How beautiful to take a photo. Tips and tricks. How do you always look good in photographs? How to learn to pose beautifully for a photo? How to smile beautifully in photographs?

Many people are perplexed why they appear unattractive in photographs: with pronounced bruises under their eyes, a long nose or an unsuccessfully protruding chin.

It's all about the ability to shoot correctly. How to take a beautiful photo? Knowing a few simple secrets, you can demonstrate in the photo only the advantages of the face and figure.

The key to successful photography

In order for the photo to turn out beautiful, the face to be revealed from an attractive angle, and the figure to look slim and fit, you need to follow 4 simple rules:

1. correct posture;
2. facial expression;
3. suitable makeup;
4. Appropriate clothing.

Pose in the photo

When preparing for a photo shoot, it is advisable to first try several different poses in front of the mirror in order to find a suitable one that emphasizes maximum amount advantages.

Almost all models are shot in standard and long-known poses. The most famous of them is a half-turn to the lens with a slightly outstretched leg. You need to lean on your second leg, which remains slightly behind.

If you decide to put your right leg forward, then you need to improve your image right hand. There is no need to lower it along the body, it is better to place it on the thigh. This pose will allow you to get a slim figure in the photo and visually lengthen your silhouette.

The head should also be slightly turned to the side, because the full face is only appropriate for photographs pasted into a passport. When shooting, you need to keep your back straight. If you want to arch your back to make your image seductive, you need to practice different poses in front of the mirror and choose the appropriate option.

Facial expression for photography

Before visiting the studio, you need to sort out in front of the mirror different variants smiles. You can smile sternly, pursing your lips, or slightly raise the corners of your lips in an arrogant smile. All people have different smiles, so you need to find your own version.

During filming, you don’t need to look exactly at the camera; you can find some object from the side and focus your attention on it. Looking into nowhere is also not recommended; your gaze may turn out empty.

To avoid the appearance of a double chin in the photo, it is advisable that the camera does not fall below eye level. However, it is not recommended to take photographs in bad mood, because it will not hide from the camera lens. When taking the chosen pose, you need to think about something pleasant. In this case, not only the lips, but also the eyes will display a smile.


When choosing makeup for a photo shoot, you should immediately abandon pearlescent shadows and blush, or a too light base. All this can hopelessly ruin even successful pictures.

To look your age or younger, you should avoid dark shadows. Shades of green, purple and blue look vulgar.

One of the common mistakes is using too bright eyeliner or rich lipstick. If you want to highlight your lips or eyes as much as possible, you can get the opposite result.

Almost all people are photographed in their most elegant clothes, but such attire can add a few extra years. Costumes have the same effect. official style. You can wear comfortable jeans with a top, a light sundress or your favorite dress. The image will look natural, therefore the session will be more successful.

It is not advisable to be photographed in jackets or sweaters fastened with buttons located in several rows. This makes the look wide, which will visually give you weight. You don’t need to use a lot of accessories - this also adds age. Turtlenecks and voluminous neck accessories make the distance from the chin to the shoulders shorter, so the length of the neck is visually reduced.

If you believe the statistics, about 90% of girls consider themselves unphotogenic, do not know how to be photographed correctly, how to look good in photographs, therefore they do not like themselves in photographs and are like hell afraid to pose in front of the camera. At the same time, real professionals who are fluent in the art of photography know for sure that there are no non-photogenic people, there are only “photographers” who do not know how to capture and convey the individuality of a model.

Common misconceptions about photogenicity

“Oh, you know, I’m not photogenic at all!” – this phrase, immediately following the greeting “hello”, is heard by photographers from 4 out of 5 clients. Photogenicity and beauty are far from identical concepts. People with sharp, expressive facial features, as a rule, are exceptionally photogenic, real life may look rough and even unattractive. From a psychological point of view, the success of a shoot largely depends on the emotional message, self-confidence and ability to present oneself. When a model loves herself and enjoys the shooting process, she relaxes, every gesture and movement takes on meaning, looks organic, and everything in the frame turns out just great. And little make-up tricks, the right selection of hairstyles, clothes, and most importantly, good angles and light and shade will help add expressiveness. By the way, even top models prefer to be photographed from only two or three good angles, so if in some position you don’t look very attractive, don’t rush to get upset - there will certainly be a pose for you.

A real photographer is not just a master of his craft, communicating with the camera on a first-name basis, but also a good psychologist who knows how to find an approach to people and shows genuine interest in the most ordinary model. The result of his work is successful, beautiful, and most importantly - meaningful photographs, which reflect not only appearance, but also inner world person. You don't get tired of these photos. You can look at them and look at them, every now and then discovering new facets. When we hear the names of Che Guevara, Ernest Hemingway or Albert Einstein, their most famous photographic portraits immediately appear before our eyes: Che in the famous black beret with a star, Hemingway in a white woolen sweater, Einstein with his tongue hanging out. During their lifetime, they were captured by cameras hundreds of times, but we remember them precisely from these single photographs, in which the presence of spirit is felt. The complete opposite of these masterpieces is the photo on the documents. From passports driver's license, student cards, frightened, distorted, suspicious individuals are looking at us. And all because of the lack of contact between the photographer and the model, and sometimes even the absence of the photographer himself, because it is no secret that often such formulaic work is performed by people who are far from the high art of photography.

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How to look good in photographs

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Down with fear!

Usually those who judge themselves only by a few unsuccessful photographs do not like and are afraid to be photographed. It is not right. You need to film more often and more. It's just a photo! Just think, you won't like it! You’ll tear it up, burn it, or in the case of numbers, simply erase it. By analyzing various photographs, you will certainly find the most successful poses, interesting facial expressions and will be able to use them in the future. The more you take photographs, the better you get to know yourself, your advantages and disadvantages, your capabilities, your successful and unsuccessful angles. And thanks to our tips, you will quickly learn how to take photographs correctly and will be able to choose interesting photography poses for yourself.

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Let's remain ourselves

Hearing the words “Ready! Now the bird will fly out. Cheeeez..." and other similar nonsense, many seem to be replaced: they freeze in an absurd pose, with an unusual facial expression and a false smile. You can't expect miracles from such a photo. And you just need to remain yourself. Not only a smile can be beautiful and interesting, but also sadness, thoughtfulness, and even recklessness. But only if these emotions are not feigned, but come from within. Naturalness does not exclude playfulness. Play in front of the camera, because you can be so different! Play with elements of clothing, accessories, hair, shyly cover yourself with your hands, imitate walking on a thin rail, play hide and seek, imagine yourself in the form of some animal... loosen up and give free rein to your emotions! Good photographer will definitely catch what you need. Don't forget that a photograph is only interesting when it has emotion, action and story.

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Photo makeup

  • Less shine. To instead high-quality photo do not get smudged, makeup for shooting should be without shine, matte. You simply can’t do without powder with a mattifying effect! Even if your skin is not oily, it may appear shiny in the photo. A little gloss can be applied only to the middle of the lips to make them fuller. But only a little! You don’t want a photo in which nothing else is visible except your lips. Avoid nail polish with glitter, which will turn into ordinary “dandruff” in the photo.
  • We give the face a “sculptural” appearance. To prevent the face from appearing flat and featureless in the photograph, it must be made more expressive and prominent. To do this, use a matte brown-beige blush or dark powder to slightly darken the cheekbones, emphasize the jawline and highlight the wings of the nose.
  • You can visually shorten a long nose by darkening its tip using neutral-toned blush or dark powder. And by shading the cheeks, you can visually narrow a face that is too wide.
  • Avoid colors that are too dark, bright or toxic. In a photograph, any unnatural shades will look even more unnatural.
  • Photography in daylight is the most merciless: the camera will catch all skin imperfections and errors in the use of cosmetics. Therefore, it is better to keep makeup to a minimum, carefully covering everything with concealer. problem areas. It is advisable to use a palette of warm shades and thoroughly shade the boundaries of applying cosmetics.
  • For black and white photography and evening photography, it is important to further emphasize the contours of the face: forehead, cheekbones, nose, chin. Be sure to highlight your eyes and eyebrows brightly, but it’s better to avoid dark shades of lipstick. On black and white photo they will make your lips black and narrow.
  • Digital photography enhances pink color. A foundation or powder in yellowish shades will help neutralize possible redness.
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Outdoor photo shoot

It is better to take photos on the street before 9 am or after 5 pm. A cloudy day is good for a successful portrait. On a sunny day, you should not stand facing directly towards the scorching sun. You should be especially careful when photographing in the shade of trees - the sun's rays penetrate even through a very dense crown, casting uneven shadows on your face. When photographing with a hat on, choose a position in which the shadow from the brim of the hat or cap visor does not fall on your face.

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Proper work with a photographer

If you decide to have a photo shoot, trust the photographer completely. Listen to everything he tells you, listen and strictly follow all his instructions - unlike you, he sees how the shot turns out. If he is silent as a fish and doesn’t help you in any way, most likely you made a mistake in choosing a photographer and you can’t expect anything good from such a shoot. The process should be mutually interesting.

Keep in mind that everything in front of the lens needs to be done slowly, so if you are asked to turn your head towards the light, do it at a snail's pace. If you hear the command “Freeze,” freeze until you hear “That’s it.”

Trust, but do not allow images that are uncomfortable for you to be imposed on you. The final decision should always be yours.

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Good poses for photos

  • The most advantageous position, which works great for almost everyone, is the half-turn. This is just a godsend for those with round or large faces with chubby cheeks.
  • In group photographs, it is better for ladies with a larger body to sit not in the center, but on the side, so they will look slimmer.
  • Control your hands. They should not hang like whips. It is best to slightly bend your elbows, pick up something in your hands, or lean on some object.

Our photo selection will also help you “try on” various poses:

Even more interesting photo poses can be found on the website of London photographer Lyn Herrick

If, after all the work done, you are still not satisfied with the end result, Photoshop can help you! 🙂

Many people love to pose in front of the camera, but despite this, very often they are not satisfied with the resulting pictures. Either your figure is too plump, or your face is shiny, or you don’t look like yourself at all. Many girls consider themselves unphotogenic, but professional photographers They claim that there are no such people.

Anyone can take a beautiful photo, it’s important to know best positions, which will emphasize the advantages and hide the disadvantages. Here are the most profitable options, tested by models that will always present you in a favorable light:

  • Standing half-sided towards the photographer, turn slightly towards him, leaving your legs in the same position. You can cross your legs, but make sure that your posture does not become askew. This pose will visually reduce your figure, making it slimmer.
  • Standing with your back, turn your shoulders a little, or turn only your head. Make sure your back is straight and your shoulders are at the same level.
  • Standing sideways to the photographer, lean forward slightly, but your back should remain straight. Don't bend over low. You can make this pose interesting by pretending that you are adjusting your shoe.
  • Knowing how to take a beautiful photo in a pose that suits you will ensure that you get a great photo. There are a few more points that will help you get what you want.

  • A full face, like on a passport, is only possible if you are super photogenic and outshine everyone around you with your beauty.
  • You shouldn't take a profile picture if you have a long nose. It is better to photograph girls with a round face from slightly above.
  • You can visually lengthen your legs by taking a photo from below. The same applies to short girls.
  • When shooting in a prone position, pointed toes will add grace.
  • You can make your breasts appear larger by shooting slightly above chest level, leaning slightly towards the camera.
  • You can reduce your waist by placing one or both palms on this area. Also, your palms will help hide the wrinkles that have formed when posing while sitting.
  • Don't forget to smile - a slight half-smile will add mystery to you.
  • Don't be afraid to look for yourself profitable ideas for pictures. When you see someone from a beautiful angle, try taking a photo like that too.

  • And, of course, you should definitely prepare yourself for the upcoming shoot. Be sure to wear good makeup. First of all, take care of your face - it is important to hide all the unevenness, making the color uniform. Do not use cosmetics with glitter, you should also avoid purple shades– they usually look like bruises.

    All you have to do is put on your best clothes and you are ready for a photo shoot. You will definitely be able to take a beautiful photo - you know the poses that are beneficial for you! Be relaxed, behaving easily and naturally!


    Love to film and post yourself latest photos on Instagram? Then I will tell you a few secrets that will allow you to look beautiful and natural when taking selfies.

    Main - be natural . This is the main rule of any successful photo!

    Now let's talk about the phone's camera settings...

      Focusing. Before you take a photo, look at your phone screen and make sure your subject is in focus. Otherwise, you can move your smartphone to another point or step back. Lifehack: tap your smartphone screen to quickly focus on an object.

      Stop zooming! Better take a couple of steps and take a close-up shot. Why? Because the quality of the photo deteriorates very much in the end - it’s like trying to stretch a small picture onto a large monitor - just pixels and nothing good.

      Flashes are evil! Especially on phones. Especially - in the forehead) Only one object is illuminated, and everything else disappears in the dark. Here's a tip - turn off automatic flash and shoot in natural light. Not enough light? Try to illuminate the object with a window, a flashlight, an iPad)

      Use the camera with the largest number pixels (usually the back) Believe me, the quality of the photo will be much better.

      Try camera apps. Some of them have very fine adjustments, giving you more control and manual control - something photographers should definitely appreciate)

      Keep the camera clean. Wipe it periodically, remove dirt, make sure that keys, hard jeans pockets or cosmetic bags do not scratch them - covers are recommended.

    A social network is an opportunity to share important events, information, opinions with friends, and make new acquaintances. Photos are what testifies to your success, activity, popularity and life position. Previously Gray mouse can open up, and a popular girl can share new achievements. The driving mechanism is the photo. Bright and beautiful, gentle and feminine, athletic and flexible, wonderful and cheerful, mysterious and inaccessible – girls love to improvise on camera. But what to do if there is no one to photograph you?

    Be extraordinary. If you have a good camera, then buy a tripod and experiment with photography. Lighting is important; it must be daylight or come from a fluorescent lamp. Distorts the complexion, the shape of the eyes and the roundness of the forehead - flash. But it is good if the photo is in twilight and the room is equipped with diffusers. Don't try to put on a smart face: improvisation is good, but in moderation. Work with lighting - photograph yourself from different angles, but if you stand near a window in sunny weather and mark the lens against, then the photo will turn out to be overexposed. Not shy of the camera - you are alone, and no one can see you, relax and have fun. Correct exposure and given In this case, the angle of the lens can radically change the picture. The photo above will make you a tadpole and short, the photo below will add a double chin, the rectangular ratio will add several kilograms to the outline of the figure. Take photos against a contrasting background without using zoom. Provide remote focus if you want to see blurred background, A yours reflection clear. In this case, you need to install the camera on a plane or use a tripod, see how the photo is displayed at the selected distance, and use the automatic shutter after a specified period of time.

    If you digital camera new generation and equipped various functions, then play with positioning. Set the number of shots and click frequency on the camera, press delayed start, and start shooting change your poses, facial expressions, gaze, posing style. Viewing photos on your computer screen will certainly will captivate: some can be processed efficiently in Photoshop, if, for example, you have problematic facial skin, overweight at the waist and hips.

    Planning photography, take care of makeup and hair styling. Come up with poses and style. The most successful DIY styles shooting - this is a reflection in a mirror or at arm's length. When taking pictures in the mirror, turn off the flash and wipe the surface if it is dirty or marked with marks. Provide a clean background: nothing superfluous, no scattered things, beds or clutter. Evaluate the future frame and setting, look up and take a photo. The mistake of amateurs in drooping eyes or aspiring looking at the camera - you need to look straight or maintain the planned style: the languid look of a temptress with a slightly open mouth, surprise, fear, ridicule, etc.

    Take a photo yours illegible reflection, for example in sunny weather capture shadow of one's own silhouette. At the same time, you can come up with a fancy form: stand on one leg, rise on your tiptoes, spread your skirt to the sides, take the pose of Marilyn Monroe, etc. Fortunately, digital technology does not limit us in the number of photographs, and you can even “ take a photo».

    Do not use flash; it distorts the image. Experiment, collect photo collections and make up collages, soon your fans will bombard you with likes and make friends, and you will feel like a real star.

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