and barrel;
  • sighting devices;
  • butt;
  • pistol grip;
  • bolt carrier;
  • gas piston;
  • shutter and return mechanism;
  • gas tube and receiver lining;
  • handguard and magazine;

The AK-74 is also equipped with a bayonet. The weapon is equipped with special accessories, a belt and a bag for ammunition. The shooting unit, which has a folding stock, comes with a special case with a pocket for a clip.

About the design of the Kalashnikov assault rifle trigger

USM AK-74 consists of the following spare parts:

  • spring-loaded sear, providing single firing;
  • trigger;
  • spring-loaded triggers and their retarders;
  • a translator whose task is to change the fire mode;
  • self-timer.

The location of the AK-74 trigger was the receiver. The technical unit is fastened using three interchangeable axes.

About purpose

USM AK-74 performs the following functions:

  • Removes the trigger from the self-timer or from cocking.
  • Keeps the trigger cocked.
  • Provides automatic or single shooting. The trigger mechanism is also responsible for the ceasefire.
  • Using the trigger in the AK-74, the impact is exerted on the firing pin.
  • Prevents shots from being fired unless the bolt is locked.
  • Sets automatic weapon safety.

About the Kalash trigger

The impact on the striker is carried out through a spring-loaded trigger. It can be cocked and self-timer. Equipped with rectangular protrusions, a shank, trunnions and holes that are equipped with the AK-74 USM axle. The trigger is driven by a mainspring, which is attached to the trunnions and is made in the form of a loop. The second end of the spring is connected to rectangular protrusions on the trigger.

About the trigger retarder

In order to improve the accuracy of combat during automatic firing, the trigger is decelerated by means of a special spring-loaded element in the AK-74 USM device, which is called a retarder. It is equipped with front and rear lugs, an axle hole, a spring and a latch that is connected to the rear lug with a pin.

About single-shot shooting

After the shot has been fired, the trigger moves to the rear position and is held in place by a sear. This element is located on the same axis as the trigger. The sear is equipped with a special cutout for the translator sector, a spring and an axial hole. If the translator is on safety, its rotations are limited due to the cutout.

How is burst shooting carried out?

The trigger is released from cocking thanks to a spring-loaded self-timer. Using this trigger element, the trigger is prevented from being pulled if the barrel channel of the machine gun is not closed or the bolt is not locked. The self-timer is equipped with:

  • A sear with which the trigger is cocked.
  • A special lever that rotates the self-timer by a protrusion in the bolt frame when it is in the forward position.
  • Spring. It is located on the same axis as the self-timer. The long end of the spring crosses the receiver and is inserted into the annular groove on the axles, where the self-timer and trigger are located.

About the translator

With the help of this element of the trigger mechanism, the machine gun is set to fire in single bursts and in bursts. The translator is equipped with special trunnions. Their location was made by special holes in the receiver. If the translator is in the lower position, the Kalashnikov assault rifle is configured to fire single shots. In the middle position - automatic fire. If the translator is moved all the way up, then the AK is set to safety.

Reasons for misfires

When using a Kalashnikov assault rifle, misfires sometimes occur. In this case, the ammunition is sent into the chamber, the bolt moves to the forward position, and after the trigger is pulled, the shot is not fired. There may be several reasons for misfires. Most likely the cartridge is faulty. The firing pin, which is jammed in the bolt, or the trigger mechanism may also be faulty. According to experts, misfires occur when the mechanical unit is dirty or the lubricant has frozen in it. In this case, the machine is recharged. If the delay occurs again, disassembling the AK-74 trigger can correct the situation. This unit may be broken or completely worn out.

How to remove the mechanical trigger assembly?

Judging by the reviews, some carbine owners are interested in how to remove the trigger on the AK-74. Automatic weapons are disassembled as follows:

  • First you need to disconnect the clip from the machine gun. To do this, hold the weapon by the fore-end with one hand, grasp the magazine with the other and, pressing the locking latch, gently pull it down. The locking bar is equipped with special protrusions that are pressed in with an awl or a screwdriver.
  • There is a cleaning rod under the barrel of the carbine in a special hole. It needs to be removed.
  • Then the cover is removed from the receiver. The guide tube in the return mechanism is equipped with a small protrusion. To dismantle it, you need to press on it and lift the cover itself.
  • Afterwards, you can begin to remove the impact-return mechanism. This will be easy to do if its tube is pushed forward until its heel goes beyond the longitudinal groove of the box. To get the tube, you need to pry it off by the end.
  • Disconnect the bolt carrier. The weapon is pre-set to fire automatically. Dismantling the bolt frame involves pulling it all the way, lifting it and moving it back.
  • To remove the shutter, you need to pull it back and turn it. If the actions are performed correctly, a protrusion should appear in the groove of the bolt frame. After this, the shutter is moved forward and removed. Using a special drift, a pin is knocked out, which is necessary to hold the striker on the axis in the ejector, which is also dismantled along with the strikers.
  • Before dismantling the gas tube, the flag that closes it must be set in a vertical position. One end of the tube is connected to the pipe. To disconnect it, you need to pry it off by the edge.

How to disassemble the trigger in a carbine?

After dismantling the trigger mechanism, you can begin to disassemble it. You should start with the trigger compartment. To remove it, you need to press the special lever in the self-timer.

Using any pointed object, the mainspring is raised by both edges and wound at both ends by the protrusions of the trigger, the axis of which must be moved to left side. It is then rotated until its trunnion is facing the chamber. After this, the trigger and mainspring are removed. Having completed these steps, using a drift, they begin to dismantle the trigger and sear. When removing the axis previously shifted to the left, the sear is held in single-shot firing mode. A drift is also used to dismantle the self-timer (AS), the axis of which, as in the previous case, is shifted to the left before removal. During the work, you need to hold the speaker and its spring. In the machine for the ammunition clip there is a special opening through which the self-timer is removed. You can begin dismantling the translator after it is positioned perpendicular to the receiver. Before removal, the axis of this element moves to the right.

Chapter III


Purpose, arrangement of parts and mechanisms of the machine gun (machine gun) Kalashnikov

11. Barrel(Fig. 27) serves to direct the flight of the bullet. The inside of the barrel has a channel with four rifling, winding from left to right. The rifling serves to impart rotational motion to the bullet. The spaces between the cuts are called margins. The distance between two opposite fields (in diameter) is called the bore caliber; for an assault rifle (machine gun) it is 5.45 mm. In the breech, the channel is smooth and shaped like a cartridge case; this part of the channel serves to accommodate the cartridge and is called the chamber. The transition from the chamber to the rifled part of the bore is called the bullet entrance.

On the outside, the barrel has a front sight base for a machine gun with a thread (for a machine gun there is a thread on the muzzle) for screwing on a muzzle brake-compensator for a machine gun (for a machine gun - flame arrester) and

Rice. 27. Barrel:

a - external view of the machine gun barrel; b - external view of the machine gun barrel; c - cross-section of the breech; d - section of the barrel; 1 - rifled part; 2 - bullet entrance; 3 - chamber; 4 - front sight base; 5 - gas chamber; 6 - coupling; 7 - sight block; 8 - recess for the barrel pin; 9 - thread; 10 - bipod base;
11 - eye ring

Rice. 28. Muzzle brake-compensator and flash suppressor:
a - muzzle brake-compensator; b - flash suppressor;
1 - rim; 2 - windows; 3 - slot; 4 - compensation holes; 5 - recess for the retainer; 6 - bevel; 7 - internal thread

Rice. 29. Front sight base:

a - machine gun; b - machine gun; 1 - stop with a recess for a cleaning rod; 2 - support for a bayonet-knife with a hole for a cleaning rod;
3- skid with front sight; 4- front sight safety; 5 - clamp; 6 - thread for screwing on the muzzle brake-compensator (flash arrester)

bushings for firing blank cartridges, a gas outlet, a gas chamber, a connecting coupling, a sight block and a cutout on the breech end for the ejector hook. The front sight base, gas chamber and sight block are secured to the barrel using pins.

The machine gun, in addition, on the front of the barrel has a bipod base for attaching the bipod to the barrel with a hole for a cleaning rod and a ring with an eye to increase the reliability of fastening the cleaning rod.

Muzzle brake-compensator of the machine gun (Fig. 28) serves to increase the accuracy of combat and reduce recoil energy. It has two chambers: front and rear (with a round hole in them for the bullet to escape). The front chamber has a rim on which the ring of the bayonet-knife is put on when it is attached to the machine gun, a rectangular groove into which the protrusion of the bayonet-knife fits, and two windows for the exit of powder gases. The rear chamber has two slits in front, and in the middle part there are three compensation holes for the exit of powder gases. At the rear, the muzzle brake-compensator has an internal thread for screwing onto the base of the front sight, a recess into which the lock and a circular bevel fit, making it easier to insert and remove the cleaning rod.

Machine gun flash suppressor serves to reduce the size of the flame when fired. It has a thread for screwing onto the barrel, five recesses for the lock and five longitudinal slots for the release of gases.

Front sight base(Fig. 29) has a stop with a recess for a cleaning rod, a hole for a front sight slide, a front sight safety device and a retainer with a spring. The clamp keeps the muzzle brake-compensator (flash arrester) and the bushing for firing blank cartridges from screwing together.

The machine gun, in addition, on the base of the front sight has a stop for attaching a bayonet-knife with a hole for a ramrod.

Gas chamberserves to direct powder gases from the barrel to the gas piston of the bolt frame. It has a gas outlet, a pipe with a channel for the gas piston and holes for the exit of powder gases.

Coupling serves to attach the fore-end to the machine gun (machine gun). It has a forearm lock, a sling swivel and a hole for a cleaning rod.

The barrel is connected to the receiver by means of a pin and cannot be separated from it.

12. Receiver (Fig. 30) serves for

Rice. 30. Receiver:

1 - cutouts; 2 - reflective protrusion; 3 - bends;
4 - guide; 5 - jumper; 6 - longitudinal groove; 7 - transverse groove; 8 - magazine latch; 9 - trigger guard; 10 - pistol grip; 11 - butt

connecting the parts and mechanisms of an assault rifle (machine gun) to ensure that the barrel bore is closed by the bolt and the bolt is locked. The trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver. The top of the box is closed with a lid.

The receiver has:

· inside there are cutouts for locking the bolt, the rear walls of which are lugs; bends and guide protrusions for directing the movement of the bolt frame and bolt; reflective protrusion for reflecting cartridges; jumper for fastening the side walls; a protrusion for hooking the magazine and one oval protrusion on the side walls for guiding the magazine;

· at the back at the top there are grooves: longitudinal - for the heel of the guide rod of the return mechanism and transverse - for the receiver cover; tail with a hole for attaching the butt to the receiver;

· in the side walls there are four holes, three of them for the axes of the trigger mechanism, and the fourth for the translator trunnions; on the right wall there are two fixing recesses for placing the translator on automatic (AB) and single (OD) fire;

· below there is a window for the magazine and a window for the trigger.

An assault rifle with a folding stock also has holes for the stock retainer and latch (Fig. 33).

Rice. 31. Sight:

a- automatic; b - machine gun; 1 - sight block; 2 - sector; 3 - sighting bar; 4 - clamp; 5 - mane of the sighting bar; 6 - clamp latch; 7 - rear sight screw handwheel; 8 - rear sight

For a machine gun with a folding butt, the receiver at the rear has a slot for the left latch with a spring that holds the butt in the folded position; on the right wall there is a cutout for the right latch of the butt and a hole for pressing on the right latch when recessing it; on the left wall there is an eye for attaching the butt and a hole for the front end of the left latch (Fig. 34 and 35).

Attached to the receiver are: a butt with a swivel, a pistol grip and a trigger guard with a magazine latch. For machine guns (machine guns) with night sights, a bar for attaching a night sight is attached to the left side wall.

13. Sighting device serves for aiming an assault rifle (machine gun) when firing at targets at various ranges. It consists of a sight and a front sight.

Aim(Fig. 31) consists of a sight block, a leaf spring, an aiming bar and a clamp.

Sight blockhas two sectors to give the aiming bar a certain height, eyes for attaching the aiming bar, holes for the pin and gas tube lock; inside there is a socket for a leaf spring and a cavity for the bolt frame; on the back wall there is a semicircular cutout for the receiver cover.

The sight block is placed on the barrel and secured with a pin.

Leaf spring is placed in the socket of the sight block and holds the aiming bar in its given position.

Sighting bar has a mane with a slot for aiming and cutouts for holding the clamp in the installed position by means of a latch with a spring. On the sighting bar (on the top of the machine gun, on the top and bottom of the machine gun) there is a scale with divisions from 1 to 10; The scale numbers indicate firing ranges in hundreds of meters.

In addition, the machine gun has the letter “P” on the sighting bar - a permanent sight setting, approximately corresponding to sight 4 (firing range 440 m).

On a machine gun, the sighting bar has a socket for the rear sight and risk; on the wall of the rear sight socket there is a scale with ten divisions; each of which corresponds to two thousandths of the firing range.

Rear sightthe machine gun has a mane with a slot for aiming, a screw with a handwheel, a spring, a washer and a pin.

Clampplaced on the sighting bar and held in position by a latch. The latch has a tooth, which, under the action of a spring, slides into the cutout of the sighting bar.

Front sightscrewed into the skid, which is fixed to the base of the front sight. On the slide and on the base of the front sight there are marks that determine the position of the front sight.

Attached to the machine gun (machine gun) device for shooting at night and in conditions of limited visibility(self-luminous attachments). It consists of a folding rear sight with a wide slot, mounted on the mane of the sighting bar, and a wide front sight, placed on top of the front sight of the weapon. Self-luminous dots are applied to the rear sight and front sight of the device.

The new type of device has self-luminous stripes: two horizontally located on the rear sight and one vertically on the front sight.

The device for shooting at night is installed on the machine gun (machine gun) and is verified when it enters the troops and is not separated from it during operation.

The combat of a weapon when shooting with a device remains basically the same as with an open sight. In the event of a significant deviation in height from the average point of impact, it is necessary to secure the weapon in the sighting machine, aim at the target and select the rear sight so that the aiming line with the open sight and the device coincide.

When shooting during the day, the rear sight and front sight of the device fold down. In this position, they do not interfere with the use of the sighting device of the machine gun.

When shooting at night and in conditions of limited visibility, the rear sight of the device is rotated upward until it comes into contact with the mane of the sighting bar, and the front sight of the device is moved up along the spring and put on the front sight.

Rice. 32. Receiver cover:
1 - step cutout; 2 - hole; 3 - ribs

14. Receiver cover (Fig. 32) protects parts and mechanisms placed in the receiver from contamination. On the right side it has a stepped cutout for the passage of cartridges thrown out and for the movement of the bolt frame handle; at the back there is a hole for the protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism. The cover is held on the receiver using a semicircular cutout on the sight block, a transverse groove in the receiver and a protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism.

15. Butt and pistol grip serve for the convenience of operating a machine gun (machine gun) when shooting.

The permanent stock of the AK74, AK74N assault rifles (Fig. 33) and RPK74, RPK74N machine guns (Fig. 34) has a sling swivel for a belt, a socket for an accessory case and a butt plate with a cover over the socket. In the butt socket there is a spring for pushing out the pencil case. The permanent stock of an assault rifle can be wooden or plastic (for a machine gun it is wooden).

The folding stock of the AKS74 and AKS74N assault rifles consists of upper and lower rods, a butt plate, a clip and a tip, connected into one unit by welding. There is a sling swivel on the clip on the right side of the butt. In the folded position, the buttstock is held in place by a latch, and in the folded position - by a latch.

Rice. 33. Butt and pistol grip of the machine gun:

a - permanent (wooden) butt (sectional view);
b - folding butt in the folded position;
c- folding buttstock in folded position;
1- sling swivel; 2 - socket for pencil case; 3 - butt plate; 4 - cover; 5 - spring for pushing out the accessory case; 6 - butt lock; 7 - butt latch; 8 - top link; 9 - lower link;
10- clip; 11 - tip; 12 - axis; 13 - pistol grip; 14 - bar for attaching a night sight

Rice. 35. Folding the butt of a machine gun:

1 - butt; 2-receiver; 3 - pistol grip; 4 - hole in the wall of the receiver

Rice. 34. Butt and pistol grip of a machine gun:

a - permanent butt (in section); b - folding butt (in folded position); 1 - sling swivel; 2 - socket for accessories; 3 - butt plate; 4 - cover; 5 - spring for pushing out the accessory case; 6 - protrusion of the butt with ears; 7 - receiver eye; 8 - right butt latch with a spring;
9 - back part of the left latch with a notch; 10 - latch spring; 11 - cutout for the right butt latch;
12 pistol grip

Rice. 36. Machine gun bipod:

1 - bipod base; 2 - legs; 3 - spring; 4 - protrusion;
5 - slide; 6 - spring fastener

To fold the butt, you need to recess the latch (in this case, the latch will disengage with the tip of the butt) and turn the butt to the left around the axis until the butt is secured with a latch located on the left wall of the receiver.

To fold the butt, you need to move the latch back and turn the butt to the right until it is secured with a latch.

The folding butt of the RPKS74 and RPKS74N machine guns, in addition to that specified for the permanent butt of the machine gun, has a protrusion for the right latch of the butt, which holds the butt in the folded position, ears for attaching the butt to the receiver, and in the case of the RPKS74N, a recess where the bar for attaching a night sight when folding the butt is included.

To fold the butt, you need to push the right latch of the butt with a drift or a cartridge bullet through the hole in the right wall of the receiver (Fig. 35) and turn the butt to the left until it is secured with the left latch in the folded position.

To fold the butt, you need to press the rear part of the latch with a notch to the left with your finger and turn the butt to the right until it is secured with the right latch.

16. Machine gun bipod(Fig. 36) serves as a stop when shooting. It has a base, two legs with runners for resting on the ground and protrusions for fixing the legs in the folded position, a spring for spreading the legs, a spring fastener on the left leg for fastening the legs in the folded position. The bipod is not separated from the machine gun.

17. Bolt carrier with gas piston(Fig. 37) serves to activate the bolt and trigger mechanism.

Rice. 37. Bolt carrier with gas piston:
1 - channel for the shutter; 2 - safety protrusion;
3 - protrusion for lowering the self-timer lever; 4 - groove for bending the receiver; 5 - handle; 6 - figured cutout; 7 – groove for the reflective protrusion; 8 – gas piston

Rice. 38. Shutter:

a ~ bolt core; b - striker; c - ejector; 1 - cutout for the sleeve; 2 - cutout for the ejector; 3 - leading protrusion; 4 - hole for the ejector axis; 5 - combat protrusion; 6 - longitudinal groove for the reflective protrusion; 7 - ejector spring; 8~ ejector axis;

The bolt frame has: inside - a channel for the return mechanism, and a channel for the bolt; at the back there is a safety ledge; on the sides there are grooves for moving the bolt frame along the bends of the receiver; on the right side there is a protrusion for lowering (rotating) the self-timer lever and a handle for reloading the machine gun; at the bottom there is a shaped cutout to accommodate the leading protrusion of the bolt and a groove for the passage of the reflective protrusion of the receiver. A gas piston is mounted in front of the bolt frame.

18. Shutter(Fig. 38) serves to send the cartridge into the chamber, close the barrel bore, break the primer and remove the cartridge case (cartridge) from the chamber. It consists of a frame, a hammer, an ejector with a spring and an axis, and a pin.

Shutter bodyhas: on the front cut - a cylindrical cutout for the bottom of the sleeve and a groove for the ejector; on the sides there are two lugs that, when the bolt is locked, fit into the cutouts of the receiver; on top - a leading protrusion for turning the shutter when locking and unlocking; on the left side there is a longitudinal groove for the passage of the reflective protrusion of the receiver (the groove at the end is widened to ensure rotation of the bolt when locking); in the thickened part of the bolt frame there are holes for the ejector axis and pins. Inside the bolt frame there is a channel for placing the firing pin.

Drummerhas a striker and a ledge for a hairpin.

Ejectorwith a spring serves to remove the cartridge case from the chamber and hold it until it meets the reflective protrusion of the receiver. The ejector has a hook for gripping the cartridge case, a socket for the spring and a cutout for the axle.

Hairpinserves to secure the firing pin and the ejector axis.

Rice. 39. Return mechanism:

1 - return spring; 2 - guide rod;
3 - movable rod; 4 - coupling

Rice. 40. Gas tube with receiver lining:

1- gas tube; 2 - guide ribs for the gas piston; 3 - front coupling; 4 - barrel lining; 5 - rear coupling; 6 - protrusion; 7 - leaf spring

Rice. 41. Parts of the trigger mechanism:

A - trigger; b - mainspring; c - trigger;
g - single fire sear; d - self-timer; e - self-timer spring; g - translator; z - axles; i - single fire sear spring; k - trigger retarder; l - trigger retarder spring; m - tubular axis; 1 - combat platoon;
2- cocking of the self-timer; 3- curved ends; 4- loop;
5-shaped protrusion; 6- rectangular protrusions;
7 - tail; 8 - cutout; 9 - sear; 10 - lever; 11 - latch; 12 - front protrusion; 13 - sector; 14 - pin

19. Return mechanism (Fig. 39). Serves to return the bolt frame with the bolt to the forward position. It consists of a return spring, a guide rod, a movable rod and a coupling.

Guide rod has a stop for the spring at the rear end, a heel with projections for connection with the receiver and a protrusion for holding the receiver cover.

Movable rod The front end has bends for putting on the coupling.

20. Gas tube with receiver lining (Fig. 40) consists of a gas tube, front and rear couplings, a barrel lining, a metal half-ring and a leaf spring.

Gas tubeserves to direct the movement of the gas piston. It has guide ribs. The front end of the gas tube is put on the gas chamber pipe.

Receiver pad serves to protect the hands of the machine gunner (machine gunner) from burns when shooting. It can be wooden or plastic for an assault rifle (for a machine gun it is wooden) and has a groove in which a metal half-ring is fixed, pressing the barrel lining away from the gas tube (this prevents the lining from swaying when the wood dries out).

The barrel lining is mounted on the gas tube by means of front and rear connecting couplings; the rear coupling has a protrusion into which the gas tube contact rests; The leaf spring eliminates the longitudinal rolling of the tube.

21. Trigger mechanism (Fig. 41) serves to release the hammer from the combat cocking or from the self-timer cocking, striking the firing pin, ensuring automatic or single fire, stopping firing, preventing shots when the bolt is unlocked and putting the safety on the machine gun (machine gun).

The trigger mechanism is placed in the receiver, where it is attached with three interchangeable axes, and consists of a trigger With mainspring, hammer retarder with spring, trigger, single fire sear with spring, self-timer with spring, translator and tubular axis.

Triggerwith a mainspring used to strike the firing pin. The trigger has a combat cock, a self-timer cock, trunnions and a hole for the axle. The mainspring is put on the trigger pins and acts with its loop on the trigger, and with its ends on the rectangular protrusions of the trigger,

Trigger retarder serves to slow down the forward movement of the trigger in order to improve the accuracy of the battle when conducting automatic fire from stable positions. It has front and rear lugs, an axle hole, a spring and a latch.

Trigger serves to keep the hammer cocked and to release the hammer. It has a shaped protrusion, an axle hole, rectangular protrusions and a tail. With its figured protrusion, it holds the trigger cocked.

Single fire sear serves to hold the trigger in the rearmost position after firing, if the trigger was not released when firing a single fire. It is on the same axis with the trigger. The single-fire sear has a spring, a hole for the axis and a cutout into which the translator sector enters when conducting automatic fire and locks the sear. In addition, the cutout limits the forward rotation of the sector when the translator is put on safety.

Self-timerserves to automatically release the trigger from cocking the self-timer when firing in bursts, as well as to prevent the trigger from being released when the barrel is open and the bolt is unlocked. It has a sear for holding the trigger while cocking the self-timer, a lever for turning the self-timer with the protrusion of the bolt frame when it approaches the forward position, and a spring.

The spring is located on the same axis as the self-timer. Its short end is connected to the self-timer, and its long end runs along the left wall of the receiver and fits into the annular grooves on the axes of the self-timer, hammer and trigger, keeping the axes from falling out.

Rice. 42. Forend (wooden):

1 - finger stop; 2 - protrusion; 3 - leaf spring; 4 - hole for cleaning rod

Rice. 43. Store:

1 - body; 2 - cover; 3 - locking strip; 4 - spring; 5 - feeder; 6 - support protrusion; 7 - hook

Translatorserves to set the machine gun (machine gun) to automatic or single fire, as well as to the safety catch. It has a sector with trunnions that fit into the holes in the walls of the receiver. The lower position of the translator corresponds to setting it to single fire (OD), the middle position to automatic fire (AB) and the top position to the safety.

22. Handguard(Fig. 42) serves for convenience of operation and to protect the hands of the machine gunner (machine gunner) from burns. It can be wooden or plastic for a machine gun (wooden for a machine gun). The forend is attached to the barrel from below using a coupling and to the receiver - through a protrusion that fits into the receiver socket. The body of the forend has a through hole for a cleaning rod. The rear of the forend has cutouts and a recess into which the leaf spring fits. The spring serves to prevent longitudinal pitching of the fore-end. Cutouts on the fore-end and receiver guard form windows for cooling the barrel and gas tube when firing. The plastic forend has a metal screen designed to reduce heating of the forend when firing.

23. Shop(Fig. 43) is used to place cartridges and feed them into the receiver. It consists of a plastic body, a cover, a locking bar, a spring and a feeder.

The magazine body connects all parts of the magazine; its side walls have bends on top (at the neck) to keep the cartridges from falling out and protrusions that limit the rise of the feeder; there is a hook on the front wall, and a support protrusion on the rear wall, through which the magazine is attached to the receiver. On the rear wall of the case at the bottom there is a control hole to determine whether the magazine is fully loaded with cartridges.

The bottom of the case is closed with a lid. The cover has a hole for the protrusion of the locking bar.

Inside the housing there is a feeder and a spring with a locking bar. The feeder is held on the upper end of the spring by an internal bend on the right wall of the feeder; the feeder has a protrusion that provides a staggered arrangement of cartridges in the magazine. The locking bar is permanently fixed to the lower end of the spring and with its protrusion keeps the magazine cover from moving.

Rice. 44. Bayonet:

a - blade; b - handle; 1 - cutting edge; 2 - saw;
3- sharpened edge; 4- hole; 5 - belt; 6 - ring; 7 - belt hook; 8 - metal tip;
9 - connecting screw; 10 - longitudinal grooves; 11 - latch

Rice. 45. Sheath:

1 - pendant with a loop fastener and a carabiner;
2- plastic body; 3 – protrusion axis; 4 – stop;
5 - leaf spring retainer

Rice. 46. ​​Affiliation:

1 - cleaning rod; 2 - wipe; 3 - brush; 4 - screwdriver; 5 - punch; 6 - pencil case; 7 - cover; 8 - oiler; 9 - clip;

24. Bayonet(Fig. 44) is attached to a machine gun to defeat the enemy in battle. It is also used as a knife, saw (for cutting metal) and scissors (for cutting wire). The wires of the lighting network must be cut one at a time, having first removed the belt from the bayonet-knife and the pendant from the sheath. When cutting the wire, make sure that your hands do not touch the metal surface of the bayonet-knife and sheath. Making passages in electrified wire fences using a bayonet-knife not allowed.

A bayonet knife consists of a blade and a handle.

On the bladethere is a cutting edge, a saw, a sharpened edge, which in combination with the sheath is used as scissors, a hole into which the protrusion-axis of the sheath is inserted.

Leverserves for ease of operation and for connecting the bayonet-knife to the machine gun. There is a belt on the handle for easy handling of the bayonet-knife; in front there is a ring and a protrusion for attaching To muzzle brake-compensator and belt hook; at the back there is a metal tip with a connecting screw. The tip has longitudinal grooves with which the bayonet-knife is put on the corresponding protrusions on the stop of the front sight base, a latch, a safety ledge and a hole for the belt.

Sheath(Fig. 45) are used to carry a bayonet-knife on a waist belt. In addition, they are used in conjunction with a bayonet-knife for cutting wire. The scabbard has a suspension with a loop, a protrusion-axis, and a stop to limit the rotation of the bayonet-knife when acting like scissors; Inside the sheath there is a leaf spring with a lock to keep the bayonet-knife from falling out.

Accessory to a machine gun (machine gun)

25. Belonging (Fig. 46) is used for disassembling, assembling, cleaning, lubricating the machine gun (machine gun) and quickly loading the magazine with cartridges. Accessories include: cleaning rod, cleaning rod, brush, screwdriver, drift, pencil case, oiler, clips and adapter.

Ramrodused for cleaning and lubricating the barrel bore, as well as channels and cavities of machine gun parts. It has a head with a hole for a punch and a thread for screwing on a wiper or brush.

Rubbingused for cleaning and lubricating the barrel bore, channels and cavities of other parts of the machine gun. It has an internal thread for screwing onto a cleaning rod and a slot for rags or tow.

Ershikused for cleaning the barrel bore with RFS solution.

Screwdriver and drift used when disassembling and assembling an assault rifle (machine gun). The cutout at the end of the screwdriver is intended for screwing in and unscrewing the front sight, and the side cutout is for securing the wiper to the cleaning rod. For ease of use, the screwdriver is inserted into the side holes of the pencil case. When cleaning the barrel bore, a screwdriver is placed in the pencil case on top of the ramrod head.

Pencil caseserves for storing cleaning cloths, brushes, screwdrivers and drifts. It closes with a lid.

The pencil case is used as a handle for a screwdriver when screwing in and unscrewing the front sight and for turning the gas tube closure, as well as a handle for a cleaning rod.

The pencil case has through holes into which a ramrod is inserted when cleaning the machine gun, oval holes for a screwdriver and a rectangular hole for turning the gas tube lock when disassembling and assembling the machine gun.

Single neck oiler serves to store lubricant; it is carried in the pocket of a shopping bag.

Clipserves for carrying cartridges and quickly loading the magazine with cartridges. The clip holds 15 rounds. It has two longitudinal grooves and a leaf spring that keeps the cartridges from falling out. In addition, the leaf spring ensures a strong connection between the cage and the adapter.

Adapterserves to connect the clip to the magazine when equipping it with cartridges. It has: at the bottom (widened part) two bends that fit into the corresponding grooves on the neck of the magazine; on top there are two longitudinal grooves for the holder, a hole for the holder spring and a stop that limits the advancement of the holder when inserting it into the adapter.

5.45 mm live ammunition Kalashnikov

26. A live cartridge (Fig. 47) consists of a bullet, a cartridge case, a powder charge, and a primer.

Rice. 47. Live cartridge:

1 - bullet; 2 - sleeve; 3 - powder charge; 4 - capsule;
5 - barrel; 6 - groove; 7 - anvil; 8 - seed hole; 9 - impact composition

Rice. 48. Bullets:

a - ordinary with a steel core; b - tracer: 1 - shell; 2 - steel core; 3 - lead jacket; 4 - core (lead); 5 - tracer composition

27. 5.45 mm cartridges Available with regular and tracer bullets. The head of the tracer bullet is painted green color. To simulate shooting, blank (without a bullet) cartridges are used, which are fired using a special sleeve.

Ordinarybullet(Fig. 48, a) is designed to defeat enemy personnel located openly and behind barriers pierced by a bullet.

An ordinary bullet consists of a steel shell coated with tombac and a steel core. There is a lead jacket between the shell and the core.

Tracer bullet (Fig. 48.6) is also designed to defeat enemy personnel. In addition, when a bullet flies in the air, its burning tracer composition at firing ranges up to 800 m leaves a luminous trail, which allows for fire adjustment and target designation.

In the tracer bullet shell, a core is placed in the head part, and a block of pressed tracer composition is placed in the bottom part. During the shot, the flame from the powder charge ignites the tracer compound, which gives a luminous trail as the bullet flies.

28. Sleeve serves to connect all parts of the cartridge, protect the powder charge from external influences and eliminate the breakthrough of powder gases towards the bolt. It has a body for placing a powder charge, a barrel for securing a bullet and a bottom. On the outside, at the bottom of the sleeve, there is an annular groove for hooking the ejector. The bottom of the case has a primer socket, an anvil and two priming holes.

29. Powder charge serves to impart forward motion to the bullet; it consists of spherical grained gunpowder.

30. Capsule serves to ignite the powder charge. It consists of a brass cap, a shock compound pressed into it, and a foil circle covering the impact compound.

31. Capping of 5.45 mm cartridges is carried out in wooden boxes. Two hermetically sealed metal boxes of 1080 rounds each are placed in the box; cartridges in boxes are packed in cardboard packs of 30 pieces. In total, the box holds 2160 rounds.

There is a green stripe on the side walls of the boxes in which cartridges with tracer bullets are sealed. Each box contains a knife for opening the box.

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