These are the best places. Positions for lt. All WoT maps with names

Developers never cease to amaze players interesting mods. Thus, a modification has become available that will display excellent positions on the map for light tanks, artillery and self-propelled guns. To do this, a lot of information was analyzed, a survey was conducted among the best players who noted the most successful positions. You can use the mod not only in random battles, but also in clan battles.

Each profitable position is marked with a specific icon:

  • triangle – important for tank destroyer players,
  • square – displays ideal point for artillery,
  • binoculars - places are allocated from where passive light can be provided on a light tank.

This mod also has another positive side. After installing it, you will be able to find the enemy much faster.

All in all, a pretty useful mod that you need to have in your arsenal. The mod is especially useful for beginners, who often get lost on various maps and don’t know what position to take.

The steppe map refers to open locations, where the outcome of the battle will depend largely on light tanks. There are no standard drives for all vehicle classes, so those positions will be shown in which teams win more often.

Positions for LT

There are 3 comfortable positions from the lower base.

  1. This position is too risky, but productive. Having reached it, you can actively help the team. The peculiarity of this place is that you can hide behind a stone, thereby blocking shots not only from tanks, but also from artillery. In this case, you can regularly expose equipment in this area.
  2. position for passive reconnaissance mode. This place has rock and bushes, and that's all a light tank needs. Having taken a position at the beginning of the battle, the tank will illuminate the moving vehicles and the tank destroyers occupying positions. Such a convenient and productive place in the center of the map is only available from the bottom base.
  3. This is not a position, but an area where you need to constantly be on the move. Small vegetation will allow moving equipment to be visible towards the right flank, but if there is light, you need to move down the hill. After some time, you need to repeat the steps.

Positions for ST

STs can occupy 4 positions.

  1. This is the most common position for ST. There is a lot of terrain in this area, so you can play from the tower. However, from the side of the upper base there may be enemy anti-tank installations, so it is not recommended to drive openly on hills.
  2. The second route is suitable for medium tanks, which have a good viewing radius and an accurate weapon. Enemy vehicles may try to drive towards the stone on a hill, so you can easily block them from this position.
  3. This is rather a temporary position that needs to be taken in the first seconds of the battle. A large number of stones can save you from mass shelling. Here it is comfortable to cause damage to enemy vehicles, which will be illuminated by an allied light tank.
  4. This position is occupied by both light and medium tanks. A medium tank will be more comfortable here, since it has a more powerful gun and is correspondingly taller firepower. At this position, you can constantly monitor enemy movements, thereby forcing allied tanks to change tactics.

Positions for heavy tanks

For TT there are only 3 patrols on the flanks.

  1. Heavy tanks with good side armor usually move to this position, since there is a direct shot towards the enemy base. The most important thing is to have time to get to this zone at the beginning of the battle.
  2. The 2nd position is next to the 1st, but here you need strong tower. Because of the long hillock, you can only stick out the tower. As a standard, heavy tank firefights take place in this zone. With fire support from your allies, you can advance, taking cover behind a hill, thereby pushing back enemy tanks.
  3. More dynamic tanks are moving to the right flank, along with the ST. The turret's armor and elevation angles will also play a big role here. However, this zone is easily shot through by enemy tank destroyers from the side of the base and from the bushes located along the road. More often, it is on the right flank that mass skirmishes and breakthroughs occur.

Positions for tank destroyers

There are 4 comfortable positions for tank destroyers.

  1. This route will be comfortable for anti-tank installations with low dynamics. Here you can hide among the stones and fire at the light of an allied tank. This place is also convenient because it is close to the base. Tank destroyers with weak engines often go to break through some flank, but the parallel flank has been broken through by enemy vehicles, and as a result, you may not have time to return and stop the capture of the base. This position is universal, since it is possible to block the passage of tanks from the flanks and center.
  2. This position is located on a hill, so it will be possible to fire in all directions, however, due to the lack of vegetation, the anti-tank installation may be exposed.
  3. On the right flank there is a hill with vegetation. A tank destroyer with good camouflage and large vertical aiming angles will be comfortable here. In this position, tanks can hold back enemy breakthroughs to the flank from the center, as well as passages to the base.
  4. This position is located on a hill and will only be useful when enemy tanks are approaching the base en masse. There is vegetation here, so the camouflage factor will be high.

Upper base

Steppes is one of the few maps without specularity. Travel from both bases is different in many ways, which makes the gameplay non-linear.

Positions for LT

Traveling from the upper base is less comfortable for LT, but a few are worth noting.

  1. This position is not as secure as from the lower base, but it is very important since reconnaissance in the center of the map is necessary. The route is rather temporary, since it is under fire from many tanks from the enemy base. It is necessary to conduct reconnaissance and change position. After some time, it is recommended to return and re-monitor the central area.
  2. The second position is the most comfortable for light tanks. There is rock and vegetation in this place, so you can dodge and hide here. Reconnaissance mostly takes place on the right flank. Here you can illuminate anti-tank installations from the side of the enemy base, as well as block enemy passage along the hill to the flank.
  3. This position is more suitable for medium tanks, but light tanks can also be used. The dynamics will allow you to immediately drive to the stone and hide behind it. In this position you can help your allies with firepower.

Positions for ST

The upper base provides medium tanks with many convenient positions.

  1. This position is suitable for fast and maneuverable STs, since you will have to often drive out to shoot and quickly drive behind a stone. Vegetation can hide a tank with good camouflage, but up to the 1st shot. Medium tank in this position, it will be more likely to distract the enemy.
  2. This is the standard route to the ravine. Medium tanks with good gun depression angles and armored turrets will feel comfortable.
  3. Here the tank can block enemy passages in height. The position is also comfortable when defending a base.
  4. One of the best positions. Here you can not only monitor the enemy, but also block passage, both at the bottom of the map and at the top. However, this is a one-way road, so if there is a defeat on the flank, there will be nowhere to retreat.
  5. This is a position for medium tanks with precision weapons and good camouflage. Here you can shoot through almost the entire map. This place is also convenient when breaking through enemy equipment from the right flank.

Positions for TT

The routes of heavy tanks from the upper base are similar to the route of heavy tanks from the lower base. On this map, the melee gameplay unfolds only along the flanks, so the positions will be corresponding.

  1. This position requires a strong tower. Here you can comfortably conduct firefights from the terrain. The comfort of this place also lies in the fact that artillery will not be able to shoot through this area because of the stones.
  2. This position is more active, since from this place it will be necessary to contain 2 directions. Here the artillery sweeps the entire zone, so you need to move more often.
  3. On the right flank you can also play from the relief. This flank is more comfortable for mass breakthroughs. The purpose of a heavy tank is to push through the enemy’s defenses and cover the allies with its corps.

Positions for tank destroyers

Open maps have always been comfortable for anti-tank installations, and “Steppes” is no exception.

  1. It is recommended to go to this place with a tank destroyer with good wheelhouse or turret armor. A powerful weapon with great armor penetration will be effective as fire support and deterrence of enemy attacks.
  2. Standard bushes for “cardboard” anti-tank installations. Here you can shoot through almost the entire map. However, the convenience of this position depends on the allied light tank conducting reconnaissance in the center. If the central part of the map is not visible to anyone, then it is better to change the position.
  3. Similar to the 2nd position, however, here you can cover allied vehicles and block passages in the center.
  4. This is a risky position as the tank can be quickly destroyed. Here you only need tank destroyers with excellent camouflage. This place is needed for cover and counter fire.
  5. Position on open area, so a high masking factor will be required. The convenience of this location is that distance will come into play here. The further away the enemy equipment is, the safer it will be for the tank to be in this position.

In the archive version for the client:
There is a video inside

Description: With the mod you will have access to a large number of secret ways to get to the shooting position.

Main changes:

- added in the version from Pavel notifications how many positions are on the map, if there are no positions on this map you will see the corresponding message before the start of the battle;

New addition Mod "Navigator" secret positions for World of tanks WOT will cause your enemies a lot of trouble. As in any game, there are secret places that are difficult to find, and even more difficult to enter. A long time ago there was a similar addition called positions on the minimap for tanks from Maracasi, but the author stopped reviving his creation. And now something new comes out unique creation like “Navigator”, which is much superior in functionality to “Positions from Maracassi”.

In total there are 60 secret races for replanting, to high elevations and mountains that are present on 10 maps. This is only a small part of all the delights of the mod, the minimap shows the arrival points in the form of colored circle markers, the color indicates the difficulty of the arrival, a more detailed explanation of the colors will be below. During the battle, the path is displayed on the landscape in the form of colored paths - how to correctly enter a particular position. In some cases, it will be a circle with a number: for example, “3” - which means you need the help of three allies who will push your tank to a secret point, if you see a gear sign, then you need to drive back and forth using the “swing” method, circular arrows - turn the tank in the side that the arrows point to.

All races for the position are divided by difficulty level:
Green color route- The driving level is easy, you can drive all tanks even on heavy ones;
Yellow route color- The level of entry is average, entry is carried out using more maneuverable vehicles;
Route color red- The level of entry is difficult, entry is possible only on LTs that have higher speed acceleration, in some cases the help of allies will be required, as well as maneuvering skills when entering difficult firing positions.

Let's look at the best positions on maps for LT. We will identify and show only tactically important positions for the successful execution of aggressive reconnaissance masters.

We figured out the choice of equipment, crew skills and the basic principles of playing on LT. There are not many open cards for a convenient LT game. Specifically, for passing LBZ LT 15, where it is necessary to inflict a total of more than 7000 and 8000 damage, the following cards are suitable: Malinovka, Prokhorovka and Fiery Arc. On these maps there is a high chance of completing these tasks.

The maps are almost the same, with the exception of slightly changed landscape, sound and lighting. They are open cards, convenient for playing on tanks, tanks and self-propelled guns.


— the best position for spotting the enemy and very versatile, it makes it possible to shine light on an alley and part of the field;


- very frequent Blind shot to this place;


- rarely does anyone occupy this position, lack of Blind shot;
- easy position change without possible receipt damage
— the positional location is lower than E1. Review coverage is less;

- the most popular position for spotting the enemy, allowing you to illuminate the alley and part of the field;

— one of the popular bushes on the map;
- frequent Blind shots in this place;
— changing position without taking damage is extremely difficult;

- rarely does anyone occupy this position;
— easy change of position without possible damage
- almost no one blind shot at this place.

— it is unlikely to cause the required amount of damage to the enemy;
— possible light from passing people is as follows.

G9 (mountain)

— an extremely rare position for LT;
- overview of the entire mountain and village.
— it is unlikely to cause the required amount of damage to the enemy;


The open map is convenient for playing on ST, LT and self-propelled guns. A priori they don’t like TT open cards, and even more so Malinovka. After capturing the mountain by any of the teams, a certain stalemate occurs.

Dividing the map according to symbols:

Let's look at the key positions from the upper (northern) respawn:

E4 (shore)

— the best position for illuminating the enemy and very versatile, it makes it possible to illuminate part of the field, the outermost part of the cowsheds and a hillock (G8);
— it is very difficult to illuminate the tank in this position.
- the most popular bush on the map which almost everyone knows about;
- very frequent Blind shots in this place;
— changing position without taking damage is extremely difficult

- an excellent position for spotting the enemy, it makes it possible to shine a light on a hillock, a base, or a crossing.
— it’s extremely difficult to get there at the beginning of the battle without being exposed;
— easily illuminated by tanks along the shore;
— changing position without taking damage is extremely difficult.

- a good position for spotting the enemy at a crossing and on a hill.
— easily illuminated by tanks;
— it’s pointless to try to shine if the allied tank is on E4 and F5;

— the ability to illuminate fields and cowsheds, as well as the shore;
— it is difficult to illuminate the tank in this position.
— it is unlikely to cause a large amount of damage;

Let's look at the key positions from the lower (southern) respawn:

— a position for active illumination of the enemy, makes it possible to illuminate opponents climbing the mountain and standing on the hill;
— it is advisable to move to this position at the very beginning of the battle;
— the position is under fire from the mountain;
— changing position without taking damage is extremely difficult.

— a position for passive and active exposure of the enemy, makes it possible to illuminate passage along J3
— quite often enemy tanks come to this square;
- unlikely to cause a large amount of damage.


A vibrant and lush area with many forests and villages located in different parts cards. A large damaged aqueduct crosses the eastern part of the valley. Numerous mountain ridges provide excellent ambush locations, but wide fields make moving between positions dangerous.

Border of the Empire

The first Asian map in the game after update 1.0. Her distinctive feature is the Great Wall of China, dividing the location into two parts. Different areas of the map suit different classes and playstyles.


Swamps, cliffs and rocky cliffs divide the map into three main operational areas. The absence of buildings and a small number of rock shelters favor artillery operations. For success, it is necessary to concentrate the attacking forces in one of the directions while using diversionary actions or strictly containing the enemy in other sectors.


An isolated mountain valley on one flank and city blocks on the other allow you to get within striking distance of the enemy. An open lake in the center of the field allows for fire support to your allies at a fairly large distance.

Siegfried Line

A successful combination of open spaces and city blocks is a feature of this map. Winding streets allow you to penetrate behind enemy lines, and numerous bunkers can be used as cover.


The starting positions of the teams are separated by a flat, well-crossed field. This map in World of Tank is convenient for defending and destroying the enemy with artillery forces. Deep detours using shelters - copses, folds of terrain and village houses can decide the outcome of the battle. A well-coordinated attack across the field on high speed, with artillery support can also bring success, but is quite risky.


It is a mixed type card. Two zones with dense urban development are separated by an open section of the Svisloch River embankment. The main clash occurs on opposite sides of the avenue. Attempts to quickly break through the defenses in this place are extremely risky. Only by achieving success on the flank can you count on victory.


In the center of the map there is a large monastery and a city. Three roads allow travel from north to south. The monastery courtyard is an advantageous firing position. The long hill to the west and the winding ravine to the east provide excellent protection from artillery fire.


A picturesque area with a mixed landscape, divided into 3 main zones: an ancient castle in the center of the map, a small town and a hill with watchtowers in the northern part, and rolling plains in the southern part.


A map depicting the atmosphere of the landing of Allied forces in the coastal part of Normandy on June 6, 1944. It is interesting not only for its historical component, but also for its design. This is a whole exhibition hall of German fortification samples from all over the Atlantic Wall.

Oryol ledge

Atmospheric map from Belgorod 1943. The map is intended for the General Battle. There are several zones: a factory in the center of the map, dense forests in both teams, a church above the plain, a small bridge and a destroyed plane.


We can safely say that “Paris” is not only a city of fashion and beauty, love and romance, but also an excellent gaming location for virtual tank battles. The features of the map open up opportunities for varied and dynamic combat operations. Three playing zones provide freedom of action for all classes of vehicles. There is a place for everyone, the main thing is to decide on your own desires.


This map is characterized by mountainous terrain, which is characterized by rugged terrain. Numerous cliffs and stones protect from enemy fire, various hills are excellent places for ambushes, and winding roads allow you to strike at the enemy base.


The hills along the edges of this map are filled with numerous houses. Winding streets will allow you to deliver unexpected blows. The wasteland lying between the hills is the shortest path to the enemy base.


Open hilly terrain divided by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. When attacking, watch the flanks. While defending, attack the enemy's flanks. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.


The game location is countryside in Britain. There is a small town in the center of the map. Fields that gradually turn into hills are an excellent place for decisive attacks. The river in the middle of the map does not interfere with the movement of vehicles and serves as a good reference point.


The high hill in the center of the map is a key point on the map. Despite the difficulties in occupying it, it dramatically improves the position of the winning team. The village northeast of the hill and the island west of it, despite a number of advantages, remain vulnerable to fire from the center.


The concentric system of city streets, dense trees and bushes in the park allow for hidden maneuvers and the rapid transfer of reserves. Artillery operations in the urban area are greatly hampered, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows us to provide effective support to our allies.

Fisherman's Cove

This map is a good combination of open space and rugged terrain. The narrow, winding streets of the port city located on the flank will help you gain an unexpected advantage. Gentle hills with numerous bushes will allow extensive use of ambush tactics.


Open flat terrain. The only shelters are large stones, folds of terrain and Railway on the embankment to the north. Both bases are connected by a road, hidden in the lowlands from what is happening on the flanks.


The village of Studzianki was the site of fierce battles for units of the Red Army (including the 1st tank brigade Polish troops) with the German invaders. In memory of these events, which ended in great success for the Allied forces, in 1969 the village was renamed Studzianki Pancerne (Studzianki Pancerne).

Quiet coast

The land area is limited at the edges by mountain ranges and water, occupying a third of the map. A railway runs through the entire territory from north to south. The hilly terrain with dense vegetation on the western flank would be an ideal place for a quick attack. The direct road between the bases passes through a small town where protracted battles can be fought. The bases are protected by hills from direct invasion, but are vulnerable from the flanks.


The mountain in the east provides a serious combat advantage, while control of the central part of the map provides a tactical advantage. The swamp to the west can be used for reconnaissance and attack from the rear.


The map represents a Western European city. It is no coincidence that the working title of the map was “Munich”. Factory districts, destroyed houses, freight trains are the features of this location. An embankment with a railway, dividing the map in half, allows you to concentrate forces for an attack.


The team bases are separated by rocks and cliffs. The presence of many shelters allows you to concentrate forces in the right direction. The center of the map has some advantage, but neglecting the flanks is fraught with defeat.


Huge mountains and narrow valleys allow for a variety of tactical decisions. You can conduct a fire duel across the bay or a pistol-range fight in a coastal city, or you can choose a deep detour with the capture of an enemy base.


The varied terrain of this map gives it a unique charm and makes it possible to use different tactics. Open spaces are good for wide flank attacks, and urban areas involve intense close combat. The pre-release name of the map is “Kansas”


A labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and outflanking of light and medium tanks. Bypass routes - through the hill with the castle dominating the area and along the paths railway station- will help you get out of the resulting positional impasse.


The labyrinth of city blocks and the flat field of the suburbs are separated by narrow passages between the station tracks. When concentrating forces, take into account the strengths and weak sides combat vehicles in every direction: artillery can disrupt a breakthrough across an open field, but is almost helpless against an enemy hiding behind the walls of buildings.

Winter cards


Scene - North America. The mine in the north of the map consists of many corridors, buildings and narrow passages. The island in the south is a vast open area, dotted with lonely buildings and dilapidated wooden shacks of diggers and miners. In the central part of the map, a bridge connects the muddy banks of the river. The map has been upgraded to improved quality and returned to the game in update 1.0.2

Mannerheim Line

Snowy and rocky terrain with many different obstacles and shelters. Winding roads leading around mountain ranges and along river banks allow you to unexpectedly find yourself in the rear of an advancing enemy, and also create many convenient places for ambushes. The former name is “Polar Region”.


The urban area in the center of the map is the most important strategic area. Two more areas are highlighted on the map: the city square, where you can conduct long-distance battles, and the area outside the city limits, where maneuverable vehicles can best perform.


Map in the middle snowy mountains Scandinavia in the atmosphere of endless winter. The central part of the map, pierced by fierce winds, provides scope for bold reconnaissance maneuvers. A ship graveyard in a frozen bay is suitable for positional warfare. Roads along the mountains will serve as breakthroughs to the enemy base, and fishing villages will become the site of deadly ambushes to repel attacks.


Divided in half by a river, the map has three possible lines of attack. The central bridge is located among the ruins small town. The area near the north and south bridges has a small amount of cover. You can use the castle and the line of hills on the opposite side of the map as firing positions.

Desert maps


The map represents a British military airfield and its surrounding area. The location is North Africa. The team bases are located in two small port villages. In the center between them there is a rocky hill, which allows you to control the surrounding spaces and access to the bases. The location is replete with convenient places for ambushes and numerous routes for breakthroughs and maneuvers. At the top of the map is the airfield itself, with two large aircraft hangars and a runway. The developers paid great attention to the surroundings: in this game location you can find various equipment (airplanes, fuel tankers, ambulances), radar station, a dining room and shower for staff, a mosque with a minaret, ancient ruins, fishing boats and more.

Sandy River

At first glance, this card seems very open, but it is not. Despite the fact that clay houses in villages are easily destroyed, they can be successfully used as protection. The flanks are well covered by rock formations and high dunes, which allows attacks from unexpected directions.

Lost City

A symmetrical mixed map with a carefully balanced balance, created with the participation of leading players. The restrained color palette and soft daylighting are designed to provide maximum comfort when playing. One of the maps on which battles took place as part of the “Supremacy” game mode.

El Halluf

In the center of the map is a spacious valley filled with rocks and small vegetation. High mountains both sides of the valley provide multiple firing positions. Regardless of the route, the attackers will face a difficult climb to the enemy camp.

Special cards


This is what Kharkov looks like in a world of destroyed technology, under the control of Leviathan. The map was created for a gaming event on Halloween (October-November 2017).

Retired cards


The map highlights two main directions along the flanks and the direction of support - through the center. Heated battles for dominance in the city will take place on two bridges connecting a small factory with the central square. The team that manages to break through the crossing will have more opportunities to bypass the enemy and perform tactical maneuvers. Go behind enemy lines and provide support to your allies by destroying enemy artillery, it is possible through the northwest direction at the foot of the mountain. Plenty of shelters and small elevation changes throughout the route will allow you to fully realize the potential of fast, maneuverable vehicles. The central diagonal is the shortest route to the enemy base, it provides the opportunity to quickly transfer forces and support allies on the flanks.


The map is completely identical to the well-known “Ruinberg”, differing from it only in the time of year. The circular square in the western part of the city serves as the site of protracted positional battles. Concentric city streets are suitable for gradually breaking through enemy defenses with heavily armored vehicles, and a long radial street will allow you to conduct dagger fire at the enemy. The eastern area of ​​the map is quite open and quite suitable for maneuvers of medium tanks, but only if they control a small settlement in the middle of this zone.

Pearl River

The rugged landscape opens up enormous opportunities for the use of various combat tactics - ambushes, surprise detours, clashes on small areas. Movement along the riverbed allows you to quickly reach the enemy base and engage in battle. Remember that on this map you cannot forget about your rear.

Winter Himmelsdorf

The map is a complete copy of the original Himmelsdorf, except that it is a winter type map. A labyrinth of streets and squares, extremely inconvenient for artillery and anti-tank self-propelled guns, but ideal for quick breakthroughs and outflanking of light and medium tanks. Bypass routes - through the hill with the castle dominating the area and along the railway station tracks - will help you get out of the resulting positional deadlock.


The game location consists of two areas of low-lying wetland. They are separated by a river, which can be crossed by three bridges. In the center of the map there is a small hill with abundant vegetation and several buildings. Players call it "the island", although technically it is a peninsula adjacent to the northern shore. Bases are located in the west and east, but teams begin the battle in the north and south.


Starting positions on rocky slopes do not provide any cover, so the best tactic is to successfully occupy the city streets. There is artillery on both sides of the city cathedral - a breakthrough into this area will be a significant contribution to victory.

Fire arc

The “Fire Arc” map is a copy of the “Prokhorovka” map, however, in this location the lighting, landscape, sound and visual accompaniment during the battle have been changed in order to convey greater atmosphere during the battle. "Arc of Fire" is a reference to the events of the Great Patriotic War on the Kursk ledge, when in July 1943 the largest tank battle in the history of mankind took place between Germany and the USSR. Open hilly terrain divided by a railway embankment. Groups of trees provide excellent cover for anti-tank self-propelled guns. When attacking, watch the flanks. While defending, attack the enemy's flanks. Artillery has freedom of action, but is extremely vulnerable to raids by high-speed light forces.

Ruinberg is on fire

The map is a complete copy of the Ruinberg map with changed lighting and design. The concentric system of city streets, dense trees and bushes in the park allow for hidden maneuvers and the rapid transfer of reserves. Artillery operations in the urban area are greatly hampered, but the high degree of destruction in the city allows us to provide effective support to our allies.

Sacred Valley

Most of the area is occupied by a ravine lost in the mountains. The presence of numerous villages, high cliffs, trees and bushes allows you to choose the optimal battle tactics.


Visually, the landscape and nature of the map resemble the North American region with characteristic vegetation and mountain ranges in the atmosphere early autumn. The map is replete with buildings, hills, and rocky shelters. The buildings are mostly indestructible, there are quite good positions for heavy equipment and places for exposure. At the same time there is also good positions for the operation of self-propelled guns, as well as paths and loopholes for medium and light tanks. The map is sufficiently balanced for all types of equipment and does not have a pronounced imbalance, because has diagonal symmetry.


The map was added in update 0.8.7, the working name was “Belogorsk 19”. The snow-covered Soviet factory town, bisected by an ice-bound river, can be captured from a variety of directions, but it is well under fire from the surrounding hills, which offer numerous cover, firing positions and routes. Removed from the game in update 0.9.5.

Hidden Village

The most sheltered direction is at the foot of the mountain, which is perfect for heavy equipment. Fast and maneuverable vehicles can be used to storm a village, but you should be wary of the enemy lurking on the hill. Altitude control provides a tangible tactical advantage.


The dense urban development in the center of the map allows for a variety of tactics. The open embankment is well suited for quick battles and maneuverable vehicles.


The game location is a low-lying wetland. The roads running along the flanks allow you to choose a place to strike or conduct diversionary maneuvers. The swamp in the center of the map is not only an obstacle, but also a tactically important object.

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